Page created by Bryan Paul
CLOSING THE GAP                                                 WHO WE ARE
      100 years ago, our founder Eglantyne Jebb
      changed the course of history when she declared
      that all children have rights. This revolutionary
      idea became the UN Convention on the Rights of
      the Child and sparked a global movement – one
      that continues to build through the work of all who
      strive to make the world a better place for children.

      Save the Children turns 100 in 2019. Over the
                                                                      OUR VISION                                        OUR MISSION                                                OUR VALUES
      last century, we’ve helped to significantly improve             A world in which every child                      To inspire breakthroughs                                   In all that we do, we will
      the lives of children. But in a world where millions            attains the right to survival,                    in the way the world treats                                demonstrate our values of
      of children continue to die from preventable causes,            protection, development                           children and achieve immediate                             Accountability, Ambition,
      miss out on learning and are subjected to violence,             and participation.                                and lasting change in their lives.                         Collaboration, Creativity
      we are impatient for change. Our 2030 strategy,
                                                                                                                                                                                   and Integrity.
      Ambition for Children, sets out what we want
      to achieve for the world’s most deprived and
      marginalized children. Our 2019-2021 plan
      describes the next steps we will take to close
      the gap for those children, bringing us closer
      to our founder’s vision.

      In 2016, we launched our first global strategy
      as one Save the Children. Our 2016-2018 work
      plan, the first phase of our strategy, showed us
      how much stronger we are when we work as
      one. We focused on improving the quality of our
                                                                      OUR THEORY OF CHANGE
      programs, capturing what we know works for
      children, and improving systems to help us deliver
      more efficiently. Now, we are building on what
      we’ve delivered and learned along the way.
                                                                                                                               Be the Innovator
      The world has changed for children and for
      our organization in the past three years: we’ve                                                                           Develop and prove evidence-based,
      better defined which children are the most                                                                                replicable breakthrough solutions
      deprived and marginalized across our work;                                                                                to problems facing children
      we have responded to major humanitarian
      crises; we’ve recognized the need to continually
      evolve to stay relevant in a changing donor and
      partner landscape; we’ve faced growing demand
      for greater transparency and demonstrable impact;
      and we have seen how social and political changes                                                           BUILD PARTNERSHIPS
      are shaping the world for children.
                                                                                                                  Collaborate with children, civil society organizations,
                                                                                                                  communities, governments and the private sector to
      In 2019-2021, we will write the next chapter in
                                                                                                                  share knowledge, influence others and build capacity
      Save the Children’s history. We will maximize
                                                                                                                  to ensure children's rights are met
      our impact for children by putting our Theory
      of Change into practice in 120 countries. We
      will work for and with children on health and
      nutrition, education, child poverty, child protection                                    Advocate and campaign for                                                    Support effective
      and child rights governance across all contexts.                                         better practices and policies to                                             implementation of best
      And we will make it happen with the invaluable                                           fulfill children's rights and to                                             practices, programs and
      efforts of our partners, volunteers, supporters                                          ensure their voices are heard,                                               policies for children, leveraging
      and 25,000 colleagues across the globe.                                                  particularly the most marginalized                                           our knowledge to ensure
                                                                                               or those living in poverty                                                   sustainable impact at scale
      Let’s get started.

                                             Photo: Tommy Trenchard
1   SAVE THE CHILDREN                                                                                                                                                                        CLOSING THE GAP    2
OUR 2030 AMBITION FOR CHILDREN                                                                                               THE MOST DEPRIVED AND MARGINALIZED CHILDREN
We are working to achieve our three global breakthroughs – to ensure that all children                                       We will only achieve our breakthroughs for every last child if we focus on the most deprived
survive, learn and are protected by 2030.                                                                                    and marginalized children.

What is a Breakthrough?                                           Our 2019-2021 Breakthrough Objectives                      In 2019-2021, we will focus on children facing the worst   As part of our work to reach every last child, we
                                                                                                                             outcomes across and within the countries where we work.    will focus our global campaigning on girls and children
A breakthrough is a remarkable and sustainable                    We must accelerate the trajectory of change towards
                                                                                                                             We will leverage and enhance our knowledge and expertise   in conflict. We will also campaign locally on other
shift in the way the world treats children. To move               our 2030 Ambition. To help us do this, we have developed
                                                                                                                             to close the gap for five specific groups of children:     issues that affect the most deprived and marginalized
us closer to our 2030 Breakthroughs, which are                    three breakthrough objectives to focus our impact and
                                                                                                                                                                                        children in the countries where we work. Nationally
also targets under the UN Sustainable Development                 track our contribution in 2019-2021. As part of these
                                                                                                                             • Girls                                                    and internationally, we will engage the public to help
Goals, we must measure our progress for the                       objectives and leveraging the opportunity of our 100th
                                                                                                                                                                                        achieve change in policy and practice. We will
most deprived and marginalized children.                          year in 2019, we are specifically committing to tackling   • Children with disabilities
                                                                                                                                                                                        advocate for fair financing, equal treatment and
                                                                  childhood pneumonia, expanding access to quality early
                                                                                                                             • Children affected by conflict                            accountability to children to ensure that all children
                                                                  learning and protecting children in conflict.
                                                                                                                                                                                        survive, learn and are protected. We will design
                                                                                                                             • Children who are migrants or displaced
                                                                                                                                                                                        programs and advocate for policies that address
                                                                                                                             • Adolescents                                              harmful gender norms and promote gender equality.
                        SURVIVE                                                  Photo: Rik Goverde                                                                                     Across it all, we will help children be agents of change,
                                                                                                                                                                                        involving them in taking action to promote and
                         No child dies from preventable                                                                                                                                 protect their rights.
                         causes before their fifth birthday
                                                                                                                                                                                        We will measure progress towards our 2019-2021
                         In 2019-2021, we will focus on helping more                                                                                                                    breakthrough objectives by monitoring how putting
                         children and their families receive quality                                                                                                                    our Theory of Change into practice contributes to
                         essential services and practice healthy                                                                                                                        positive change in children’s lives and environments.
                         behaviors, so children can survive and thrive.
                         We will reduce childhood pneumonia for
                         children under five and support adolescent
                         sexual and reproductive health and rights.

                                                                                                                                  STOP THE WAR
                                                                                 Photo: Znara Ahmad

                                                                                                                                  ON CHILDREN
                         All children learn from a quality
                         basic education                                                                                          We will drive an integrated public-facing
                                                                                                                                  campaign on protecting children in conflict
                         In 2019-2021, we will focus on children’s early                                                          called Stop the War on Children. We will
                         years to improve learning outcomes in literacy,                                                          invite our supporters and partners to join
                         numeracy and well-being. We will ensure that                                                             us in our call for governments to better
                         children participate in safe, inclusive and                                                              protect children caught in the middle of
                         quality learning environments.                                                                           conflict – giving them the protection,
                                                                                                                                  justice and the practical help they so
                                                                                                                                  urgently need. Our global campaign
                                                                                                                                  connects Save the Children to our roots
                                                                                                                                  in 1919, when we were founded to help
                                                                                                                                  children who were suffering after
                                                                                                                                  World War I.
                         BE PROTECTED
                                                                                 Photo: Nour Wahid

                         Violence against children is no
                         longer tolerated

                         In 2019-2021, we will focus on increasing
                         accountability to prevent and reduce the
                         impact of violence against children,
                         especially in conflict settings. We will scale
                         up our efforts to protect children and
                         change behaviors that expose children to
                         violence in homes, schools and society.

                                                                                                                             Photo: Mohammed Awadh
3   SAVE THE CHILDREN                                                                                                                                                                                                                CLOSING THE GAP   4
OUR 2019-2021 GLOBAL WORK PLAN                                                                                                            PRIORITY #1
Our 2019-2021 global work plan charts the next steps that we must take to
achieve our 2030 Ambition. To have the greatest impact, we will integrate across
our priorities as we implement our plan and we will measure specific goals in a                                                           DRIVE HIGH QUALITY PROGRAMS & ADVOCACY
dashboard that tracks our progress.
                                                                                                                                          Ours is a bold ambition. To achieve our breakthroughs and reach the most
                                                                                                                                          deprived and marginalized children, we must ensure that our programs and
                                                                                                                                          advocacy have the strongest possible impact. We will focus our efforts where the
                                                                                                                                          need is greatest and use what we know works to deliver results for children.

                                                          AMBITION 2030
                          A LL C H I LD R E N S U RV I V E , LE A R N A N D A R E PROTE CTE D
                                                                                                                                          Focus our People and Funding on the Most Deprived               Results Framework to guide our plans and demonstrate
     In 2019-2021, we will drive our breakthroughs for deprived and marginalized children across all contexts by:                         and Marginalized Children                                       our impact while we focus our innovation and research
                                                            Improving learning                                                                                                                            agenda on the most deprived and marginalized children.
                 Helping children survive by                                                            Protecting children               An unwavering focus on the most deprived and marginalized
                                                            outcomes in the early                       in conflict and                                                                                   We will learn from our own programs and those of others
                 reducing childhood pneumonia                                                                                             children will help us to sharpen our approach and prioritize
                 and supporting adolescent                  years by promoting literacy                 changing behaviors                                                                                as we continually refine our research and evaluation
                                                                                                                                          where we work. We will better align our funding portfolios
                 sexual and reproductive                    and numeracy in inclusive                   that expose children                                                                              practices and leverage our influence as
                                                                                                                                          to target the greatest gaps for children and we will work to
     SURVIVE     health and rights                LEARN     learning environments          BE PROTECTED to violence                                                                                       leading experts on issues affecting children.
                                                                                                                                          influence our partners and donors to invest in helping them.
                                                                                                                                          We will strengthen our technical expertise and bring it
                                                                                                                                                                                                          In 2019-2021, we will scale up our programming using
                                                                                                                                          closer to the point of impact so that we can implement
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Common Approaches and highlight our research and
                                                                                                                                          quality, locally-led solutions. We will enhance our capacity
                                                                                                                                                                                                          results. We will draw on and enhance our staff’s
     Drive high quality                         Engage the public                          Change how we work                             to respond in emergencies across the globe, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                          expertise in these areas and invest in program
                                                                                                                                          through a better system to immediately deploy our staff
     programs and advocacy                      to support our cause                       to be fit for the future                                                                                       learning and innovation to accelerate progress.
                                                                                                                                          when children need us most.
     • Focus our people and funding             • Build an integrated approach             • Improve accountability
       on the most deprived and                   to public engagement                       to our stakeholders                          In 2019-2021, we will increase alignment of our portfolio
       marginalized children                                                                                                                                                                              Put Child Rights at the Center of What We Do
                                                • Accelerate growth                        • Develop new models                           across and within countries to focus our programming and
     • Learn, do and measure                      in supporter giving                        and platforms                                influence national and global policy for the most deprived      Our founding principle is that all children have rights –
       what works for children                                                                                                            and marginalized children, and continue to strengthen our       and these rights are the same for all children. We will
                                                                                                                                          programmatic, advocacy and humanitarian technical               engage and empower children more actively to develop
     • Put child rights at the                                                                                                            expertise in country offices.                                   their own voice. By strengthening our own capacity and
       center of what we do                                                                                                                                                                               that of our partners to champion child rights, we will work
                                                                                                                                                                                                          together to overcome barriers to our breakthroughs.
                                                                                                                                          Learn, Do and Measure What Works for Children
     Operate more effectively and efficiently                                                                                             To maximize our impact for children, we must gather
                                                                                                                                                                                                          In 2019-2021, we will hold governments accountable for
     • Reform our governance          • Live our values and engage our people         • Continue to improve our infrastructure                                                                            promoting, protecting and investing in children's rights.
                                                                                                                                          evidence, improve and adapt our approach, and share our
                                                                                                                                                                                                          We will increase our advocacy and campaigning with
                                                                                                                                          knowledge. We will expand our Common Approaches – our
                                                                                                                                                                                                          children and set a new standard for child-led campaigning.
                                                                                                                                          best understanding of how to address a particular problem
                                                                                                                                          facing children – and roll them out together with partners in

OUR GLOBAL FOOTPRINT                                                                                                                      multiple contexts and countries. We will use our Global

Save the Children works in 120        We will review our work in all
countries around the world and        countries to ensure programs are
in 2019-2021 we will align our        aligned to our breakthroughs and
resources with our ambition           demonstrate results for the most
more than ever before. We will        deprived and marginalized children
focus on approximately 25             in that context. We will accelerate
countries that have the greatest      cost-effective and                         • India          • South Sudan       • Nigeria
severity of need or number of         financially-sustainable models,            • Pakistan       • Brazil            • Democratic
affected children relative to our     especially in middle income                • Bangladesh     • Colombia            Republic of the
child survival, learning and child    countries. We will also explore                                                   Congo
                                                                                 • Afghanistan    • Mexico
protection breakthroughs. Bringing    new opportunities and models in                                                 • Niger
                                                                                 • Laos           • Guatemala
more focus to these 25 countries      countries that have a global and                                                • Mali
                                                                                 • Ethiopia       • Haiti
                                                                                                                      • Burkina Faso
may involve major changes in how      regional influence on child rights         • Tanzania       • Syria
                                                                                                                      • Chad
we work within them and, in some      and are of strategic importance            • Uganda         • Iraq
                                                                                                                      • Central African
cases, require us to establish or     to the organization, including             • Somalia        • Yemen               Republic
expand our presence there.            China, Brazil and France.

                                                                                                                                          Photo: Minzayar Oo
5   SAVE THE CHILDREN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CLOSING THE GAP    6
PRIORITY #2                                                                                                                             PRIORITY #3
ENGAGE THE PUBLIC TO SUPPORT OUR CAUSE                                                                                                  CHANGE HOW WE WORK TO BE FIT FOR THE FUTURE
Our founder inspired generations of people to take action to improve the lives of                                                       The world is changing, and we must change with it. We will continue to adapt
children – we must build on this momentum. By increasing coordination across our                                                        and evolve so that we can better serve children in diverse contexts. We will find
digital, brand, campaigning, advocacy and fundraising teams, we will increase our                                                       new ways of working and innovative partnerships that will catalyze greater
impact and grow our flexible funding to meet the needs of children everywhere.                                                          impact for children, while holding ourselves and our partners accountable.

Build an Integrated Approach to Public Engagement                 Accelerate Growth in Supporter Giving                                 Improve Accountability to our Stakeholders               Develop New Models and Platforms
Our audiences give their time, voice and support to change        Our ability to deliver the best for children is dependent             Save the Children has an enormous responsibility         To support children in the future, we must develop
the world for children. Our global campaign to protect            upon having the flexible funds to innovate, move quickly              to children and families, but also to our colleagues     new ways to reach them today. We will test new
children in conflict will help us deepen our relationships with   and invest in what we know works. In continuing to grow               around the world and our partners, donors and            partnerships that can work effectively in different
existing supporters, engage new audiences to take action          our unrestricted income and private restricted income,                supporters. We will hold ourselves accountable by        settings, from low-income and fragile contexts to
and mobilize more people across the globe. To do this             we will reduce our dependence on institutional funding.               increasing transparency and reporting to demonstrate     middle and high-income countries where many children
successfully, we will integrate our efforts more than ever        We will increase the consistency and predictability of                the high standards our stakeholders rightly demand.      still face exclusion. We will explore innovative business
before – changing how we work to test new approaches              funding for our humanitarian responses so that we are                 We will safeguard our staff and the children and         models and ways of partnering with others, including
and tools that deliver a unique supporter journey. With           able to make strategic choices and take more calculated               communities we work with, strengthen accountability      with the private sector and civil society, to put our
a greater focus on engagement at every interaction with           risks. We will focus on increasing our number of regular              measures as part of our program design and               Theory of Change into action. Alternative financing
the public, we will offer an exceptional experience with          donors and encourage ongoing support through a                        evaluation, and adopt consistent and transparent         models and social enterprise will drive transformative
Save the Children.                                                cohesive, integrated supporter experience. We will use                reporting about our activities and results.              and cost-effective programs that bring new partners
                                                                  proven fundraising tools and prioritize new channels,                                                                          to our work and find new solutions for children.
In 2019-2021, we will increase the number of people               products and approaches that demonstrate greater                      In 2019-2021, we will measure our performance against
engaging with us through digital and social channels. We          return on investment.                                                 the Core Humanitarian Standard and Grand Bargain         In 2019-2021, we will test flexible and cost-effective
will bring in and retain new supporters to take action on                                                                               commitments to ensure the quality and effectiveness      platforms to optimize our operations in the countries
behalf of children and we will increase awareness and trust       In 2019-2021, we will increase our unrestricted and                   of our humanitarian assistance and meet global targets   where we work. We will secure and test new partnerships
in key markets and with target audiences. Our Stop the            private restricted income and improve our return on                   for funding and transparency of humanitarian aid.        and innovative financing mechanisms that demonstrate
War on Children campaign will help to do this, while also         investment. We will further diversify our donor base                  We will ensure employee compliance with child and        potential for sustainable impact for children.
engaging the public to create change for children.                and grow the number of our regular givers.                            staff safeguarding protocols while improving
                                                                                                                                        awareness, reporting and response capability.

                                                                                                             Photo: Caroline Trutmann   Photo: Emnet Dereje
7   SAVE THE CHILDREN                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CLOSING THE GAP   8
PRIORITY #4                                                                                                                            SAVE THE CHILDREN US
                                                                                                                                       As part of our global movement for children, Save the Children US partners with our
OPERATE MORE EFFECTIVELY AND EFFICIENTLY                                                                                               colleagues around the world to move our shared goals forward with our unique areas
                                                                                                                                       of leadership and expertise in 2019-2021.
A strong foundation is crucial for our organization to deliver our best
for children. This means ensuring quick and effective decision-making,                                                                 Globally, Save the Children US will work to expand our               the American public and policymakers and build deeper
high-performing systems and processes, and a culture of engagement                                                                     innovation initiative across the organization, strengthen            relationships with our supporters through our digital and
and inclusiveness that puts children at the center of all we do and                                                                    country office capacity to manage large bilateral donors,            social platforms. We will explore more opportunities
empowers our staff to be the best they can be.                                                                                         enhance how we measure the quality and impact of our                 to match our ability to deliver at scale with donors
                                                                                                                                       global programs and advocacy, and provide resources to               eager to make large investments with potential for outsized
                                                                                                                                       build strong platforms and systems that deliver our work             impact. We will expand our work on gender-transformative
Reform our Governance                                                                                                                  for children. To mark our 100th year, we join our global             programming and reaching children who are excluded
                                                               In 2019-2021, we will enhance our engagement and                        colleagues to drive worldwide awareness and support for              due to disability. We will be ready to respond when
Our global organization delivers and inspires programming      reward behaviors that are consistent with our values.                   our work. In 2019-2021, we will pursue our breakthroughs             disaster strikes as the leading organization for children in
and advocacy for children in 120 countries with the help of    We will adopt shared talent management tools and                        by engaging the public in the Stop the War on Children               emergencies. And, importantly, we will focus with renewed
thousands of dedicated staff and partners. Our governance      ensure diversity across leadership roles to promote a                   campaign, focusing on new and proven approaches to                   energy on our people – cultivating the culture of inclusion
must evolve to drive global priorities, increase agility and   workplace that celebrates the strength and skill of                     fighting pneumonia, and ensuring early learning outcomes             and collaboration that makes Save the Children special.
transparency in decision-making, and focus on key strategic    our global colleagues.                                                  that set children up for success as they grow.                       We will continue to be a leader in our global movement
issues. We will work to strengthen our accountability to                                                                                                                                                    and commit people and resources to our global efforts
one another for delivery of global priorities and manage                                                                               As the largest Save the Children member organization, we             for children, especially the most deprived in core countries
our shared risk more effectively.                              Continue to Improve our Infrastructure                                  will continue to be a strong voice for and with children with        of focus.
                                                               The infrastructure that helps us deliver our work must
In 2019-2021, we will implement a stronger governance
                                                               run smoothly so we can put our focus where it needs
model and framework for improving our performance,
                                                               to be: on improving the lives of children. We will develop
accountability and learning as one Save the Children.
                                                               and embed cost-effective systems and processes that
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo: Susan Warner
                                                               help us better manage change and allow us to reinvest
Live our Values and Engage our People
                                                               resources in programming and advocacy for children.
                                                                                                                                             OUR WORK IN THE
                                                                                                                                             UNITED STATES
Accountability, ambition, creativity, collaboration and        In 2019-2021, we will continue to reduce operational
integrity are our global values – and we want all of our       and support costs in our infrastructure while delivering
colleagues to demonstrate behaviors that reflect those         shared systems and processes for core functions in
values every day. We will build a stronger organizational      human resources, finance and information technology.
culture with greater staff engagement and a more inclusive     This will allow us to increase spending of our flexible                       Save the Children will continue to work and advocate for
work environment. We will change how we support our            resources on programming and advocacy for children.                           children in the United States – addressing critical unmet
global staff by sharing talent management tools and                                                                                          needs, activating partners and communities and holding
approaches that drive recruitment, retention and                                                                                             public officials accountable for improving the lives of
mobility across our organization.                                                                                                            their youngest and most vulnerable constituents. Our
                                                                                                                                             focus is on children living in poverty in the United States,
                                                                                                                                             especially in rural areas, who do not have the
                                                                                                                                             opportunities they deserve.

                                                                                                                                             Our goals for children in the United States are:
                                                                                                                                             • Children in rural communities where we work are
                                                                                                                                               prepared – socially, emotionally and cognitively –
                                                                                                                                               to enter kindergarten ready to learn and to achieve
                                                                                                                                               at least basic proficiency in math and reading by the
                                                                                                                                               end of third grade
                                                                                                                                             • Children and families receive the support they
                                                                                                                                               need to cope with and recover from a major disaster
                                                                                                                                               anywhere in the U.S., and from all disasters – big and
                                                                                                                                               small – in the communities where we work every day
                                                                                                                                             • Local, state and federal policies are enacted to
                                                                                                                                               increase and sustain access to high-quality early
                                                                                                                                               childhood education

                                                                                                              Photo: Victoria Zegler
7   SAVE THE CHILDREN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CLOSING THE GAP   8
  "Save the Children is often told
   that its aims are impossible –
   that there has always been child
   suffering and there always will
   be. We know it's impossible only
   if we make it so. It's impossible
   only if we refuse to attempt it."
           - Eglantyne Jebb, Save the Children Founder

                                                         Front and Back Photos:                                  Save the Children
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