Page created by Dustin Fernandez

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           May 2021

A Message from Secretary Vilsack

Dear Reader,

As we face the global challenge of climate             approach. It will be multi-pronged and centered
change, there has never been a more important          on voluntary incentives that beneft producers
and exciting opportunity for leadership from           and landowners. We will look across climate
American agriculture and forestry. America’s           science and research, forest health, outreach
producers and forest owners have long been at the      and education, existing programs, and new and
forefront of stewardship of our lands, promoting       emerging markets to advance climate-smart
wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and clean air and      agriculture and forestry. All of this must be done in
water – while also sequestering carbon to combat       partnership with landowners, producers, state and
climate change. Today, they are on the front lines,    local governments, Tribes, and other stakeholders
experiencing the impacts of climate change as          across agriculture and forestry.
shifting weather patterns and increasingly frequent
and severe storms, foods, drought, and wildfre         Equity and justice will play a guiding role in our
wreak havoc and cause billions of dollars in           work. We recognize that to tap the potential
damages. At the same time, scientists tell us that     within agriculture and forestry, we need to reach
our powerful nature-based carbon sink—our farms        all producers and landowners. As we build our
and forests—could begin to degrade if we do not        strategy, we will ensure that socially disadvantaged
take action. With the right tools and partnerships,    producers have a seat at the table and reap the
American agriculture and forestry can lead the         benefts of these programs. We will also prioritize
world in solutions that will increase climate          actions that provide tangible, near-term benefts
resilience, sequester carbon, enhance agricultural     for low-income communities and communities of
productivity, and maintain critical environmental      color.
At this pivotal time, President Biden has called       I am confdent that in partnership with our
upon USDA to develop a strategy for climate-           country’s agriculture and forestry stakeholders, we
smart agriculture and forestry as part of a whole-     can develop a strategy that is a win-win for our
of-government effort to addressing the climate         producers in building climate resilience, mitigating
crisis. Central to USDA’s approach is the concept      emissions, and conserving our natural resources. I
that to be effective, whatever we do must work         look forward to continuing to work alongside you
for farmers, ranchers, and landowners. We must         as we move forward.
pursue strategies that create new markets for rural
Americans and build wealth that stays in rural         Sincerely,
Over the past months, USDA has heard the views
of Tribes and stakeholders across agriculture and
forestry on how USDA should develop its climate        Secretary Tom Vilsack
smart agriculture and forestry strategy. This report
refects some of those initial conversations, and in
the coming months we look forward to continuing
to work with you to develop and implement our

Introduction                                           communities and communities of color. The
                                                                  USDA’s climate smart strategy builds on the
           On January 27, 2021, President Joe Biden signed        administration’s whole-of-government approach to
           Executive Order 14008 Tackling the Climate Crisis      tackling the climate crisis, including its America
           at Home and Abroad. This Executive Order directs       the Beautiful conservation campaign, which
           Federal agencies to coordinate a Governmentwide        focuses on locally-led conservation activities that
           approach to combat the climate crisis. Recognizing     employ nature-based climate solutions, including
           the important role that agriculture and forestry       on working lands.
           will play in climate change mitigation and
           resilience, the Executive Order tasked the U.S.
                                                                  Outreach Strategy
                                                                  The Executive Order directed the Secretary
           Secretary of Agriculture to deliver a report with
                                                                  to collect input from Tribes, farmers, ranchers,
           recommendations for a climate-smart agriculture
                                                                  forest owners, conservation groups, frefghters,
           and forestry (CSAF) strategy. In developing this
                                                                  and other communities and organizations as part
           strategy, the Secretary was directed to consider
                                                                  of its strategy development. In line with this
           CSAF practices that decrease wildfre risk fueled
                                                                  directive, USDA published a Federal Register
           by climate change, source sustainable bioproducts
                                                                  Notice to collect input on how to best develop and
           and fuels, and result in conservation actions
                                                                  implement CSAF strategies. The Department’s
           that provide measurable carbon reductions and
                                                                  efforts focused on opportunities within existing
                                                                  USDA programs, potential new policies, and
           The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
                                                                  ways that USDA can support emerging markets
           welcomes the President’s focus on developing a
                                                                  to provide CSAF solutions. Within these broad
           climate-smart agricultural and forestry strategy
                                                                  categories, USDA requested specifc input on
           that employs proven conservation practices to
                                                                  agriculture and forestry carbon benefts; biofuels,
           achieve enhanced productivity and economic
                                                                  wood, and other bioproducts; renewable energy
           sustainability for U.S. agriculture and forestry;
                                                                  technologies; addressing catastrophic wildfre;
           improved ecological, social, and economic
                                                                  and achieving environmental justice. This
           resilience to climate change; increased carbon
                                                                  Federal Register Notice was issued on March 16
           sequestration; and reduced greenhouse gas
                                                                  and closed on April 29, 2021. USDA received
           (GHG) emissions. Climate-smart practices
                                                                  over 2,700 comments in response to the Federal
           include activities that store carbon and improve
                                                                  Register Notice.
           resilience and soil health, such as reduced and
                                                                  USDA also hosted a series of 10 stakeholder
           no-till, cover crops, and prescribed grazing; reduce
                                                                  listening sessions to provide a forum for feedback
           GHG emissions, including methane and nitrous
                                                                  and discussion around CSAF strategy development
           oxide, using practices such as ruminant feed
                                                                  and implementation. Participants included farmer
           management, manure management, and fertilizer
                                                                  organizations, commodity groups, livestock
           management; improve on-farm energy effciency,
                                                                  producer groups, environmental organizations,
           such as improved irrigation effciency, reduced fuel
                                                                  forestry representatives, agriculture businesses and
           use, and energy conservation; and improve forest
                                                                  technology companies, environmental market
           management to increase forest resilience and
                                                                  organizations, renewable energy organizations,
                                                                  Tribal organizations, and organizations
           The Department also is committed to
                                                                  representing socially disadvantaged communities.
           implementing a CSAF strategy that furthers
                                                                  Over 260 participants attended these listening
           equity, environmental, and racial justice, and
                                                                  sessions and provided USDA with feedback on a
           is accessible to and will beneft all farmers,
                                                                  CSAF strategy.
           landowners, land managers, Tribes, and
           communities — particularly low-income

Preliminary takeaways from outreach                    enabling the United States to remain competitive
                                                       in a global economy.
This report takes note of the broad array of           The Department will synthesize the wide array
perspectives raised during these initial outreach      of comments received from the Federal Register
activities. Initial feedback underscored a broad       Notice and listening sessions. This feedback,
range of ongoing work and the need for USDA            and ongoing engagement with Tribes and
to learn from existing initiatives, leverage current   stakeholders, will help guide USDA’s CSAF
programs and networks, forge new relationships         strategy development and implementation moving
with community and private-sector partners, and        forward.
continue to build on the efforts of producers, land    Recommendations for a USDA Climate-Smart
managers, Tribes, and other groups to conserve         Agriculture and Forestry Strategy
America’s natural resources and address climate        A successful CSAF strategy will rely on a multi-
change.                                                pronged approach. This will allow USDA to meet
While a wide range of ideas and comments were          multiple objectives and provide a unifed strategy
shared with USDA, several common themes                across USDA’s agencies and offces to address
emerged. Respondents valued the Department’s           diverse needs and opportunities throughout the
efforts to assert a leadership role in combating       agriculture and forestry sectors. Below are seven
climate change within the sector and welcomed          recommended elements of a CSAF strategy:
the opportunity to partner with USDA on this
work. USDA was urged to seek approaches that
integrate climate, environmental, and equity
                                                       1. Prepare USDA to quantify, track,
and justice goals. Feedback indicated that the         and report the benefts of
CSAF strategy should recognize and account for         CSAF activities
co-benefts that CSAF practices provide beyond
                                                       USDA will take the following actions to quantify
reducing GHGs, including protecting habitat,
                                                       and assess efforts to expand climate-smart practices
improving air, water, and soil quality, and building
                                                       and technologies, including:
resilience. USDA also heard the need to remain
                                                           • Identify promising CSAF practices.
attentive to potential adverse impacts of a
                                                               USDA will continue working to identify
CSAF strategy, particularly on already burdened
                                                               and defne a suite of practices and
communities, and to engage directly with
                                                               technologies that deliver on climate
community members.
                                                               outcomes, including GHG emission
Another main theme was that a “one-size-
                                                               reductions, carbon sequestration, climate
fts-all” policy or program will not work for all
                                                               adaptation and resilience, and other co-
producers and land managers and that a CSAF
                                                               benefts that are appropriate for large-scale
strategy needs to be place-based, fexible, and
                                                               adoption. This may include practices for
locally led. Feedback cited the effectiveness but
                                                               which there is strong scientifc evidence
oversubscription of USDA’s existing programs
                                                               of emissions reductions and carbon
and initiatives and raised the need for increasing
                                                               benefts, as well as those that are well-
investment in or modifying these programs and
                                                               defned within existing USDA, Natural
providing adequate technical assistance. Early
                                                               Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
discussions offered ideas for new and innovative
                                                               Conservation Practice Standards. USDA
programs and technologies focused on securing
                                                               will continue to identify a suite of CSAF
climate benefts, including the roles that USDA
                                                               practices and technologies that will be the
can play in supporting private, voluntary
                                                               primary programmatic focus of its CSAF
environmental markets. USDA was encouraged
to continue to support and enhance the entire
value chain of established and emerging industries,

•   Develop or enhance tools to assist                     agricultural practices. Soil carbon data
                   farmers, ranchers, and foresters in                    collection is typically limited or rare,
                   quantifying benefts of CSAF practices.                 and the use of satellite and other newly
                   USDA will develop or enhance                           available technologies that can help
                   methods and tools for quantifying the                  estimate soil carbon is not routinely or
                   GHG benefts and other co-benefts of                    consistently used or applied. Moreover,
                   promising CSAF practices and ensure                    there is no common platform in which
                   that they are consistent and scientifcally             soil carbon data can be made accessible
                   sound. These methods and tools should                  for supplemental analysis. Improved
                   accurately capture real reductions but also            soil carbon data is critical to help refne
                   be simple and fexible enough to cover                  quantifcation tools and models for
                   the broad range of contexts in which they              estimating and verifying benefts of CSAF
                   will be applied to facilitate streamlined              practices. As part of this effort, USDA
                   reporting by producers and landowners.                 will increase data collection and feld
               •   Track implementation and quantify                      testing of carbon sequestration benefts
                   benefts of CSAF practices at the                       associated with CSAF practices to help
                   national scale. USDA will establish                    calibrate and/or validate methods and
                   specifc goals and benchmarks for                       tools used to quantify GHG benefts for
                   encouraging and tracking progress on                   CSAF practices.
                   CSAF practice adoption. USDA will             USDA and other government scientists are aware
                   consult with government and outside           that these shortcomings apply broadly across
                   experts to develop and conduct timely         all land and ocean carbon contexts. The Biden
                   surveys of the adoption rates of CSAF         administration is launching a science-based review
                   practices and to track progress on            to address these issues by investing in improved
                   their implementation. In addition,            carbon data collection and synthesis techniques
                   the Department will work with the             that can confrm additional, measurable, and
                   Environmental Protection Agency to            verifable carbon reductions and sequestration
                   use this information when updating            across a variety of land types and practices.
                   the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas          The administration and USDA are committed
                   Emissions and Sinks and ensure that it        to advancing CSAF practices and will invest
                   accurately refects the benefts of CSAF        substantial resources in this effort. USDA offcials
                   actions.                                      will work closely with scientists and practitioners
               •   Support research and data collection          from across the Federal Government and the
                   for quantifcation, monitoring and             private sector to elevate carbon measurement
                   verifcation of carbon benefts. The            and verifcation capabilities on a continuous
                   Executive Order directs USDA to               improvement basis.
                   encourage CSAF practices that “result
                   in additional, measurable, and verifable      2. Develop a CSAF strategy that works
                   carbon reductions and sequestration.”
                                                                 for all farmers, ranchers, forest land-
                   USDA recognizes that carbon
                                                                 owners, and communities
                   measurement, monitoring and verifcation
                   present challenges in the agricultural        The Executive Order directs USDA to undertake
                   and forestry sectors due to variability       robust actions to mitigate climate change while
                   among land types and practices and            building resilience to the impacts of climate
                   the limited soil carbon data collection       change that have already manifested and are
                   and testing—particularly in regard to         continuing to intensify. This requires a CSAF

strategy that will further equity and environmental          producers and forest landowners,
justice and is inclusive of Tribes, farmers, ranchers,       including limited resource, beginning,
forest owners, public land users and communities,            socially disadvantaged, and veteran
and land managers of different sizes and operation           farmers, ranchers, and forest owners, to
systems, including organic and conventional                  identify ways to ensure that the benefts
producers. USDA recognizes that Black and                    of the CSAF strategy are distributed
Indigenous farmers and ranchers have been                    equitably. While these frst steps are
innovators in regenerative agriculture and will              critical in shaping a just and equitable
ensure that their leadership helps shape its CSAF            CSAF strategy, they will only be the
strategy.                                                    beginning of the Department’s efforts to
The history of systemic discrimination against               consult Tribes and engage stakeholders,
Black farmers has been well documented,                      including those in both urban and rural
including a 2003 U.S. Commission on Civil                    areas. In engaging in this outreach,
Rights report which found discrimination in the              USDA will consider specifc community
processing of Black farm loan applications, and a            needs, including translation services and
more recent study fnding that Black farmers suffer           internet access.
disproportionately higher rates of foreclosure than      •   Identify opportunities for broader
any other race. The CSAF strategy must establish             inclusivity within USDA programs. The
the support systems that enable Black farmers and            Department is committed to providing
other socially disadvantaged producers to take               opportunities equitably and will pay
advantage of the opportunities that climate-smart            special attention to barriers that may
practices provide. Only with the establishment               preclude full participation. Specifc areas
of such systems will USDA be able to address the             to investigate may include impacts of farm
cumulative effect of discrimination and break the            size and land tenancy on participation;
cycles that are holding these producers back.                distributional effects of promoting
USDA is also committed to securing                           certain CSAF practices; effciency-equity
environmental justice and spurring economic                  tradeoffs; and the particular needs of
opportunity for communities, including socially              small-scale, family-owned, specialty crop,
disadvantaged farmers, ranchers, forest owners,              and socially disadvantaged producers
producers, and Tribes. USDA will pay particular              and forest landowners. Likewise, many
attention to ensure that Tribes and stakeholders             opportunities exist in rural and urban
are meaningfully consulted and substantively                 forests, including ensuring access to urban
engaged throughout this process. To advance                  and suburban greenspaces, building equity
environmental justice and equity, USDA should                through forest legacies, and engaging
take the following actions:                                  in meaningful shared stewardship
     • Strengthen consultation and engagement                and co-management with Tribes and
          with Tribes and socially disadvantaged             communities.
          communities and producers. Meaningful          •   Remove barriers to participation and
          and substantive consultation and                   adoption. To ensure its programs are
          engagement with socially disadvantaged             widely accessible by all farmers, forest
          communities is a priority for USDA, with           owners, and Tribes, USDA will identify
          a focus on supporting communities and              and remove barriers to entry in existing
          Tribes in achieving success on their terms.        programs and build enabling provisions
          USDA is reaching out to representatives            into the design of its new programs from
          from socially disadvantaged communities,           the start, with an emphasis on addressing
          as well as historically underserved                systemic discrimination.

•   Recognize and include early adopters.         3. Leverage existing USDA programs
                   While USDA seeks to expand voluntary          to support CSAF strategies
                   adoption of CSAF practices, it recognizes
                   that innovative farmers, ranchers, and        USDA has a wide range of programs that provide
                   forest landowners may have already            cost share and fnancial assistance for on-farm and
                   adopted many of these practices on            forest conservation. USDA’s CSAF strategy should
                   their own. Recognizing how critical           strengthen the ability of these programs to deliver
                   early adopters are to championing new         climate benefts alongside other environmental
                   conservation practices, USDA should           benefts. Many of these programs already include
                   provide options within its programs to        funding and technical assistance for practices
                   ensure that early adopters are included       that have carbon benefts, including cover crops,
                   and not disadvantaged by their initial        precision agriculture, manure management, and
                   commitment to using environmentally           forest restoration. They can also help reduce risks
                   sound practices.                              from extreme weather and other climate change
               •   Target education and outreach. Programs       impacts. Opportunities to leverage existing
                   must be complemented by education             programs include:
                   and intentional outreach to maximize              • Identify and prioritize climate
                   the uptake of CSAF practices. Targeted                  risks, adaptation opportunities, and
                   education and outreach efforts are critical             carbon benefts of USDA programs.
                   for building trust with Tribes, socially                Evaluation of the carbon benefts and
                   disadvantaged producers, and forest                     explicit consideration of climate risks
                   landowners, demonstrating long-term                     and adaptation would strengthen
                   economic and environmental benefts,                     programs such as the Environmental
                   and ensuring that all communities are                   Quality Incentives Program (EQIP),
                   aware of and able to take advantage                     which provides agricultural producers
                   of available programs and support.                      and forest landowners with fnancial
                   Recommendation 4 below expands on the                   resources and one-on-one assistance
                   importance of education and outreach.                   to plan and implement conservation
               •   Design the CSAF strategy to advance                     practices; the Conservation Stewardship
                   environmental justice. The CSAF                         Program (CSP), which incentivizes
                   strategy should support the Department’s                enhanced environmental stewardship;
                   goal to reduce overall emissions and help               the Agricultural Conservation Easement
                   achieve healthy communities in line                     Program (ACEP), which helps
                   with the Biden-Harris administration’s                  landowners, land trusts, and other entities
                   vision for tackling the climate crisis                  protect, restore, and enhance wetlands,
                   and addressing the disproportionately                   grasslands, and working farms and ranches
                   high and adverse human health,                          through conservation easements; and the
                   environmental, climate-related and other                Conservation Reserve Program (CRP),
                   cumulative impacts on disadvantaged                     which provides annual rental payments to
                   communities as laid out in the Executive                farmers enrolled in the program who agree
                   Order.                                                  to remove environmentally sensitive
                                                                           land from agricultural production
                                                                           while planting species that improve
                                                                           environmental health and quality.
                                                                           Promoting carbon and climate adaptation
                                                                           practices and projects as a priority for

funding in these programs, as well as in          education and outreach, improved data
    competitive grant programs such as the            collection and tracking of food loss
    Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG)              and waste, improved food labeling and
    and Regional Conservation Partnership             donation guidelines, collaboration to
    Program (RCPP), will spur on-the-ground           reduce food loss and waste across the
    innovation and learning. USDA has                 supply chain, and reduced food loss and
    already begun this work through the CRP           waste at Federal facilities.
    by introducing a new Climate-Smart            •   Invest in infrastructure improvements
    Practice Incentive that will increase             that can facilitate the implementation
    signups for the program while providing           of CSAF practices. USDA’s Rural
    the opportunity to demonstrate “proof of          Development offce offers loans and
    concept” regarding CRP-related increases          grants to provide funds for the costs
    in carbon sequestration and reduced               of construction, improvement, and
    GHG emissions.                                    acquisition of facilities and equipment
•   Keep forests as forests while building            needed to provide enabling infrastructure
    climate resilience through forest                 and technology, such as broadband
    conservation programs. The Forest                 service, in eligible rural areas.
    Legacy Program (FLP) is a critical                Broadband is essential infrastructure for
    tool that advances climate goals by               implementing practices like precision
    encouraging the protection of privately           agriculture, which is an important
    owned forest lands through conservation           technology for reducing nitrous oxide
    easements or land purchases. Other                emissions from fertilizer, for reducing
    forest conservation programs, such as the         emissions from fuel use, and for increasing
    Community Forest Program (CFP), Forest            agricultural productivity. Broadband
    Stewardship Program (FSP), Sustainable            is also necessary to ensure that rural
    Forestry African American Land                    communities remain engaged and have
    Retention Program (SFLR), and Urban               access to the full suite of USDA resources.
    and Community Forestry (UCF) Program,         •   Support and help fnance renewable
    should explicitly incorporate forest carbon       energy and energy effciency activities.
    and climate impacts into decision-making          USDA is committed to supporting rural
    to ensure that mitigation and adaptation          communities in completing energy audits,
    considerations more clearly infuence              providing renewable energy development
    forest management and project design              assistance, making energy effciency
    decisions.                                        improvements, and installing renewable
•   Reduce food loss and waste. USDA is               energy systems. USDA currently has
    committed to reducing food loss and               programs that help convert older heating
    waste to meet the national goal of a              sources to cleaner technologies, produce
    50-percent reduction by 2030. Reducing            advanced biofuels, install solar panels,
    food loss and waste reduces the methane           construct anaerobic digesters, build
    emissions associated with food scraps             biorefneries, and much more. USDA’s
    decomposing in landflls and conserves             Rural Development offce is at the
    resources that may otherwise contribute           forefront of renewable energy fnancing,
    to GHG emissions. USDA should                     with options including grants, guaranteed
    continue working across government                loans, and payments.
    and with partners to reduce food loss
    and waste through increased consumer

•   Help build community resilience to             and programs. This includes the USDA, Farm
                   climate change. Climate change poses           Service Agency’s (FSA) county offce staff as well
                   risks to the operational and economic          as NRCS’s Conservation Technical Assistance
                   viability of farms, ranches, and forests.      Program, which provides conservation planning
                   USDA provides risk management                  and implementation assistance through a
                   products that build resilience to these        network of locally respected and technically
                   threats. USDA should examine additional        skilled conservationists. USDA should work to
                   opportunities to incorporate CSAF              incorporate Indigenous and Tribal knowledge
                   through USDA’s risk management and             into its CSAF outreach and education strategy.
                   disaster relief programs in innovative         USDA should also leverage its Climate Hubs,
                   ways that work for farmers, ranchers, and      which deliver science and data syntheses; tool and
                   forest landowners. In addition, USDA           technology curation and implementation support;
                   should build on the existing work to           and technical assistance and training on CSAF
                   improve resilience through promotion of        practices and technologies. This strategy should
                   soil health practices and other adaptive       also build on programs such as the Soil Health
                   practices.                                     Initiative, which provides education, outreach,
                                                                  and training on critical conservation strategies. In
           4. Strengthen education, training, and                 addition, USDA should continue to work through
           technical assistance for CSAF practices                partners like land-grant university extension
                                                                  offces, conservation districts, Technical Service
           Outreach, education, training, and technical           Providers, and others to perform outreach and
           assistance are important elements of effective         deliver technical assistance on CSAF practices.
           voluntary programs. They also help USDA                To build trust and ensure effective outreach to
           learn from program participants. Effective             Tribes and socially disadvantaged producers and
           communication and meaningful engagement with           forest landowners, USDA will work with partners
           Tribes, producers, and forest owners on CSAF           such as 1890 land-grant institutions, historically
           practices is necessary for conveying the benefts       Black colleges and universities (HBCUs),
           of these practices, raising awareness of available     Hispanic-serving institutions, Tribal colleges
           fnancial assistance, creating literacy around          and universities, and other potential technical
           new and emerging market opportunities, and             assistance partners from socially disadvantaged
           integrating feedback into programs for continued       communities. New initiatives, such as the Civilian
           improvement. Technical assistance will also            Climate Corps, may also play a role in mobilizing
           be important in ensuring that producers have           additional work force to support outreach and
           access to the expertise they need to successfully      technical assistance efforts.
           implement and integrate CSAF practices into
           their operations in ways that are ecologically         Specifc opportunities for improving education
           appropriate and tailored to their needs. In            and outreach under USDA’s CSAF strategy may
           addition, it will be necessary to train feld offce     include:
           staff, conservation planners, forest managers,             • Strengthen and increase technical
           and other technical staff on the suite of CSAF                  assistance. With input from Tribes and
           practices and the new tools, opportunities, and                 stakeholders, USDA should identify
           markets related to CSAF so that they are well                   opportunities to leverage existing
           positioned to provide effective guidance to                     technical assistance skills and resources
           producers and landowners.                                       in support of USDA’s climate goals.
           To meet these needs, USDA should rely on and                    The Department should also expand
           enhance many of its existing efforts, relationships,            and strengthen its network of expertise,

including through recruitment and                  •   Invest in and strengthen the role of the
    training of additional NRCS and Forest                 Climate Hubs. USDA Climate Hubs help
    Service staff and Technical Service                    identify regional climate vulnerabilities
    Providers, to enable better outreach to                and work with farmers and land managers
    socially disadvantaged producers and                   to prioritize, plan, and implement
    new and beginning farmers in areas of                  projects or practices to adapt to climate
    CSAF practices and technologies, as well               stressors. The Climate Hubs also serve
    as their climate benefts and appropriate               to connect research to practice, reducing
    applications. Finally, USDA should                     the vulnerability of productive working
    work with Tribes and stakeholders to                   lands to long-term climate change and
    determine gaps or limitations in capacity              extreme weather events. In support of
    and accessibility of technical assistance to           the CSAF strategy, the Climate Hubs
    farmers, ranchers, and forest owners, with             should continue to lower barriers and
    a priority of understanding the needs of               increase the rate of adoption of CSAF
    socially disadvantaged producers, new and              practices. They should also help identify
    beginning farmers, and local and regional              opportunities for collaboration with
    food systems.                                          partners to develop necessary innovations
•   Build on and expand existing education                 or curate tools and technologies to
    and outreach efforts. USDA should                      moderate stressors. The Climate Hubs
    expand CSAF knowledge through                          should also continue to bring lessons-
    activities such as on-farm and forest                  learned back to USDA agencies and
    adaptation demonstrations and other                    their partners to complete a cycle of
    applied research and technical assistance.             learning, enhance resilience, and improve
    USDA should leverage its network to                    productivity.
    reach a wider community of producers,
    as described above in recommendation           5. Support new and better markets
    2. Achieving these outcomes will require       for agriculture and forestry products
    meaningful engagement with community-
                                                   generated through CSAF practices
    based groups, non-governmental
    organizations, educational institutions,       The private-sector demand for carbon credits
    Tribes, and other State and Federal            and commodities produced with CSAF practices
    agencies on CSAF strategies. USDA              could be an important lever for incentivizing
    should also increase awareness and             CSAF practice adoption across the landscape.
    participation in its conservation programs,    Consumers, including processors and their
    particularly from socially disadvantaged       domestic and international customers, are
    producers and landowners. Education and        increasingly demonstrating a preference for
    outreach efforts should also include use of    agricultural commodities produced using CSAF
    extension services and partnerships with       practices. Extensive evidence exists that a growing
    1890 and other land-grant universities,        number of purchasers of agricultural commodities
    HBCUs, Hispanic-serving institutions,          are placing a premium on commodities that can
    and Tribal colleges and universities.          demonstrate these attributes. However, barriers
    USDA can work with its offces,                 and limitations, such as high transaction costs,
    including Offce of Partnerships and            diffculty in estimating GHG benefts, and high
    Public Engagement and Offce of Tribal          implementation costs of some CSAF projects,
    Relations, to leverage internal equity         are hampering growth in these markets and
    efforts to amplify these opportunities.

limiting opportunities for agricultural producers to       kept that potential in check. As a result,
            effectively participate.                                   only 2 percent of carbon offsets sold in
            A wide range of market-based approaches exists             the United States are generated from
            for incentivizing climate-friendly agriculture             agricultural practices. These barriers
            commodities. These include voluntary markets               include the relatively small scale of
            for carbon where agriculture and forestry can              agricultural and small forestry offset
            provide carbon offsets or credits, sustainable             projects, high transaction costs associated
            supply chain initiatives, and ’insetting” approaches       with project development, monitoring,
            where companies reduce emissions within their              reporting, and verifcation, and confusion
            own supply chains and production facilities.               in the carbon marketplace where there is
            They can also include markets for low-carbon               a lack of consistency among approaches to
            biofuels, renewable energy, and biobased and wood          protocols for generating GHG offsets from
            products. These markets can promote voluntary              agriculture. For these reasons, producers
            adoption of conservation technologies and                  and small landowners have yet to reap the
            practices and leverage private-sector demand for           full benefts of this market potential.
            GHG benefts associated with CSAF practices.                USDA can help to overcome these
            These types of market opportunities can offer              market barriers. In line with the
            cost-effective ways to incentivize CSAF practice           Department’s commitment to equity,
            adoption and provide new income streams.                   inclusion, and transparency, efforts
            Through the CSAF strategy, USDA should                     are underway to solicit public input
            support the identifcation and verifcation of the           and inform our decision-making as
            GHG benefts associated with CSAF practices and             we consider possible strategies. These
            facilitate the participation of farmers, ranchers,         strategies may include setting standards
            and landowners in new markets for CSAF goods               to reduce transaction costs; adopting
            and services.                                              science-based monitoring, reporting
            The expanded adoption of CSAF practices                    and verifcation approaches for CSAF
            will increase opportunities in domestic and                practices; bolstering market infrastructure;
            international markets for commodities produced             or serving as a source of demand for
            in climate-friendly ways, ensuring benefts for             agricultural carbon credits by setting clear
            farmers and forest landowners. Ultimately, these           price signals through price supports, loan
            efforts will contribute to the development of new          programs or other fnancial tools that
            and additional markets and uses for a broad range          can help producers implement CSAF
            of crops, commodities, and forest products.                technologies. USDA’s carbon market
            It is also important to broaden access for small,          strategy will likely include a multi-
            socially disadvantaged, and beginning farmers,             pronged approach to achieve a variety of
            ranchers, and forest landowners, as well as those          objectives.
            early adopters who have paved the way and              •   Support the role of agriculture in
            demonstrated the benefts of agricultural and               decarbonizing the transportation
            forest conservation. Opportunities for supporting          sector. The growth of the U.S. biofuels
            markets for CSAF practices include:                        sector, driven in part by the Renewable
                  • Support producer participation in                  Fuels Standard, has reduced GHGs and
                      voluntary carbon markets. Although               strengthened the rural economy. Ethanol
                      agricultural and forest carbon market            produced from corn reduces GHG
                      opportunities have great potential to            emissions relative to gasoline. Market
                      fnance large-scale adoption of CSAF              opportunities such as California’s Low
                      practices, there are barriers that have          Carbon Fuels Standard and the 45Q

Federal Tax Credit for carbon capture                mechanisms to provide upfront capital
    and sequestration can further drive down             for biogas technologies and encourage the
    the GHG footprint of the biofuels sector.            connection of multiple small operations
    USDA should identify opportunities                   to provide economical renewable energy
    for agriculture and forestry to play a               production.
    role in the production of low-carbon             •   Support new markets for wood products.
    biofuel feedstocks, and for innovative               Wood products such as building materials
    technologies such as Biomass Energy                  currently account for 9 percent of annual
    with Carbon Capture (BECCS) to                       carbon sequestration and storage in the
    reduce emissions associated with biofuel             United States. Potential increases in the
    production while spurring rural economic             use of wood in buildings could sequester
    development.                                         carbon at the rate equivalent of taking
•   Support renewable energy development                 7 million cars off the road per year.
    in rural America. USDA should help                   USDA should support the wood products
    position Tribes, farmers, ranchers, rural            industry and the development of new
    landowners, and environmental justice                wood product innovations such as cross-
    communities to be leaders in renewable               laminated timber, nanomaterials, and
    energy development. This includes                    urban wood utilization to enhance carbon
    making investments in technologies                   sequestration while providing economic
    such as rural wind and solar that can                opportunities to both rural and urban
    operate on working farms and ranches,                America.
    liquid fuels, renewable natural gas from
    livestock, and production of sustainably     6. Develop a forest and wildfre resil-
    produced biomass for renewable energy
                                                 ience strategy
    generation. Investments in these
    technologies can provide new market          Forests are distributed across the spectrum of rural
    opportunities for Tribes and rural America   to urban environments, covering 896 million
    and create new uses for agriculture and      acres (including approximately 130 million acres
    forestry waste products, while reducing      in urban, suburban, and developed areas), or 33
    GHG emissions.                               percent of land in the United States. Forests on
•   Support deployment and development of        public and private lands provide numerous benefts
    methane digesters, biogas, and biobased      to people in the United States, including clean
    products. The adoption of on-farm biogas     water, fber and wood products, fsh and wildlife
    capture technologies and the production      habitat, biodiversity, recreational opportunities,
    of biobased products can provide             spiritual renewal, and carbon storage. Forests and
    producers with new income streams            harvested wood products take up the equivalent
    while also reducing GHG emissions and        of more than 14 percent of economy-wide CO2
    improving water quality. Opportunities to    emissions in the United States annually, and
    generate income from these technologies      there is potential to increase carbon sequestration
    include the generation of renewable          capacity by approximately 20 percent (−187.7
    electricity and the production of biobased   million metric tons [MMT] CO2) per year
    products from manure, renewable              by facilitating re-plantings in understocked
    natural gas (RNG) and liquifed natural       productive forestland.
    gas (LNG). USDA should support               Realizing this carbon potential while maintaining
    producers as they enter these new            other ecosystem services, building resilience
    markets and consider innovative fnance       to climate change, and reducing risk to severe

wildfre, will require integrating climate                   million acres on National Forest System
            considerations throughout forestry-related                  (NFS) land and 30 million acres on
            programs and practices in USDA. Core actions                other Federal, State, Tribal and private
            include fuels reduction, climate-informed                   lands, especially in the Western United
            reforestation and forest management, research               States. USDA needs to thin forests
            to support mitigation and adaptation, and an                and return low-intensity fre to fre-
            equitable distribution of services related to wildfre       adapted landscapes across the country
            mitigation and response. Maintaining the health             in the form of prescribed fre to enable
            and integrity of America’s forests is vital to              U.S. forestlands and communities to be
            protecting their carbon sequestration potential,            resilient to the natural fre they need.
            including conserving old-growth forests from                Working collaboratively through shared
            wildfre and other threats, ensuring proper forest           stewardship with States, Tribes, local
            regeneration after fre and other disturbance,               communities, and private landowners,
            and ensuring that forests are resilient across              a sustained investment over the next
            large landscapes. Forest and wildfre resilience             10 years to treat other Federal, State,
            opportunities within the CSAF strategy include:             Tribal, and private lands, especially in
                 • Increase the rate of fuels reduction to              the Western United States, can reset our
                     decrease the risk of severe wildfre.               future.
                     Over 10 million acres burned across            •   Increase the rate of reforestation,
                     all jurisdictions in the 2020 wildfres,            especially after disturbances. Nearly 90
                     with nearly 4.8 million acres on Forest            percent of current reforestation needs
                     Service lands-the most since the “Big              on National Forest System lands are
                     Burn” of 1910. High-intensity wildfre              the result of wildfre and other natural
                     adversely affects communities, people,             disturbances. The greater the rate of
                     and watersheds, and can move forests               reforestation, the greater the cumulative
                     from being a solution to address our               carbon sequestration. Increasing the rate
                     changing climate to a signifcant emitter           of reforestation also requires increases in
                     of GHGs. Restored, resilient forests that          nursery capacity and associated supply
                     withstand low-intensity wildfre are key            chains. Climate-smart principles and
                     to decreasing wildfre risks to our forest-         ecologically sound strategies should
                     dependent communities and providing                underpin all reforestation efforts, ensuring
                     long-term carbon storage to mitigate               that investments into nurseries and
                     climate change. In FY 2020, the agency             planting are reinforced by intentionally
                     improved forest conditions on over 2.65            choosing climate-adapted species and
                     million acres. Forest Service and other            genotypes and using climate-informed
                     research scientists have determined that           planting techniques, consistent with
                     this current level of treatment is not             maintaining or restoring the ecological
                     enough to keep pace with the scale and             health of the landscape.
                     scope of the wildfre problem. Current          •   Support applied forest research
                     modeling indicates that in order to                to inform climate mitigation and
                     signifcantly reduce the risk of high-              adaptation. Forest inventory, trend,
                     intensity wildfre, USDA must increase              and health analyses help quantify
                     the scale of its actions by two to four            the distribution and extent of forests,
                     times more than is currently treated.              disturbance agents and impacts, and forest
                     This means that over the next 19 years,            carbon and benefts. This information
                     it is necessary to treat an additional 20          informs decision-making and creates

context for further applied science such      7. Improve research
    as market analyses, scenario planning,
    climate impacts modeling, large landscape     Ensuring that agricultural lands, national forests,
    research, and adaptation decision support     and private working lands are sustainably managed
    tools and processes all of which support      makes agriculture and forest production more
    shared stewardship and climate resilience.    resilient to climate change and other disturbances
    This type of research should also be used     such as drought, invasive species, and wildfre.
    to assess carbon baseline information in      Further, based on the best available science,
    different forest types and potential carbon   new strategies and management practices should
    gains from improved forestry practices.       be developed to mitigate and adapt to climate
    As with agricultural practices, USDA          change. Agricultural systems must adapt to
    needs to increase data collection and         changing weather patterns and temperature
    the feld testing of carbon sequestration      regimes to ensure food security. Moreover,
    results associated with specifc CSAF          increasing agricultural productivity even while
    practices to help calibrate and/or validate   improving agriculture’s carbon footprints
    methods and systems used to quantify          critical given the need to feed a growing world
    GHG benefts of forestry practices.            population. These enormous challenges call for
    Enhancements to the wildland fre system,      innovative research supported by bold, trans-
    including prediction, planning, decision      disciplinary collaborations. Some of these research
    support, impact assessment, and recovery,     opportunities are provided below:
    are also important to help manage fre              • Support landscape-scale conservation
    risk.                                                   and management. USDA should
•   Ensure equitable distribution of                        build on its existing research by
    services regarding wildfre mitigation                   identifying existing gaps and generating
    and response. As climate change                         new interdisciplinary research that
    exacerbates the severity and frequency                  incorporates Tribal and stakeholder input
    of wildfres, USDA needs to work with                    to increase the use of best management
    Tribes, partners, communities, and                      practices, innovative technologies,
    across landscapes, to reduce the risk of                and tools to promote resilient farms,
    catastrophic wildfre, mitigate smoke                    forests, and rangelands, and improve
    hazards, and communicate in ways that                   ecosystem services. These initiatives
    are meaningful for each community.                      should include open access to research
    USDA should incorporate Indigenous                      data to facilitate trans-disciplinary
    and Tribal ecological knowledge into                    research, meaningful and substantive
    its wildfre strategy. This work needs                   Tribal and stakeholder engagement,
    to be distributed equitably across all                  and the co-development of research
    populations, considering the unique risks               and management recommendations.
    to socially disadvantaged populations                   Investment in research and development,
    who are often the most vulnerable to                    education, and extension activities can
    climate change. Likewise, by engaging                   also increase our collective understanding
    with diverse communities to develop                     of whole ecosystem responses to current
    and implement climate mitigation and                    and projected climate change, as well as
    adaptation strategies, USDA can gain                    environmental impacts of agricultural
    critical insights and input from local                  and forestry activities. USDA should also
    knowledge and needs.                                    invest in farmer-led research efforts to
                                                            demonstrate the effects of CSAF practices
                                                            on working lands.

•   Evaluate potential climate benefts of                and weather variability on communities
                    new technologies. USDA should leverage               and agricultural producers will contribute
                    its research agencies to evaluate the                to the development of appropriate and
                    potential of new CSAF technologies and               effective responses. USDA should also
                    practices to mitigate and adapt to climate           determine the economic costs and
                    change. USDA should develop protocols                benefts of CSAF practice implementation
                    for performing research to evaluate                  on farms, ranchlands, and forest lands.
                    the effectiveness of these technologies              In addition, USDA should consider the
                    and practices and should publish these               effect of climate change on food nutrient
                    protocols to allow partners to perform               content and human health.
                    research consistent with USDA’s                  •   Target research on technologies with
                    methods.                                             potential for mitigating U.S. agricultural
                •   Increase our understanding of climate                GHG emissions. The agricultural
                    change and variability, its effects on               industry is increasingly called upon to
                    agriculture and forests, and ways                    contribute to climate change mitigation
                    to build adaptation and resilience.                  by reducing GHG emissions, sequestering
                    USDA should collaborate with relevant                carbon to reduce atmospheric CO2,
                    agencies, including the National Oceanic             and even developing working lands-
                    and Atmospheric Administration, to                   based approaches for generating energy
                    perform and contribute to research that              as alternatives to fossil fuels. Working
                    addresses the resiliency and vulnerability           lands are also faced with adapting
                    of agricultural production, natural                  quickly to unprecedented climate
                    resource stewardship, and socioeconomic              changes and weather extremes with
                    systems. This includes analyses, tools,              minimal interruptions in production.
                    and data that support decisions for                  Specifc opportunities for deeper research
                    agriculture, water resources, land, and              identifed by a recent series of internal
                    forest management. Likewise, it is                   USDA listening sessions included
                    critical to identify mechanisms that                 development of solutions for reduction
                    increase resilience of food and forest               of enteric methane emissions; animal
                    products systems after extreme events.               resilience to climate stress; abatement
                    It is necessary to monitor and evaluate              of nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer
                    the environmental effects (including                 (e.g. from improved fertilizer management
                    benefts and limitations) of adaptation               or use of enhanced effciency fertilizers);
                    and mitigation practices through a                   enhancement of soils and crops for carbon
                    combination of scientifc research and                storage and adaptation; and improved
                    adaptive management.                                 waste management for GHG emissions
                •   Support research into human                          reductions and energy generation.
                    dimensions and economic effects of
                    climate change for agricultural and          Next Steps
                    forest-dependent communities. USDA
                    should develop deeper knowledge of the       This report is the beginning of a process to
                    human dimensions of climate change and       position USDA to adapt to and mitigate climate
                    weather variability, including perceptions   change in ways that build strong communities,
                    and effective framing of risk, adaptation,   fair markets, and are inclusive of all Tribes and
                    and mitigation incentives. Examining         stakeholders. USDA will continue outreach on
                    the economic effects of climate change       CSAF to ensure policies are responsive to the
                                                                 needs of constituents. Ongoing activities include:

•   Continue outreach plans and activities.
    Public comments received through the
    Federal Register Notice process and
    listening sessions are being reviewed and
    will be given full consideration as USDA
    continues to develop its CSAF strategy.
    As mentioned, these initial engagement
    opportunities will serve as the starting
    point for ongoing conversations between
    the Department, Tribes, and stakeholders
    who will beneft from or be impacted
    by its CSAF strategy and programs.
    USDA values this input and is intent on
    designing its strategy around the needs of
    farmers, ranchers, and landowners, with
    particular attention to removing barriers
    and elevating opportunities for socially
    disadvantaged groups.
•   Develop and implement strategies based
    on stakeholder feedback. As USDA
    continues to gather input and lessons-
    learned from Tribes, stakeholders, and
    States, it will refne and narrow its vision
    to develop concrete actions and policies
    for implementing a CSAF strategy.
    Specifcally, USDA will internally review
    its programs to identify opportunities for
    integrating elements of a CSAF strategy
    into existing programs as well as making
    the necessary investments in training,
    tools, personnel, programs, and research
    to enable successful implementation
    of a CSAF strategy. In implementing
    any strategies going forward, USDA
    will identify ways to work across the
    Department and partner with other
    Federal agencies, Tribes, State and local
    governments, and others to effectively
    implement a CSAF strategy.

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