Climate policy in China, the European Union and the United States: Main drivers and prospects for the future

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Climate policy in China,
the European Union
and the United States:
Main drivers and
prospects for the future
Alina Averchenkova, Samuela Bassi, Keith J. Benes,
Fergus Green, Augustin Lagarde, Isabella Neuweg
and Georg Zachmann

Policy brief

                                                     In collaboration with:
The Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP)
was established in 2008 to advance public and private action on climate
change through rigorous, innovative research. The Centre is hosted jointly
by the University of Leeds and the London School of Economics and
Political Science. It is funded by the UK Economic and Social Research
Council. More information about the Centre for Climate Change
Economics and Policy can be found at:

The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the
Environment was established in 2008 at the London School of Economics
and Political Science. The Institute brings together international
expertise on economics, as well as finance, geography, the environment,
international development and political economy to establish a world-
leading centre for policy-relevant research, teaching and training in
climate change and the environment. It is funded by the Grantham
Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, which also funds
the Grantham Institute - Climate Change and Environment at Imperial
College London. More information about the Grantham Research Institute
can be found at:

Bruegel is a European think tank that specialises in economics.
Established in 2005, it is independent and non-doctrinal. Bruegel’s mission
is to improve the quality of economic policy with open and fact-based
research, analysis and debate. Bruegel’s membership includes EU Member
State governments, international corporations and institutions. More
information about Bruegel can be found at:

The Center on Global Energy Policy provides independent, balanced,
data-driven analysis to help policymakers navigate the complex world of
energy. We approach energy as an economic, security, and environmental
concern. And we draw on the resources of a world-class institution, faculty
with real-world experience, and a location in the world’s finance and
media capital. Visit us at

This Policy Brief is intended to inform decision-makers in the public,
private and third sectors. It has been reviewed by at least two internal
referees before publication. The views expressed in this paper
represent those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those
of the host institutions or funders.

Table of

Executive summary                   6

Key findings by jurisdiction        8

1 Introduction                      12

       1.1 The study approach       12

2 Current climate change policies   14

3 Economic factors                  17
affecting climate policy

4 Institutions for climate policy   21
development and implementation

5 Public opinion, interest          24
groups and political consensus
on climate change

6 Outlook for development           27
of climate policies

Conclusions                         30

References                          32

The authors                             Nations in New York. She holds         on Climate Change and the
                                        MSc’s in Economics from University     Environment and the ESRC Centre
Alina Averchenkova is the Co-           of Trieste (Italy) and from Birkbeck   for Climate Change Economics
head of Policy at the Grantham          College, London.                       and Policy at the London School of
Research Institute on Climate                                                  Economics and Political Science.
Change and the Environment              Keith J. Benes is a non-resident       He has also been a Teaching Fellow
and the ESRC Centre for Climate         Fellow at the Center on Global         in the Centre for International
Change Economics and Policy at          Energy Policy. His research            Studies and Diplomacy at SOAS
the London School of Economics          is focused on national and             at the University of London, where
and Political Science. She has 16       international policy frameworks        he taught Global Energy & Climate
years of experience in climate policy   that will address climate              Policy at Masters level (2013–14).
and international development,          change and facilitate the global       He began his career as a corporate
including as Global Director for        transition to clean energy. He         lawyer in Australia specialising
Climate Change and Carbon at            is also Managing Director of           in climate change, energy, water
KPMG. Prior to KPMG, Alina worked       Euclid Strategies, a boutique          and environmental regulation
for a carbon-asset manager,             environmental strategy firm.           (2009–2012).
First Climate, in Zurich, and as        Previously he served the US
a Programme Officer at the              Department of State as an              Isabella Neuweg is a Policy
United Nations Climate Change           Attorney-Adviser, where he provided    Analyst at the Grantham Research
Secretariat. Her professional           strategic, analytical, and policy      Institute on Climate Change
experience also includes work for       expertise on the negotiations under    and the Environment at the
the Environmental Defense Fund          the UN Framework Convention            London School of Economics and
in Washington, Metroeconomica           on Climate Change, negotiated a        Political Science, with expertise on
Ltd, and the Bureau of Economic         variety of conservation treaties,      international climate cooperation
Analysis. Alina holds a BSc in          represented the US in investor-        and European climate and energy
Geography from Moscow State             state arbitrations, and advised on     policy. She is also responsible for
University, and an MSc and a            environmental elements in WTO          providing policy-related research
PhD in Economics and International      disputes. Mr. Benes holds a Juris      advice to Professor Lord Stern of
Development from the University         Doctor from Georgetown University      Brentford. Isabella has several
of Bath.                                Law Center (magna cum laude),          years’ experience in applied policy
                                        an LLM from the London School          research and evaluation of climate
Samuela Bassi is Statkraft Policy       of Economics and Political Science     policy, energy efficiency and
Fellow at the Grantham Research         (with merit), and a BA from the        green growth. Prior to joining the
Institute on Climate                    University of Nebraska – Lincoln.      Grantham Research Institute, she
Change and the Environment                                                     worked for global policy consulting
and the ESRC Centre for Climate         Fergus Green is a PhD candidate in     firm ICF International in their
Change Economics and Policy at          Political Science in the Department    climate policy team, where she
the London School of Economics          of Government at the London            advised the UK Government and
and Political Science. Her work         School of Economics and Political      European Commission on energy
focuses on climate change and           Science, and a climate policy          and climate policy. She helped to
energy policy and green growth.         consultant. He is also an Associate    evaluate the UK’s multi-million
Previously, she worked as a Senior      of the Melbourne Sustainable           programme to incentivise take-up
Policy Analyst at the Institute         Society Institute at the University    of energy efficiency measures in
for European Environmental              of Melbourne. From January 2014 to     households, provided research and
Policy in London and Brussels,          October 2015, Fergus was a Policy      analysis on the effectiveness of the
for an environmental consulting         Analyst and Research Advisor to        European Union Emissions Trading
company in Italy, and for the Italian   Professor Lord Stern of Brentford at   System and options to reform
Permanent Mission to the United         the Grantham Research Institute        it, developments in European

and global climate and energy         Brussels. At Bruegel, he has worked      and the Environment at the
policy , as well as competitiveness   since 2009 on the European               London School of Economics and
and employment impacts of             electricity and gas market, energy       Political Science, the Bruegel
energy efficiency and renewable       system decarbonisation, European         Institute (Brussels), Tsinghua
investments. Her professional         renewables policy and green              University School of Public Policy
experience also includes work for     growth. Prior to Bruegel, Georg          & Management (Beijing), and the
the Smart Cities Energy Group         worked at the German Ministry of         Center on Global Energy Policy at
at Hitachi Europe, the German         Finance, the German Institute for        Columbia University (New York).
Development Agency (GIZ) on           Economic Research in Berlin and          The initial research was carried
reducing emissions from land-         the energy think tank LARSEN in          out by each of these three last-
transport in developing countries     Paris. Georg holds a doctoral degree     mentioned institutes, focused on
and research for The Energy           in economics.                            their respective jurisdictions, and
and Resources Institute in New                                                 using a uniform questionnaire
Delhi, India. Isabella holds an                                                designed by all of the institutes.
MSc in Environmental Policy and       Acknowledgements                         Based on these research inputs,
Regulation from the London                                                     the Grantham Research Institute
School of Economics and Political     The work benefitted from excellent       produced this Policy Brief,
Science, and a BA in Political        research and early drafting of the       which was reviewed by all
Science from the Free University of   China section by Xiaofan Zhao and        collaborating institutes and by two
Berlin, Germany.                      Qi Ye, from Tsinghua University,         independent reviewers.
                                      Beijing. The in depth analysis in the
Augustin Lagarde is an Economist      China section would have been
at Simetrica, conducting policy       impossible without them. The work
evaluation and social impact          benefitted from research and early
measurement. Before joining           drafting of the US section by Aziz
Simetrica, Augustin worked at         Nayani, Columbia University School
Bruegel as a Research Assistant       of International and Public Affairs.
in the area of international          We are also very grateful to Sam
climate commitment and                Fankhauser, Terry Townshend and
sectoral competitiveness. During      Alyssa Gilbert for their valuable
his time at Bruegel, he wrote         input and comments. We would
and participated in publication       also like to give special thanks to
around the Paris negotiation as       Jana Davidová for research support,
well as other European climate        Maria Carvalho for analysis of the
policies. Prior to this, Augustin     prospects for implementation of
worked as a Policy Analyst at the     the ’intended nationally determined
French Ministry of Environment.       contributions’, to Jared Finnegan
He holds two undergraduate            for his insightful advice on the
degrees in Economics from the         institutional system in the United
University of Poitiers (France) and   States and academic literature, to
from the University of Banska         Christopher Wratil for his reflections
Bystrica (Slovakia), and an MSc in    on the future of the European
Environmental Economics from the      Union and to Sini Matikainen for
Toulouse School of Economics.         editing assistance.
                                      This policy paper is the product of
Georg Zachmann is a Senior            a multi-institutional collaboration
Fellow at Bruegel - an independent    between the Grantham Research
economic think tank based in          Institute on Climate Change

Executive summary
An improved understanding           policies, describing some of the   broker a deal between more
of current national climate         key drivers, including economic    and less ambitious Member
policies, and the factors           factors, institutional settings    States and unite them behind a
that drive their development        and features of the political      common vision for the European
and implementation, is              systems, as well as the role of    energy market. It could also
required to aid the domestic        public opinion, interest groups    further mobilise the established
implementation of                   and party politics.                and growing low-carbon
climate policy under the                                               industry as its ally. For the US,
Paris Agreement.                    Over the past decade, China,       bottom-up action by cities or
                                    the EU and the US have all         States could help to ratchet up
The purpose of this Policy Brief    made progress in developing        ambition at the federal level.
is to assess the key factors        and implementing climate           A few proactive States should
affecting both the development      policies. Yet each of these        champion more ambitious US
and the implementation of           three jurisdictions faces unique   climate policy. At the same
climate policies in three key       challenges in delivering on,       time, a committed executive
jurisdictions: the People’s         and raising the ambition of,       branch could make further use
Republic of China, the European     their nationally determined        of provisions under the
Union (EU) and the United           contributions (NDCs) to the        Clean Air Act to advance
States (US). The aim is to assist   Paris Agreement. This study        climate policy at the federal
policy-makers, climate change       highlights where levers for more   level. However, this seems
negotiators and analysts from       ambitious climate policies lie     unlikely to happen under the
outside these jurisdictions         and where structural factors       recently elected Donald Trump.
to understand the domestic          as well as economic or political
constraints and opportunities       developments will likely help or   This analysis of the trends
facing each jurisdiction, and       hinder progress.                   in the development and
to identify areas of common                                            implementation of climate
interest or concern, facilitating   For instance, the co-benefits      policies illustrates the
both mutual understanding           of fostering a growing green       importance of understanding
and cooperation.                    industry and reducing air          the diversity of economic,
                                    pollution are so palpable that     institutional and political factors
China, the EU and the US            they have persuaded China to       at the national level, as well
together are responsible for the    move strongly toward a low-        as their interplay with public
majority of global emissions of     carbon path for economic           and private interests and the
greenhouse gases, and produce       growth. To help this transition,   media. These will strongly affect
about half of global GDP.           China could improve incentives     countries’ ability to implement
Hence, their climate and energy     and mechanisms for its State-      their NDCs and to ratchet
policies not only have a strong     Owned Enterprises and the          up ambition in the future.
influence on current and future     provinces to comply with targets   Notably, the study shows that
global emissions of greenhouse      set at national level. It could    the relative importance of the
gases, but also affect policy       also allocate adequate resources   factors investigated differs
developments in other countries.    to monitor compliance. The EU,     across the three jurisdictions.
Here we outline their key           on the other hand, will need to
In China, the rise and fall of       carbon-intensive industries
emissions is closely linked          determine to what extent
to economic development              climate policies are de facto
and the ongoing transition           implemented at the provincial
of its economy. For the EU,          levels. Similarly, the voting
energy security and economic         behaviour of Members of the
concerns have been key drivers       European Parliament (MEPs)
of European leadership on            on climate policy tends to be
climate policy and its promotion     strongly correlated with the
of the renewable energy              carbon intensity of the Member
industry. The EU also has an         State they represent. This is
institutional system that enables    comparable to the US where
the European Commission,             legislators from States with
Parliament, and some Member          large fossil fuel resources and/or
States to champion ambitious         a large share of energy intensive
action on climate change.            industries try to deter ambitious
Institutional leadership matched     climate action. Also, despite the
with favourable public opinion,      different governmental systems
influential green parties and        within the three jurisdictions,
active non-governmental              they all operate in a fairly
organisations has allowed it         decentralised way, with much of
to agree successive packages         the implementation happening
of relatively ambitious climate      at the subnational level.
and energy policies for 2020
and 2030. In the US, political
institutions enable economic
interests, partisanship and
ideology to polarise the political
debate and stymie climate
action via the legislative branch.
However, they also leave room
for executive action from the
President and the Environmental
Protection Agency.

Despite these differences,
there are some similarities. For
instance, the political economy
of climate and energy policy
in the jurisdictions is driven
by similar dynamics. In China,

Key findings
by jurisdiction

Key findings                         enforcement capacity at the          major hydro and wind resources
for China                            local level i.e. funded by           to distant populations continues
                                     the national level and not by        to be a major driver of China’s
1) Likelihood of                     the local level, where leaders are   growing grid investments.
achieving targets:                   more likely to be conflicted.
                                                                          4) Developing transition
China will likely meet the targets   3) Energy market reform to           strategies for steel and coal
in its nationally determined         increase renewable energy            mining:
contribution (NDC) to peak           penetration:
carbon dioxide emissions by                                               The biggest challenges for
2030 at the latest, and to           Further state measures to            China’s climate policies relate
reduce the carbon intensity of       support the accelerated scale-       to phasing out high-carbon
its economy by 60-65 per cent        up of renewable and other            and energy-intensive industries,
by 2030 compared with 2005.          non-coal energy sources — such       such as coal-mining, coal-
                                     as feed-in tariffs and green         fired power generation, and
2) Enhanced monitoring,              finance initiatives — offer strong   steelmaking — industries in
reporting and verification:          potential for climate change         which the state and party are
                                     mitigation in China, as they         deeply entangled. Nevertheless,
A significant challenge for the      lead to industrial modernisation     China has committed up to 100
successful implementation of         and innovation, job creation,        billion yuan (US$15.27 billion)
climate policies is that regions     lower air pollution and              to cover the significant lay-offs
and industries (including state-     improved energy security. Such       they expect in the steel and coal
owned enterprises) that suffer       measures are likely also to enjoy    industries as a result.
economic losses as a result may      widespread public backing.
seek to evade them. Monitoring,      However, as renewable sources        5) Addressing rising
reporting and verification (MRV)     compete for grid access with         non-CO2 greenhouse gases:
and enforcement capacity will        fossil fuel incumbents in a flat
therefore need to be improved        energy market, the former may        China’s overall greenhouse gas
if targets and standards are to      continue to be under-utilised        emissions are likely to continue
be fully implemented. A more         relative to their potential,         to grow until and beyond
rigorous and better resourced        as local governments and             2030 due to expected higher
system would help to improve         market operators favour coal-        production and application
access to information and help       fired utilities. Reforming the       of fertilisers, expansion in
more effective implementation        electricity market to avoid these    the electric power sector,
of climate policies. Key for this    problems will be a considerable      coal-mining and because
is to have independent MRV           challenge over the coming years.     current policies are likely to be
                                     The challenge of connecting          insufficient to address non-
CO2 greenhouse gas emissions.      financial crisis and challenges      to 2020, and delay decisions
China will need to implement       particularly from southern           on increasing its post-2020
additional policies to reduce      Member States; the refugee and       ambition. Instruments such as
emissions of non-CO2 gases         migrant crisis; and the growing      the Modernisation Fund, which
especially from the chemical,      sense of dissatisfaction within      sets aside allowances from the
electrical, coal mining and        some Member States about the         EU ETS to support lower income
agricultural industries.           concept of a federal Europe). Yet    Member States to modernise
                                   the European Commission - a          their energy systems, will need
Key findings for the               permanent bureaucracy with a         to be further developed and
                                   long record of climate leadership    transparently implemented.
European Union                     – so far has shown itself capable
                                   of driving the climate policy        4) Energy Union as a give-
1) Likelihood of
                                   agenda among EU institutions         and-take:
achieving targets:
                                   and Member States, even
                                   amidst significant shocks, such      The European Commission
The European Union (EU) will
                                   as the global financial crisis and   needs to come up with a
need to increase its current
                                   its regional aftermath. Hence,       package of energy and climate
ambition and ensure effective
                                   unless the institutional set-up      policies that makes Member
policy implementation in order
                                   of the EU itself is undermined,      States better off by reaching
to meet its 2030 targets.
                                   the European Commission will         high-level compromises on
Current policy assessments
                                   continue to play a significant       issues that they consider to
indicate that the EU’s emissions
                                   role in shaping the climate          be secondary. For example,
are likely to exceed its 2030
                                   policies of Member States.           Germany might increase
target by about 5-10 percentage
                                                                        efforts to help central and
points. The EU will need to at
                                   3) Reform despite resistance:        eastern European partners
least double the annual rate
                                                                        to modernise their energy
of emissions reductions from
                                   The EU must deal effectively         infrastructure, who in return
2015 onward to meet the 2030
                                   with resistance to European          might accept a continuation
target, focussing on power
                                   climate change policies from         of the EU’s decarbonisation
generation, industry, transport
                                   Member States with large             ambition. Or France may
and buildings.
                                   fossil fuel resources and/           cease its insistence on strong
                                   or large pollution-intensive         government intervention into
2) Stable climate policies and
                                   sectors as it proceeds with the      energy markets and prices if the
leadership from the European
                                   implementation of the Energy         price of allowances for the EU
                                   Union and the reform of other        ETS is sufficiently high to make
                                   key policy instruments (i.e. the     its nuclear power generators
The climate policies already
                                   EU ETS) geared to achieving          more competitive. However,
in place commit the EU to a
                                   its existing climate targets for     such compromises between
continued reduction in emissions
                                   2020 and 2030. The Market            Member States might unbalance
until 2030. A constant annual
                                   Stability Reserve agreed as          delicate compromises between
reduction factor under the EU
                                   a reform of the EU ETS will          domestic stakeholders. Hence,
emissions trading system (EU
                                   be insufficient to remove the        the European Commission
ETS) directive will bring the
                                   oversupply of permits. Since         must seek for this agenda to
issuance of new allowances
                                   renegotiations have started          be discussed by heads of states
to zero by 2067. This target
                                   over the EU ETS, the divide over     and by ministers of energy
can only be changed by a
                                   how ambitious the EU should          and environment, as they are
qualified majority. The EU’s
                                   be in its climate policies after     often more aware of sectoral
integrity is being threatened
                                   2020 has re-emerged among            preferences and sensitivities.
by a number of current crises
                                   the Member States, creating
(e.g. the economic malaise that
                                   a risk that the EU will focus
has persisted since the global
                                   on its current commitments

5) Focus on                         reductions from its power           Power Plan, and thus reduce
low-carbon innovation:              sector, but will also need to       emissions from their power
                                    introduce more ambitious            sectors, despite the stay by
European research and               policies for emissions reductions   the Supreme Court. Together
development spending on             from its industry and transport     they represent 36 per cent of
innovation has been decreasing      sectors, amongst others.            the emissions reductions that
since 2009 and is now at a                                              would be delivered by the Clean
record low level (although large    2) Executive branch action          Power Plan in the interim period
disparities exist between the       can drive climate policy:           (2022-2029), and 30 per cent of
Member States on innovation                                             the cuts expected by 2030 and
spending, and some have been        The institutional system in the     beyond. Nevertheless,
investing more). There is also      US has a high separation of         the election of Donald Trump as
little cooperation between          powers between the legislative      President creates
Member States on low-carbon         (Congress) and executive            significant uncertainty.
innovation. However, the EU         (President) branches that
is working to improve this. The     makes aligning different            4) Risk of roll-back of climate
EU has set a target to increase     priorities between the two          policies post-election:
overall innovation spending from    difficult. On the other hand, it
the equivalent of 2 per cent of     also vests the executive with       Donald Trump announced
GDP at present to 3 per cent (1     considerable powers to develop      during the presidential
per cent public funding, 2 per      policies independently of           campaign and in his America
cent private-sector investment)     Congress. For instance, President   First Energy Plan that he would
by 2020. In addition to plans       Obama released the Climate          cut all federal climate spending
to double its funding for clean     Action Plan in June 2013, which     by eliminating domestic and
energy research under the           directed federal agencies to        international climate programs,
Horizon 2020 programme, the         take concrete steps to reduce       withdraw from the UNFCCC
EU is preparing an integrated       emissions, and proposed the         Paris Agreement, repeal the
research, innovation and            Clean Power Plan, which aims        Clean Power Plan, encourage
competitiveness strategy for the    to cut carbon dioxide emissions     use of fossil fuel resources
Energy Union, to be launched        from the power sector by 32 per     and dismantle climate policy
in November 2016. It has also       cent compared with 2005 levels      in general through executive
joined Mission Innovation, a        by 2030.                            action. This is unlikely to be a
global initiative on clean energy                                       straightforward, quick or easy
launched at COP21.                  3) Subnational action               process. Firstly, under existing
                                    as driver:                          law the US Environmental
Key findings for the                                                    Protection Agency, the climate
                                    The 50 States have considerable     policy administrator, has not
United States
                                    authority. In some areas, their     only the authority to regulate
                                    authority extends beyond that       greenhouse gas emissions,
1) Likelihood of
                                    of the federal government,          but also an obligation to do
achieving targets:
                                    and in other areas authority is     so. Secondly, any change to
                                    shared between the Federal and      regulations (including repeal)
In order to meet the target
                                    State governments. This means       must go through the same
in its nationally determined
                                    that many policy ideas are first    type of rigorous public notice
contribution (NDC) (decreasing
                                    generated locally, with much        and comment process that
annual emissions by 26 to 28
                                    climate policy leadership coming    the original regulations went
per cent below 2005 levels by
                                    from the States. For example,       through to become law. So
2025) the United States (US)
                                    19 States have indicated that       changing them would take
will not only have to increase
                                    they will continue to submit        significant political commitment
its ambition for emissions
                                    plans to comply with the Clean      over several years. Thirdly,
the subsequent rule-making           industrial interests a strong
must take account of the             voice in US climate policy-
administrative record compiled       making. However, the economic
to support the original rule. In     importance of the energy-
the case of the Clean Power          intensive industries varies
Plan, this record includes           greatly between States, which
hundreds of pages of technical       means that there are leaders
documents and responses to 4.5       and laggards in climate policy
million public comments that         at the State and local level. It
were produced to support the         remains true, nevertheless, that
final rule. A repeal or change to    legislators from States with
the regulations that does not        high concentrations of energy-
adequately address the record        intensive industries have actively
that supported the regulations       tried to hinder more ambitious
in the first place is more           climate action in Congress and
susceptible to being invalidated     through judicial rulings (the
as ‘arbitrary and capricious’        stay of the Clean Power Plan
by a reviewing court.                by the highest federal US court
                                     was one outcome of several
Nevertheless, given that Donald      groups suing the Environmental
Trump will appoint at least          Protection Agency).
one Supreme Court justice,
likely tilting the court towards
conservatism, he could seek to
repeal previous amendments to
the Clean Air Act that brought
greenhouse gases under the
EPA’s remit, and override
or weaken the authority of
the EPA. It has already been
reported that Trump will appoint
a climate sceptic, Myron Ebell,
to run the EPA. It is difficult to
predict how quickly changes to
climate policy will happen, but
the Climate Action Plan and
the Clean Power Plan will likely
stall. Action on climate change
would then depend largely on
the States.

5) Importance of energy-
intensive industries:

The relative importance of the
energy-intensive industries
to the US economy affects
government willingness to
implement ambitious policies to
reduce emissions and also gives
1. Introduction

The signing ceremony of                                        The purpose of this Policy Brief                               an accompanying Policy
the Paris Agreement at the                                     is to assess the key factors                                   Paper ‘Climate policy in the
United Nations in New York                                     affecting both the development                                 United States, China and the
on 22 April 2016 marked the                                    and the implementation of                                      European Union: main drivers
beginning of a new chapter in                                  climate policies1 in three key                                 and prospects for the future -
international climate action.                                  jurisdictions: the People’s                                    country analyses’ (Averchenkova
As governments have now                                        Republic of China, the European                                et al., 2016).
reasserted their commitment                                    Union (EU) and the United
to the Agreement, attention                                    States (US). The aim is to assist                              1.1 The study
will turn from the international                               policy-makers, climate change
stage to the domestic arena.                                   negotiators and analysts from
Questions have emerged about                                   outside these jurisdictions
                                                                                                                              China, the EU and the US were
whether and how countries                                      to understand the domestic
                                                                                                                              chosen as the focus of the study
will implement the pledged                                     constraints and opportunities
                                                                                                                              for three reasons. First, they
targets and policies contained                                 facing each jurisdiction, and
                                                                                                                              are the three largest emitters,
in their ‘nationally determined                                to identify areas of common
                                                                                                                              collectively emitting around 55
contributions’ (NDCs) and                                      interest or concern, facilitating
                                                                                                                              per cent of global greenhouse
about the potential to increase                                both mutual understanding and
                                                                                                                              gas emissions, measured by
their ambition in the future. A                                cooperation. The framework
                                                                                                                              domestic production (Boden
key need is for policy-makers to                               used in this work and its main
                                                                                                                              et al., 2015; Germanwatch,
gain an understanding of the                                   insights may serve as a useful
                                                                                                                              n.d.), as shown in Figure 1.
current trends in national policy-                             tool for undertaking similar
                                                                                                                              Furthermore, as they together
making, and their implications                                 analyses in other jurisdictions.
                                                                                                                              import more emissions
for the achievement of targets,
                                                                                                                              embodied in tradable goods
as well as of the key institutions                             This Brief provides a
                                                                                                                              than they export, they are
and actors that shape the                                      comparative summary of a
                                                                                                                              responsible for up to two-thirds
design and implementation                                      more extensive assessment
                                                                                                                              of global emissions (Boitier,
of climate policy at the                                       undertaken for each of
                                                                                                                              2012). Understanding the
national level.                                                the three jurisdictions in

    ‘Climate policies’ in this Policy Brief refers to policies having the explicit aim and/or significant effect of reducing greenhouse gas emissions below what they would otherwise
    be. This definition is intended to capture policies that may have other primary objectives (e.g. energy security or air pollution reduction) if they also have a significant
    mitigation effect on greenhouse gas emissions. It also covers laws and regulations as well as plans and other non-legal instruments.

factors affecting domestic                                    production, consumption,                                      factors affecting climate change
climate policy in these                                       trade, investment, policy and                                 policy (chapter 3), institutions
geographies is therefore key for                              technological innovation. Hence,                              for policy development and
assessing the overall dynamics                                for the task of decarbonising                                 implementation (chapter
of global emissions.                                          the global economy, they will                                 4); public opinion, interest
Second, the economies of these                                have significance for reasons                                 groups and political consensus
three jurisdictions are the three                             extending well beyond the size                                on climate change (chapter
largest in the world, together                                of their emissions per se.                                    5), and the outlook for policy
accounting for 50 per cent                                                                                                  development (chapter 6) in
of global GDP in 2015 (IMF,                                   The following sections explore                                each jurisdiction.
2015). Therefore, they have an                                current climate change policies
important influence on global                                 (chapter 2), the economic

Figure 1. Carbon dioxide emissions in the US, China, EU (EU-28)                                                             Source: European Commission, Joint Research Centre,
                                                                                                                            PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
and the world (total)2                                                                                                      (2015); Olivier et al (2015).




































                World                                            EU28                                            United States                                               China

     Carbon dioxide emissions totals from fossil fuel use and industrial processes (cement production, carbonate use of limestone and dolomite, non-energy use of fuels and other
     combustion). Excluded are: short-cycle biomass burning (such as agricultural waste burning) and large-scale biomass burning (such as forest fires).

2 . Current climate
change policies

In this chapter, an overview is     and measures have also been        per cent reduction in carbon
presented of the status quo         introduced, including: energy      intensity of GDP relative to a
of climate policies in the three    conservation targets and           2005 baseline, a more ambitious
jurisdictions. The constellations   associated accountability          2020 target for carbon intensity
of climate policies, as well        mechanisms for officials and       than China pledged in the
as their drivers and level of       state-owned enterprise (SOE)       2009 Copenhagen Accord
ambition, differ greatly            managers; frameworks for           (King, 2016). The 13th Plan
across the three jurisdictions      monitoring, reporting and          also includes a target to keep
(see Table 2).                      verifying progress on energy       energy consumption within
                                    conservation/efficiency; targets   5 billion tonnes of standard
China                               and support measures (e.g.         coal equivalent by 2020,
                                    feed-in tariffs; subsidised        which is more ambitious than
China has moved from a              finance, etc) for low-carbon       the forecast target for 2020
relatively reactive approach        energy; and, more recently, air    contained in the 12th Plan
to a much more active stance        pollution-related restrictions     (Chen & Stanway, 2016). In
toward climate policies,            on coal production and             continued efforts to diversify
integrating them closely with       consumption in key regions.        their energy mix and limit coal
other policy priorities. This       Additionally, pilot emissions      use, the Chinese Government
change has occurred in stages       trading schemes have recently      has also set a target to increase
over the last decade, mostly        been introduced in seven cities    the share of natural gas to
driven by energy security,          and provinces, and a national      10 per cent by 2020 and to
air pollution, and economic         scheme is planned for rollout      have 150 GW of solar capacity,
development objectives, as          in 2017.                           200-300 GW of wind capacity
well as growing awareness                                              (Roselund, 2015, The Climate
of the potential negative           China’s 13th Five-Year Plan        Group, 2015) and 58 GW of new
impacts of climate change on        (2016–2020), released in March     nuclear capacity (Xinhua, 2016)
its development. Since 2005,        2016, includes an updated          installed by 2020. Furthermore,
climate change targets have         target to reduce the carbon        through its NDC to the Paris
been included in the Chinese        intensity of GDP by 18 per cent    Agreement in December 2015,
Five-Year Plans. A number of        over the course of the plan        China has committed to peak
climate change laws, policies       period. This equates to a 50       its carbon dioxide emissions by

around 2030 and to make its                                 sets the objectives to be met                               of climate-change-related
best efforts to peak earlier; to                            by 2030, namely: a binding                                  regulations have since been
reduce the carbon intensity of                              EU target of reducing annual                                introduced, including transport
GDP 60-65 per cent below 2005                               emissions of greenhouse gases                               emissions standards, tax
levels by 2030; and to meet 20                              by 40 per cent below 1990 levels;                           breaks for renewable electricity
per cent of total primary energy                            a binding target of generating                              and several energy efficiency
consumption from sources                                    at least 27 per cent of energy                              programmes. Given the
other than fossil fuels by 2030                             from renewable sources; a non-                              difficulty of passing legislation
(China, 2015).                                              binding target of improving                                 at the federal level, several
                                                            energy efficiency by at least 27                            initiatives have also flourished
European Union                                              per cent, to be reviewed by 2020                            at sub-national level, including
                                                            (with the potential of raising                              renewable energy portfolios in
The European Union (EU) has so                              the target to 30 per cent); and                             several States and a cap-and-
far shown the most ambitious                                an electricity interconnection                              trade system in California
and consistent approach to                                  target of 10 per cent between                               (AB 32).
climate change. A range of                                  Member States by 2030
targets for emissions reductions,                           (European Commission, 2016c).                               A key recent set of federal
energy efficiency and renewable                                                                                         regulations is the Clean Power
energy have been set for 2020                               United States                                               Plan (CPP), which for the first
and 2030, as well as aspirational                                                                                       time sets a target to cut carbon
long-term objectives for 2050.                              In the United States (US),                                  dioxide emissions from the
Some of these have been                                     on the other hand, developing                               power sector by 32 per cent
translated into mandatory                                   climate change policy at                                    compared with 2005 levels by
national targets for Member                                 the federal level has been                                  2030 (EPA, 2015a)3. The Plan
States. The targets have been                               increasingly challenging, due                               will be key for the US to achieve
accompanied by a large number                               to strongly divided political                               the target of reducing total
of policies and regulations                                 views on the issue along                                    greenhouse gas emissions by 26-
to curb emissions, improve                                  partisan lines. As a result,                                28 per cent below 2005 levels by
energy efficiency and stimulate                             the US lacks comprehensive                                  2025, as per its NDC to the Paris
the uptake of low-carbon                                    climate change legislation,                                 Agreement (The White House,
energy sources, including the                               but has been regulating                                     2015). The legislation, however,
world’s first carbon emissions                              greenhouse gases using existing                             is currently been challenged
trading scheme. A new goal                                  laws. Furthermore, federal                                  in court and it is not yet clear
of establishing an Energy                                   legislation has been shaped                                 whether part, or even the whole,
Union was also set in 2014 and                              by judicial rulings, rather than                            of the Plan may be invalidated.
its related strategy aims to                                the ‘standard’ legislative route                            The future direction of US
foster affordable, secure and                               (e.g. through the President and                             climate policy will also be highly
sustainable energy across the                               the bicameral system). Most                                 affected by the outcome of
Member States. This represents                              notably, court rulings required                             the 2016 Presidential election
one of ten priority areas which                             greenhouse gases to be covered                              (see Chapter 6).
the Junker Commission has set                               by the 1970 Clean Air Act and
for its term between 2014 and                               its subsequent amendments,
2019.                                                       so that, as from 2009, the
                                                            regulation of these emissions
The EU’s ‘2030 framework for                                fell within the responsibility of
climate change and energy                                   the Environmental Protection
policies’, approved in 2014,                                Agency (EPA). A number

    And emissions from sulphur dioxide would be reduced by 90 per cent and nitrogen oxides cut by 72 per cent by 2030 compared with 2005 levels.

Table 2. Status quo of                                                                             Sources: China (2015); Chen & Stanway (2016); The White
                                                                                                   House (2015).
climate policy in the
three jurisdictions

                                     China                                            EU                                         US

  Key climate            No dedicated climate change                   •   2020 Climate and Energy 		            No dedicated climate change law.
                         law (but in progress). Climate-                   Package (2009);                       Relevant legislation:
  policies and           relevant policies and measures:
                                                                       •   2030 framework for climate 		         •   Clean Air Act (1963,
  legislation            •   Air Pollution Prevention 		                   and energy policies (2014)                interpreted in 2009 to apply to
                             and Control Plan (2013)                                                                 greenhouse gases)
                                                                       •   EU Emissions Trading
                         •   Several targets set in 		                     System (2005)                         •   Climate Action Plan (2013)
                             (esp. 2011-15; 2016–20)                                                             •   Clean Power Plan
                                                                                                                     (proposed 2015, awaiting
                         •   Pilot carbon emissions 		                                                               legal ruling)
                             trading schemes

                         •   Moratorium on new coal mine
                             and possibly coal-fired power
                             station approvals (2016); plan
                             to eliminate 500 million
                             tonnes of coal capacity

  GHG targets

  Short term             •   2020: Carbon dioxide                      •   2020: 20% reduction in                •   2020: 17% reduction in
                             emissions intensity of GDP                    annual greenhouse gas 		                  annual greenhouse gas
                             50% lower than in 2005                        emissions compared with 1990              emissions compared with 2005
                             (13th Five Year Plan)
                                                                                                                 •   2025: 26 -28% reduction in
                                                                                                                     annual greenhouse gas
                                                                                                                     emissions compared with
                                                                                                                     2005 (NDC)

  Medium term            •   2030: Peak carbon dioxide 		              •   2030: 40% reduction in                •   2030: proposed 32% reduction
                             emissions by 2030 or earlier;                 annual greenhouse gas 		                  in annual greenhouse gas
                             CO2 intensity of GDP of 60-		                 emissions compared with                   emissions compared with
                             65% below 2005 (NDC)                          1990 (NDC)                                2005 for power sector

  Long term              N/A                                           •   2050: 80–95% reduction in             N/A
                                                                           annual greenhouse gas
                                                                           emissions compared with 1990

  Renewables             •   15% of primary energy                     •   20% of primary energy                 •   20% of electricity from
                             from low-carbon sources by 		                 from Renewables by 2020                   non-hydro renewables
  targets                    2020                                          (with individual Member 		                by 2030 (President
                                                                           States’ targets)                          announcement 2015)
                         •   20% of primary energy from
                             low-carbon sources by 2030.               •   27% of primary energy
                                                                           from renewables by 2030
                                                                           (no individual targets)

  Energy efficiency      •   Energy conservation targets in            •   20% improvement in energy 		          •   20% of electricity from
                             the Five Year Plans                           efficiency vs ‘business as usual’         non-hydro renewables by
  targets                                                                  by 2020;                                  2030 (Presidential
                         •   Energy efficiency standards for                                                         announcement, 2015)
                             vehicles, buildings, appliances 		        •   27% improvement in energy
                             and industrial equipment                      efficiency vs ‘business as usual’
                                                                           by 2030

                                                                       •   Emission standards for light
                                                                           duty vehicles

                                                                       •   Energy efficiency standards
                                                                           for buildings

3. Economic
                     factors affecting
                        climate policy
Different economic                  took place in China (Green            population of 1.36 billion in 2013.
circumstances, including            & Stern, 2015). As a result of        China’s urbanisation plan has
resource endowments (Figure         this heavy-industry-focused           a target urban population of
2) and the carbon intensity of      growth model, overall energy          60 per cent by 2020 (Xinhua,
manufacturing sectors, within       consumption, fuelled by coal          2014b), implying a total of
the three jurisdictions affect      in particular, soared during          about 850 million urban
the preferences of businesses       this period (see Green & Stern,       residents on the assumption
and other stakeholders, which       2015; Green & Stern, 2016).           that China’s total population
in turn can influence the design,   This has led to a large increase      at that time will be around
implementation and outcomes         in emissions of greenhouse            1.4 billion. China can manage
of climate change policies.         gases — especially in the period      this extraordinary urbanisation
                                    between 2001 and 2013 — as            in a way that reduces traffic
China                               well as significant local pollution   congestion and inefficient
                                    effects (particularly from coal       public transport, as well as air
China is a middle-income            power plants), triggering public      pollution, and builds adequate
developing country. While its       demand for climate policies and       infrastructure for energy, water
formerly centralised economy        stimulating Government action.        and waste; this would also
has been gradually opened-up                                              limit greenhouse gas emissions
and marketised since the late       The way in which China                (Floater, Rode, Friedel &
1970s, a high proportion of its     manages its rapid urbanisation        Robert, 2014).
economy remains under state         will also influence the trajectory
control. State-owned enterprises    of its emissions pathway in the       Political attention has recently
(SOEs) dominate in the energy       future. China’s urban population      moved from a near-exclusive
sector — particularly fossil fuel   is expected to increase from          focus on generating high
businesses — and in numerous        around 700 million in 2013 to         rates of economic growth,
other high-carbon sectors,          around 850 million in 2020,           to a greater emphasis on
such as steel and cement            and to approach 1 billion in          the quality of growth, often
manufacturing. Its industrial       the late 2020s (World Bank &          referred to as the ‘new normal’,
development has heavily relied      Development Research Center           creating greater political
on fossil fuels, especially large   of the State Council, 2014).          space for policies that reduce
domestic coal resources. In 2013,   World Bank (2015a; 2015b) data        greenhouse gas emissions. This
roughly half of the world’s coal,   show China’s urban population         has entailed state support for
steel and cement production         was 53 per cent of China’s total      low and zero -carbon energy

industries, for example China                                 in the regions where these firms                               Luxembourg (World Bank,
matched Europe’s investment in                                operate (Hornby, 2016).                                        2016a) - and in their capability
research and development for                                                                                                 to recover after the crisis.5 Since
renewable energy for the first                                European Union                                                 1990, the EU has experienced a
time in 2015, spending US$2.8                                                                                                general decoupling of economic
billion (Frankfurt School-UNEP                                In the past three decades, the                                 growth from greenhouse gas
Centre/BNEF, 2016). This has                                  European Union (EU) has seen a                                 emissions. Overall, energy
entailed measures to reduce                                   rapid increase in its dependence                               industries are by far the largest
over-capacity in the coal and                                 on imported fossil fuels,                                      source of emissions, accounting
steel sectors through targets for                             especially from volatile suppliers                             for about 33 per cent of the
capacity reduction, and funds                                 such as Russia, which has led to                               total in 20116, followed by
to restructure poorly-performing                              growing concerns over security                                 the transport sector (21 per
companies and resettle                                        of supply. Net imports increased                               cent) and manufacturing and
millions of displaced workers                                 from less than 40 per cent                                     construction (20 per cent)
from these industries.                                        of gross energy consumption                                    (European Commission, 2014).
                                                              in the 1980s to reach 53 per
These new economic dynamics                                   cent by 2013 (Eurostat, 2015a).                                Structural and public budget
have made it both easier                                      This has provided a common                                     reforms have been the main
and more justifiable for the                                  motivation for Member States                                   priorities in the aftermath of
Government to develop further                                 to seek climate policies that                                  the financial crisis in the EU.
climate change policies, as these                             also reduce energy use or create                               However, short-term boosts, in
are now seen as net-beneficial                                substitutions for imported fossil                              the form of ‘green’ investment
and complementary to the ‘new                                 fuels. Yet large disparities in                                (see e.g. Spencer, Bernoth,
normal’ growth model and the                                  economic performance and                                       Chancel, Guerin, & Neuhoff,
wide-ranging reforms needed                                   fossil fuel endowments between                                 2012) that could increase
to fully achieve it. However, fully                           Member States have affected                                    productivity and employment,
implementing the new growth                                   their willingness to commit to                                 improve economic resilience
model requires considerable                                   ambitious climate objectives.                                  against fossil fuel prices, and
reform of institutions, including                                                                                            facilitate the low-carbon
SOEs and the financial sector,                                While the EU’s GDP almost                                      transition, are needed to meet
as well as fiscal arrangements                                doubled between 1990 and                                       EU climate change objectives.
(IMF, 2015). Implementation is                                20124, the growth slowed down                                  Although innovation is a stated
being affected by the political                               and declined in 2008 and 2009,                                 policy priority for the EU to
economy that has evolved                                      and then again in 2012, due to                                 enhance competitiveness
under the old model of growth.                                the global financial crisis. Yet the                           (European Commission, 2014),
High-carbon producers and                                     EU still retains the largest share                             public and private financial
energy-intensive manufacturers,                               of the world GDP among the                                     support for low-carbon research
which tend to be concentrated                                 three jurisdictions, at about 17.3                             and development is relatively
in particular regions, will                                   per cent in 2014 (World Bank,                                  low. Private investment in
likely suffer financial and job                               2016b). However, there are large                               research and development in
losses, leading to resistance                                 differences among the Member                                   the energy sector is four to five
from the affected sectors                                     States in per capita income                                    times lower now than it was 20
(disproportionately SOEs) and                                 – ranging from US$17,200                                       years ago (International Energy
the sub-national governments                                  in Bulgaria to US$98,500 in                                    Agency, 2015).

    EU GDP increased by 44 % (in volume terms)
    In 2014 growth rates ranged from negative 0.4 per cent in Croatia, Finland and Italy, to positive 5.2 per cent in Ireland (The World Bank, 2016a).
    2011 is the last year for which official UNFCCC data is available.

Figure 2. Primary energy
supply (2012)




0%                                20%                               40%                                60%                                80%         100%

         Coal (domestic)                                            Coal (import)                                                  Oil (domestic)

         Oil (import)                                               Gas (domestic)                                                 Gas (import)

         Nuclear                                                    RES, biofuel & waste

United States                                                The economic importance of                                   2007), notably the Renewable
                                                             the energy-intensive industries                              Fuel Standard programme
The United States (US) can                                   varies greatly between States.                               from the Environmental
count on large domestic                                      For example, the mining sector                               Protection Agency (Earley,
resources of coal, oil and gas,                              (crude oil, natural gas, coal                                2009).9 However, the energy
especially thanks to the recent                              and ore extraction) contributed                              security argument has not
development of shale reserves.                               only 2 per cent to total US GDP                              proved sufficiently powerful
Furthermore, it is still reliant                             in 2013, but its share of GDP in                             to generate broader support
on significant energy imports,                               some States, such as in Texas,                               for climate change action in
especially of oil. This has                                  Wyoming, Alaska and West                                     other areas. Energy security
contributed to relatively high                               Virginia, accounts for more than                             has become less of a policy
emissions per capita in the US7,                             10 per cent (EIA, 2014). Elected                             driver because of the large-
which in 2014 were the world’s                               representatives in these States                              scale development of hydraulic
third largest, after Saudi Arabia                            tend to strongly oppose federal                              fracturing and horizontal
and Australia. Overall, the key                              climate change regulations.                                  drilling in the US. Significant
sectors responsible for the                                                                                               emissions reductions have been
highest shares of greenhouse                                 Reliance on imported fossil fuels                            achieved in the past decade
gas emissions, and therefore the                             (particularly oil) in the past has                           due to non-policy drivers, in
ones where mitigation policies                               led to strategic concerns about                              particular the substitution
are most needed, are electricity                             energy security8, motivating                                 of coal in power stations as
generation (about 31 per cent                                legislation that has mandated                                the price of natural gas has
in 2013), transportation (27 per                             larger use of renewable fuels                                dropped due to the abundance
cent) and industry (21 per cent).                            in the transport sector (Leiby,                              of supply from shale reserves

     About 16.5 tonnes in 2014 (Oliver, J., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Muntean, M., Peters, J., 2015)
     In 2007, oil imports made up over 60 per cent of annual petroleum consumption, a quarter of it coming from the Middle East.
     The increased use of bioethanol, however, has generated concerns over biodiversity impacts and raising food prices

and the reduction in demand for       it might be, financing harder                                priorities following the
electricity during the financial      to obtain, and the innovation                                US elections in November
crisis and economic downturn          pipeline unsecured for the future                            (see Chapter 6).
(OECD, 2014). Yet overall the         (Brookings, 2011). The future of
low-carbon sectors in the US          clean technology investment will                             Table 3 summarises the key
economy remain relatively             remain strongly dependent on                                 economic factors and their
slow-growing. Furthermore,            policy choice in the absence of                              influence on climate change
evidence suggests that the            strong economic signals, such as                             policies in the three jurisdictions.
scale-up of new technologies          carbon pricing. The US therefore
has not been maximised due in         appears particularly vulnerable
part to policies that have left       to possible sudden changes in
domestic demand weaker than           Presidential and Congressional

Table 3. Summary of economic
factors affecting policy

                                       China                                          EU                                      US

  Energy                   •   Domestic access to                      •   Large fossil fuel                   •   High endowments of
                               cheap coal                                  import dependency                       oil and natural gas (including
  resources                                                                                                        from shale)
                           •   Imports most of its oil and 		          •   Wide differences in domestic
                               natural gas, and some coal                  resources between                   •   Domestic access to
                                                                           Member States (e.g. coal 		             cheap coal
                                                                           in Poland; natural gas in
                                                                           the Netherlands)                    •   Switch to natural gas has
                                                                                                                   reduced coal in electricity
                                                                       •   Nuclear phase-out is                    generation mix
                                                                           being discussed in several
                                                                           Member States

  Importance of            •   Structural change toward 		             •   Coal- and natural gas-		            •   Their influence varies
                               higher value-added 		                       powered energy utilities and            greatly across States, but in
  energy-intensive             manufacturing                               large energy users can be               some they are very powerful
                               and service sectors                         strong economic players.
  industries                                                               Their influence tends to be 		      •   Leader in innovation on energy
                           •   High-carbon producers                       offset by lower-carbon                  efficiency technologies
                               and energy-intensive 		                     sectors in western Member
                               manufacturers play large 		                 States but not eastern
                               role in some regions;                       Member States)
                               require financial support for

  Energy security          •   Energy security concerns have           •   Strong concerns over 		             •   Historical energy security
                               been strong motivator for 		                increasing oil and natural gas 		       concerns concerning crude
                               energy conservation and                     import dependency, especially           oil, but recently mitigated by
                               alternative energy policies 		              from Russia                             domestic shale oil exploitation
                               since ~2006

  Implications             •   Delicate balance between 		             •   Some Western Member                 •   Strong lobbying from coal, oil
                               economic development 		                     States push for renewables              and natural gas industries
  of economic                  concerns and climate                        as economic and energy
                               change mitigation                           security opportunity                •   Increasing counterweight
  factors for                                                                                                      from growing renewables
  climate policy           •   Increasing importance of low 		         •   Eastern coal-rich 			                   sector (solar and wind)as a
                               carbon industry to economy                  Member States driven towards            result of decreasing costs of
                                                                           less ambitious climate action           low-carbon technologies
                           •   Recent strong investments
                               in renewables                           •   Lobbying from both                  •   Energy producing and
                                                                           carbon-intensive and low-		             industrial States can delay
                           •   State-owned enterprises can 		              carbon industries                       climate legislation
                               exert high influence

4. Institutions
                    for climate policy
                    development and

Institutions make and shape          enforcement and oversight          of particular importance for
climate policies. Institutional      of their policies. Institutions    guaranteeing transparency
systems define how power is          generate a mix of sanctions        and generating trust between
distributed among decision-          and incentives which steers        parties. Based on the United
making bodies (i.e. legislative,     political, social and economic     Nations Framework Convention
jurisdictional and executive         actors towards certain types       on Climate Change, we define
branches) and across levels of       of behaviour (Ostrom, 2015;        monitoring as the measurement
administration (i.e. federal or      Purdon, 2015). Whether these       of efforts to address climate
central systems of governance).      go in the direction intended by    change and of the impacts
The way power is distributed         policy-makers is often difficult   of these efforts, including the
across different institutional       to predict at the stage of         level of emissions of greenhouse
bodies also affects the extent       policy development. Successful     gases by sources and removals
to which political leaders can       implementation thus depends        by sinks, overall emissions
exert influence. Overall, the        on the institutional capacity      reductions and other co-
concentration of authority           possessed by policy-makers to      benefits. Reporting refers to the
can facilitate leadership if key     correct for unintended policy      presentation and transmission
policy-makers are personally         outcomes (Jänicke, 1992). The      of data, measurements, and
committed to climate action,         monitoring, reporting and          associated analysis. Verification
in the same way that this can        verification (MRV) mechanisms      refers to the evaluation of
lead to stagnation in climate        in place can help detect when      emissions reductions and other
policy if they are not (Harrison &   policies ‘go off-course’ and       information that is measured
Sundstrom, 2007).                    provide necessary tools to         and reported.
                                     measure and improve their
On the other hand, institutions      performance. In addition, they     Institutions vary greatly across
affect climate policies because      enable comparability of climate    the three jurisdictions. However,
implementation depends, to a         action between nations. In         there are some similarities in
large extent, on the capacities      the context of international       the way that these institutions
institutions have to ensure          climate negotiations, MRV is       affect the development and
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