Climate change related credit risk Case study for U.S. mortgage loans - May 2021, Roland Walles, Rutger Jansen and Marco Folpmers - Deloitte

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Climate change related credit risk Case study for U.S. mortgage loans - May 2021, Roland Walles, Rutger Jansen and Marco Folpmers - Deloitte
Climate change related credit risk | Case study for U.S. mortgage loans

Climate change related credit risk
Case study for U.S. mortgage loans
May 2021, Roland Walles, Rutger Jansen and Marco Folpmers

Climate change related credit risk Case study for U.S. mortgage loans - May 2021, Roland Walles, Rutger Jansen and Marco Folpmers - Deloitte
Climate change related credit risk | Case study for U.S. mortgage loans

Quantifying climate change
related credit risk in banking
There is an increasing importance for banks to measure climate risk due to
climate change. Financial regulators see climate risk as an emerging risk. Banks
are expected to incorporate climate risk in their risk management practices.
Furthermore, multiple regulators announced stress tests on climate risk. This
article describes a case study performed to quantify climate risks in a US
mortgage portfolio. The study explores both types of climate risk, physical risk
(i.e. flooding) and transition risk (e.g. carbon tax), and their implications for the
default risk of a portfolio of mortgages. Furthermore, the physical risk of
flooding of the mortgaged home is a statistically significant driver of mortgage
defaults in 46 of 50 states.

Climate change impacts today’s world as                         Climate risk and credit risk                Regulators on Climate
temperature records are broken every                            Climate risks can be divided into
year and natural catastrophes become                            physical risks and transition risks.        related financial risk
more frequent and intense. A                                    Physical risks are a direct result of
fundamental change to a more                                    climate change. They include an             Recent publications by supervisory
sustainable growth path is required to                          increased frequency and severity of         institutions:
prevent any permanent, devastating                              extreme weather events (e.g.                    The ECB published guidelines on how
consequences of climate change.                                 cyclones, floods, and wildfires). Other         it expects institutions to consider
Financial regulators recognise that such                        physical risks are more chronic and             climate-related and environmental
a change may impact the stability of                            long term (e.g. changing weather                risks
economies.                                                      patterns, and rising sea levels). In this       The EBA’s action plan on sustainable
                                                                study flood risk is analysed. The study         finance announces work on guidelines
Financial institutions need to identify,                        first investigates the default rates of         for ESG risk management
quantify and mitigate the financial risks                       the US mortgage portfolio in relation           The BIS published a comprehensive
related to climate change where the                             to floods that have occurred in the
                                                                                                                review of approaches to address
financial sector is impacted. In addition,                      past.
                                                                                                                climate risks within central banks’
the sector has an active role in
combatting climate change and                                   On the other hand, transition risks             financial stability mandate
transitioning into a sustainable                                relate to the transition into a more            The EBA’s Guidelines on Loan
development trajectory. Financial                               sustainable, low carbon economy.                Origination and Monitoring requires
institutions as well as regulatory                              These risks may be related to                   ESG criteria to be incorporated in the
authorities are exploring methods for                           government policy, such as the                  underwriting processes
quantifying these climate risks. The BIS                        introduction of a carbon tax.                   EBA launched a public consultation on
publication (see box) already explicitly                        Transition risks can be modelled using          draft technical standards on Pillar 3
calls for the development of forward-                           scenario analysis, with a future                disclosures of ESG risks
looking scenario-based analyses of                              scenario describing a development
climate-change-related risks.                                   related to climate change mitigation.
                                                                Transition risks can result from
                                                                developments and investments in new

Climate change related credit risk Case study for U.S. mortgage loans - May 2021, Roland Walles, Rutger Jansen and Marco Folpmers - Deloitte
Climate change related credit risk | Case study for U.S. mortgage loans

Figure 1 - A schematic overview of the model setup with the physical risk model producing a mortgage loan specific PD. The
transition risk model produces a scenario-based prediction of the portfolio default rate.

technologies, changes in consumer                               on static characteristics of the loan,          write-offs on investments in energy-
behaviour and preferences, as well as                           obligor and collateral at origination. The      intensive industries. The policy scenario
costs of raw materials. This can lead                           transition risk is incorporated through         consists of the introduction of a carbon
traditional factors of production to                            scenario analysis. Future transition            tax, raising the price of oil and natural
become economically obsolete. Suppose                           scenarios are simulated in a macro-             gas. The confidence scenario considers a
a significant number of consumers                               econometric model to calculate an               consumer demand decrease of 1%
choose to cut down on meat                                      adjustment to the base probability of           compared to 2019 for the next five
consumption. This change in consumer                            default depending on the scenario.              years. The last scenario considers a
preferences will lead to a lower demand                         Flood risk drivers are used alongside           combination of the technology and
for products from the meat industry.                            traditional financial risk drivers in a logit   policy scenarios as a double shock.
Meat production is much more labour-                            model. This model distinguishes the risk
intensive than the production of its                            of default of individual mortgage loans.        This study uses a macro-economic
alternatives. Therefore, the sectoral                           Flood risk depends on the location of a         model to estimate the effect of each
slowdown in output increases                                    mortgaged home. The risk of financing a         scenario on the defaults in the mortgage
unemployment in the sector because                              home in a flood plain is higher than that       loan portfolio. The macro-economic
less work is required to meet demand.                           of financing a home on a hilltop when all       model consists of a network of
On average, a rise in unemployment                              other risk drivers are the same. This set-      econometric relationships. These
leads to an increase in mortgage loan                           up disregards that when flooding occurs,        relationships are captured within
defaults.                                                       multiple loans are affected.                    statistical models with coefficients
                                                                                                                estimated based on historical
Case study methodology for physical                             The transition risk is modelled using four      timeseries. The estimated macro-
and transition risk                                             transition scenarios. The scenarios were        economic model is used as a simulation
                                                                defined by the Dutch central bank in a          engine. The simulation is based on a
Figure 1 illustrates the set-up of the                          study of the climate change impact on           future scenario and the subsequent
study and shows how both physical and                           the Dutch financial sector in the context       impact on the development of the
transition risks are incorporated in the                        of an energy transition stress test             economy. This simulation results in a
Probability of Default (PD) model for the                       (Vermeulen et al., 2018). These                 scenario-dependent forecast of key
US mortgage loan portfolio. Physical risk                       scenarios are presented in Figure 3.            drivers of the portfolio default rate (e.g.
is considered at the loan level. The                                                                            the unemployment rate). The annual
physical risk considered in this                                The four scenarios are the confidence,          portfolio default rate is then predicted
explorative study is flooding. Flood risk                       policy, technology and double shock. A          using a time-series regression model.
is used, together with financial risk                           scenario is defined by a time series for
drivers, to discriminate in the riskiness                       the next five years. The technology
of individual loans. The loan level model                       scenario considers a doubling of the
results in a base PD. In this explorative                       share of renewable energy in the energy
study the loan level model only depends                         mix in the next five years, as well as

Climate change related credit risk Case study for U.S. mortgage loans - May 2021, Roland Walles, Rutger Jansen and Marco Folpmers - Deloitte
Climate change related credit risk | Case study for U.S. mortgage loans

         Figure 2 - Description of transition scenarios used.

         Source: DNB, An energy transition stress test for the financial system of the Netherlands.

Case study results: Impact flood risk on
PD of mortgage loans
There are different drivers of mortgage
loan defaults. Conventional default
models typically consider financial
drivers such as the loan-to-value, the
interest rate or the borrower’s credit
score to determine the risk of default of
individual loans. A logit model with
financial risk drivers produces an
estimate of the PD based on
characteristics of the individual
mortgage loan.
                                                                          Figure 3 - The default rate between 2000 and 2019 for mortgages in
Physical risks tend to materialise locally.                               each U.S. state.
Therefore, specific physical risks such as
drought or changing weather patterns
may be important drivers for mortgage
loan defaults in some states, but less
relevant in other states. The approach
followed in this study allows the
inclusion of physical risk drivers in
general in a logit model. Given the local
character of physical risks, a specific
physical risk can be included in the
model for one state but may not be
considered in another. For example, a                                     Figure 4 - The natural logarithm of the number of claims in the
risk driver of wildfires may be important                                 National Flood Insurance Program per household in the last 50 years
in the model for California, but                                          as of August 2019.
disregarded in a model for Iowa.

Climate change related credit risk Case study for U.S. mortgage loans - May 2021, Roland Walles, Rutger Jansen and Marco Folpmers - Deloitte
Climate change related credit risk | Case study for U.S. mortgage loans

Figure 3 shows the default rate for                             Case study results: Impact transition          highest, because of the high
mortgage loans in the portfolio for each                        risk on PD of mortgage loans                   unemployment rate.
state between 2000 and 2019. Figure 4                           The macro-economic simulation engine
shows the flood risk that each state is                         calculates the impact of each scenario         Confidence shock
exposed to. There is considerable                               on three economic drivers of mortgage          The confidence shock scenario has a
overlap between states that have a high                         loan defaults. These drivers are the           large impact on industrial employment
default rate and those that have a high                         unemployment rate, inflation and               resulting in a high unemployment rate
frequency of flood insurance claims. This                       growth in economic activity. Of these          as well. However, there is a high degree
suggests flood risk drivers can be                              three risk drivers, the unemployment           of uncertainty around this estimate,
considered to supplement conventional                           rate is the most important driver of the       because the economic system is very
risk drivers when modeling the PD of the                        portfolio default rate. These risk drivers     sensitive to changes in consumer
mortgage loan portfolio.                                        are evaluated for each of the scenarios        demand. Inflation remains stable at
                                                                in Figure 2.                                   normal levels. Inflation is indirectly
The model coefficients are estimated                                                                           affected by the confidence shock. The
with historical data that includes a                            Technology shock                               large peak of the unemployment rate
binary variable indicating whether a                            The technology shock scenario leads to a       translates into a peak in the portfolio
mortgage loan has defaulted or not                              decrease in the unemployment rate.             default rate in this scenario.
during the covered period between                               This may indicate that new ”green” jobs
2000 and 2019. The logit model                                  are created that are associated with           Double shock
translates this binary value into an                            renewable energy production. These             Lastly, the double shock scenario shows
estimated PD. A logit model is calibrated                       new jobs lead the technology shock to          a mix of the results from both the policy
for each state. Flood risk is measured                          have the smallest impact on the                and technology shock scenarios. The
with the percentage of National Flood                           portfolio default rate.                        portfolio default rate for this scenario is
Insurance claims filed per flood zone in                                                                       in between the technology and policy
the area of the mortgaged property in                           Policy shock:                                  scenario. This means that the adverse
these logit models. The total number of                         In the policy shock scenario, economic         effects of the policy and technology
claims is added as a control variable. A                        output is not impacted. Furthermore,           scenarios do not reinforce each other.
chi-square test for the marginal                                inflation has slightly decreased as a          The effects of the technology shock
significance of the flood-related                               result of indirect effects on industrial       dominate in the double shock scenario.
variables shows that flood risk is a driver                     prices. Unemployment remains fairly
of the PD in 46 states at the 1%                                high up to 2023. Therefore the portfolio       Summarising, the scenarios where
significance level.                                             default rate in this scenario is one of the    unemployment is high lead to the

                                                               Portfolio default rates in the four scenarios


     Portfolio default rate






                                    2020                        2021                    2022                   2023                     2024

                                                        Technology            Policy        Confidence         Double

Figure 5 - Point estimates for the portfolio default rate for each of the four scenarios.

Climate change related credit risk | Case study for U.S. mortgage loans

highest default rate. The policy shock                          related impact and include limited
scenario introduces a carbon tax that is                        macro-economic indicators. The use of a
levied on carbon emissions introducing a                        simulation engine for the economy
form of carbon pricing. The introduction                        based on co-integration models allows
of a carbon tax in the policy shock and a                       for the translation of climate-related
drop in consumer expenditure in the                             variables to economic indicators. The
confidence shock lead to the highest                            simulation engine can supplement
unemployment rate and therefore also                            scenarios with relevant macro-economic
the highest portfolio default rate. In the                      indicators of financial risk, associated
technology shock scenario the share of                          with any financial instrument.
renewable energy doubles, and the
unemployment rate drops from                                    For financial institutions it is important
conventional levels. Therefore, this                            to have a method in place that produces
scenario leads to the lowest default rate                       forward-looking scenarios in order to
of all scenarios.                                               quantify climate risk. This study can
                                                                serve as an example of how climate
To estimate the climate PD at the                               related risks can be incorporated in PD
bottom of Figure 1, the physical risk                           modelling for a specific portfolio.
results and the transition risk results                         However, climate risk modelling
must be combined. The logit model with                          methodologies are still evolving and
physical risk drivers aims to distinguish                       there is still a lot to learn and to
in the riskiness of individual loans,                           develop. It remains a challenge for
independent of time. The transition risk                        institutions to find the right methods to
default rate considers the entire                               identify, quantify and monitor climate
portfolio over the next five years in line                      risks. Now that regulatory requirements
with the Dutch central bank’s scenario                          are taking shape, institutions should
horizon . The scenario dependent                                develop methods to quantify climate-
default rate relative to the historical                         related risks for their exposures.
average default rate can be used as an
adjustment factor on the physical risk                          References
PD to derive the climate PD.                                    O’Neill, B. C., Kriegler, E., Riahi, K., Ebi, K.
                                                                L., Hallegatte, S., Carter, T. R., ... & van
Considerations and next steps                                   Vuuren, D. P. (2014). A new scenario
In the context of a logit model, flood risk                     framework for climate change research:
drivers are a statistically significant                         the concept of shared socioeconomic
driver of mortgage loan default when                            pathways. Climatic change, 122(3), 387-
used alongside traditional default risk                         400.
drivers. The logit model in this blog
disregards that floods may impact                               Vermeulen, R., Schets, E., Lohuis, M.,
multiple loans at the same time. As a                           Kolbl, B., Jansen, D. J., & Heeringa, W.
next step this research could benefit                           (2018). An energy transition risk stress
from a more complex loan-level model                            test for the financial system of the
that incorporates the systemic nature of                        Netherlands (No. 1607). Netherlands
flood risk, more dynamic risk drivers and                       Central Bank, Research Department.
more physical risk drivers such as heat
stress and pole rot.                                            Van Vuuren, D. P., Edmonds, J.,
                                                                Kainuma, M., Riahi, K., Thomson, A.,
In addition, scenario analysis can be                           Hibbard, K., ... & Rose, S. K. (2011). The
used to estimate the financial risk                             representative concentration pathways:
associated with existing climate                                an overview. Climatic change, 109(1), 5-
scenarios such as the IPCC’s                                    31.
Representative Concentration Pathways
(Van Vuuren et al., 2011) or the Shared-
Socio-Economic pathways (O’Neill et al.,
2014). These scenarios are now solely
defined in terms of the climate-change-

Climate change related credit risk | Case study for U.S. mortgage loans

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