Class of 2021 - Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute/Kingston Secondary School

Page created by Nicholas Rice
Class of 2021 - Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute/Kingston Secondary School
2020‐2021 STAFF

                                                                    Principals: Darlene Scarle & Talya McKenna

 Kingston Collegiate and Vocational       Ahmad, Hudabia
                                                         Vice‐Principals: Margaret Connelly, Lonny Gibson & Bryan Lambert
                                                                  Farahani, Beverly              Lienhard, Max              Switzer, Rob

Institute/Kingston Secondary School       Alexander, Gareth
                                          Allum, Andrew
                                          Anderson, Lauren
                                                                  Farquharson, Leslie
                                                                  Ferguson, Tamiko
                                                                  Fitzgerald, Kyle
                                                                                                 Llew‐Williams, Laurie
                                                                                                 Loken, David
                                                                                                 Loughlin, Laurie
                                                                                                                            Thompson, Cory
                                                                                                                            Thorne, Kim
                                                                                                                            Timmins, Kris e
                                          Andre a, Ann Marie      Ford, Elizabeth                Lynn, Adam                 Vanhooser, Shaun
                                          Ash, Mackenzie          Foreman, Lexa                  MacDonald, Amanda          Warren, Gary
                                          Babcock, Jack           Fraser, Kevin                  Mason, Lynne               Watson, Adam
                                          Bartolo, Chris          Funkenhauser, Kurt             McKay, John                Wa , Brandon
                                          Beals, Bonnie           Garrod, Wes                    McConkey, Sheri            Whi ield, Joanne
                                          Bearse, Rachel          Ga o, Jason                    McLachlin, Michelle        Willsteed, Becky
                                          Beye e, Susan           Gauthier‐Jolliffe, Emilie       McLaughlin, Glenn          Witherspoon, Eric
                                          Blackstock, John        Gillespie, Tania               McLeod, Ma                 Wood, Kevin
                                          Borenko, Laura          Gollogly, Kris na              McNamara, Mark             Woods, Dominique
                                          Bradlynn, Bety          Graham Burra, Katherine        Millar, Larry              Wyncoll, Erica
                                          Brash, Logan            Grew, Adrian                   Moore, Ruth
                                          Brennan, Brad           Haberer, Stephan               Morris‐Pocock, Bonney
                                          Brouillard, Katherine   Hale, Julia                    Munro, Kyla
                                          Bushell, Charles        Hamilton, Emma‐Jane            Munroe, Caroline
                                          Cameron, David          Hannah, David                  Nielson, Leif
                                          Campbell, Ma hew        Harrison‐Priddle, Cole         Party, Chris
                                          Caravan, Kelli          Hargrove, Tracy                Penny, Liane
                                          Carrière, Marc          Howie, Stephanie               Poling, Ryan
                                          Carquez, Rick           Huskilson, Helena              Prac cante, Nelia
                                          Chambers, Deirdre       Irvine, Karen                  Prendergast, Deanne
                                          Chambers, Jordan        James, Kim                     Purbhoo‐Hayter– Adrienne
                                          Clement, Ryan           Kellar, Amy                    Randle, Melissa
                                          Compeau, Kyle           Kiley, Rob                     Reid, Tina
                                          Corkey, Tonya           Kinach, Brodie                 Rose, Fraser
                                          Crook, Jo‐Anne          Kirby, Meaghan                 Rymal, Morgann

   Class of 2021
                                          Cross, Tim              Koob, Megan                    Saunders, Ma
                                          Davis, Helen            Kreick, Sarah                  Schacter‐Tribe, Dylan
                                          Delva, Luke             Lambert, Tammy                 Siltanen, Kirs
                                          De Rooy, Jordan         Laird, Robert                  Steele, Callum
                                          Evans, Angela           Laughlin, Jennifer             Stewart, Heather

              G R A D U A T IO N                                   Congratulations, Retiring Staff!
      JU N E 23R D A N D 24TH      2021
                                               Jack Babcock, John Blackstock, Helen Davis, Laurie Llew‐Williams and Ma Saunders
Class of 2021 - Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute/Kingston Secondary School
Greetings from Area Trustee, Tom Gingrich                                                                               Graduation Remarks from KSS Principal, Darlene Scarlett
I am honoured to bring gree ngs and congratula ons from the Limestone District School Board of Trustees to the          Congratula ons to the first gradua ng class of Kingston Secondary School.
gradua ng class of 2021.
                                                                                                                        The last 15 months of the pandemic have been challenging for students around the world. You
Today marks the culmina on of four years of hard work and dedica on to your studies. It is a me to acknowledge
and celebrate your achievements, your experiences, your friendships, and your wishes and hopes for the future. You      have persevered and successfully completed your Ontario Secondary School Diploma and I am
have made sacrifices over the past pandemic year, and while challenging, you have successfully navigated the final        honoured to celebrate this incredible accomplishment with you. In addi on, you moved mid‐
year of your high school career. You will forever remember your mes in this school, and your important role as part     year from Kingston Collegiate and Voca onal Ins tute, your school since grade nine, to the new
of a caring and resilient community.
                                                                                                                        Kingston Secondary School. I have been inspired by the way students have adapted and made
I hope you take some me to celebrate your wonderful accomplishment during this extraordinary me in history. You         the best of the pandemic restric ons by enthusias cally engaging in on‐line classes and provid‐
have shown us that anything is possible if you believe in yourself. As you move on to your next chapter, stay posi ve   ing leadership and ge ng involved in various clubs and ac vi es. The “Together we Can” a ‐
and con nue to learn and lean upon the solid founda on you have received.
                                                                                                                        tude of senior students is evident in your leadership through these challenging days. You have
I would also like to extend our gra tude to school staff and administra on, and to families and the larger school com‐   made a posi ve difference to peers, younger students, teachers, and community members. I am
munity for their con nued support of all students. By working together, we have helped prepare these graduates for
                                                                                                                        extremely proud of how you have managed these challenges and I am confident that you will
future milestones.
                                                                                                                        make a posi ve impact on the lives of others as you move on from Kingston Secondary School.
I offer you our most sincere best wishes as you enter the next chapter of your journey. Congratula ons!
                                                                                                                        As you con nue to follow your chosen pathways from Kingston Secondary School, remember to
Tom Gingrich, Trustee of Kingscourt‐Rideau & King’s Town and Joy Morning, Trustee of Williamsville & Sydenham
                                                                                                                        live your lives and build rela onships with others with a focus on love, kindness, and compassion
                                                                                                                        for others. The pandemic has made us all appreciate the in‐person connec ons we make and
                                                                                                                        how important it is to foster and build long‐las ng rela onships with others.
Greetings from LDSB Associate Superintendent, Steve Hedderson                                                           We are presen ng each graduate with a special package to celebrate this momentous occasion
The Graduates of 2021 are an inspiring cohort of students who have shown perseverance, resiliency, and strength
                                                                                                                        which includes the following: your academic accomplishments, a Class of 2021 Kingston
during unprecedented mes. Graduates, as your secondary school journey comes to a close, remember that                   Secondary School pin, and your me capsule wri ng that you completed in grade nine. We hope
throughout your school experiences you have gained incredible knowledge and skills, which will serve as a strong        you cherish the fact that you are making history today as the first gradua ng class of Kingston
founda on moving forward.                                                                                               Secondary School.
You have spent years forging friendships and building community, and this doesn’t change simply because you have
                                                                                                                        Graduates, please make me to show gra tude to those people who have helped support you
graduated. Stay connected, and con nue to surround yourself with people who support you, who are a posi ve influ‐
ence, and who make you happy.                                                                                           along your educa onal journey: parents/guardians, family members, educa onal assistants,
                                                                                                                        support staff, teachers, and friends.
As you begin your next adventure, set goals for yourself and consider what brings you joy. Work towards achieving
those goals, and remember that you travel your own path. Count on your friends and family to support you, appreci‐      To the Kingston Secondary School staff: Your commitment to the success of students is greatly
ate and offer kindness to others, and remember to live your best life. Congratula ons to the Graduates of 2021!
                                                                                                                        appreciated as you have played an instrumental role in helping our graduates achieve their
Steve Hedderson, Associate Superintendent of Programs and ITS                                                           On behalf of the en re staff and Kingston Secondary School community, it has been my privilege
                                                                                                                        to work with the first gradua ng class of Kingston Secondary School. Congratula ons to the
                                                                                                                        Class of 2021!
                                           School Council Chairs:
                                               Ruhi Snyder                                                              Darlene Scarle
                                              Dee Whitmarsh
                                                                                                                        Principal Kingston Secondary School
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Class of 2021 - Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute/Kingston Secondary School
Graduation Remarks from Former Principal of KSS, Talya McKenna                                                                        Kingston Secondary School Virtual Gradua on Remarks & Slideshow

                                                                                                                                                                 June 23 & 24 posted on the KSS Website
This gradua ng class has overcome many challenges this school year, including moving from
KCVI to Kingston Secondary School and con nuing to deal with this ongoing pandemic. We            L       A                            ...................................................................................................................... Gradua ng Student Kibo Mulima
are so proud of you as you have shown true grit and resilience.                                   PRINCIPAL’S REMARKS ..................................................................... KSS Principal Darlene Scarle , Former KSS Principal Talya McKenna
                                                                                                  DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE ............................................................................................................... LDSB Director of Educa on Krishna Burra
You are the proof that each of you carry the special quality of flexibility that you will use to
                                                                                                  LDSB TRUSTEE MESSAGE ......................................................................................................................................... Trustee Tom Gingrich
create a new and be er future for the world. I have never been more proud of you, our cur‐        VALEDICTORIAN’S REMARKS ........................................................................................................................................... Namirah Quadir
rent grads, in what you will accomplish as you move on from Kingston Secondary School.            CLASS POET ........................................................................................................................................................................... Callum Diak

I have two wishes for you. As you con nue to grow and learn that you will accept others,                                                                                     Slideshow: First Class Graduates; KSS

embrace people’s differences, and always choose to be kind.
                                                                                                                                CLASS of 2021– ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL DIPLOMAS & CERTIFICATES
My second wish for you is to con nue to cul vate the habit of being grateful for every good       * Honour Roll: Students who have achieved a minimum 80% average in six courses taken this school year.
thing that comes to you, give thanks con nuously, but understand that all of your rela on‐
                                                                                                  + Ontario Scholars: Students who have achieved a minimum 80% average in six grade 12 courses over their
ships, experiences and support have contributed to your advancement! The people who
                                                                                                  last two years.
have touched your life, the experiences you have shared here, both posi ve and challenging
have made you who you are, and you are richer and stronger for it!                                Abbink, Sydney*+                                                                                         Burke‐Burfoot, Gabe+
                                                                                                  Abdalla‐Alryani, Dounia+                                                                                 Campbell, Ania*+
Graduates, please take the me to thank those people who have helped support you along             Abraha, Daniel*+                                                                                         Campbell, Connor K*+
the way: your parents/guardians and family members, your teachers, and your friends.              Abu Hijleh, Abdel Rahman (Abed)*+                                                                        Campbell, Connor T
On behalf of the en re staff and our Kingston Secondary School community, it has been a            Addison, Karlee                                                                                          Cantaru , Alexandra*+
                                                                                                  Ahmad, Rida*+                                                                                            Cao, Kevin*+
privilege to work with you and your families. Congratula ons to the Class of 2021!
                                                                                                  Aird‐Tousignant, Camille*+                                                                               Champagne, Ashley Marie*+
                                                                                                  Alexander, Spens*+                                                                                       Chiddle, Lucas*+
                                                                                                  Anagnostopoulos, Athan*+                                                                                 Chi enden‐McChesney, Alexandra*+
Talya McKenna                                                                                     Assels ne, Rayna+                                                                                        Chris e, Laura+
                                                                                                  Azroy, Arman*+                                                                                           Christmas, Aiden*+
                                                                                                  Baird, Jackson*                                                                                          Clarke, Owen*
                                                                                                  Ball, Madison*+                                                                                          Collom, Max*+
                                                                                                  Baron, Caelan*+                                                                                          Comber, Zachary*+
                                                                                                  Baron, Devyn*+                                                                                           Coolican, Dan*+
                                                                                                  Barr, Keiran*+                                                                                           Crowe, Jordyn*
                                                                                                  Barsoum, Angelina+                                                                                       Dalton, James*+
                                                                                                  Bechard, Claire*+                                                                                        Da a, Tridib*+
                                                                                                  Bird, Cur s                                                                                              Davies‐Phinney, Huw*+
                                                                                                  Birks, Sterling*                                                                                         Dean, Seth
                                                                                                  Blair, Daina                                                                                             Denique, Ryan
                                                                                                  Bolton‐Wilbee, Holly                                                                                     Devnani, Arjun*+
                                                                                                  Bowers, Skyler+                                                                                          DeVries, Mike*+
                                                                                                  Bridger, Clancy                                                                                          Diak, Callum*+
                                                                                                  Brown, Nicholas                                                                                          Dringenberg, Jakob*+
                                                                                                  Brown, Ma e                                                                                              Duff, Maya*+
                                                                                                  Burke, Shantel                                                                                           Durocher, Sophie*+
                                                                                                  Burke, Billy*+                                                                                           Durst‐Jenkins, Avery*+
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Class of 2021 - Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute/Kingston Secondary School

Ellio , Dawson                              Kelly, Aidan*+                      O'Kane, Miah*+                              Snyder, Jade
Erb, Muirgen                                Kerkeni, Hedy*+                     Pain, Emily*+                               Song, Grace*+
Eves, Jonathan                              Klug, Mara*+                        Pakenham, Alyssa‐Lynne*                     Spencer, Charlo e*+
Fernandez, Felipe*+                         Kofinis, Nicholas*+                  Parker, Lydia*+                             Springer, Juliana*+
Ferrall, Finn*+                             Korba‐Babcock, Jaclyn*+             Pepper, Markus*+                            Stagg, Kailey*+
Findlay, Rebecca                            Kuzma‐Hunt, Liam*+                  Perrin, Jade                                Storring, Sophie*+
Frymire, Clare*+                            La Rue, Lexis*                      Phillips, Sami Jo+                          Sweet‐Montgomery, LillyAnn
Fu, Jolee*+                                 Lahaye, Adriana*+                   Phillips, Zoe*+                             Take, Ollie*+
Furey, David                                Langevin, Aaliyah                   Pick, Avery*+                               Taylor, Jacob*
Gavin, Miguel*+                             Larkin, Illa‐Mae*                   Pilkey, Ma hew*+                            Thoman, Emma
Gearin, Casey*                              Lavigne, Emma*+                     Pinkerton, Lewis*+                          Thornhill, Danny*+
Ghayur, Fizza+                              Lees, Max*+                         Piomelli, Luca*+                            Turco e, Jus n
Gilbert, Eve*+                              Leveque‐Fraser, Mack*+              Polansky‐Shapiro, Reuben+                   Van, Steven*+
Gill, Aus n                                 Lewis, Angela*+                     Por eous, Tristan*+                         van der Merwe, Fabian+
Grimshaw, Errol                             Lowe, Madison                       Po e, Dominic                               van Wylick, Ma hew
Grogan, Louis                               Lyon, Hannah*                       Pyke, Chloe*                                Vandenburg, William*+
Grypma, Jack                                Mack‐Keyte, Anna*+                  Quadir, Namirah*+                           Varma, Quinn*+
Gurnsey, Leo*                               Mackey, Raigilie*+                  Quesnel, Jessi*+                            Wade‐Salay, Griffin*+
Hale, Morgan                                Macleod, Robert*+                   Rabe‐Jantunen, Anyk*                        Wang, Karisa*+
Hammede, Ammar                              MacPherson, Emma                    Ramachandran, Priya*+                       Warren, Jada*+
Hammede, Esma                               Maher, Sommer                       Raymo, Kieran*+                             Waugh, Tessy+
Hanley, Chase                               Mahood, Brighid*+                   Robbins, Jeremy                             Wells, Livia*+
Hannah, Logan*+                             Marin, Adela*+                      Rombough, Blake                             Wheeler‐Dee, Jude*+
He, Kevin*+                                 Ma hew, Jada*+                      Rouleau, Julia                              Wheeler‐Dee, Stella*+
Hefnawi, Sabrina*+                          Maycock, Caroline                   Row, Adelaide*+                             Whitmarsh, Alexander*+
Hillen, Sam*+                               McConaghy, Teagan*+                 Rudie, Ethan                                Wieber, Ashton
Hilliard, Cody                              McGaw, Mason*+                      Sabbagh, Pablo*+                            Williams, Ronny
Hoover, Wally*+                             McNamara, Sara*+                    Safeer, Rida*+                              Williams, Samantha*+
Hope, Ava*+                                 McNasby, Ty                         Sams, Morgan                                Wilson, Connor*+
Horton, Sarah                               McNeill, Emily+                     Saunders‐Lambert, Isaac                     Winch, Noah
Hossenbaccus, Zahraa*+                      McTaggart, Moira                    Schomberg, Jay‐Lyn                          Wirsig, Grace*+
Houston, William*+                          Millo e, Jazmin*+                   Sco , Leilani*+                             Wright, Samuel*
Hussain, Leen*+                             Morais, Manuel*                     Scrimshaw, Dorian*                          Wu, David*+
Iacurci, Wya *                              Morelli, Aziz*+                     Sedgwick, Tom*+                             Youngs, Kyla*
Ingham, Paige*+                             Moyer, Jacob                        Serson, Tay                                 Zborovsky, Anna*+
Irving, Abby*+                              Mulima, Kibo*+                      Seymour, Henry*+                            Zimmerman, Raj *+
Joly, Lauren*+                              Mussells, Lucian*+                  Shenfield, Holden*+
Jones, Jus n                                Neill, Kiara                        Sheridan, Tristan*+
Joyce, Kennedy*+                            Newell, Jillian+                    Sherrow, J.J.*
Joyce, Cole*+                               Nobles, Ridley                      Smeltzer, Ana*
Juul Lintner, Nils                          O'Brien, Jocelyn+                   Smith‐Holmstead, Hannah*+
Kanellos, Benjamin*+                        O'Coin, Logan*+                     Smith‐Holmstead, Emma*+
Kearney, George                                                                 Snyder, Lia*+
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Class of 2021 - Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute/Kingston Secondary School
ONTARIO SPECIALIST HIGH SKILLS MAJOR                                                                        INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA PROGRAMME (IBDP)

A Specialist High Skills Major is awarded to students who complete a bundle of six to twelve courses in a        The IB Diploma Programme is an academically challenging and balanced programme of educa on with final
selected field, such as arts and culture, hospitality and tourism, or construction. In addition to traditional   examina ons that prepares students, aged 16‐19, for success at university and life beyond. It has been
classes, they have learned on the job with employers and at skills training centres, and earned valuable         designed to address the intellectual, social, emo onal and physical well‐being of students. The programme
industry certifications such as first aid, safety and computer technology qualifications.                        has gained recogni on and respect from the world’s leading universi es. The Diploma Programme prepares
                                                                                                                 students for effec ve par cipa on in a rapidly evolving and increasingly global society.

                          Art &Culture                                     Construc on
                        Rayna Assels ne                                     Cur s Bird
                                                                                                                 IB DIPLOMAS
                         Jackson Baird                                    Ashton Wieber
                           Muirgen Erb                                                                           To earn the IB Diploma, a student must successfully complete one course of study from each of six subject
                         Jonathan Eves                                 Hospitality & Tourism                     groups and complete three core requirements: Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and Crea vity,
                           Finn Ferrall                                   Ridley Nobles                          Ac vity and Service.
                          Miguel Gavin                                     Logan O'Coin
                          Casey Gearin                                    Dominic Po e
                           Lauren Joly                                                                                                       Max Collom                              Raigilie Mackey
                            Mara Klug                        Informa on & Communica on Technology                                            Callum Diak                             Robert MacLeod
                         Emma Lavigne                                      Keiran Barr                                                       Zahraa Hossenbaccus                     Zoe Elizabeth Phillips
                          Jada Mathew                                     Chase Hanley                                                       William David Houston                   Luca Piomelli
                        Moira McTaggart                                 Dorian Scrimshaw                                                     Paige Vivan Ingham                      Namirah Quadir
                           Tay Sersen                                     Quinn Varma                                                        Imogen Lawford‐Wickham                  Rida Safeer
                            Lia Snider                                                                                                       Max Lees                                Karisa Wang
                           Noah Winch

                                                                                                                 IB COURSES
                                                                                                                 A student may elect to complete cer ficates in specific IB subject areas only. Courses are taken at either the
                                                                                                                 Standard Level (SL) or Higher Level (HL).

                                                                                                                 Rida Ahmad: ......................................................................................Biology HL, Chemistry SL, French B HL
                                                                                                                 Arman Azroy‐Ariff: .................................................... Biology HL, Business Management HL, Chemistry SL
                                                                                                                 ...................... English A: Literature HL, Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches HL, Theory of Knowledge TK
                                                                                                                 Keiran Barr: .................................................................................. Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches HL
                                                                                                                 Angelina Barsoum: ...................................................... Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL, Physics SL
                                                                                                                 Claire Bechard: ...................................................................................................... Biology HL, Chemistry SL
                                                                                                                 Skyler Bowers: ........................................................................................................................ Psychology SL
                                                                                                                 Kevin Cao: ............................................ Chemistry SL, Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches HL, Physics SL
                                                                                                                 Eve Gilbert: ..................................................................................... English A: Literature HL, Spanish AB SL
                                                                                                                 Kevin He: ............................................ Chemistry HL, Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches HL, Physics HL
                                                                                                                 Emma Lavigne: ............................................................ Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL, Physics SL
                                                                                                                 Angela Lewis: ....................Chemistry SL, French B SL, Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL, Physics SL
                                                                                                                 Anna Mack‐Keyte: ............................................................................................................................. Film SL

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Class of 2021 - Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute/Kingston Secondary School
Caroline Maycock: ................................. Biology SL, Chemistry SL, English A: Literature HL, Psychology SL                                                                                        LANGUAGE CERTIFICATES
........................................................................................................ Spanish AB SL, Theory of Knowledge TK
Teagan McConaghy: .....................................................................................................................Biology HL                    Core
Jazmin Millo e: ..................................................... Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches HL, Psychology SL                                             A Core French Cer ficate is awarded to students who have successfully completed the sequence of four
                                                                                                                                                                     courses in Core French.
Jocelyn O’Brien: .......................................................... Biology HL, Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL
Samantha Jo Phillips: ...................................................................... English A: Literature HL, Psychology SL                                                                                Fizza Ghayur
Priya Ramachandran: ....................................................... Biology SL, English A: Literature HL, French B HL                                                                                     Aaliyah Langevin
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mack Leveque‐Fraser
...................................................................................... History SL, Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Alexandra McChesney
Grace Song: .......................................... Chemistry HL, Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL, Physics SL                                                                                              Lucian Mussells
Juliana Springer: ........................................................... History SL, Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL                                                                                      Jocelyn O'Brien
................................................................................................................................................. Psychology SL                                                      Lydia Parker
Fabian van der Merwe: ........................................................................................ Business Management SL                                                                                 Chloe Pyke
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Kieran Raymo
Steven Van: .................................................................................... Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Fabian van der Merwe
Livia Wells: .................................................................................... Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL
David Wu: ................................................................ Chemistry SL, Mathema cs Analysis & Approaches SL                                         Extended
                                                                                                                                                                     An Extended French Cer ficate is awarded to students who have successfully completed the sequence of
....................................................................................................................................................... Physics SL
                                                                                                                                                                     four courses in Extended French, plus a minimum of three courses in other subjects taught in French.

The Interna onal Baccalaureate CAS Award .................................................................... Namirah Quadir                                                                      Daniel Abraha                       Ava Hope
This award is presented to the gradua ng IB Diploma student who has excelled in a variety experien al                                                                                         Camille Aird‐Tousignant              Paige Ingham
learning ac vi es in the areas of athle c, ar s c and community service while comple ng the IB Diploma                                                                                           Spens Alexander                  George Kearney
Programme. The recipient has demonstrated leadership within the school and the community while
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Caelan Baron                       Aidan Kelly
encouraging interna onal understanding and reflec ng on their own development.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Clancy Bridger                  Adriana Lahaye
The Interna onal Baccalaureate Diploma Award.................................................................... Callum Diak                                                                      Lucas Chiddle                     Angela Lewis
This award is presented to the gradua ng IB Diploma student who has the highest total IB Diploma point                                                                                              Tridib Da a               Alyssa‐Lynne Pakenham
score. The recipient has shown high academic achievement while encouraging interna onal understanding.                                                                                          Felipe Fernandez                    Ana Smeltzer
                                                                                                                                                                                                    David Furey                  Griffin Wade‐Salay
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Logan Hannah                       David Wu
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sabrina Hefnawi

                                                                                                                                                                     Interna onal Languages
                                                                                                                                                                     An Interna onal Language Cer ficate is awarded to students who have earned six or more credits in a
                                                                                                                                                                     combina on of French, La n or Spanish courses. Students must have studied at least two different
                                                                                                                                                                     languages, in which a minimum of two Grade 12 credits has been earned.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Maya Duff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Brighid Mahood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kibo Mulima
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Adriana Lahaye
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Griffin Wade‐Salay

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Class of 2021 - Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute/Kingston Secondary School
Immersion                                                                                                                                                                    SPECIAL AWARDS
An Immersion French Cer ficate is awarded to students who have successfully completed the sequence of
four courses in French Immersion, plus a minimum of six courses in other subjects taught in French.            Alec Murray Award .................................................................................................................. Max Lees
                                                                                                              This award is presented in recogni on of outstanding contribu on and commitment by a student to their
                  Sydney Abbink               Illa‐Mae Larkin              Sophie Storring                    school community.
              Dounia Abdalla‐Alryani              Max Lees                    Ollie Take
                                                                                                               Anna Sadouski Award ......................................................................................................... Kibo Mulima
                   Devyn Baron               Robert Macleod                 Quinn Varma
                                                                                                              This award is presented to a gradua ng student at KSS/LCVI who is going on to study English or Music at
                  Claire Bechard             Brighid Mahood              Jude Wheeler‐Dee
                  Ania Campbell                Emily McNeill             Stella Wheeler‐Dee
               Connor K. Campbell                Aziz Morelli               Grace Wirsig                       Barry C. O'Connor Bursary .............................................................................................. Kennedy Joyce
                   Dan Coolican                 Jacob Moyer                Raj Zimmerman                      This award is presented to a grade 12 student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership quali es in
                    Callum Diak                 Kibo Mulima                                                   the classroom and in athle c and other school ac vi es.
                     Maya Duff            Reuben Polonsky‐Shapiro
                 Sophie Durocher               Jessi Quesnel                                                   Class of 2021 Trophy ..................................................................................................... Namirah Quadir
               Avery Durst‐Jenkins         Priya Ramachandran                                                 This award recognizes a gradua ng student who is well‐rounded and resilient, excels in academics, and is
                     Aus n Gill                Adelaide Row                                                   involved in clubs or teams within the school community.
                    Sam Hillen                Pablo Sabbagh
                   Leen Hussain               Tom Sedgwick                                                     Debbie Chambers Memorial Award ..................................................................................... Jade Perrin
                    Abby Irving               Henry Seymour                                                   This award is presented to a student who has shown tremendous resilience, resourcefulness and character
                    Lauren Joly          Hannah Smith‐Holmstead                                               to overcome life’s obstacles in order to create personal success. The recipient of this award has persevered
                                                                                                              by making good use of many supports to work toward a bright future.
                  Kennedy Joyce          Emma Smith‐Holmstead
                   Hedy Kerkeni             Charlo e Spencer
                                                                                                               Fred Payne Memorial Award ........................................................................................ Namirah Quadir
                Victor Kudriavtsev               Kailey Stagg                                                 This award is presented annually to a gradua ng KSS student who has demonstrated a caring and
                                                                                                              concerned a tude for her fellow students and the Kingston community.
                                  HEALTHY ACTIVE LIVING CERTIFICATES
                                                                                                               Governor‐General's Academic Medal ...................................................................................... David Wu
A Healthy Active Living Certificate is awarded to students who achieve three credits in physical education,   This medal is awarded to the gradua ng student who achieves the highest average upon gradua on from
one credit in an alternative course with a healthy active living component, and who actively participate in   secondary school, based on the final two years of the secondary program.
three or more school or community sports/activity clubs.
                                                                                                               Indigenous Leadership ................................................................................................... Raigilie Mackey
                                                                                                              This award is presented to a student who is Indigenous and has been a student‐leader while a ending
                            Caelan Baron                Jazmin Millo e
                                                                                                              secondary school and who is pursuing post‐secondary studies.
                            Devyn Baron                   Aziz Morelli
                        Alexandra Cantaru                Jacob Moyer                                           Joy Morning Trustee Award ................................................................................................ Jacob Moyer
                             Tridib Da a                Lewis Pinkerton                                       This award is presented to a gradua ng student pursuing environmental studies, climate ac on, and/or
                             Callum Diak                 Jessi Quesnel                                        ecological/environmental development and research at a post‐secondary college or university.
                        Avery Durst‐Jenkins               Ethan Rudie
                           Clare Frymire                 Tessy Waugh                                           Kate MacKay Memorial Award ...................................................................... Ma
                                                                                                                                                                                                e Brown, JJ Sherrow
                           Paige Ingham                    Livia Wells                                        This award is presented to a graduate who has: embodied Kate’s spirit of a dedica on to helping others and/
                         Liam Kuzma‐Hunt              Stella Wheeler‐Dee                                      or demonstrated persistence and dignity in the face of a challenge and/or demonstrated a posi ve
                            Angela Lewis                Anna Zborovsky                                        turn‐around in their life.
                       Alexandra McChesney
                                                                                                               KSS Teachers' Bursary .................................................................................... Tridib Da a, Jada Warren
                                                                                                              This award was established by the KCVI teaching staff and is presented annually to a deserving gradua ng

                                                      13                                                                                                                                 14
 Lieutenant Governor's Community Volunteer Award ................................................... Juliana Springer                                                                               SUBJECT‐BASED SPECIAL AWARDS
This award is presented to a gradua ng student who demonstrates exemplary student involvement in the
community.                                                                                                                                           Abi Sutherland Memorial Award ....................................................................................... Devyn Baron
                                                                                                                                                    This award recognizes a keen, observant and compassionate student who excels at crea ve wri ng. The
 Lifetouch Award ..................................................................................................... Priya Ramachandran         student should be a gradua ng student who intends to pursue post‐secondary educa on.
This award is presented to the “Everyday Hero”. A student who makes a consistent, posi ve contribu on to
the school, yet isn’t o en recognized for their efforts.                                                                                              A.C.E. Ri er Award ............................................................................................................ Adelaide Row
                                                                                                                                                    This award is granted to a gradua ng student going on to post‐secondary who has demonstrated academic
 Lion’s Club Bursary .......................................................................................................... Jazmin Millo e    excellence across all subjects, and is earning a French Language Cer ficate.
This award is presented to a deserving student residing in Kingston who is pursuing a University degree and
has demonstrated academic grit and involvement in the school community. The recipient is selected by the                                             Adrien Langlois Award ....................................................................................................... Caelan Baron
staff at Kingston Secondary School.                                                                                                                  This award is presented to a gradua ng student who has completed a minimum of three physical educa on
                                                                                                                                                    credits including PSE4U. The student is considered the best overall physical educa on student.
 Lloyd Trull Memorial Award ................................................................................................ Callum Diak
This award is presented to a student or graduate of KSS who has made a significant contribu on in service to                                          Domino Theatre Award ..................................................................................................... Paige Ingham
the community in the field of educa on, the arts, athle cs, charitable work or any other ac vity that                                                This award is given to the student who has made the most significant contribu on to drama in the school
enhances the cultural life of the community.                                                                                                        and in the community.

 OSSTF District 27 Scholarship ................................................................................... Jude Wheeler‐Dee                Ethel Kidd Memorial Award .......................................................................................... Tristan Sheridan
This award is presented to a gradua ng student who has demonstrated academic achievement, co‐curricular                                             This scholarship, in memory of Ethel Kidd, former teacher of English and mathema cs, is presented to a
involvement, and sensi vity towards peers. This student has shown strength of character and perseverance                                            gradua ng student who shows the greatest improvement in English and mathema cs.
in striving for and achieving realis c goals.
                                                                                                                                                     Jamie Saunders Memorial Award .................................................................................. Lauren Joly
                                                                                                                                                    Established by his family and friends, this award, in memory of Jamie Saunders, a former student of KCVI is
 OYAP Award .......................................................................................................................Wally Hoover
                                                                                                                                                    presented to the student who has shown the highest degree of leadership and enthusiasm in curricular and
Established by the Limestone District School Board to recognize a student con nuing in an appren ceship
                                                                                                                                                    co‐curricular instrumental Music.
and/or who has par cipated in OYAP during high school.
                                                                                                                                                     Kingston Engineering Bursary ........................................................................................Raj Zimmerman
 KSS Principal’s Award for Student Leadership ................................................................... Angela Lewis
                                                                                                                                                    This award, sponsored by Camp #3 of the Corpora on of the Seven Wardens, is presented to a gradua ng
This award is presented to the graduate who has demonstrated leadership, contribu on and commitment
                                                                                                                                                    student planning to study engineering at the post‐secondary level.
to the KSS community of learners.
                                                                                                                                                     Mark Gerretsen, MP, Environmental Protec on Award ............................................. Robert MacLeod
 Sandy Pren ce Memorial Scholarship ................................................................................. Leilani Sco
                                                                                                                                                    This award is presented to a gradua ng student who has shown sustained commitment and hard work in
This scholarship recognizes the accomplishments of a gradua ng student who has demonstrated persistent
                                                                                                                                                    the area of environmental protec on.
effort in overcoming a learning challenge. The student demonstrates a high degree of academic competence,
the ability to self advocate and self regulate, and contributes to the school community in the area of sports,
                                                                                                                                                     Orville L. Drummond Bicentennial Award ......................................................................... Tessy Waugh
clubs, or leadership.
                                                                                                                                                    This award is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in art.
 SLC Board of Governors' Entrance Scholarship ................................................................... Lexis La Rue
                                                                                                                                                     Orville L. Drummond Bicentennial Award ...................................................................... Pablo Sabbagh
Awarded to a gradua ng student going on to St. Lawrence College, based upon academic achievement and
                                                                                                                                                    This award is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in French.
community ci zenship.
                                                                                                                                                     Orville L. Drummond Bicentennial Award .............................................................................. Kevin Cao
 Thanasi Koutroumbas Memorial Bursary ............................................................................. Rida Safeer                   This award is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in Spanish.
Awarded to an enthusias c and well‐rounded gradua ng student pursuing post‐secondary educa on who
demonstrates a desire to learn and puts forth a consistent effort to achieve their poten al. The student
shows par cipa on in school life, leadership, and volunteer contribu ons in the community.

                                                                           15                                                                                                                                               16
 Ri er Award for English .................................................................................................. Lucian Mussels                                           SUBJECT EXCELLENCE AWARDS
Established by the Ri er family in memory of our excellent teachers in all subject areas in the 1950s and
1960s, this award is given annually to a gradua ng student for excellence and crea vity in 4U English.                                         This award is presented to all graduates who have achieved subject excellence (a final grade of 90%+) in a
                                                                                                                                               course during the 2020‐2021 School Year.
 Ri er Award for Mathema cs ................................................. Connor Campbell, William Vandenburg
Established by the Ri er family in memory of our excellent teachers in all subject areas in the 1950s and                                      Sydney Abbink              Human Growth & Development
1960s, this award is given annually to a gradua ng student for excellence and crea vity in 4U Mathema cs.                                      Dounia Abdalla‐Alryani     Canadian & World Issues, Canadian & Interna onal Law, French Immersion, Challenge &
                                                                                                                                                                          Change in Society, English , Data Management
 Russel and Ethel Kidd Award .......................................................................................... Mason McGaw
                                                                                                                                               Daniel Abraha              English, Extended French, Calculus & Vectors, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context,
This award is presented to the student who has shown the most improvement in English and athle cs.                                                                        Healthy Ac ve Living Educa on
                                                                                                                                               Abdel (Abed) Rahman        English, Calculus & Vectors, Biology, Chemistry
 Thomas J. Monk Excellence in Biology Award ......................................................... Samantha Williams
                                                                                                                                               Abu Hijleh
This award is to be presented annually to a gradua ng student of KSS, who over the course of their high
                                                                                                                                               Karlee Addison             Co‐opera ve Educa on
school years has shown an outstanding passion for biology, mentorship toward their peers and a strong
                                                                                                                                               Rida Ahmad                 English, Biology ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB, Philosophy, Co‐op
family commitment.
                                                                                                                                               Camille Aird‐Tousignant    Canadian & Interna onal Law, English, Extended French, Human Growth & Develop‐
 T. Andre Senior Technology Award ..................... Sophie Durocher, Danny Thornhill, Ma
                                                                                         Van Wylick                                                                       ment, Challenge & Change in Society, Photography
This award is presented to an outstanding senior tech student who has shown leadership and posi ve                                             Spens Alexander            English, Extended French
a tude.                                                                                                                                        Athan Anagnostopoulos      Nutri on & Health, Leadership, Healthy Ac ve Living Educa on
                                                                                                                                               Arman Azroy‐Ariff           Business Leadership ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Data Management ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB
 Wilkinson & Company LLP Scholarship ................................................................Zahraa Hossenbaccus
This award is presented to a gradua ng student who is pursuing a university educa on in business or                                            Jackson Baird              Music for Crea ng, Music and Computers, English, Guitar, Co‐op
accoun ng.                                                                                                                                     Madison Ball               Visual Arts, Learning Strategies, Human Growth & Development, Communica on
                                                                                                                                                                          Technology, English
                                                                                                                                               Caelan Baron               Extended French, Advanced Func ons, Introductory Kinesiology, Biology, English,
                                                                                                                                                                          Physics, Powerfit
                                                                                                                                               Devyn Baron                World History, English, Writer's Cra , French Immersion, Human Growth &
                                                                                                                                                                          Development, Introduc on to Computer Studies, Data Management, Phys Ed.
                                                                                                                                               Kieran Barr                Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, English, Introduc on to Computer Studies, Calculus & Vectors ‐
                                                                                                                                                                          IB, Chemistry, Physics, Philosophy, Writer’s Cra
                                                                                                                                               Angelina Barsoum           English, Nutri on & Health, Co‐op
                                                                                                                                               Claire Bechard             English, French Immersion
                                                                                                                                               Daina Blair                Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, World History, English, Philosophy, Visual Arts
                                                                                                                                               Holly Bolton‐Wilbee        Co‐opera ve Educa on
                                                                                                                                               Skyler Bowers              Canadian & Interna onal Law, English, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB, Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                                          Issues in a Global Context
                                                                                                                                               Ma e Brown                 Canadian & Interna onal Law
                                                                                                                                               Billy Burke                English, Photography , Co‐op

                                                                                                                                               Gabe Burke‐Burfoot         Personal & Fitness Ac vi es
                                                                                                                                               Ania Campbell              Canadian & Interna onal Law, French Immersion, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context

                                                                                                                                               Connor K, Campbell         English, French Immersion, Advanced Func ons, Chemistry, Calculus & Vectors

                                                                                                                                               Connor T Campbell          Co‐opera ve Educa on
                                                                                                                                               Alex Cantaru               Canadian & World Issues, English, Human Growth & Development, Challenge & Change
                                                                                                                                                                          in Society, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context
                                                                                                                                               Kevin Cao                  World History, English, Spanish, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB, Phys. Ed.
                                                                        17                                                                                                                               18
SUBJECT EXCELLENCE AWARDS                                                                                          SUBJECT EXCELLENCE AWARDS
This award is presented to all graduates who have achieved subject excellence (a final grade of 90%+) in a         This award is presented to all graduates who have achieved subject excellence (a final grade of 90%+) in a
course during the 2020‐2021 School Year.                                                                          course during the 2020‐2021 School Year.

Ashley Champagne         Music for Crea ng, Guitar Music, Music and Computers, English, Founda ons for College    Ammar Hammede           Mathema cs for Work and Everyday Life
                         Mathema cs                                                                               Logan Hannah            Drama c arts, English, Co‐op
Lucas Chiddle            Transporta on Technology, Healthy Ac ve Living                                           Kevin He                World History, English, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Data Management, Chemistry ‐ IB,
Laura Chris e            English, Calculus & Vectors, Advanced Func ons, Physics, Biology                                                 Physics ‐ IB, Extended French, Technological Design
Aiden Christmas          Personal & Fitness Ac vi es                                                              Sabrina Hefnawi         English, Extended French, Nutri on & Health
Owen Clarke              Photography, Co‐opera ve Educa on                                                        Sam Hillen              French Immersion, Calculus & Vectors, Advanced Func ons, Introductory Kinesiology,
Max Collom               English, Extended French ‐ IB, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB                                                   Chemistry, English
Zachary Comber           World History ‐ IB, English, Advanced Func ons, Physics                                  Wally Hoover            Guitar Music
Dan Coolican             French Immersion, Advanced Func ons, Introductory Kinesiology, English                   Ava Hope                Extended French, Healthy Ac ve Living
Jordyn Crowe             Drama c arts, Naviga ng the Workplace                                                    Zahraa Hossenbaccus     Business Leadership ‐ IB, English, French Immersion ‐ IB
James Dalton             Indigenous Issues in a Global Context
                                                                                                                  William Houston         French Immersion ‐ IB, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Data
Tridib Da a              English, Human Growth & Development, Leadership, Phys Ed.                                                        Management ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB
Huw Davies‐Phinney       Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, World History, English, Writer's Cra , Nutri on & Health,      Leen Hussain            English, Nutri on & Health, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context, French Immersion
                         Challenge & Change in Society
Seth Dean                Powerfit                                                                                  Paige Ingham            World History ‐ IB, English, French Immersion ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB,
Arjun Devnani            English, Introduc on to Computer Studies, Calculus & Vectors, Advanced Func ons,                                 Physics ‐ IB
                         Chemistry, Physics, Phys Ed.                                                             Abby Irving             French Immersion
Callum Diak              French Immersion ‐ IB, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB,         Lauren Joly             Drama c arts, Canadian & Interna onal Law, French Immersion, Human Growth & Develop‐
                         Chemistry ‐ IB, Physics ‐ IB, English– IB                                                                        ment, English
Wya Downing‐Iacurci      Drama c arts, English, Human Growth & Development, Co‐op                                 Jus n Jones             Naviga ng the Workplace
Jakob Dringenberg        World History, English, Human Growth & Development, Challenge & Change in Society,       Cole Joyce              English, Extended French, Leadership, Data Management, Indigenous Issues in a Global
                         Data Management, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context                                                           Context, Phys Ed– French
Maya Duff                 Canadian & Interna onal Law, French Immersion, Spanish, Data Management, English,        Kennedy Joyce           English, French Immersion, Human Growth & Development, Challenge & Change in Society,
                         Indigenous Issues in a Global Context                                                                            Data Management, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context
Sophie Durocher          Visual Arts, French Immersion, Construc on Technology, Custom Woodworking                Ben Kanellos            World History, English, Human Growth & Development, Calculus & Vectors, Personal &
Avery Durst‐Jenkins      English, French Immersion, Nutri on & Health, Data Management, Indigenous Issues in a                            Fitness Ac vi es
                         Global Context                                                                           Aidan Kelly             World History, English, Extended French, Technological Design
Felipe Fernandez         Extended French, Photography                                                             Hedy Kerkeni            French Immersion, English
Finn Ferrall             English, Writer's Cra                                                                    Mara Klug               Music for Crea ng, Visual Arts‐ Drawing and Pain ng, Visual Arts ‐ Non‐Tradi onal,
Clare Frymire            English, Nutri on & Health, Advanced Func ons, Personal & Fitness Ac vi es, Visual Art                           Informa on & Communica on Technology, Music and Computers
Jolee Fu                 Canadian & Interna onal Law, English, Data Management, Personal & Fitness Ac vi es,      Jaclyn Korba‐Babcock    Canadian & Interna onal Law, Personal & Fitness Ac vi es
                         Equity and Social Jus ce
                                                                                                                  Victor Kudriavtsev      French Immersion
Miguel Gavin             Canadian & Interna onal Law, Nutri on & Health, Business Leadership
Casey Gearin             Drama ‐ Film/Video, Visual Arts                                                          Liam Kuzma‐Hunt         Visual Arts, Visual Arts ‐ Visual Design, Visual Arts‐ Drawing and Pain ng, Visual Arts ‐ Non‐
                                                                                                                                          Tradi onal
Fizza Ghayur             English, Core French, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Chemistry, Photography, Co‐op
Eve Gilbert              Human Growth & Development ‐ IB, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context, Personal &       Lexis La Rue            English, Founda ons for College Mathema cs, Co‐op
                         Fitness Ac vi es                                                                         Adriana Lahaye          Extended French, Human Growth & Development, Spanish, English
Errol Grimshaw           Introduc on to Computer Studies                                                          Emma Lavigne            Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, English, Extended French, Technological Design
Louis Grogan             Co‐opera ve Educa on                                                                     Illa‐Mae Larkin         SLC: Fundamentals of Carpentry
Jack Grypma              Naviga ng the Workplace
                                                       19                                                                                                                  20
SUBJECT EXCELLENCE AWARDS                                                                                        SUBJECT EXCELLENCE AWARDS
This award is presented to all graduates who have achieved subject excellence (a final grade of 90%+) in a         This award is presented to all graduates who have achieved subject excellence (a final grade of 90%+) in a
course during the 2020‐2021 School Year.                                                                          course during the 2020‐2021 School Year.
Max Lees                English, French Immersion ‐ IB, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐     Lydia Parker                 Leadership
                        IB, Biology ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB                                                          Markus Pepper                World History, Canadian & Interna onal Law, English, Core French, Data
Mack Leveque‐Fraser     Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, English, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context                                               Management, Challenge & Change in Society
Angela Lewis            English, Writer's Cra , French Immersion ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB,   Sami Jo Phillips             Drama c arts, Visual Arts, Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, English, Human Growth &
                        Physics ‐ IB                                                                                                           Development ‐ IB
Nils Lintner            Drama c arts                                                                              Zoe Phillips                 English, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB
Madison Lowe            Co‐opera ve Educa on                                                                      Avery Pick                   English, Extended French, Human Growth & Development, Data Management,
Hannah Lyon             Drama ‐ Film/Video, Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, World History, English, Human Growth &                                   Photography
                        Development, Philosophy                                                                   Ma hew Pilkey                English, Leadership, Data Management, Physics
Anna Mack               Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, Canadian & World Issues, Canadian & Interna onal Law,           Lewis Pinkerton              Leadership, Data Management
                        Extended French                                                                           Luca Piomelli                World History ‐ IB, English, Extended French ‐ IB
Raigilie Mackey         English                                                                                   Reuben Polansky‐Shapiro      Advanced Func ons, Photography
Robert Macleod          English, French Immersion ‐ IB, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐     Tristan Por eous             Drama c arts
                        IB, Chemistry ‐ IB, Physics ‐ IB                                                          Chloe Pyke                   Core French, Leadership, Mathema cs for College Technology, Technological Design,
Sommer Maher            Crea ng Opportuni es through Co‐op                                                                                     Custom Woodworking, Photography
Brighid Mahood          English, French Immersion, Equity & Social Jus ce, Spanish                                Namirah Quadir               Business Leadership ‐ IB, English, Extended French ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Biology
Adela Marin             Canadian & World Issues, English, Indigenous Issues                                                                    ‐ IB, Co‐opera ve Educa on

Jada Ma hew             English, Nutri on & Health, Communica on Technology, Philosophy, Co‐op                    Jessi Quesnel                World History, English, French Immersion, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context,
Alexandra McChesney     English, Writer's Cra , Core French, Human Growth & Development, Data Management,
                        Dance                                                                                     Anyk Rabe‐Jantunen           Music and Computers, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context, English
Teagan McConaghy        English, Writer's Cra , Indigenous Issues in a Global Context, Co‐op                      Priya Ramachandran           Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, World History ‐ IB, English, French Immersion ‐ IB,
                                                                                                                                               Biology ‐ IB
Mason McGaw             English, Photography
                                                                                                                  Kieran Raymo                 Core French, Leadership
Billy McIlroy           Biology
                                                                                                                  Adelaide Row                 French Immersion, Calculus & Vectors, Chemistry, Physics, English, Advanced
Sara McNamara           Equity & Social Jus ce, Challenge & Change in Society
                                                                                                                                               Func ons, Biology
Ty McNasby              Co‐opera ve Educa on                                                                      Pablo Sabbagh                English, French Immersion, Calculus & Vectors, Advanced Func ons, Biology,
Emily McNeill           Canadian & Interna onal Law, French Immersion                                                                          Chemistry
Moira McTaggart         Drama ‐ Film/Video, Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video                                              Rida Safeer                  Business Leadership ‐ IB, English, Extended French ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB,
Jazmin Millo e          English, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB, Introductory Kinesiology                                                     Chemistry ‐ IB, Physics ‐ IB
Aziz Morelli            English, French Immersion, Introduc on to Computer Studies, Calculus & Vectors,           Morgan Sams                  Photography
                        Advanced Func ons, Introductory Kinesiology, Physics                                      Leilani Sco                  World History
Kibo Mulima             Informa on & Communica on Technology, French Immersion, Data Management,                  Jay‐Lyn Schomberg            Personal Life Management
                        Personal & Fitness Ac vi es
                                                                                                                  Tom Sedgwick                 Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, Canadian & World Issues, World History, English, Writer's
Lucien Mussells         Writer's Cra , Nutri on & Health, Photography
                                                                                                                                               Cra , French Immersion, Challenge & Change in Society
Kiara Neill             Healthy Ac ve Living
                                                                                                                  Tay John Serson              English, Co‐op
Jillian Newell          Human Growth & Development
                                                                                                                  Henry Seymour                World History, English, French Immersion, Personal & Fitness Ac vi es, Philosophy
Ridley Nobles           Music and Computers
                                                                                                                  Holden Shenfield              English, Calculus & Vectors, Advanced Func ons, Chemistry, Physics, Co‐op
Jocelyn O'Brien         Core French, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Introductory Kinesiology, Biology ‐ IB
                                                                                                                  Tristan Sheridan             Guitar Music, Communica on Technology, SLC: Fundamentals of Carpentry
Emily Pain              English, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB, Advanced Func ons, Chemistry                    J.J. Sherrow                 Indigenous Issues in a Global Context, English, Co‐op
Alyssa Pakenham         Extended French, Challenge & Change in Society, Data Management                           Ana Smeltzer                 Extended French, Co‐op
                                                        21                                                                                                                22
SUBJECT EXCELLENCE AWARDS                                                         VALEDICTORIAN’S REMARKS by Namirah Quadir
This award is presented to all graduates who have achieved subject excellence (a final grade of 90%+) in a
course during the 2020‐2021 School Year.                                                                                 I have recently begun to learn from my Indigenous friends and mentors about the power of storytelling, so here I am
Emma Smith‐Holmstead         Dynamics of Human Rela onships, Hospitality and Tourism                                     today commencing my speech with a story. I’ll start with one that isn’t really mine, but rather one accredited to David
                                                                                                                         Foster Wallace: a writer, professor, and brilliant thinker. He called his speech, This is Water. David Foster Wallace, in his
Hannah Smith‐Holmstead       French Immersion, Co‐op
                                                                                                                         own valedictory address, didn’t talk to his classmates about following their dreams or staying true to themselves or
Lia Snyder                   Drama c Arts                                                                                being kind. Instead, he spoke to the capital T truth of life. The capital T truth of life is about carrying your consciousness
Grace Song                   English, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB, Physics ‐ IB, Extended French             in your le breast pocket even if you let your heart travel on your sleeve. It is about being aware and being inten onal
Charlo e Spencer             English, French Immersion, Leadership                                                       and being alive in the real world – even if it feels like a deep, dark gorge from which we, graduates, dangerously stand
                                                                                                                         only metres away.
Juliana Springer             World History ‐ IB, English, Human Growth & Development ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐
                             IB, Biology, Chemistry                                                                      I feel like I spent a lot of high school in this unconscious state that David Foster Wallace describes in his speech. So
Kailey Stagg                 Working with School‐Age Children                                                            much of these past four years was spent trudging along the halls of KC, dreading deadline a er deadline, craving the
Nicholas Stanley             Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, Canadian & Interna onal Law, English, Writer's Cra ,              barely legible notes of affirma on Mr. Watson would write on my English papers, sighing in relief upon catching sight of
                             Extended French, Challenge & Change in Society, Data Management                             the li le s ckers Ms. Farahani would place at the top of my “good” but rarely “excellent” math tests. And then came
                                                                                                                         Friday, March 13th, 2020. With so much newfound me to think, my awareness began. It was not long un l I became
Sophie Storring              Visual Arts, Video, English, Writer's Cra , Human Growth & Development                      completely absorbed in all the bad news – violent climate change in the form of Australian bushfires, protests and riots
Ollie Take                   English, French Immersion, Human Growth & Development, Calculus & Vectors,                  at a global moment of racial reckoning, the fatal chemical explosion in Beirut, the deaths of rock legends, of incredible
                             Physics                                                                                     athletes, of outstanding actors, and not longer a er, of our neighbours, our grandparents, our mentors, our friends.
Jacob Taylor                 English, Personal Life Management, Co‐op
                                                                                                                         What separates my address today from that of David Foster Wallace is that I will talk about being kind. In fact, my
Danny Thornhill              English, Transporta on Technology, Custom Woodworking, Co‐op                                favourite quota on of all me, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, is all about kindness: when given the choice between being right
Ma hew van Wylick            Founda ons for College Mathema cs, Custom Woodworking, Co‐op                                and being kind, choose kind. For a long me, I thought that to solve all the wars raging in the world, we only needed to
Steven Van                   Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, English, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Chemistry, Physics              be kind. But it was only recently and due to my growing consciousness that I encountered the limita ons of kindness.
                                                                                                                         Being kind won’t feed the poor and it certainly won’t heal the sick. Being kind won’t prevent the grisliness, or the guilt
William Vandenburg           English, Calculus & Vectors, Data Management, Advanced Func ons, Chemistry,                 or the grief that follows, and although kindness is good, when it’s paired with a lack of consciousness – and in its place,
                             Physics, Technological Design                                                               an abundance of ignorance, of privilege – we are kept in a state of oblivion from the so‐called real world. As we
Quinn Varma                  French Immersion, Introduc on to Computer Studies, Calculus & Vectors, Advanced             contemplate the horrors of our history and the ba les of the future, we must realize that it simply isn’t enough to just
                             Func ons, Healthy Living and Personal and Fit, Chemistry, English                           be kind.
Griffin Wade‐Salay             Visual Arts ‐ Film/Video, Extended French, Spanish, Advanced Func ons, Chemistry,
                                                                                                                         We must not limit ourselves to being allies, but rather, we must endeavour to become reless advocates for equality
                             Physics, English
                                                                                                                         and jus ce. We must be not passive, but ac ve disruptors of oppression, and as we venture out into the world, we must
Karisa Wang                  Business Leadership ‐ IB, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB, Physics ‐ IB             never lose sight of our shared humanity. As we brave new unknowns ‐‐ perhaps through our entrance into the work‐
Jada Warren                  Personal Life Management, Co‐op                                                             force, or the postsecondary scene, or the simple discovery of parts of ourselves that we haven’t yet explored – we must
                                                                                                                         use our individual and ins tu onal power to create and sustain a more conscious future – one that we shape to be
Tessy Waugh                  Personal & Fitness Ac vi es, Visual Art, Canadian and World Issues
                                                                                                                         compassionate and loving of all creatures and plants and people on our shared lands.
Livia Wells                  English, Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Data Management, Powerfit, Kinesiology
Jude Wheeler‐Dee             English, French Immersion, Calculus & Vectors, Advanced Func ons, Chemistry                 Un l then, it’s okay to be lost.
Stella Wheeler‐Dee           English, French Immersion, Human Growth & Development, Challenge & Change in                The more we grow and become aware of the world, the bigger and scarier it gets, and the smaller we feel in the
                             Society, Data Management, Indigenous Issues in a Global Context                             vastness of the universe. But I think that if there is one gradua ng class to find their way, it’s ours. We navigated bomb
Alexander Whitmarsh          Co‐opera ve Educa on                                                                        threats in grade 10. We missed a quarter of grade 11 to Triboard Tuesdays. We moved schools in grade 12 during a
Samantha Williams            French Immersion, Challenge & Change in Society, Calculus & Vectors, Advanced               global pandemic. Not to men on online learning, Mr. Loken’s mul ple choice physics tests, no AC in the math hall, the
                             Func ons, Introductory Kinesiology, Chemistry, Philosophy                                   purple and orange walls of this brand new school…. We’ve really been through it all, and I have full faith in our ability to
                                                                                                                         take on this next chapter of our story. Together.
Connor Wilson                Co‐opera ve Educa on
Grace Wirsig                 English, French Immersion, Nutri on & Health, Advanced Func ons
Samuel Wright                Founda ons for College Mathema cs, Communica on Technology
David Wu                     Calculus & Vectors ‐ IB, Chemistry ‐ IB, Physics ‐ IB, English, Extended French, Phys ed.
Anna Zborovsky               Nutri on & Health, Leadership, Personal & Fitness Ac vi es
Raj Zimmerman                English, French Immersion, Biology
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Just as I began, I will end with a story ‐‐ a past chapter of my own story. This is Water was gi ed to me in Grade 9 by a
                                                                                                                            CLASS POET REMARKS by Callum Diak
teacher who recognized how lost I felt at the beginning of high school, how I wasn’t on the path to finding my place in      Hello. Hello! Can you hear me? Am I on mute?
the world. When I wandered out of her English class that year for the very last me, I felt like David Foster Wallace’s      Zut alors, online school isn’t really that cute.
words were the only shield I had to protect me as I ventured into the unknowns. Oh, KCVI. What was first an escape           Our senior year was less than ideal,
for me soon became my home as I ambled through the hallways of our beloved school, and I saw the photos of our              So chao c, I ask myself “is this real?”
predecessors ‐‐ all spor ng worn and torn athle cs gear, or performing Put on a Happy Face from Bye Bye Birdie, or          But regardless of our condi ons,
bel ng out a Repeat A er Me song at leadership camp. But at the same me, they were also connected as they lined             For four years we strived to succeed,
                                                                                                                            And upon gradua on, that’s the memory we need:
the walls with their warm and smiling faces. As I smiled back at them then, my grasp loosened on the piece of paper
which I once held so desperately in my hands. I am smiling again today, knowing that we can and we will overcome it
                                                                                                                            Highschool: a poem in four parts.
all. Together!
                                                                                                                            Part one: Normal
There are many people to whom we owe our thanks in helping us brave everything we have endured these four years.
Thank you to the administrators who from Day 1 made me feel like I had a place at KC. Thank you to the caretakers           Day one.
who stayed late into the evening at school to ensure my ride home. Thank you to the teachers who cried with me over         This should be fun.
a Google Meet, who sent me a warm email on a rainy day, or who extended a deadline before I even got to asking.             Grade 9 day, let’s meet everyone.
Thank you to my hilarious, intelligent, peculiar, and downright incredible classmates who taught me love, passion,          So many new faces,
and laughter. And most of all, thank you to my greatest and earliest role model, my elder sister, as well as my two,        so many new places.
endlessly caring immigrant parents, who abandoned all that they knew and loved back home to make my life brighter
than their own.                                                                                                             An en re new realm to explore.
                                                                                                                            We’re in the big leagues now...wowie!
                                                                                                                            Scissors flash and a dollar bill drops like snowflakes to the floor.
Long live KCVI – in the venerable building on Frontenac Street brimming with love and asbestos, in the beau ful
                                                                                                                            Use your me wisely, says Ms. Howie.
legacy of Kingston Secondary School, and just below our le breast pockets, in the hearts of the unapologe cally kind
and conscious Class of 2021.                                                                                                Don’t spend 10 bucks on Starbucks.
                                                                                                                            And certainly don’t walk into class late with your coffee.

                                                                                                                            But wait...where is my class??
                                                                                                                            KC is a maze.
                                                                                                                            One minute before class, the main stairwell’s in a craze!!

                                                                                                                            Out of curiosity I wander.
                                                                                                                            “Check out these fresh vegetables I grew in my garden!”
                                                                                                                            That could only be Mr. Saunders.

                                                                                                                            Then whizzzz I see something fly right by my le eye.
                                                                                                                            Out comes Mr. Loken yelling: “projec le mo on!!”

                                                                                                                            Now I smell something pungent in the science wing.
                                                                                                                            Mr. Haberer must’ve set something on fire again…
                                                                                                                            Maybe I should call Mr. Watson in...

                                                                                                                            A er school is out, KCVI is s ll bustling with life.
                                                                                                                            Because high school is about more than studying all day and all night.

                                                                                                                            We yell, we yell,
                                                                                                                            We yell, we yell, we fight.
                                                                                                                            Always represen ng in our blue and our white.

                                                                                                                            Basketball shots in the main gym,
                                                                                                                            Volleyball comeback from 11‐1 to win.

                                                                                                                            DECA, MUN, and musicals too,
                                                                                                                            We are always cheering on our KCVI crew,

                                                                                                                            As we take on the world and show who we are,

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