CLASS 6 - SESSION 2022-23 - MGD School,Jaipur

Page created by Regina Taylor
CLASS 6 - SESSION 2022-23 - MGD School,Jaipur

  SESSION 2022-23
CLASS 6 - SESSION 2022-23 - MGD School,Jaipur
                             SESSION 2022-23
 Dear Students

   ‘Develop a passion for learning . If you do , you will never cease to grow.’

 Throughout the pandemic, we appreciated your ability to adapt to an ever-evolving
 situation and to find opportunities for growth amid the many changes.

 We were overjoyed to have you back in the school in the new session !
 The school campus came alive with your presence in the classrooms.

 It is summer vacation time, where you can relax , have fun and explore new places .
 But there is a lot more you can do to make the vacations more meaningful .

 The Holiday Homework has been designed to ensure that you enjoy and learn at the
 time. It will help you to channelize your creative energy .Doing it with the right spirit
 enthusiasm will make it a great learning experience . Make sure your work is neat ,
 presentable and conforms to the subject specific guidelines given by teachers.

Apart from completing work assigned by your teachers, you can:

   •   Keep yourself updated on current affairs by inculcating the habit of reading
   •   Improve your handwriting by writing a page in English and Hindi daily.
   •   Read at least two books of your interest during the vacation. Maintain a self-made
       dictionary of the new words you come across while reading
   •   Show care and concern . Help the elders in the house in small household chores
       like cleaning the cupboards, watering plants, making the bed etc. and assist
       younger people around you in studies.

                           “The capacity to learn is a gift;

                             the ability to learn is a skill;

                          the willingness to learn is a choice”.

We wish you abundance of joy this summer with your family and friends.

Let’s all spread kindness and laughter !

Wish all of you safe and healthy holidays!
CLASS 6 - SESSION 2022-23 - MGD School,Jaipur

 9. ARTS
 11. YOGA
CLASS 6 - SESSION 2022-23 - MGD School,Jaipur
                                           CLASS 6
NOTE: *All questions have to be answered in the portfolio notebook*

Q1. Draw your dream house and describe it in 70-80 words.

 -Where is it located? (Name of city, state, country, beside the lake, in front of beach etc.)

 -Describe the surroundings. (Neighbouring areas, garden, backyard etc.)

  -How many storeys does it have? (Describe them one by one.)


Q2. Read pages 47-58 of Grammar book and do the exercises in the book itself.

Q3 From the below given list of books, read and write a book review of any one book in the format
given below.

   •   How I Taught My Grandmother to Read - Sudha Murty
   •   Panchatantra Stories
   •   Malgudi Days- R K Narayan
CLASS 6 - SESSION 2022-23 - MGD School,Jaipur
अवकाशकालीन गृह कार्य 2022 -2023

                                                       कक्षा - 6 हहिंदी

  हनदेश -

  1. गृह -कार्य सुस्पष्ट ,सुन्दर लेखनी में हकर्ा जाना चाहहए |

  2 . अलग पृष्ठ पर हकए जाने वाले कार्य पर अपना नाम, कक्षा,वगय अवश्र् हलखें |

  3. कार्य प्रस्तुतीकरण की अिंहतम हतहि 11.07,2022 है |

  1.अपने बचपन के बारे में कुछ हदलचस्प बातें बताते हुए एक

   अनच्ु छे द हलहखए तिा हचत्रों के माध्र्म से सस
                                               ु हजजत कीहजए |

  2.अपनी कक्षा के स्तर की देशभहि की कोई भी एक कहवता हहिंदी अभ्र्ास पुहस्तका में हलखें,सुसहजजत करें तिा किंठस्ि
  करें |

  3.रामार्ण देहखए ,पाठ् र् पुस्तक सिंहक्षप्त रामार्ण का वाचन कीहजए तिा कोई भी एक प्रसिंग (घटना ) के अहभनर् का एक
  वीहिर्ो बनाइए

4 हवहभन्न लेखकों की हशक्षाप्रद कहाहनर्ााँ पहिए तिा एक शीट पर हनम्नहलहखत हबिंदु हलहखए:

  # कहानी का नाम           # कहानी का सार

  # लेखक का नाम            # शीर्षक
CLASS 6 - SESSION 2022-23 - MGD School,Jaipur
Subject - French
                                   Class - 6

1. Read chapter 1 and 2 before attempting the worksheet.
2. Write in copy and solve it using a blue pen.

Q1. Choisissez la bonne réponse.

     1) La fête nationale est le _____ .

       a. 9 mai

       b. 14 juillet

       c. 9 aôut

     2)______ est un monument.

                 i. La baguette

                ii. Le bourgogne

                iii. L'arc de triomphe

    3)_______ est un fromage français.

                iv. Le bordeaux
                v. La baguette
                vi. Le roquefort

     4)_____ est la monnaie unique européena.

      i) Dior
      ii) L'euro
      iii) La drapeau
CLASS 6 - SESSION 2022-23 - MGD School,Jaipur
Q2. Répondez aux questions.

               1. Nommez deux parfums français.



               2. Nomme la fête nationale de France.

               3. Nommez la monnaie européenne

 Q3. Présentez-vous.

Q4. Écrivez en français.

i) Fine, thank you.

ii) Have a good day!

iii) I am fine, thank you.

iv) See you tomorrow!

v) And you? (informal)

vi) Hi!

vii) My name is ….

viii) Glad to meet you!

ix)Good night!

x) Madam

xi) What is your name? (formal)

xii) What is your name? (informal)

xiii) And you? (formal)

xiv) Have a good evening!

xv) Good bye
अवकाशकालीन गृह कार्य 2022 -2023

                                                          कक्षा - 6 सिंस्कृ त

  हनदेश -

  1. गृह -कार्य सुस्पष्ट ,सुन्दर लेखनी में हकर्ा जाना चाहहए |

  2 . अलग पृष्ठ पर हकए जाने वाले कार्य पर अपना नाम, कक्षा,वगय अवश्र् हलखें |

  3. कार्य प्रस्तुतीकरण की अिंहतम हतहि 11.07,2022 है |

1 सिंस्कृ त वणयमाला ए - 4 साइज शीट पर हलहखए |

2 स्वर तिा व्र्िंजन ए - 4 साइज़ शीट पर हलख कर सुसहजजत करें तिा र्ाद कीहजए |

3 अकारान्त (पुह्लिंग ),आकारािंत (स्त्रीहलिंग ),नपुिंसकहलिंग शब्दों के 10 हचत्र हचपकाएाँ तिा नाम हलखें |

4 कोई भी 2 नीहतश्लोक अिय सहहत सिंस्कृ त अभ्र्ास पुहस्तका में हलहखए तिा किंठस्ि हलहखए |
                                                        CLASS – VI

General Instructions:
1. Attempt all activities in A4 sheet.
2. Revise all the work done till now.Practice questions given in the end of the worksheet to be done in
Homework notebook.
3. In case of any query contact your subject teacher.



I] Puzzle time: Seven up!

   Put the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the circle so that each straight line of three

numbers adds up to the same total.

II] Calculate the value of each type of flowers and complete the last equation .
III] Draw a Number Pyramid in A4 sheet. Fill the bricks of pyramid with numbers such that, the top brick
would be the sum of the two bricks under it.

IV] Crossword

     Complete the following puzzle:

     2. Value of Indian System equivalent to 1 million.
     6. Greatest 5 digit number using all three digits 9,8 and 7. (you can repeat any digit).
     4. Expressing a number that is one less than 100, in words.

     8. Follow the pattern 2, 4, 6,.........

     1. Successor of 10378695
     3. Place of International System of numeration after Ones and Tens.
    5. Greatest one digit number.
    7. Number of zeroes in one thousand.
Practice Questions based on Knowing our Numbers and Playing with Numbers: (Do these questions in
homework copy)
    1. Write first three common multiples of 8 and 12.
      2. Write all the factors of 72.
      3. Write the number name according to Indian System and International System of 56201100.
      4. Find the divisibility by both 4 and 8.(show working)
     (a) 29344 (b) 80992               (c) 1005464                  (d) 3098250
      5. Find the HCF of 12 and 45.
      6. Find the LCM of 21 and 54.
      7. Find the difference between the greatest and the least 4- digit number that can be written using the
                digits 5,1,8,3 each only once.
      8. Write the multiples of 8 up to 100.
      9. Find the divisibility by 6 of the following:
        (a) 230918                     (b) 385032
      10. Express the following as the sum of two odd primes:
           (a) 54            (b) 60

Subject: - Science
                                          Class -VI

    1)   Do the holiday work in a scrap book / file folder.
    2)   Each activity will carry marks.
    3)   Do neatly and paste / draw related pictures.
    4)   Use only blue, black pen or pencil where required.
    5)   Out of FIVE given activities choose ANY FOUR and do it in the scrap note book.
    6)   Holiday Homework to be submitted when school reopens after the summer break.

Activity ( I )

Spices and herbs add flavor and taste to food. They make our food taste good. But how many of you know
the names of different spices. Discover the taste / smell and use of each.

    •    Note down names of 10 spices; Write both their English & Hindi names.
    •    Write 2 lines on each spices / herbs.
    •    Paste one specimen using a white tape or glue gun, example one cardamom or one clove.

Activity ( II )

 Different components of food are needed by our body in a specific amount .A balance and wholesome diet
can keep us healthy and fit. Prepare a menu of Lunch which is nutritious and balanced. Ask elder to help
you prepare the food items as per menu. Note down answers as asked below -
    • Name the food items in Menu.
    • What are the main ingredients in each dish?
    • What component of food you will get from each dish?
    • Click picture of the food prepared and paste in scrap notebook.
    • Why do you think it is a healthy menu?
Activity ( III )

Learn to weave a Mat using two yarns:-
Use rope / paper strips / plastic fibers to weave a mat. Paste it in your scrap book.
Link for reference: -
Learn to knit a small piece of fabric using single yarn. Paste in your scrap book.
Links for reference: -

Note:- Do either Weaving or Knitting depending on your choice, NO need to do both.

Activity ( IV)

Fibers of various kinds are used to prepare variety of fabrics which has revolutionized the garment
industry. In due course of holiday ,collect at least 5 different pieces of fabrics from around you and paste it
in your scrap book.

Write down following points and answer them-
   • How many varieties where you able to find?
   • How many of them were natural and how many were synthetic?
   • What are two differences between natural and synthetic fabrics?
   • Write two to three lines on each kind of fabric you are pasting.
   • Which fabrics you prefer to wear in different seasons?

Activity ( V)

Pick up any interesting topic from your science text book and design a paedagame which can be played to
learn the topic easily –
    • Click picture of the game you have designed and paste in scrap book.
    • What was the topic based on which you have designed the game?
    • How to play the game?
    • What did you learn while designing the game and how you have benefited?
Subject-Social Science

1. Fill in the blanks

             a) ________ city was established on the banks of river Ganga
             b) ____________ drafted the Indian Constitution
             c) As we move away from the equator, the size of the parallel of latitude _______

2. Choose the correct option

              a) Manuscripts are written on
                    ● palm leaves
                    ● hard surface

              b) Tropic of Cancer is located in
                     ● Northern hemisphere
                     ● Southern hemisphere

              c) To judge other people negatively
                     ● prejudice
                     ● stereotypes
              d) The zone which receives maximum heat
                     ● Torrid zone
                     ● Temperate zone

3. Define the following terms

                  a) Archaeologist………………………………………………….
                  b) Axis-……….……….…….….…………………………………….
                      C) Discrimination-.………………………………………

Subject-Social Science

1. Fill in the blanks

             a)   _________ was the first largest empire of India.
             b)   The total numbers of longitudes are________
             c)   The Antarctic Circle is located in _________ hemisphere
             d)   People living in villages are called _________.

2. Choose the correct option

              a) The people lived in the ancient times on the banks of river-
                     ● Satluj
                     ● Narmada

              b) It is a true model of the Earth
                       ● Globe
                       ● Map

              c) To judge other people negatively
                     ● prejudice
                     ● stereotypes

3. Define the following terms

                  a) Inscriptions
                  b) Equator
                  c) Inequality

4.How can you say that archaeologists and historians are like detectives?
5.How is discrimination different from stereotypes?
6.Mention any two features of a globe?
7.What do you understand by the term Indian standard time?
Subject- Computer


A. Answer the following

              1. Which language is expressed in the form of Binary Numbers?

              2. Which language uses mnemonic codes in place of binary numbers?

              3. Which translator program is used to convert assembly language into machine
              4. Which translator program translates the whole program at once?

              5. Which feature of Windows 10 helps the operating system to work with devices
                 that support both keyboard-mouse and a touch input?
              6. Name the feature that allows you to sign in to your system using data like
                 fingerprint, face recognition, etc.

              7. Name the advanced search tool of Windows 10.
              8. What is the full form of MPEG?

              9. Name the latest version of Windows.

              10. Which company introduced Windows 10?

B. Fill in the blanks:

   1. A ………………….. is a set of instructions.
   2. Windows 10 changes to the …………… mode, if it detects that there is no keyboard
   3. We can view multiple desktops by clicking on the ………………….. button.
   4. Ripping refers to .................................. songs from a CD to a computer.

   5. .................................. is a new feature in Windows 10, which enables you to organize the
      applications running on your computer.
C. Application based the following
         1. Kapil's aunt was a computer programmer during the third generation of computer language.
            Which kind of language did she use then?

         3. Sia wants to burn her favorite songs to a CD. Which utility program will you suggest her to
            use to perform the operation?

D. State True (T) or False ( F)

         1. Machine language is the only language, which a computer understand.

         2 High level language program has to be converted into machine language by translator

         3 You can drag and drop an app from one desktop to another in the Task View pane.
Instrumental Music (Tabla)
                              Class - 6

• Practice the following “taal” and “palte”

(i)   ताल
            1. ताल तीनताल
                 धा धधन धधन धा । धा धधन धधन धा
                 *                         2
                 धा ततन ततन ता । ता धधन धधन धा
                 0                     3

            2. ताल कहरवा
                 धा गे ना ती । ना क धी ना
                  *                0

            3. ताल दादरा
                 धा धी ना । धा ती ना
                  *            0

            4. तालरूपक
                 तीन तीन ना । धधन ना । धधन ना
                 0                 2           3

            5. कायदातीनताल
                 धा धा तीट । धा धा ततन ना
                 ता ता तीट । धा धा ततन ना
(ii) पलटे

                 1. धा धा ती ट । धा धा ती ट
                    धा धा ती ट । धा धा ततन ना
                    ता ता ती ट । ता ता ती ट
                    धा धा ती ट । धा धा ततन ना

                 2. धा ती ट धा । ती ट धा धा
                    धा धा ती ट । धा धा तू न
                    ता ती ट ता । ती ट ता ता
                    धा धा ती ट । धा धा तू ना

                 3. धा धा धा धा । ती ट ती ट
                    धा धा ती ट । धा धा ती ना
                    ता ता ता ता । ती ट ती ट
                    धा धा ती ट । धा धा ती ना

                              HOLIDAY HOMEWORK- DANCE
   •                     * LEARN 10 BASIC STEPS OF WESTERN DANCE.*
                                      • Bharatanatyam
   •   Class 6:
   •   1. Write and sketch all the hasta mudras (single and double hand gestures) in your
   •   2. Prepare a folk dance belonging to any Indian state. The time duration should be 1-2
                                           CLASS 6th

Drawing & coloring on A3 size sheet. Use any medium.

Topic: Let’s pledge to make Rajasthan free from single use Plastic.

1 Canvas Painting (A3 size stretched canvas, acrylic paints)

Topic: Flower Composition

                                      Subject: Vocal Music

                                            Class: 6


   1. Make a notebook and write down all these in it:
         • Alankaars 1 to 10
         • Definitions- Alankaar, sangeet, taal
         • Taal- Dadra, kehrwa, teen taal
         • Prayers- itni Shakti humeindena data, teriaraadhnakarun,
         • Songs- ye vaktnathehrahai, aao hum sab haathbadhayein, hum
         • School prayer- I would be true
         • School song- Oh come let’s sing of MGD
         • National song- Vandematram
         • National anthem
   2. Learn and practise all songs and prayers.
   3. I will check the notebooks once the school reopens.


 PROJECT :-- To use their research skills and creative capabilities to get to know a little more about the
games that they love to watch and play. Each student is required to present his/ her findings in any one of
the following ways:
    • Poster
    • Collage
    • Pamphlet
    • Sports Magazine
    • Model making
    • Digital Project
         Show your creativity with full enthusiasm. The best projects prepared by the students shall be
        posted on school Facebook page.

       Class & Sec.                   Sport to Research on and Suggested information in
                                      present                  the project

       8 A to G                       HOCKEY                         1. Field dimensions
                                                                     2. Terminology used in the
       7 A to G                       BASKETBALL                     3. Important tournaments and
                                                                     4.Pictures of related sports
       6 A to G                       SWIMMING

   • Play one hour everyday for your mental & physical fitness. Playing game will
     increase your inner strength , You will be more fit & happier.
   • Make your fitness planner.
In present scenario daily Yoga and exercises practices are very much required for every individual.

Students during holidays, as I always ask you to take a Yoga session at home for your parents and

You should practice these daily with your family.

1. Om chanting-9 times
2. Spot jogging-1 minute
3. Neck exercises, shoulder rotation, simple leg bending from knee
4. Forward-backward bending
5. Spinal twisting
6. Paschimotanasan-30 seconds
7. Dhanurasan-15 seconds
8. Pawanmuktasan-30 seconds
9. Shavasan-2 minutes
10. Bhastrika Pranayam-1-2 minutes (deep breathing little fast)
11. Kapalbhati-50 strokes
12. Anulom-vilom-5 minutes
13 .Bhramari Pranayam-5 times
14. Meditation (concentrate and feel your natural breathing)
15. Laughing exercise.

You will make a page of daily attendance it will be checked after holidays.

*Drink water in a sufficient amount *Pray God to keep this universe happy and healthy.

* Don’t take stress

*Pray God to keep this universe Happy and Healthy.

You can also read