Claritycares OUR 2019 DONATIONS - DONATE -

Claritycares OUR 2019 DONATIONS - DONATE -
claritycares             O U R 2 0 1 9 D O N AT I O N S

DONATE               PARTNER                      INSPIRE
We donated £50,000   We supported 27              We donated £6,500
to good causes       organisations in 2019        to staff challenges
Claritycares OUR 2019 DONATIONS - DONATE -
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Welcome to our
Clarity Cares edition                                                                      Get in
of clearview                                                                               and stay
We are Clarity Environmental. Founded in 2002 to help businesses
comply with environmental regulations, we work with a range of
sectors to reduce the impact of their business on the environment                          We are specialists
and ensure they meet their legal obligations. We are proud to be                           in environmental
a good business that does good, and it is our mission to help the
compliance, recovery and recycling industries to make a difference.
                                                                                           and waste

                                                                                           Contact a member of our team
                                                                                           to find out more about the
                                                                                           services we provide and how
                                                                                           we can help your business.

                                                                                           Call us on
                                                                                           0845 129 7177

                                                                                           Fax us on
                                                                                           0845 129 7178

Clarity Cares:
                                                                                           Email us on

Our commitment to CSR
                                                                                           Visit us at

                                                                                           9 & 10 Hunns Mere Way,
                                                                                           Woodingdean Business Park,
Our ability to make a difference to the      year, we support a range of charitable        Brighton, East Sussex,
                                                                                           BN2 6AH, England
world we live in is a driving force behind   organisations, social enterprises or
our business. In 2018, we formalised         awareness campaigns that exist to make a
our commitment to corporate social           difference to the world we live in, and the
responsibility by creating Clarity Cares.    people that occupy it.                        Editor
This is our promise to donate at least 1                                                   Lucy Brooks
per cent of our EBITDA profits to good
causes. Managed by an internal donation
committee who meet four times a

                                                                                           Please print responsibly.

Claritycares OUR 2019 DONATIONS - DONATE -
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Our 2019 Highlights

                              miles of litter
donated to good causes in

                              beach clean

   A squadron                          4
    of assistance dogs
                              children on a
                              six week surf
                             therapy course

       12,500                potentially life
meals to those who need it    saving calls
most throughout London

Claritycares OUR 2019 DONATIONS - DONATE -
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                         A message from our
                          managing director
              Welcome to our Clarity Cares edition of clearview, where we celebrate the work
                        of our donation committee to make a difference in 2019.

                                            David Honcoop, Managing Director

           We are now two years on from our pledge to divert       sustainable business practices, I would like to think
           over 1 per cent of our profits and contribute to        that we are setting an example for our industry and
           good causes, and I am delighted to see that our         inspiring others to do their bit.
           donations increased to over £50,000 in 2019 from
           £40,000 the year before.                                I am immensely proud of my team who continue to
                                                                   put their all into our business, helping us to grow
           The donations this year have ranged from                year-on-year, and who have once again supported
           sponsoring a squadron of puppies, supporting            our mission to be a good business doing good.
           research into microplastics and helping those
           without a home. It is a privilege to have worked with   I would also like to extend my thanks to all of the
           all of these organisations that do such outstanding     businesses we work with and who, by doing so,
           work to improve lives and make the environment          have contributed to these donations. I hope you
           around us a better place to live. But I am also         enjoy reading about how you helped us to make a
           delighted to see that we are inspiring our own staff    difference in 2019.
           to make a difference; not only have our teams taken
           on their own personal fitness challenges to raise       As our business grows so does our ability to do
           money, but they have also given up their time to do     good and, with some exciting plans for the year
           good. A personal highlight for me was our collective    ahead, I am looking forward to supporting an
           challenge to tackle the litter problem by walking the   expanding number of organisations throughout
           distance of Brighton to Lands End.                      2020.

           It is my hope that we can go even further than
           this. By our business practicing philanthropy
           through Clarity Cares, as well as using ethical and

Claritycares OUR 2019 DONATIONS - DONATE -
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“As our business grows so does our
ability to do good”
David Honcoop, Managing Director

Claritycares OUR 2019 DONATIONS - DONATE -
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                                     For the
                                   love of dogs
           With our two resident Labradors, the Clarity team fully understands the joys and
         opportunities that a dog can bring to a person’s life. We are honoured to support two
         charities that are training dogs to bring independence to those that need it, changing
                                            lives for the better.

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Claro starts next chapter of his journey
In 2018, we formed a partnership                 with his puppy parents, who took time to       to a life as a canine partners’ assistance dog.
with Canine Partners, pledging to the            introduce him to places, people and other      And in March, we heard the wonderful news
sponsorship of a dog that will go on to          dogs in a gentle and cheerful way.             that Claro had been matched to a partner.
transform the life of someone with a                                                            Claro has been taught the specific tasks
physical disability.                             In December we received the news that          needed for his partners’ needs, making a
                                                 Claro had gone on to start his advanced        huge difference to her life at home and
Our commitment to donate £20,000 over            training at the Canine Partners’ Midlands      when out and about.
the period of four years is helping to ensure    Centre. He spent 5 weeks meeting his new
Claro gets all the training required to make a   classmates and spending time with his          Canine Partners remain extremely grateful
real difference to his future owners’ quality    advanced trainer who settled him into his      for our support and we love hearing the
of life.                                         new surroundings.                              latest news on Claro.

Proving to be a sweet, cuddly boy who likes      During this time at the training centre, his
to be close to people, Claro settled in well     trainer assessed whether Claro was suited

Claritycares OUR 2019 DONATIONS - DONATE -
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           Sponsoring a squadron
           Having seen the difference we can make by                “The original ethos of our charity was about the
           sponsoring an assistance dog, in 2019 we                 serving and ex-service community supporting
           joined forces with Hounds for Heroes. Making a           their own injured and disabled colleagues. This
           commitment to donate £20,000 over the next four          was a mission that we were never going to fail at:
           years, we are sponsoring a ‘squadron’ of puppies         providing life enhancing dogs for those who had
           who will provide a lifeline to a service man or          proudly served Queen and Country and paid the
           woman living with an injury or disability.               price through illness or disability.

           Hounds for Heroes’ mission is to provide specially       “What we had totally under-estimated was the sheer
           trained assistance dogs to injured and disabled          level of support and backing that we would receive
           men and women of both the UK Armed Forces and            from the public. Having companies such as Clarity
           Emergency Services. The charity fully funds the          Environmental committing to support Hounds
           food, insurance and veterinary costs for the working     for Heroes over the next four years is incredibly
           life of the dog. Through this provision, the charity     humbling. Our charity motto ‘Together we can’ takes
           provides help and practical support to service men       on a real poignancy when organisations such as
           and women who are injured or disabled.                   Clarity stand shoulder to shoulder with us on our
           Hounds for Heroes Vice Chair and founder, Allen
           Parton, was himself seriously injured whilst serving     Clarity’s sponsored squadron; Lance, Captain, Scout
           in the Royal Navy. He founded Hounds for Heroes          and Sergeant, are at the start of their journey as
           so that injured personnel from the military and          assistance dogs and we look forward to watching
           ‘blue-light’ services might receive the same help that   their progress.
           his service dog, Endal, had given him. He said of the
           commitment from Clarity:


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“‘Together we can’ takes on a real
poignancy when organisations such
as Clarity stand shoulder to shoulder
with us on our mission.”
Allen Parton,
Hounds for Heroes Vice Chair and founder

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Picking litter from
Brighton to Lands’ End
Inspired by Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean campaign throughout April
2019, the Clarity team collectively walked the equivalent distance from our offices in
Brighton to Land’s End in Cornwall, picking litter to raise awareness of the impact of
discarded waste entering our waterways and coastlines.



Together, our team volunteered over          dedication to tackle this challenge head      Spring Clean has so many mental health
80 hours of their free time and walked       on, working in their spare time to benefit    benefits, including an enhanced sense
over 250 miles during lunchbreaks and        our local environment, highlighting the       of community. We also know that many
weekends. Last year they gathered over       sheer scale of the problem of discarded       those who take part feel they gain the
140kg of litter, equivalent to around        litter and the damage it can do to our        knowledge and skills needed to carry on
700,000 sweet wrappers, 25,500 plastic       environment, whilst doing our own bit to      litter picking in their local area and we
bags and 370,000 plastic straws.             make a difference to our local area.          hope many employees will carry on litter
                                                                                           picking all year long”.
On behalf of the campaign, we donated        Allison Ogden-Newton, Chief Executive
£1,250 to Keep Britain Tidy, which           of Keep Britain Tidy said of our challenge;   We were delighted to be invited to
equates to £5 for every mile completed       “We are delighted with the creative way       the Keep Britain Tidy’s celebration at
by our team. With litter blighting our       Clarity Environmental have engaged            Westminster, alongside some inspiring
streets, parks and beaches, costing us       their staff in the Great British Spring       organisations, individuals and MP’s who
millions of pounds to clear up every year,   Clean campaign, taking real action on         had supported the campaign in 2019.
Keep Britain Tidy is inspiring people        the ground to collect and safely dispose
to eliminate litter now and for future       of litter – and offering their employees      You can read more about our challenge,
generations.                                 the chance to get outdoors and help           and the shocking things we found
                                             protect their local environment. We           throughout the month in our blog by
We were incredibly proud of our team’s       know that taking part in the Great British    Marketing Executive, Charlotte Briggs.

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“We are
delighted with
the creative
way Clarity
have engaged
their staff in the
Great British
Spring Clean
Allison Ogden-Newton,
Cheif Executive, Keep Britain Tidy

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A better
environment for all
One of the key aims of Clarity Cares is to support organisations that
are working hard to make the environment a better place. We are
proud to have supported the following organisations who are making
changes to improve the world around us.



Supporting the Big Microplastics Survey
Microplastics are one of the most          in collaboration with the University of      as well as academic institutions and
critical problems facing our oceans        Portsmouth, The Big Microplastic Survey      government departments. Data is being
and yet we don’t fully understand          is a global citizen science project where    gathered across the world that will help
the scale of the problem or how it         volunteers take samples to provide           to understand the microplastics problem
is impacting on marine wildlife and        information about the extent and             around the world.
human health. In 2019, we gave a £5000     location of microplastics around the
grant to The Big Microplastic Survey,      world.                                       Our grant supported the project to
a project investigating the problem of                                                  achieve its goal; the development of a
microplastics and mesoplastic in rivers,   The Big Microplastic Survey project          collective, self-sustaining and openly
lakes and coastal regions.                 has had a huge response, both from           accessible source of microplastic data for
                                           individuals who want to be involved in       scientists and researchers, governments
Run by UK charity, Just One Ocean,         helping to resolve the microplastic issue,   and nongovernment organisations.

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                                            Supporting refill and reuse
                                            In 2019, we donated £2,000 to not-for-         We are extremely pleased to have
                                            profit organisation, City to Sea, to support   contributed to the Refill campaign,
                                            its award-winning Refill campaign. Our         providing the funds to establish two new
                                            donation was used to set up two new            cities. Alannah O’Rourke, Partnerships
                                            locations - Runcorn and Gower - for the        manager for City to Sea said of our
                                            campaign, which helps prevent plastic          donation:”The Refill Campaign is
                                            pollution by making it easier to reuse and     due to prevent 100 million plastic
                                            refill your water bottle instead of buying     bottles entering our waste stream
                                            a new one.                                     by the end of 2019, and this growth
                                                                                           wouldn’t be possible without our over
                                            The campaign works by connecting               200 volunteer-led community Refill
                                            people looking for water with tens             Schemes. We’re delighted that Clarity’s
                                            of thousands of Refill stations across         funding has allowed us to grow two new
                                            the UK via a location-based app. With          schemes which will be working in their
                                            over 20,000 participating cafes, bars,         communities to inspire change and
                                            restaurants, banks, galleries, museums         tackle plastic pollution at source.”
                                            now signed up to the scheme, it is
                                            estimated that 10 million single use
                                            bottles could be saved if all the refill
                                            stations were used twice daily.


Donating our environmental expertise
In addition to monetary donations,          which accommodate 500 entrants, more           Officer at Rise, said: “We’d like to thank
Clarity Cares has also enabled us to give   environmentally friendly and sustainable.      Clarity Environmental for not only
staff time and expertise. As a long-time    Our environmental assessment included          supporting us financially, but for sharing
supporter of Rise, we are proud to have     a climate footprint report of the current      their expertise with us to make our
collaborated with the charity to help       events and recommendations for                 8K Undercliff Run for Women more
reduce the environmental impact of          changes to goody bags for participants,        sustainable. These events are crucial
their large-scale fundraising events.       pre-participation communication and            to raise funds for our domestic abuse
Rise supports victims of domestic           placement and provision of bins. Our           services, but it’s important that we
abuse and violence and runs two main        recommendations have formed a three-           reduce the impact they have on the
annual running events to fundraise,         year plan to reduce the carbon footprint       environment, particularly when our
increase awareness and connect with the     of the charity’s challenge events.             8K race takes part in an area of such
community. The organisers came to us to                                                    outstanding natural beauty as the
get advice on how to make these events,     Nicola Davis, Senior Communications            picturesque Saltdean undercliff path.”

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Educating students
on our changing                                   £3,000
The Young People’s Trust for the
Environment was set up to encourage
young people’s understanding of the
environment, helping future generations
to make decisions about how they want to
shape their world for the future. Climate
change is one of the greatest threats to
humanity and we are delighted to have
supported this charity by helping to fund
a video that can explain climate change
to young people. Narrated by Actor and
Presenter Cel Spelman, the video will be
shared in primary and secondary schools to
children in years 5 to 9, providing a valuable
resource that will help provide students
with an introduction to climate change.

You can watch the video here


Helping to protect a
living legacy                                     £3,000
World Land Trust is an international
conservation charity that protects the
world’s most biologically significant and
threatened habitats. As well as managing
sites across the world, the charity owns
Kites Hill, which is located in the Cotswolds
and was donated to the charity as a
living legacy and to ensure it was forever

Our donation will be used by World Land
Trust to help them continue to improve
Kites Hill site for wildlife and people to
enjoy. Our donation will contribute towards
essential maintenance of the site and
will support an update of signage and
interpretations boards, which provide
information to visitors and have not been
updated for many years.


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Providing beach
clean boxes to SAS                                                                                             Donated

Our work with Keep Britain Tidy and Whale          and reduce reliance on single use plastic.
and Dolphin Conservation highlighted the           Through the provision of beach clean boxes
importance of litter picks and beach cleans.       and the regional reps for Surfers Against
One of the organisations working to fight the      Sewage, there have been 2012 beach cleans
plastic pollution on our beaches is Surfers        organised, with over 62,000 volunteers,
Against Sewage, and we donated £2,000 to           collecting over 93 tonnes of plastic in 2019.
the charity to beach clean kits that are helping
communities tackle plastic pollution on

                                                   “Surfers Against Sewage
Our donation provided 8 beach clean boxes,
which contain tools such as buckets, reusable

                                                   are championing beach
sacks, gloves and shovels, as well as vital
scientific monitoring and education materials.
With marine litter and ocean plastic being
found even in the deepest parts of the ocean,
Surfers Against Sewage are championing
                                                   cleans, education and
beach cleans, education and campaigns to
ensure we keep our coastline free from litter      campaigns”

Supporting a
sustainable human                                                                                               £2,000
population                                                                                                     Donated

With the world’s population topping 7billion,      choosing to support Population Matters.
our earth is struggling to cope. Population        The lasting impact that a growing human
Matters is a UK organisation that campaigns        population is having on our planet’s resources
to achieve a sustainable human population, to      and environment is an increasingly urgent
protect the natural world and improve people’s     issue, yet it is still difficult to fund our work. To
lives. Sir David Attenborough is a patron of       quote our patron Sir David Attenborough “All
this charity and our donation will help the        our environmental problems become easier
organisation to promote positive, practical,       to solve with fewer people, and harder - and
ethical solutions – encouraging smaller            ultimately impossible - to solve with ever more
families, inspiring people to reduce excessive     people” so a donation to Population Matters
consumption and helping us all to live within      really does make a difference.”
our planet’s natural limits.

Julie Lewis, Head of Supporter Services, said
of our donation to the charity: “On behalf
of everybody at Population Matters, I would
like to thank your donation committee for


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                                        Giving back
                                      to those in need
             We encourage our customers and suppliers to recommend the causes that mean
               something to them or their business. We are delighted to have donated to a
             number of organisations last year that are providing support to those working in
                                  the industries we are involved with.

                                                   The Felix Project
            No one should have to miss a meal, yet thousands           In addition to providing healthy meals or snacks
            of children go to school hungry each morning in our        to those that need it, the Felix Project’s schools
            capital city, young mothers skip meals to feed their       programme offers a way for primary schools in
            families, elderly people are malnourished and those        London to actively contribute to reducing food
            with a mental illness are often ignored. Meanwhile,        waste. Free of charge, the charity provides a weekly
            our food industry generates almost 2 million tonnes        delivery of healthy surplus food that is made
            of good, edible surplus food each year.                    available to children and their families to take
                                                                       home and enjoy. Importantly, the charity also runs
            Set up to tackle both issues, the Felix Project collects   interactive assemblies that help pupils (and staff)
            fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold, delivering     to understand the reasons why so much food in
            it to charities and schools so they can provide            our country is wasted, what happens to food if it is
            healthy meals and help the most vulnerable in              not eaten and what we can all do together to stop
            our society. The charity, which was set up in 2016,        wasting food.
            estimates that around 1.5 million adults in London
            alone struggle to afford to eat every day, with            We are delighted to support the Felix Project and
            400,000 children at risk of missing the next meal.         our £5,000 donation will enable the charity to
                                                                       provide 12,500 meals to those who need it the most
            Working with a range of retailers and suppliers,           across London.
            after checking that it is fresh, they ensure this food
            is delivered to vulnerable people.

                     Social Welfare

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“Our £5,000 donation will enable The Felix
Project to provide 12,500 meals to those
who need it the most across London”
David Honcoop, Managing Director

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Looking after the
lifeblood of the                                £1,000
automotive industry
Ben is a welfare and social charity that
supports those who have worked, or
are working, in the automotive industry.
Having been involved in the industry
for many years ourselves, recycling lead
acid batteries, we are delighted to have
donated to Ben, who looks after the
lifeblood of the automotive industry – its
people. The services this charity provides
ranges from support to those struggling
with financial issues, to helping those with
a physical injury. The charity currently
has a large focus on improving mental
health within the automotive industry,
helping businesses and individuals to
provide support, training and wellbeing

       Social Welfare

Supporting the
grocery industry                               Donated

Grocery Aid provides help to people who
currently, or have previously, worked in
the grocery industry, providing financial,
emotional and career support as well as
legal advice.

Grocery Aid has been looking after the
grocery industry for 162 years and we have
donated on behalf of our members who
work in this industry. With their work they
cover a vast array of areas to support from
mental health and loneliness to short-
term and long-term financial aid. Over the
past year Grocery Aid have helped 15,784
people and we look forward to seeing how
our donation will be used in the coming

       Social Welfare

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Supporting local
families                                                                                                            £500
                                                    our business for many years, providing HR                      Donated
Once again, we lent our support to a local          support and we were delighted to support the
fundraising event run by the Adur Special           charity that provides such a valuable service
Needs Project (ASNP) in 2019. This fun              for children and their families in our local area.
event has children and their families going
on the hunt for a range of characters from
their favourite books, films and television
programmes, with a prize given to the family to
find all the characters the quickest.
The Clarity team chose to sponsor legendary
pirate of the Seven Seas, Jack Sparrow,
who was joined by Stormtroopers, Marvel
Superheroes, Harry Potter and Disney
                                                    “we were delighted to
ASNP supports local families with children          support the charity that
who have special or additional needs and
disabilities such as Autism, Fragile X Syndrome     provides such a valuable
and ADHD. Heidi Rush, event organiser and
one of the Charity’s trustees, has worked with

       Social Welfare

Donating on behalf
of our customers                                                                                                   Donated

On behalf of one of our packaging compliance        received and one respondent was then picked
members, we donated to Kirkwood Hospice             at random to select a charity of their choice.
in 2019. This charity based in Huddersfield,        We are delighted to have been able to support
West Yorkshire, have given care to people           a charity that means so much to one of our
living with life-limiting illnesses for 30 years,   customers.
providing support for their families and friends
free of charge. Whether at the Hospice, in the
home or out in the community, the charity

                                                    “we donated £10 for every
makes sure that those in their care have the
opportunity to live the best quality of life

                                                    member who responded
possible, making the most of the time they
have left. Our donation was made to thank
our packaging compliance members for taking
part in our annual customer survey. We made
a promise to donate £10 for every response
                                                    to our survey”

       Social Welfare

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                                 Helping to
                                 improve lives
                                 As an ethical and caring business, we recognise the positive impact our
                                 charitable donations can have to help improve lives and provide support to
                                 those that need it most.

                                                                                       is life
                                                                                       for our
      £1,250                                                                           Joe Taylor,
     Donated                                                                           The Wave project CEO

                                 Donating to surf
                                 With our office located by the sea, we           funds for four children to go through a six-
                                 understand how the great outdoors can            week therapy course, which has been proven
                                 benefit your quality of life. And when we        to help increase confidence and reduce
                                 heard about a charity that uses the natural      anxiety. Joe Taylor, Wave Project CEO, said of
                                 environment to help children and young           our contribution: “Thanks to the donations
                                 people suffering with anxiety, health and        of generous companies such as Clarity
                                 trauma, we were inspired to offer our support.   Environmental, we are able to support more
                                                                                  young people in the water and build their
                                 Run by volunteers, The Wave Project was          confidence and self-esteem through surfing.
                                 originally based in Cornwall but now operates    Surf Therapy is life changing for our young
                                 all over the UK providing surf therapy. Our      people and the importance of supporting it
                                 £1,250 donation in 2019 will provide the         cannot be underestimated.”

                                        Social Welfare

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Giving a helping                                       Harvey’s Gang
hand                                                   tours

                                             £1,500                                                   £1,000
                                            Donated                                                  Donated

Team UnLimbited is run by Stephen Davies a             Harvey’s Gang was set up to enable children to
computer-aided design engineer who was himself         understand more about their own healthcare and
born without a hand. In his own search for a           help them overcome the fear of having blood tests.
prosthetic, he met IT consultant Drew Murray and       The charity was formed in 2013 after Harvey, a
the two joined forces do develop a charity that        little boy who had spent many weeks in hospital
designs, builds, and fits 3D prosthetic limbs to       after being diagnosed with leukaemia, asked what
children born without them.                            happened to his blood samples. It was arranged
                                                       for him to visit the pathology laboratory so that he
Nominated by a member of our team, Clarity Cares       could find out more. After seeing the difference
donated £1,500 to Team UnLimbited in 2019. With        the visit had made to Harvey, Chief Biomedical
each device costing around £30, our Clarity Cares      Scientist, Malcolm Robinson, founded Harvey’s
donation of £1,500 will pay for 50 limbs. Lottie is    Gang. The charity has now expanded to 90 sites,
just one little girl who has benefitted from this      spreading across the whole South Coast and as far
wonderful charity. With her 3D ‘superhero arm’,        away as Tasmania. Clarity Cares donated £1,000 to
complete with rainbow and glitter, Lottie has          this charity in 2019, which will enable another 20
been able to grip and pick things up for the first     children to go on tours. Malcolm Robinson, Chair
time using her left arm. Her mum, Michelle Dale        of Harvey’s Gang, was blown away by the donation:
explained how vital the work of Team UnLimbited        “Wow, what can I say! Thank you to Clarity for your
is: “As parents, we want Lottie to feel as normal as   help and support. We are a small charity with big
possible. With a difference that can be challenging.   aspirations. We still have a way to go and £1,000
When she wears the superhero hand no one notices       means a huge amount to us as it is allowing us to
the actual arm beneath; they see the superhero         fund another 20 children to have Harvey’s Gang
hand and her excitement when completing tasks          tours, by supplying white lab coats and goody bags.”
like throwing a ball. We can’t thank Clarity enough
for your kind donation to what is a very worthy

       Disability                                             Health

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Over the Wall
activity camps                                   £1,000
Over the Wall provides free activity camps
for seriously ill children, young people and
families. Many children with serious illness
miss out on childhood fun and friendship
due to endless hospital stays. With fully
qualified doctors and nurses as volunteers,
Over the Wall camps are a clinically
safe environment for children to build
confidence and self-esteem, whilst making
friends and having fun. Camps are run for
children with serious illness, siblings and
weekend family camps. With an estimated
50,000 children and young people in the
UK living with a serious health issue the
opportunities provided by Over the Wall
can make a wonderful difference to quality
of life and future development for these
children. Our donation of £1,000 will pay for
two families to attend a camp.


against male suicide                             £1,200

Suicide is the single biggest killer of men
under 45 in the UK and one charity, CALM
(The Campaign Against Living Miserably), is
a leading movement against male suicide,
running a free and confidential helpline
and webchat 7 hours a day, 7 days a week
for anyone who needs to talk about life’s

Last year the organisation says it directly
prevented 675 suicides. With each call or
webchat costing £8, our donation of £1,200
to CALM will help the charity to answer 150
potentially lifesaving calls.


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“We can’t thank Clarity enough
for your kind donation to what is
a very worthy cause.”
Michelle Dale

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Up for a challenge
Our team are just as passionate about Clarity Cares as we are. In turn, we are
committed to encouraging their efforts to challenge themselves physically and
give up their time to support some wonderful organisations.

Running for heroes
Our continued commitment to                event was dedicated to fundraising         Get Involved
supporting Rise led us to sponsoring       for the children’s counselling service,    You can still donate to all of the
two staff members, Hayley Bosworth         a much-needed resource for children        wonderful charities mentioned
and Charlotte Briggs, £500 to take part    affected by domestic abuse. In addition    in this quarters clearview.
in the charity’s annual Heroes Run. Rise   to the money we donated to support         Please use the ‘charity logo’
helps women affected by domestic           our team of heroes, we also donated        buttons located next to each
abuse, offering practical help that        an additional £500 to sponsor the 8km      of our Clarity Cares stories to
ranges from direct advice to refuge        marker, helping to spur the participants   make a donation of your choice.
accommodation for those whose lives        on as they near the end of their run.      A donation, no matter how big
are at risk.                                                                          or small, will undoubtedly help
                                                                                      improve lives, protect nature
The Heroes Run is a 5km or 10km                                                       and make the environment
race, with participants donning their                                                 around us a better place to live.
favourite superhero outfits. This year’s

       Social Welfare


A 50km walk for cancer
Marketing Executive, Charlotte Briggs,        Curie do first-hand, offering end of life     for our family during a difficult time. I
also bravely took on The North Downs          care to her Grandma last year.                was blown away by Clarity’s generosity
50 Challenge this year, walking an                                                          donating towards this challenge.
impressive 50km to raise money for            Completing the challenge in 10 hours          With any charity every little helps, but
Marie Curie. Clarity Cares has sponsored      and 12 minutes, with the help of Clarity      getting such an amazing donation,
Charlotte £2,500 for the 32mile trek over     Cares, Charlotte raised over £2,800 which     supplemented by the generosity of
the North downs.                              can provide 140 hours of nursing support      family and friends, is going to enable
                                              in someone’s home.                            Marie Curie to continue to provide
Marie Curie does an incredible job across                                                   support for those with terminal illnesses.”
the UK, supporting those living with          Charlotte said of the challenge: “After
terminal illness, by providing hospice        providing amazing support for my
care and volunteers to help carers and        Grandma twice in 2019, her wish for her
families. Charlotte signed up to the ultra-   funeral was not for flowers but for a small
distance after seeing the work Marie          donation to a charity that did so much


Clarity Cares | clearview

A half marathon
on behalf of Children’s Trust                                                                              £2,500
In 2019, Marketing Analyst, Edward           live the best life possible. Taking part
Heyne, completed his first half marathon     in the event was difficult but it was
and, together with girlfriend Ella, raised   an incredible experience, particularly
£2,500 for The Children’s Trust. After       because it enabled us to raise vital funds
some small injury setbacks, we were          for this wonderful charity.”
hugely impressed at his finishing time of
1 hour 50 minutes, which was testament       We are so pleased that both Ella and Edd
to his determination and dedication to       decided to undertake such an impressive
training.                                    physical challenge whilst raising money
                                             for a charity close to their hearts.
Edd said of the experience: “The
ambition behind The Children’s Trust
is to give all children with brain injury
and neurodisability, the opportunity to



                                                                                   Cycling for Whale and
                                                                                   Dolphin Conservation
                                                                                   Not content with running a half marathon
                                                                                   in 2019, Edd also completed the London to
                                                                                   Brighton cycle challenge in September 2019.
                                                                                   Having been inspired by the work they do to
                                                                                   protect whales and dolphins across the world,
                                                                                   Edd joined a team from Whale and Dolphin
                                                                                   Conservation and cycled a gruelling 55 miles,
                                                                                   raising money for the charity.


Clarity Cares | clearview

“I was
blown away
by Clarity’s
towards this
Charlotte Briggs,
Clarity Environmental

Clarity Cares | clearview

Doing our bit
during the festive period
Whilst it should be a time of festive cheer, for many people Christmas can be the most difficult time
of the year. We are committed to supporting charities that do their bit for those who are without
adequate support, are facing homelessness, or who, for many reasons, finds this time of year tough.

       Social Welfare

homeless charities at Christmas
Being based in Brighton – sadly one of      one in every 200 people is homeless this    cards, our staff decided to give money
the homelessness hotspots in the UK         Christmas. In Brighton, where our offices   to this national charity. Clarity Cares
- charities that support those without      are located, 3,876 are homeless, which      donated an additional £1,000 in support
a home have always been close to our        equates to one in 75.                       of this homeless charity and the efforts of
hearts. And during the winter months, as                                                our team to fundraise on their behalf.
we get close to Christmas, we are always    In support of The World’s Big Sleep
committed to donating to organisations      Out, we donated £1,250 to The Big Issue
that are helping to support those without   Foundation.
a home.
                                            We also donated £1,000 to Crisis. Once
A new report by Shelter has revealed that   again, instead of sending Christmas

Clarity Cares | clearview

                                                                                          A new
                                                                                          report by
                                                                                          Shelter has
                                                                                          that one in
                                                                                          every 200
                                                                                          people is
                                             Donated                                      Christmas
       Social Welfare

The Big Wrap
We are delighted to have supported        Network and Sussex Homeless Support.            those who may otherwise wake up on
The Big Wrap, a city-wide secret Santa                                                    Christmas morning without one.
campaign that provided presents to        Throwing our support behind the
members of our community that could       campaign, we donated over £1,000
otherwise be without at Christmas.        worth of gifts, as well as inviting our staff
Organised by Brighton Girl - an online    members to buy an extra present when
community for women living in Brighton    out shopping. The gifts were wrapped
– alongside local businesses, the Big     by our staff and delivered by Jimmy
Wrap encouraged people to donate          Dorrell, Head of Sustainable Business
presents to the service users of three    at Clarity, to the local charities in time
Sussex based charities; Rise Survivor’s   for Christmas, providing presents to

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