Civil Society Declaration - Civil Society Forum 2021 During the 59th session of the Commission for Social Development - the United Nations

Page created by Anita Floyd
Civil Society
Civil Society Forum 2021
During the 59th session of the Commission for Social Development
Indeed, the development and integration
                                                         of technology into our daily lives must be
Digital technology has shrunk the planet,                paired with inclusive policies, adequate
galvanized voices for social change and                  financing, good governance and respect
transformed the way we live forever. By                  for human rights and human dignity. The
enabling access to communications and                    many benefits of digital technology cannot
information       globally,        technology     has    distract us from its most pernicious effects
opened new doors toward advancements                     on social equality, justice and fundamental
around the world. At the same time, in the               rights.      Lack   of     access,   agency,      and
context of the pandemic that affects us all              representation, as well as violations of the
today, the systemic weaknesses of our                    right to privacy and exacerbation of
social and economic order have been                      inequality, are challenges that have to be
dramatically exposed, pushing hundreds of                faced without delay.
millions of individuals and families into

poverty. Now more than ever, synergies to                We, the representatives of civil society in
pursue     and    adapt       to     a    sustainable    this forum, amplify the many voices that
development that leaves no one behind                    are left behind because they lack access to
must be explored and put in practice.                    education, health care, social services, and

                                                         even      digitalization      itself. We   call   on
Appropriately, the priority theme for the                Member States, other stakeholders and the
59th session of the Commission on Social                 United Nations agencies to work together,
Development is “A Socially Just Transition               in     the    spirit     of    the   Copenhagen
to Sustainable Development: the role of                  Declaration, to find solutions to those
digital technology and the well-being of                 challenges and extend the benefits of
all.” This theme stands as a recognition of              digital technology and inclusion... to all!
the fact that, in spite of many gains in the

last decade, the world community is still

striving to achieve a just and sustainable

path to Development and now faces the

urgent     need    to   harness          the   rapidly

evolving         new      technologies             for

the benefit of all.
are also pervasive among existing users of
  Digital Inclusion in Education and
                                                   discrimination and inequity. Disparities
  Social Protections for All
                                                   are also pervasive among existing users of

Rapid advancement in digital technologies          digital     technology.          Gender           biases

provides unparalleled opportunities for            contribute to compromised technological

innovation across education, health care,          literacy in women, resulting in fewer

and social sectors. Yet, over three billion        women       in     STEM         fields     and      less

individuals    are    deprived       of    these   participation in innovation. Access and

advantages, lacking even the most basic            literacy    are        inextricably      linked     and

access to the internet particularly among          together have the power to connect the

women,        indigenous      peoples,      the    most vulnerable communities to social

impoverished, the elderly, and other vul-          benefits,        culture,      healthcare,          and

nerable groups.                                    education, among much more.

Government      emergency      responses      to     Digital Technology and Financing for

COVID-19 rely on digital technology to               Development: Eradication of Poverty

assist with needs regarding health and               and Promotion of Equality at Global

social welfare. Such digital technologies            and National levels

have been utilized in affluent communi-

ties,   overlooking   the   fact    that   many    Financial systems affect all economic

communities do not have access to the              activities, from international trade and

internet. This emphasizes the need for             financial   flows        to   national    and      local

such measures to be built into permanent           business, to personal banking transactions,

and integrated social protection systems,          remittances, and savings. The Addis Ababa

such as housing, health, education, and            Financing        for     Development         process

public services.                                   initiated in 2015, as an integral part of the

                                                   SDGs and Agenda 2030, must now take

Digital technology is not neutral. Big data,       into consideration the profound effects of

algorithms, and artificial intelligence are        both digital technology and COVID-19 on

informed by existing human biases and              financial markets, public finance, and

reinforce      stereotypes,        perpetuating    sustainable trade and investment. The

discrimination and inequity. Disparities           time to act is now if we are to mitigate
global economic crisis to follow in the               collective action so that no one is left

aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.                   behind.

                                                        Digital     Technology        and    Good
Poverty reduction has slowed down in the
                                                        Governance:        Creating      a   Legal
last five years, and the level of global
                                                        Environment that Protects Human
growth is well below that needed to                     Rights,     Respects      Privacy,    and
eradicate poverty everywhere and in all its             Prevents Abuses
forms. Investments that are critical in

achieving a Socially Just Transition to               Global digital governance must be guided

Sustainable            Development          remain    by the Sustainable Development Goals

underfunded just as systemic risks are                (SDGs) at the design, development, and

increasing: inequality is on the rise within          implementation stages, to protect both

and among countries, and debt burdens                 people and the planet.

and   capital     flow volatility        jeopardize

earlier       gains.     Voluntary        financial   Effective     and        responsive     digital

contributions      and    technical      assistance   governance emerges from input, active

between Members States are insufficient               public participation and accountability to

to    ensure      the     full     and    effective   multiple stakeholders, including persons

implementation of previously established              at the grassroots. Values such as inclusion,

commitments        to     social    development       equity, security, and transparency are the

priorities:             social           inclusion,   underpinnings       of   digital   governance.

non-discrimination,         creation      of   new    Continual education and skill-building to

opportunities for jobs and re-training for            ensure      meaningful      participation      in

inclusion in the labor market.                        governance and knowledge of human

                                                      rights and labour protections is of great

The disruptions created by the pandemic,              importance     moving      forward.    Meeting

coupled with rapid technological change               constituents’ needs calls for governments

create an unprecedented opportunity to                to upgrade infrastructure, upskill staff, and

reshape and advance the Financing for                 ensure data is readily exchanged, in order

Development process through resolute                  to inform decisions and deliver services
efficiently.     The    new      era     of   digital

governance should be regulated in a way

that protects human rights, privacy, and

prevent abuses and discrimination.

                                                Call To Action

In light of the above, we, civil society                  protection services for all individuals and

representatives, call upon Member States                  families so that food, water, housing,

to:                                                       energy,      healthcare,        education,     and

                                                          transportation are available to all.

A. Guarantee internet connection as a

fundamental right and provide appropriate                 D. Prioritize digital literacy training for all,

funding to extend broadband internet and                  especially women and girls, people living

digital access to all, in rural and urban                 in urban and remote areas, individuals and

areas,   for women            and   girls,    elderly     families who are living in poverty, on the

population,            indigenous,            people      street, in inadequate housing, or in slums,

experiencing homelessness, people with                    and    for   workers       in    obsolete    work

disabilities and people living in poverty.                environments.

B. Establish       mechanisms          that   act   as    E. Strengthen Financing for Development

safeguards against biases that arise when                 process by addressing tax havens and illicit

artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms               financial flows, restructuring of sovereign

evaluate       individuals’    qualifications       for   debt and injecting new liquidity according

social benefits, such as defining “social                 to level of need in developing countries for

impact” statements on all applications for                a more equitable distribution that can

licenses, patents and research in the field               ensure not only growth but resilience.

of AI and digital technology.

                                                          F.    Support     technology        transfer    to

C.    Provide      digital    access     to    social     developing       countries,        strengthening
science     and    technology        cooperation,     and development organizations, and the

promoting sustainable global and domestic             industries   themselves      must    adapt   all

investments in infrastructure capabilities.           regulatory frameworks to the new realities

                                                      so that digital technologies will lead the

G. Support the UNSG’s Roadmap on                      world into a Socially Just Transition to

Digital    Cooperation       and     its   specific   Sustainable Development.

actions     that   would      improve       digital

inclusion and protect human rights; to                To    conclude,     if    proven      available

protect global internet governance and to             technologies are mainstreamed as public

consider not only the internet but also data          goods following our calls for action, a

and AI as digital public goods.                       Socially Just   transition    to    sustainable

                                                      development is possible.

H. Establish a digital ombudsman to

further     protect     citizens   and     provide    We, the representatives of civil society, are

learning opportunities. Protections are               truly confident in the transformational

particularly needed with regard to digital            power of a Digital Technology Revolution

identity, surveillance, online harassment,            based on human rights and dignity, and

content, and data.                                    guided by the values of inclusion, equity,

                                                      security and transparency.

I. Heed the recommendations of The

United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force

on Financing for Development in their

2020      report   on    financing    sustainable

development in an era of disruptive

technologies and rapid innovation; bring

back the notion that citizens, as owners of

pensions and savings, are at the center of

the economy.

J. Member States, international finance

                                            Afrihealth Optonet      Nigeria
Civil Society Organizations

1000 Shades of Women      Senegal           AfroLeadership          Cameroon

International                               Age-in-Action           South Africa

A. I. C. - BOLIVIA        Bolivia           AIC                     Belgium

à Quipes Saint Vincet     Cameroon          AIC                     Ukraine

de Paul                                     AIC - Association Des   Belgium

AALAMARAM                 India             Charité

ACAMAGE                   Cameroon          AIC Damascus Syria      Syria

Accountability Lab        United States     AIC Guatemala           Guatemala

Action for Sustainable    Belgium           AIC India               India

Development                                 AIC International       Belgium

Action Lab For            Cameroon          AIC of Ukraine          Ukraine

Development                                 AIC Panama              Panama

Administrateur            Burundi           AIC Poland              Belgium

Advocacy Initiative for   United States     AIC Suisse              Switzerland

Development                                 AIC Centrafrique        Central

Africa Young Positives    Uganda                                    African Rep

Network                                     AIC Spain               Spain

African Foundation For    Nigeria           AIC-Madagascar          Madagascar

Environment and                             AIC-Thailand            Thailand

Development                                 Aid Organization        Bangladesh

Africal Renaissance       Kenya             Aim Education &         India

                                            Research Society
All India Shah Behram    India           Asociacion de Caridad      Spain

Baug Society                             de San Vicente

American Association     United States   Asociacion                 Spain

of University Women                      Internacional de

Amis des Etrangers au    Togo            Caridades de San

Togo                                     Vicente de Paul

Angels in the Field      India           Assistante                 Burundi

Appui Solidaire Pour     Mali            ACOBEPE ONGD               Congo

Renforcement de Aide                     AAEEH                      France

Au Development                           Association for Farmers    Georgia

Armenian Relief          United States   Rights Defense

Society                                  Association For            India

Asabe Sabe Shehu         United States   Promotion Sustainable

Yaradua Foundation                       Development

Asabe Shehu Yar'Adua     United States   Association For Single     Kenya

Foundation                               Mothers

Asia Pacific             Malaysia        Association                Ivory Coast

Entrepreneur Associate                   Internationale des

Chamber of Commerce                      Charité de Co´te

Association Seglar       Chile           d'Ivoire

Vicentina                                Association of Christian   Nigeria

Asociacion de            Colombia        Counsellors of Nigeria

Voluntarias Vicentinas                   APSWDP                     India

de la Caridad de                         Association Pour Les       Cameroon

Roldanillo                               Victimes Du Monde

Asociacion               Argentina,      AIDB (Indigenous           Burundi

Internacional de         Paraguay &      Forum)

Caridades                Peru            ATRAHDOM                   Guatemala

Asociacion Cristiana     Argentina       Baha'i International       United States

Promotora                                Community

                                         BHRWS                      Bahrain
Bangladesh NGOs            Bangladesh      Civil Society Coalition   Nigeria

Network for Radio and                      on Sustainable

Communication                              Development

Bella Foundation for       Nigeria         Community                 Sri Lanka

Child and Maternal                         Development

Care                                       Foundation

BJD Reinsurance            United States   Community                 Nigeria

Consulting                                 Development Initiative

Brot für die Welt          Germany         Community                 Nigeria

Bureau pour la             Congo           Enlightenment and

Croissance Intégral et                     Development initiative

la Dignità de l'Enfant                     CIDP                      Pakistan

Business Innovation        France          Company of the            France

Research Dev                               Daughters of Charity of

Cadire Cameroon            Cameroon        St. Vincent de Paul

Association                                Concejo Nacional AIC      El Salvador

Casa Generalizia della     Italy           Concile Mondial de        France

Societa del Sacro                          Congrã¨s Diplomatique

Cuore                                      CoNGO                     United States

Catolic religious          Italy           Congregacion del Buen     Ecuador

community                                  Pastor

international                              Congregation of Our       Italy &

CEAMUJER                   Nicaragua       Lady Of Charity of the    United States

CEDEAL                     Ecuador         Good Shepherd

Centre for Disaster Risk   Nigeria         Congregation of Sisters   United States

and Crisis Reduction                       of St. Agnes

Centro de                  Dominican       Congregation of the       Italy

Investigación para la      Republic        Mission

Acción Femenina                            Congregations of St.      United States

Chavara cultural centre    India           Joseph
Consejo Directivo        Chile           Equipes Saint Vincent    France

Nacional ASEVI                           EUROGEO                  Belgium

Consejo Nacional         Costa Rica      Fédération Française     France

Voluntarias Vicentinas                   Equipes Saint Vincent

AIC                                      FAAAT think & do tank    France

Coordo                   Burundi         Farmers' Voice           Bangladesh

Dharma Drum              United States   Federación Nacional de   Colombia

Mountain Buddhist                        Voluntariados

Association                              Vicentinos de la

Disease Management       India           Caridad

Association of India                     Foundation for           Korea South

Dr Uzo Adirieje          Nigeria         Preventing Youth

Foundation                               Violence

Ecoforum of              Uzbekistan      Foundation for           Korea South

Uzbekistan                               Preventing Youth

Ecology Africa           South Africa    Violence

Foundation                               Fundacion Luz Maria      Argentina

EDO Legacy               Nigeria         Fundacion Mujer &        Ecuador

Foundation Inc                           Mujer

Elimination of           India           Fundacion para la        Argentina

Neglected Tropical                       Democracia

Diseases                                 Internacional

Emonyo Yefwe             Kenya           Fundacion Arcoiris por   Mexico

International                            el respeto a la

Empower India            India           diversidad sexual

Enfold Proactive         India           Fundacion para Estudio   Argentina

Health Trust                             e Investigacion de la

Enviro Impi              South Africa    Mujer

Environmental            Nigeria         Gatef organization       Egypt

Development Initiative                   GESTOS- HIV              Brazil

Global Academy            Philippines     Health evolution for all   India

Institute of Technology                   rural tribes society

Foundation Inc.                           Heavenly shower of         Nigeria

Global Distribution       United States   peace church of God

Advocates                                 Hetaved Skills Academy     Nigeria

Global Forum for          Belgium         & Network

Media Development                         International

Global Socio-economic     Nigeria         Hijas de MarIa             Ecuador

and Financial Evolution                   Auxiliadora

Network                                   Hunger Reduction           Somalia

Global South Coalition    Nepal           International

for Dignified                             Ibtikar for                Palestine

Menstruation                              Empowerment and

Global Utmaning           Sweden          Social

Good Shepherd             Italy           Entrepreneurship

International                             IBVM                       Peru

Foundation                                IBVM UN NGO                Brazil

Good Shepherd Sisters     Nepal           IBVM CJ NGO                Italy

Graduate Women            Switzerland     Imamia Medics              United States

International                             International

Gruppi di Volontariato    Italy           India Water Foundation     India

Vincenziano                               Indigenous Peoples         Burundi

Gulf Center for           France          Global Forum for

Development                               Sustainable

GVV                       Italy           Development

Haiti Cholera Research    United States   Initiative                 Austria

Funding Foundation                        Schwendermarkt

Inc                                       Ink Educational            India

Hape Development and      Pakistan        Research & Charitable

welfare Association                       Trust

                                          Inspirator Muda            Indonesia

Institute of the Blessed   Italy         International              United States

Virgin Mary                              Organization of Local

International              France        Government

Association of Applied                   International              Ireland,

Psychology                               Presentation               Canada &

International              Belgium       Association                United States

Association of Charities                 Interregional public       Russian

International              Italy         charitable organization    Federation

Association of Schools                   of assistance to persons

of Social Work                           with disabilities

International Economic     Korea South   Iraqi journalists rights   Iraq

Organization World                       defence association

Distribution Federation                  Isiziba Community          South Africa

International              Netherlands   Based Organizations of

Federation of Library                    South Africa

Associations and                         Islamic Research and       Iran

Institutions                             Information Cultural

International              Switzerland   and Artistic Institute

Federation of Social                     ITA                        Pakistan

Workers                                  Jonction                   Senegal

International              Canada        Journalists' Environ-      Tanzania

Federation on Ageing                     mental Association of

International              France        Tanzania

Movement ATD Fourth                      Justice Coalition of       United States

World                                    Religious

IMAECSED                   India         Kadesh International       South Africa

International              Nigeria       Kejie Banyi Boki           Nigeria

Organization for                         Kenya Small Scale          Kenya

French Language                          Farmers Forum

Development                              Kevoy Community            Jamaica

                                         Development Institute
Kolping International      Germany         Murna Foundation        Nigeria

Kosmos Associates          United States   MY World Mexico         Mexico

L Association du           Mauritania      National Campaign for   Nepal

Developpement et de la                     Sustainable

Promotion                                  Development Nepal

Ladies of Charity          United States   Neighborhood Houses     Australia

Lanka Fundamental          Sri Lanka       Victoria

Rights Organization                        Neighbourhood Houses    Australia

Leadership Initiative      Nigeria         Victoria Inc.

for Transformation &                       NET Africa              Belgium

Empowerment                                Network Of Rural        Trinidad &

Let There Be Light         United States   Women Produces          Tobago

International                              Trinidad and Tobago

Life Project 4 Youth       France          New Future Foundation   United States

Literate Pakistan          Pakistan        Inc

Program                                    NGO BIOS                Moldova

LOC AIC Philippines        Philippines     NGO computer            Pakistan

Loretto Sisters Canada     Canada          Literacy Shelter

LP4Y                       France          Welfare Rawalpindi

Luna Creciente             Ecuador         Pakistan

Mainstream Adaptation      India           NGO Green Home          Montenegro

Resilience &                               NGO: ADET               Togo

Sustainability into                        NPHI Nuestros           United States

development and daily                      Pequenos Hermanos

life                                       Internacional

Make Mothers Matter        France          Nuestros Pequenos       Mexico

Maryknoll Sisters of St.   United States   Hermanos y Hermanas

Dominic                                    International

Medical IMPACT             Mexico          NPHInaci                Mexico

Mercy International        Ireland         OOSAIF                  Nigeria

Association                                ONG Padjena             Benin
Our Lady of Charity of    India & Italy   Senior Citizens of        Zambia

the Good Shepherd                         Zambia

Paradigm Initiative       Nigeria         Shelter and Settlements   Uganda

Participatory             Bangladesh      Alternatives

Development Action                        Silambam Asia             Malaysia

Program                                   Sisters of Charity        United States

Presentation Sisters      Ireland &       Federation

                          Canada          Sisters of Notre Dame     Italy

Presidente                Burundi         de Namur

Proyecto Concentrarte     Mexico          Sisters of the            United States

A.C.                                      Presentation

RESOPOPDEV                Senegal         SNESC                     France

Radha Paudel              Nepal           Social and                India

Foundation                                Development Research

Raise Your Voice Saint    St Lucia        & Action Group

Lucia Inc                                 Social Work Sketch        Indonesia

Reaccion Climatica        Bolivia         Society of the Sacred     Mexico

Red Dot Foundation        India           Heart of Jesus

Religious of the Sacred   Italy &         SOCSEEN                   Nigeria

Heart of Mary             United States   SEEED                     Nigeria

Rhamna Women              Morocco         Soroptimist               United

Association                               International             Kingdom

Rural Reconstruction      Nepal           Soroptimist               Switzerland

Nepal                                     International of Europe

Salesian Missions Inc.    United States   Southwest Native          United States

Santhi Medical            India           Cultures

Information Centre                        SSND                      United States

Saudi Green Building      Saudi Arabia    Stichting Mission Lanka   Netherlands

Forum                                     Suma Veritas              Argentina

School Sisters of Notre   Italy           Foundation

Dame                                      SuBeHuDe                  Tanzania
The Marist Sisters        Italy           Women's World            Switzerland

The New Wash Burn         Tanzania        Summit Foundation

Foundation                                World Council for        Austria

Tinker Institute on       United States   Psychotherapy

International Law and                     World For World          Italy

Organizations                             Organization

Tripla Difesa Onlus       Italy           World Roma               United States

Trippinz Care Inc         United States   Federation

Trippinz Care             Nigeria         World Silambam           Malaysia

International                             Association

Foundation                                World Union for          Israel

UNANIMA                   United States   Progressive Judaism

International                             World Wide Web           United States

Union of Sisters of the   Ireland         Foundation

Presentation of the                       World Yoga Association   Malaysia

Blessed Virgin Mary                       WNNWDE                   Nigeria

United Methodist          United States   Yayasan Wadah Titian     Indonesia

Church                                    Harapan

United Religions          United States   Yesaid Society           Kenya

Initiative                                YOTAN-Partners for       Liberia

Unity Earth               Australia       Social Accountability

UniSolD                   Togo            YouAct                   UK

Virginia Gildersleeve     United States   Youth Foundation of      Bangladesh

International Fund                        Bangladesh

Virtual Activism          United States   Youth Women for          Senegal

VIVAT International       United States   Action

Voluntarias Vicentinas    Mexico          Zanizibar Association    Tanzania

Women Against Poverty     Sierra Leone    Of Retirees & Elders

WDDF                      Bangladesh

WAEPSD                    Moldova
Individuals                 Bette Levy

                              Beverly Bucur

A.Aro Bibi Chrismi            Bigirimana Dieudonne

Aderonke Kimemenihia          Bozena Benton

Adeshola Afariogun            Brian Watters

Alberto Blanco-Uribe          Brian Li Han Wong

Alexandra Creteur             Bruzzo Franca Adriana

Alfred Marekwa Akama          Carlo Scippacrcola

Allie Liu                     Carlos Infante

Amarachi Ezeonu               Carmella Campione

Ameena Zia                    Casmir Ibe

Aminu Sabur                   Cassandra O'Donnell-Silva

Andrena Mulligan              Catherine Avery

Angela MacNeil                Catherine Minhoto

Angelo Plodari                Cecilia ODwyer

Aniket Pratap Singh           Chandrakant Revankar

Ann O'Connell                 Chantal Consolini

Anne McCabe                   Charlie Martial

Anne-Marie Tupuola-Plunkett   Charlotte Chitaimani

Annmary Andrews               Chisomo Tsaka

Antara Basu                   Christian Hollensteiner

Anupam Pandey                 Christine Crump

Anupama Sen                   Christine Demeyer Peeters

Aria Ribieras                 Chung Suet Snow

Arumugam Sankar               Clare Axman

Augusta Thornton              Clare Horn

Aurora Muñoz                 Clotilde Martin

Averin Collier                Colleen Dauerbach

Beatriz RamÃrez David         Collins Okere

Bernice Steele                Concepcion Santiago Alonso

Berthe De Vos-Neven           Connor Mullins

Berthe De Vis                 Cynthia Mathew
Dean Bordode                Fr Roby Sebastian Kannanchira

Deirdre Greene Lono         Frank Dieters

Dhivya Bharathi Mohanraj    Gabriele Kachler

Diane Husic                 Gabriella Raschi

Doris Walsh                 Ganesh Dhami

Dorothy Scesny              Georgina Cawley

Dotun Roy                   Ghada Amer

Doug Hostetter              Gildo Zuccarini

Dr Uzodinma Adirieje        Gilles Demptos

Dr. Najat Es’haqi           Gillian D’Souza - Nazareth

Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje       Gloria Nuccetelli

Dr.Bharat Pathak            Grace Hartzog

Edna Kiplagat               Grace Ellul

Eileen Davey                Grace Dechant

Elaine Ho                   Guillermina Vergara

Eleanor Joyce               Halane Allain

Eleanor Philpott            Hallima Ang'uria

Eleanor Philpott            Hansjarg Lanz

Eliane Andriani             Helen Martinez

Elisabetta Fierro           Henry Soler

Eliza Gelfand               Herman Ramos

Elizabeth Rogerson          Hilmtrud Wendorff

Elizabeth Daniels           Hitesh Bhatt

Elizabeth Jenkins           Houry Geudelekian

Ella Rayment                Ilva Rocio Salazar Calvachi

Elsie Gilmartin             Imelda George

Eva Sakharet                Indira T

Fatima Leal                 Iqra Ali

Faisal Fulad                Isabel Toman

Faith Sithabile Dlamini     Jacqueline Leduc Estrada

Fanchette Clement-Fanelli   Jalpa Patel Bhatt

Fidelia Espin               James Dugbah
Jane Wainoi             Louisa Eikhomun -Agbonkhese

Janet Palafox           Lumbu Thitiana

Jeannine Landry         Luz Utrera

Jeff Steiner            Madlen Serban

Jiji Joseph             Maria Fernandez de Loaysa Herreros

Joan Kennedy            Maria Luisa Moreno

Joan Cusack             Margaret Wangchi

Joan Marshall           Margaret Keene

Joan F Burke            Margarita Aria

Joanne Romano           Maria Veneke Ylikomi

Johannes Butscher       Maria Lourdes Santos

John Ede                Maria-Cruz Mato

John Paul Arlos         Marie Copeland

Judith Fisher           Marie Billoud

Julia Queck             Marie Dennis

Julie Chankow           Marie Claire Foss

Juliette Fazekas        Marie des Neiges Meis

Karen Tomaszewski       Martha Otterstedt

Katelyn Cheon           Martha Inos Romero

Kathleen Sieracki       Maruthachala Ramasamy

Kathryn Keigher         Mary Ryan

Kay Burton              Mary Smith

Kodjo Appom             Mary Ellen Gondeck

laurence de la Brosse   Mary Patricia Flattery

Leah Dienger            Mary Rose Kaczorowski

Lelia O'Shea            Mary Therese Krueger

Leonardo Servadio       MaryAnn Dantuono

Leonida Oriki           Maureen Maguire

Leonor Palangio         Melissa Slagle

LIubov Ulianova         Melody Gwangwara

Lois Greene             Michelle Grgurich

Lorraine Connell        Michelle Macias
Mohan Yogarajah            Rowena Pineda

Montserrat Fenosa          Runa Ray

Muhammed Mbye              Ruth Namara

Mukebo Pascaline           Ruth Oac Reilly

Nancy Rowen                Ryan Altorfer

Nandita Nambiar            Saad Amer

Nathalie Artignan          Saleh Khalaf

Nicole Kassis              Sangita Khadka

Noelene Simmons            Sharon Evans

Ogechukwu Ojilimmobe       Sheila Leonard

Olimpia Niglio             Siren Fadler

Orapin Sopchokchai         Sister Jane Burger, D.C.

Pamela Morgan              Sister Sharon Sullivan

Parag Namdeo               Sonia Fernandez

Pat Bergen                 Sor.Rattanamanee Polkla

Patricia Grundy            Sr Sylvette Mane

Patricia Mc Laughlin       Sr. Analee Garciano

Patricia Bradley           Sr. Angela Milioto

Patricia Driscoll-Shaw     Sr. Nancy Wanjiru

Patty Fowler               Sr. Mary B. Odundo

Paulette Nugent            Sunday Toka

Paulus Rahmat              Suraiya Foss-Phillips

Peal P.H. Nyenkan          Susan Seeby

Peggy Gentile-VanMeter     Suzanne Johnson

Phalguni Sundaram Biswal   Suzanne Gentle

Philip Schenks             Tania (Echaporia) Fernandes

Pierre Klein               Tatiana Dinulescu

Plam Stoyanov              Tayde de Callatay

Raphael Mary Therese       Teresa Kotturan

Rena Victor Kuja Kajekai   Teresa Brinkmann

Reynaud Emmanuel           Teresa Geraghty

Roisin Gannon              Theresa Symons
Tola Winjobi

Uca Agullo Mera

Ulla Elisabeth Madsen

Umar Aliyu

Uttam Kumar

Vanessa Walters

Vanessa Hampel

Veronica Brand

Veslema Klingsheim

Vicent Gimènez Chornet

Vickneswaran Sabaratnam

Victor Olwande

Vilma Mascarenhas

Vincent Fanelli

Virginia Albert

Wilma Gattgens

Xiomara Santana

Yeremi Akpan

Zehra Aydin
Civil Society Declaration
                    Civil Society Forum 2021
During the 59th session of the Commission for Social Development
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