City of San Marino FALL 2019

Page created by Steven Carlson
FALL 2019
City of San Marino

Looking for Daycare?
Turn to page 20 & 21 for more details.

NEWSLETTER                                    LIBRARY
For the latest City news and to read about   Learn all about the Library’s fun and free programs including Preschool
Recreation Revisioning see pages 3–5.        STEM Storytime! Turn to pages 11-15 to learn more!
TABLE OF Contents                        CITY Departments                       CITY Council

3        COMMUNITY Newsletter            ADMINISTRATION                          Steven Huang, D.D.S.
                                         (626) 300-0700                          Mayor
9        Community Services              2200 Huntington Drive
         ANNOUNCEMENTS                   Second Floor
                                         San Marino, CA 91108                    Gretchen Shepherd Romey
                                                                                 Vice Mayor
10       MAP & Locations                 POLICE                        

                                         (626) 300-0720                          Steve Talt
                                         2200 Huntington Drive                   Council Member
11       CROWELL                         San Marino, CA 91108          
         Public Library Programs
                                         FIRE                                    Ken Ude
16       ADULT & SENIOR
                                         (626) 300-0735                          Council Member
                                         2200 Huntington Drive         
         Recreation Classes
                                         San Marino, CA 91108
                                                                                 Susan Jakubowski
                                         FINANCE                                 Council Member
                                         (626) 300-0700                

                                         2200 Huntington Drive
20       RECREATION DAYCARE              Second Floor
                                                                                 Marcella Marlowe, Ph.D.
                                                                                 City Manager
         Programs                        San Marino, CA 91108
                                         PLANNING & BUILDING
22       YOUTH & TEEN                    (626) 300-0711
         Recreation Classes
                                         2200 Huntington Drive
                                         First Floor
29       TODDLER/PRESCHOOL               San Marino, CA 91108
         Recreation Classes              PARKS & PUBLIC WORKS
                                         (626) 300-0793
32       RECREATION PRESCHOOL            2200 Huntington Drive
         Programs                        San Marino, CA 91108

34       Recreation Class                (626) 300-0777
                                         1890 Huntington Drive
                                         San Marino, CA 91108

                                          (626) 403-2200
                                          1560 Pasqualito Drive
                                          San Marino, CA 91108

     2   City of San Marino Department Information                Visit the city website at
August 2019                                                                              Volume No. 203

                CITY OF SAN MARINO
                                                                                      Help protect City’s
      CITY HIGHLIGHTS                                                                 urban forest

      A message from City Manager Marcella Marlowe, Ph.D.
      City’s recreation revisioning underway                                                   rees are a foundational

                                                                                               layer of the beautiful San
         			 appy August, San Marino!         met him already! Mr. Monsalve                    Marino community. The
         			 Our recreation revisioning       is an outstanding recreation and        newly modified Tree Preservation
      			 is happily underway. As             facilities professional, having spent   Ordinance, which became effective
      I write this in late June, we are       more than 30 years in the field.        on February 8, 2019, focuses on
      planning to have some preliminary       His impressive career culminated        the protection and reforestation of
      community engagement activities         with long-term tenure at the City       the City to enhance this valuable
      in mid-July, with more to come          of Duarte, where he retired as the      community asset. To ensure that the
      in early fall. After the preliminary    Parks and Recreation Director last      City maintains this asset, the City
      feedback from the community             December. He is well-respected by       would like to remind the commu-
      in July, we will be conducting a        that City and his colleagues in the     nity of the key components of the
      statistically valid survey along        profession, and has a reputation        Tree Preservation requirements.
      with an open website link so that       for commitment, professionalism            In the new Tree Preservation
      everyone may voice their thoughts       and integrity. It has been a pleasure   Ordinance, it is important to note
      about what kind of recreation           to work with him since his arrival      the new definitions of established
      programming the City should             in mid-June and I believe you will      trees, the notification requirements,
      sponsor and what you think we           enjoy your interactions with him as     the requirements to obtain a permit,
      should consider.                        well.                                   guidelines for obtaining a licensed
         I’m happy to introduce our               In the meantime, please enjoy       tree trimmer and the penalties for
      Interim Community Services              our programming and don’t               violating the requirements.
      Director, Mr. Cesar Monsalve, who       hesitate to participate in all of          For a copy of the complete
      will be spending a few months           our engagement opportunities            ordinance, please visit the City
      with us while we complete our           as we reconsider what recreation        of San Marino’s website at www.
      rebranding and recruit for a new        means, and should mean, to our 
      permanent director. Perhaps you’ve      community. 

               Sign up for Emergency
                                                        Visit the City’s website
            Notification Alerts by visiting
                  the City’s website                 at
             at               for City news, information
            and clicking on the telephone
                                                            and resources.
              at the bottom of the page.

Fall   2018
     2019   Community
          Community   Newsletter
                    Newsletter   & Community
                               & Community   Services
                                           Services   Guide
                                                    Guide                              Community Newsletter            3
A message from Fire Chief Mario Rueda
Know how to turn off utilities in the event of an emergency

    		 ith this past summer’s              burning smell.                          wheel located on a riser pipe.
		 California ISO Flex Alerts             Electrical safety should be              Turn this wheel clockwise to
		 across the State, now is            elementary to every homeowner.              shut it off.
a good time to revisit important       Even children should be made              • You can also turn off the water
information about your utilities.      aware of the potential dangers,             to specific appliances such as
The California ISO manages             and adults should know where a              dishwashers, refrigerators and
the flow of electricity across         home’s electrical panels are located.       sink faucets. These are usually
the high-voltage, long-distance        When you do suspect an electrical           located on attached lines to the
power lines that make up 80            problem, here’s what to do to turn          appliances and can be turned
percent of California’s and a          off the electricity:                        off with a clockwise twist of
small part of Nevada’s electrical        • Locate the main electric box,           the valve or wheel.
grid. This nonprofit public                normally in the garage or on the    Natural Gas
benefit corporation also operates          exterior of the home.                  Natural gas leaks can occur
a competitive wholesale energy           • If your home has circuit            even without the help of a natural
market and conducts transmission           breakers, open the metal door       or man-made disaster. When they
planning to identify grid expansion        of the breaker box and turn the     occur inside a home or other
needs.                                     electrical switch to “Off.”         building, they can cause deadly fires
    Let’s quickly review where           • If your house has fuses, there      and explosions. If you suspect a gas
water, gas and electricity valves          should be a pullout fuse marked     leak, here’s what to do:
and switches are located, as well as       “Main.” Remove all the small          • If you smell or hear gas
when, how and if you should turn           fuses, and then remove the              escaping, suspect a leak or
them off.                                  “Main” fuse.                            discover a broken gas line, shut
Electricity                            Water                                       off the main valve and quickly
    We often take electricity             Water … we love to drink it,             open all doors and windows.
for granted. During the latest         swim in it and refresh our lawns          • The main shutoff valve is
rainstorms that impacted our           and clean our cars with it. But             located on the gas line leading
area, several trees that fell also     the minute it starts leaking, it’s          into your gas meter, normally
brought down high voltage              an entirely different story. Water          located on the side yard or
electrical wires. One thing we         leaks can cause extensive property          backyard of your home, or
should never do is underestimate       damage and create electrical                possibly in an outside closet.
the potential for danger in certain    hazards as well. When a major               This value, about 6 to 8 inches
situations. Electrocution and fire     disaster strikes, leaks can turn            above the ground, runs parallel
are very real hazards that can occur   into something much bigger                  with the meter pipe.
when electrical wires or outlets       and costlier. After events such           • With a sturdy wrench, give
malfunction or when they are           as major earthquakes, it’s smart            the valve a ¼ turn in either
damaged or misused.                    to temporarily shut off your                direction until the valve is
    Shut off your electricity under    water supply to protect it from             crosswise to the pipe.
the following circumstances:           contaminants and from bursting            • Do not attempt to turn the gas
   • You smell burning insulation.     through cracked pipes. Whenever             back on. Instead, contact the
   • There is a fire or major water    you have to turn off your water,            Gas Company.
     leak.                             follow these simple steps:                • Never use candles or matches if
   • You suspect a gas leak.             • Find your water shutoff valve,          you suspect a leak, and do not
   • Arcing or burning occurs in           usually located in your garage or       turn on electrical switches or
     electrical items.                     outside next to the side or rear        appliances as this can cause an
   • Switches or plugs become              of your house where the water           explosion or fire.
     blackened or hot.                     line enters the home.
   • Power loss, accompanied by a        • The water shutoff is usually a                       (Continued on page 5)

  4      Community Newsletter                                           Visit the city website at
A message from Police Chief John Incontro
      Be a part of our team to help keep the City safe
                                                                                       LIBRARY NEWS

         		 s I often do, I was driving           something suspicious, which
                                                                                       Delicious Destinations 2019
      		 around the City looking                  has resulted in an arrest or
                                                                                          Explore the flavors of
      		 at all the residences and                prevented a crime.
                                                                                       the third largest state in the
      some businesses. Not admiring            • Get a monitored alarm system
                                                                                       nation as we celebrate the
      the beauty and serenity, but being          with cameras and use it.
                                                                                       cuisines of California. Join
      a cop who leads a department full        • Lock your cars, hide your
                                                                                       the hungry elite on Saturday,
      of outstanding men and women                valuables and keep them from
                                                                                       November 16 at 6 p.m. at the
      sworn to keep the City safe. I look         being stolen.
                                                                                       Crowell Public Library for an
      for secured garages and homes with       • Join your local Neighborhood
                                                                                       exciting night of food, music
      cameras and alarms, along with              Watch Program. Contact us at
                                                                                       and auction opportunities to
      the occasional sound of a barking 
                                                                                       support the library. Tickets
      dog coming from the rear yard of         • Close your garage door.
                                                                                       are $125 at the library or
      a home. I also hope to see motion        • Consider the purchase of a
                                                                                       online at www.deliciousdesti-
      sensor lights coming on at night,           doorbell camera system.
      alarm company signs and neighbors        • Use motion sensor outdoor
      talking to each other as they go            lighting.
      about their daily routine. These         • If you are going to be away,
      are a few of the sights that I look         contact us for House Watch at
      for along with an occasional traffic        (626) 300-0720.                   Know how to turn off
      violator or more serious offender.       • Shortly before you go to bed,      utilities in emergency
         Our efforts are manifold: we             secure your home, turn on
      patrol, we hold Neighborhood                the outside lights and set your   (Continued from page 4)
      Watch meetings, we solicit ideas            alarm.                            Tools of the Trade
      and we catch the suspects who              Follow these easy steps to help        Whenever you need to turn off
      commit crimes in San Marino.           us be the safest city.                 a utility, it often requires more than
      Sometimes we are successful on our         On Tuesday August 6 at 6 p.m.      just your hands, and also a bit of
      own and sometimes we need your         at the back parking lot of City        patience. Here are some items to
      help. Teamwork is what gets things     Hall, please join us for the Third     consider storing in your emergency
      done in business, sports and crime     Annual National Night Out. Those       kit:
      prevention. Your help is essential     attending will learn more about          • Large crescent wrench
      for the prevention and deterrence      the Police Department and what           • Pliers
      of crime. Here are a few reminders     we do with the Fire Department           • Cloth rag
      of simple steps that can be taken to   to keep you safe. Meet other             • Gloves
      be a part of the team.                 residents and obtain information           The above information is a
        • If you see something, say          from various groups working            refresher for every homeowner, in
          something. We have had             with the department to make our        the event you encounter a problem
          numerous residents, who are        community safe. We will have food,     with your utilities. However, that
          out for a walk, call us about      drinks and a movie for the kids.      being said, if any resident ever has
                                                                                    a problem with their gas, water
                                                                                    or electricity do not hesitate to
                                                                                    dial 911. The San Marino Fire
                                                      Find and follow us on
               If you have suggestions                                              Department firefighters are well
                 for the newsletter,                           FACEBOOK             trained in utility emergencies, and
               contact the San Marino                                               are here to respond to eliminate
              Recreation Department                                                 hazards or assist residents when
                                                               TWITTER              they have a problem that is beyond
                 at (626) 403-2200.
                                                                                    their control. 

Fall 2019 Community Newsletter & Community Services Guide                            Community Newsletter             5

          THE SAN                                                         Located next to

                                                                          the Crowell Public
                                                                          Library, the San
                                                                          Marino Center is
                                                                          available to the
                                                                          community to rent for
                                                                          weddings, birthdays,

                                                                          and other special
                                                                          events. The Center
                                                                          can accommodate
                                                                          gatherings of up
                                                                          to 300 people.
                                                                          The facility offers
                                                                          a large banquet
                                                                          room, which can
                                                                          be divided into two
                                                                          separate rooms, and
                                                    New day               has a large stage
                                                                          area. Also available
                                                    trips every           for use is a small
                                                                          but quaint meeting
                                                    month!                room, known as the
                                                                          Fireside Room, which
                                                                          features a working
                                                                          fireplace and can
                                                                          accommodate up to
                                                                          50 people. Adjacent
                                                                          to both the Fireside
                                                                          Room and the
                                                                          Banquet Room is a
                                                                          kitchen which offers
                                                                          users a convenient
                                                                          place to prep and
                                                                          serve refreshments or
                                                            SENIOR      MAILING
                                                                          meals. LIST
                                                            Call Recreation at (626) 403-2200 to sign
                                                            programs geared towards the older adul

6   Community Services Facility Rentals   To request more info, email
                  The City of San Marino Community Services Department
         has rental facilities available for business meetings and special occasions.

        THE ROOMS                  THE                       THE                       THE
        AT THE                     CENTENNIAL                CROWELL                   THURNHER
        RECREATION                 FIELD                     PUBLIC                    HOUSE
        DEPARTMENT                Located on the             LIBRARY                   The historic Thurnher
         Formerly known as        Huntington Drive side    The BARTH                   House is located at
         Stoneman School,         of the Recreation        COMMUNITY ROOM              the front entrance of
         the home of the City’s   Department, the          includes audio              beautiful Lacy Park.
         Recreation Department    Centennial Field is      visual equipment            The structure features
         is located on the        a great venue for a      for computer and            a beautiful tiled roof,
         northwest corner of      variety  of activities   DVD presentations;          graceful arches and
         Huntington Drive and     such as organized        a podium and                quaint patio areas.
         Granada Avenue           tot sports activities or microphone and a            Built in 1929, the house
         at 1560 Pasqualito       for tot sport themed     small kitchenette for       currently serves as
         Drive. The Recreation    birthday parties. It is  refreshment service.        a great community
         Department offers        also ideal for small     The room seats 80           meeting location.
         many different           gatherings such as       auditorium style and        The Thurnher House
         classroom style rooms    family picnics or        tables are available.       can accommodate
         used for presentations,  reunions.   Adjacent     This room is located        gatherings of up
         business trainings,      to the field is a picnic on the first floor at the   to 20 people. The
         or smaller intimate      shelter which includes   entrance to the library.    facility offers a large
n up to recieve information regarding community events andThe dimensions are
         parties. This location   4 picnic  tables  with                               conference room
         also offers the rental   benches. The field       38’x 35’.                   featuring a working
 lt.     of the Centennial        dimensions are 60                                    fireplace and is
                                                           The THORNTON
         Field and recreation     yards long and 30                                    furnished with a
                                                           CONFERENCE ROOM
         blacktop for sport       yards wide.                                          conference table that
                                                           is located on the
         related themed                                                                can seat up to 16
                                                           second floor near the
         parties.                                                                      people. An adjacent
                                                           Administrative Offices.
                                                                                       kitchen offers users
                                                           The room seats 10
                                                                                       a convenient place
                                                           around a conference
           VICTORIA MARSHALL                               table with 10 side
                                                                                       to heat and serve
                                                                                       refreshments. Meeting
            Facilities Coordinator                         chairs. Only minimal
                                                                                       rooms are available at
                                                           refreshments are
            (626) 403-2211                                                             no charge to all San
                                                           allowed in this room.
                                                Marino community
    Fall 2019 Community Newsletter & Community Services Guide                                                7
Community Services Guide
Interim Community                   RECREATION Commission                         Registration
                                    Raymond Woo, Chair                                     for Recreation Fall 2019
Services Director                   Hal Suetsugu, Vice Chair                                 Activities & Classes
Cesar Monsalve (626) 300-0773       Melissa Boozell
                                    Chun-Yen Chen
                                    Louise Cook
                                                                                           Resident In-Person
RECREATION                          Stephanie Perry                                       Saturday, August 17
(626) 403-2200                      Timothy Yoo                                          8–10 am at the Rec Dept
Hours:                              LIBRARY Board of Trustees
Monday-Thursday, 8 am-5 pm          Linda Mollno, Chair                            Online Resident Registration
Closed Fridays                      Liz Hollingsworth, Vice Chair
                                    Lois Derry
                                                                                               begins at 8 am
Mailing Address:                    Mary Hsu                                              Monday, August 19
2200 Huntington Drive               Eldon Swanson
San Marino, CA 91108                Genevieve Chien, Aleternate
                                    Steve Domier, Alternate                        Non-Resident In-Person and
Location Address:
1560 Pasqualito Drive               LIBRARY Foundation                                Online Registration
San Marino, CA 91108                Hal Suetsugu, President                                   begins at 8 am
                                    Calvin Lo, Vice President
Website:                            Mary Wong, Secretary
                                                                                            Tuesday, August 20             Chris Datwyler, Treasurer
Email:                              Julie Barbour                                New Recreation Classes      Yvonne Cheng                                           Look for this symbol to find
                                    Christine Chin                                 NEW     new classes throughout the guide!
                                    Nam Jack                                                 Smart Phone Learning:
                                    Debra Sadun                                               For ages 55+ on page 16
                                    Lora Smith                                                     Zumba Gold:
CROWELL Public Library              Mary Ulin                                                   For adults on page 17
(626) 300-0777                      Su Viswanathan                                             Chinese Immersion:
                                    Gloria Wong                                                For ages 6-8 on page 22
                                    Elise Wu                                              Coach Andy’s Basketball Blitz:
Mon-Thur, 10 am-9 pm;                                                                         For grades 1-5 on page 28
Fri-Sat, 10 am-5 pm; Sun, 1-5 pm    FRIENDS of the Library                               Parent & Me Chinese Immersion:
                                    Shelley Ryan, Co-President and                            For ages 3–5 on page 29
Address:                            Co-Secretary                                             Weird & Wacky Science:
1890 Huntington Drive               Maryann Seduski, Co-President and                         For ages 3–5 on page 29
San Marino, CA 91108                Co-Secretary                                                 Art Adventures!
Website:                            Gwynne Seares, Treasurer                                  For ages 3–5 on page 29        Stella Wagner, Assistant Treasurer
                                    Kathy Miller, Book Shoppe Manager             When is the Next Guide Delivery?
Email:                              Muffy Hunt, Newsletter       Mike Lowry                                    The WINTER 2020 Guide
                                                                                  will be online at by
City Librarian:                                                                   December 20 and delivered to residents by
Irene McDermott (626) 300-0775                                                    December 28. Winter Registration will begin on
                                                                                  January 4 for residents and January 7 for non-

    8    Community Services Department Information                       Visit the city website at

   Rec Free Day
        Join us after school for an afternoon of recreation activities!
                            Try out a variety of recreation classes provided by the
                                        Recreation Department for FREE!
                Meet at your school’s lunch court and ride the bus to the Recreation Department.
                      The day will be filled with fun classes, free food, friends, and music!

                                   Wednesday, August 21
                                        After School until 6 pm
                                       Kindergarten - 5th Grade
          Pre-Register between Wednesday, July 31 and Thursday, August 15 to take part in the fun!
                 Transportation is available on a first-come, first-served basis so sign up ASAP!
                   Visit the Recreation Office to register. For more info. call (626) 403-2200.

      Christmas Around the Drive
                               Presented by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce
                                   …Capture the Spirit of the Holiday Season in the heart of San Marino…

                                                         Friday, December 6, 2019
                                                          from 5:00pm to 8:30 pm
                                       Bring your family and join us in lighting the community Christmas Tree.
                            The tree lighting ceremony will be done in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce’s
                            annual “Christmas Around the Drive” event. Join Santa Claus at 6 pm, as he arrives at the
                              Fire Station on Old Engine #1. Board the Trolley for a trip “Around the Drive” and enjoy
                             a variety of refreshments, Strolling Carolers, a Puppeteer, Balloon Artists, Face Painting,
                                                     Crafts for the Kids and much, much more.

                                     For more info, contact the Chamber of Commerce at (626) 286-1022.

Fall 2019 Community Newsletter & Community Services Guide                                           Announcements          9
MAP & Locations
     The map below presents locations for activities, classes and events conducted by the City of San Marino. Please
     note that some classes are held at locations outside of the City, but within a relatively short distance. For more
     information or directions to any facility, contact the Recreation Department at (626) 403-2200.

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                              to                                      o dR
                   Pa                                        Sh

                                                                                                                                                                       10      CARVER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                               3100 Huntington Drive
                                                                                                                                                                               (626) 299-7080

        1   RECREATION DEPARTMENT                                                                                                                                      11      SAN MARINO TENNIS CENTER
                                                                                        5     SAN MARINO CENTER
            1560 Pasqualito Drive                                                             1800 Huntington Drive                                                            1196 St. Albans Road (Lacy Park)
            (626) 403-2200                                                                    (626) 403-2200                                                                   (626) 793-1622

                                                                                        6     THE OLD MILL                                                                     TMAX STUDIO
        2   CROWELL PUBLIC LIBRARY                                                            1120 Old Mill Road                                                       12
                                                                                                                                                                               2020 Huntington Drive, #A
            1890 Huntington Drive                                                             (626) 449-5458                                                                   (626) 457-8629
            (626) 300-0777
                                                                                        7    SAN MARINO HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                             2701 Huntington Drive                                                             UNISTAR
        3   CITY HALL                                                                        (626) 299-7020
                                                                                                                                                                               2111 Huntington Drive
            2200 Huntington Drive                                                                                                                                              (626) 578-1919
            (626) 300-0700                                                                   HUNTINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL
                                                                                             1700 Huntington Drive                                                             OFF THE MAP
            LACY PARK/ THURNHER HOUSE                                                        (626) 299-7060
        4                                                                                                                                                                      PASADENA ICE SKATING CENTER
            1485 Virginia Road (Lacy Park)                                                   VALENTINE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
            1475 Virginia Road (Thurnher House)                                         9                                                                                      300 E. Green St.
                                                                                             1650 Huntington Drive                                                             Pasadena, CA 91101
            (626) 300-0700                                                                   (626) 299-7090                                                                    (626) 578-0801

10      San Marino Map & Locations                                                                                                  Visit the city website at
CROWELL Public Library Programs
              Library Programs and Special Events FOR CHILDREN
The library offers many opportunities for our youngest patrons to enjoy visiting the library weekly. These programs and special events are sponsored by the Friends of
the Crowell Public Library; thank you, Friends!

 Baby and Me Lapsit                                         Bilingual Chinese & English                                 Cowboy Ken(ages 3 and up)
 Storytime (4–18 mos.)                                      Storytime                                                   Saturday, September 28, at 2:00 pm
 Thursdays, 11:00 am:                                       Select Saturdays at 11:00 am                                Families are invited to join us as we welcome
 Session 1: August 29-October 10                            September: 7, 14, 21 / October: 5, 12, 26                   back a crowd favorite, Ken Frawley, for a
 Session 2: October 31-December 12                          November: 2, 23 / December: 7, 14                           special show that brings to life the iconic image
 Crowell Public Library is pleased to announce              Crowell Public Library is proud to present                  of the American Cowboy, featuring cowboy
 the arrival of baby storytime! Designed for                a volunteer-strong interactive storytime for                songs, cowboy stories, trick roping, and
 children ages 4 months through 18 months,                  speakers of Mandarin Chinese, English, or                   puppetry. Registration is not required. Children
 this storytime features activities that will               both. Stories, songs, and fingerplays will be               will learn about this most recognizable and
 promote early literacy through songs, bounces,             conducted in both languages. All ages are                   colorful character who rode onto the pages of
 fingerplays, and books. Once children turn                 welcome, but program is designed for ages                   American history in 1865. Experience the great
 18 months they should be attending Toddler                 3-5. Please join us! Registration is not required.          cattle drives first-hand! Laugh at Old West
 Storytime only. One child per guardian.                                                                                stories and tall tales (“Windy’s”)! Find out how
 Registration is not required.                                                                                          they lived their life out on the western frontier
                                                            Barks & Books (Kinder & up)                                 and how this era and part of the western
                                                            *New Day!*                                                  movement ended by 1890 after only about 25
 Toddler Storytime                                          September 3, October 1, November 5,                         years! Registration is not required.
 (18 mos.–2 years)                                          December 3 at 3:15 pm
 Mondays at 10:05 am and 11:00 am                           Elementary school children are invited to the
 (duplicate storytime, please choose one to                 Crowell Public Library to practice their reading            Star Wars Reads Day
 attend)                                                    skills by reading to a gentle dog. This special             (Kinder and up)
 Session 1: August 26-October 7                             program is made possible by volunteers of the               Saturday, October 19, 2:00 pm
 Session 2: October 28-December 9                           Pasadena Humane Society. Registration is not                Priority Registration: 10/5-10/7 with ID
 Toddler storytime is a great way to introduce              required.                                                   Non-Res Registration: 10/8-10/18
 your little one to a group experience! Activities                                                                      Do you have what it takes to be a Jedi? This
 include stories, singing songs, and finger                 Preschool Storytime (ages                                   month Crowell Public Library is celebrating
 plays. Registration is not required.                       3–5)                                                        Star Wars Reads Day and you are invited
                                                            Wednesdays, 10:30 am                                        to join us! Costumes are encouraged, and
                                                                                                                        remember: Do. Or do not. There is no try.
 Preschool STEM                                             Session 1: August 28-October 9
 Storytime (ages 3–5)                                       Session 2: October 30-December 11
                                                            Calling all preschoolers! Come to the library for
 October 17 & December 19 at 10:30 am
                                                            stories, songs, finger plays, and a simple craft
                                                                                                                        Mad Science with Abraca
 Preschoolers ages 3-5 are invited to join us for
 a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and              activity. Storytime is an excellent way to teach            Wacko (ages 3 & up)
 math) storytime program! The stories and fun               young children the skills--such as listening                Saturday, November 23, 2:00 pm
 activities we’ll be sharing are designed to help           quietly and following instructions--they will need          Is it magic or is it science? Join us for an
 inspire creativity, collaboration, communication,          in kindergarten. Registration is not required but           exciting show where Abraca Wacko mixes
 and encourage critical thinking in preschoolers.           craft activities are reserved for children ages 3           science and magic! Real experiments of the
 Registration is not required but please note the           and up.                                                     mind with magic will have you both confused
 program is limited to ages 3-5.                                                                                        and entertained! Registration is not required.

                                                            LEGO Club              (ages 3 & up)
                                                                                                                        Noon Year’s Eve
                                                            2nd Thursdays, 3:30 pm
                                                            Sep 12, Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12                              (ages 3 & up)
     Library Card Sign-Up Month                             Come join us after school for this once a month             Saturday, December 28, 11:30 am
   September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!                 program where we will use our imaginations to               Happy New Year! It’s party time for kids ages 3
   Kids who show their library card to a librarian          build with Legos! All materials will be provided;           and up as we countdown to noon and celebrate
   at the Children’s Reference Desk will get a              the only thing you have to bring is your                    2020. Come ready to dance, play games, and
   special prize! What are you waiting                      creativity! Registration is not required.                   ring in the new year without having to stay up
    for? Show us your card!                                                                                             past your bedtime! Registration is not required.

 Fall 2019 Community Newsletter & Community Services Guide                                                                Library Division Programs                      11
CROWELL Public Library Programs

                   Library Programs FOR TEENS
These events are sponsored by the Friends of the
Crowell Public Library. Teen programs are free
                                                   SAT Prep (7–12 grades)                            YA Cookie Decorating
and open to students in 7th-12th grade, unless     Saturday, September 7, 10:30 am-2:30 pm           Wednesday, November 13, at 3:30 pm
otherwise specified.                               **Register early (required). Space will fill.     Have fun at the library and try your hand at
                                                   8/12 – 8/19: Priority registration for San        cookie decorating. We will have different
                                                   Marino Residents with ID.                         types of toppings and icing for you to try out.
                                                   8/20-9/5: Non-resident registration               Let your creativity loose and then enjoy eating
                                                   Have your high school student register to take    your creation. This program is for grades 6-12.
Teen Advisory Board                                a practice SAT Test this fall at Crowell Public   Registration is not required.
Calling all young adults in grades 7-12! Would     Library. This proctoring service is offered by
you like a say in what YA programs the library     Revolution Prep. Registration is required.
plans for you and your friends? Or help us
choose books for the library? You can even
earn volunteer credit! Make your opinion
matter! Applications can be found on the           YA Be Smart, Don’t Start                          YA Movie
Crowell Library website and the YA section         Wednesday, September 18, at 4:00 pm               Wednesday, December 4, at 3:30 pm
of the library. Meetings will have food and an     This fun and very special program will teach      Enjoy a movie before the end of the year in
opportunity for you to make your voice heard!      you the dangers of e-cigarettes. Watch demos,     the library! We will have some special themed
Applications due August 31, 2019. The first        mini lessons, and play Kahoot! to win prizes      food items available in order to enhance your
meeting will be posted in the YA section of the    with all of your friends. All are welcomed to     movie watching experience. So come relax
library, Facebook, and Instagram.                  join! Donuts will be provided. This program       and enjoy watching a movie with your friends
                                                   is brought to you by the International Youth      at the library.
                                                   Tobacco Control.

                                                                                                     YA Star Wars/Holiday
YA Fusion Bead Fun!                                YA Terrifying Slime                               Ornament
Wednesday, September 4, at 3:30 pm                                                                   Wednesday, December 11, at 3:30 pm
                                                   Wednesday, October 30, at 3:30 pm
Design your very own pixelated creation                                                              This year why not make your own holiday
                                                   This Halloween season why not come by the
using fusion beads! We will have designs                                                             ornament to put on your tree! We will be stuffing
                                                   library and create your own terrifying slime.
ready or create your own image. Have fun                                                             and sewing holiday ornaments of our favorite
                                                   We’ll have spine-chilling add-ins to complete
making or recreating your video game, wizard                                                         Star Wars characters. At the end of this craft
                                                   your ghoulish creations. This program is for
or superhero. Have fun, hang out with your                                                           you’ll be able to hang your ornament proudly
                                                   grades 6-12. Registration is not required.
friends while being creative! Snacks will be                                                         or give it as a gift. Snacks will be provided.
provided. Registration is not required.                                                              Registration is not required.

                                                   ACT Prep (7–12 grades)                            YA Coffee & Crammin’
 e-magazine app                                    Saturday, November 2, 10:30 am-2:30 pm            (9–12 grades)
                                                   **Register early (required). Space will fill.     December 16 & 17 3:15 pm-8:45 pm - Barth
 It’s time to try Flipster, the e-magazine app.    10/7 –10/14: Priority registration for San        December 18, 1:00 pm-8:45 pm - Barth
 Visit the library web page, click the EBooks      Marino Residents with ID.                         December 19, 1:00 pm-8:45 pm - Thornton
 tab at the top, then choose Flipster.             10/15 – 10/31: Non-resident registration          Finals are coming up and you need a place to
 Download entire issues of 15 different            Have your high school student register to take    study. High school students are invited to study
 magazines. Choose titles such as Time or          a practice ACT Test this fall at Crowell Public   at the library in groups or on your own. Snacks
 Sunset, or children’s magazines such as           Library. This proctoring service is offered by    will be provided. Registration is not required.
 Highlights or Discovery Girls. Load them          Revolution Prep. Registration is required.
 onto your tablet or phone and take them
 with you.

12         Library Division Programs                              For more information please call the Library at (626) 300-0777.
CROWELL Public Library Programs
         Special Event FOR ADULTS

                                                      In Concert: Paul Stein, Violinist                   Alzheimer’s Association
   Dakim Brain Fitness for                            Sunday, September 22: 2:00 pm                       Programs
   Seniors                                            Enjoy an hour of classical music with               Healthy Living for your Brain and Body,
                                                      Paul Stein, violinist with the Los Angeles          Saturday, October 12: 10:00 am
   Dakim is an ideal way for people in their 50’s
                                                      Philharmonic for 35 years. Stein has been a         10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s, Saturday,
   and up to keep their brain sharp. Think of it
                                                      featured soloist at the Hollywood Bowl and          October 26: 10:00 am
   as a fun and engaging personal trainer for
                                                      has worked with Zubin Mehta, Andre Previn           The Alzheimer’s Association is America’s
   the brain. This clinically tested computer-
                                                      and Esa-Pekka Salonen as well as Gustavo            leading non-governmental provider of support
   based program has a touch screen that
                                                      Dudamel. This sublime event is sponsored by         and education for Alzheimer’s patients,
   anyone can use. It features more than
                                                      the Friends of the Library. This will be Paul’s     families and healthcare professionals.
   300 hours of vivid graphics, music, humor,
                                                      seventh performance in the Barth Community
   movie clips, stories, and trivia, people can
                                                      Room!                                               The Best Time of My Life!
   sign up for 30 minute sessions or drop
   in without an appointment. Whether you                                                                 Living the Life We Are
   are sharp as a tack or you are currently           Sparking Joy with Dr. Jessica                       Meant to Live with Ron
   experiencing some cognitive decline, the           Louie                                               Serven
   system adjusts to one of 5 levels, based           Tuesday, September 24, 7:00 pm
                                                                                                          Saturday, October 19: 10:00 am
   on your performance. First-timers should           Dr. Jessica Louie will present a simple
                                                                                                          This interactive workshop will help to open
   sign up for an orientation to see what it          framework to help attendees decrease
                                                                                                          up space in your life to being more mindful/
   is about! Call 626-300-0777 to make an             feelings of being overwhelmed, stressed and
                                                                                                          present in your life. All participants will learn
   appointment.                                       burned out in their lives. Learn how to apply
                                                                                                          how to become more self-aware, how to be
                                                      the KonMari Method, popularized by the Netflix
                                                                                                          more aware of how we connect to others, and
                                                      series, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”. Dr.
  Downton Abbey Tea Party                                                                                 how to integrate mindfulness into our lives.
                                                      Louie will provide handouts for attendees to fill
  Saturday, September 14: 2:00 pm                                                                         Finally, you will learn the basics and benefits
                                                      out during the presentation so they can leave
  **Space is limited, so please register early.**                                                         of meditation as well as how we might learn to
                                                      with a plan to move forward.
  Registration is required to attend this program.                                                        experience “Time” differently so we flow more
  San Marino resident priority registration (WITH     Tech Class: Facebook for                            freely in our lives.
  ID):8/24–8/26. Non-resident registration: 8/27      Seniors-Beyond the Basics
  until program is full.                              Saturday, October 5, 11:00 am
  Come celebrate the premier of the Downton
  Abbey film in style with an elegant tea party!
                                                      Facebook is a website that allows you to                  Save the Date!
                                                      stay in touch with family, reconnect with old
  Guests will sip on delicious English tea and        friends, and be connected with your local
  nosh on treats in the Barth Community room          community. You have signed up. What’s next?
  while testing their knowledge of the series         In this program, we will teach you how to
  by playing Downton Abbey trivia. While we           find family and friends, share information to
  welcome tea party guests in the 9th grade and       others, and post photos. If you would like a
  up, this is an Adult Program. No children below     hands-on tutorial, please bring a device that
  the 9th grade will be allowed to attend.            you are most comfortable with (e.g. laptop,
  Tech Class: Facebook for
                                                      tablet, smartphone). Space is limited so
                                                      register today by calling or stopping by the                            2019
  Seniors-Getting Started                             library.                                                 Enjoy an evening of food and
  Saturday, September 21: 11:00 pm                                                                           entertainment with your friends
  Facebook is a website that allows you to stay       What In The World Can I Do                             and neighbors at this fundraising
  in touch with family, reconnect with old friends,   About Climate Change?                                    event to support the library.
  and be connected with your local community.         Thursday, October 10: 7:00 pm
  In this program, we will introduce what             As policymakers debate how to address our                         Saturday
  Facebook is, steps to sign up, and security         changing climate, individuals often ask “What                 November 16, 2019
  and privacy settings. If you would like a hands-    can I personally do?” This non-technical                           @ 6pm
  on tutorial, please bring a device that you are     presentation by Jordan Sollitto will show                    Crowell Public Library
  most comfortable with (e.g. laptop, tablet,         you how to assess and determine your own
  smartphone). Space is limited so register           individual carbon output and thereby better                Tickets and information:
  today by calling or stopping by the library.        understand your individual role in the climate   
Fall 2019 Community Newsletter & Community Services Guide                                                 Library Division Programs                   13
CROWELL Public Library Programs
                  Special Event FOR ADULTS continued

                                                   Braille Institute: Coping Skills                  Tech Class: OverDrive Made
                                                   for Sight Loss                                    Easy
                                                   Friday, November 8: 10:00 am                      Saturday, November 30 & December
                                                   The Braille Institute will offer the latest       14: 11:00 am (NOTE: These classes are
     Crowell Public Library offers full
                                                   information on adapting to visual changes         duplicates.)
     access to The New York Times online
                                                   and which assistive devices might be              Did you know that you can read and listen to
     thanks to funding from the State of
                                                   appropriate for individuals. Practical day-to-    books online, whenever and wherever? No trip
     California. Visit the library web page
                                                   day applications will be presented such as        to the library is necessary! OverDrive is a free
     ( and click
                                                   organizing and identifying money and marking      online service that allows you to borrow and
     “Research” at the top. Then choose “A
                                                   and labeling household items. Attendees will      read eBooks and audiobooks. All you need is a
     to Z Databases”. On the next screen,
                                                   learn about resources for getting around town     Crowell Public Library card. In this program, we
     click “New York Times”. Patrons outside
                                                   and assistance with orientation and mobility.     will discuss what is OverDrive, how to access
     the library will be asked to enter their
                                                                                                     it, steps to sign up, ways to browse for books,
     library card and pin number. Read
                                                                                                     and how to download and read books. If you
     today’s edition or search for articles        Grammy-nominated                                  would like a hands-on tutorial, please bring a
     dating back to 1996.                          Argentinian Guitarist Fabio                       device that you are most comfortable with (e.g.
                                                   Zini                                              laptop, tablet, smartphone). Also, please bring
                                                   Sunday, October 20: 2:00 pm                       your library card. Space is limited so register
                                                   Enjoy an afternoon of Latin guitar including      today by calling or stopping by the library.
                                                   Flamenco and Tango played by Grammy-
                                                   nominated Fabio Zini. Zini has released
                                                   several critically acclaimed albums including
                                                   his most recent work “My Love Is Tango”.

          Series FOR ADULTS

 Joyful Living/Happy Life                           Huntington Hospital                              Jazz & Swing with Dr. Thom
 「樂活人生」                                             Community Outreach                               Mason
 Sunday, August 17, November 10, 2:00 pm            Wednesdays, October 16, November 20              Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00 pm, October 1 -
 A Speaker Series Presented in Mandarin             and December 18, all at 10:00 am                 November 5
 The workshops give tools to face challenges        Get your blood pressure and glucose checked      Dr. Thom Mason, USC Professor Emeritus
 in the workplace, social and family life,          once a month for free at Crowell Public          of Jazz Studies at the Thornton School of
 particularly parenting. We will learn about the    Library. Please fast two hours prior to your     Music, returns with a new six-session course
 customs and traditions in a new land, removing     glucose test!                                    sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
 cultural obstacles to prosperity. Presented by                                                      Mason riffs off of the wildly popular classes
 the United Charity Foundation.                                                                      that he taught over the last three years.
                                                                                                     Weekly topics for the Fall series will be:
 Chinese Club Programs                             Toastmasters “Talk of the                         Adventures from the Land of Swing, African
                                                   Town”                                             Roots of Jazz & Swing, New Orleans and
 Second Wednesday of the Month:
                                                   Tuesdays, September 5, 19; October 3, 17;         Louis Armstrong, the Glenn Miller Story, Tony
 September 11, October 9, November 13,
                                                   November 7, 21; December 5, 19 all at             Bennett and From the 1990s to Today. No
 and December 11, all at 10:30 am
                                                   6:30 pm                                           reservations are required.
 Crowell Library is very happy to continue its
 partnership with the Chinese Club of San          Do you feel shy about speaking in front of
 Marino on a monthly basis this summer. The        groups? Come to the “Talk of the Town”            “Coffee, Tea & Chat
 second Wednesdays of the month in the             Toastmasters meetings where participants          咖啡, 茶及會話
 Barth Community will be fun and informative       deliver short speeches and leaders offer          Fridays, September 27, October 25 and
 for all patrons. The Club will present seminars   coaching. Meetings are held every first           November 29, 9:30 am
 in English with various topics related to         and third Thursday of the month. Although         Something familiar and something new;
 Chinese arts, culture and literature including    Toastmasters charges a nominal fee to join        discover the awesomeness of our city and
 the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese medicine,        their organization, visitors are welcome to the   connect with your neighbors. Program will be
 herbs and paper cutting.                          library meetings at no charge.                    conducted in Mandarin.

14        Library Division Programs                              For more information please call the Library at (626) 300-0777.
CROWELL Public Library Programs
           Series FOR ADULTS cont.

  Brain Aerobics & Lip                                Movie Classics                                     Crain Art Gallery
                                                      3rd Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm             The Crain Art Gallery, established in 2009
  Reading                                             Join us for complimentary popcorn and free         in honor of City Librarian Carolyn Crain,
  Mondays: 12:30 - 2:30 pm or                         screenings of some of the best films ever          presents ongoing exhibits of original artwork
  Tuesdays: 9:30 - 11:30 am                           made:                                              by local area artists. The Gallery is currently
  Aimed at seniors, this popular weekly class,        Sep 19: Catch Me If You Can, 2002                  accepting artist’s proposals for future exhibits.
  which is led by Francine Katz, (MA, SLP&            Leonardo DiCaprio plays a charming 1960s           Exhibit Proposal forms as well as the Gallery’s
  CCC). Brain Aerobics starts September 9/10,         con man who poses as a pilot, a doctor and a       Guidelines and Policies can be viewed and
  and runs through December 30, 2019. There           lawyer while eluding a dogged FBI agent who        printed out from the Crowell Library homepage,
  will be no class on Tuesday November 11.                                                               or requested from Lynda Lyons at extension
                                                      is determined to put him behind bars.
  Francine concentrates on lip reading and                                                               537, or at
                                                      Oct 17: Bram Stoker’s Dracula,1992
  memory, and she provides a fun way to fight
                                                      Gary Oldman, Wynona Ryder and Keanu                A Flowers Tale of a Thousand Years
  the common problems of diminished hearing
                                                      Reeves star in Francis Ford Coppola’s remake       August 2 - September 14
  and memory as people age. No registration is
                                                      of the classic vampire legend.                     A photographic exhibit presented by The
  necessary, but plan to attend regularly.
                                                      Nov 21: Wonder Women,2017                          Chinese Floral Arts Foundation—USA Charter
                                                      Before she was Wonder Woman, she was               President: Rosa Zee, Curator: Vivian Chan
                                                      Diana, princess of the Amazons. Will she           Traditional Chinese flower arrangement gained
                                                      discover her full powers, embrace her true         prominence early on, during the 5th century,
                                                      destiny, and save the world?                       when Buddhism spread into China, bringing
  East Meets West Parent                                                                                 its custom of offering flowers at temple altars.
                                                                                                         As an art form, it was further refined around
  Education Club                                                                                         the 10th century during the Song Dynasty.
  Saturday, September 21 and Sunday,
  November 17: 2:00 pm                                LA Opera Talks                                     This exhibit will feature color photographs of
                                                      Community educators present fascinating            arrangements characteristic of the various
  This multicultural parent club presents                                                                styles of the traditional art, along with historic
  professionals who will share their knowledge        facts and musical excerpts from the operas
                                                      that are playing downtown at the Music Center.     and explanatory information.
  and pass on skills to the local parents on how                                                         Oil Paintings by Robert Ghatan M.D
  to raise their children in an international and     La Boheme
                                                      Sunday, Aug. 25 at 2:00 pm                         September 21—November 1
  competitive world. Topics include positive                                                             Robert Ghatan is a retired physician and long-
  discipline, teenage issues, special education,      Follow the triumphs and toils of a band of
                                                      struggling young artists as they search for        time San Marino resident. He will be exhibiting
  and internet safety. Although the program will                                                         landscape paintings of a variety of locations
  be presented in English, Mandarin speakers          love, life and laughter against impossible odds.
                                                      The Light in the Piazza                            around the world, mostly visited in the last five
  will be on hand to translate.                                                                          years. All of his work is oil on canvas, done in
                                                      Sunday, Oct. 6 at 2:00 pm
                                                      As American Margaret Johnson and her               the studio.
                                                      daughter Clara take in the wonder of Florence      A Juried Exhibition of Original Watercolor and
                                                      in 1953, a fateful gust of wind whisks Clara’s     Oil Paintings
                                                      hat into the hand of a local dreamer...and         November 9 - December 31
                                                      it’s love at first sight. But soon they must all   Reception, December 7, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
                                                      confront a secret kept in the shadows for far      The community is welcome to attend the
                                                                                                         opening reception.
  San Marino Historical                               too long.
                                                      The Magic Flute
  Society: The Kathy Fiscus                           Sunday, Nov. 3 at 2:00 pm
  Tragedy                                             A dazzling celebration of love conquering            Hearing Assists
  Monday, October 28, 7:00 pm                         all, The Magic Flute transports you into an          Crowell Library offers two different hearing
  USC historian Bill Deverell recounts the tale       enchanted world where good battles the               assist systems in its Barth Community
  of the three-year-old who fell down a well in       forces of darkness.                                  Room. The first is a telecoil or T-Coil which
  San Marino and caught the attention of the                                                               can be activated on enabled hearing aids.
  nation. In its Speakers Series, the San Marino                                                           No hearing aid? No problem. Use one of
  Historical society presents quarterly history                                                            our “Sound Mate” radio devices. Ask the
  talks focusing on topics especially selected                                                             reference librarian on duty for help with
  for our town. No reservations needed.                                                                    these hearing assists.

Fall 2019 Community Newsletter & Community Services Guide                                                 Library Division Programs                     15
Adult        ADULT & SENIOR Classes                                                        Resident Registration: In-Person 8/17 & Online 8/20.
                                                                                                     Non-Resident Registration: 8/21

                                                             Recreation presents the
                                                Smarter Living Series
 Exciting and empowering topics offered throughout the year! Brought to you by the Recreation Department. If you have
 any questions, please call (626) 403-2200.

                                                                                 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS
                                                                                 Wednesday, November 6, 1 pm
    SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO?                                                Presenter: Chief Rueda, San Marino
    Wednesday, September 25, 1 pm                                                Fire Chief
    Presenter: John Thompson,                                                    Location: Crowell Public Library,
    Mortgage Advisor, CLA, CRMA                                                  Barth Community Room
    Location: Crowell Public Library,
    Barth Community Room
                                                                                 We invite you to come and learn
                                                                                 about how to prepare for a disaster.
    We invite you to come explore the
                                                                                 Do you know what to do to stay safe
    financial and lifestyle issues
                                                                                 during an earthquake? What about in
    surrounding the decision to stay in
                                                                                 the event of an extended power loss?
    your current home, move, or to own
                                                                                 How will you reconnect with your family
    a home at all. Is it time to consider relocating
                                                                                 following a major disaster or emergency?
    to an independent or assisted living facility?
                                                                                 Presenter Bio: Chief Rueda has served as the Fire Chief
    Presenter Bio: John Thompson is a Mortgage Advisor
                                                                                 for the City of San Marino since 2016. Chief Rueda served
    with over 30 years of experience. He is passionate
                                                                                 as a member of the Los Angeles Fire Department for 35
    about making the Complex Simple, while improving
                                                                                 years, retiring as the Chief Deputy of Operations. In his
    homeowners lives by teaching them how to Borrow
                                                                                 16 years as a Deputy Chief, he has responded to and
    Smart! John holds a degree in International Finance
                                                                                 commanded numerous emergency incidents, including the
    from the University of Southern California. He
                                                                                 Griffith Park, Sayre, and Sesnon wildland urban interface
    co-authored the book Borrow Smart/Repay Smart
                                                                                 fires, the World Trade Center on 911, the Chatsworth Train
    and is a Certified Liability Advisor and Certified
                                                                                 Crash, LAX Active Shooter Incident, and most recently the
    Reverse Mortgage Professional.
                                                                                 Port of Los Angeles Wharf Fire.

              RECREATIONAL Classes
          SENIOR Smart Phone Learning
   Resident: $13 Non-Resident: $18                                          DOG Training
   (Registration is required prior to attending the first class)            Resident: $130 Non-Resident: $135
   Taught by Edison Samuel This class is designed for new and not so        Taught by Kristin Fertschneider, CPDT-KA Dogs 3 months and older
   new users of a smartphone. Instruction will cover the basics of making   will learn to heel, sit, down, stay, drop it, off and come, and get used to
   and receiving calls, setting up voicemail, sending and receiving text    being handled. Problem solving will be discussed. No dogs first class. You
   messages and other general topics, such as browsing the internet,        will need a 6 ft. leash, collar, treats, and plastic bags.
   using email, calendars and photos. Bring your own smartphone.            Location: Lacy Park, Forest Area
   Location: Crowell Public Library, Thornton Room                          Participants: Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10
   Participants: Minimum: 5			Maximum:20                                    Class #:				     Dates:				    Day:				   Time:							       Age:
   Class #:		Dates:		        Day: 			 Time:		 		 Age:                       461703-01			9/14-11/2		 Sat				11 am – 12 pm			11 yrs.–Adult
   491215-01 9/11-10/30 Wed 		 10–11:30 am 55+ yrs.

 16         Recreation Division Programs                                        Register Online at
ADULT & SENIOR Classes                                                                 Adult

                   SPORTS & FITNESS Classes

   ADULT Line Dancing                                                               SAFE & STEADY Fall Prevention
   Resident: $96 Non-Resident: $101                                                 Resident: $41 Non-Resident: $46
   Taught by Waylie Tang Dance your way to health with beautiful music to           Taught by Marilyn Evans, RN Learn how to be safe and prevent
   reduce tension and improve balance and stamina. Remembering dance                falls; build strength and endurance; improve your posture, balance and
   step sequences boosts brain power, improves memory, and enhances                 mobility. Explore and discover habits that may limit your mobility and
   coordination. This class is designed for experienced beginning/                  safety putting you at greater risk of falling. Learn and practice exercises
   intermediate students.                                                           to increase strength, flexibility, how to walk. Learn how to monitor your
   Location: San Marino Center                                                      progress, keep daily records. Learn how to facilitate your exercise
   No Class: Nov 28 & Dec 5                                                         routine by building muscle and energy through a balanced healthy diet.
   Participants: Minimum: 10 		Maximum: 40                                          Increase your self-confidence and sense of well-being as you practice
   Class #:				   Dates:					   Day:				Time:						      Age:                       and progress.
   472103-02 			9/12-12/19      Thur				7:30–9 pm				Adult                          Location: San Marino Center
                                                                                    No Class: Nov 28
                                                                                    Participants: Minimum: 5 Maximum: 30
          ZUMBA Gold                                                                Class #:				     Dates:		 		 Day:				   Time:
                                                                                    491954-01 9/12-12/5		 Thur				1:15 pm–2:15 pm
                                                                                                                                                   55 yrs.+
   Resident: $49 Non-Resident: $54
   Taught by Katalina Beltran Heard of Zumba? Want to know what all the
   excitement is about? This class introduces you to the basic moves and
   offers more explanations and breakdowns of the rhythms. Learn Salsa,
   Merengue, Bollywood, Samba and other rhythms. We have different levels          FIT & Fabulous
   in the class so if you are a beginner or really want to sweat we have both      Resident: $53 Non-Resident: $58
   options for you!!                                                               Taught by Marilyn Evans, RN Have fun moving to music you know and
   Location: San Marino Center                                                     love! Stimulate those endorphins and elevate your mood! This is a combo
   No Class: Nov 11                                                                class to improve cardio-respiratory function, increase muscle mass and
   Participants: Minimum: 10 		Maximum: 40                                         endurance, lose fat, and gain flexibility. Optional: students can bring a
   Class #:				    Dates:					     Day:				  Time:				 		        Age:              mat and 2 lb weights.
   471955-01 			10/7-12/2				Mon				9:30–10:30am			 55+                            Location: San Marino Center
                                                                                   No Class: Nov 29
                                                                                   Participants: Minimum: 5 Maximum: 30
   GENTLE Yoga for All Levels                                                      Class #:					Dates:		 		Day:				Time:		                  Age:
   Resident: $29 Non-Resident: $34                                                 491952-01 			9/13-12/6 Fri				8 am–9 am 		55 yrs.+
   Registration is required. **Spaces will fill - Register early at the
   Recreation Department** No Proxy Registration for this class.
   Office is open Monday through Thursday
   8/5-8/19: Priority San Marino Resident Registration (WITH ID)                   TAI Chi
   8/20: Non-Resident Registration begins                                          Taught by Sam Guo Discover the benefits of Tai Chi! Techniques taught
   Tuesday class taught by Lucy Facer Bernstein RYT 500                            stem from Tai Chi styles such as Yang Chen, Wu, and Sun. If you do not
   Thursday class taught by Kris Sanders ERYT 500                                  know your level of Tai Chi, please contact Sam Guo at (626) 234-8008.
   Learn how to create a sense of well-being one breath at a time. The             Age: Adult				   Participants:		Minimum: 5 		 Maximum: 25
   benefits of practicing yoga are: gaining strength, flexibility and balance;     No Class: Nov 11, 28
   practicing safe balance challenges; increasing awareness to prevent             MORNINGS at Lacy Park
   falling; improving posture; building core strength to protect lower back;       Class #:
                                                                                               Dates:    			Day:				Time:					(R) Fee: 		(NR)Fee:
   and learning breathing techniques to promote relaxation. Bring a yoga           473244-01			9/12-12/5				Thur				8:30–9:30 am 		$149		$154
   mat and bottled water to class.                                                 473244-02			9/12-12/5				Thur				9:30–10:30 am			$149		$154
   Location:		San Marino Center
   No Class: Nov 28                                                                EVENINGS at San Marino Center
   Participants: Minimum: 10 Maximum: 75                                           Class #:
                                                                                               Dates:    			Day:
                                                                                                                   Time:					(R) Fee: 		(NR)Fee:
   Class #:					Dates:		 			Day:			 Time:		                  		        Age:        473235-01			9/9-12/4				M/W				7–8 pm						$281		$286
   492009-01          9/10–11/26 Tue			 11:15am–12:15pm 		55 yrs.+                 473240-01			9/9-12/2				Mon				8–9 pm						$137		$142
   492009-02        		9/12–12/5			Thur			 11:15am–12:15pm             		55 yrs.+   473241-01			9/11-12/4				Wed				8–9 pm						$149		$154

                   This class is new.                     This class requires a separate lab fee (cash or check) that is due at the time of registration.
Fall 2019 Community Newsletter & Community Services Guide                                                   Recreation Division Programs                    17
Adult          ADULT & SENIOR Classes
                                                                                          •   Transportation to and from each trip is

                                                                           SENIOR TRIPS
               Social            Bridge Club                                              •

                                                                                              Trips are open to anyone 55 years of age or
                                                                                              Registration for all trips begins immediately.
                          FREE! Mondays 12-4 pm                                               We accept reservations until the deadline
        San Marino Center, Fireside Room, 1800 Huntington Dr.                                 date, however, if an excursion fills prior to
        Bridge is a game for active minds and is recognized univer-                           the deadline, we will close reservations and
        sally as the best, most challenging and interesting of all card                       start a waiting list.
          games ever invented. This club offers a non-competitive                         •   Registrations are taken on a first come,
         game for just the enjoyment of playing Bridge with friends.                          first-paid basis. We cannot take reservations
                                                                                              without payment.
         If you have any questions, please call (626) 403-2200.
                                                                                          •   Senior Trip refund requests must be submitted
                                                                                              before the reservation deadline date per trip
                                                                                              and are subject to refund fees.
              Play is ongoing! Card fee is $8 per player.                                     Rome Comes To
        Mondays 12-3:30 pm, 7-10 pm & Wednesdays 11 am-2:30 pm                                Orange County!
                  San Marino Center, 1800 Huntington Drive                                    Thursday, September 19, 2019
        Bridge is a game for active minds and is recognized universally
                                                                                              Rome is coming to the OC! The internationally
        as the best, most challenging and interesting of all card games                       acclaimed Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The
        ever invented. The San Marino Bridge Club plays tournament                            Exhibition has arrived to the Christ Cathedral
        style, commonly referred to as Duplicate Bridge. The Monday                           campus (formerly known as the Crystal
        night game is a novice game and requires a partner. If a partner                      Cathedral). The Michelangelo Sistine Chapel
        is needed, please call Marie Nimmrich at 626-448-3304 at least                        Exhibition features 35 licensed photographic
        24 hours in advance. Bridge is a game that can be played well,                        reproductions of the famed 16th century
                                                                                              frescoes that adorn the chapel, including
        but never mastered. There is always something new to learn
                                                                                              full-sized renditions of ceiling panels, and two
         that will make you a better player. Snacks will be provided.                         40-foot renderings of the massive “The Last
               If you have any questions, call (626) 403-2200.                                Judgement” fresco, pre- and post-restoration.
                                                                                              Unlike the chapel in Rome, the artwork will be
                                                                                              displayed to allow guests for closer viewing
                                                                                              unlike the 44-foot high ceiling. This exhibit
                                                                                              and tour of the Christ Cathedral Campus will
                                                                                              be amazing! Also included is a tasty Italian
                                                                                              Buffet at Frantone’s with Lasagna, Ravioli,
    Dial-A-Ride                                                                               Mostaccioli and Rigatoni, assorted Pizzas,
    Dial-A-Ride is a curb-to-curb transportation service provided for                         Meatballs and Garlic Bread, and Cheesecake
                                                                                              and Chocolate Mousse cake for desserts, soft
    San Marino residents who are 60 years and older or for those                              drinks, coffee or iced tea.
    under 60 years with a physician-certified disability that prevents
    the use of regular public transit. To use this service you must                           Cost: $68 per person
    apply for membership. This service is free for residents of San                           Leave: 10:45 am (Spot Time: 10:30 am)
    Marino. For more information or to request an application for                             Return: 5:15 pm (approx)
    membership, please call Pasadena Dial-A-Ride at (626) 744-                                Meet at the Recreation Department
    4094. To schedule a Ride after you become a member, please                                (1560 Pasqualito Drive)
    call (626) 791-7200.                                                                      Please make your reservations
                                                                                              by August 29, 2019 to ensure that
                                                                                              the minimum participation is met.
                                                                                              Seats may be available beyond the
                                                                                              reservation deadline if the minimum
                                                                                              participation is met. Refund requests
                                                                                              must be submitted before the reservation
                                                                                              deadline and are subject to refund fees.

 18           Recreation Division Programs                                 Register Online at
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