CITY OF RACINE, WISCONSIN - the City of Racine

Page created by William Porter
CITY OF RACINE, WISCONSIN - the City of Racine

Revised 9/7/2021
City of Racine
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department
            800 Center St., Rm. 127
                Racine, WI 53403

     For Game Time Cancellations/Updates:

         Call 262/636-7678 (after 4 p.m.)


 Join the Facebook Group Racine Adult Basketball


           2021-2022 Season
 Jersey Rule will be enforced by officials.

Team jerseys must be the same color and have a number on
them. Jerseys should also be reversible. Players who do not
   comply with the jersey rule will not be allowed to play.


Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5

Additional Players .............................................................................................................. 5

Player Fees, Releases and Transfers ............................................................................... 5

No Grace Period ................................................................................................................ 5

Address Verification ........................................................................................................... 5

Game Postponements and Cancellations ......................................................................... 6

Abusive and Profane Language ........................................................................................ 6

Guidelines for Submitting Scores to the Journal Times ..................................................... 6

Points of Emphasis at Time of Jump Ball .......................................................................... 6

Official Basketball Rules .................................................................................................... 7

Players and Substitutions – Blood Rule............................................................................. 8

Concerning Weather Conditions ........................................................................................ 8

To All Adult Basketball Managers ...................................................................................... 8

Ejections ............................................................................................................................ 9

Gym Location List .............................................................................................................. 11

Ineligible Player Protest ..................................................................................................... 13


    Coaches are responsible for advising their players of the following information:

Welcome to Basketball season! Please provide PRCS with a current daytime phone number
and email. Standings and other important team information may be found on the Parks and
Recreation website at

                                    ADDITIONAL PLAYERS

Additional team members may be added up to September 24th. Mid-season registration will be
November 22rd to December 28th. Two additional players may be added during mid-season
signups. The player fee and a completed/signed player card are due at the time of registration.


Player fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Prior to the season, if a player must be released, a player release card must be signed by the
team manager. A player may transfer only if the team is left with seven or more players. If the
team will be left with less than seven players, a new player must be signed before the
transferring player can be released.

Once a season begins, players may only transfer to another team during mid-season signup. A
player may not transfer to any team in any league when that team has a better percentage of
wins & losses than the team he/she is leaving. A transfer of a player during mid-season signup
is considered a mid-season addition.

                                      NO GRACE PERIOD

A team must have the minimum required legal players at game time or the game will be
forfeited. The official's watch will read official game time. A team is only allowed two (2) forfeits
a season and must pay a $25.00 forfeit fee in order to resume play in the league. A team will
be dropped from the league after the second occurrence.


No postponements will be allowed in the 2017-2018 season. If you need a specific game time
on a particular date, please submit request with signed player cards and fees.

Important: Teams must be available after league play is finished to play any cancelled or
postponed games that have a bearing on the league title. League championships that result
in a tie will be determined by head to head league play.

All rules concerning postponements, forfeits, eligibility, protests, transfers, etc. are included in
the PRCS “Rules and Regulations” handbook. Managers and players should familiarize
themselves with the rules.

                            ABUSIVE AND PROFANE BEHAVIOR

Any team personnel (players, coaches, or managers) using abusive or profane language will
be subject to ejection from the game. In the event of a dispute, only the offensive and defensive
players involved and the team managers may participate in discussion. Players leaving the
bench during a dispute will be subject to ejection from the game. A legal manager is the person
listed on the team registration card.


       1.     Discuss court rules.
       2.     Arguments or unsportsmanlike conduct on calls made by officials will result in:

                    First offense – team warning
                    Second offense – ejection from game

       3.     Swearing or abusive language will result in:

                    Immediate ejection without warning.

       4.     Consumption of alcohol and drugs, and smoking by players or coaches in
              the facilities will result in:

                    Immediate ejection without warning.

       5.     Officials will listen to legitimate protests from the manager ONLY. Officials will
              not tolerate any display of unsportsmanlike conduct.

1.    Players without team jerseys (same color) are not eligible to participate. Jerseys
      need numbers.
2.    Games will be four (4) quarters, eight (8) minutes each.
3.    Clock will stop on free throws.
4.    Clock will stop during the last minute of the 4th quarter on every whistle.
5.    Bonus free throws will be shot beginning with the 7th foul of each half. However,
      two (2) free throws will be awarded beginning with the 10th foul of each half.
6.    Substitutions may be made at the following times: Held Ball, Time-Out, Free
      Throw Situations, or on Violations.

      a.    Jump ball to start game and every overtime.
      b.    Control may be established as the result of a foul or violation.
      c.    The throw-in shall be a mid-court, opposite the table to start a quarter.
      d.    The throw-in for all other situations will be from the nearest spot.
      e.    A technical foul before the period starts does not affect the possession.
            The possession arrow stays the same.

8.    NO DUNKING ALLOWED – (unless gym has breakaway rims).
9.    Four (4) time-outs per game.
10.   There is no grace period.
11.   Overtime: Will be three (3) minutes. Each team will receive one (1) additional
      timeout. Any remaining timeouts will not carry over into any overtime period.
12.   On a technical foul: The other team automatically get two (2) points and the ball.
13.   On the free throw: Anyone occupying a spot on the lane can go in the lane on
      release of the ball from the shooter. The shooter and any other player not on the
      lane have to wait until it hits the rim.


A player, coach or official who is bleeding or who has blood on their uniform shall be prohibited
from participating further in the game until appropriate treatment can be administered. If
medical care or treatment is administered in a reasonable length of time, the individual will not
have to leave the game. The length of time considered reasonable is left to the official’s
judgment. Uniform rule violations will not be enforced if a uniform change is required. The
official shall:

       1.     Stop the game and allow treatment if the injured player would affect the
              continuation of the game.
       2.     Immediately call the coach/manager to the injured player.
       3.     Apply the rules of the game regarding substitution, short-handed player and re-
              entry if necessary:

                    The player must leave and not re-enter until after the clock has run and a
                     substitution opportunity has occurred.
                    Coach has 30 seconds to replace the player.
                    The player involved is not to return until the bleeding has stopped, an open
                     wound is covered or an excessively bloody uniform is changed.

                          CONCERNING WEATHER CONDITIONS

Do not assume the weather on your side of town is consistent with weather on the other side
of town. PRCS administration will determine game cancellations. For the most accurate and
up-to-date information concerning game cancellations, you may:

      “Like” the PRCS Facebook page: City of Racine Parks, Recreation and Cultural
       Services Department
      Call 637-7678 after 4:00 p.m.
      Visit the PRCS website located at
      Listen to WRJN for game cancellation announcements.

                        TO ALL ADULT BASKETBALL MANAGERS

Recent incidents at some gyms have prompted the following new rule: Players must leave all
Racine Unified buildings by 9:00 p.m. This means no warm-up. Players are asked to shower
and exit the building as quickly as possible following the last game.

Managers are being asked to help enforce this rule and prevent further problems. Failure to do
so may result in the cancelation of PRCS facility use permits and a reduction in the number of
teams allowed to register for City basketball leagues.

During inclement weather, please do not wear outside shoes on the gym floors. Please be
considerate and promote safety by wiping up any puddles left on the floor.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Any player or manager ejected from a game (city league or tournament) is subject to City of
Racine rules. To ensure better sportsmanship and conduct among managers, player and
spectators, the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Commission has set the following
rules, which apply until the game official and/or player leave the premises.

      (1)    Players, coaches and spectators who are dismissed for unsportsmanlike
             conduct, such as cussing, over-arguing, foul gestures, etc.:

             1st offense:   One (1) game suspension.
             2nd offense:   Two (2) game suspension.
             3rd offense:   Thirty (30) day suspension.
             4th offense:   One (1) year suspension.

      (2)    Players, coaches and spectators dismissed from a game for fighting with or hitting
             another player will be suspended from playing:

             1st offense: Thirty (30) day suspension.
             2nd offense: One (1) year suspension.

      (3)    Players, managers, or spectators that make a verbal threat to an umpire, official,
             referee or anyone associated with the program:

             1st offense: Thirty (30) day player and spectator suspension.
             2nd offense: One (1) year player and spectator suspension.

      (4)    Players, managers, or spectators that threaten an umpire, official, referee, or
             anyone associated with the program with a weapon, such as a bat, chair or other

             1st offense:   Suspended indefinitely with review after two years.

      (5)    Players dismissed from a game for pushing, shoving, spitting, chesting or any
             other physical action taken against an umpire, official, referee or anyone
             associated with the program:

             1st offense:   One (1) year suspended.

      (6)    A player dismissed from a game for hitting or kicking an umpire, official, or

             1st offense:   Suspended indefinitely with review after three years.

When a player receives a suspension and plays in more than one league, the suspension will
apply to player participation in all respective league play.

A suspension will be increased if the violation is severe enough to warrant such action to be


If the offense is near the end of the season, the remaining days will be carried over to the
league tournament, next sport he/she participates in, or the next season, whichever comes

A suspended or ejected player must leave the gym immediately. The game will not continue
until suspended player, coach or spectator has left the premises. Failure will result in game

Any player or coach who has been suspended for one (1) year or more and has served his/her
suspension will be placed on a one (1) year probationary status with the condition that if he/she
is ejected from any game played, he/she will be placed on indefinite suspension.

Any spectator who has been suspended for one (1) year or more and returns to the premises
after serving suspension will be placed on a one (1) year probationary status with the condition
that any unsportsmanlike conduct exhibited will result in an indefinite suspension from all

Any and all appeals must be directed to the Board of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Commission within 5 days of the incident. Suspensions remain in effect until ruled on by the
PRCS commission.


If teams want standings printed in the Journal Times newspaper, score sheets must be
delivered to the Journal Times office at 212 Fourth St. by the manager of the winning team.

Please note the following:

       1.     Score sheets may be submitted in one of three ways:
              a.     Dropped off at the Journal Times’ black mailbox attached to the building
                     near the employees’ entrance on Wisconsin Ave.
              b.     By Fax – 262-631-1780.
              c.     By E-Mail –
       2.     Score sheets must include the date of game, league name, complete team
              names, and final score. Incomplete and illegible score sheets will not be
       3.     Score sheets containing questionable or inappropriate team names will not be
       4.     Corrections in standings may be submitted by Park and Recreation during the


SCHOOL                   PARKING – ENTRANCE                  GYM LOCATION

BRYANT CENTER            Lot on South side of building;      Gym on left
601 21st St.             enter South doors

CESAR CHAVEZ             Lot on East side of building;       Old gym to left;
2221 Douglas Avenue      doors on East side opposite         new gym to right

GILMORE                  Lot South of building; enter        Gym straight ahead
2330 Northwestern Ave.   SE door off parking lot

KING CENTER              Lot North side of building; enter   Hallway to right;
1134 M.L. King Drive     doors on NE corner                  gym entrance at end

PARK FH                  Along Bluefields Dr; enter          Up stairs to left
1901 – 12th Street       on East side of building

STARBUCK                 Lot off Ohio St; enter NW           Right down hall;
1516 Ohio Street         doors near receiving dock           turn right, gym
                                                             on left

TYLER-DOMER              Lot on East side of building;       Straight down hall;
2301 – 12th Street       enter East doors                    gym on right

INELIGIBLE PLAYER PROTEST                                Date of Protest ______________

                            PRINT YOUR NAME                         ADDRESS               ZIP
 MANAGER                      PRINT NAME                            ADDRESS               ZIP

1. Name of Player                                                             _______________

2. Date of game player performed                                                   _________

3. Team player played with                                                         _________

4. League                                                                     ______________

5. Teams involved                             ________ vs.                                ____

   Your team                                  _____ Opposing team                         ____

6. Officials                                             _______________________________

   Game Location_______                                      Time                         ____

7. What team(s) is protested player signed with                               ______________

8. Were both officials and opponent notified the game was being played under protest
   because of the alleged ineligible player?                            _________

9. Your score book must be turned in with the completed protest form.

10. If so desired, comment on the offense (50 words or less):

Fee Paid -     _______

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