Cisco Cloud Experience - Continuity, Resiliency, and the Future of Work Contents

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Cisco Cloud Experience - Continuity, Resiliency, and the Future of Work Contents
White paper
Cisco public

         Cisco Cloud Experience
         Continuity, Resiliency, and the Future of Work

         The Cisco multicloud approach and the future of work............................................. 2

         Responding to market trends.................................................................................... 5

         Enabling continuity and resiliency for the future of work............................................ 6

         How do we do this?.................................................................................................. 9

         How can Cisco Customer Experience Services help?............................................. 14

         Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18

© 2021 Cisco
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Cisco Cloud Experience - Continuity, Resiliency, and the Future of Work Contents
White paper
Cisco public

Cisco® delivers                                            The Cisco multicloud approach
the future of work                                         and the future of work
with services and                                          The changes brought to our personal and working lives during 2020/21 have
capabilities that                                          changed perceptions and expectations significantly. Today, “going to work,”
empower a distributed                                      for many, means sitting down with a laptop at the kitchen table rather than
                                                           traveling to an office or location away from home as it once did.
workforce with
                                                           These changes in working habits are partly enabled by, and a driver of,
seamless collaboration,                                    the wider shift of IT services to the cloud. Cisco’s broad vision of what
supported by flexible                                      this means for multicloud, and how we enable that for our customers and
and secure access                                          partners, is presented in the previously published Cisco Cloud Experience
                                                           White Paper.
to applications in the
                                                           Building on the previous paper, this white paper focuses on continuity,
multicloud and safety
                                                           resiliency, and the future of work, illustrated with use cases that explain
in the workplace.                                          how Cisco can help you thrive amidst the “new normal” working practices
                                                           of today.
The connected experience
that we enable for the global                              The five multicloud integrated capabilities
workforce delivers a safe and                              The Cisco multicloud approach is informed by the five multicloud integrated
trusted environment for all                                capabilities depicted in Figure 1. These integrated capabilities are described
staff, regardless of location,                             in detail in our Cisco Cloud Experience White Paper and summarized
from home to cafe, park bench,                             below. This white paper examines the Continuity capability, while the other
factory, or office desk. Our                               capabilities will be addressed in future papers.
workplace solutions support
social distancing, provide
comprehensive tools for
distributed teams, and enable
simple and consistent access
to applications for all the
people working with you, thus
ensuring business continuity
and resiliency.

                                                           Figure 1 - The Five Multicloud Integrated Capabilities

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Cisco Cloud Experience - Continuity, Resiliency, and the Future of Work Contents
White paper
Cisco public

Continuity – Deliver the future of work
For decades, Cisco has delivered services and capabilities to securely empower distributed workforces. It has always
been a normal practice for many Cisco employees to work entirely remotely. As an international organization with
teams made up of members from all parts of the globe, we know how to work together seamlessly and securely, at
all times and from anywhere, supported by the best collaboration tools. We enjoy flexible and efficient access to the
many applications we use, hosted securely in our own data centers, public IaaS, or as SaaS.

Cisco deeply understands what the future of work looks like—because for us, this is not the future. This is our past and
present as a global enterprise.

The connected experience that we enable for our global workforce delivers a safe and trusted workplace for all staff,
regardless of location. As Cisco employees, we can, and do, work in many diverse locations, from home, on the road,
or sometimes at a desk in a Cisco office building, supported by our systems that help ensure safe and compliant use
of office spaces.

Our collaboration and communication tools run on almost any device to seamlessly enable distributed teams. These
tools are fully integrated with our Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) capabilities, which are part of our evolving
Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) offer. This works to both make our environment more secure and improve our
experience of using applications in that environment.

All these aspects of how we see the future of work are explained in detail further below through use cases that
illustrate how we deliver continuity and resiliency for ourselves, and how we can do that for you.

Insights – Deliver a seamless application experience
Cisco’s modern, cloud-native application platform supports observability from the application all the way down and
through multiple infrastructure environments, revealing actionable insights with AI-powered analytics. Closed-loop
automation proactively identifies and resolves issues to avoid service outages and help ensure that SLAs and business
objectives are met. With extensible platforms and open APIs, we support a wide ecosystem of Cisco and third-party
systems and tools.

Developers and users benefit from our fully observable, cloud-native, application-centric stack, which supports
innovative multicloud application delivery and consistent experiences, faster and more efficiently than any other.

Security – Simplified, unified, multi-layered, zero trust, threat intelligence
The Cisco integrated and open platform for zero trust security and breach defense, combined with the unrivaled
breadth and depth of our security portfolio, unifies visibility and operations for greater simplicity and efficiency in

Our security platform enables seamless governance and control across user and customer endpoints and network,
cloud, and application environments, with embedded real-time threat intelligence enabling efficient and effective
security operations for incident management and risk avoidance.

Connectivity – Modernize and automate across domains
Multicloud application delivery necessitates architectures focused on securely connecting users to applications,
regardless of location, access, and device type, with fully integrated performance and experience telemetry to
provide actionable feedback. Such visibility across public and private clouds ensures that issues are quickly and easily
identified and resolved and that SLAs are fully measurable and met.

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Cisco Cloud Experience - Continuity, Resiliency, and the Future of Work Contents
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Cisco public

Full automation and visibility of all aspects of connectivity management is provided by software-defined solutions
that integrate natively with colocation (CoLo) partners and cloud provider networks. These solutions enable secure
connectivity and optimized performance between users located anywhere (office, home, cafes, factories, or traveling)
and applications located in private data centers, public clouds, SaaS, or on the edge. The flexibility enabled by such
end-to-end connectivity solutions is key to the seamless and secure delivery of multicloud capabilities to any location,
as required by modern, distributed organizations.

The Cisco capabilities for connectivity simplify and secure distributed users, applications, and heterogeneous cloud
and on-premises resources, thereby improving issue management, SLAs, and operational efficiency with multiple
levels of consumption flexibility.

Operations – Accelerate with a consistent, integrated cloud operating model
With the combination of our cloud-delivered management and optimization solutions and a comprehensive suite of
services offerings, we support the operational intelligence, consistency, and automation required to securely deliver
legacy, cloud-native, and edge-native applications in all forms of multicloud.

We are doing this today with many examples of infrastructure-as-code (IaC) integration across our portfolio. Our IaC
focus is supported by SaaS-delivered models for end-to-end automation and insights. We continue to expand these
capabilities with services offers supporting these approaches throughout the lifecycle of application delivery and

Our experience as a global SaaS provider and consumer has given us a deep understanding of how to deliver
rightsized services for a wide variety of consumption needs. Alongside that is a deep appreciation for operational
efficiency and the corresponding usage and cost optimization such efficiency can bring.

With a range of solutions for all permutations of hybrid, on-premises, edge, and cloud-based deployments, along
with partnerships with a variety of cloud and CoLo providers, we help enterprises establish a simplified, cost-efficient,
and unified cloud operating model that integrates and enhances collaboration across development, operations, and
security teams.

With the Cisco cloud operating model, you can deploy anywhere and manage heterogeneous environments and
applications with optimized, secure consumption of services, regardless of location.

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         Figure 2 - PWC June 2020 US CFO Pulse Survey¹

Responding to market trends
In their FutureScape: Worldwide Future of Work 2021 Predictions report, IDC highlights some key trends that reflect
and inform much of what we have done to prepare for a world of hybrid work, in response to the concerns of our
people. Underlying the nature of those concerns, IDC predicts that, by 2021, almost two thirds of knowledge and
frontline workers will include health considerations in addition to social, environmental, and humanitarian actions as
key criteria to employment decisions.

Accordingly, IDC predicts that, by 2025, over half of G2000 firms will have made changes to their office facilities for
reasons of improved employee health protection and optimized business continuity. IDC further estimates that the
additional spend on desktop and workspace as a service by G2000 firms will be $2 billion by 2022, as three quarters
will incorporate employees’ home facilities into the extended enterprise environment. IDC also claims that, by 2025,
G2000 firms will increase spending by a quarter on business-critical infrastructure for employee safety solutions such
as contact tracing, temperature sensing, and proximity monitoring.²

Cisco, as much as any similar organization, is going through the same thought processes and types of investments as
we plan a careful and measured return to a form of hybrid work. Like many others, we have learned a great deal about
the capacity of our people to operate under extraordinary circumstances, supported by the kinds of investments that
IDC foresees ahead and the solutions and services described below.

¹ PWC, 2020
² IDC, 2020

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Enabling continuity and resiliency for the future of work
The pandemic of 2020/21 sharply illustrated the extent to which business continuity and resiliency can be tested. We
have all found this period to be challenging in many ways. No matter how well prepared we are with technology and
solutions, we all still have much to learn about and adjust to in the future of work.

As we start to return to various forms of hybrid work, we have an opportunity to learn from the past year and take
the opportunity to rethink the concept of “work” as more of an activity and perhaps less as a place. At Cisco, we are
thinking about many forms of what our future looks like. If there is a central tenet, it is to maintain a flexible posture
and let data drive our decision making. As with much of the technology that we offer, we have been the first to try the
various hybrid work solutions and capabilities that will allow us to embrace the future of work. Some of what we have
done has worked well, as discussed further below. While we will not continue everything that we have tried, what has
been successful and best served our people is presented here.

There are certain key themes that we believe will help our customers and partners. Security is always at the core
of what we do at Cisco, and so it is central to our vision of how we support hybrid work for distributed teams,
working from wherever people might choose or need to be. More than that, we support the choices and flexibility
that empower workers to be productive anywhere, whether inside or outside of homes, offices, schools, clinics, and

Secure access to applications is key, wherever those applications may be running. Part of secure access also requires
secure connectivity but, importantly, we decouple these notions to allow for greater flexibility. Integrating security
across multicloud connectivity with our evolving SASE capabilities is one part of that. The flexibility we bring to secure
connectivity helps scale resiliency globally.

Another key factor is ensuring that you can observe the application experience of your people and customers and
take effective actions based on those observations. In being able to deploy applications when and where you need,
it is important that you do not lose the ability to see how those applications are performing and being used. With this
visibility, you are empowered to make smarter decisions to continually improve the user experience.

Additionally, people need the freedom to choose to be in the same physical space as each other, supported with
data-driven decisions about their safety in those circumstances. Our goal is to provide enterprise-class worker
capabilities to accommodate individual circumstances with optimized experience, performance, cost, and security in
all locations. A world with secure and effective hybrid work helps people to manage their lives safely and effectively,
adjust their travel patterns as required, and support the distribution of economic activity away from centers of high
density. We can help you make that happen.

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Secure remote workforce
The capabilities that we deliver support business
continuity and resiliency by enabling your teams to
collaborate effectively and serve your customers
from anywhere with an Internet connection. Secure
connectivity and communications are clearly the
foundation. Just as important, though, is supporting a
collaboration and application experience in a multicloud
world where many of the services that your people and
customers rely on are deployed to and accessed from
a number of different locations and device types.

Our collaboration philosophy is informed by our
customer- and partner-centric business model, and by
our agile approach to enabling productive teams across
many different organizations, as and when needed.
Seamless, secure integration for internal and external
communication is embedded into our collaboration
suite. With our teamwork capabilities, all participants    Figure 3 - Cisco Secure Remote Workforce
are able to enjoy the same high-quality, immersive,
and responsive collaboration experience.

Secure connectivity
The secure and resilient connectivity options that Cisco supports are tuned to a multicloud environment, in which
we recognize that different solutions are required for varying circumstances. We offer secure, enhanced access
to applications for many different work styles and circumstances, with the flexibility that different needs and
requirements demand.

The many SaaS-based tools that we provide for collaboration and secure access to applications are key to continuity.
As a practical matter, much of the work that we do on a day-to-day basis at Cisco does not require corporate network
access at all. For core business purposes, we use many SaaS-based applications protected by SAML-based single
sign-on (SSO) with multi-factor authentication (MFA), Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), and SASE capabilities.

Where access to sensitive corporate data is required, our VPN solutions are supported across a very wide range
of device types and operating systems. These VPN capabilities will automatically detect when secure corporate
access is required and will activate transparently for many purposes, with secure device and user authentication. This
frictionless ease of use is combined with configurable security options to support a balance between user experience
and security controls that is appropriate for your circumstances.

Above and beyond device-specific VPN client capabilities, we also offer a range of cryptographic, optimized,
hardware-based solutions. These solutions provide the always-on experience of being in an office with fully managed
services available to you, in your “branch of one.” Our SD-WAN platform is fully integrated with a wide range of public
cloud providers and CoLo partners to provide optimal and cost-effective connectivity over the public Internet.

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Seamless collaboration
Complementing, and fully integrated with, our many secure and optimized connectivity options is a range of
collaboration devices that support a fully immersive experience which is often better than physical face-to-face
presence. As a company that operates across the globe, our inbuilt translation capabilities make it possible to
collaborate with almost anyone, in any language. Capabilities such as automatic transcription, gesture recognition,
recordings, and more, through a unified client experience across multiple platforms, help ensure that our collaboration
portfolio can serve people from all walks of life, from anywhere with an Internet connection, and at any time.

Our collaboration capabilities are provided on-premises and as SaaS accessed over the public Internet, with multiple
levels of security. With our dedicated collaboration devices and solutions, we are able to provide connectivity and
collaboration experiences that are delightfully seamless and can be used by almost everyone in a way that suits them.
This is all integral to, and a direct and flexible extension of, the Cisco platform that already supports your business.

Staying in contact with customers
Continuity also requires secure and resilient interaction with your customers. The contacts between your customers
and distributed teams should be joined up, consistent, secure, and compliant, as well as visible for supervisory
assistance, wherever your data and teams are located.

The contact center solution that we provide is integrated with multi-channel communications options and helps
ensure that you and your customers will remain connected, in touch, informed, and aware of all interactions. Our
ongoing investments in bringing AI-assisted capabilities to our platforms will continue to bring enhancements, help
you reduce waiting times and support your staff in delivering a human experience to your customers.

Secure IT anywhere

Supporting your teams’ access to IT services with the right balance between security, data protection, ease of use,
and experience is made much easier with Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). All that you have done to create the
unified, secure, and compliant tools and capabilities that your people need can be hosted and delivered efficiently and
securely, wherever your people are and on nearly any device they are using. Meanwhile, your data and intellectual
assets remain secure and compliant where they need to be, in the data center of your choice.

And more…
With all that we can do to support a distributed workforce, we do more than just make it possible to carry on your
business—we can help you take it to the next level. Delivering expertise where it is needed, with high-quality,
multilingual, multimodal collaboration, means that you are not just maintaining how you do business, but actively
improving upon what you may have been doing in the past. Our open and extensible platform has created a myriad
of opportunities for our extensive partner ecosystem to develop industry-specific solutions for many of our joint

Observability throughout the infrastructure and application stack also reveals, in great detail, why, when, and where
your people and customers are not having an optimal application experience, wherever those applications are
deployed. Combined with the cloud-native operations capabilities that we support, we provide AI- and ML- based
systems to help ensure that automated and manual corrective actions can be efficiently and easily applied.

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Trusted workplace
Cisco delivers enterprise-class capabilities wherever
your people are. Offices, shops, medical centers,
schools, factories, and many other locations are
places that we need to be able to go safely. The way
such spaces are used can be expected to evolve.
Accordingly, we will need support to adjust our habits
for hybrid working to create flexible, secure, and
effective environments where we can interact safely
with others.

Cisco’s Trusted Workplace capabilities provide
automated and non-intrusive support when you want
to share space with other people. We can help ensure
safety and wellness in a consistent manner across
multiple locations, with policy control that helps you
evolve the form of hybrid and distributed business,
medical, retail, educational, or manufacturing practices
to suit your organization.                                   Figure 4 - Cisco Trusted Workplace

Key elements of making specific locations safe include monitoring the density of people in given spaces, how people
utilize and move about spaces, who is in a given building at a given time, how close people might be to each other,
how assets are used, and so on. This is all delivered in a secure and transparent manner while respecting privacy and
empowering people to make safe, appropriate choices.

Our capabilities are available in packages supported with advisory and implementation services that make it easy
to create safe and secure workplaces on demand, in the form of “pop-up” sites as needed for medical, instructive,
trade, or industrial purposes. Combined with our collaboration suite, these solutions can help bring people together
safely and securely, wherever there is an Internet connection.

How do we do this?
The following technology capabilities underpin our ability to deliver this value to you:

• Flexible and secure remote access
• Secure, cloud-integrated SD-WAN
• Integrated, open, and extensible voice, video, and messaging team-based collaboration
• Virtual desktop infrastructure
• Observability for optimized application experience
• Cloud-based security solutions
• Space and physical asset management

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Flexible and secure remote access
Secure and efficient access to cloud services means knowing that the devices your people are using are secure and
protected and that the connectivity from those devices to your applications is encrypted and optimized.

Our remote access solutions cover a number of factors to support posture, insights, connectivity, and access for a
wide range of device types, enabling a secure bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy that is centrally managed.

On the device with AnyConnect and more
The AnyConnect® VPN Secure Mobility client is an always-on intelligent VPN client that automatically detects
when VPN access is required by an application and can augment its connectivity properties for different application
types. AnyConnect is fully integrated with Cisco Duo for Zero Trust Multifactor Authentication and device security
posture analysis. Cisco Umbrella® (see cloud-based security solutions below) is also enabled for your devices with
AnyConnect, which means that they are protected even when not using a VPN connection.

Cisco Secure Endpoint (formerly AMP for Endpoints), included with AnyConnect, combines continuous monitoring
of file activities, behavioral analytics, machine learning, and signature-based techniques to stop malware and threats
from compromising your endpoints. Attack surfaces are reduced using advanced endpoint extended detection and
response (XDR), threat hunting, and endpoint isolation.

For Apple iOS devices, AnyConnect includes the Cisco Secure Endpoint for iOS (Security Connector), which provides
visibility into network traffic on iOS devices and blocks connections to malicious sites, wherever users go.

All these security capabilities are fully integrated with SecureX™ (see cloud-based security solutions below) to
provide a simplified security monitoring, automation, and orchestration platform.

Branch office of one with the Cisco Virtual Office (CVO)
The Cisco Virtual Office (CVO) is a managed end-to-end solution for people working from home or in smaller
or temporary remote office locations. It provides an enterprise experience including voice, video, and wireless,
transparently extending the enterprise office connectivity experience for smaller groups of people. With integrated
zero touch operations and security, the solution is easy to deploy, can be managed centrally, and protects users and
corporate assets.

The CVO package is available in a wide variety of forms including the Integrated Services Routers (ISR) 1000,
Catalyst® 8K, Meraki®, Catalyst Wi-Fi 6, and others, integrated with cloud managed Cisco SD-WAN. The CVO
solution also includes connectivity via 4G LTE, to provide secure managed connectivity, wherever your people are.

Secure, cloud-integrated SD-WAN
Cisco SD-WAN is a secure cloud-scale architecture that is open, programmable, and scalable. With a cloud-first
architecture, you have the flexibility to connect any user to any application, across multicloud. With the Cisco vManage
console, you can quickly establish an SD-WAN overlay fabric to connect data centers, branches, campuses, and CoLo
facilities to improve network speed, security, and efficiency.

SD-WAN ensures a predictable application experience with increased user productivity by optimizing cloud and on-
premises application performance with real-time analytics, visibility, and control. Comprehensive on-premises and
cloud-based security helps accelerate the transition to a SASE architecture, where and when it is needed. Centralized
cloud management makes it easy to deploy SD-WAN and security while maintaining micro-segmentation and identity-
based policy across thousands of sites.

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Cisco SD-WAN OnRamp is a multicloud solution for IaaS and SaaS that integrates public cloud infrastructure into a
SD-WAN fabric. It is based on a secure, cloud-native WAN architecture that scales to thousands of endpoints across
branch offices, CoLo centers, and public cloud. Application performance, in the cloud and on premises, is optimized
with real-time analytics, visibility, and control. A unified dashboard supports deployment and security with consistent
policy across all locations, protecting users, devices, and applications with security on premises and from the cloud.
Regional, collocated WAN-aggregation hubs can be used to connect branch offices to multicloud.

Collaboration with Webex
Webex® is the core of the Cisco Collaboration suite. The Webex application integrates business-class HD video,
voice, meetings, calling, messaging, file sharing, whiteboarding, and more to provide a single, secure experience
across multiple devices. Webex is an open and extensible platform for developers and has been adapted for a wide
range of use cases including training, contact centers, event management, support, and so on³, as well as for many
domains including government, education, healthcare, financial services, and more.⁴

Webex is available for almost all device types and operating systems,⁵ offering a consistent and integrated
collaboration experience across many form factors. Start a call at your desk, pick it up on the phone, and finish the
call wherever you need to be.

In addition to the Webex application on your own personal device, Webex collaboration capabilities are also supported
on a range of dedicated hardware devices⁶ optimized for many different collaboration settings. Whatever your mode
of work, whichever device you use, wherever you are, and with whomever you want to collaborate, Webex delivers
the capabilities you need.

For those circumstances when you need to enable collaboration for your teams without using a VPN to connect to
your Cisco Unified Communications Manager (UCM), the Cisco Unified Communications Mobile and Remote Access
(MRA/Expressway™)⁷ will help. MRA is a part of the Cisco Collaboration Edge Architecture that allows endpoints to
have their registration, call control, provisioning, messaging, and presence services provided by your UCM when the
endpoint is outside your enterprise network. Expressway provides secure firewall traversal and line-side support for
UCM registrations.

Webex Contact Center
The Webex Contact Center SaaS solution delivers innovation, flexibility, scalability, and agility to enable rapid time
to market and support new revenue while minimizing upfront capital investment. The solution provides digital-first
customer experiences that integrate messaging, video, and calling tools so that agents and subject matter experts
can work together to optimize every customer engagement. Integrated Webex Experience Management post-call
surveys can be sent to customers via text, email, or interactive voice response (IVR), capturing immediate, top-of-
mind feedback and thus improving responsiveness to customer sentiment. Agents benefit from having a customer
experience journey context displayed on the agent desktop and in analytics reports that capture customer feedback
trends and allow for proactive response. The solution is fully customizable and integrated with business applications
such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and Zendesk to reduce context switching.

³ See Webex for Contact Center, Webex for Webinars, Webex for Remote Support, and Webex for Training
⁴ See Webex for Education, Webex for Healthcare, Webex for Financial Services, and Webex for Government
⁵ See Webex downloads
⁶ See Webex devices
⁷ See Mobile and Remote Access through Cisco Expressway Deployment Guide

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Virtual desktop infrastructure
Cisco Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solutions seamlessly and securely provide users with their corporate
desktop environment, wherever they are and on almost any device. VDI solutions are ideal for continuity because they
protect your IP by keeping data and applications in your secure data center where these can be centrally managed
and controlled according to your policies and regulatory requirements.

With Cisco VDI, your people can access their desktops and applications at any time, on multiple device types,
wherever they have Internet connectivity. In addition, Cisco VDI can be rapidly deployed and scaled for new or
updated applications and desktop operating systems, without user disruption. Centralized management supports
visibility as well as desktop and application patches and upgrades, lowering the cost of endpoint devices and enabling
a secure BYOD model, especially when used with AnyConnect or CVO solutions (see above).

The Cisco VDI solutions, based on Cisco Unified Computing System™ (UCS®) and HyperFlex™, managed with
Intersight™, are supported by a range of ecosystem partners including Citrix, NetApp, NVIDIA, VMware, and others.⁸

Observability for optimized application experience
To ensure that your people have the best experience, wherever they are and however they are connecting,
observability of the applications your team is using is key. These observability capabilities must encompass the entire
network path, including the public Internet, between your team and those applications, wherever the applications are

The Cisco AppDynamics® Business Observability Platform provides full-stack observability of your applications, almost
anywhere you are running them, in many cases without requiring code changes. AppDynamics supports applications
including cloud-native microservices, Kubernetes containers, multicloud environments, mainframes in your own
data center, AWS, Azure, SAP, and others. The Cisco Secure Application solution, which is based on AppDynamics,
detects threats continuously and defends your business against attacks in real time.

Cisco ThousandEyes complements AppDynamics at the connectivity level by helping you see the routing, availability,
and performance of your critical providers so you can understand how they are impacting the application experience.
With visibility into the Internet, the cloud, and the networks you use to run your business, you can see exactly what is
affecting your distributed teams and the applications on which your business depends.

Cloud based security solutions
The SASE network architecture combines VPN and WAN capabilities with cloud-native security functions such as
secure web gateways, cloud access security brokers, firewalls, and ZTNA. Cisco’s SASE solution is evolving the many
capabilities described here.

Cisco Umbrella offers flexible, cloud-delivered security when and how you need it, combining multiple security
functions into one solution. Umbrella extends protection to devices, remote users, and distributed locations anywhere.
Using Umbrella is the easiest way to effectively protect your users everywhere in minutes, and it is delivered to your
devices integrated with AnyConnect (see above).

⁸ See FlexPod for VDI Solutions, NVIDIA and Cisco Solutions, Accelerate and Simplify with Cisco and Citrix

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SecureX is a cloud-native, integrated,⁹ and open platform that connects the Cisco Secure portfolio to your
infrastructure. With SecureX, you can accelerate threat investigations and incident management by aggregating and
correlating global intelligence and local context in one view. This unified visibility is enhanced with a customizable
dashboard that maintains context around incidents with a consistent ribbon throughout the UI.

Automation enables consistent, efficient operations across your team, either with prebuilt workflows aligned to
common use cases or with custom drag-and-drop workflows. SecureX delivers Extended Detection and Response
(XDR) across the Cisco Security portfolio.

Secure Cloud Analytics
Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics (formerly Stealthwatch® Cloud) is a SaaS-based network and cloud security solution
that provides unified threat detection across on-premises and cloud environments, all from a single interface. The
solution detects early indicators of security compromise in the cloud or on premises, including insider threat activity
and malware as well as policy violations, misconfigured cloud assets, and user misuse. Importantly, the analytics
capabilities help inform a close collaboration between DevOps and SecOps teams, with numerous integration options
with third-party and other Cisco technologies.

Cloud VNFs
For an optimized application experience with consistent deployment, management, security, and policy control both
on premises and in the cloud, Cisco provides a range of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) for public and private
cloud-hosted connectivity, network extension, and security. These VNFs include the Cisco Cloud Services Router
1000V Series (CSR1KV), Catalyst 8000V edge platform, and the Cisco virtual Firepower® firewalls in private¹⁰ and
public cloud,¹¹ with the virtual Adaptive Security Appliance (ASAv) and Next-Generation Firewall Virtual (NGFWv)
integrated with SecureX. The Cisco VNF portfolio continues to grow, as do our service capabilities to help you
integrate these with your cloud-native operations.

Cloud Mailbox Defence
Cisco Cloud Mailbox Defence is fully integrated into Office 365 for complete visibility into inbound, outbound, and
internal messages. It addresses gaps in Office 365 email security by detecting and blocking advanced email threats
with the real-time threat intelligence of Cisco Talos®.

The Cisco Talos Intelligence Group is one of the largest commercial threat intelligence teams in the world. The Talos
team is comprised of world-class researchers, analysts, and engineers, all supported by unrivaled telemetry and
sophisticated systems to create accurate, rapid, and actionable threat intelligence for Cisco customers, products,
and services. Talos defends Cisco customers against known and emerging threats, discovers new vulnerabilities in
common software, and interdicts threats in the wild before they can further harm the Internet at large.

⁹ See SecureX integrations
¹⁰ See Virtual Firewalls for Private Cloud
¹¹ See Virtual Firewalls for Public Cloud

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Cloudlock CASB
Cisco Cloudlock® is a cloud-native cloud access security broker (CASB) that helps you migrate to the cloud safely. It
protects your cloud users, data, and applications with a simple, open, and automated approach to managing the risks
in your cloud application ecosystem.

With Cloudlock, you can more easily combat data breaches while meeting compliance regulations. Advanced machine
learning algorithms detect anomalies based on multiple factors, including activities outside allowed countries and
actions that seem to take place at impossible speeds across distances. Cloudlock’s data loss prevention (DLP)
technology continuously monitors cloud environments to detect and protect sensitive information, with highly tunable
custom policies as well as many common settings.

The Cloudlock Apps Firewall discovers and controls cloud applications connected to your corporate environment
by using crowd-sourced Community Trust Ratings for individual apps, so that you can apply access control to them
based on risk and your policies.

Space and physical asset management
Cisco DNA Spaces is a cloud-based platform integrated with your Cisco Wi-Fi to help you better understand the
behavior and location of people and things in the spaces that you manage so that you can act on those insights.
With Cisco DNA Spaces, your Cisco wireless technology is tied directly to your organization’s critical operations and
business outcomes to deliver even greater value.

Fully integrated with the Cisco Collaboration portfolio as well as many enterprise application suites and a wide
variety of partner applications, Cisco DNA Spaces helps facilitate a safe return to the workplace to support business
resiliency and continuity. Rich, location-based services and an open platform support built-in and industry-
specific partner applications including safe space usage, location analytics, customer engagement toolkits, asset
management, and many more.

All these applications can use location analytics to provide insights into the behavior of people and things and to
enable safe interaction in your physical spaces. Seamless onboarding of customers and integrated captive portals,
OpenRoaming technology, and indoor IoT applications provide a common and safe experience.

How can Cisco Customer Experience Services help?
Cisco Customer Experience (CX) delivers expert services to help you more quickly realize the business value of your
Cisco products, technologies, and solutions—at every stage of your lifecycle journey.

We provide expertise to help you seamlessly and securely deliver the future of work. Our experts assist with design,
engineering, implementation, and testing for delivery of robust remote access capabilities that enable constant,
secure connectivity in a global/mobile workspace. We help ensure consistent delivery of exceptional user and
customer experiences with analytics and insights that support better decision making for greater efficiency and costs
reduction. Our services provide guidance to help you enable a secure, comprehensive collaboration experience
across the workforce to ensure business continuity through change.

With hardware, software, and solution support, our experts help you plan, design, and implement your Cisco solutions
successfully, rapidly, and effectively. We also provide the visibility and insights you need to improve operational
efficiency and resolve problems more quickly, along with expert management of your infrastructure, applications, and
processes to accelerate new technology adoption and time to value.

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Expertise at every step of your journey
Business Critical Services for Cloud is a unique offering that provides cloud advisory plus expertise throughout the
lifecycle and across solution domains, from strategy and roadmap development to design, testing, optimization and
more, to help you maintain business continuity and resiliency and successfully deliver the future of work. To help
you accelerate agility, absorb disruption, and drive growth with your multicloud or hybrid cloud, we developed an
operational model with proven best practices that help you create resilient, adaptive, and transformative IT.

Resilient IT helps you optimize performance and de-risk IT for cloud and other technology solutions to increase
capacity and availability, no matter where you work. With adaptive IT, you can engineer an adaptive workforce with
the right technical expertise to address your cloud and other technology initiatives as well as changing priorities and
unforeseen events. Transformative IT allows you to empower roles across your IT landscape with the expert guidance
and insights needed to react quickly to change and drive innovation with your cloud and other technology solutions.

By focusing on resilience, you can connect people, secure your business, increase capacity, and expand availability
anywhere to improve continuity and business agility. Your IT teams can predict and resolve incidents faster by
combining human intelligence and expertise with AI, machine learning, telemetry, automation, and insights. You can
strengthen your security posture with a mix of proactive and reactive services to help you protect and defend against

With Business Critical Services, you can build an adaptive workforce with the right capabilities when and where you
need them, so you can quickly pivot to address top cloud projects and other initiatives as well as unplanned events.
Our services help you maintain continuity so you can successfully navigate change—and stay ready for whatever
comes next.

Advisory and strategy
Cisco Cloud Advisory Services help you whether you are about to embark on the cloud journey and want to validate
your strategy or you need assistance to improve the strategy you already have. We will work with you to create a
cloud roadmap that uses a phased approach with measurable milestones to help you optimize potential, encourage
agile practices, and achieve value at each step along the way. We facilitate alignment of strategy and your corporate
vision, breaking each business objective down into IT objectives to assess and position the required capabilities. From
inception to delivery, our Cloud Advisory Services provide aligned, accelerated, and actionable guidance to help you
meet your unique goals at every phase of your cloud transformation journey.

As the ability to adapt quickly has become a critical measure of success, we designed our CX Offer for Business
Resiliency Strategy and Roadmap to help you develop a robust resiliency plan of action so you are ready for anything
in today’s dynamic, fast-changing work environment. After a phase of business analysis followed by technology
analysis, our experts build a customized, transformational business resiliency strategy and roadmap covering your
technology capabilities, technology adoption, and a prioritized gap analysis to reach your desired state based on your
customized risk threshold. Our advisory capabilities and proven expertise will help you determine the right use cases
for your business and develop a customized strategy and roadmap for business resiliency.

Many more service offerings for resiliency and continuity are introduced below, grouped by solution domain.

Secure remote access and SD-WAN
CX Services for Security enable you to get more from your investments in security. We can assist and advise you to
help reduce complexity and improve your security posture. Working with our experts, you can rapidly realize the value
of Cisco SecureX for automated, simplified operations and evolve existing IT and processes to optimize your security
infrastructure while maintaining compliance.

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Our CX Offers for Secure Remote Workers help you increase remote access capacity and manage security
vulnerabilities as remote work models continue. Our security experts can help you analyze your current VPN capacity,
plan for implementation, and work with you on planning, design, and configuration of your VPN network so you can
securely manage remote employee access.

The Zero Trust Strategy Service helps you visualize and kickstart your Zero Trust journey, based on your present
capabilities and environment. We help you develop a three-year strategy, that is achievable in manageable, practical
steps that consistently deliver incremental value while progressing towards your desired Zero Trust state.

With Duo Care, a team of Duo experts will guide you through the life of your subscription to help you maximize the
value of your Duo investment as your organization and business needs evolves. Duo Care also gives you access to
extended support services, so you can get the assistance you need whenever you need it.

Secure Endpoint Deployment Service helps you install AMP for Endpoints smoothly by providing expert support
for deployment, configuration, testing, and implementation tuning. Using Cisco best practices, we ensure efficient
adoption, decrease costs, and leave your network protected.

CX Services for SD-WAN facilitate the transformation of your legacy branch connectivity to an SD-WAN solution, with
a full range of network advisory, design, implementation, optimization, technical, managed, and training services for

With CX Collaboration Services, you can enhance your adoption of Cisco Collaboration solutions to quickly realize
value from your technology investments while empowering your people to collaborate from anywhere. We help you
maintain business continuity and maximize your teams’ productivity with tools that do the heavy lifting for you. We
can work with you to streamline workflows, automate processes, and integrate third-party platforms to accelerate
your success. Our support teams can proactively monitor and resolve your collaboration issues, no matter where they

For people in restricted environments everywhere, the CX Offer for Virtual Visitations provides expertise to help
you rapidly implement a secure and reliable remote visitation experience for situations with controlled access. With
this service, you can accelerate the design, implementation, and deployment of a real-time voice, video, and data
connectivity solution that enables you to provide essential services during a lockdown or quarantine circumstances.

With your customer contact team working from outside the office, the Webex Contact Center service (see CX
Collaboration Services) helps you quickly and efficiently get our next-generation cloud contact center solution working
for you and your team. We can migrate you from your existing desktop contact center solutions to the cloud-based
contact center. Our cloud-based SaaS solution enables your customer care team to operate from wherever they need
to be, while everyone has the same enterprise class user experience.

Cloud-based security
Business Critical Services for Cloud deliver expert guidance to help you securely design, develop, and deploy the
right cloud strategy. We work with you to build, deploy, and manage cloud applications rapidly and efficiently, with
the vigilant security you need and your users expect. Our experts can also provide continuous guidance to assist with
security and threat management, risk mitigation, and breach defense.

Tools and methodologies such as our quick start cloud services and hybrid cloud solutions for Google, AWS, and
Microsoft can accelerate your cloud roadmap and strategy planning as well as application design, deployment, and

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Leveraging our Cloud Advisory Services, trusted expertise, and best practices, you can protect your multicloud
environment with the right cloud security capabilities, governance, compliance posture, and implementation.

Our Automation and Orchestration Services for SecureX give you access to industry experts who guide your team in
connecting, integrating, and optimizing your security practices to accelerate your success with SecureX.

Cloud Security Control Engineering (see Cisco Security Implementation Services) helps you quickly adopt new cloud-
based security technologies with ease, including Cisco ASAv, Cisco NGFWv, and Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics.

The Cisco Umbrella Secure Internet Gateway Strategy and Implementation Service accelerates time to value and
improves business outcomes. We can help plan your strategy and design, implement the service deployment, and
ensure consistent policy migration for the existing capabilities that Umbrella is replacing.

Space and physical asset management
The CX Offer for Cisco DNA Spaces helps you deploy and integrate Cisco DNA Spaces so that you can get back to
work safely with best-practice, location-based analytics. This service draws on Cisco CX expertise to get Cisco DNA
Spaces up and running in days, so you can get your sites safely into operation with the confidence that the solution
is proficiently installed, configured, and integrated. Services include project management, discovery, solution design,
implementation, testing, and more.

Our CX Offer for Pop-up Sites provides Cisco expertise to assist in swiftly and securely setting up hospitals, clinics,
offices, classrooms, and other spaces. You can quickly expand or reconfigure your facilities to address new rules
around social distancing and keep people safe. Our offer includes packaged IT infrastructure kits that come with all
the technology needed to securely connect to your corporate network, so your new sites are quickly operational.

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Cisco deeply understands the future of work and how to deliver the business continuity and resiliency you need to
remain competitive today. Our services and capabilities empower a distributed workforce with seamless collaboration,
supported by flexible and secure access to applications in the multicloud and solutions for safety in the workplace.
We remove the complexity in delivering an optimal, consistent, and secure user and application experience across all
private and public multicloud domains.

Global workforces are enabled with a connected experience in safe, trusted environments for all staff, regardless
of where people choose to be, with safe social distancing, comprehensive tools for distributed teams, and simple,
secure, and consistent access to applications for all the people working with you.

We do all this with full-stack observability, actionable insights, and native and fully automated integration with cloud
stacks, regardless of type and location, based on an open, modular, and extensible cross-platform multicloud
architecture with embedded security.

We continue with our goal of building an open and extensible platform that supports the creation of value-add
services and capabilities. The extensibility of our platform underpins the vital role of the Cisco partner ecosystem in
further enriching the cloud experience for all.

Cisco understands the importance of enabling a hybrid work experience today. Safe, secure, and seamless. We
have done this for ourselves and for our customers and partners. We have decades of experience supporting
globally distributed teams of people from all backgrounds and capabilities. And we are ready to put our knowledge,
experience, technology, and services to work for you.

To learn more:

• Hear from Cisco leaders in the Cisco Live CX Innovation Talk to find out how
  you can Unleash Multicloud Innovation with Digital Agility.
• Check out the Cisco Live session with SVP of CX EMEAR Alistair Wildman and other Cisco
  experts to discover how we can help you Reimagine Multicloud—Your Way.
• View our demo on 5 Tips to Winning with Your Multicloud for other key
  considerations for your successful multicloud journey.

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Nathan Sowatskey, Principal Engineer, Cisco Customer Experience

Piotr Jarzynka, Principal Architect, Cisco Customer Experience

Carlos Pereira, Cisco Fellow and Chief Architect, Cisco Strategy, Emerging Technologies and Incubation

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of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a
partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)                                     CXX-XXXXXX-00 01/21
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