Circular Economy Enel Position Paper - December 2020

Circular Economy Enel Position Paper - December 2020
Circular Economy
Enel Position Paper

December 2020
Circular Economy Enel Position Paper - December 2020


1. Enel’s vision                                        3    6. Circularity on thermal asset sites                        21
                                                                6.1 Secondary materials                                   22
2. Enel’s activities for combating climate change       5
                                                             7. People, regions and cities                                24
3. Enel’s Circular Economy governance                   7       7.1 Circular cities                                       24
                                                                7.2 Islands                                               25
4. Designing sustainable products                        9
                                                                7.3 Social Impacts                                        27
   4.1 Circularity by Design and Circular Procurement    9
   4.2 Empowering consumers and public buyers           10   8. The circular economy and decarbonization                  29
   4.3 Circularity in production processes:
       the “smart meters” case study                    12   9. The circular economy and finance                          30

5. Key products value chains                            14   10. Innovation                                               31
   5.1 Batteries                                        14
   5.2 Wind turbines                                    16   11. The ecosystem                                            33
   5.3 PV                                               17
                                                             Appendix                                                     34
   5.4 Buildings and assets                             19
                                                               Focus on Metrics                                           34
                                                               Focus on Digitalization                                    35
Circular Economy Enel Position Paper - December 2020

    Enel's vision                                                          years, enhancing collaborations with and contributions from
                                                                           external stakeholders.

                                                                           This transition has been pursued with the objective of achieving, in
                                                                           addition to the environmental and social benefits, clear business
                                                                           benefits deriving from:
                                                                              New revenues, through the value recovery of assets and
1   Six years ago, Enel embarked on its transition towards a
                                                                              materials or the development of new services;
    sustainable business model, with a decisive acceleration of the           The reduction of costs and risks, through redesign, circular
    decarbonization process through the development of renewable              inputs and value recovery;
    sources and the progressive closure of coal-fired power plants. In        A focus on innovation, thanks to the continuous
    2016, in line with this decision, Enel extended this approach to          improvements that the circular economy approach demands.
    encompass all the Group's businesses by adopting, amongst other
    things, the circular economy concept as a strategic driver. This       Enel's circular economy strategy is characterized by the reappraisal
    enabled both the launch of new business initiatives as well as the     of the business along the entire value chain, starting from the
    reappraisal of existing ones through the application of innovative     design and procurement phases. Enel's circular economy vision is
    thinking to the design, production, operation and end-of-life phases   based on the following pillars, which define the areas and methods
    of the life cycles of both assets and materials.                       of application:

    The circular economy represents something of a paradigm for               Circular inputs: production and usage models based on
    enabling Enel to rethink the current development model by                 renewable inputs or inputs from previous life cycles (reuse and
    combining innovation, competitiveness and sustainability so as to         recycling);
    respond to today’s major environmental and social challenges. This        Product as a service: business model in which the customer
    approach, in line with our Open Power model, has been                     purchases a service for a limited time while the company
    systematically implemented within Enel over the course of several         maintains ownership of the product, thus maximizing the usage
                                                                              factor and useful life;
Circular Economy Enel Position Paper - December 2020

Sharing platforms: shared use between multiple users of
products and goods;
Extension of useful life: approach to the design and
management of an asset or product aimed at extending its
useful life, for example through modular design, ease of repair
and predictive maintenance;
New life cycles: any solution aimed at preserving the value of
an asset at the end of its life cycle through, in synergy with the
other pillars, reuse, regeneration, upcycling or recycling.
Circular Economy Enel Position Paper - December 2020

    Enel’s activities for                            temperatures to 1.5° C as well as to             Furthermore, approximately 51% of the
                                                     achieve zero emissions by 2050. A                electricity generated in 2020 was produced
    combating climate change                         transition that must also be fair and            from renewable sources, equivalent to an
                                                     inclusive for all, promoting wide-ranging        installed consolidated renewable capacity
                                                     actions which are founded on climatic,           of 45 GW.
                                                     energy, environmental, industrial and social
                                                     considerations.                                  In order to guarantee ever greater
                                                                                                      transparency in the communications and
2   Since the issue of decarbonization               In autumn 2020, Enel announced the new           relationships with its stakeholders, Enel
    represents one of the key pillars of the         target of a 80% reduction in direct              periodically reports, in line with the
    circular economy strategy, it’s important to     greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per               international standards of the GRI (Global
    recall and outline the Group’s current           kWheq by 2030, compared to 2017, a               Reporting Initiative), on its activities and
    activities in this regard.                       target certified by the Science Based            has made a public commitment to adopting
                                                     Targets initiative according to a 1.5°C          the recommendations of the Task force on
    Climate change is the main global                pathway.                                         Climate-related Financial Disclosures
    challenge of the 21st century, and                                                                (TCFD) of the Financial Stability Board,
    responding to this challenge requires the        As a demonstration of its continuous             which in June 2017 published specific
    active involvement of all stakeholders,          commitment in this regard, the pattern of        recommendations on the voluntary
    including those in the private sector. Enel is   reducing GHG emissions continued,                reporting of the financial impact of climate
    fully aware of this challenge, and has           enabling Enel to achieve its certified target,   risks. The Group also integrated the
    developed a business model aligned with          set in 2015, of 350 gCO2eq /kWh by 2020,         "Guidelines on reporting climate-related
    the objectives of the Paris Agreement and        i.e. a year in advance. Indeed, GHG              information" published by the European
    the aim of decarbonizing its energy mix by       emissions relating to the consolidated           Commission in June 2019, and took into
    2050. A journey that was underlined in           production of electricity were 298               account the results of the initial work
    2019 by responding to the "call to action"       gCO2eq/kWh, in 2019, 20% less than in            conducted by the European Lab Project
    from the United Nations and signing a            2018.                                            Task Force on Climate-related Reporting
    commitment to limit the increase in global                                                        (PTF-CRR) which identifies good practices
Circular Economy Enel Position Paper - December 2020

regarding climate-related reporting ("How to    With a view to achieving a sustainable
improve climate-related reporting").            business model, finance plays a
The Enel Group’s sustainable strategy,          fundamental role in enabling the
confirmed and strengthened by the 2021-         development of financing tools in line with
2023 Strategic Plan, aims to create value       the objectives of sustainable development.
through, amongst other things, the              At the end of 2019, Enel issued the world’s
integration of Environmental, Social and        first "General Purpose SDG Linked
Governance (ESG) factors.                       Corporate Bond", the proceeds of which will
                                                not be allocated to individual projects, but
This strategy focuses on achieving the UN’s     will support Enel's sustainable strategy,
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)            based precisely on the UN’s SDG
along the entire value chain, and has SDG       objectives. Sustainable finance sources will
13 (Climate Action) as its central goal. The    guarantee 48% of Enel's total funding in
decarbonization of the energy mix, through      2023 (rising to 70% in 2030), a significant
increased growth in renewable capacity          increase compared to 32% in 2020.
(SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy),
and the progressive closure of coal-fired
power plants, together with the
electrification of consumption, represent the
strategic pillars for the coming three years.
These are supported by two enablers,
infrastructures and networks, in line with
SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and
Infrastructure), and ecosystems and
platforms, in line with SDG 11 (Sustainable
Cities and Communities).

    Enel’s Circular Economy                          competitive solutions by ensuring a            All other areas are also actively involved,
                                                     coherent implementation across all             from digital infrastructures to trading
    governance                                       businesses and ecosystems.                     through to the management of our offices.

                                                     The principal business areas include:          Moving to the system level, Enel is also
                                                        Power Generation: with the aim of           doing a significant amount of work both
                                                        reappraising the main renewable             globally, with major international
                                                                                                    organizations and events, as well as in its
3   One of the main challenges to the effective
                                                        energy supply chains along their entire
                                                        value chain and the management of           main countries of operation. These include
    and cross-sector implementation of the                                                          European countries (Italy, Spain, Romania)
                                                        thermoelectric assets through to their
    circular economy is that of Governance. To                                                      as well as countries in other continents
    support the Group's activities, a light but                                                     (United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
    broad structure has been created that               Infrastructure and Network: with the        Colombia, Peru), where Enel is undertaking
    includes the holding company level as well          aim of using "Circularity by Design" to     circular economy collaborations with
    as the various business lines and                   redefine the value chain of major assets    institutions, other companies, NGOs,
    geographical areas.                                 and render them circular, and               universities, etc. to increase knowledge and
                                                        accelerating, through digitalization, the   understanding regarding the circular
    In particular, while the business lines define      role of the network as a platform;          economy and to support the system
    and identify the business models, products,         End customers: with the aim of              transition.
    services and processes within the new               fostering its customers’ transition to
    context, the units in the geographical areas        circularity through new products,
    contribute to constructive dialogues and            services and consultancy services;
    collaborations with institutions, other
    companies (from various sectors) and with           Suppliers: to guide the entire supply
    stakeholders in general. This broad,                chain towards circularity.
    integrated approach supports the entire
    Group’s commitment to find innovative and

The classic representation of the five
pillars of the circular economy includes:

     Circular inputs                            Shared platforms
     Production and use model based on          Management systems in common
     renewable inputs or previous life          among multiple users of products,
     cycles (reuse and recycling).              assets, or skills.

     Useful life extension                      New life cycles
     Approach to the design and                 All solutions aimed at preserving the
     management of an asset or product          value of an asset at the end of its life
     aimed at extending its useful life, e.g.   cycle thanks to reuse, regeneration,
     by means of modular design,                upcycling or recycling, in synergy with
     facilitated repairability, predictive      the other pillars

     Product as a service
     Business model in which the
     customer purchases a service for a
     limited time, while the company
     maintains the properties of the
     product, maximizing the utilization
     factor and useful life.

    Designing sustainable                          circular production process. Everything a           Definition of metrics and KPIs:
                                                   company buys represents a significant               measure, evaluate and validate
    products                                       component of its overall circularity, both in       environmental KPIs resulting from a
                                                   terms of information, in order to evaluate          product’s manufacturing cycle;
                                                   the overall impact of its business, as well as
                                                                                                       Co-innovation: launching co-innovation
                                                   in a transformative sense, i.e. the extent to
                                                                                                       projects together with suppliers in order
                                                   which reuse and recycling, for example, are
                                                                                                       to review production processes and/or
                                                   maximized. New and more circular
4   According to Enel's vision, the circular       solutions and a "Circularity by Design"
                                                                                                       modify purchasing methods according
                                                                                                       to circular economy models.
    economy doesn’t begin with the material        approach may be tested in collaboration
    recycling phase but with the asset’s design.   with suppliers so as to redesign the value
                                                                                                    The "Circular Economy Initiative for
    For this reason, right from the very outset    chain.
                                                                                                    Suppliers' Engagement" project involves
    Enel has focused on the entire value chain
                                                                                                    around 200 suppliers worldwide across 12
    of products, redesigning every single phase    We have started working on a Circular
                                                                                                    product categories which, as of today,
    starting from the design, supply and           Procurement strategy, aimed at the
                                                                                                    account for more than 60% of the
    production, ensuring the full involvement of   purchase of goods, works or services that
                                                                                                    expenditure for the purchase of materials.
    suppliers through structured programs.         aim to minimize and/or avoid negative
                                                                                                    The initiative is based on the adoption of
                                                   environmental impacts and the creation of
                                                                                                    the environmental product declaration
                                                   waste during their life cycle.
                                                                                                    (EPD) with the aim of quantifying, certifying
    4.1. Circularity by Design
                                                                                                    and objectively communicating the impacts
    and Circular Procurement                       The strategy is based on three fundamental
                                                                                                    generated throughout the entire life cycle of
                                                                                                    supplies (water consumption, CO2
    In recent years, the role of procurement has
                                                      Engagement of suppliers: reward               emissions, impact on the soil, etc.).
    changed significantly to become
                                                      suppliers via a specific tendering tool for
    increasingly more important for the
                                                      their commitment to the circular              In particular, in order to measure the
    implementation of corporate strategies, and
                                                      economy transition;                           circularity of products and their impact in
    is therefore one of the key elements of a

terms of environmental, energy and                corrective actions for poorly performing      environment. Our commitment concerns the
material resources, a life cycle assessment       suppliers;                                    various business areas that are dedicated
is carried out for certain categories of                                                        to the end customer, with respect to both
                                                  activities for rewarding suppliers who
products, in accordance with ISO 14040.                                                         the energy market and the activities of
                                                  perform well;
The output from this assessment is used to                                                      Enel X, the Group’s new division
devise a specific protocol for the product        the redesign of products/processes with       established in 2017 that’s dedicated to
(set of rules, KPIs, metrics) that’s              suppliers in relation to specific KPIs that   using new technologies to transform energy
transformed into an international standard        emerge from the data analysis.                into new opportunities.
(PCR = Product Category Rule) through the
EPD system. The EPD is a certified             Enel has already started working towards         With respect to the energy market, for
declaration that sets out the consumption of   the "Circularity by Design" principle with its   families and businesses, Enel is
natural and energy resources as well as the    main suppliers, i.e. "Circularity" to be         implementing solutions aimed at supporting
environmental impacts connected with           incorporated into the process from the           the circular economy transition in three
manufacturing the product.                     beginning of the design phases of the            principal areas:
                                               product/process because Enel’s entire
                                                                                                   Digitalization and new technologies:
Thus far, Enel has published PCRs for wind     ecosystem has to evolve at the same pace
                                                                                                   initiatives to increase the use of
turbines, photovoltaic panels, insulators,     if it is to achieve a truly sustainable supply
                                                                                                   electronic and/or interactive billing
meters, switches and is currently working      chain.
                                                                                                   rather than paper bills, the use of
on PCRs for storage facilities, cables,
                                                                                                   electronic channels to eliminate paper-
charging stations for electric vehicles,
                                                                                                   based communications, the move
transformers, domestic appliances, public      4.2. Empowering consumers
                                                                                                   towards completely digital selling (Enel
lighting and electrical panels.                and public buyers
                                                                                                   Simplu, in Romania) and via energy
Once the data from all the suppliers has
                                                                                                   contracts priced to assist vulnerable
been obtained it will be possible to analyze   The circular economy plays a central role in
                                                                                                   customers, with the level of poverty
the suppliers’ KPIs and to implement:          interactions with today’s customers, since
                                                                                                   automatically certified on the blockchain
                                               they are increasingly more aware and
                                                                                                   (Fuel Poverty, in Spain);
                                               concerned regarding issues such as the

   Awareness: programs like Ecoenel in            Enel X launched several circular economy           reused for maintenance and repair
   Brazil that incentivize the collection of      projects in 2019, including:                       purposes in both Italy and Spain; similar
   paper/plastic/glass for recycling in                                                              processes will also be applied in Latin
                                                     PV Revamp & Reuse: in line with the
   exchange for discounts on the electricity                                                         America;
                                                     circular economy principle of extending
                                                     a product’s useful life, Enel X is              Circular JuiceBox: Enel X, with the
   Green energy: selling green energy to             developing a new business model that            support of its suppliers, has launched a
   the residential market that's exclusively         offers second-life photovoltaic systems         project to redesign, through the
   produced from renewable sources.                  in Italy, either via direct sales or            application of circular economy
                                                     “Product as a service” (i.e. maintaining        principles, the production processes of
Enel X acts as an accelerator of circularity         ownership of the asset and selling only         its electric vehicle recharging
within the new ecosystem of suppliers,               the energy service provided). Second-           infrastructure: JuiceBoxes. Specifically,
partners and customers. It aims to do this           life photovoltaic modules will be               it has taken action in the material
within its own ecosystem through the                 generated via the revamping processes           selection phase, by applying business
Circular Economy Boosting Program, i.e. a            offered to industrial customers with            models for the use of sustainable
process of continuous circularity                    financial support provided for the              materials as well as the application of
improvement, applying it both to the                 photovoltaic systems through major              reuse and recycling, designing new
solutions within the portfolio with the related      government incentives;                          JuiceBox housings so as to enable
calculated scoring verified by a certification                                                       them to be made from the recycled
                                                     Regeneration of the spare parts from
body, and to industrial customers and                                                                plastics of products disused by Enel
                                                     JuicePoles: by applying the "extension
public administrations through measuring                                                             Group companies.
                                                     of useful life" circular economy business
the energy circularity and identifying a
                                                     model Enel X, in collaboration with its
structured roadmap for increasing the level                                                       Another area for strong focus is that of
                                                     suppliers, has introduced processes to
through a series of innovative solutions.                                                         metrics, oriented towards both its products
                                                     recover and regenerate components
                                                                                                  and services and towards its customers. With
                                                     and functioning spare parts from
                                                                                                  this objective in mind, Enel X has developed
                                                     JuicePoles, the public electric
                                                                                                  a Circular Economy Scoring methodology to
                                                     recharging facilities, so that they can be

calculate the level of circularity of each of the   The program is principally based on the use          city as a whole); and at the specific site
products and services offered to customers,         of two models, both owned by Enel X,                 level (focusing purely on the energy
providing a useful comparison tool for end          which are validated and certified by Rina            aspects of a site chosen by the
consumers who are concerned about                   (an impartial, third-party certification body).      customer).
environmental issues.                               These are:
                                                       The Circular Economy (CE) Score.
Enel X has also developed a service aimed
                                                       Based on Enel’s CirculAbility model, the
                                                                                                      4.3. Circularity in production
at companies and public administrations,
                                                       CE Score is a mathematical
                                                                                                      processes: the “smart meters”
the Circular Economy Report, which uses a
                                                       assessment that enables the
                                                                                                      case study
certified methodology to measure energy
                                                       measurement, on the basis of material
circularity and also enables us to outline a                                                          The role of Distribution System Operators
                                                       flows, energy flows and sales models,
roadmap for improving the identified level of                                                         has changed significantly in recent years:
                                                       of a product’s level of circularity on a
circularity.                                                                                          from an electricity network aimed at
                                                       scale from 1 to 5. The CE Score
                                                                                                      efficiently transmitting electricity in one
                                                       represents the starting point for the
The Circular Economy Report is also an                                                                direction, from large production facilities to
                                                       application of the Boosting Program, a
integrated way of representing the Enel X                                                             the end user, we have moved to a situation
                                                       methodology for identifying all
model and the solutions made available to                                                             whereby flows are bidirectional and
                                                       opportunities for increasing the initial
customers.                                                                                            thousands of parties can simultaneously be
                                                       level of circularity;
                                                                                                      both producers and consumers
Enel X aims to accelerate circularity within           The Circular Economy (CE) Report. The          (prosumers), thanks to new technologies
its ecosystem of stakeholders, suppliers,              CE Report facilitates a detailed               such as distributed renewable sources,
partners and customers. To this end, it has            assessment of a company’s or public            micro-generation and vehicle-to-grid.
developed the "Circular Economy Boosting               administration’s circularity level,
Program", a program aimed at measuring                 producing a score on two levels: the           The network is increasingly becoming a
and increasing the level of circular maturity          corporate level (relating to the               system catalyst, having to facilitate the
of both solutions and products, as well as of          company’s entire value chain or, in the        integration of distributed generation and
companies and public administrations.                  case of public administrations, to the         guarantee efficiency, safety and quality of

service. To meet the challenges posed by       demonstrates how it’s possible to reduce        A long and complex process from an
energy transition and climate change, it’s     the environmental footprint of smart meters     engineering standpoint, with comparative
essential to be able to count on the           by, for example, reusing their constituent      analyses and laboratory tests, to guarantee
flexibility of an increasingly digitalized     materials when they reach the end of the        the same reliability as conventional meters.
network.                                       their life cycle, principally the plastic and   In Brazil, the "Circular Smart Meter" is a
                                               copper. And that’s not all, from a systemic     virtuous example of how Infrastructure and
In accordance with Enel’s commitments          perspective, minimizing the use of new          Networks are looking to create a closed-
relating to the UN’s Sustainable               natural resources also allows you to reduce     loop within their value chain with the reuse
Development Goals and its policy of            costs throughout the entire life cycle (from    of waste materials within the same
creating shared value, the Infrastructure      design, manufacture, operation to disposal),    industrial cycle, i.e. to produce the same
and Networks division has embarked on a        thus creating further efficiencies. Such        product, so-called new generation. The
challenging journey aimed at redesigning its   benefits are achievable through a proactive     objective in the short term is to apply the
business processes and, more generally, its    "Circularity by Design" approach, which         methodology also developed on other
value chain, by adopting a circular economy    internalizes circularity right from the early   network assets (e.g. cables, transformers,
model to reduce environmental impacts          design stages. For this reason, in the          protections), including measuring the
through maximizing the recovery of             design and construction of the "Circular        expected benefits (economic,
products and materials at the end of their     Smart Meter" it was necessary to measure        environmental and social), and to scale up
life cycle. Innovation is a fundamental tool   the environmental and economic impacts          the methodology on the business’s other
for identifying new processes and              with the aim of identifying the components      operational processes (e.g. in the
technological solutions to facilitate the      that would have the most impact if              "sustainable construction site", etc.), thus
circular transition, thus making the network   redesigned from a circular perspective;         facilitating the creation of high added value.
business increasingly more competitive and     recovering and regenerating waste such as
sustainable in the long term.                  plastic, copper, steel, etc., giving them a
                                               second life as part of new network assets
The first example of an attempt to meet this   and finally exploring innovative tracking
challenge is the "Circular Smart Meter"        techniques for reverse logistics.
project. Launched in Italy and Brazil, it

    Key product value chains                         the material used to produce the cathodes
                                                     in lithium batteries. Regardless of the
                                                     batteries’ state of degradation, the precious
                                                     metals used in their manufacture can be
                                                     reused to produce new cathode material,
                                                     since their quality remains practically
                                                     unaltered during use.

5   There are a number of technology supply          Enel is aware that the end-of-life
    chains, within its activities, for which the     management sector is not yet mature
    Group's commitment is particularly               enough to support the large-scale adoption
    significant, largely due to their potential in   of these practices. However, the increasing
    terms of current and future business             use of electric vehicles we’re currently
    development.                                     seeing is acting as a powerful catalyst for
                                                     the development of a sustainable market for
                                                     end-of-life batteries.
    5.1. Batteries                                                                                   various solutions (reuse, recycling,
                                                     Start-ups, universities and key sector          regeneration, etc.). Focus will be placed on
    One of the challenges being tackled by           players are all involved in analyzing and       a variety of different aspects from design
    Enel is that regarding the management of         evaluating solutions for the management of      and standardization to the end-of-life
    energy storage systems at the end of their       end-of-life lithium batteries and the related   recovery phase and the subsequent reuse
    life cycle, particularly lithium batteries,      environmental, economic and social              or recycling, the overall aim of which is to
    which have recently played a key role in the     impacts. In this context, Enel has started      reconsider the entire value chain from a
    energy transition process and will continue      several collaborations with partners in the     circular perspective.
    to do so in the near future.                     recycling and battery material production
    Currently, a number of recycling                 sectors, with the aim of evaluating the         These collaborations include participation in
    technologies enable the recovery of 95% of       benefits that can be derived from the           the Global Battery Alliance, the European

Battery Alliance and in the "IPCEI project to    conventional power plant in the Spanish          purpose. From an environmental
support the development of a sustainable         resort of Melilla.                               standpoint, therefore, it reduces the
value chain for lithium-ion batteries" (as                                                        necessity to produce new batteries, thus
part of this last project, Enel X will develop   The project, developed in collaboration with     reducing the need for raw materials, and
tools for predicting failures and modeling       the battery pack supplier Nissan and the         reduces the amount of waste generated.
the degradation of lithium-ion batteries with    system integrator Loccioni, uses an
a view to increasing their useful life and       innovative approach to facilitate sustainable    Specifically in terms of the Melilla project,
safety).                                         battery reuse. The basic idea is simple:         the reuse of EV batteries avoids the
                                                 once the batteries from the Nissan Leaf car      production and use of new raw materials
One of the circular models evaluated by          models have reached the end of their life        (initial estimates suggest approximately
Enel is based on a "Second life" approach.       cycle as an electric vehicle battery, they are   1600 kg of manganese and 105 kg of
                                                 assembled into a large stationary storage        lithium). The innovative storage system
The concept underpinning the Second Life         system at the Melilla power plant so as to       implemented in Melilla will serve as a
project is the removal of battery packs from     improve network reliability and to ensure        technical feasibility model for other
electric cars that have reached the end of       service continuity for the local population.     installations of this type, a solution that will
their life cycle, and their subsequent use for                                                    be of fundamental importance considering
other applications. Indeed, a battery pack       The solution developed by Enel in Melilla        the significant expected increase in electric
with a residual capacity of 60-80%, despite      involves the reuse and interconnection of        vehicle use in the coming years, and the
not being sufficient to power a motor            approximately eighty electric vehicle battery    subsequent increase in the number of end-
vehicle (i.e. for a minimum number of            packs, amounting to a total power output of      of-life batteries becoming available.
kilometers), can still effectively be used in    4 MW and a maximum stored energy of 1.7
other applications.                              MWh.

Specifically, the Second Life project            From a circular perspective, the reuse of
developed by Enel involves the reuse of          EV battery packs as a stationary storage
electric car batteries to create a stationary    system facilitates extending the useful life
storage system that’s integrated into a          by using the batteries for an alternative

                                                                                              many more years (an additional 538 GW of
                                                                                              onshore wind energy forecast by 2025
                                                                                              according to Bloomberg NEF NEO 2019),
                                                                                              keeping wind power at the forefront of
                                                                                              renewable energy generation (with a 19%
                                                                                              share of the global growth of renewable
                                                                                              energy sources in the next 5 years
                                                                                              according to Bloomberg NEF NEO 2019).

                                                                                              The average useful life of a wind turbine is
                                                                                              around 20 years; following this period, the
                                                                                              mechanical and structural properties of the
                                                                                              turbines decline and, in some cases,
                                                                                              restoration activities may be necessary to
                                                                                              extend the useful life by a few years, while
                                                                                              in other cases disassembly and
                                                                                              replacement are necessary.
5.2. Wind turbines                             are also simultaneously committed to
                                               developing and implementing effective          While most of a wind turbine’s components
At Enel we believe that environmental          solutions for increasing the long-term         are relatively easy to recycle (i.e. parts
sustainability is not just limited to the      sustainability of the renewable energy.        made of metal), a small but significant
mitigation of climate change, but that it      Wind power has seen exponential growth         number of the non-metallic components, for
must also involve the systematic adoption      over the past decade (exceeding the 623        example the blades, are difficult to recycle.
of sustainable and circular practices in all   GW threshold of global installed capacity in
business areas. Whilst on the one hand we      2019) with thousands of wind turbines          For the most part, these components are
are developing new renewable capacity in       installed annually worldwide. Forecasts        made of composite materials (typically
order to decarbonize the production mix, we    indicate that this trend will continue for     glass/carbon fiber + epoxy matrix), as well

as other more minor materials (such as          other recycled products for the construction     5.3. PV
glue and gelcoat), which make recycling         sector. We recently launched a new
particularly demanding. Currently, these        challenge to further investigate the potential   The proliferation of photovoltaics (PV) has
components are mostly sent to landfill.         for producing fibers and insulating materials    grown at an unprecedented rate since the
                                                from wind turbine blades and to find             early 2000s. By the end of 2018,
For this reason, in 2019, we launched a         possible new partners interested in              photovoltaics were responsible for around
challenge on our Open Innovability platform     collaborating with us. So far we have            480 GW of installed capacity worldwide,
aimed at identifying the best available         identified many interested companies,            and its current rate of growth will see it
methods for recycling or reusing the            based in Europe and the United States,           reach a global cumulative capacity of 2,840
materials used to make wind turbine             operating in the construction, plastics and      GW by 2030 and 8,519 GW by 2050.
blades. More than 130 proposals were            other sectors.
submitted, from which we identified 18                                                           Considering the average life cycle of solar
solutions. We launched detailed                 Meeting the recycling challenge requires a       panels is around thirty years, large
assessments or proofs of concept with           multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral             quantities of waste are expected to be
selected partners in order to demonstrate       approach that integrates technological           generated from the beginning of 2030. The
the technical feasibility of some of them,      innovation and the creation of business          growth in waste deriving from solar panels
from which a number of initial prototypes       models with the development of a                 represents a new environmental challenge,
have been developed. For example, we’ve         regulatory framework and the definition of       but also an opportunity to create value and
demonstrated that by sintering and              new standards. In other words, one               pursue new economic paths. It is therefore
extruding the turbine blade materials, bricks   company can’t do it all alone, it requires the   essential to identify innovative solutions for
can be produced for use in the construction     successful activation of a vast ecosystem of     managing solar panels in a circular
sector; using the disused blades taken from     different key players. We believe that           perspective, from design right through to
three of our wind farms in the United           creating this community of key players           the end-of-life management.
States, we completed our first full blade       interested in contributing to and
pilot in 2019 and we’re evaluating possible     participating in this activity is the key to
circular economy solutions for incorporating    success.
fiberglass pellets into the production of

Managing the solar panel supply chain from
a circular perspective requires a two-
thronged approach. Firstly, it’s necessary to
ensure that the panels currently installed
are recovered at the end of their life cycle in
a way that maximizes the value recovered,
and secondly, it’s necessary to apply the
circular concept right from the beginning of
the design phase for the new solar panels
so as to increase their circularity before
they reach the production and usage

At Enel we are therefore working in a
variety of areas on initiatives aimed at
increasing the overall circularity in line with   materials (including considering the
                                                                                              Circular recovery: currently there are
our vision of the circular economy.               possibility of using bio or recycled
                                                                                              several options, in many cases not yet
    Circular Design: it’s essential for solar                                                 fully developed, for managing the end of
    panels to be designed in a way that           Circular use and efficiency:                life of panels ranging from different
    ensures their end of life is taken into       considering the increase in the             technologies for recycling to solutions
    consideration, including possibilities for    installation and employment of solar        for reuse. We are therefore conducting
    repairing and extending their useful life.    panels, we have embarked on a               various initiatives to identify the
    To this end we’re currently working on a      number of efficiency maximization           appropriate circular technologies and
    number of fundamental aspects, such           initiatives in order to reduce the impact   business models for maximizing the
    as modularity, design for disassembly,        deriving from the necessary production      recovered end-of-life value.
    standardization and the choice of             materials, the use of soil, etc.;

5.4. Buildings and assets                       Regarding new buildings, it’s essential for
                                                them to be conceived with circularity in
The construction industry is a sector that      mind, right from the outset at the design
requires significant quantities of resources,   phase, with the objective of maximizing the
accounting for around 50% of all extracted      end-of-life value recovery. From this
materials. Indeed, it was this industry that    perspective, some of the key aspects to
was singled out by the European Union’s         consider are:
most recent circular economy action plan
                                                   Choice of materials: recycled, bio-
as one of the key sectors that needed to be
                                                   material, free from toxic substances, or
reappraised from a circular perspective.
                                                   with environmental product declarations
                                                   (EPD - Environmental Product
Existing buildings are not designed for easy
                                                   Declaration; Cradle to Cradle; LCA -
demolition and recovery of materials at the
                                                   Life Cycle Assessment);
end of their life, a circular approach to
building decommissioning therefore                 Flexibility of spaces to increase their
becomes fundamental in order to recover            durability and render them easy to
the greatest possible value, exploring a           adapt to different types of use;
variety of possibilities such as reuse and         Design and build with the building’s
recycling as well as selective demolition          entire life cycle at the forefront of all
techniques, in order to find the best              considerations, evaluating all life
possible solution for each component or            stages, including decommissioning;
                                                   Use models for the structured collection
                                                   of information on buildings (Building
                                                   Information Models), thus considering
                                                   them as banks of materials.

At Enel we are applying a circular approach        Locations: the objective is to act on three     increase the utilization factor through
to the management of our assets, power            different dimensions: rethinking the design      space sharing and the "product as a
plants, networks and offices, developing          and management of inputs (materials,             service" mechanism, introducing
best practices and implementing those             energy, etc.), increasing the utilization        innovative models for the management
practices through various initiatives             factor and exploiting the end-of-life value of   of office space;
conducted within all the countries in which       the assets.
                                                                                                   exploit the end-of-life value of assets,
we operate.
                                                                                                   identifying dismantling solutions that
                                                  More specifically, here are some examples:
                                                                                                   increase the quantity of material
Circular construction site: the objective is to
                                                     rethinking the design and inputs              recovered from such activities.
minimize the consumption of energy and
                                                     (materials, energy, etc.), considering
materials during the construction of
                                                     the building’s entire life cycle, favoring
facilities, by using a circular approach to
                                                     choices aimed at reducing energy
reduce the environmental impacts. This
                                                     consumption (almost Zero Energy
model encompasses the choice of materials
                                                     Building) and that make the most
(including recycled materials), the use of
                                                     reasonable use of materials, adopting
renewable energy, minimizing the quantity
                                                     systems such as BMS and EMS for the
of materials going to landfill through reuse
                                                     management and control of facilities
or recycling and minimizing land use.
                                                     and consumption and for actively
                                                     involving all the professionals and
Circular decommissioning: the objective is
                                                     suppliers that are part of the process,
to maximize the end-of-life value of
                                                     so as to extend the useful life of the
activities and equipment by exploring
                                                     building and its individual components,
different business models such as internal
                                                     always considering the efficient use of
reuse, recycling, sale to secondary markets
                                                     resources as an obligation in order to
through auctions, etc.
                                                     minimize the environmental impact;

    Circularity on thermal asset                   materials that represented a cost to the          Redevelopment projects must be an
                                                   business rather than an asset.                    opportunity for writing new stories of
    sites                                                                                            energy conversion, sustainable growth
                                                   However, this project has shown how it’s          and the development of innovative
                                                   possible to reverse the paradigm and it           ideas that improve creative thinking and
                                                   explains how, through an approach to site         promote business initiatives;
                                                   construction that circular and sustainable,
                                                                                                     Throughout the entire project, from
                                                   decommissioning and regeneration can go
6   In 2015 Enel launched the Futur-e project,     hand-in-hand, with disused materials and
                                                                                                     preliminary interviews with stakeholders
                                                                                                     through to the decision on which
    the world’s first example of a large-scale     facilities no longer seen as a burden, but as
                                                                                                     redevelopment project to pursue, Enel
    redevelopment of an industrial area to be      a resource capable of generating significant
                                                                                                     must work in collaboration with local
    conducted using a circular economy             returns for all interested parties: energy
                                                                                                     communities via a multi-stakeholder
    approach, a vast, unique program designed      companies, investors and local
                                                                                                     approach so as to encourage the
    to find new uses for old thermal power         communities.
                                                                                                     creation of shared value;
    plants. New, innovative and sustainable
    uses which reuse existing structures,          Therefore, for all sites due to be                Ensure environmental protection: soil
    infrastructures and connections, with the      reconverted, a strategy for their                 remediation to be performed to the
    active involvement of local stakeholders, to   regeneration is being devised in line with        highest possible standards;
    create value for local communities through     the following fundamental principles, all of      Maximize the reuse of disused facilities,
    sustainable economic growth and job            which are considered equally important:           such as roads, infrastructure,
                                                      Site staff working to be transferred           connections to the HV network,
                                                      through an internal Group reassignment         buildings, etc., for new functions in line
    Previously, divestment had generally only
                                                      process, thus avoiding any                     with circular economy principles;
    ever been undertaken using a linear model:
                                                      redundancies and any loss of know-             Contribute to the Enel Group’s
    "produce, consume, dispose". With this
                                                      how;                                           objectives by collaborating with other
    logic, disused power plants were simply
    considered collections of worthless waste                                                        business lines for the realization of

   projects such as BESS, e-mobility,              investments into large power plants to        context of renewable development
   digitalization, network stability, etc.         smaller, flexible and renewable projects;     strategies and objectives and as part of
                                                                                                 new sustainable development models.
                                                   the Group's decarbonization objectives
Since its launch, the approach followed by         which has led to the significant
the Futur-e project has proved to be               acceleration in the development of
successful and has therefore been                  renewable energies within our fleet, so
                                                                                                 6.1. Secondary materials
extended to the geographical areas in              as to increasingly reduce CO2
                                                                                                 The suitable collection and management of
which the Group will manage its                    emissions and to continue to increase
                                                                                                 secondary materials is essential not only to
thermoelectric power plants through the            compliance with the requirements of the
                                                                                                 ensure compliance with environmental
energy transition process, such as in Spain        Sustainable Development Goals
                                                                                                 regulations, but also to maximize their value
and Chile. The eventual aim is for this            (SDGs).
                                                                                                 by developing secondary raw material
project to be seen as international best
                                                                                                 markets that are capable of enabling
practice for the end-of-life management of
                                                Within this context, the opportunities for       circular flows by creating, amongst other
disused industrial facilities.
                                                redevelopment are therefore widened              things, synergies between the various
                                                thanks to the possibility of replacing thermal   sectors.
Furthermore, whilst the situation is evolving
                                                energy production sites with new renewable
it also requires a similar evolution from a
                                                or hybrid production facilities (e.g. with gas   Enel applies circular economy principles to
corporate strategy standpoint, this is
                                                facilities capable of guaranteeing system        the management of secondary materials
primarily necessary due to:
                                                stability during the transition to a fully       and manages the recovery of "ash and
   National, European and global                decarbonized economy), integrating new           gypsum" produced by Enel's thermal power
   strategies that orient energy                business projects with complementary             plants.
   development towards ever greener and         sustainable investments that meet the
   more sustainable technologies;               needs of the communities where the               Indeed, these waste materials represent a
                                                facilities are located.                          precious resource for the construction
   the Group's choice to move our growth
                                                As a result of the above, Enel sites will        industry. The most common use for ash is
   model from large-scale direct
                                                therefore assume a new role within the           in the cement, concrete and brick

production market, and for gypsum it’s in       For several years now in Italy, 100% of the
the production of plasterboard panels and       ash and gypsum produced by coal-fired
cement. The benefit of using these              power plants has been recovered, bringing
materials, in addition to reducing the use of   significant environmental benefits; in
natural raw materials and energy                parallel, Enel, with its global perspective, is
consumption, derives from their superior        trying to export the best practices
quality which is thus transferred to the        implemented in Italy to the countries (Spain,
quality of the final products produced (e.g.    Chile, Colombia and Russia) where end-
the use of ash in cement is particularly        customer markets have been developed
suitable for the construction of dams and       which encourage businesses to operate
tunnels where the permeability and              with a view to environmental sustainability.
durability of the structures are key).

    People, regions and cities                      simultaneously works towards achieving a          objectives set in terms of competitiveness,
                                                    carbon-neutral electric power industry.           environmental sustainability and social
                                                                                                      inclusion. A vision such as this requires
                                                    Indeed, it is widely accepted that in order to    governance to play a central role too, and in
                                                    reduce mankind’s impact on the planet,            order to enable the transition towards the
                                                    cities must play a key role: they are living      circular model, it has to be two-fold: both
                                                    laboratories within which the planet’s critical   top-down and bottom-up. This means that
                                                    issues must first be tackled.                     all the elements of the urban ecosystem
7   7.1. Circular cities                                                                              (citizens, companies, start-ups,
                                                    To design the cities of tomorrow a paradigm       organizations, policy/decision makers, etc.)
    Collectively, today, cities make up a global    shift is required, cities are complex systems     need to be strongly involved and able to
    urban system, they’re deeply                    and need to be treated as living organisms,       participate and contribute in terms of ideas,
    interconnected, and they play an                where flows of energy, materials, and             proposals, projects and initiatives.
    increasingly important role at all levels:      information are essential for their
    economic, environmental and social. As          development. In recent years, thanks to the       Technology is also at the core of the
    urban growth continues to evolve and            circular economy, a new model based on            circular city vision, as a tool to support the
    develop, cities as a global phenomenon, i.e.    circular flows (therefore resembling the          achievement of economic, environmental
    global cities, simultaneously represent both    basic laws of thermodynamics) has                 and social targets.
    a formidable sustainability challenge as well   emerged as an opportunity for sustainable
    as a priceless source of opportunity. As of     development. Although the difference may          With the circular vision in mind, we can
    today, cities are responsible for over 70% of   seem purely semantic, there is actually a         view the urban environment in terms of five
    global CO2 emissions, and the involvement       conceptual distinction between the smart          urban subsystems: the built environment,
    of the urban system is absolutely key if the    and the circular city. The smart city concept     energy, mobility, the bio-economy and
    energy transition process is to be              is primarily focused on the role of               material flows (e.g. waste, water, food,
    accelerated in a way that ensures nobody is     information technology, whereas circular          etc.).
    left behind, through the progressive            cities focus on a more holistic approach that
    electrification of energy consumption that      encompasses all its dimensions, with

Each of these subsystems has a key role to        the benefit of not just new physical            Circular cities therefore represent the only
play in supporting the transition.                technologies, but also older technologies as    opportunity for driving cities down a
                                                  they enable the application of new business     sustainable development path and, given
Within the circular city vision, infrastructure   models and uses. Significant digital            that all the necessary technologies already
is an aspect that pervades all areas and          advances in recent years have led to the        exist, we consider the holistic approach,
represents the backbone upon which                proliferation of solutions such as car          one that involves all the sectors and key
circular cities operate: smart grids, smart       sharing, waste tracking, pay-per-use and        players, to be the correct approach for the
lighting, ports, optical fiber. All these         peer-to-peer exchanges enabled by               cities of tomorrow to take; the issues that
infrastructures need to be (re)designed in        blockchain technologies.                        still need to be overcome are those relating
order to enable the circular city to operate                                                      to the linear model of old and unfit
flexibly and with increased resilience. New       The circular city vision is strongly            infrastructure, the current legislative ‘silos’
technologies have a key role to play, with        interconnected with the Sustainable             that do not support circular solutions and a
the most important being renewable                Development Goals (SDGs) and can have           culture that is still embedded with linear
technologies, electrical appliances and IoT       a significant impact on all of them.            concepts.
solutions.                                        The majority of the linkages are fairly
                                                  obvious, but some of the less evident are
Renewable energy sources, distributed and         outlined here below:                            7.2. Islands
integrated with electrical appliances (such
as electric vehicles and heat pumps),             Enel has placed the circular economy at the     Islands, from a circular economy
represent a new paradigm that can, on the         center of its strategy and is strongly          standpoint, are like living laboratories, and
one hand, eliminate the global and local          focused on the circular city vision. Enel’s     ever since the days of Darwin they’ve
pollution emitted from current technologies       contribution is not just in terms of business   beguiled scientists as key hotspots for
and, on the other, improve the quality of life    solutions and services, but also leading the    change.
for citizens. Big data from digital               way in terms of theoretical thinking, and to
technologies, such as sensors, the Internet       this end has recently published a Position      Mainly due to their special location and rich
of Things, etc., feed artificial intelligence     Paper on circular cities1.                      natural and cultural heritage, islands attract
applications that are capable of maximizing                                                       millions of tourists each year. However,          1   To find out more

despite their attractive qualities, islands        Islands usually have difficulties in terms of    environment. Both models are aligned in
face distinct challenges and issues resulting      waste management, in addition to the             terms of their commitment to the
from resource pressure, limited economic           shortage of space, the high natural value of     sustainable use of renewable natural
diversity and their vulnerability to the effects   the vast majority of the land often results in   resources and in the concept of waste as a
of climate change. It is these issues that         the necessity for its waste to be shipped to     source for the creation of new products.
demonstrate the urgency of the circular            and managed on the mainland. An                  One of the key future challenges is the
economy and the isolated nature of island          emission-free energy system is also              problem of marine pollution, which requires
systems is what renders them perfect               practically waste-free, offering significant     significant changes regarding the issue of
laboratories for such an approach.                 additional benefits in terms of circularity as   plastic, including ambitious recycling and
                                                   well as major savings in terms of waste          reuse targets or the improvement and
With respect to energy, island economies           management.                                      greening of port facilities.
experience issues relating to energy
scarcity and their isolation from the              Tourism is a fundamental engine for local        Despite the challenges and vulnerabilities
markets, they rely almost exclusively on           economies, but it also places a huge             mentioned, islands are in a unique position
imported fossil fuels and therefore have low       burden on local infrastructure, especially       to lead the way on sustainability, the
economic diversity, high fossil fuel               energy, mobility and waste management            circular economy and climate action. Island
dependence and high carbon intensity. As           systems. The development of a circular           communities understand the urgency to act
fuel supply constitutes an important part of       economy is inevitably associated with the        quickly. They are excellent focal points for
the demand for raw materials, and                  development of sustainable, circular             sustainability education, research and
considering that islands offer great potential     tourism and the development of good              practice. The political leaders of island
for renewable energy generation and the            circular practices on islands can be             territories are under increased pressure to
electrification of transport, an accelerated       exported to other contexts and territories.      make sustainability a priority, evidence of
energy transition process is a feasible                                                             which is provided by the various
option and would prevent thousands of tons         Islands also provide an excellent link           commitments that have been made by
of fossil fuels from entering the loop, which      between the circular economy and the blue        island states around the world. Small states
is a fundamental lever for starting a circular     economy, i.e. that relating to the               are, by their very nature, agile in size and
economy.                                           exploitation and preservation of the marine      governance, useful players for becoming

"test beds" of innovation and circularity.       fundamental drivers underlying the circular    consequent strengthening of the role of
They can quickly react when there’s a need       economy concept.                               services.
to test and scale-up new technologies,
providing real environments for testing new      Firstly, a conceptual premise: human labor     It’s also interesting to consider the fact that
technologies and production processes.           may be defined as the renewable resource       initiatives such as 'Industry 4.0' must
                                                 par excellence, with the further peculiarity   incorporate the vision of the circular
                                                 that while a renewable 'energy' resource is    economy from the outset, otherwise they
7.3. Social Impacts                              substantially constant, human labor            just accelerate the linear model (with
                                                 gradually improves in performance when         related consequences also in terms of
The question of what are the social impacts      used, whereas if it’s not used it              jobs).
of the circular economy is a new and             deteriorates.
enormous field of study. There have been a                                                      More specifically, the circular model
number of macroeconomic equilibrium              Secondly, a linear model is based on           focuses on:
studies (European Union, McKinsey, etc.)         extraction, production and
                                                                                                    Design, planning and innovation: this
which have estimated the possible impacts,       decommissioning and is extremely exposed
                                                                                                    is the 'heart and soul' of the circular
both in terms of GDP growth and the              to the replacement of human labor with
                                                                                                    economy and is fundamental in driving
creation of new jobs.                            automation. Whereas a circular model is
                                                                                                    the transition. There will therefore be a
                                                 based on maintaining value through
                                                                                                    strong focus on these skills and
As a result of the complexity of the circular    maintenance, repair and servicing and is
                                                                                                    associated professionalism;
economy concept and the rapid evolution of       therefore more linked to design and
the institutional, technological and             innovation on the one hand, and to 'manual'        Maintenance and repair: moving to a
competitive context that surrounds it, these     and relationship skills on the other.              model based on the repair and
studies have only minimal significance due       Also, when considering models such as the          systematic maintenance of products
to the inherent level of uncertainty and their   product as a service, the approach to              generates a regionally distributed
low-level focus. However, some initial           interacting with the customer changes: from        workforce. In this sense, the Swedish
considerations can be made on the                a single, one-off transaction we move              example is interesting, where VAT on
                                                 towards a more stable relationship with a          repair work has practically been halved;
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