PATHS TOWARDS A The Potential of Social Design for Social Transformation
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PATHS TOWARDS A The Potential of Social Design for Social Transformation
PATHS TOWARDS A CIRCULAR SOCIETY The Potential of Social Design for Social Transformation social design lab Position paper on the concept of „Circular Society“ by the social design lab of the Hans Sauer Foundation
Content 1 The Linear System in Crisis: The Need for Transformation. 05 2 09 The Circular Economy: A Promising But Insufficient Sustainability Strategy. 3 No Economy Without Society: 21 The Idea of A Circular Society. 4 27 Leverage Points for Circularity: New Forms of Knowledge Production and Participatory Solution Development. 5 Designing Social Innovation and Transformation Processes: The Potential of Social Design in the Transition to A Circular Society 33 Places of Circularity I 39 Mehrwerthof (Circular Value Center) Markt2 Schwaben Places of Circularity II 45 Circular Cities Summary 51 & Conclusion Impressum 59
1 The Need for Change In the current social and economic There is now a widespread consensus in model, most use of resources and pro- science and politics: We need to tran- ducts follows a linear pattern, namely sition to a more sustainable economy “take, make, waste.” Consequently, the and lifestyle, i.e., a socio-ecological majority of resources such as natural transformation [2][4][5]. This necessity raw materials or processed products for change raises questions about how are incinerated or end up in a waste to realize such a transformation and disposal site instead of being consist- about the potential of circular economy ently recycled and reused. At the same approaches for achieving said transfor- time, global material consumption has mation. increased eightfold in the past 100 years [1] and is expected to rise by a further In its thematic focus on a “Circular 17% by 2050 [2]. The consequences of Society”, the Hans Sauer Foundation The Linear System in Crisis: this increased resource scarcity, climate change, as well as water, air, and soil addresses the question of how to sub- stantially change the prevailing structu- pollution, just to name a few [3]. Other res and practices of linearity. The scope The Need for Transformation. direct or indirect consequences of linear of this question goes beyond necessary (economic) structures and ways of changes in, for example, the area of thinking and acting are the externaliza- products, their manufacturing and esta- tion of environmental effects and blished ways of disposal. Special exploitation along globalized production attention is also placed on participato- lines. ry approaches for establishing social practices that center around and enable circularity as well as new ways of societal thinking and acting; beyond dividing lines of sectors and functionality and the socio-cultural patterns that have emerged in the “linear age.” 05
1 References The Hans Sauer Foundation approaches The social design lab also works on the subject area at various levels and projects related to the concept of circu- [1] Krausmann, Fridolin; Gingrich, Simone; Eisenmenger, Nina; Erb, Karl- Heinz; Haberl, Helmut; Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2009): Growth in global in different formats: The Hans Sauer lar society, from experimental real-life materials use. GDP and population during the 20th century. In: Ecological economics: Jg. 68 (10), S. 2696-2705. Award 2019 entitled “Designing Circular projects to theoretical and conceptual Society” and the following year’s compe- approaches and research. [2] United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2011): Towards a Green Economy. Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty tition “Designing Circularity in the Built Eradication, Sustainable Development. Verfügbar über: https://www. Environment” honor innovative solu- This position paper first outlines the (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) tions that promote concepts and actions potential as well as problems and short- centered around circularity in various comings of the concept of a circular eco- [3] Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2013): Towards the Circular Economy. Economic and business rationale for accelerated Transition. Verfügbar areas. Additionally, since February 2020, nomy. Second, it establishes the thesis über: the Hans Sauer Foundation has offe- that the transition towards more circula- blications/Ellen-MacArthur-Foundation-Towards-the-Circular-Economy- vol.1.pdf (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) red a funding program focusing on the rity is better conceptualized and realized [4] Geissdoerfer, Martin; Savaget, Paulo; Bocken, Nancy M.P.; Hultink, connection of circularity and education. through the societally broader approach Erik J. (2017): The Circular Economy – A new sustainability paradigm? In: The social design lab (see page 35), of a circular society. This is linked to the Journal of Cleaner Production: Jg. 143 S. 757–768. established by the foundation in 2018 thesis that new forms of knowledge pro- [5] Lessenich, Stephan (2016): Neben uns die Sintflut. Die Externalisie- and generously supported by the IKEA duction and participatory development rungsgesellschaft und ihr Preis. Berlin: Hanser. Foundation, acts at the operative level of solutions offer particularly promising and as agency and laboratory for social approaches for such a transition. The change processes. The lab develops new approach of social design, as it is reflec- processes, formats, projects, and events. ted in the work of the social design lab, The main focus is on methods of partici- will serve as an example of this. patory design whose application follows a special process and impact model aimed at transforming social systems. 06 07
2 Potentials of the Circular Economy as A Sustainability Strategy The concept of circular economy can In recent years, the concept of circular be traced back to different schools of economy has gained popularity in poli- thought and sets forth an approach for tics, business, and science at national as far-reaching changes within an econo- well as international level [3]. The Euro- mic system. Circular economy connects pean Commission [5][6], various national material flows (raw materials, biomass, governments (e.g., the Netherlands, water, energy, etc.) and all cycles are Japan, and Germany), consulting firms closed. Products and materials are (e.g., Accenture, Deloitte, McKinsey) and designed and constructed in such a way think tanks (e.g., the Ellen MacArthur that they can be repurposed at the end Foundation) examine and promulgate of their life cycle or can be reintegrated circular economy approaches as a viable into technical or biological cycles (see sustainability strategy for individual The Circular Economy: graphic p.10). One important factor is a design which is geared to longevity and economic sectors and product groups as well as entire national economies or the A Promising But focuses, among other things, on repa- global economy as a whole [7]. rability, dismantability, modularity, and emotional ties to products and things. In In addition to minimizing or completely Insufficient Sustainability Strategy. addition, a circular economy only uses avoiding negative environmental conse- those resources and energy sources quences, the circular economy approach that do not have a harmful effect on emphasizes economic potential, e.g., health and nature. In this way, a circular through the creation of innovative busi- economy is to contribute to the conser- ness models and synergy effects (e.g., vation of resources and waste avoidance industrial symbiosis). Change is realized by means of effective and regenerative predominantly through technical inno- recirculation. Extended use and life vations and system adaptations in the spans as well as new services, help to framework of largely stable socio-politi- “decelerate” production and consump- cal continuity [8]. tion. [1][2][3][4] 09
2 The Biological and the Technical Cycle The Primary Role Model: Nature Industrial Symbiosis in Kalundborg, There is no waste in nature. On the Denmark Biological Technical contrary, substances go through a The industry in the Danish coastal cycle cycle cycle and form the basis for new city of Kalundborg, has established Energy supply Raw material life at the end of their life cycle. In a numerous cycles. An industrial sym- renewable extraction diverse ecosystem, the waste from biosis combines the logic of natural one species is the food of another ecosystems with that of the classical Agriculture species in a diverse ecosystem. economic system. The by- products and residual products of Use/ one company are used as resources Supplier recycling by another company. Kalundborg Natural regeneration began developing this process more than 40 years ago. Today, a Manufacturer Reprocessing stably functioning circular economic Biogas system creates jobs and brings eco- nomic and environmental benefits Composting Service provider, Reuse/ to numerous businesses, including distributor further use smaller ones, as well as to the local population. [11] Extraction of biochemical raw materials Maintenance/ Cascading prolongation Consumers Users Incineration Waste disposal site Hans Sauer Foundation according to [9] and [10]. 10 11
2 From a Linear to A Circular Economy 2 A Mypoic Concept of Circularity LInear Economy Recycling Industry Circular Economy Despite the increasing relevance of Circular economy focuses on economic circular concepts, their global preva- value creation and technical innova- lence is marginal, at best: The annual tions and, consequently, neglects other Circularity Gap Report [12] estimates sectors and social fields of action. In this the “gap” to be closed for achieving full regard the concept is in continuity with circularity at over 90 %, i.e., the linear, other strategies for greening existing consumptive use of resources continues forms of economy, such as the green to be the globally predominant pattern. economy or the blue economy. Furthermore, not all successfully imple- mented circular economy approaches However, thinking and acting along deliver the desired results, one exam- linear patterns of production and ple are rebound effects, a well-known consumption is a society-wide pheno- phenomenon in the field of resource menon whose transformation requires management [1][8][13]. far more than technical or product- oriented approaches: It requires the Circular economy, as a model exclusively re-design of social practices, societal centered around market and economy, structures, and cultural patterns along provides no solution to profound the various steps of value creation, According to the motto “take, In Germany, the first legislature Following nature’s example, problems such as the externalization of starting with raw material extraction make, waste,” a linear economy to initiate a circular economy a circular economy connects ecological and social costs, nor does it all the way to recycling and further use. uses or consumes raw mate- was passed in 1996 and focused material flows (raw materials, address the general suitability of rials and products to ultimately primarily on improving waste biomass, water, waste, energy, competition-oriented models for a dispose of them as waste. management and recycling. etc.) and cycles are closed. circular future. Recycling temporarily There is no waste whatsoever. reintegrates valuable materials into a cycle. However, the high recycling rate is deceptive. In fact, a large portion of materials is not recycled but incinerated. Traditional waste incineration is highly damaging to the environment. 12 13
2 Value Creation Linearity not only dominates the pro- duction and value chains in our economy Hierarchy of Knowledge it is also deeply inscribed in existing Society values knowledge diffe- societal rules, standards, laws, orga- rently: “Productive” knowledge, i.e., nizational forms, infrastructures, and knowledge about manufacturing UL RECIRC ATION value systems that have emerged in the processes and their efficiency is “linear age.” For example: deemed more valuable and yields Diss higher financial returns in the linear ect am Coll ble system than, for example, knowled- So rt Deco mp ose ge about the renewal of things and RE materials. Knowledge about repair, SO Pricing and Industry Regulation Re use maintenance, and reuse of resources ir Re U pa Economic industries involved in ma- and products underwent a continu- RC Te Bi nufacturing and production are usu- chn ous devaluation during the formation EE olo U SE ally highly profitable, while industries ical of the Western consumer and throw- gica X TR A involved in resource recovery are of- away society in the 20th century and resour l nutr ten far less so. Take the construction was increasingly lost in the course C T ION industry, where the reuse of building ients of this process [17]; in many relevant Use ces components is largely underfun- disciplines, such topics are not part ded. Due to market-based pricing of the curriculum. In many design Circular Society and highly efficient manufacturing and architecture courses, for exam- where ways of thinking methods, new components are often ple, the use of sustainable materials and acting center around Mak circularity. cheaper than the labor-intensive and the reuse of existing materials e recovery and refurbishment of used plays a marginal role, at best. ac n ce sig components that are in principle still ss e De ib functional. Furthermore, the well- l developed structures, logics and Tra AC nsp O processes within the industry make N o rt Produ ce I CE SS U CT it difficult to establish integrative OD PR circular approaches. [15][16] Hans Sauer Foundation [14] 14 15
Social aspects such as participation, Values global social justice and quality of life In the past, economic growth brought are not sufficiently taken into account Western societies far-reaching social within a conceptual framework that progress and material prosperity. focuses exclusively on economic viability The underlying assumption of the and profitability. growth paradigm is that of cheaply available natural resources and A shift toward substantially circular labor, which to this day forms the practices requires more than an eco- foundation of the linear pattern of logical modernization of production, “take, use, waste” [18]. Despite the distribution, and consumption. What is knowledge about the limits of our needed are not only changed material planet, the finiteness of natural and energy flows, infrastructures, and resources and increasing socio-eco- business models, but new knowledge logical crises, this paradigm is still and new educational content, new forms deeply rooted in politics as well as “Reality is made up of circles, but we of organization and cooperation, new in the everyday life of many and its norms and standards, changed values, see straight lines.” critical reflection is often insufficient and much more. Fully exploiting the [19]. transformative potential of circularity, understanding and addressing the ne- cessary socio-cultural change seems to require adding a social dimension to the concept of circular economy. Senge [20] 16 17
2 References [1] Buch, Rajesh; O‘Neill, Dan; Lubenow, Cassandra; DeFilippis, Mara; [11] Dahl Sönnichsen, Sönnich; Clement, Jesper (2018) Kalundborg Sym- Dalrymple, Michael (2018): Collaboration for Regional Sustainable biosis for the ”Win win Gothenburg Sustainability award 2018”. Verfügbar Circular Economy Innovation. In: Marques, Joan und Satinder, Dhiman über: (Hrsg.) Handbook of Engaged Sustainability. Cham: Springer Internatio- make-it-happen/ (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) nal Publishing. S. 703–727. [12] Wit, Marc; Verstraeten-Jochemsen, Jacco; Hoogzaad Jelmer; Kub- [2] Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2013): Towards the Circular Economy. binga Ben (2019): The Circularity Gap Report. Closing the Circularity Gap Economic and business rationale for accelerated Transition. Verfügbar in a 9% World. Amsterdam: Circle Economy. über: blications/Ellen-MacArthur-Foundation-Towards-the-Circular-Economy- [13] Braungart, Michael; McDonough, William (2016): Cradle to Cradle. vol.1.pdf (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) Einfach intelligent produzieren. Ungekürzte Taschenbuchausgabe, 4. Auflage. München [u.a.]: Piper. [3] Geissdoerfer, Martin; Savaget, Paulo; Bocken, Nancy M.P.; Hultink, Erik J. (2017): The Circular Economy – A new sustainability paradigm? In: [14] Hans Sauer Stiftung (2019): Hans Sauer Preis 2019: Designing Journal of Cleaner Production: Jg. 143 S. 757–768. Circular Society – In Kreisläufen denken. Verfügbar über: https://www.äger.pdf [4] Jaeger-Erben, Melanie; Hofmann, Florian (2019): Kreislaufwirt- (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) schaft – Ein Ausweg aus der sozial-ökologischen Krise? Schriftenreihe Nachhaltigkeit: Eine Veröffentlichung der Hessischen Landeszentrale für [15] Leising, Eline; Quist, Jaco; Bocken, Nancy M.P. (2018): Circular politische Bildung. Wiesbaden. Economy in the building sector: Three cases and a collaboration tool. In: Journal of Cleaner production: Jg. 176 S. 976-989. [5] European Commission (2016): Closing the loop: New circular economy package. Brüssel. [16] Ruiz López, Luis A.; Ramón, Xavier R.; Domingo, Santiago G. (2019): The circular economy in the construction and demolition waste sector – a [6] European Commission (2019): The European Green Deal. Brüssel. review and an integrative model approach. In: Journal of Cleaner Produc- tion: Jg. 248 S. 119-238. [7] Prendeville, Sharon; Cherim, Emma; Bocken, Nancy M.P. (2018): Circular cities: mapping six cities in transition. Environmental innovation [17] Krebs, Stefan; Schabacher, Gabriele; Weber, Heike (2018): Kulturen and societal transitions, 26, S. 171-194. des Reparierens. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. [8] Zwiers, Jakob; Jaeger-Erben, Melanie; Hofmann, Florian (2020): [18] Patel, Raj; Moore, Jason W. (2017): A History of the World in Seven Circular literacy. A knowledge-based approach to the circular economy. Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the In: Culture and Organization: Jg. 272 (4) S. 1-21. Planet. Oakland. [9] Ellen MacArthur Foundation; SUN; McKinsey Center for Business and [19] Meadows, Donella; Randers, Jorgen; Meadows, Dennis (2004) A sy- Environment (o. J.) Infographic: Circular Economy System Diagramm. nopsis: Limits to growth: The 30-year update. Chelsea Green Publishing Verfügbar über: Company. economy/concept/infographic (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) [20] Senge, Peter M. (2006): The fifth discipline: The art and practice of [10] Institute of Design Research Vienna (IDRV) (2019): Qualitätsstan- the learning organization. Überarbeitete Aufl. New York, London: Crown dards für Circular Design: Gestaltungskriterien für eine nachhaltige Business. Entwicklung. Verfügbar über: sets/5506/original/qfcd_19_web.pdf (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) 18 19
3 Circular Society: Development of an Idea Circular economy approaches are ill publication on this topic: In their paper equipped to address the societal chan- “Circular Economy – a way out of the ges needed to achieve full circularity of socio-ecological crisis?” [1], Melanie resources – as has been shown in the Jaeger-Erben and Florian Hofmann exa- analysis above. Based on this analysis, mine the potential of circular economy the Hans Sauer Foundation considered concepts for a socio-ecological transfor- the concept of circular society to be mation. They consider the perspective of more adequate for grasping the far-rea- a circular economy to be short-sighted ching changes necessary in numerous as it only focuses on business and tech- areas of society if materials and pro- nology, which is why they develop the ducts are to be managed in cycles in the “future scenario of a circular society” [2] future. The concept of a circular society in order to address concepts of social No Economy Without Society: reflects that circularity would have to become the essential guiding principle, sustainability and social justice. The Idea of A Circular Society. structuring principle, and principle of In the following, the Hans Sauer Foun- action for numerous areas of society, si- dation and its social design lab pre- milar to past concepts such as industrial sent their view on the idea of a circular society or consumer society, represen- society which aligns with the abovemen- ting two social formations closely linked tioned works. Additionally, we argue that to the linear system of production and methods such as those of social design consumption. can support the social innovation and transformation processes that such The concept of a circular society also a transition requires. Finally, we will highlights the potentials in the areas of present real-life approaches that con- social togetherness and cooperation ceptualize said transition by becoming unlocked by a focus on circularity. This “places of circularity.” is because a circular society – to a much greater extent than the linear system – will depend on cooperation, participa- tion, sharing of knowledge, transparen- cy, accessibility, and solidarity. Similar considerations can be found elsewhere, such as in the research group “Obsole- scence as a Challenge for Sustainabi- lity (OHA).” 2019 saw the first German 21
3 Systemic Approach for Systemic Change Since the beginning of the Anthropocene Substantially changing or abolishing Indeed, circular economy develops a Jaeger-Erben and Hofmann [1] account at the latest, i.e., an age in which human unsustainable processes and their con- systemic understanding of economically for these facts by adding a third sphere, action has become the most import- sequences requires adopting a systemic generated material flows and mate- the “sociosphere”, to the biosphere and ant influence on ecosystems and their perspective that views social, ecologi- rials in the biosphere and technosphe- technosphere of a circular economy. processes, environment, society, and cal, and economic processes in context re that goes far beyond other existing They supplement the basic design prin- economy can no longer be thought of as rather than individually [3]. approaches. However, the concept of ciples of biosphere and technosphere discrete. However, the effects of cur- circular economy neglects structures (see chart p.9) with initial suggestions rent economic value creation on society Additionally, and according to a strict and patterns of resource consumption for principles of a sociosphere (see and nature are far more complex and understanding of sustainability, econo- as well as human behavior, cultural chart p.24). far-reaching than one might assume. my must be understood as a subsystem practices, social interdependencies, and For example: Experts are convinced that of society, embedded in the natural en- normative attitudes that have emerged The authors focus on the principle of the food demand for an exponentially vironment [4]. within society. But resource extraction, circular literacy, which describes those growing world population, for example, production, ways of usage and resour- knowledge-based skills that make it could be met in the short term by means ce recovery [2], to give just a general possible to understand and respect na- of more efficient technologies in the example, is directly impacted by how tural cycles and material flows [1] and to Environment agricultural sector. It is to be expected, people perceive, value, and interact with develop and implement circular models however, that these kinds of “solutions” the natural world, the structures and which promote a sustainable develop- cause further socio-ecological problems Society infrastructures in which their actions ment [6]. such as soil degradation, loss in bio- take place, and how they assign value diversity and lower resilience. Mitigating and utility (monetary, emotional, social) According to the understanding of the Economy symptoms cannot change the inherent to technical things. Hans Sauer Foundation and the social contradictions of the system. Major so- design lab, the path to a circular society cio-ecological crises are not “external”, Changing social norms and standards, requires new types of knowledge and there are direct consequences of human paradigms, values, and flows of infor- skills (circular literacy) as well as new action. mation are far more profound leverage forms of organization, cooperation, and points for the transition towards a more coexistence – all characteristics of the sustainable system than mere technical sociosphere as described by Jaeger-Er- optimizations in the production sphere ben and Hofmann. [5]. 22 23
3 Balance of The Biosphere, Technosphere, and Sociosphere 3 References [1] Jaeger-Erben, Melanie; Hofmann, Florian (2019): Kreislaufwirtschaft – Ein Ausweg aus der sozial-ökologischen Krise? Schriftenreihe Nachhaltigkeit: Eine Veröffentlichung der Hessischen Principles of the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. Wiesbaden. Sociosphere [2] Jaeger-Erben, Melanie; Hofmann, Florian (2019): From Take-Ma- ke-Dispose to a Circular Society. Introduction of a new vision in six Circular Literacy and propositions. Research Group ‘Challenge Obsolescence’. Berlin. new forms of organization, collaboration and [3] Meadows, Donella H. (2008): Thinking in systems: A primer. Pricinples Principles White River Junction: Chelsea green publishing. coexistence. of the of the [4] Döring, Ralf; Ott, Konrad (2001): Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte. biosphere technosphere In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik: Jg. 2 (3) S. 315- Energy supply/ Raw material 342. renewable extraction [5] Meadows, Donella H. (1999): Leverage points. Places to intervene in a system. Hartland. Agriculture [6] Zwiers, Jakob; Jaeger-Erben, Melanie; Hofmann, Florian (2020): Circular literacy. A knowledge-based approach to the circular economy. In: Culture and Organization: Jg. 272 (4) S. 1-21. Supplier Use/ [7] Ellen MacArthur Foundation; SUN; McKinsey Center for Business recycling and Environment (o. J.) Infographic: Circular Economy System Dia- Natural gramm. Verfügbar über: regeneration circular-economy/concept/infographic (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) Manufacturer Reprocessing [8] Institute of Design Research Vienna (IDRV) (2019): Qualitätsstandards für Circular Design: Gestaltungskriterien für eine nachhaltige Entwick- Biogas lung. Verfügbar über: original/qfcd_19_web.pdf (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) Composting Service provider, Reuse/ distributor further use Extraction of biochemical raw material Cascading Maintenance /prolongation Consumers Users Hans Sauer Foundation according to [7] and [8] 24 25
4 New Forms of Knowledge Production and Use The production and distribution of know- laboratories, or participatory forms of ledge has become the crucial foundation research in “citizen science” [3]. These for politics, economy, and culture, which approaches all consider the participa- explains the popularity of analyses that tion of civil actors from practice to be refer to western societies as “knowledge relevant and important in the production societies” [1]. The way knowledge is of knowledge. produced, shared, and used fundamen- tally influences the course of trans- These actors are relevant not only formation processes [2]. Existing ways because their involvement promotes of thinking and acting are mostly based societal participation, but rather be- on empirical values and institutiona- cause actors operating at local/regional lized, established know-how that has level amidst sustainability challenges Leverage Points for Circularity: been produced not least in the attempt to address issues of the existing sys- are often more aware of and thus more familiar with the respective level of com- New Forms of Knowledge tem. Changing these ways of thinking plexity than scientists and can therefore and acting requires different types of play an important role in problem iden- new knowledge: First, it is essential tification and solution development [2]. Production and Participatory to understand the existing systems of The development of locally applicable knowledge production and distribution but globally connected solutions is en- Solution Development. (system knowledge) – but also how to identify goals and expectations of a riched by shared learning processes bet- ween different actors and the building of sustainable transformation (target local communities and circular networks knowledge) and which methods help [5]. This type of knowledge production to meet these goals and expectations and utilization has the potential to close (transformation knowledge) [2]. the still dominant gap between know- ledge and action [2]. Such an understanding of knowledge increasingly challenges the superiority of scientific knowledge over other types of knowledge; the increasingly complex societal challenges require new forms of knowledge production. Examples are: transdisciplinary sustainability research, transformative research, experimental approaches such as real 27
4 System, Target and Transformation Knowledge 4 New Knowledge and Skills Circular literacy [1] as a concept ade- Circular literacy can support understan- The transformation to a circular society quately describes the knowledge ding patterns and practices of linearity requires new knowledge and new required for a circular society and the (see Circular Economy, p.9) which in turn skills – related to the understanding of necessary skills for action. Zwiers et can help to identify and acknowledge systems, setting goals and transforma- al. draw on the previously mentioned leverage points for a transformation bility. distinction between system knowledge, towards more circularity. The leverage target knowledge, and transformation point as well as the outcome of transfor- knowledge, which is widely used in mation are (new) forms of organization, transdisciplinary research. A transition collaboration, and coexistence. This Transformation Knowledge to a circular society requires all three includes substantial changes in mate- types of knowledge. Characteristics of rial and energy flows, infrastructures, How can we achieve our goals? How can circular literacy are innovative, systemic, and business models, but also a change we use aspects of linearity as leverage and reflexive thinking, the ability to tho- in social forms of cooperation, values, points for a transformation to circularity roughly understand and manage com- norms, and paradigms. In the process, and get closer to our idea of a circular plexity as well as the ability to cooperate the prevailing guiding principles of society? and design across different disciplines economic practice must be replaced by and social differences. Circular literacy new narratives, which do not focus on provides the foundation for embedding business efficiency and logic of profit or human action in the biosphere and for economic growth but have their starting finding creative solutions to achieve point in goals such as socio-ecological circularity in the technosphere. Circular sustainability and thus transversal justi- literacy promotes proactive participation ce or the creation of quality of life [5]. Target Knowledge System Knowledge in a circular society, in particular its pro- duction and consumption systems [5]. What do we want to achieve? Where do we stand? What are What is our vision? What current aspects of linearity and constitutes a circular society? what constitutes them? Linear Society Circular Society Transformation knowledge System knowledge Target knowledge 29 28
4 References [1] Zwiers, Jakob; Jaeger-Erben, Melanie; Hofmann, Florian (2020): Circular literacy. A knowledge-based approach to the circular economy. In: Culture and Organization: Jg. 272 (4) S. 1-21. [2] Abson, David J.; Fischer, Joern; Leventon, Julia; Newig, Jens; Schomerus, Thomas; Vilsmaier, Ulli; von Wehrden, Henrik; Abernethy, Paivi; Ives, Christopher D.; Jager, Nicolas W.; Lang, Daniel J. (2017): Leverage points for sustainability transformation. In: Ambio: Jg. 46 (1) S. 30-39. [3] Defilia, Rico; Di Giulio, Antonietta (2019): Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen. Eine Methodensammlung. Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag. [4] Umweltbundesamt (UBA) (2017): Transformationsforschung. Definitionen, Ansätze, Methoden. Dessau-Roßlau [5] Jaeger-Erben, Melanie; Hofmann, Florian (2019): From Take-Ma- ke-Dispose to a Circular Society. Introduction of a new vision in six “The development, application, and propositions. Research Group ‘Challenge Obsolescence’. Berlin. teaching of circular literacy requires co-creative and transdisciplinary processes in practice.” Jaeger-Erben and Hofmann [5] 30 31
5 Shaping Social Transformation New approaches, supportive structures, In view of the increasing relevance of and sustainable processes with trans- such structures for initiating and deve- formative potential are the necessary loping change processes, i.e., “social la- drivers for acquiring circular literacy and boratories”, the Hans Sauer Foundation transitioning to a circular society. has initiated such a laboratory, funded In the current discourse on social trans- by the IKEA Foundation, and supported formation processes, “intermediary by project partners: The social design infrastructures,” “innovation labs” [1], lab uses the approach of social design to “real labs” [2] or “living lab for trans- master social challenges – such as the formation” [3] are becoming increasingly transition to a circular society. Social de- relevant. All of them offer spaces of sign uses methods and approaches from cooperative culture in which actors from design and other creative disciplines Designing Social Innovation and different fields can jointly develop and test innovative solutions under protec- to initiate change processes, hence the name [4]. Social design focuses less on Transformation Processes: ted and favorable conditions. designing objects than on initiating and Such places and infrastructures, which designing processes of social change [5] enable the application of transformed [6]. Social design – at least according to The Potential of Social Design in the ways of thinking, have become increa- the understanding of the social design singly important especially at the local lab – builds on a transformation model Transition to A Circular Society level. The local level, i.e., the level of clo- se proximity, is where, on the one hand, that wants to achieve change from the individual all the way to the systemic societal challenges become particularly level. manifest and immediate answers have to be found on a daily basis. On the other hand, the local level offers room for experimenting and learning; it is where new solutions can be tested and mis- takes can be corrected relatively easily [1]. 33
5 Circular Literacy in the Social Design (Lab) Process In combination with the knowledge and Inherently transdisciplinary processes This approach analyses local manifes- Social Design stands for methods, expertise of other disciplines such as enable shared and incremental develop- tations of the linear system – actors, processes, and skills that enable the social and cultural sciences, the ment of new solutions. These solutions established ways of acting, locations, transdisciplinary knowledge produc- methods and practices of social design are then tested in real-life for their processes, etc. – against the concept of tion about local/regional problems, are consistently harnessed to initiate effects and their viability [4][7]. In this a circular society and examines lever- the collaborative development of transformation processes. way – following Zwiers et al [8] – age points for transformation. In light of visions and the identification of new transformation knowledge is created constant uncertainty about temporally solutions and ways of implementing The Lab translates its understanding of and societal transformation and inno- and spatially decoupled consequences them (generating/developing know- social design in a work process of vation processes are triggered, which of actions and extremely accelerated ledge and skills). participatory, iterative, open-ended, and are then actively shaped by people and processes (9), goals and visions are not bottom-up solution finding. therefore – it is hoped – receive wide specified in detail, but are continuously Researchers, actors from practice, and and long-term support. At the same and jointly (further) developed within others involved act as equal co-desig- time, new knowledge and skills are the framework of the process. Analyzing ners contributing their diverse skills and strengthened which in trun creates the and reflecting the system is not only the their formal and informal knowledge. corresponding new practices, offers and starting point but integral part of the The social design lab is a laboratory infrastructures. entire design process. In this respect, for social design processes. It initi- both the process and the methods ates change processes and provides used are in a permanent “beta state,” an infrastructure to test, develop characterized by continuous reflexive and also sustainably establish new questioning, innovation, and adaptation. knowledge, new skills and new forms There is continuous participatory and of organization, cooperation, and collaborative production of target know- coexistence (infrastructure for alter- ledge, system knowledge and, in parti- native narratives). cular, transformation knowledge – all Linear Society Circular Society part of circular literacy. The result – as the social design lab believes – are inno- Transformation process vative, adaptive, and socially “robust” System knowledge Target knowledge solutions to societal challenges. [4][7] 34 35
5 References [1] Howaldt, Jürgen; Kaletka, Christoph; Schröder, Antonius; Zirngiebl, Marthe (2018): Atlas of Social Innovation – New Practices for a Better Future. Dortmund. TU Dortmund. [2] Defilia, Rico; Di Giulio, Antonietta (2019): Transdisziplinär und trans- formativ forschen. Eine Methodensammlung. Wiesbaden: Springer- Verlag. [3] Jonas, Wolfgang; Zerwas, Sarah; Von Anshelm, Kristof (Hrsg.) (2015): Transformation Design. Perspectives on a new design attitude. Basel: Birkhäuser. [4] Hans Sauer Stiftung (2019): Über das Lab. München. Verfügbar über: (Letzter Zugriff: 11.02.2020) [5] Banz, Claudia (Hrsg.) (2016): Social Design – Gestalten für die Transformation der Gesellschaft. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. [6] Papanek, Victor (1985): Design for the Real World. Human Ecology and Social Change. Chicago: Academic Chicago Publishers. [7] Haus des Stiftens (2019): Das social design lab der Hans Sauer Stif- tung. München. Verfügbar über: social-design-lab-hans-sauer-stiftung/ (Letzter Zugriff: 11.02.2020) [8] Zwiers, Jakob; Jaeger-Erben, Melanie; Hofmann, Florian (2020): Circular literacy. A knowledge-based approach to the circular economy. In: Culture and Organization: Jg. 272 (4) S. 1-21. [9] Steffen, Will; Broadgate, Wendy; Deutsch, Lisa; Gaffney, Owen; Ludwig; Cornelia (2015): The trajectory of the Anthropocene: the great acceleration. The Anthropocene Review: Jg. 2 (1) S. 81-98. 36
Recycling Center Turned Mehrwerthof In the Bavarian town of Markt Schwa- In this project, the social design lab, ben, the social design lab used the together with Markt Schwaben, ander- PLACES OF new construction of the local recycling werk GmbH and other partners, examine center as an opportunity to initiate a whether and how it is possible to add or social process of local transformation. break the established patterns and dis- CIRCULARITY I Recycling centers are an integral part of posal chains at this center by creating the existing linear system of disposing new cycle-oriented offers such as repair, of materials and things. Recycling second-hand goods trading, production centers cannot change anything about sites, educational formats, exchange the design and manufacturing process opportunities, material exchange plat- Mehrwerthof (Circular Value Center) of products; they are at the end of the forms, and more. Such a new type of re- use phase in the linear chains. Still, cycling center is to be actively co-desig- Markt2 Schwaben they offer opportunities for downstream ned by local people so that results and measures to reduce ecological and so- innovations receive broad and lasting cial consequences and close cycles. The support, and a new place of communal downstream strategy of managing the life is created. Topics related to climate enormous stock of materials that is al- protection and the use of resources are ready in the world and rarely considered to be made tangible and placed in the for further use and recycling will remain context of communal needs. The new an important task for a circular socie- Mehrwerthof can thus function as a pla- ty for decades to come. In Germany, ce of circularity, as one of the necessary recycling centers are the hubs for such new places in a circular society where a downstream measures: They collect and regenerative use of resources is actively transfer things that lost their value for lived and broadly anchored in society. their owners. Recycling centers are part of a differentiated waste management Citizens, project partners, and interdi- system and allocate the material accor- sciplinary teams from Munich University ding to “fractions” to different recycling of Applied Sciences cooperated in local or disposal contexts. Depending on workshops using participatory social the material class, these fractions are design methods to identify needs, ideas, developed to varying degrees, ranging and visions and to develop them into a from those with high recycling rates for concept. The result was the vision of a metals to composites made of plastics, Mehrwerthof that comprises various which are mostly incinerated. circular modules and components. 39
Circular Dimensions of the Mehrwerthof In novel alliances between the muni- The locally adapted concept of the Mehr- cipality, social economy, foundation/ werthof is suited for being transferred lab, universities of applied sciences and to other communities or urban contexts. citizens, pilot projects were initiated for These considerations tie in with the the following modules: Repair events, question of how the entire “metabolism” events for exchanging materials, proto- of a city can be thought of and designed typical design and construction of street in a more circular way and thus become furniture from recycled material, and a place of circularity as a whole. much more. The unifying idea is to test, Repair Integration establish and connect as many circu- and Inclusion lar initiatives and impulses as possible Circular Society in the community. Later, these can be located in the vicinity of the newly built recycling center. Vision Sharing The vision of the Mehrwerthof is not a fixed goal but is continuously extended Mehrwerthof and developed in an open and creative Upcycling process in line with changing needs. Likewise, there is ongoing production of knowledge about aspects of linearity ? and about approaches to change said Production aspects – both with the active participa- tion of citizens, as well as in cooperation Recycling and Education with universities and universities of Further Use applied sciences. [1][2][3] Hans Sauer Foundation [2] 40 41
Recycling Center with Potentials References [1] Haus des Stiftens (2019): Das Social Design Lab der Hans Sauer Stiftung. München. Verfügbar über: social-design-lab-hans-sauer-stiftung/ (Letzter Zugriff: 11.02.2020) [2] Hans Sauer Stiftung (2018): Mehrwerthof Markt² Schwaben. Mün- chen. Verfügbar über: hof-markt-schwaben/ (Letzter Zugriff: 11.02.2020) 13-16% 13-19% [3] Hans Sauer Stiftung (2019): Über das Lab. München. Verfügbar über: (Letzter Zugriff: 11.02.2020) [4] Messmann, Lukas; Boldoczki, Sandra; Thorenz, Andrea; Tuma, Axel (2019) Potenzials of preparation for reuse: A case study at collection points in the German state of Bavaria. In: Journal of cleaner production: Jg. 211: S.1534-1546. Depending on the type of waste, Another 13–19% could be 13–16% of WEEE, used exploited by changing furniture, and recreational collection, storage, and items could be directly pro- treatment of waste [4]. cessed for reuse at Bavarian collection points [4]. 86% 86% of the identified causes of damage to electrical devices and old electrical appliances are because of insufficient weather-resistant roofing [4]. 42 43
The City as “Metabolism” from A Circular Perspective The cross-sectoral and overall societal Cities thus not only bear great respon- dimension of the circular use of re- sibility for negative environmental sources is particularly evident in cities. impacts and social inequalities they PLACES OF In these highly dense centers of human also have “transformative potential” coexistence, knowledge production, [2] to test and implement new paths goods and services production, con- towards sustainability. This is especially CIRCULARITY II sumption, and waste generation there true given that cities are also centers of is a complex overlap of actors, resource civic initiatives and innovation; cities are flows and use patterns. In quantitative places where a diverse urban society terms, cities play a key role in the tran- discovers new opportunities for deve- Circular Cities sition to a more sustainable society due to their importance on a global scale loping and testing new knowledge and practices. [1]. In the multi-level political system, cities have taken on more and more re- Cities have externalized meeting their sponsibilities and in numerous areas of resource needs and the consequences of political and social action, cities develop their waste production by moving them their own agendas to complement na- to distant locations for centuries. Faced tional and international ones or embark with growing pressure from resour- on alternative and even completely new ce scarcity, economic dependencies paths altogether [1] [3]. In addition to and risks, urban climate policies, etc., their autonomy in urban planning, water many cities are increasingly questio- supply, waste management, public ning this approach. Numerous cities transport, etc., cities usually have ex- are attempting to re-internalize their tensive knowledge of urban processes resource supply and create circular and contexts or ways to generate such flows of materials [1] to ensure their knowledge [4]. supply systems being secure and to build resilient infrastructures that are less reliant on international, national, and regional structures. In Europe, cities such as London, Amsterdam, Glasgow, and Paris increasingly acknowledge circular approaches as a promising concept and have adopted the respective guiding principles. Given the complex global interdependencies in which cities 45
find themselves today and the magnitu- Cities, therefore, prompt a shift in focus According to the transdisciplinary Cities are, in any case, the globally de of their existing infrastructures, these on quite different types of resources, approach which has been described dominant spaces of human coexistence new guiding principles represent great namely food and water in addition to soil as the key to change, the transition to and the centers of production, consump- challenges for cities while they also and land. The daily reality in modern circular cities and communities would tion and disposal in the current system, expose the myopic view of perspectives cities highlights the diversity of resource require top-down strategies of the public which makes them crucial factors in the that exclusively focus on technology and consumption across numerous sectors sector to be at least complemented, if process of transformation. They would economy. and puts the idea that improvements in not replaced, by bottom-up initiatives have to become places of circularity, terms of circular economy represent key and participatory design processes. for which they offer favorable conditions. However, cities also offer special leverage points for change into perspec- Grassroots initiatives play an important Harnessing these conditions, however, opportunities: the close proximity and tive. However, many existing widespread role in this regard: Citizens who advance requires conceptualizing municipal density of circular cities offer favo- circular city concepts actually often sustainability through a sustainable life- strategies in terms of an urban circular rable conditions for the circular use reproduce circular economy approaches style and active involvement in political society. of technical and biological resources. centered on technology und economy. and social issues and thereby enable The proximity of affected stakeholders Furthermore, they are developed as social innovations that offer creative simplifies cross-sector cooperation in strategic visions by policymakers and solutions to local needs (e.g., citizen closing resource cycles. Existing circular administrators and conceptualized as energy program, repair cafés). The economy approaches can provide a basic top-down processes. [4] public sector should take on the task to framework for the conceptualization of encourage and promote such initiatives, circular strategies for urban resource e.g., by building knowledge, collabo- management. ration platforms, support programs of Furthermore, directing attention on circular business models, supportive social interaction processes, dominant and adaptive infrastructure, and locali- urban infrastructures, and heteroge- zed cycles as well as adapting regulatory neous patterns of action and attitudes of frameworks. According to past expe- inhabitants exposes the oversimplified rience, the development of adaptable and myopic focus on technology and visions of the future, the use of experi- production processes. mental approaches and intermediary structures such as lab approaches, and collaboration with various stakeholders are also important drivers. [5] 46 47
Cities in Global Context References [1] Hodson, Mike; Simon Marvin (2010): Can cities shape socio-technical transitions and how would we know if they were? In: Research policy: Jg. 39 (4) S. 477-485. 50-70% 60-80% [2] Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltver- änderungen (WBGU) (2016): Der Umzug der Menschheit: Die transformative Kraft der Städte. Hauptgutachten. WBGU: Berlin. [3] Loorbach, Derk; Wittmayer, Julia M.; Shiroyama, Hideaki; Fujino, Junichi; Mizuguchi, Satoru (2016): Governance of urban sustainability transitions. Japan: Springer-Verlag. [4] Prendeville, Sharon; Cherim, Emma; Bocken, Nancy M.P. (2018): Circular cities: mapping six cities in transition. Environmental innovation and societal transitions, 26, S. 171-194. Currently, about 50 % of the Cities currently consume [5] Williams, Joanna (2019): Circular cities. In: Urban Studies: Jg. 56 (13) world’s population lives in 60–80% of global S. 2746-2762. cities. According to UN esti- natural resources [8]. [6] Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2019): City Governments and their role mates, this trend will continue, in enabling a Circular Economy Transition. An overview of urban policy levers. Verfügbar über: with an expected increase to work/activities/circular-economy-in-cities (Letzter Zugriff: 09.03.2020) almost 70 % by 2050 [7]. [7] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Popula- tion Division (2014): World Urbanisation Prospects. The 2014 Revision, Methodology Working Pape No. ESA/P/WP.238 [8] Camaren, Peter; Swilling, Mark (2012): Sustainable Resource Efficient Cities: Making It Happen. UNEP. 50-75% Cities produce 50% of global waste and 75% of greenhouse gas emissions [8]. 48 49
Summary 1 2 The Linear System in Crisis: The Need for Transformation. The Circular Economy: A Promising But Insufficient Sustainability Strategy. Current linear (economic) structures, ways of thinking and acting lead to eco- Numerous players in politics, busi- logical and social crises. There is a ness and science consider the circular broad consensus in politics and science: economy as a promising sustainability We need transformation on various strategy. However, the concept focuses levels. In line with this consensus, the on economic value creation and tech- Hans Sauer Foundation and its social nological innovation only and therefore design lab, placed their thematic focus largely neglects the social dimension. on the “Circular Society,” and search A shift toward more circularity requires for ways to substantially transform the much more than ecological moderni- prevailing structures and practices of zation; it also requires a redesign of linearity. social practices, societal structures, and cultural patterns. 51
3 4 5 No Economy without Society: The Idea Leverage Points for Circularity: New Designing Social Innovation and Trans- Places of Circularity I: Mehrwerthof of A Circular Society. Forms of Knowledge Production and formation Processes: The Potential of Markt² Schwaben Participatory Solution Development. Social Design in the Transition towards Substantially changing unsustainable A Circular Society. In the Bavarian town of Markt Schwa- processes and their consequences re- The transition to a circular society ben, the social design lab seized the quires a systemic perspective that views requires new knowledge and skills – Transitioning towards a circular society new construction of the local recycling social, ecological, and economic proces- system knowledge, target knowledge, or acquiring circular literacy requires center as an opportunity to initiate a ses not as discrete but in context. The and transformation knowledge. New new approaches, supporting structures social design process. This new place of Hans Sauer Foundation and the social forms of knowledge production and and sustainable processes with trans- sustainability, learning and, communal design lab therefore use the concept of a participatory solution development can formative potential. In view of social actions, is created with active participa- circular society. This concept expresses help generate, develop, and apply the lab approaches becoming increasingly tion of citizens, and a place of which a the fact that circularity must become an knowledge and skills for action needed relevant, the Hans Sauer Foundation circular society needs many. essential guiding principle, structuring for circular literacy. Circular literacy and its partners have founded the social principle, and principle of action for can be used to understand patterns and design lab (see p. 35). The social design Places of Circularity II: Circular Cities numerous areas of society. practices of linearity and recognize their approach used by the lab offers methods potential as leverage points for a trans- and expertise that make it possible to Cities have the potential for testing and formation to circularity. The develop- initiate innovation and transformation implementing new paths toward sustai- ment and application of circular literacy processes in a transdisciplinary way and nability. In addition to the development requires a co-creative process. to generate, develop and apply circular of the circular economy, many cities knowledge and skills in practice. The so- already consider the vision of a circular cial design lab provides the framework city as a promising strategy for the futu- for these approaches. re. Currently, however, these strategies often focus on more effective resour- ce management and disregard social aspects and the specifics of the urban context. The idea of a circular society can help to conceptualize circular city approaches in such a way that cities are viewed as “metabolism” and changed from a societal, circular perspective. 52 53
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