Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford

Page created by Rafael Thompson
Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford
Chris Church
ISSUE 9 . 2019-2020
Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford
Christ Church Development Office

                                          “In a year that has been                As we go to press, support for a new emergency
                                          like no other, it has been              appeal, the Covid Student Support Fund, has received
                                          heartening to see so much               donations from Members totalling £70,000, and still
                                          engagement from our                     rising. It is quite clear that the pandemic has thrown
                                          Members. We have missed                 us unprecedented challenges and these funds are
                                          our personal encounters, as             supporting our contingencies in enabling students to
                                          the entire roster of events,            continue their Oxford experience. Thank you.
                                          in Oxford and across the
                                          world, has been postponed               In these pages we relaunch TOM, our regular-giving
                                          or cancelled. But the                   society. In a year when we would normally encourage
                                          stepping-up of our now                  Members to consider donating towards our frontline
        regular e-Matters newsletters has ignited keen interest, with             efforts on a monthly basis, during face-to-face meetings,
        submissions of news articles and features from across our                 at events and gaudies and during our Telethon, we are
        membership. It has been good to be in touch and thank                     relying here on a different approach through Development
        you to all those for such insightful and enriching authorship.            Matters. Please support the House if you can.
        And indeed, let’s not forget the readership, too.
                                                                                  This will be my last publication as I move on from Christ
        The suspension of the regular Christ Church Matters                       Church to pastures new. May I thank all Members who
        publication has given rise to a different kind of journal                 support the Development Office and those who continue
        for the year, and in this mailing Members are receiving                   to enrich the life and work of the House. I wish everyone
        a special edition reflecting on a year of the House in the                who has an association with this extraordinary place
        pandemic.                                                                 long and happy days.”

        We report in this Development Matters the top line fund­
        raising results of the last financial year (1 August 2019
        to 31 July 2020) and with that comes our considerable
        thanks and appreciation to everyone who has felt able to                  Mark Coote
        contribute to the work of the college.                                    The Director of Development

          Office Team

                                            Simon Offen – Deputy Director of      Renee Choi – Alumni Relations and   Matilda Hadcock – Development
                                            Development and Vice President of     Events Officer                      Associate (Graduate Scheme)
                                            Christ Church Association

        Sandra Harrison – Office Manager    Dr Anna Port – Development Projects   Teresa Midwinter – Database and     Micah MacKay – Music Trust
        and PA to Director of Development   Officer                               Gifts Manager                       Development Officer

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Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford

Fundraising headlines
for 2019/20
The headline figure for Gross Income Received in the                                 for the General Endowment (Corporate) of the House,
period 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020 was £2,033,081, of                              the enduring fund from which the annual ‘take’ of
which £1,477,132 (73%) was towards the endowment,                                    approximately 3.25% assists in providing the source of
and £555,948 (27%) towards ‘spendables’. This met the                                around 50% of the College’s annual expenditure needs.
£2M target for the year.                                                             Needless to say, it remains a vital lifeline.

The Development Office has changed the way of                                        Donations from Members and Friends continue to sustain
reporting on voluntary income, focusing now on Gross                                 a wide spectrum of invaluable activities and pursuits; we
Income Received rather than New Funds Raised,                                        are hugely appreciative of support given to scholarships,
which previously included promises of pledges.                                       the Cathedral Music Trust, the tutorial system, the Library,
This aligns reporting on fundraising with the way in                                 the Boat Club and for the maintenance of the fabric of
which the Treasury accounts for donations which,                                     the House.
in turn, is reported to Governing Body. We believe
it is altogether a more transparent way to report                                    Those who have donated over the course of the last
fundraising results as well as giving certainty about                                financial year are thanked within these pages, in our
what funds are banked.                                                               annual Roll of Honour. We also owe considerable
                                                                                     gratitude to others not specifically mentioned here, who
We received more than 3000 individual gifts                                          give their time and efforts, as volunteers, for careers
throughout the year, with the College Outreach,                                      advice and as year reps. Finally, thanks are due to those
Access and Student Support Fund (COASTs) attracting                                  Members who serve on the Development Board and the
the most significant support. The prominence of our                                  American Friends of Christ Church, as advocates of our
1546 (Legacy) Society is demonstrated in key support                                 endeavours and constant supporters.

Gross income received:                               Other*
Endowment – 73%                                       26%
Expendable – 27%                                                                                                 General Endowment (Corporate)

                                                                              TOP FUNDS
                    Early Printed Books                                       2019/2020
                     Cataloguing –2%
         Peckwater Renovation – 2%
   Hebrew Antiquarian Cataloguing
                       Fund – 2%
 Physical Geography Tuition Fund – 3%                                                                           COASTS endowment fund
              Law Posts Endowment Fund – 3%

                                        Boat Club Society – 5%
                                                                                                       Oxford-Bonham-Carter Island
                                                                    Cathedral Music Trust              Destinations Graduate Scholarship
                                                                            6%                         9%
* e.g. Bursary and Student Support, specific scholarship
and other tutorial posts, plus various Library and project funds.

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Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford
Christ Church Development Matters

        News in brief

        We were delighted to be able to award the Paterson
        Award for Computer Science to a Fresher this academic
        year. Funded by Sean Paterson (1988), the four-year           CATHEDRAL MUSIC TRUST
        award provides substantial support for the student who is
        embarking upon the Computer Science course introduced         The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many challenges, but
        three years ago at Christ Church. Led by Professors Sir Tim   the work of the Music Trust has, nevertheless, continued
        Berners-Lee and Yarin Gal, this groundbreaking initiative     to go from strength to strength with donations in excess
        aims to grow a centre of excellence in Computer Science       of £125,000. The Trust has focused on public engagement
        at the College. We continue to look to raise funds to         with renewed focus on online content, social media output,
        deliver and expand our ambitions in this key discipline.      and email communications. Highlights have included
                                                                      regular livestreaming from the Cathedral using new state-
        THE LEAVERS’ GIFT                                             of-the-art recording and broadcasting equipment. We
                                                                      also have a regular Music Trust newsletter which goes out
        The dislocation caused by the pandemic didn’t stop            to supporters and friends of the Music Trust. The Trust is
        the Leavers of 2020 from contributing generously to           also pleased to be working more closely with the Friends
        the now annual Leavers’ Gift. 98% of the cohort opted         of Christ Church Cathedral to help support the work of the
        to donate £15.46 to the House, which was handsomely           choir. Support for the Trust has increased steadily with the
        match funded by two of our Members. It represents the         production and promotion of new content. We are grateful
        highest uptake since the fund was launched. Donations         to our friends and supporters who help to keep our
        will support access and student support initiatives and       tradition of musical excellence alive and we look forward
        we look forward to welcoming back last year’s Leavers to      to sharing more content over the next few months and
        a Returners’ Dinner as soon as conditions allow.              welcoming you back to the Cathedral in due course.  

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Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford
News in brief


                                                           The library had a hectic year as can be gathered from
                                                           the article in CCM 45 by the archivist, Judith Curthoys, who
                                                           took over as Temporary Library Manager when Steven
                                                           Archer left for Trinity College, Cambridge. He has now
THE EDWARD H. BURN LAW TUTORIAL ENDOWMENT                  been replaced by Ms Gabriel Sewell who was previously
                                                           at St Andrews. Nonetheless, in addition to the huge efforts
Many Members will remember Edward ‘Teddy’ Burn,            taken to keep the Junior Members supplied, important
a long-standing and much revered tutor in Law who          work has carried on with the special collections. We are
died on 6 February 2019. 2022 will mark the centenary      hugely grateful to Members and Friends who support
of Teddys’ birth and in a tribute to his outstanding       these important projects. In particular the cataloguing,
association with the House, Governing Body has agreed      conservation and digitisation of the Morris Collection of
to endow one of the Law Tutorial posts in his honour. We   (mainly) Hebrew books and manuscripts (above), urgently
plan to launch formally the Edward H. Burn Law Tutorial    requires funds to ensure the work may be completed on
Endowment Fund during his centenary year, but we are       time, and to match generous grants from the Hanadiv
happy to begin receiving gifts and pledges now.            and Polonsky Foundations.

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Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford
News in brief

                                                                                                                 Left: The Boat Club
                                                                                                                 recruitment drive
                                                                                                                 at the start of
                                                                                                                 Michaelmas term

        BOAT CLUB

        The Christ Church Boat Club Society thanks all who so           membership gifts of £5-£10 a month are invaluable to the
        generously support the Boat Club. With a combination of         Club as they produce a regular and consistent revenue
        flooded Isis and Covid-19 there has been little rowing to see   stream. In particular, this year, we are seeking donations
        and few chances to support the crews on the towpath, but        to help purchase a new Men’s VIII, which will be called
        your financial assistance is as important and welcome as        ‘Hammers’, after Dr Henry Hammerbeck (2001), who was
        ever. If you rowed when up, and are not already a member        Boat Club Captain in 2003. Henry died in November 2019.
        of the Boat Club Society, please consider joining as the


        Members of the Development team returned to newly-              generous contributions towards the costs of this phase
        refurbished offices in Peck 9 in the summer, marking            of renovation and renewal. Members are also reminded
        the culmination of a multi-million-pound restoration            that it is still not too late to ‘name your room’ with a
        of this unique Grade I listed quad. Facilities for              brass plaque, which includes the year of matriculation.
        undergraduates and tutors who live and work in this             Many rooms are now suitably named, not just in Peck
        space have been fully upgraded whilst the fabric and            but in Tom Quad, the Meadows Building and Blue Boar.
        look of Peckwater has maintained its original grandeur.         Donations of £25,000/US$40,000 (as a single gift or in
        It is a sight to behold. We thank Members for their             instalments) are invited.

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Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford
Christ Church Development Matters

Development                                 American Friends
Board Members                               of Christ Church

Lord Charles Cecil (1967) (Chairman)        Mr Peter S Paine Jr (1957) (President)

Dr Gregor Baer (1980)                       Mr Jonathan Auerbach (1985)
Mr Luke Chappell (1986)                     Ms Caroline Coleman (1986)
Mrs Anna-Maria Clarke (1992)                Dr Paul Lettow (1999)
Mr Christophe Egerton-Warburton (1989)      Mr Peter S Paine III (1985)
Miss Lucy Elwes (1993)                      Mr Greg Sohns (1968)
Mr Alan Gibbs (1971)
Mr Nat Greene (1991)
The Hon. Sir James Leigh-Pemberton (1975)   Thank you to all our American Members and Friends
Mr Martin Lueck (1980)                      who supported the House in 2019/20. The Development
Miss Sarah Mackey (1992)                    and Alumni team really missed coming to visit you in
Mr Charles Mindenhall (1990)                2020, and cannot wait to be able to travel to the other
Mr Nick Nops (1968)                         side of the pond in 2021. Despite the lack of face-to-face
Mr Nick Prest (1971)                        contact, the generosity of the North American Members
Mr William Rathbone (1956)                  continues unabated. Special thanks, of course, go to our
Mr Samuel Robinson (1991)                   Trustees of the American Friends of Christ Church, under
Mr Chris Rocker (1967)                      the leadership of the indefatigable Peter Paine Jnr., and
Mr Jeremy Seigal (1978)                     his unflappable assistant Mrs Cindy Monty.
Mr Philip Wright (1972)           

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Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford
Christ Church Development Matters

        Your continuing support today ensures the best
        possible experience at Christ Church for our
        students tomorrow.
        OPEN DOORS

        We’re proudly elite, but not elitist. Christ Church is      “I received an offer to study English! I genuinely don’t
        committed to seeking out and inspiring talented young       think I would have even applied to Oxford had I not
        people in the pursuit of academic excellence. Our           taken part in Aim for Oxford. Thank you!”
        students feel strongly that their community should be       Aim for Oxford participant, 2020
        full of independent academic minds, which challenge
        them with a diversity of background and opinion. We         “I have gained so much from this valuable experience,
        are proud of our work with under-represented groups.        from learning to think more critically about unknown
        But we want to reach more exceptional potential             subjects to developing study skills that I can apply to my
        through our ambitious outreach activities, and we need      university application – I really appreciate all the effort
        your help.                                                  and help that you and the presenters have given. I’m
                                                                    now much more confident about applying to Oxford to
        We are very thankful for the support of our alumni,         study Medicine, and I’m definitely going to apply and
        who make our access programmes possible. Christ             give it a go.”
        Church Horizons, our programme in North London, has         Christ Church Horizons participant, 2020
        expanded and is now in its fourth year. Last year we
        also launched a sustained contact access programme          Target Oxbridge is a highly successful free programme
        in the North East of England, in collaboration with         which supports talented Black African and Caribbean
        St Anne’s College: Aim for Oxford. Through these            students to make a compelling Oxbridge application.
        programmes we aim to broaden the pupils’ academic           Students have the opportunity to take part in a series
        experience, to enable them to explore beyond the            of critical theory discussions, visits to both universities,
        school curriculum, and to support them in developing        and interview practice and test preparation sessions.
        the skills they will be needing both to make strong         We want to give more promising BAME students this
        university applications, and later, at university. We are   opportunity and open our doors to host them during
        delighted that this year we have two Christ Church offer    their visit to Oxford.
        holders who took part in our access programmes: a
        future Modern Linguist from Horizons and a Psychology       Over 70 Target Oxbridge students have received offers
        and Philosophy offer holder from Aim for Oxford.            from Oxford and Cambridge this year.

          £10      each month           £50        each month        Over   80%        of             Nearly  50%          of
          funds an Academic             funds a promising            Christ Church Horizons           Aim for Oxford 2020
          Workshop in North             BAME student through         2021 participants                participants have
          London through our            the Target Oxbridge          are from BAME                    been eligible for free
          Horizons programme.           programme.                   backgrounds.                     school meals or the
                                                                                                      16-19 bursary.

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Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford

                                                             OPEN BOOKS

                                                             The Library embodies what is special – but also
                                                             financially demanding – about Christ Church. It holds
                                                             a wealth of precious knowledge, providing books,
                                                             journals and reports for our students and academics. In
                                                             addition, our ambitions for increased accessibility mean
                                                             a continuous process of digitising our rare collections,
                                                             making all that wisdom more
                                                             available to scholars, and
                                                                                                            The Library’s
                                                             helping to conserve
                                                                                              collection of over 100,000
OPEN MINDS                                                   our treasures
                                                                                       early printed books is, after the
                                                             for the                     Bodleian, the finest in Oxford.
We believe that the tutorial is the best way to challenge,   future.                       And it is well-used, with over
stimulate and educate our students. The traditional
tutoring of Oxford undergraduates has been put at
risk by the recent decline in government funding. We
                                                                                    20,000 loans
                                                                                                       to Christ Church

are determined to preserve this method of teaching
                                                                                           undergraduates each year.
for future generations of talented undergraduates.                        each month
We also need to invest in the development of the              will allow us to digitise
next generation of academics and their ground-                60 pages of manuscript
breaking research.                                            from our priceless
                                                              collections.                               By committing
You can help ensure this uniquely intensive                                                      to a regular monthly
and challenging approach to learning                                                              gift, you will help to
continues to change lives.                                                                      make a real difference
                                                                                                         straight away.
“It is difficult to imagine a better way
                                                                                             As a member of TOM, our
of learning than the tutorial, which
                                                                                        regular giving society, you will:
permits clear, personalised and direct
explanation from a leader in the                                                           l Be invited to an exclusive
field. Whilst at Christ Church, I did not                                                                        event.
appreciate the impact that being able
                                                                                                l Receive a uniquely
to debate not just with my peers but
                                                                                             commissioned pin badge
also with my superiors would have on
                                                                                                  to wear with pride.
my professional life. It is a remarkable
gift to start one’s career with the                                                        l Receive regular updates
confidence gained from the tutorial                                                       on the impact you’re having
system.”                                                                                           on the Christ Church
Jennifer Jones, (1998, Law)                                                                          students of today
                                                                                                        and tomorrow.

  £9,250 are the current
  fees for UK students.                     each month
  This is                        funds a term’s tutorials
  less than                      for one of our students.
                                                                                                       Join TOM now at
  of what it costs us to
  educate each student.

                                                                                               Development Matters          |   9
Chris Church - Christ Church, Oxford
Christ Church Development Matters

         Donors to the House August 2019 – July 2020
         We are particularly grateful to all donors to the House over the last year, for their gifts and for helping make a
         difference. Although great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this list, please accept our apologies
         if any error has occurred. Please notify the Development Office so that we can amend our records.

         Names in red                      1951                             Anonymous                 Mr Mike Robinson
         Board of Benefactors Member       Mr John Grundon                                            Mr David Simpson
         Names in bold and red             Mr David Leighton                1957                      Mr David Tate
         Board of Benefactors Member       Mr Nicholas Woolley              Mr Robin Birch            Mr Theo Wallace
         and 10 years or more of                                            Sir Michael Buckley
         consecutive giving                1952                             Mr Ralph Carver †         1960
         Names in bold and black           Mr Reggie Norton                 Mr John Foad              Mr Mitchell Gitin
         10 years or more of consecutive   Mr David Prebble †               Mr Hugh Grainger          Mr Michael Green
         giving                            Mr Henry White-Smith             Mr David Grant            Mr Roger Hardiman
                                                                            Mr Richard Grey           Dr Patrick Henry
         † – deceased
                                           1953                             The Revd Adrian Leak      Mr Nicolas Jacobs
                                           Mr Ian Cairns                    Professor Peter Mudford   Mr Peter Morley
         ALUMNI                            Mr Anthony de Groot              Mr John Overstall         Mr David Morrison
                                           Mr Greville Havenhand            Mr Peter Paine            Mr Robin Paul
         1938                              Mr David Nelson                  Mr Hector Pilkington      Mr Stephen Russon
         Dr Herbert Burchnall †            Mr Derek Pappin †                His Honour David Pitman   Mr Anthony Scholefield
         Mr Philip Cox †                   Mr Michael Parker                Mr Tom Rees               Mr Philip Stephens
                                           Mr Michael Perceval              Mr Robin Whicker          Mr David Till
         1939                              Mr Gerald Reading                Anonymous (2)             Mr Patrick Tobin †
         Dr Tom Madden                     Mr John Richer                                             Mr Mark Todd
                                                                            1958                      Professor David Westbury
         1941                              1954                             Sir John Aird             Dr Oliver Wethered
         Mr John Croft                     The Right Revd Dr Fitz Allison   Mr Simon Barrow           Mr Brian Winborn
         Mr Dennis Faulkner †              Mr Mano Kampouris                Mr Michael Beaumont
                                           Professor Peter Parsons          Mr David Bell             1961
         1943                              Mr Alec Shepperson               Mr Spencer Brooke         Mr Mark Baker
         Mr Norman Smith                   Mr Hugh Stanley                  Mr David Crowe            Dr Jaroslav Dedek
                                           Mr Anthonie Stilgoe              Mr Martin Dewhirst        Mr Wilfred Ekins-Daukes
         1945                              The Revd Dr Richard Sturch       The Revd David Duke       Mr Frederick Hulton
         Lieutenant-Colonel Charles        The Revd Mr Graeme Watson †      Mr Richard Everest †      Mr Chris Knights
            Crossland                      Mr John Wing                     Dr Robin Finlay           Colonel Paul Miles
                                                                            Mr Roger Gibbs            Mr Ian Plenderleith
         1946                              1955                             Mr Giles Havergal         Mr Robert Ronus
         Mr George Cawkwell †              The Revd Gerry Angel             Mr Christopher Kenyon     Mr Anthony Saunders
                                           Mr Duncan Kerr                   Mr Mike Laschet           Mr Mark Stephens
         1947                              The Revd Bill Norgren            Mr Stephen May            Anonymous
         Professor Basil                   The Hon. Mr Tony Quainton        Mr John McCleary
           Anagnostopoulos                 Dr Dermot Roaf                   Mr George Probyn          1962
         Anonymous                         Mr Brian Robinson                Mr David Rogers           Mr Robert Bottone
                                           Sir David Scholey                Mr Brian Ross             Professor Jonathan Connor
         1949                              Mr Philip Wetton                 Mr Tony Schur             Mr Barrie Crook
         Sir Antony Acland                 Anonymous (2)                    Mr Antony Southorn        Dr Ashley Davies
         Dr John Hawgood                                                    Mr Richard Speight †      Mr Henry Felce
         Mr George Munroe †                1956                             Mr Nick Spurrier †        Mr Ian Fisher
         Mr Ian Pearce †                   Mr Parvez Engineer               Mr Tim Unmack †           Mr Barrie Gardner
         Anonymous (2)                     Dr David Handscomb               Dr Peter Vaughan          Mr Michael Legge
                                           Mr David Hawgood                 Anonymous (2)             Mr Martin Light
         1950                              Mr Garth Haythornthwaite                                   Dr Adrian Mears
         Mr Bob Plumptre                   Mr Michael Hill                  1959                      Mr Peter Phillips
         Mr Terence Tookey †               Mr Michael Latham                Mr John Barlow            Mr Barney Powell
         Colonel The Hon. Peter            Mr James McMenemey               Mr Christopher Groome     Mr Mike Ratcliffe
           Trustram Eve                    The Hon. Tarquin Olivier         Mr Julian Hale            Mr Chris Sprague
         Mr Bernard Williams               Mr Bill Rathbone                 Mr Jeremy Hill            Mr David Stafford
         Mr Brian Wilson                   His Honour Judge David           Dr Michael Honeybone      Mr Simon Watson
                                             Webster                        Mr Anthony Loukes         Mr Gilbert Woods

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Donors to the House

Mr Hugh Wright              Dr Paul Spencer-Longhurst       The Revd Paul Shaw            Mr Martin Bryant
Anonymous (2)               Mr Phil Unitt                   Mr Nick Tanton                Sir Stephen Bubb
                            Mr Clive Whitcher               Mr Mike Townsend              His Grace the Duke of
1963                        Mr Lindsay Wilcox               Mr George Warr                   Buccleuch
Mr Jon Bowles               Anonymous (2)                   The Revd Canon Patrick        Dr Gwyn Davies
Mr Hugh Drake                                                 Whitworth                   Mr Tom Dowie
Mr Alistair Durie           1967                            Mr Andrew Williams            Dr John Dugdale
Sir David Durie             Mr Graham Allatt                Mr Norman Winter              Sir William Fittall
Sir Robert Ffolkes          Mr Graham Billing               Anonymous (3)                 Mr Simon Foster
Mr David Lumb               Professor Peter Burney                                        His Honour Judge Michael
Dr Ian Maddison             Lord Charles Cecil              1970                             Gledhill
Mr Christopher Marriott     Mr Robin Edwards                Revd Dr Victor Barley         Mr David Griffiths
Mr Colin Nichols            Mr Lionel Godfrey               Mr James Benn                 Mr Stephen Maude
Mr John Watherston          Mr Gerry Halls                  Mr Keith Bolshaw              Mr Arundel McDougall
Anonymous                   Mr Roger Hendry                 Mr John Card                  Mr Patrick Murray
                            Mr Paul Hill                    Dr Andrew Carter FREng        Dr Peter Rae
1964                        Mr Richard Horsley              Mr Henry Cleary               Mr Ian Richardson
Mr Paul Butler              Mr Simon Kusseff                Dr John Cooper                Mr Philip Rotheram
Mr Robert Coleman           Mr Paul Midgley                 Mr Alan Crawshaw              Dr Timothy Schroder
Dr Tim Connery              Mr Malcolm Phelps               Mr Martin Dixon               Mr James Shillingford
Dr Peter Daniel             Dr Pat Ridley                   Mr David Gidney               Mr George Wilkinson
Mr John Fletcher            Mr Mark Rowlinson               His Honour Judge Michael      Anonymous
Mr Clive Heath              Dr Neil Sanders                    Harington
Mr Max Hunt                 Mr Peter Spiller                Dr Anthony Harker             1973
Mr Garry Jones              The Revd Mr Christopher         Mr Mike Harris                Mr Andrew Baird
Mr Julian Norridge            Turner                        Mr Michael James              Professor John Brookfield
Dr David Rampton            Anonymous (3)                   Mr Peregrine Lavington        Mr Roger Cottam
Mr Christopher Sloan                                        Mr Hugh Ouston                Mr Mark Crean
Mr John Stewart             1968                            Sir Charles Ponsonby          Mr Ian Fleming
Dr Clive Vinall             Professor John Dart             Mr Nigel Riches               Mr David Gregory
Dr Julian West              Mr Edmund Doubleday             Mr Gwyn Roberts               Mr Nick Longford
Mr Robert Wilson            Mr Steve Furness                Mr Timothy Saunders           Mr Tim Lupfer
Professor Maitland Wright   Mr Brian Hopkins                Mr Richard Slocock            Sir Michael Moritz
Mr Peter Yoxall             Professor Robert Kenward        Mr Noy Trounson               Mr Christopher Prentice
Anonymous                   Mr David Lilley                 Mr Dick Warner                Mr Stephen Slack
                            Mr Roger McGarva                Anonymous                     Mr Phillip Sykes
1965                        Mr Nick Nops                                                  Mr Peter Toeman
Mr Sebastian Birch          Mr Geoff Pickering              1971                          Mr Nick Walker
Mr Ivor Blight              Mr Nicholas Pitts-Tucker        Dr John Addison               Anonymous (2)
Mr Kieran Fogarty           Dr Simon Walker                 Dr Mike Adey
Dr Ewan Fraser              Anonymous                       Mr John Beechey               1974
Mr George Hibberd                                           Mr Christopher Claxton        The Revd Colin Alsbury
Mr Richard Hubbard          1969                               Stevens                    Mr Michael Balladon
Mr Tristram Jones-Parry     Mr Mike Bell                    Mr Quentin Edwards            Dr Anthony Barton
Dr Tony Law                 Mr Derek Bodey                  The Revd Matthew Hutton       Mr Mike Bignell
Mr Paul Majendie            Mr Jim Cooper                   Mr Peter Kincaid              Mr Simon Birkett
Mr Paul Morgan              Mr Mark Eastman                 Dr Ian Kirkbride              Mr John Brisby
Dr Simon Parsons            Mr Bryce Hamblin                Mr Alan Marsh                 Mr Stephen Chater
Mr John Raymond             The Right Hon. The Earl Howe    Mr Luke Mayhew                Mr Nigel Cox
Dr Christopher Sketchley    Mr Tony Lord                    Sir Andrew Moylan             Mr Bob Crowe
Dr David Southern           Mr Colin Maltby                 Mr Anthony Pakenham           Mr Colin Edwards
Anonymous                   Ambassador Robert               Mr Antony Peattie             Dr Savas Hadjipavlou
                              McCallum                      Mr Malcolm Pheasey            Mr Simon Jeynes
1966                        The Hon. Peregrine Moncreiffe   Prebendary Dr Paul Richards   Mr Steven Joseph
Dr Stephen Bartlett         Mr Nicholas O’Brien             Mr Peter Shotter              Commander Ed Linz
Mr Maurice Bonham-Carter    Mr Kevin O’Neill                Mr Jack Steinmeyer            Mr David Parker
Mr Tim Cawkwell             Dr Andrew Paterson              Mr Ian Summers                Mr Andrew Penny
Mr Rob Collins              The Right Hon. Lord Justice     Dr Andrew Wyatt               Mr Nigel Reid
Dr James Corbett              Nicholas Patten               Anonymous                     Mr John Schlesinger
Mr Stuart Fowler            Mr Roger Pemberton                                            Mr David Shasha
Mr Brian Grumbridge         Mr Steve Pfeiffer               1972                          Anonymous
Dr Tom Izod                 Mr Michael Rosner               Professor John Barnden
Mr Mark Richardson          Mr Ian Ross                     Mr Keith Bruce-Smith
Dr Simon Rothon                                             Mr David Brunnen

                                                                                             Development Matters      |   11
Christ Church Development Matters

         1975                            Dr William Wagner            The Hon. Mrs Ariadne         1986
         Mr Ken Brown                    Dr Adam Widdison               Calvo-Platero              Professor Richard Barker
         Mr John Davies                  Mr Neil Wilson               Miss Helen Dorey             Mr Simon Bell
         Mr Fred Fearn                                                Mr Ted Johnson               Mr Paul Chesson
         Mr Paul Gosling                 1979                         Professor Andrew Martin      Mr Charles Doyle
         Mr Nick Hanbury-Williams        Mr David Ballance            Mr Matthew Maxwell           Miss Catherine Draycott †
         Mr Nicholas Heath               Professor George Carras      Mr William Pattisson         Dr Neil Henson
         Dr Philip Meats                 Dr Simon Corcoran                                         Mr Timothy Holliday
         Mr Jonathan Sims                Professor Michael Dobson     1983                         Mr Kevin Jacobs
                                         Mr Charles Ewald             Mr Tim Adams                 Mr Simon Offen
         1976                            Mr Benedict Foster           The Hon. Ms Kate Bingham     Mr Andrew Osborne
         Mr Christopher Ainsley †        Dr Malcolm Hallam            Mrs Charmaine Damley-Jones   Professor Tony Rahman
         Dr Patrick Craig-McFeely        Mr Alastair Mathewson        Ms Claudia Daventry          Miss Joanna Smith
         Sir Robbie Dunbar               Dr Alastair Norcross         Mr Chris Forman              Mr Philip Stephenson
         Mr Giles Frampton               The Right Revd Bishop        Dr Andrew Green              Mrs Sarah Stephenson
         Professor Paul Giles              Humphrey Southern          Mr Stephen Jones             Mrs Claire Watts
         Mr Keith Hiscock                Mr Nicholas Wilks            Mr Andrew Mead
         Mr Martin How                   Mr Tim Wise                  Professor Bill Philpott      1987
         Mr Alexander Lyle               Mr Paul Woodmansterne        Mr David Pierce Jones        Mr Oliver Brettle
         Dr Lawrence Markert             Anonymous                    Professor James Spicer       Dr Karen Brown
         Professor Robin Morris                                                                    Mr Alastair Burlingham
         Mr Mike Rundell                 1980                         1984                         Mrs Christine Callaghan
         Mr Giles Vicat                  Dr Gregor Baer               Mr Simon Allison             Dr Mobin Chowdhury
         Mr William Wells                Mrs Tania Brisby             Miss Emily Bell              Mr Adam English
         Anonymous (2)                   Mr Mike Crow                 Mr Michael Bender            Mr Jonathan Finn
                                         Mr Job Curtis                Dr Simon Bradley             Mr Neil Glenn
         1977                            Mrs Susan Duraikan           Mrs Claire Clackson          Mr Marc Harvey
         Dr Neil Bryson                  Mr David Jackson             Mrs Katherine Clarke         Dr Henrietta Hughes
         Mr David Cater                  Professor Roger Jones        Mr Richard Clarke            Mr David Lipson
         Mr Giles Denham                 Mr Martin Lueck              Mr Ralph Cox                 Mr Jonny Searle
         Mr Michael Firth                Mr Tom McCabe                Dr Anthony Cruikshank        Mr Ben Spiers
         Mr Robert Galloway              Ms Kate Paul                 Miss Pollyanna Deane         Dame Emma Walmsley
         Mr Lyndon Jones                 Dr Harry Schneider           Dr Daniel Douek              Anonymous (3)
         Dr Amyn Kanji                   Anonymous                    Dr Sos Eltis
         Prebendary Dr John May                                       Mrs Katie Ernest             1988
         Mr Richard Moore                1981                         Miss Gillian Hague           Ms Jane Adams
         Mr Simon Porter                 Ms Sacha Baveystock          Mrs Lucy Haskins             Mr James Bourne
         Mr Robert Satchwell             Mr Peter Buchanan            Professor Seamus Ross        Mr Greg Calladine-Smith
         Mr Ed Sharp                     Mr Paul Castle               Mr Michael Smith             Mrs Sophie Collis
         Mr Simon Tytherleigh            Mr Michael Cutbill           Mrs Anne Stanford            Dr Susan Crennell
         Mr Xavier Villers               Mr Dan Gardner               Mr Simon Stirling            Mrs Anna-Silvia Dooley
         Mr Nigel Watson                 Mr Paddy Gibbs               Mrs Carolyn Watkins          Mr Marcus Drake
         Mr Andrew Webster               Mr Jonathan Gollins          Anonymous (2)                Dr Hugh Goodfellow
         Anonymous                       Mr Richard Gough                                          Mr Robin Mandell
                                         Mr David Joyner              1985                         Mr Sean Paterson
         1978                            The Right Hon. The Earl of   Mr Jonathan Auerbach         Mr Alexis Roberts
         The Hon. Philip Astor             Kinnoull                   Mr Benjamin Duke             Mr Darren Seymour-Russell
         Mr John Badcock                 Mr Richard Moat              Mrs Laura Evans              Dr Sophia Stos-Gale
         Mr Paul Baker                   Mrs Karen Morgan             Professor David Hine         Anonymous
         Mr Michael Bernard              Mr Mark Morgan               Dr Fiona Hollands
         Mr Mark Bradley                 Mr Tony Puri                 Dr Shirley Hopper            1989
         Dr Mark Curthoys                Mr Marcus Scriven            Mr Stephen Hopper            Mr Rob Alexander
         Mr Hugh Ferrand                 Mrs Jenny Shearan            Mr Richard Madden            Mr Ben Badcock
         Mr Mike Housden                 Mr Neil Sherlock             Mrs Alison Merrington        Mr Thomas Battersby
         Mr Preston Hutchings            Dr Sian Turner               Mr Mark Merrington           Mrs Alexandra Bould
         Mr Peter Huxford                Mr Charles Tyler             Mr Richard Murkin            Mr John Burnand
         Mr Peter Isard                  Mrs Bella Woodmansterne      Mr Peter Paine               Mr Gerry Cardinale
         Dr Graz Luzzi                   Anonymous                    Dr Sue Parker                Mrs Nikki Crowther
         The Revd Bob Marsden                                         Mr Aidan Phillipson          Ms Jennifer Davis Michael
         Mr Douglas Morrison †           1982                         Mr Mark Scott                Mr Nicholas Dibley †
         Mr Geoffrey Picton-Turbervill   Mrs Ruth Barker              Major General James Swift    Mrs Kathleen Favell
         Mr Charles Rumbold              Mr Simon Bennett             Mr Christopher Worthy        Mrs Amanda Flood
         Mr Jeremy Seigal                Mr Simon Bonsor              Anonymous                    Dr Judith Fox
         The Hon Sir William Trower                                                                Miss Keta Hansen †

12   |   Development Matters
Donors to the House

Mr Alex Harrison            Lieutenant-Colonel Alex        Mr Simon Hood                  Mr Edward Selby
Lord Alexander Hope            Hawley                      Mr Derwin Jenkinson            Dr Kathryn Staley
Mr Sheldon Hutchinson       Mr John Heesom                 Mrs Susie Macpherson           Mr Thomas Stockman
Mr James Innes-Mulraine     Mr Henrik Kraft                Miss Leona Powell              Miss Heloise Sweeting
Mr Tristan Keen             Mr Ivan Levene                 Mr Timothy Sarson              Mr Alasdair Thomas
Mrs Sue Moore               Mrs Clare Litt                 Mrs Victoria Simkins           Anonymous
Mrs Kate Naylor             Mr Jon Ma                      Mr Christopher Tolman
Mrs Isobel O’Shaughnessy    Miss Sarah Mackey              Mr Tim Wells                   1999
Mr Kevin Street             Mr Antony Moss                 Mr Andy Whitehouse             Dr Riaz Ahmad
Mr Justin Warshaw           Mrs Becky Quintavalle          Mr Darren Windust              Mrs Annette Andresen
                            Miss Clare Rhodes              Anonymous (5)                  Dr Euan Ashley
1990                        Dr Alex Roberts                                               Mr Tom Domanski
Mr Nicholas Ansdell-Evans   Dr Alice Staveley              1996                           Mr Ben Fasham
Dr Darren Banfield          Anonymous (3)                  Mr Dominic Byrne               Mrs Helen Fasham
The Revd Brian Blackshaw                                   Dr Mark de Rond                Mrs Claire Filtness
Mr Adrian Boehler           1993                           Mrs Bekah Diprose              Mr Tom Gentleman
Mr Leon Bovett              Dr Kirsten Ainley              Mrs Ciaran Foulkes             Mr Jonathon Green
Dr James Bowman             Ms Claire Broderick            Dr Catherine Fursman           Dr Chris Jones
Ms Elizabeth Chick          Mr Richard Coates              Mr David Goode                 Mr Jack Kirkland
Professor Lyndon da Cruz    Miss Lucy Elwes                Mr Robert Hewitt               Mr Joe Lau
Mr David Farmer             Dr James FitzGerald            Miss Aideen Lee                Dr Paul Lettow
Miss Isabel France          Mrs Hilary Fitzgerald          Dr Laura Mace                  Mr Rizwan Mirza
Mr Patrick Keatinge         Mr Paul Harris                 Miss Martha McQuay             Mr Michael O’Neill
Mr Vijay Mayadas            Mr Dan Houser                  Dr Andrew Murray               Mr Adam Page
Mr Charles Mindenhall       The Revd Christopher Jenkins   Mrs Jane Park-Weir             Mr Will Pank
Mr Aidan O’Byrne            Dr Jeeve Kanagalingam          Mr Anthony Slessor
Mr Claude Piening           Dr Jo McPartland               Mr James Smith                 2000
Miss Catherine Rhodes       Miss Sarah Nichols             Anonymous (3)                  Miss Susan Braun
Mr James Sanderson          Miss Kelly Page                                               Mr Samuel Brooks
Mr Myles Stephenson         Mr Costas Peristianis          1997                           Miss Christina Burr
Miss Maria-Cristina White   Mrs Gabi Stein                 Miss Laura Abbotts             Mr John Butters
Anonymous (4)               Miss Nicola Talbot Hadley      Dr Petros Carvounis            Mr Edward Clive
                            Anonymous (2)                  Dr William Garrood             Miss Vicky Dare
1991                                                       Mr Philip Gilbertson           Mr James Duffy
Dr Colin Adams              1994                           Mr Will Goodhand               Miss Xenia Iwaszko
Ms Katie Boysen             Mr Indy Bhattacharyya          Mrs Rosalind Ingrams           Miss Chloe Lloyd-Lindholm
Mr Neil Bradford            Mr Toby Flaxman                Miss Catriona Laing            Mr Mark Lynagh
Dr James Chapman            Miss Rachel Graves             Mrs Catherine Latsis           Miss Joanna Mastoras
Mr Jamie Clarke             Miss Sonia Hartwell            Professor Henry Mayr-Harting   Mr Joseph McAuley
Dr Philip Cowdall           Ms Martha Hillier              Mr Anthony Partington          Mr Sean Murray
Mr Michael Glenn            Mr Laurie Horwood              Dr Clare Pervez                Mrs Lynne O’Neill
Mr Jonathan Hall            Miss Charis Jackson            Ms Weatherly Ralph Emans       Mrs Lauren Roberts
Mr Richard Hogan            Mr Adam Koller                 Lieutenant-Colonel Nicola      Dr Kerry Schofield
Mrs Sarah Hordern           Miss Helen Lamb                   Roberts                     Dr Helena Sykes
Professor Joshua Katz       Mr Thomas Litt                 Miss Kate Spencer Ellis        Mr Julian Walker
Mr Dominic Mathon           Miss Natalie Sandercock        Mr Matthew Swann
The Revd Alexander          Mrs Dominique Wells            Mr Kristian Triggle            2001
  McGregor                  Mrs Jane Williams              Mr Robert Wood                 Mr James Blythe
Miss Zuleika Melluish       Mr Matthew Williams            Anonymous                      Dr Joanna Bullivant
Dr Rupert Parson            Anonymous (3)                                                 Mrs Sally Burrowes
Miss Tamzin Pfanner                                        1998                           Mr Jeffrey Ehmsen
Miss Helen Pike             1995                           Miss Jan Atkinson              Mr Paul Grayson
Mr Robert Stokell           Professor Roger Bagnall        Mr Han Choi                    Mr Matt Gromada
Professor Katharina Volk    Mr Giles Bedloe                Mr Timothy Filtness            Mr Pete Joubert
Dr De Quan Wu               Dr Martin Beer                 Mrs Holly Goodall              Mr Henry Mance
Anonymous                   Mr David Carmalt               Dr Scott Goodall               Mr Brandon Miller
                            Mrs Phoebe Clay                Mr Mike Holt                   Dr Frank Mussai
1992                        Mr Richard Clay                Dr Katherine Jaques            Ms Tamara Oppenheimer
Mr Robert Bielby            Dr Atlanta Cook                Mr Leslie Maloney              Miss Isabella Piasecka
Dr Jo Braithwaite           Mr James Dunstan               Mr David Murray                Mr Harry Powell
Dr Jonathan Carr-West       Mr Tarquin Edwards             Miss Aline Nassif              Mr Matthew Tsang
Mrs Anna Maria Clarke       Mr Robert Farmer               Dr David Parfitt               Mr Scott Turnbull
Dr Jonathan Diprose         Dr Alexander Foulkes           Dr Michala Pedersen
Mr Oliver Griffiths         Mrs Ursula Hart                Mr Martin Rumsey

                                                                                            Development Matters       |   13
Christ Church Development Matters

         2002                         Father David Howell          Mr James Edis                Mr Frazer MacDiarmid
         Mr Charlie Barrow            Mr Alexander Kinloch         Mr Luke Faulkner             Miss Simisola Oyesanya
         Dr Alexander Brearley        Mr Andrew Macintosh          Mr Marcus Garvey             Mr Chris Phillips
         Mr Stephen Bullivant         Mr Julian Naden Robinson     Captain Peter Gornall        Mr Kailash Ramlaul
         Mr Jonathan Edwards          Dr Karen Park                Mr Jamie Gray                Mr Emrys Rosser
         Mr Richard Jenner            Mr Alex Radu                 Ms Amy Hellman               Mr Luke Sperry
         Dr Sarah Kostiuk             Ms Berenika Schmitz          Mr Nicholas Hyett            Mr Will Vaudry
         Dr Edward Littleton          Dr Alex Thompson             Miss Saskia Ilsen Nunn       Mr Tom Waterhouse
         Dr Jacob Mackey                                           Mr Joseph Mason
         Mr Lenny Martin              2006                         Mr Sean Stevens              2014
         Mr Chris Meier               Mrs Liz Bradley              Dr Thomas Tam                Mr Shane Finn
         Mr Marc Shrimpling           Dr Boris Chrubasik           Mrs Chloe Whitelaw           Mr Sebastian Hyams
         Mr Jens Wagner               Mr Peter Davison-Reiber      Mr Thomas Whitelaw           Mr Benedict Murphy
         Miss Clare Wheeler           Dr Elizabeth Ferguson        Mr Cameron Winklevoss        Mr Jack Schofield
                                      Mr Thomas Grant              Mr Tyler Winklevoss          Miss Stella Schuck
         2003                         Miss Isla Kennedy            Anonymous                    Mr Jonathan Tobey Gorrino
         Ms Eloise Aston              Mr Johan Kjellgren                                        Mr Benji Woolf
         Mr Mark Dawson               Father Richard Norman        2010
         Miss Jemma Dick              Mr Christopher Perfect       Dr Yunlin Cheng              2015
         Mr Andrew Dunkley            Mr Matthew Podger            Dr Ashley Clift              Miss Daisy Gibson
         Mr Stephen Hamer             Mr Daniel Sharpe             Mr Finn Dattenberg-Doyle     Mr Andreas Glinz
         Mr Jed Hellstrom             Mr Jonathan Snow             Mr Alexander Denev           Miss Sophie Lapworth
         Miss Charlotte Holman        Miss Annabel Walker          Mr Oliver Gleeson            Mr Brunon Ligas-Rucinski
         Dr Anthony House             Dr Chongrui Zhou             Dr Narin Hengrung            Miss Eleanor Spencer
         Mr Andrew Hutton                                          Mr George Huntley            Miss Ciara Ward
         Dr Jennie Hutton             2007                         Mr Patrick McIvor            Miss Ruohan Zhang
         Miss Selina Jones            Mr Kamran Adle               Mr Thomas Potter
         Mr Thomas Lawrence           Dr Simon Desbruslais         Miss Tharshi Singam          2016
         Miss Charlotte Michailidis   Professor Sarah Foot         Miss Kat Wheatcroft          Mr Omar Abdelnasser
         Mr Jamie Morton              Dr Dennis Konadu                                          Miss Reem Ahmed
         Dr Steffen Petersen          Mr Christopher Marlow        2011                         Mr Benedict Aldous
         Mr James Quinby              Mr Andrew Pearson            Mr Tunji Adeniyi-Jones       Ms Genevieve Athis McAlea
         Mr Charlie Thorogood         Dr William Peveler           Mr Matthias Beestermoeller   Miss Gwenyth Audran
         Mr Doug Turnbull             Mr Ted Truscott              Dr Paul Bilokon              Mr William Brettle
         Mr Xingang Wang              Mr Will Wells                Mr Charles Bridge            Mr John Broadbent
         Mr Richard Wheeler                                        Mr Charlie Bryant            Mr Richard Calver
         Anonymous                    2008                         Miss Fiona Bushell           Mr Oliver Cook
                                      Mr Rob Andrews               Dr Tom Clucas                Mr Nick Elkington
         2004                         Mr Thomas Bennett            Miss Zoe Cooper Sutton       Miss Maddie Farrell
         Ms Barbara Christiansen      Dr Emily Cornish             Mr Rupert Cunningham         Miss Catherine Fellows
         Mr Chris Cole                Mr Patrick Dunn-Walsh        Mr Tom Gibbs                 Miss Patricia Fernandes Lulia
         Mr James Earle               Ms Edie Greaves              Mr Nik Hazell                  Jacob
         Dr Graham Griffiths          Sub-lieutenant Thomas Hine   Miss Thalia Ilsen Nunn       Mr Antonio Ferrer Harding
         Miss Flora Herries           Mr David Lee                 Dr Luke Parker               Mr Zachary Fine
         Professor Marilyn McCord     Ms Agnes Li                  Mr Ely Sandler               Miss Francesca FitzGerald
           Adams †                    Mr Tom McDonnell             Mr Christopher Smith         Miss Martha Ford
         The Lord Dunmurry            Mr Tom Montgomery            Mr Max Turner                Miss Madeleine Francis
         Mr Thomas Milner             Mr Jack Murphy                                            Mr Oliver Gardiner
         Mr Christopher Noon          Miss Catriona O’Grady        2012                         Mr Razvan Gheorghe
         Mr Harry Norton              Mr Oliver Saloway            Mr Jack Chapman              Mr Jacob Grant
         Mr David Pallot              Ms Poppy Simister            Mr Edward He                 Mr Charles Guthrie
         Mrs Sarah Price              Mr James Smithdale           Dr Mike Mason                Mr Charles Howard
         Mr Cameron Turner            Dr Christian Strothotte      Mr James McCormick           Miss Nicole Jacobus
         Dr Thomas Whitfield          Mr Matthew Swan              Miss Louise Revell           Miss Sonia Kalcina
         Mr James Wise                Ms Alexandra Walvis          Ms Kirsty Souter             Mr Peter Kerr
         Anonymous (2)                Mr Jacob Ward                Mr Bill Stepniak             Ms Antonia Kerrigan
                                      Miss Alice Yin               Mr Ben Thorpe                Miss Lucia Lamoury
         2005                                                      Dr Antti Vauhkonen           Mr Eugene Lin
         Mr Thomas Cassidy            2009                                                      Mr Daniel Livadas
         Mr Johann Du Toit            Dr John Paul Barjaktarevic   2013                         Mr Lawrence Mayne
         Dr Matthew Fittall           Mr George Bishop             Mr Thomas Clode              Miss Pat Metcalfe-Jones
         Mr James Geer                Mr Dan Callaghan             Mr Kes Daood                 Mr Christopher Morris
         Mr Nick Haines               Miss Katie Carver            Mr Andrew Eve                Mr Tuppy Morrissey
         Mrs Amanda Hamer             Mr Luke Charleton            Miss Bryony Harris           Mr Benjamin Ng

14   |    Development Matters
Donors to the House

Miss Nell Norman              Mr James Mulvey       FAMILY AND FRIENDS            ORGANISATIONS
Mr Gaurav Pagedar             Miss Nadja Mundi
Mr Sam Parry                  Miss Ena Naito        Dr Kent Adamson               Ampleforth Abbey Trust
Miss Flora Pery-Knox-Gore     Miss Tegan O’Hara     Mr Hossein Adle               Boquet Foundation
Mr Tommy Pullan               Mr Chris O’Leary      Mr Anduaga Bocanegra          British Schools and Universities
Mr JJ Sermon                  Mr Nicholas Phipps    Mr Peter Bennett-Jones           Foundation
Miss Sophie Shakespeare       Mr Joshua Portway     Professor Michael Bentley     Doris Field Charitable Trust
Mr Nicholas Stone             Mr Prakrit Prasad     Professor Thomas Bisson       Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr Elliot Sutcliffe           Mr Wesley Quadros     Mrs Emily Brettle             Fourlin Memorial Foundation
Mr David Tipping              Miss Becky Rogers     Mr Chiappa                    Martin Smith Foundation
Mr Eloy Torres Ramon          Miss Rebecca Rogers   The Most Hon. the Marquess    Mr & Mrs JA Pye’s Charitable
Miss Jessica Wang             Miss Iona Rowan          of Cholmondeley               Settlement
Mr Jack Watson                Mr Geshan Rugjee      Mr Mark Coote                 Samos Investments
Miss Isabelle Winstanley      Miss Sarah Siddique   Viscount Cranborne            Savills
Miss Viktoria Winzer          Miss Arunima Sircar   Ms Dubock                     The Eagle Bookshop
Mr Aiden Yoo                  Miss Zofia Tanaka     Mrs Liesl Elder               The Federal Trust
Mr Nathan Zhang               Miss Ella Thomas      Eldridge                      The Gardens Trust
                              Miss Ella Tournes     Ms Danielle Galli             The H R Creswick Charitable
2017                          Mr Frank Vitale IV    The Venerable Martin Gorick      Trust
Miss Emily Adams              Ms Georgia Watson     Mr Phil Griffin               The Joan Pitts-Tucker Family
Miss Abigail Allan            Miss Jess Webster     Mr J Samuel Hammond              Trust
Mr Patrick Barton             Miss Rosie Wright     Miss Sarah Hope               The Polonsky Foundation
Mr Henry Beagles              Mr Alex Wythe         Sir Edward Hulse              The Rothschild Foundation
Mr Matthew Benson             Ms Ziyuan Zhang       Mr Jennings                      (Hanadiv)
Miss Honor Brocklebank-                             Mr Marek Kwiatkowski          The VEC Acorn Charitable
  Fowler                      2019                  The Very Revd Dean               Trust
Mr Nick Budd                  Mlle Esther Fhal         Christopher Lewis          The Wakefield Trust
Miss Joori Byun                                     Dean Ian Markham              UBS
Miss Megan Chester                                  Mr Stephen Matthews           Virginia Theological Seminary
Miss Klaudia Chmielowska                            Mrs Abigail Morrison          Viscount Classical Organs Ltd
Mr Jamie Collings                                   Mrs Elinor Munroe †           William A Cadbury Trust
Miss Florrie Crass                                  Mr Brian Newey
Miss Meredith Davis                                 Ms Palla
Mr Michael Dolan                                    Sir William Purves
Miss Hero Douglas                                   Mrs Sarah Richter
Mr Louis Dupuy d’angeac                             Dr Peter Riola
Miss Mehr Farhan                                    Mr James Rogers Jr.
Miss Tilly Fawcett                                  Mrs Ann Ronus
Ms Jun Ge                                           Major Scott-Hughes
Mr Scott Giles                                      Miss Sholdon-Williams
Miss Jessie Goetzinger-Hall                         Miss Thomson
Mr Alan Grad                                        Mrs Penelope Tookey
Ms Matilda Hadcock                                  Dr Trudy Watt
Miss Luca Hargitai                                  Mrs Roswitha Wetton
Miss Annie Higgo                                    Professor Stephen Wilson
Miss Lucy Hurford
Mr Alex Illsley
Mr Angus Irving
Mr Lucas Jones
Mr Orlando Jones
Mr Saad Khan
Mr Charlie Lovell-Jones
Mr Chris Lunnon
Miss Milly Lynch
Mr James Marshall
Mr Philippe Mastroyannis
Miss Irene Mathias
Mr James Matthews
Miss Maggie Maxim
Mr Joseph McGrath Williams
Miss Poppy Menzies Walker
Miss Aoife Miralles
Mr Tom Moody
Mr Domingo Morgan-Luco

                                                                                    Development Matters              |   15
Chris Church
         Development and Alumni Office, Christ Church, Oxford OX1 1DP
         United Kingdom . +44 (0)1865-286325              @ChCh_Oxford
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