China's Digital Economy Assessing Its Scale, Development Stage, Competitiveness, and Risk Factors
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China’s Digital Economy―Assessing Its Scale, Development Stage, Competitiveness, and Risk Factors By Yuji Miura Advanced Senior Economist Economics Department Japan Research Institute Summary 1. According to a think-tank affiliated with China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Chinese digital economy accounted for 32.9% of the country’s total GDP in 2017. China is also moving to harness economic activity in high-tech and patent-intensive in- dustries as part of its “new economy”, which is believed to have contributed 22.7% of GDP in 2016. 2. Organizations outside of China have also started to monitor the digital economy. The Inter- national Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated that in 2015 the U.S. digital economy accounted for 9.3% of total GDP. If we limit our definition of the digital economy to ICT industries, the con- tributions to GDP in 2015 were 8.3% in the United States and 7.1% in China. 3. In China, the scale of the digital economy tends to be overestimated due to the inclusion of sectors other than ICT. Moreover, there has been little discussion about the risks of digitaliza- tion, including job replacement. 4. As in the U.S., the digital economy in China is a substantial contributor to nominal GDP growth, accounting for approximately 10%. However, the factors driving the growth of the Chi- nese digital economy are expected to weaken as the e-commerce (EC) market matures and the number of smartphones shipped decreases. 5. In terms of the development stage of it digital economy, China is currently one step below the global front runners. The same is true of the competitiveness of the Chinese digital economy. However, China’s platformers, especially the BATs (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent), derive their competitive strength from the size of their user bases, and their competitiveness is comparable to that of their U.S. counterparts. 6. However, the development of China’s digital economy does not necessarily mean that China is making steady progress with its market-oriented economic reforms. Around 40% of all lending to non-financial corporations in China goes to state-owned enterprises, and if the gov- ernment sector is included the ratio rises to 70%. While the Chinese economy appears extremely strong if we focus solely on the digital economy, we need to remember that the digital economy still accounts for less than 10 % of GDP with a contribution of just 7.4% in 2017. 7. China could face several issues in the near future with the potential to threaten the develop- ment of its digital economy. First, to what extent can major IT companies maintain an appropri- ate distance from the government? Second, will new market entrants emerge to challenge the BATs? Third, how should China address the increasing income disparity that is accompanying the growth of the digital economy? 2 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70
Introduction recent years, the spotlight has tended to focus only on the former. Digital technology is transforming How should we assess China’s economic out- the Chinese economy by continually creating new look? Depending on the area on which we focus, businesses and employment opportunities. This the answers to this question are likely to be more growth momentum is strong enough to convince diverse than in the past. In recent years, attention people that it will be possible to disregard the var- has focused primarily on the rapid expansion of ious problems affecting China, such as excessive China’s digital economy (数 字 経 済 in Chinese), debt and declining investment efficiency. as symbolized by the success of major Internet-re- Yet attempts to quantify the digital economy lated companies like Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent have only just begun, even at the international (known collectively as the “BATs”). According to level, and we have not even established definitions the China Academy of Information and Commu- of what constitutes the digital economy. In this ar- nications Technology, a think tank affiliated to the ticle, we will focus on the rapidly growing digital Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, economy and consider its position in the China China’s digital economy accounted for 32.9% of economy. In Part 1 will analyze the nature of the GDP and 22.1% of jobs in 2017(1). digital economy. In Part 2 we will look at ways to In fact China’s digital economy continues to assess the scale of the digital economy. This will achieve remarkable growth. According to McK- be followed in Part 3 by an analysis of approaches insey, China’s share of world e-commerce trans- to the assessment of the development stage and actions has risen from less than 1% in 2005 to competitiveness of China’s digital economy. In 42.4% in 2016 and is now substantially higher Part 4, we will examine several risk factors inher- than the U.S. share of 24.1%. By 2016, mobile ent to the digital economy and show that growth payments in China had reached $790 billion, and development are not unconditionally guaran- which is 11 times the total for the United States teed. (Wang et al. [2017]). These figures are symbolic of the rapid development of the Chinese digital economy. On the other hand, China has many problems, 1. Classifying the Digital Econ- including excessive debt. There has been little omy According to Business improvement in the structural tendency of state- Models owned enterprises to accumulate excessive debt, and the fragility of the financial system means that unforeseen events cannot be ruled out (Miura Interest in the digital economy has intensified [2018]). There has also been a marked decline in dramatically in step with technological innovation investment efficiency. The amount of investment and the resulting rapid adoption of digital technol- required to generate a yuan of GDP has risen from ogy, as well as the emergence of giant IT com- 4 yuan in 1998-2007, to 5.7 yuan in 2008-2017, panies in both the United States and China. The and 6.9 yuan in 2017(2). The continuing ineffi- mechanism through which attention has focused ciency of the old economy, which is dominated by on IT companies is similar to the pattern that state-owned enterprises, remains a heavy burden emerged during the IT bubble in the United States on the Chinese economy. in the second half of the 1990s. However, trends These phenomena are all symbolic of China in today’s digital economy, such as the emergence today. However, views on the Chinese economy of the Internet of things (IoT) linking all physical vary according to which aspect is emphasized. objects, the development of artificial intelligence Some sectors are overflowing with vitality that (AI), and the use of big data, are spreading to a has thrust China into the lead on a global scale, wide range of industries. In that sense, the impact while others still rely on outmoded structures. In of the digital economy on society and economy RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70 3
could be comparable to or perhaps even greater specific meaning of the term is often left vague. than the impact of the Industrial Revolution. The main drivers of the digital economy are obvi- The United Nations Conference on Trade and ously companies that have achieved rapid growth Development (UNCTAD) has concluded that the by creating business models based on the use of digital economy is decisively different from the ICT, such as Alphabet (which provides the Google earlier IT bubble for the following reasons (UNC- search engine), Amazon, and Facebook. In the re- TAD [2017]). First, new products and services mainder of this article, we will attempt to catego- are being created through the analysis of mas- rize the digital economy and provide an overview sive amounts of data that are being obtained from of it based on the companies that support the digi- smartphones, factory sensors, and other sources tal economy, and on the business models devel- and accumulated in the cloud. Second, new types oped by each of those companies. of businesses are emerging through the use of Fig. 1 provides an overview of the digital econ- platforms as infrastructure for the distribution of omy based on an analysis by UNCTAD. The digi- information, products, and services. Third, the tal economy can be divided into infrastructure and performance of information and communications digital activities based on the use of that infra- technology (ICT) in the form of both software and structure. The infrastructure segment can be fur- hardware has improved to a level at which the use ther divided into communications and IT. Compa- of AI and machine learning can become common- nies that manufacture terminal equipment, devel- place. op software, and provide IT services fall into the Although the phrase “digital economy” appears latter category. The digital segment can be broadly frequently in newspapers and other media, the divided into (1) platforms, such as search engines, Fig. 1 Classifying the Digital Economy ̶Digital̶ Platforms Digital solutions Digital content E-Commerce Searching: Alphabet (US), Electronic payments: Media: Internet retailing: Baidu (China), First Data (US), Comcast (US), Amazon (US), Yahoo! (Japan) PayPal (US), Time Warner (US) Alibaba (China), SNS: Facebook (US), Worldpay (US), (China), Tencent (China) Alibaba (China), Games: Tencent (China), Travel: Auctions: E-Bay (US) Tencent (China) Information: Booking Holdings (US), Sharing: Airbnb (US), Cloud: ADP (US), Thomson Reuters (US) Expedia (US) Uber (US), Salesforce (US) Didi Chuxing (China) Entirely digital (pure digital) Mixed (partially non-digital) ̶Infrastructure̶ IT (hardware and software) Hardware: Apple (US), Samsung (South Korea), Hon Hai Precision Industry (Taiwan), Xiaomi (China), Huawei (China) Software: Microsoft (US), Hewlett Packard (US), Oracle (US) Telecommunications AT&T (US), Verizon (US), China Mobile (China) Notes: Some data items, such as company names, have been revised by the author. Source: Compiled by JRI using data from UNCTAD [2017a] 4 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70
social networking services, and sharing services, suggests that its scale is extremely large. We will (2) digital solutions, (3) digital content, and (4) e- assess the validity of this estimate by comparing it commerce. The first two items are purely digital with estimates of the size of the digital economy in the sense that business operations are entirely in the United States by the IMF and the U.S. Bu- digital, while the latter two categories consist of reau of Economic Analysis (BEA). mixed activities that include non-digital elements. Examples include the manufacture and delivery of products and services. (1) Digital Economy Contributing a Revenues generated by digital activities come Third of GDP from a variety of sources. Providers of digital content, sharing services, and cloud services levy charges from users, while providers of search en- At a time when a downward trend in China’s gineers and social networking services rely on potential growth rate appears to be inevitable, advertising. E-commerce and electronic payment there is hope that the digital economy will emerge companies levy commissions from sellers. How- as a new driving force for the economy. For this ever, many companies are diversifying their activ- reason, interest in the digital economy is more ities in the digital segment, and Apple, for exam- intense in China than in developed countries. In ple, not only manufactures and sells smartphones, July 2017, the China Academy of Information and but is also involved in electronic payments and Communications Technology, a think tank affili- music and video streaming. Competition in the ated to the Ministry of Industry and Information digital segment is fierce, and a company’s com- Technology, released a white paper on develop- petitiveness depends to a large extent on its ability ment and employment in China’s digital economy. to enhance its advantage in the market by attract- According to the latest version of this white paper ing users and stabilizing its revenue structures. (2018), the digital economy contributed 27.1 tril- While there is no international consensus on the lion yuan, or 32.9%, of China’s GDP. This means definition of the digital economy, it is commonly that the digital economy has expanded by factor of seen as consisting basically of digital and infra- 22 in the 15 years since 2002, when it contributed structure segments, as shown in Fig. 1. Terms like only 1.2 trillion yuan, or 10.3% (Fig. 2). “new economy” and “Internet economy,” which The digital economy is also playing an impor- are used as antonyms of “old economy” can be tant role in employment, employing 170 million regarded as having the same meaning as “digital people, or 22.1% of the total labor force, in 2017 economy.” Because technology is advancing re- (Fig. 3). A breakdown by industrial sector shows lentlessly, debate about the digital economy fo- that 790,000 of these people are employed in ag- cuses solely on the latest technology trends. De- riculture, forestry and fisheries, 50.54 million in bate about the positioning of the digital economy mining and manufacturing, and 120.16 million, or within each national economy, and about the risks around 70%, in service industries. From just 44.11 and problems involved and how to overcome them million in 2007, the number of people employed has only just begun. in the digital economy has increased 3.9 times over a 10-year period. The extremely powerful job creation potential of the digital economy is ap- parent from a comparison with trends in China’s 2. Debate over the Size of the total working population and the number of urban Digital Economy workers, which grew only from 750 million to 780 million and from 310 million to 420 million respectively over the same period. An estimate published in China concerning the However, the white paper uses China’s extreme- size of the digital economy and the new economy ly broad definition of the digital economy. Ac- RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70 5
cording to the China Academy of Information and Specifically, it is a combination of activities that Communications Technology, the digital economy are generally included in the ICT sector, specifi- consists of core and mixed segments. The core cally ICT equipment manufacturing, telecommu- segment of the digital economy is equivalent to nications, the Internet, and computer-related ser- the digital economy as defined in Fig. 1 above. vices. The mixed segment consists of added value and employment generated through the use of digital technology in sectors other than ICT. The value of this segment is determined by calculating the add- Fig. 2 Size of China’s Digital Economy ed value resulting from ICT investment based on (Trillion yuan) (%) input-output table data. Specifically, industries are 30 35 first divided into 139 categories. The elasticity of 30 production factors—ICT capital stocks, non-ICT 25 capital stocks, labor, and intermediate goods—to 25 20 growth in provincial GDP is then estimated in or- 20 der to identify the role of ICT investment in push- 15 15 ing up GDP (China Academy of Information and 10 Communications Technology [2017]). 10 In China’s digital economy, the driving force is 5 5 provided by the mixed segment, which contributed 21 trillion yuan, or 25.5%, of GDP in 2017. This 0 0 2002 05 08 11 14 15 16 17 is 3.3 times greater than the contribution from the (Calendar years) Digital economy(L) % of GDP(R) core segment (6.2 trillion, 7.4%) (Fig. 4). This phenomenon is not limited to China and is occur- Notes: The data is not avairable for the years 2003-04, 2006-07 and 2012-2013. ring throughout the world. The China Academy of Source: Compiled by JRI using data from the China Acad- emy of Information and Communications Technol- ogy [2018] Fig. 3 E mployment in China’s Digital Fig. 4 Breakdown of China’s Digital Economy Economy (10,000 persons) (%) (% of GDP) 20,000 25 40 18,000 16,000 20 30 14,000 12,000 15 10,000 20 25.5 23.6 8,000 10 19.3 20.4 6,000 14.0 10 7.0 8.8 4,000 5 2,000 7.2 7.1 7.0 7.4 6.4 6.3 6.8 0 0 0 2007 09 12 14 15 16 17 2005 08 11 14 15 16 17 (Calendar years) (Calendar years) Workers(L) % of total labor force(R) Mixed digital economy Core digital economy Notes: As for Fig. 2. Notes: As for Fig. 2. Source: Compiled by JRI using data from the China Acad- Source: Compiled by JRI using data from the China Acad- emy of Information and Communications Technol- emy of Information and Communications Technol- ogy [2018] ogy [2018] 6 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70
Information and Communications provides inter- (2) China’s “New Economy” Concept national comparisons in its 2017 report on a study about the development of the digital economy in G20 countries. It estimates the value of the mixed In China, there is also a tendency to use the segment of the U.S. digital economy at $9.5 tril- term “new economy” to refer to economic activi- lion and the pure segment at $1.3 trillion. The es- ties in high-tech and patent-intensive industries. timates for Japan are $2.6 trillion and $0.8 trillion The Institute of Population and Labor Econom- respectively. In all countries, the mixed segment ics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, is bigger than the pure segment, though the ratios examined the “new economy” and “new employ- vary. In the United States, for example, the mixed ment” concepts in an October 2017 study on pop- segment is 7.3 times bigger than the pure segment. ulation and labor issues and concluded that these China’s digital economy, including the mixed factors were driving major changes in the Chinese segment, is the second biggest in the world af- economy. The Institute estimated the size of the ter that of the United States, but China is ranked new economy from input-output table data on the only seventh in terms of the digital economy’s basis that it consists of high-tech industries, stra- contribution to GDP (Fig. 5). However, China’s tegic emerging industries, and patent-intensive in- per capita GDP of $8,115 is ranked 17th in the dustries. G20, so we can conclude that its digital economy As of 2016, the new economy was estimated is highly developed compared with its economic to be contributing 16.8 trillion yuan, or 22.7%, development stage. Factors that will raise China’s of GDP (Fig. 6). This represents an increase of ranking include not only its status as a center for 4.6 times in the nine years since 2007, when the smartphone and personal computer production, contribution was 3.7 trillion yuan, or 13.8% of but also the spread of payment systems based on GDP. Like the digital economy, the new economy QR codes, and the shift to a cashless economy in is divided into “direct” and “indirect” contribu- urban areas. tions, with the former amounting to 14.6 trillion yuan and the latter 8.1 trillion yuan. The direct contribution consists of added value from indus- tries designated as belonging to the new economy, Fig. 5 G20 Digital Economies (2016) Size of Digital Economy Share of GDP Korea (USD100M) 6,122 Germany 59.1 US 58.2 France Others UK 57.7 9,620 23,475 Japan 46.3 Korea 43.4 UK France 39.0 15,358 China 30.3 US Mexico 29.6 Germany 108,318 Canada 23.4 20,561 Brazil 20.9 Italy 19.4 India 17.7 Japan Russia 17.2 22,935 South Africa 16.3 China Australia 16.3 34,009 Indonesia 11.0 0 20 40 60 80 (%) Source: Compiled by JRI using data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology [2017] RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70 7
especially the ICT sector, while the indirect con- also playing an important part in job creation. As tribution is made up of added value generated in of 2016, 128.2 million workers, or 16.5% of the segments other than the new economy as a result total number in employment, were employed in of inputs from the new economy. the new economy (Fig. 7). This total breaks down The 14.6 trillion yuan direct contribution from into 78.19 million people in industries that make the new economy is substantially larger than the direct contributions, and 50.01 million in indirect 5.2 trillion yuan figure for the core segment of the contribution industries. The number has increased digital economy. The reason for this is that the lat- 1.7 times since 2007, when the new economy em- ter is limited to the ICT sector, while the former ployed 74.84 million people, or 9.7% of the total encompasses a wider range of industries, such as labor force. In the 2017 study on labor and popu- urban commercial complexes and development lation issues, the Didi Chuxing ride sharing busi- zones. This is a feature of China’s “new econo- ness created 17.51 million jobs in the period to my” concept. However, the 8.1 trillion indirect 2016, while Alibaba created 30.83 million jobs up contribution is smaller than the 17.6 trillion yuan to 2015. contribution from the mixed segment of the digital The National Bureau of Statistics has also start- economy. This is because the contribution due to ed to monitor the new economy. Having classified digital activities in the latter case is calculated us- the new economy into ① new industries, ② new ing ICT capital stocks, resulting in the inclusion businesses, and ③ new business models (Table 1), of a wider range of industries, while in the former it announced at the end of 2017 the new economy case calculations are based on the new economy’s was contributing 14.8% of GDP(3). share of inputs, which means that the range of The Bureau is collecting this data both as a way industries included is narrower. While the mixed of visualizing the progress of China’s shift to a segment of the digital economy includes part of new economic development model through the the agricultural sector, agriculture is not included development of the new economy, which has been in the indirect contribution from the new econo- a priority for many years, and also to proclaim the my. strength of the Chinese economy within China Like the digital economy, the new economy is and internationally. However, the National Bureau Fig. 6 S ize of New Economy Fig. 7 New Economy Jobs (% of GDP) (Share of Total Labor Force) (%) (%) 25 20 20 8.1 15 6.4 7.3 15 5.4 10 5.8 10 4.3 14.6 12.3 5 10.1 5 8.5 8.0 5.4 0 0 2007 2012 2016 2007 2012 2016 (Calendar years) (Calendar years) Direct contribution Indirect contribution Direct contribution Indirect contribution Source: Compiled by JRI using Zhang ed. [2017] Source: Compiled by JRI using Zhang ed. [2017] 8 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70
Table 1 The New Economy According to the National Bureau of Statistics Area Definition Representative examples New types of economic activities based on new Cloud computing, big data, IoT, 3D printing, intelligent New industries technologies (e.g., high-tech industries, new service manufacturing, smart transportation, e-commerce, industries) modern logistics, Internet finance Connected cars, shared bicycles, crowd sourcing, Businesses that use new technologies to meet start-up support, delivery of goods ordered on the New businesses demand for diversified products and services Internet, provision of customized products and services Unique, highly efficient, and competitive business I n t e r n e t p a y m e n t s e r v i c e s , I n t e r n e t a s s e t New business models models based on the combination and reorganization management, social media, Internet gaming, music/ of production factors within and outside of companies video streaming, large-scale shopping sectors Source: Compiled using National Bureau of Statistics of China [2017] of Statistics has not yet started to publish data for- Table 2 GDP Contribution from the Digital Economy in the US mally. This is because debate is still continuing (2015) about ways to quantify the activities of individuals (%) as Internet-based producers and service providers, 1. Digital economy (2+3) 9.3 and the value of various services that are provided 2. Items included in GDP 8.3 ICT equipment, semiconductors, software 2.8 for free. Telecoms, Internet connection services 3.3 Data processing and other information services 0.7 Online platforms (including e-commerce) 1.3 (3) The Digital Economy in the United Services enabled by platforms (including sharing) 0.2 States 3. Items not included in GDP 1.0 Wikipedia, open-source software 0.2 Free media on platorms funded by advertising 0.1 revenues Household fixed asset formation to support Internet The digital economy cannot easily be measured connections 0.3 using the existing Systems of National Accounts Output by multinational companies based on tax 0.4 havens (SNA). The IMF has created the ICT sector and Notes: Amounts may be overstated, since no adjustment content/media sector to represent digital activities has been made for duplication. Source: Compiled by JRI using IMF [2018] in the International Standard Industrial Classifi- cation of All Economic Activities (ISIC) and the Central Product Classification (CPC). However, there are some activities that cannot be captured using these classifications, such as matching, includes elements that are not reflected in GDP, cloud computing, and home stays. The way in and that it has a mixed segment that is not present which data is treated as a resource for the digital in the U.S. digital economy, we find that the digi- economy has also been criticized as outmoded. tal economy accounted for 8.3% of U.S. GDP in Data bases are products, but there are no rules 2015, and 7.1% of China’s GDP. about the ways in which data itself should be han- There are defects in the way in which statistics dled. are gathered for the SNA, and the range of items After considering these issues, the IMF used that cannot be captured is expanding in step with previous research to estimate the size of the digi- the shift to digital activities. As shown in, Table 2, tal economy in the United States at 9.3% of GDP however, the value of the excluded items is not as of 2015 (Table 2). This consists of 8.3% that particularly large. Services that are provided via is included in the GDP statistics, and 1.0% that is platforms, such as free media, contribute to in- not included. If we adjust the basis for compari- creases in the consumer surplus, but they exert son to reflect the fact that China’s digital economy minimal upward pressure on GDP because the RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70 9
SNA is always based on added value statistics. and Communications Technology. The BEA se- The same applies to the various services that are lected 200 industries with strong digital elements spreading through platforms, such as sharing ser- from a list of approximately 5,000 industrial cat- vices. Despite the attention focused on the rapid egories and grouped them into (1) hardware, (2) growth of the sharing economy, this area accounts software, (3) support services, (4) telecommuni- for only 0.2% of GDP, even in the United States. cations, and (5) e-commerce and digital media. It In Japan, too, when the Cabinet Office produced then aggregated the figures for these groups as the its first estimate of the sharing economy in July total value of the digital economy (Fig. 10). Since 2018, it found that even when items that cannot be reflected in the GDP statistics are included, the sector was worth only ¥470-525 billion in 2016 (Cabinet Office [2018]). This is equivalent to less Fig. 9 Employment in the US Digital than 0.1% of GDP. This appears to be because Economy most sharing services are provided by businesses (10,000 persons) (%) based on existing but unused facilities, skills, and 700 5 time, with the result that flow-on benefits to other 600 industries are minimal since there is no large-scale 4 500 capital expenditure. 3 In March 2018, the U.S. Commerce Depart- 400 ment’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) 300 2 published a report in which it estimated that the 200 digital economy was worth $1.2 trillion, or 6.5% 1 of GDP, in 2016, and that it employed 5.9 million 100 people, or 3.9% of the total number in employ- 0 0 ment (Fig. 8, 9). This is similar to the $1.3 trillion 2005 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (Calendar years) estimate of the core segment of the U.S. digital Number employed(L) % of total labor force(R) economy by the China Academy of Information Source: Compiled by JRI using Barefoot et al. [2018] and Bureau of Labor Statistics. Fig. 8 A dded Value of US Digital Fig. 10 Composition of US Digital Economy Economy (Billion USD) (%) (Billion USD) 1,400 7 1,400 1,200 6 1,200 1,000 5 1,000 800 4 800 600 600 3 400 400 2 200 200 1 0 0 0 2005 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2005 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (Calendar years) (Calendar years) ICT manufacturing Software Telecommunications Digital economy(L) % of GDP(R) Support services E-commerce and digital media Source: Compiled by JRI using Barefoot et al. [2018] Source: Compiled by JRI using Barefoot et al. [2017] 10 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70
this is the same as the method used by the China ers and retailers that have entered the EC market Academy of Information and Communications after acquiring personal computers and Internet Technology in its estimation of the core segment connections, or restaurants that have joined food of the digital economy, it is not surprising that the delivery platforms? While these businesses may results are similar. have been energized by new demand generated by the use of digital technology, not all of their demand comes from digital sources, while their business operations involve strong non-digital ele- 3. Evaluating China’s Digital ments. For these reasons, there is scope for debate Economy about whether they should be included in the digi- tal economy. In fact, if we look at the digital economy based The scale and growth momentum of the Chi- on the broad definition used in China, the scope nese digital economy are both being overestimat- of the digital economy in developed countries be- ed. In this section, we will assess the development comes unlimited. According to previous research stage and level of competitiveness of China’s digi- on the Internet economy conducted by Statistics tal economy, with reference to the results of sev- Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, eral previous research initiatives. CBS) in collaboration with Google and other or- ganizations, if we consider any company or self- employed individual with a verifiable presence (1) Interpreting the Data—from Scale on the Internet, such as a website, to be part of to Risk the Internet economy, then the Internet economy encompasses almost all economic activity, ac- counting for 87.0% of sales and 84.3% of jobs As the China Academy of Information and in 2015. However, if we limit our calculations to Communications Technology (CAICT) has point- just the narrowly defined Internet economy, which ed out, to gain an overall picture of China’s digi- consists only of companies and self-employed tal economy, we need to consider not only the individuals with websites that contribute directly core segment of the digital economy, but also the to earnings, the contributions fall dramatically to mixed segment. The former accounts for 7.4% of 7.6% of sales and 4.4% of jobs (Fig. 11). China’s GDP, and the latter for 25.5%. Given that Under this narrow definition, the Internet econ- the non-ICT sector of the digital economy has a omy consists only of (1) online stores, (2) online greater influence on the general economy than the services, and (3) ICT-related services. Businesses ICT sector, as illustrated by the fact that by Tao- with websites that are used primarily to provide bao, an e-commerce platform operated by Aliba- information, or those with online stores that can- ba, has helped to create large numbers of jobs by not be considered their primary means of sales, inducing business start-ups, it seems reasonable are not included. This narrower definition of the to base perceptions of the digital economy on a Internet economy is used because it allows the broad definition. survey to ascertain the role of the Internet more However, the IMF and BEA estimate the scale accurately, and because the purpose of the study of the digital economy more conservatively based is to show how Internet use varies according to on definitions that limit it to the ICT sector. This company size and location, so that the resulting is because once we start to expand the definition information can be used in policies designed to of the digital economy beyond the ICT sector, bring the benefits of the Internet to companies and we face the difficult problem of determining its regions that have fallen behind. boundaries. For example, should the digital econ- At first glance, the question of whether to omy include small and medium-sized manufactur- use the broad or narrow definition of the digital RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70 11
Fig. 11 Internet Economy in the labor shortages, and deteriorating working condi- Netherlands (2015) tions. Various approaches are being trialed in China Narrowly defined Internet in an attempt to solve the “last mile” problem, in- cluding the installation of lockers and the use of Sales 13.0 79.4 7.6 crowdsourcing to recruit delivery personnel. How- ever, intense competition in the home delivery Broadly defined Internet sector is preventing operators from raising their 4.4 delivery charges, as companies in Japan have, Employees 14.3 79.9 with the result that profit margins in this industry have continued to stagnate. The digital economy, especially in the mixed segment, which includes 0 20 40 60 80 100 non-digital elements, can only function if the ICT (%) No website Website contributing indirectly to sales and non-ICT sectors work together as two wheels Website contributing directly to sales Not classifiable on the same cart. If these problems are left unrem- Source: Compiled by JRI using Oostroom et al. [2016] edied, they will not only hinder the development of e-commerce, but could also trigger a trend to- ward the division of the labor market due to domi- nance by major IT companies. Digital technology is driving job replacement economy may appear to be merely a technical is- due to automation and the use of AI in the manu- sue relating to statistics. However, the choice of facturing sector. China will feel the effects of definitions obviously relates to the aims of those this trend more than any other country. Accord- conducting analyses and how they view the sig- ing to McKinsey & Company, automation will nificance of the expansion of the digital economy. replace 236 million workers by 2030 (Manyika et International organizations are also intensively al. [2017]). Research by the Boston Consulting debating the significance of the digital economy, Group indicates that 2.3 million people will lose but while the World Bank and the OECD are fo- their jobs by 2027 in the financial sector alone cused on policies to spread the benefits of digital (Boston Consulting Group [2018]). The time has technology as widely as possible, the IMF is more come for risks relating to the digital economy to interested in the statistical issue of how the digital be debated more deeply in China. economy can be reflected in GDP statistics. These issues are rarely discussed in China. The digital economy is seen as a savior of the Chi- (2) Evaluating the Growth-Driving Po- nese economy, which faces a decline in its poten- tential of the Digital Economy tial growth rate. Because the digital economy is also an excellent source of data to show people at home and internationally that China is mak- A problem that emerges when we use the broad ing steady progress with its transition to a new definition of the digital economy is a tendency economic development model, the government to over-estimate its potential to drive growth. wants the digital economy to be as big as possible According to the CAICT, the digital economy and is solely interested in policies to expand and achieved a nominal growth rate of 20.3% in 2017 strengthen it. However, the development of the and contributed 55% of China’s overall growth digital economy has at times caused social fric- rate. As shown in Fig. 4 above, the growth of the tion due to increasingly serious problems, includ- digital economy is underpinned by the mixed seg- ing the inability of home delivery services to keep ment, which in 2017 is believed to have accounted pace with the growth of e-commerce, as well as for 6.5% of added value in the agricultural sector, 12 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70
17.2% in the mining and manufacturing sector, million, or only 27.9% of the total. This means and 32.6% in the service sector (Fig. 12). that most of the remaining 72.1%, or 14.21 mil- However, it seems excessive, even in a Chinese lion workers, were transferred from the non- context, to attribute one-half of economic growth digital economy to the digital economy as a result to the digital economy. The problem becomes ob- of ICT investment. This includes employees of vious if we look at the digital economy’s contribu- small and medium-size manufacturers and retail- tion to employment. As shown in Fig. 3 above, the ers that entered the e-commerce market, as well as number of people working in the Chinese digital restaurants that joined food delivery platforms, as economy has increased four-fold over the past 10 discussed earlier in this section. The inclusion of years, reaching 171.49 million in 2017. This is this mixed segment causes the digital economy to equivalent to the creation of 127.38 million jobs appear larger than it really is. (Fig. 13). However, when this figure is broken If we reassess the growth-driving potential of down into urban and rural areas and industrial sec- the digital economy based on the view that the tors, we find that there was an increase of 115.09 definition should be limited to the core digital million jobs in urban areas, and a combined in- economy, the contribution to nominal GDP falls crease of 136.59 million jobs in secondary and to around 1% of China’s nominal GDP growth, tertiary industries. This means that almost all new equivalent to a contribution ratio of just 10% jobs have been created in the broadly defined digi- (Fig. 14). While this contribution ratio is consid- tal economy. erably lower than the 55% figure cited earlier in According to the CAICT, while the number of this article, it is still extremely high by world stan- people working in the digital economy increased dards and is similar to the 10% ratio calculated by by 19.73 million over the previous year’s level in the BEA for the digital economy’s contribution to 2017, the number of new jobs created was 5.52 nominal GDP growth in the United States. However, the Chinese digital economy’s growth-driving capacity is expected to weaken gradually. Some industries that have buoyed up Fig. 12 C ontributions of the Mixed Segment of the Digital Economy to Added Value by Industry Fig. 13 Labor Force Changes (%) (2002-2017) 35 (Million workers) 32.6 29.6 150 30 127 115 107 25 23.1 100 20 17.0 17.2 50 29 15 14.2 0 10 6.2 6.5 ▲50 4.9 5 ▲100 ▲92 0 ▲98 Agriculture Manufacturing Services ▲150 2015 2016 2017 Urban Rural Primary Secondary Tertiary Notes: The ICT sector was excluded from calculations for Digital Urban-rural By industry manufacturing and services. Source: Compiled by JRI using China Academy of Infor- Source: Complied by JRI using data from the China Acad- mation and Communications Technology [2017b, emy of Information and Communications Technol- 2018] ogy [2018] and national Bureau of Statistics (NBS) RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70 13
the digital economy can no longer be expected to there has been a flurry of corporate acquisitions, achieve the explosive growth of the past. For ex- and the market has now entered a winnowing ample, the bicycle sharing market achieved rapid phase. Similarly, the e-commerce retail market is growth and attracted interest because of the sub- entering its mature phase, and the rate of growth stantial latent demand for bicycle transport, but has started to slow markedly (Fig. 15). Smartphone shipments are also lower, register- ing their first double-digit fall with a year on year decline of 12% in 2017, and an 18% decline in the first eight months of 2018 compared with the Fig. 14 T he Digital Economy’s same period a year earlier(4). China is the world’s Contribution to the Nominal GDP Growth Rate leading producer of smartphones, and the industry (%) accounts for a large share of the hardware seg- 12 ment of the digital economy. For this reason, the impact of falling smartphone shipments will be far 10 greater in China than in developed countries. 8 4.6 3.1 5.5 6 0.9 1.3 (3) Assessing Competitiveness and De- 4 0.6 velopment Stage 5.4 2 4.2 4.7 0 Japan has fallen behind China in the develop- 2015 2016 2017 (Calendar years) ment of the digital economy and has much to learn Digital economy mixed segment (non-ICT) from China. The Japanese electronics industry Core digital economy (ICT sector) Non-digital economy once dominated the world but has now weakened Source: Compiled by JRI using China Academy of Infor- conspicuously, and while Japanese manufactur- mation and Communications Technology [2018a] Fig. 15 Slowing Pace of Market Expansion E-commerce (retail) market Bicycle sharing market (Trillion yuan) (%) (100M yuan) (%) 10 80 250 800 9 70 700 8 200 60 600 7 6 50 150 500 5 40 400 4 30 100 300 3 20 200 2 50 1 10 100 0 0 0 0 2012 13 14 15 16 17 18* 2016 17* 18* 19* (Calendar years) (Calendar years) Market Size(L) Growth rate(R) Market Size(L) Growth rate(R) Notes: ‘*’ denotes an estimate. Source: Compiled by JRI using China electronics Chamber of Commerce, 2017中国網絡零售市場数拠報告 [2017 China Online Retail Mar- ket Report] (June 14, 2018,,, 2017年中国共享単車市場規模預計将 達102.8億元 [China’s bicycle sharing imarket expected to reach 10.2B yuan in 2017], (March 31, 2017, a/131273118_470383) 14 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70
ers have maintained the biggest shares of the do- CB Insights, there were 260 unicorns in the world mestic smartphone market after Apple, they have as of August 2018. The value of these companies, a limited presence in the global market and have the majority of which are in the ICT sector, has slipped far behind Apple and Samsung, and even reached $839 billion. With 76 companies worth Chinese manufacturers, such as Huawei, Xiaomi, $287 billion, China is still far behind the United and Oppo. States, which has 121 companies worth $420 bil- Japan has not only fallen behind the United lion, but China far outranks other developed or States and China in the area of hardware. Ma- emerging countries (Fig. 16). The biggest source jor American IT companies, such as Amazon, of new unicorns is digital sectors, such as e-com- Google, Facebook, and Apple have established an merce and fintech (Fig. 17). overwhelming presence in their role as platform- ers providing products and services used as infra- structure for business and information distribu- tion. China has banned the use of Facebook with the aim of keeping control over information. It has Fig. 16 W orld Distribution of Unicorns(As of August 2018) also shut Google out of the market by imposing (%) censorship. At the same time, China has produced 100 IT companies that rival their U.S. counterparts. While the BATs rely heavily on the domestic mar- 80 ket, they have started to develop business opera- 34.2 tions based on global perspectives in such areas 60 29.2 as self-driving vehicles, electric vehicles (EVs), e- commerce, mobile payments, and AI. 40 The superior competitiveness of the United 46.5 50.0 20 States and China in the digital economy is also immediately apparent from the number of unicorn 0 companies (unlisted companies valued at $1 bil- Number of companies Value lion or more). According to the U.S. research firm US China UK India Germany Others Source: Compiled by JRI using CB Insight data Fig. 17 Distribution of Unicorns in China (End of 2017) Number of companies (164) Value (USD628.4B) (Companies) (USD100M) E-commerce 33 Fin-tech Others 1,593 Others 2,059 71 Fin-tech 21 E-commerce 901 Cloud 500 Health care 15 Culture, entertainment Hardware Transportation Logistics 11 13 510 721 Source: Compiled by JRI using Ministry of Science and Technology data RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70 15
We can approach the assessment of the digital equally, and the final score was calculated as the economy’s competitiveness from various angles. simple average of (1) infrastructure, (2) industries, Market interest is tending to focus on platformers (3) innovation, and (4) governance. because of their strong influence. However, over- With a competitiveness assessment of 62.07, all competitiveness on a national basis may not China was ranked second in the world (Table 3). necessarily be reflected in the role of platformers. While China’s score was substantially lower than While Japan has few platformers that are active on that of the United States, which was ranked first at a global scale, it is highly competitiveness in the 85.89, its score was considerably better than those area of high-performance devices built into smart- of other developed or emerging countries. China’s phones. The question of how to assess the com- scores for innovation and governance are not high, petitiveness and development stage of the digital but its score for industries is high due to the ef- economy has been widely shared in China, and a fect of smartphone exports and other factors. Ac- number of pioneering studies have been carried cording to the analysis produced by the Shanghai out. Academy of Social Sciences, the strong competi- One such study is an international comparison tiveness of China’s digital economy signifies that of digital economy competitiveness by the Shang- the high-growth phase ended in 2012 and was fol- hai Academy of Social Sciences. In this study, the lowed by a shift to the mature phase. competitiveness of 50 countries was calculated Huawei, which continues to achieve growth as based on assessments from four perspectives: (1) the world’s biggest manufacturer of telecommu- infrastructure, (2) industries, (3) innovation, and nications equipment, has compiled a global con- (4) governance. Infrastructure items include the nectivity index (GCI), in which China is included number of data centers, connection speeds, and among the world’s frontrunners. The GCI is an the diffusion rate for mobile devices. Industry- attempt to measure the development stage of the related items include the value of production by digital economy from the perspectives of (1) sup- digital industries, and trade volumes, the size of ply, (2) demand, (3) experience, and (4) potential. platformers. Items used to measure innovation in- There are 10 items for each perspective, making clude technology levels, the depth of the human a total of 40 items, including ICT investment, the resource pool, and access to the latest technolo- 4G take-up rate, and investment in big data and gies. Governance items include e-government, le- the cloud for supply, the number of app down- gal systems, and security. Data from international loads, e-commerce transactions, and smartphone organizations was used for all items, and the re- diffusion rates for demand, broadband speeds, in- sults were indexed with 100 as the highest pos- ternet access ratios, and fixed and mobile Internet sible score. All assessment items were weighted access ratios for experience, and R&D investment, Table 3 Digital Economy Competitiveness (2016) Rank Country Infrastructure Industries Innovation Governance Total 1 US 88.20 88.93 83.02 83.41 85.89 2 China 50.30 84.01 58.92 54.97 62.07 3 Singapore 52.30 13.20 83.30 63.54 53.26 4 UK 37.98 31.58 69.47 72.78 52.95 5 Japan 44.14 18.51 78.51 64.30 51.37 6 Korea 47.54 12.98 75.61 67.93 51.01 7 Finland 38.76 7.21 88.09 66.51 50.14 8 Germany 36.87 24.79 75.69 58.19 48.88 Notes: Totals represent simple averages for each item. Source: Compiled by JRI using Wang, ed. [2017] 16 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70
ICT patents, and IT human resources for potential. tor of the competitiveness and development stage With a GCI of 51 in 2017, China is ranked 27th of the digital economy. among 79 countries (Fig. 18). While the method- However, many industries in the digital econo- ology used has much in common with that of the my are dominated by individual companies, due to Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, the size of the improvement of usability as network benefits platformers and the value of production and trade emerge with growth in the number of users. Given by digital industries are not included in the GCI that user numbers are the source of competitive- assessment items. In addition, many of the items, ness for industries, especially platformers, assess- including ICT investment and e-commerce trans- ments based on the GCI tend to underestimate actions, are based on per capita GDP or per capita competitiveness. As of June 2018, there were 820 of population, with the result that China is inevita- million Internet users in China(5), and we can per- bly ranked lower. The most obvious difference be- haps conclude that the competitiveness of Chinese tween the two indices is the fact that the Shanghai platformers is comparable to that of their U.S. Academy of Social Sciences measures competi- counterparts. tiveness based on GDP size, while Huawei’s GCI looks at the development stage from the perspec- tive of per capita GDP. So how should we assess the competitiveness 4. Risks Facing the Digital Econ- and development stage of the Chinese digital omy economy? The assessment by the Shanghai Acad- emy of Social Sciences clearly lifts China’s score by including items such as the value of smart- Has China entered an era in which private com- phone exports, which is an inappropriate item panies, as typified by the BATs, are driving the since the industry relies heavily on imported parts. economy? In this section we will examine how It also uses per capita GDP to indicate the devel- China’s non-digital economy, which accounts for opment stage of the economy. For these reasons, 90% of economic activity, has a greater influence the GCI appears to be more suitable as an indica- on the Chinese economy as a whole. We will also look at some of the risks confronting the digital economy and show that its growth and develop- ment are not guaranteed. Fig. 18 GCI and Per Capita GDP (USD) (1) China’s Large Non-Digital Econo- 120,000 my Frontrunners 100,000 Adapters 80,000 Stars On the surface, the development of the digital economy seems to indicate that China is mak- 60,000 ing steady progress with its market-oriented eco- Russia US nomic reforms. All of China’s IT companies, of 40,000 Indonesia Japan which the BATs are the most notable examples, Thailand 20,000 are private enterprises, and there are no compet- India China ing state-owned enterprises. Indeed, the state- 0 owned enterprises’ share of economic activity 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (GCI) in China is declining across the board. In 2016, state-owned enterprises accounted for only 0.6% Source: Compiled by JRI using Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. [2018] and IMF data of the number of companies in mining and manu- RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70 17
facturing industries, 6.2% of assets, 3.5% of sales, If we focus on the digital economy, we lose and 2.4% of profits. State-owned enterprises em- sight of these problems, and only China’s strength ploy only 14.9% of urban workers and account is apparent. However, we need to remember that for just 21.2% of fixed asset investment. As far as even in 2017, the digital economy accounted for can be judged from these data, China appears to only 7.4% of China’s total GDP (see Fig. 4 above) have emerged from “state capitalism” dominated and thus represents less than a tenth of the over- by state-owned enterprises and entered an era in all economy. If there is a crisis situation, such as which the economy is led by private companies multiple debt defaults by state-owned enterprises, with massive amounts of capital and world-class or crippling cash flow problems affecting small technology. and medium-sized banks, the digital economy However, it would be premature to assume that would not be immune to the resulting declines in the emergence of private sector companies will consumer spending and advertising revenues. It cause the presence of China’s state-owned en- would be rash to assume that the digital economy terprises to shrink until they can be ignored. For can be the driving force for the Chinese economy, example, state-owned enterprises still receive al- or that it can solve all of the problems confronting most 40% of all bank loans to non-financial cor- the old economy. porations, and the inclusion of government loans brings this figure to 70% (Fig. 19). The declining status of state-owned enterprises in mining and (2) Maintaining Distance from the Gov- manufacturing, employment, and investment has ernment a Challenge had a negligible effect on bank lending. These distortions in China’s lending structure continue to erode the foundations of the Chinese economy. A serious issue confronting the major IT com- Examples of this erosion include declining invest- panies, such as the BATs, is the kind of relation- ment efficiency and the excessive debt problem, ship that they should build with the government. as mentioned at the beginning of this article. Chinese IT companies have been able to expand without any government intervention because they are involved primarily in the provision of lifestyle- related services in close proximity to consumers. However, the distance between these companies and the government is shrinking in step with rec- Fig. 19 SOEs’ Share of Loans to Non- ognition of the fact that their technologies are af- financial Corporations (%) fecting China’s competitiveness. Both sides have begun exploring new relationships. For example, 80 in March 2018 the government eased the rules to 70 allow companies listed on foreign securities mar- 60 kets to be listed in China as well(6), while major 50 Chinese IT companies have indicated their will- 40 ingness to return to China(7). In addition, the government is planning to de- 30 velop the digital economy and strengthen com- 20 petitiveness by incorporating major IT companies 10 into its industrial policy. The Xi Jinping adminis- 0 tration has announced its New Generation Artifi- 2008 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (Calendar years) cial Intelligence Development Plan(8), which sets SOEs + government SOEs out the government’s plans to make China a world Source: Compiled by JRI using Chen and Kang [2018] leader in AI by 2030. It has identified four priority 18 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70
fields: self-driving vehicles, voice recognition sys- maintenance of an appropriate distance from the tems, smart cities, and health care, and designated government without compromising their manage- the cities of Beijing, Hefei, Hangzhou and Shen- ment independence is likely to be a major chal- zhen as special zones. Baidu, iFlytek, Alibaba and lenge for these companies. Tencent, which have their headquarters in these cities, have been selected to play central roles in the Plan(9) (Fig. 20). (3) Will Metabolism Continue? Closer relationships with the government will give companies opportunities to develop technol- ogy while also increasing their market dominance. As evidenced by the continual emergence of uni- However, there is also a risk that these relation- corn companies, the pace of metabolism in Chi- ships will lead to government intervention and na’s digital economy is extremely rapid. Tmall. pressure to act as government policy companies. com, which is operated by Alibaba, and JD-com Symbolic of this situation is the participation of dominate the B2C market, which is the core e- all major IT companies, which should have been commerce segment, with market shares of 50.7% in competitive relationships, in the restructuring of and 25.5% respectively in 2017(10). However, one China Unicom, one of the three major state-owned start-up after another is emerging in specialized telecom companies in China, as a mixed owner- e-commerce markets that focus on specific types ship company in August 2017 (Miura [2017]). The of products. For example, NetEase Kaola has Fig. 20 Four Frontrunner Areas for the Next-Generation AI Plan Beijing̶Self-driving cars Company: Baidu Main service: Search engine Company value: USD61.1B MIT ranking: 50th Hefei̶Voice recognition Company: Iflytek Main service: AI Company value: USD6.8B MIT ranking: 4th Hangzhou̶Smart city Company: Alibaba Main service: E-commerce Company value: USD363.7B MIT ranking: 41st Shenzhen̶Health care Company: Tencent Main service: SNS Company value: USD350B MIT ranking: 8th Notes: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ranking identifies 50 leading companies that have effectively incorporated in- novative technologies into their business models. Source: Compiled by JRI using “50 Smartest Companies 2017” in MIT Technology Review, June 27, 2017 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 70 19
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