Childhood Road Safety - Safe Communities Portugal
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Childhood Road Safety · Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are a major but of road traffic collisions and report more neglected public health problem requiring continuing health problems that require concerted multi-sectoral efforts for effec- more assistance7. tive and sustainable prevention. Every year in Europe around 127,000 people are · Fatalities and injuries to children under 10 killed and at least 2.4 million people are years of age remain high and these casu- injured in road traffic accidents1,2. Road alties occur because nearly half of the traffic injuries are the leading cause of children in this age group generally travel death and severe injuries3 among children in automobiles unrestrained. Although aged 0–14 years4 and are the cause for current data are limited, it is estimated that 34% of child injury deaths annually. approximately 150 lives could be saved, annually, if those children who are not · This includes pedestrians, cyclists and using child restraints are restrained with motor vehicle passengers. An estimated lap/shoulder belts. Furthermore, if all 200,000 families per year suffer from the those children who are ready for booster death or lifelong disability of at least one seats used them and lap/shoulder belts, family member due to a road traffic injury5 an additional 19 lives could be saved in the European Union (EU). every year8. · EU Member States are performing very · For children 0 to 14 years pedestrian and differently in regards children’s road bicycling deaths and injuries contribute as safety. This explains why there is a 3 a major factor risk factor, whereas youth times greater risk of a child dying due to a 15 to 19 years have greater use of motor- road traffic injury in Lithuania, Estonia and ised vehicles and therefore greater risks to Latvia than the best performing countries deaths and injuries from these causes. in Europe, such as Sweden, the Nether- ( Fig. 4-7) lands and the UK4. (Fig.1) · Child safety seats and safety belts, when · Youth 15 to 19 years is composed of installed and used correctly, can prevent young drivers and co-drivers being the injuries and save lives. Rear-facing car group at most risk. The risk increases seats reduce injuries up to 90-95% and steadily with the age as the active partici- forward facing car seats up to 60%6. pation of children and youth in traffic Unrestrained children are more likely to be increases. In the age group of 15 to 19 injured, suffer severe injuries and die in years, 75% of the fatalities due to road motor vehicle crashes than children who traffic injuries are male. The proportion of are restrained. boys killed increases steadily with the age. (Fig. 2) · The need of the parents to know the most suitable restraint system, how to fit the · The proportion of fatal road accidents on system correctly to the car and the willing- all causes mortality tends to be higher in ness or financial possibility to spend high-income countries because in low money to buy/renew the child restraint in income-countries injury mortality due to time should be perceived as standard other causes (like drowning) is more behaviour9. prevalent. Approximately 45% of all fatali- ties caused by injuries are road traffic · Incorrect use of child safety seats is injuries in the age group 0-19 years. widespread. Although 96 percent of par- They represent nearly 13% of all fatalities ents believe they install and use their child in this age group in the EU27. (Fig. 3) safety seats correctly, it is estimated that 80 percent of child safety seats are not · Children are particularly vulnerable until installed and used correctly10. the age of 9–10 years, owing to their weak capacity to concentrate attention on traffic. · Driver safety belt use is positively associ- They are considered to be especially ated with child restraint use. In a recent vulnerable when motorised traffic is heavy study nearly 40 percent of children riding or fast, visibility is limited or drivers’ atten- with unbelted drivers were completely tion is diverted6. unrestrained, compared with only 5 per- cent of children riding with belted drivers11. · Child pedestrians and cyclists usually suffer the most severe injuries as a result
· Child restraint use decreases as both the age of the child and the blood alcohol · Toddlers (ages 1 to 2) sustain the highest level of the child’s driver increase5. number of pedestrian injuries, primarily due to their small size and limited traffic · Children are up to 29 percent safer riding experience. More than half of all toddler in the back seat versus the front seat12. pedestrian injuries occur when a vehicle is backing up16. · Very positive results have derived from the implementation of rental or loan pro- · Children living in homes with shared grammes for infant seats allowing parents driveways are at significantly increased all over Sweden, Finland, Germany or the risk for driveway-related injuries. A fenced UK to save money and make changes play area, physically separated from when appropriate for a low fee (or even residential driveways, could reduce the without any cost)9. risk of driveway-related incidents by 50 percent17. · Speed cameras have been shown to have a positive cost-benefit of around 4:1. In Prevention Effectiveness the United Kingdom the benefits to society from the avoided injuries due to speed · There is evidence that more lives could be cameras were in excess of £221 million saved on roads throughout Europe if the compared to enforcement costs of around following strategies were implemented, £54 million. Furthermore there is public taught to the public and enforced: support for the use of safety cameras for targeted enforcement as illustrated by the · Reduced speed limit zones – are effec- Three-year evaluation report of the na- tive in reducing both traffic speed and tional safety camera programme, pub- accidents, a major risk factor that influ- lished in June 2004. ences the severity of pedestrian injuries. In the UK introduction of 30 km/h speed · Airbags pose a risk to children. Children limit zones resulted in local reductions of sat in rearward facing seats are closer to 48% in child road accidents involving the airbag and are especially in danger of cyclists and a reduction of 70% in fatal being fatally injured if the airbag goes off, child road accidents involving pedestri- and in some countries it is illegal to put a ans18. rearward facing child seat in the front where there is an active frontal passenger · Traffic calming – comprehensive area airbag.13 wide traffic calming measures (constructing urban throughpasses, · In addition to physical trauma, motor enlarging existing pedestrian areas, vehicle injuries can have long-lasting improving the network of cycling facilities, psychological effects. One study showed constructing roundabouts, implementing that 25 percent of children who suffered 30 km/h zones, and strictly enforcing from traffic injuries and 15 percent of their traffic rules) have shown a 60% reduction parents were diagnosed with post- in casualties from road accidents19. Fur- traumatic stress disorder14. thermore, parents have been shown to place a high value on physical and social · The use of belts in the United States interventions to improve child pedestrian saves $50 billion each year in medical safety20. care, productivity, and other societal costs. Belt non-use costs $26 billion · Safer car fronts for pedestrians and annually15. The numbers are not yet cyclists – it is estimated that up to 2,100 known for Europe as a whole. deaths and 18,000 serious pedestrian and cyclist casualties of all ages could be · Every EURO spent on a child safety seat prevented annually in the EU6. saves 32 EUROS4. · Safety restraints - include seatbelts, · Many pedestrian-related injuries occur in booster and child seats are a highly effec- driveways when backing up the vehicle, tive way of reducing serious and fatal usually a sports utility vehicle. More than injuries to children. The chance of being half of these occur when children are killed or severely injured is about 7 times playing or walking behind a vehicle at the greater for children who are not belted or time of injury16. restrained9.
· 83% of belted and restrained children · remain uninjured in accidents. When · There is some evidence that training properly used, they have shown to have schemes can improve children's behav- an injury reducing factor of 90-95% for iour when cycling. rear-facing systems and 60% with forward facing systems6. · Speed cameras - as speed is the single · The Netherlands conducted an ex- most important determinant for safety in tremely effective campaign traffic26 speed cameras have been found ( targeted at in- to be an effective measure to reduce creased seatbelt wearing rates for 4-12 speeding. A systematic review of existing year olds, and in 2 years time the seat- research on speed cameras consistently belt wearing rate went up from 52% to showed that speed cameras are an effec- 69%9. tive intervention in reducing road traffic · Stay rearward facing longer – children collisions and related casualties27. transported rearward in child passenger restraints up to the age of 3 have shown · Speed cameras in the United Kingdom almost 5 times greater protection than caused a 35% reduction in people killed those in forward facing restraints21 or seriously injured at camera sites, as well as a 56% reduction in the number · Bicycle helmets - correctly fitted, bicycle of pedestrians being killed or seriously helmets reduce the risk of head and brain injured28. Drivers surveyed agreed that injury by 63 to 88%22 speed cameras were to reduce speeds and not punish drivers. · Discount schemes and programmes to assist with helmet purchase have · Red light cameras – installation of red shown to be and important element in light cameras yielded 70 to 90% reduc- encouraging helmet wearing7. As in the tions in red light violations within one case of financial help to the acquisition year29. Front-into-side crashes at intersec- of child seats, the evidence suggests tions with traffic signals (the type of colli- that promotional campaigns may be sion most commonly associated with red effective in increasing the helmet use, light running) were reduced in one com- especially among younger children. munity by 32 percent. There were 68 percent fewer front-into-side crashes · Education campaigns - a broad array of involving injuries. educational approaches, such as individ- ual instruction, audiovisual materials, · Mobilisation of political commitment behaviour modification techniques, model- combined with legislation - the number ling, simulations, training in real street of road deaths in France fell by 18.1% situations, and mass media campaigns (1405 lives saved) in one year once can increase children's knowledge of President Jacques Chirac introduced a pedestrian safety, has potential for chang- law which included measures such as ing unsafe behaviours; and a parent automatic penalties, harsher sentences, education component is needed to maxi- and a probationary licence for new driv- mize success23. Also, targeted communi- ers30. cation messages for use of child passen- ger restraints24 and bicycle helmets25 have Legislation shown positive behaviour change. · Has proven to be the most powerful tool in · Education and skills development26 - the prevention of injuries whereas re- training programmes in pedestrian skills, search has shown that the use of child which involve practical roadside experi- restraints can make a big contribution to ence, have been shown to improve chil- reducing the severity of road accident dren's skills. injuries, and that a child who travels without being suitably restrained runs a · Education targeting both parents and higher risk of injury and a higher risk of children has produced good evidence of being injured more severely than a child behaviour change and some evidence who is properly restrained. The common of casualty reduction. rules on the protection of children there- fore needed tightening up31.
EU legislation currently in force9 regarding children and road safety: DIRECTIVE 91/671/EEC The original Directive on seat belt and child restraint use, Directive 91/671/EEC, only applied to cars and vans and, al- though addressing the mandatory use of child restraints gave scope for Member States to allow children of 3 years and older to be restrained by an adult seat belt. It also permitted Member States to exempt children younger than 3 years of age from wearing child restraints provided they are seated in the rear and if child restrains are not available in the car, i.e. the original Directive did not require parents to buy and use child restraints for their children. DIRECTIVE 2003/20/EC is a new rule set up as a reinforced legislation that extends the scope of application of the above mentioned Directive to require the use of seat belts where provided by all motor vehicle occupants and for children to be restrained by an appropriate child restraint system conforming to UN-ECE standard Regulation 44.03) when travelling in passenger cars and light vans (M1 and N1 vehicles). This rule will have to be transposed into National law by 9 May 2006. The main safety benefit of the new Directive is that it recognises that children, like adults, have the right to be protected when travelling in cars and therefore requires the adults responsible to ensure that the children are restrained by child restraints that are designed for their age and size. It also mandates the use of seat belts by truck drivers: this measure alone has the potential for saving 200 truck drivers' lives a year. RECOMMENDATION 2004/345/EC is a non-binding suggestion of what would be advisable to do, where the enforcement of information actions in the context of national plans, combining information of the public in the form of publicity cam- paigns aiming at making the public conscious of road safety issues seem to be effective actions. Recommended Policy Actions ment such as seat belts and cycle helmets. What is needed is the political will to implement, · Ensure that child road traffic safety is incorpo- enforce and sustain road safety and prevention rated into the training of traffic engineers and measures. The countries who dedicate them- urban planners. selves to improving road safety will save many children from death and disability. · Provide resources for encouraging vehicle designers and manufacturers to find innova- · Adopt European standard for mandatory rear tive ways to protect child pedestrians and seat belt use in all Member States, as in the cyclists from cars. Czech Republic and Hungary wearing rear seat belts in the rear seats is not mandatory. · Expand the use of Automated Enforcement Systems (speed cameras, red light cameras) · Improve enforcement of child passenger re- throughout Europe to help reduce the num- straints in all Member States of Europe, es- ber of red-light-running violations and speed- pecially covering booster seat-aged children ing. via fines. · Expand the knowledge of parents and the · Create a European legislation for a voluntary technology of child restraint systems in order agreement for the automobile industry re- to have children travel rearward facing garding safer vehicle fronts so that they do longer. less damage to vulnerable road users in acci- dents. · Mainstream programme and research fund- ing, resources and skilled, committed-work · Promote the culture on road safety through force put together may contribute to improve legislative enforcement, environmental modi- performances. fications and, above all, educational cam- paigns. Children skills and behaviour may be · Involve stakeholders such as practitioners, improved and influenced at an early stage. policy-makers, parents and trainers in the translation of evidence into practice in order EU collaboration to promote optimal dissemination. · Provide resources for an annual child road Acknowledgements traffic safety campaign communicating proven actions should be planned and imple- With thanks to the Austrian Road Safety Board mented in Member States and co-ordinated for providing injury data, to ULSS20 Verona for throughout the European Union to provide research assistance and to the Consumer Safety high quality road safety education to improve Institute in the Netherlands for hosting and sup- porting the European Child Safety Alliance. children's skills and awareness of risk, and publicity to encourage use of safety equip-
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Figure 1 Fatal road traffic injuries of children (0-19 years) in the EU27* Source: WHO Mortality Database, 5 year average of the latest available years, in most cases 2000 - 2004 Sweden 3,32 Netherlands 3,95 United Kingdom 3,97 Malta 4,01 Finland 4,50 Hungary 4,58 Ireland 4,68 Czech Republic 4,89 Romania 5,37 Bulgaria 5,69 Denmark 5,74 Germany 5,77 Austria 6,06 Luxembourg 6,24 EU27* average 6,30 Poland 6,53 Italy 6,74 Slovakia 7,06 France 7,15 Spain 7,34 Slovenia 7,43 Estonia 7,56 Portugal 8,66 Belgium 8,77 Greece 9,25 Lithuania 10,06 Latvia 10,64 0,00 2,00 4,00 6,00 8,00 10,00 12,00 * no dat a of Cyprus Rate s per 100,000 population
Figure 2 Fatal road traffic injuries in the EU27* by age group and sex - Total number Source: WHO Mortality Database, 5 year average of the latest available years, in most cases 2000 - 2004 15-19 years 75% 25% 10-14 years 63% 37% 5-9 years 61% 39% 1-4 years 57% 43%
Figure 3 Proportions of fatal road traffic injuries in % of all causes mortality by age group and economic region - EU27* Source: WHO Mortality Database, 5 year average of the latest available years, in most cases 2000 - 2004 40,00 37,2 35,00 30,00 26 25,00 19,1 20,00 % 17 17 15,00 13,7 13,4 11 10,00 8 7,1 5,00 0,4 0 0,00
Figure 4 Killed in road traffic accidents (aged 0-14 years) by traffic participation in EU-15 (Source: IRTAD Database, 2005, for IT+LU data from 2004, for IE data from 2003) Mopeds and Mofas 5% Others incl. unknown 4% Bicyclists 17% Motorcycles and Scooters 2% Pedestrians Pas senger cars and 29% station wagons 43% Figure 5 Killed in road traffic accidents (aged 15-20 years) by traffic participation in EU-15 (Source: IRTAD Database, 2005, for IT+LU data from 2004, for IE data from 2003) Motorcycles and Others incl. Scooters unknown 12% 3% Mopeds and Mofas 14% Bicyclists Passenger cars and 3% station wagons Pedestrians 62% 6%
Figure 6 Injured in road traffic accidents (aged 0-14 years) by traffic participation in EU-15 (Source: IRTAD Database, 2005, for IT+LU data from 2004, for IE data from 2003) Others incl. unknown Mopeds and Mofas Bicyclists 4% 4% 22% Motorcycles and Scooters 1% Pedestrians 28% Passenger cars and station wagons 41% Figure 7 Injured in road traffic accidents (aged 15-20 years) by traffic participation in EU-15 (Source: IRTAD Database, 2005, for IT+LU data from 2004, for IE data from 2003) Motorcycles and Mopeds and Mofas Scooters 24% 9% Others incl. unknown 3% Bicyclists 7% Passenger cars and Pedestrians station wagons 6% 51% (printed April 2007) The European Child Safety Alliance is a Programme of EuroSafe and is hosted by the Consumer Safety Institute in the Netherlands PO Box 75169 1070 AD Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. +31 20 511 45 13 Fax +31 20 511 45 10
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