Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...

Page created by Linda Matthews
Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...
Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide
Our mission is serving Christ by loving our
neighbors through excellent, compassionate
and accessible healthcare.

Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...
About NeighborHealth Center

The team at NeighborHealth not only strives to                      NeighborHealth partnered with churches and
provide excellent primary care to treat their patients’             organizations to strategically reach the most
physical needs, but they are also concerned about                   vulnerable and other historically underserved
their patients’ emotional/mental health and their                   populations. Funding is currently being sought
spiritual health – person-centered health care.                     to expand their outreach, to address vaccine
NeighborHealth’s services include Adult Health,                     hesitancy, misinformation, and barriers to access.
Urgent Care, Chronic Disease Management, Children’s                 The organization’s strategic goal is to become
Health, Women/Prenatal Health, and Pharmacy                         the most recognized and respected ambulatory
services through the federal 340-B program. As a                    healthcare provider in the region. In addition
501c3 nonprofit community health center, and the                    to, and in anticipation of, becoming the most
only regional Federally Qualified Health Center Look                recognized healthcare provider within the region,
Alike (FQHC-LA), services are provided to underserved               NeighborHealth has the goal of reaching full FQHC
and low-income residents in Raleigh, North Carolina                 status within the next 1–3 years. With full FQHC
(Wake County). Last year, NeighborHealth served                     status, NeighborHealth will qualify for additional
4000+ patients from newborns to adults, an increase                 federal funding to support the organization, staff,
of 42% from the prior year. Of these patients, a third              and patients inclusive of the greater community
were uninsured, a third were covered by Medicaid,                   of Wake County.
and over a third were best served in a language other
than English. Almost 75% of NeighborHealth’s patients               Governed by an active board of fourteen members,
are members of racial or ethnic minority groups.                    eight of whom have been with NeighborHealth since
                                                                    its doors opened, the FQHC-LA is still in early stages,
NeighborHealth is taking a proactive approach                       seeking to grow exponentially in the coming years.
to battling the COVID-19 pandemic. The dedicated                    Sue Ellen Thompson, the current Chief Executive
team of providers has administered over 14,000                      Officer (CEO), has been instrumental in the
vaccines at an off-site clinic as well as many “pop-up”             pre-founding and start-up of NeighborHealth
clinics at locations throughout the community and                   operations over the last five years and will be
performed almost 6,500 COVID-19 tests by May 2021.                  retiring in July 2021.

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Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...
The Opportunity: Chief Executive Officer
NeighborHealth Center is seeking a servant-leader                   the organization through the FQHC certification
for the role of CEO, who desires to serve the Raleigh               process, securing impactful funding to support
community through faith by confidently leading                      the organization and its growth.
NeighborHealth in its delivery of person-centered
health care. Having successfully adapted and                        Reporting to a Board of Directors, the CEO will
increased its capacity to deliver quality care over                 oversee 12 providers and 50+ staff members
the past year during the pandemic, NeighborHealth                   and contractors (with 5 direct reports), and
is looking ahead and planning for additional growth                 a 2021 expense budget of $5.1M (click here for more
in patient numbers and expansion into geographic                    information). Relationship building skills, compassion,
areas served. Eventually plans will include becoming                and the ability to maintain a long-term focus on the
a multi-site FQHC and offering auxiliary services                   direction of the organization is essential. The selected
(dental and other) which will be added once                         CEO will provide thoughtful and strategic leadership
long-term financial sustainability and long-term                    for the overall management of NeighborHealth
growth is defined.                                                  Center, including the following areas: Financial
                                                                    Services, Clinical Operations, Human Resources,
NeighborHealth’s post-pandemic chapter will be one                  Facilities, Computer Information Services,
of thoughtful evolution and measured development,                   Risk Management, Case Management, Managed
requiring a skillful leader who can successfully                    Care Services, Quality Improvement, Marketing,
navigate and guide the organization through the                     Fundraising, and Planning.
process while not losing site of the core values and
mission upon which it was founded. This CEO will be                 Performance will be measured throughout the
responsible for standardizing processes, establishing               first year through a lens of transition and growth,
reporting structures, and strengthening financial                   and success will be marked by the following
stability through fundraising and business savvy                    short- and long-term Performance Expectations.
practices. The new executive leader will guide

NeighborHealth Center is the one faith-based safety-net provider in Wake County
serving both adults and children; both the insured and uninsured; pregnant women;
and patients with Medicaid, Medicare, and commercial insurance

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Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...
Performance Expectations

Visionary and Strategic Leadership                                  Partnerships and Community Building
• Envision and lead NeighborHealth Center through                   • Develop and oversee an outreach plan aligned
  its next stage of growth and development, including                 with the strategic plan which will result in
  seizing the opportunity to apply for full FQHC status               NeighborHealth becoming the recognized
  when the opportunity becomes available.                             leader in ambulatory care in the region. Create
• Guard and protect the prominence of the mission                     and implement programs to meet the needs
  through upcoming growth and expansion, assuring                     of the community.
  the mission advances as NeighborHealth becomes a                  • Collaborate with Board members to determine
  healthcare home restoring individuals and families by               appropriate strategies to achieve NeighborHealth’s
  connecting them to God’s love and the community.                    mission and vision, promoting a positive and
• Leverage visibility within the community (during the                productive working relationship among the
  pandemic and into the future) to encourage new                      Board of Directors, faith community, partner
  patients to visit the clinics and expand outreach                   organizations, patient community, and staff.
  into the community; remain focused on the goals                   • Foster and nurture effective working relationships
  to increase the overall number and geographic                       with major medical centers in the community and
  distribution of the patients served with attention                  develop new partnerships with local healthcare
  to the depth, quality, and grace with which services                providers which will enhance the services offered
  are delivered.                                                      by NeighborHealth.
• Attract, motivate, and supervise a highly effective,              • Cultivate investors and ambassadors that will
  productive, and cohesive staff with both professional               extend the reach and message of NeighborHealth
  and technical expertise and operational talent who                  Center to all types of donors and supports,
  make person-centered health care possible for                       including but not limited to individuals, institutions,
  the community.                                                      foundations, corporate social responsibility leaders,
• Promote a growth mindset, remaining current with                    and potential third-party supporters.
  health and population trends in Wake County to                    • Create new and innovative marketing and
  ensure the ever-changing and diverse population                     outreach strategies using technology, social
  continues to receive quality and complete care.                     networks, and foreign language outreach
                                                                      to increase the overall number of patients
                                                                      and extend services to the diverse community
                                                                      in which NeighborHealth operates.

        | Building transformative teams and leaders                                           4
Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...
Performance Expectations

Operational Capacity                                                 Administration and
and Service Delivery                                                 Financial Management
• Set the tone for the overall culture, in the initial               • Hire qualified staff and ensure they have the
  transition, and into the future, that keeps the                      required qualifications and continued training
  welcoming and caring nature of interaction with                      to perform their duties and carry out the mission
  patients at the core of the daily work and inspires                  of the health center.
  staff to excel in their daily work.                                • Develop an annual operating budget and ensure
• Monitor, evaluate, and continuously improve                          that the health center operates within budget
  NeighborHealth’s outcomes in operational and                         guidelines. Regularly monitor budgets and cash
  clinical areas based on evaluation of data and                       flow statements.
  metrics, best in class standards, and compliance/                  • Take all necessary actions to ensure a stable
  regulatory guidelines.                                               and reliable income stream(s) for the organization
• Ensure a solid operating infrastructure of all                       and ensure timely and accurate filing of all
  aspects of the organization under the guidance                       documentation and reporting required to
  and policy set by the Board, keeping mission                         receive continued funding.
  and faith at the forefront.                                        • Maintain consistent reporting on the organization’s
• Develop and execute a Quality Improvement                            financial position and outlook and ensure fiscal
  Plan in conjunction with clinical team leaders that                  responsibility.
  sets specific quality improvement goals and means                  • Navigate compliance with all standards, laws,
  to measure these goals for each clinical area                        and regulations as promulgated by regulatory
  evaluated and report on the success of the Quality                   and accrediting organizations such as JCAHO (TJC),
  Improvement Plan.                                                    CLIA, OSHA, and all applicable state and federal
• Ensure a healthy balance between NeighborHealth’s                    regulations by implementing proper controls,
  passion for its work and mission and the need to                     and providing timely and accurate reporting of
  implement efficiencies and effectively operate                       financial, administrative, and operational reporting
  as a private not for profit business with an                         as required.
  appropriate margin.                                                • Responsible for working with management
• Deliver on NeighborHealth’s commitment to provide                    and staff at the health center to ensure that
  culturally competent and linguistically appropriate                  each employee understands their job description,
  healthcare services and demonstrate cultural                         the desired results associated with their work,
  sensitivity in all areas, including gender, age, sexual              and the resources available to achieve the results.
  orientation, religion, and economic status/class.

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Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...
The Qualified Candidate
                                                      Specific Requirements Include:
The qualified candidate has a passion                 • A minimum of 7 years of management experience,
for delivering person-centered health                   demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the
care to underserved communities                         medical, financial, and administrative duties involved in
and will have a minimum of 7 years                      directing the operations of an FQHC or FQHC Look-Alike
of management experience which                          is strongly preferred.
demonstrate a comprehensive
                                                      • Demonstrated experience preparing an organization to
understanding of the medical,
                                                        enter a growth and expansion stage and in successfully
financial, and administrative issues
                                                        providing steadfast leadership during transition.
involved in directing the operations
of an FQHC or FQHC Look Alike.                        • Embraces and personifies the mission and core values of
                                                        NeighborHealth as well as fully lives the statement of faith.
                                                      • Proven ability to build strong relationships with a variety
                                                        of stakeholders, including the Board, partner medical
                                                        organizations, church congregations, and community
                                                      • Track record in financial management, stewardship, and
                                                        developing strategies to successfully increase revenue.
                                                      • Ability to speak persuasively, effectively, and credibly
                                                        about NeighborHealth and its mission of person-centered
                                                        health care.
                                                      • Prior experience working in a multi-cultural setting.
                                                        Applicants with fluency in a language other than English,
                                                        are strongly encouraged to apply.
                                                      • Strong experience achieving successes in partnership
                                                        with the Board, with the ability to empower Board
                                                        members to successfully engage with and support
                                                        the organization.
                                                      • Documented success in building strong and productive
                                                        work teams with a focus on mentoring and nurturing
                                                        staff development.
                                                      • Strong analytic and strategic-thinking skills with
                                                        a demonstrated ability to create, implement, and
                                                        monitor complex plans and then translate those
                                                        plans into goals and concrete strategies.
                                                      • Career track record proving stability with an organization
                                                        and capacity to develop and nurture relationships
                                                        culminating in overall success.
                                                      • Bachelor’s degree required. An Advanced degree
                                                        in business or health care management preferred.

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Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...
How To Apply
To assure confidential tracking of all applicants,
applications will only be accepted via the application
link on this page (in the KEES Applicant System).
This position offers a competitive salary with strong
benefits. Relocation assistance is negotiable.
All inquiries will be held in strict confidence.

NeighborHealth Center is an equal opportunity
employer and does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation,
national or ethnic origin, disability, marital status,
veteran status, or any other occupationally
irrelevant criteria.


This search is being managed by Heather Eddy,
President and CEO, and Kiana Martin, Project Manager
of KEES. Questions may be addressed to Ms. Martin

About KEES
KEES (formerly Alford Executive Search) is a nonprofit executive search firm that builds diverse teams and dynamic
leaders in the nonprofit and public entity sectors. A woman owned and operated firm, KEES offers a full array of
nonprofit consulting services including executive search, leadership development, interim staffing, and HR support.
For more information, please visit

          | Building transformative teams and leaders                               7
Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...
More About NeighborHealth Center and Raleigh, NC

While NeighborHealth is aligned with Christian                       tree-lined main streets, concerts in the park, golf
faith principles, it is committed to serving patients                course communities and one-of-a-kind boutiques.
of any faith. Its practitioners strive to live out the               From Apex to Zebulon, visitors and residents can
Gospel by meeting each patient with the same                         enjoy a daytrip visit or an overnight stay in these
grace, kindness and acceptance shown by Jesus.                       towns where the Southern hospitality that NC is
For more information about NeighborHealth,                           known for can be found, within easy reach of the
visit:                              burgeoning cosmopolitan offerings of Raleigh.

Raleigh, North Carolina was founded in 1792 as NC’s                  Raleigh, NC ranks among the top ten best cities
capital city. It was named for Sir Walter Raleigh, who               to live in the United States according to Business
attempted to establish the first English colony on the               Insider. With an annual average temperature high
shores of the new world in the 1580s. It is the only                 of 71°F, Raleigh boasts more than 9,000 acres of
state capital to have been planned and established                   parkland and almost 1,300 acres of water, offering
by a state as the seat of state government, and it is                recreational activities year-round. A nationally
the largest city in a combined statistical area known                acclaimed greenway system spans more than
as Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill (the Research Triangle                 180 miles, providing walking, jogging, and hiking trails
Region). The city’s founding fathers called Raleigh                  that connect many of the City of Raleigh’s 200+ parks
the “City of Oaks” and dedicated themselves to                       and Town of Cary’s 30+ parks. Surrounding towns
maintaining the area’s wooded tracts and grassy                      have even more parks and recreational opportunities.
parks. Raleigh is home to the NC State Fair, NC’s                    Sports and outdoor enthusiasts will find plenty to
largest annual event.                                                cheer about. Hockey fans can catch the excitement
                                                                     of the NHL Carolina Hurricanes. Relax outdoors
When it comes to a good time, the Raleigh, NC, area                  at a Carolina Mudcats Low-A baseball game or
knows no limits. Just outside the city of Raleigh are                at WakeMed Soccer Park watching North Carolina
the neighboring towns and unincorporated areas                       FC men’s or North Carolina Courage women’s pro
that make up Wake County. There are 11 towns in all,                 soccer. The area is also home to stock car racing and
each just minutes away from Raleigh. Each has its                    great college athletics. For more information about
own story, charming visitors with historic downtowns,                Raleigh, please visit:

         | Building transformative teams and leaders                                          8
Chief Executive Officer Opportunity Guide - - Our mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through excellent ...
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