Chapter V - the United Nations

Chapter V - the United Nations
Chapter V

Policy recommendations
The preceding chapters of World Social Report 2021            role of rural development, in which a productivity in-
have discussed the role of rural development in achiev-       crease in agriculture in rural areas leads the industrial
ing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from             and overall development. The experience of the Green
economic, social and environmental perspectives, and          Revolution in the 1960s also shows that growth in ag-
offered conclusions and policy recommendations. The           ricultural productivity can be an autonomous process
goal of this concluding chapter is to bring these togeth-     and force. It would therefore be a mistake to consider
er, taking note of the potential synergies among them         the historical evidence on structural transformation to
and the nexus role of some of them. The policy rec-           mean that rural development is only a subsequent out-
ommendations are grouped into three parts. The first          come of urban growth. Instead, policymakers need to
comprises strategic principles that are needed for suc-       pay attention to the beginning of the processes that
cessful rural development. The second includes pro-           led other countries to industrialize rapidly, identify the
grammes and policies that impact more than one di-            forces that led to the successful end results, and draw
mension of sustainable development. The third covers          lessons from them. For agriculture, this means policies
sectoral policies that are directly relevant for a particu-   that (i) increase agricultural yields and productivity; (ii)
lar dimension of sustainable development. Reflecting          provide better and more stable prices of inputs and
the three dimensions of sustainable development, the          outputs; (iii) open new domestic and international mar-
sectoral policies are grouped under three categories,         kets; (iv) expand non-farm rural economies that pro-
pertaining to (i) growth and balanced settlement; (ii)        duce much needed goods and services; and (v) provide
poverty and inequality; and (iii) protection of environ-      more and better earning opportunities.
ment. Together, these principles, programmes and
sec­toral policies can help countries to achieve sustain-     Recognizing the key role of
able rural development that leads to the SDGs.
                                                              rural development in protection
                                                              of the environment
Elements of overall rural                                     Rural development demands more attention from pol-
development strategy                                          icymakers, not only because of the necessity for im-
                                                              proving the material standard of living of rural popu-
Assigning an active and                                       lations, but also because rural development has a key
preceding role to rural                                       role in the protection of the environment. Most of the
development                                                   natural capital of a country is located in rural areas,
In countries with large rural populations, rural develop-     and agriculture—generally the predominant economic
ment needs to be viewed as an active driver of national       activity of the rural population—is intimately connected
development. Productivity growth in agriculture re-           with nature, both depending and having impact on it.
leases labour and other resources to the other sectors        Rural development therefore requires more attention
while maintaining the required food supply for urban          from policymakers, both for achieving the socioeco-
population growth. The experience of the early and            nomic SDGs as well as those related to the health of
newly industrialized countries points to a preceding          the planet.
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              More attention to the protection of forests and      populations in their countries have the wherewithal to
      wilderness is also warranted in order to prevent fre-        adopt and make use of these new technologies, and
      quent occurrences of zoonotic epidemics and pan-             therefore do not fall behind.
      demics, such as the world is currently experiencing
      with COVID-19. The possibility of such an event as this      Adopting in situ urbanization as
      shows that rural development demands the attention           the model of rural development
      of policymakers in not only developing countries but
                                                                   More attention needs to be given to the in situ urban-
      developed countries as well. Clearly, the importance of
                                                                   ization as a model of rural development. Unlike the
      rural development in the protection of the environment
                                                                   classical and greenfield urbanization models, the in
      does not diminish simply because the share of popula-
                                                                   situ model envisages raising the living standard of the
      tion living in rural areas is lower.
                                                                   rural population to that of the urban population with-
      Recognizing the changing role of                             out migration and loss of the essential characteristic
                                                                   of rural areas (namely, the low density of population).
      rural development in the age of                              It also helps to avoid such urban ills as slums, squalor
      the fourth industrial revolution                             and sprawls. Specific versions of the in situ model may
      Policymakers need to adopt a forward-looking ap-             however differ, and countries such as China, Japan and
      proach and view rural development from the perspec-          Sri Lanka offer examples from which other countries
      tive of the fourth industrial revolution that is now in      can learn.
      progress. They need to be aware that the technologies
      of the fourth industrial revolution are changing the con-    Guided approach to optimal
      text of rural development fundamentally, thereby creat-      spatial rural-urban combination
      ing new opportunities. The information and communi-
                                                                   Models of urbanization and rural development are in-
      cations technologies (ICT) revolution and the spread of
      digital technologies are rapidly undercutting the mate-      terdependent. Adopting the guided approach, policy­
      rial basis for the rural-urban divide. Economic activities   makers can decide what combination of classical,
      that once were thought to be the exclusive province of       greenfield and in-situ urbanization is optimal for a
      urban areas can now be easily carried out from rural         country and how these can be made more conducive
      locations. The COVID-19 experience, although tragic          to sustainable development, from both socioeconomic
      overall, has accelerated this process. Digital methods       and environmental viewpoints. From the socioecono­
      of communication have put rural and urban residents          mic viewpoint, policymakers may guide the process
      on equal ground regarding everything that can be de-         towards a rural-urban spatial configuration in which,
      livered digitally, including education, health, various      on the one hand, rural residents can enjoy income and
      public services and cultural amenities. In addition, new     standards of living similar to that of urban residents,
      technologies, such as 3D printing, are converting man-       thus feeling less compulsion for migration; on the other
      ufacturing into boutique activities that can be carried      hand, migrants do not have to end up in urban slums
      out in rural areas too.                                      and squalor. From the environmental viewpoint, policy­
             Shrinkage of the rural population is thus no          makers may adopt the guided approach to ensure a
      longer required for development, allowing new scope          rural-urban spatial combination that avoids wasteful
      to reconsider what constitutes optimal rural-urban           urban sprawls and unjustified (when negative external-
      combination. Policymakers need to be aware of these          ities are taken into account) expansion of agriculture at
      transformational changes, and to make sure that rural        the expense of forests and wilderness.


Guided approach towards                                             Cross-cutting programmes
optimal combination of                                              This section summarizes some of the cross-sector
agricultural models                                                 programmes that pertain to more than one dimension
Guidance from policymakers is also necessary to de-                 of sustainability.
termine the optimal combination of various agricultural
models that is suitable for a particular country, given             Public investment in rural
its resource endowments, institutions and technolo-                 basic infrastructure
gy. Different agricultural models have their respective
                                                                    One of the important policy recommendations that
strengths and weaknesses regarding economic, social
                                                                    emerged from chapters II, III, and IV is to ensure that
and environmental dimensions of sustainable devel-
                                                                    basic infrastructure is in place in rural areas. Basic
opment. However, both positive and negative exter-
                                                                    infrastructure in turn has many components. The two
nalities associated with different agricultural models
                                                                    most prominent are (i) reliable transportation (mostly
are not accurately reflected in the market outcomes.
                                                                    road, rail, and water transportation) and (ii) adequate
Consequently, market incentives do not always lead to
                                                                    electricity supply. The public goods nature of transpor-
the optimal combination of agricultural models from
                                                                    tation and electricity has generally meant that these
the viewpoint of sustainability and resilience. Policy-
                                                                    deserve more public investment than what the market
makers can study and benefit from international ex-
perience in choosing the combination of agricultural                would generate. Although the advent of modular solar
models that is most suitable for a country, given its               and wind power has opened up the possibility for private
concrete conditions.                                                initiatives regarding electricity, it generally remains an
                                                                    area requiring public investment. Basic infrastructure
Country-specific nature of                                          also includes the provision of clean drinking water and
                                                                    hygienic sanitary facilities, which are also critical for
rural development strategies
                                                                    human capital development. While significant advanc-
Agriculture, the dominant economic activity of rural                es have been made in these spheres during the past
areas,1 is more location specific than other types of               decades, rural areas will not catch up with urban areas
economic activities. The type of rural-urban spatial                by 2030 at the current rate of progress. Hence, a com-
combination—to be achieved through classical, green-                prehensive public investment programme is needed
field and in-situ urbanization—that is most suitable for            to overcome the deficiencies that exist in rural basic
a country depends on the per capita land availability               infrastructure. Progress in this regard can help achieve
and other physical conditions, including the natural re-            many SDGs directly, and others indirectly through sec-
source endowment of a country. Similarly, the choice of
                                                                    ondary effects, as discussed in chapters II, III and IV.
agricultural model has to be country specific, depend-
ing on its unique conditions, including its history. Thus,
                                                                    Public investment in human
while it will be important to learn from both historical
and contemporary experiences of other countries, the
                                                                    capital development in rural
rural development strategy needs to be country speci­               areas
fic (much more so, for example, than a country’s indus-             In tandem with the public investment in physical infra-
trial strategy).                                                    structure, a comprehensive investment programme
                                                                    focused on human capital development in rural areas
                                                                    is needed. This includes adequate provision of edu-
1   Even off-farm activities significantly depend on what kind of
                                                                    cation, health care and cultural amenities. Positive
    agriculture is practiced in a country.                          externalities associated with human capital are more

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      pronounced than those associated with physical cap-        helping to achieve the social goals of equity, research
      ital. Investment in human capital must also be com-        has shown that, under the right incentive framework,
      plemented by incentives to retain talent in rural areas,   communal management of natural resources can be
      not only to engage in private economic activities, but     more effective in protecting them, and thus in ensuring
      also to provide public services to rural people. Prior-    environmental sustainability.
      ity should be placed on avoiding the “hollowing out”
      of local government leaders and staff, which would         Access to internet and digital
      undermine public sector effectiveness, including in
                                                                 technologies and platforms
      delivering basic public services. Public investment in
      human capital can help achieve SDG 3 (good health          Ensuring basic physical infrastructure, such as roads
      and well-being) and SDG 4 (quality education) direct-      and electricity, is no longer enough to achieve suc-
      ly. Availability of educated rural youth is also key for   cessful rural transformation in the current era of dig-
      achievement of the economic goal of SDG 8 (decent          ital technologies and the fourth industrial revolution.
      work and economic growth).                                 Adequate access to broadband Internet has become
                                                                 essential, and public initiatives have to play a major
      Provision of basic public                                  role in this regard in most developing countries. One
      administrative services                                    of the success stories of recent technological diffu-
                                                                 sion is the rapid-fire expansion and adoption of mo-
      Discussions in the preceding chapters have also
                                                                 bile phones by people in developing countries who, in
      stressed the necessity of ensuring the access of rural
                                                                 many cases, have leapfrogged over the stage of using
      people to essential public services—often called, col-
                                                                 landlines and gone directly to using mobile phones. In
      lectively, social infrastructure. These include law and
                                                                 many cases, this was achieved through private sector
      order; adjudication and justice; and public administra-
                                                                 initiatives (including initiatives by foreign phone com-
      tion services. Provision of public services, together
      with physical infrastructure and human capital devel-      panies). To the extent that most people in developing
      opment, can provide a conducive environment for the        countries connect to the Internet through their mobile
      growth of private entrepreneurship and bring about the     phones, private companies can play an important role
      necessary expansion of the non-farm sector in rural        in providing Internet services. However, governments
      areas, as noted in chapter II.                             still have a critical role to play, both as regulators and
                                                                 investors—for example, in ensuring backbone connec-
      Promotion of communal                                      tivity through either a submarine cable or satellite con-
      management of common                                       nection. Adequate access to broadband Internet is the
                                                                 sine qua non for rural populations to make use of the
      property resources                                         new technologies of the fourth industrial revolution.
      Many natural resources in rural areas—including for-
      ests, animal grazing lands, water bodies, and even                         _________________
      parts of cultivable land—are under common property
      jurisdiction. These resources often serve as a source
      of an important part of the consumption and income         Having considered above the cross-sectoral pro-
      of rural people who have few private assets. It is im-     grammes, it is now possible to turn to the sectoral pol-
      portant for policymakers to protect these common           icies pertaining to particular dimensions of sustainable
      property resources from encroachment and privati-          rural development. These are presented in the next
      zation. One way to do so is to strengthen communal         three sections, devoted to issues of (i) growth and bal-
      management of these resources by providing the legal       anced settlement; (ii) poverty and inequality; and (iii)
      basis and creating necessary institutions. Apart from      environmental protection.


Policies directly addressing                                which case public policies can play a supportive role
                                                            through financing, providing information, knowledge,
issues of inclusive growth                                  training and administrative support, among others.
and balanced settlement                                     These policies can also help to recruit the necessary
                                                            personnel, for example, by encouraging the rural youth
Discussions in the previous chapters have offered
                                                            to stay and join the non-farm activities instead of mi-
many policy suggestions that pertain directly to the
                                                            grating to cities where they face an uncertain future.
issues of inclusive growth and balanced settlement of
                                                            In many countries, the expansion of non-farm activities
the population.
                                                            has been greatly facilitated—initially, at least—by the
                                                            growth of cooperative enterprises. In those cases, pub-
Raising agricultural productivity                           lic initiatives, particularly of local governments, have
Policymakers need to realize that the starting point for    a more direct role. Policymakers need to be aware of
rural transformation in most countries is increasing ag-    these alternatives and choose those that would be the
ricultural productivity, primarily as the outcome of pri-   most effective for achieving sustainable development.
vate initiatives of farmers. However, public policies and
investments have a critical and complementary role          Choice of the appropriate spatial
to play. Thus, public investment in rural physical and
                                                            model for non-farm activities
social infrastructure and human capital development
can be an important determinant in raising agricultural     Public policies also have an important role in guiding
productivity. Public programmes to improve crop varie-      the impact of expansion of non-farm activities on the
ties and provide necessary extension services are also      nature of rural-urban spatial combination. For example,
                                                            left to itself, this expansion may take the form of green-
important. Other public policies, such as ensuring sta-
                                                            field urbanization, under which a rural area loses its ba-
ble remunerative prices for agricultural output—partly
                                                            sic physical characteristics and becomes inflicted by
by reducing or eliminating middle interests and instead
                                                            various urban ills. By contrast, policymakers may guide
establishing direct connection between producers/
                                                            the process in a way that maintains the general rural
farmers and consumers—can play an important role as
                                                            nature of the area and thus conform with the in-situ
well. To the extent that global value chains (GVCs) are
                                                            urbanization model of rural development. Guiding the
expanding in agriculture, and a greater share of agricul-
                                                            expansion of non-farm activities towards the in situ
tural output is produced for export, ensuring stable re-
                                                            modernization model can help to achieve environmen-
munerative prices may also require regional and global
                                                            tal goals of rural development also.
cooperation. Public policy can also play an important
role in raising agricultural productivity by ensuring
the needed financing without leading farmers into
                                                            Policies for successful rural
debt traps.                                                 transformation under global
                                                            value chains
Expansion of non-farm activities                            To ensure that participation in agricultural GVCs would
If raising agricultural productivity is the first step in   truly contribute to rural transformation, countries need
successful rural transformation, the second step is         to carefully calibrate their participation based on do-
translating the productivity growth into expansion of       mestic and external conditions, including factor en-
non-farm activities in rural areas. These activities can    dowments, institutions, geography and market size.
either be related to agriculture—for example, following     Based on their understanding of these conditions, poli-
its forward and backward linkages—or unrelated to           cymakers need to pursue tailored policies that, among
agriculture. Expansion of non-farm activities may pri-      other things, aim to (i) maintain fair valuation of the ex-
marily be the outcome of private sector initiatives, in     change rate; (ii) expand market access through trade

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      agreements; (iii) encourage foreign direct investment;        new digital technologies. Developing the right financ-
      (iv) provide a stable and predictable legal environment       ing and public-private partnership structures can
      for business transactions; (v) ensure product compli-         accelerate investment in providing basic services to
      ance with international standards; and (vi) reduce trade      those most in need.
      costs by improving connectivity and simplifying cus-
      toms and border procedures.
             Creating an enabling trade environment, how­
                                                                    Policies directly addressing
      ever, is not sufficient for successful participation of       issues of rural poverty and
      rural economic actors in the GVCs. These econom-              inequality
      ic actors also need to have a practical grasp of their
      options, required capabilities, and the actions they can      Discussions in the previous chapters have offered
      take to achieve desirable participation in global pro-        many policy suggestions that pertain directly to issues
      duction. Rural economic actors are at a particular dis-       of rural poverty and inequality.
      advantage, given their relative lack of access to such
      information. In developing countries, where rural pro-        Access to land and promotion
      ducers are generally short of resources, Governments          and support of smallholder
      must play an active role in providing the necessary           agriculture
      information and must help rural producers to find their
                                                                    With agricultural growth being two to three times as
      niche within GVCs and utilize it efficiently.
                                                                    effective in reducing poverty as growth in other sec-
                                                                    tors, one of the important tasks of policymakers is to
      Policies for successful                                       decide which particular agricultural model(s) to pro-
      use of new technologies                                       mote. Research has shown that smallholders—many of
      The right underlying infrastructure and supportive fi-        whom live in poverty and lack access to resources—use
      nancial and regulatory environment can help technolo-         more labour per unit of land, so that more land in their
      gy serve as a catalyst and accelerant for rural transfor-     hands can create more employment, especially among
      mation. Infrastructure investment in physical or digital      low-income earners. The experience of successful
      connections, in the form of roads and digital networks,       newly industrial countries shows that equitable initial
      expands the reach of technologies into more remote            distribution of land can provide the basis for a broad-
      and rural areas. At the same time, Governments can            based economic growth with desirable socioeconomic
      continue to accelerate their investments in expanding         outcomes. By contrast, unequal distribution of land
      access to electricity, lowering Internet costs, providing     concentrates the benefits of increased agricultural
      education and digital literacy, and implementing regu-        productivity growth in the hands of the few, thus widen-
      latory changes to encourage new digital ventures and          ing inequality, hindering broad-based growth, limiting
      services.                                                     the expansion of domestic demand, and dampening
             The new technologies should not crowd out              the expansion of non-farm activities. Practicing mixed
      investments for the old. Billions of people are still stuck   and organic farming is generally considered easier for
      with pre-industrial technologies, with limited access to      smallholders. Thus, the smallholder agricultural model
      the modern education and health systems necessary             has both socioeconomic and environmental merits for
      for accumulating the minimum level of human capital           developing countries with limited land and large rural
      required for adopting many digital technologies. Gov-         population.
      ernments should redouble their investment in lifting                 Policymakers may therefore consider land and
      these people from the pre-industrial technological level      tenure reform policies that can promote smallholder
      to a level from where they can take advantage of the          agriculture. By increasing the security of rights, tenure


reform can encourage investment in land and raise pro-       floor, irrespective of the amount of the contributions.
ductivity, even in the absence of outright ownership.        Universal protection floors also avoid the stigma that
Policymakers need to devise creative compensation            is often associated with targeted welfare programmes.
packages that can help to overcome political difficul-       Universal protection programmes also accord well with
ties, considered to be the most important hurdle to          the general principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustaina-
land and tenure reforms; this will also be important for     ble Development—to leave no one behind.
upgrading the technology of smallholder agriculture to
the industrial level.                                        Special attention to rural women
                                                             In most developing countries, rural women play a cru-
Digitization of land registration                            cial role in production and output processing activities.
An important step towards progressive land ownership         In many cases, homesteads are also where a variety of
and tenure systems is comprehensive and accurate             production and output processing operations are con-
land registration. Digital technologies have created         ducted, and women take on many of these functions as
new opportunities in this regard. Combined with digital      part of their extended household work. Many women
mapping, accurate cadastral surveys and land record-         also work outside in the fields and in non-farm activi-
ing and registration can now be conducted faster and         ties as hired labour. They need special protection. En-
with less effort. Digitization of land records can greatly   suring adequate opportunities for education and health
aid transparency and dissemination. Policymakers of          for the rural girls can be the starting point of ending
all developing countries should take up digitization of      gender disparity in rural areas.
land registration as an important and urgent task.                   Rural women often have limited rights over land
                                                             and natural resources. In many parts of the world, they
Social protection                                            still face discrimination in relation to land rights, due to
                                                             a combination of traditional practices and discriminato-
Faced with disproportionate levels of poverty, seasonal
                                                             ry laws. It is vital to ensure rural women’s equal access
and informal employment, unsafe working conditions,
                                                             to land and natural resources and address discrimina-
limited access to markets, lack of access to basic ser-
                                                             tory laws and practices that impede their rights in this
vices, and exclusion based on gender, ethnicity and
                                                             regard. Furthermore, obstacles such as high female
other factors, it is essential for rural people to have
                                                             illiteracy rates, discriminatory application of laws and
access to social protection. However, social protection
                                                             inadequate enforcement must also be addressed in
coverage in rural areas is generally lower than in urban
                                                             order for women to fully exercise their land rights.
areas and few programmes are explicitly tailored to
                                                                     Secure and equal access to land is necessary, but
match rural specificities. There are a number of struc-
                                                             it is insufficient by itself to foster the effective use of
tural, legal, administrative and financial barriers that
                                                             land by rural women. Rural women also need improved
must be addressed in order to overcome this dispa­
                                                             access to other resources, such as credit, technology,
rity. Legal frameworks can be adjusted and expanded,
                                                             extension services and markets. Land reform policies
contribution schemes can be modified to account for
                                                             should be complemented by efforts to improve these
rural employment types, participation in contributory
                                                             aspects as well.
schemes can be improved through subsidies, and the
hidden costs of participation can be lowered.
       Social insurance schemes are generally based
                                                             Special attention to
on contributions, and the benefits are tied to the contri-   indigenous peoples
butions made. However, there is increasing recognition       Overcoming the history of marginalization, discrim-
of the merits of ensuring a universal social protection      ination and poverty faced by indigenous peoples and

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      ethnic minority communities requires a broad set of         Special attention to
      economic and social policies. Education, for example,
                                                                  the needs of youth
      should be offered to indigenous peoples in their na-
      tive languages, and should acknowledge and promote          At the other end of the age spectrum, youth also re-
      their cultural heritage. The design and implementation      quire special attention. Migration of rural youth to ur-
      of social protection programmes should be based on          ban areas can result in workforce and talent losses for
      intercultural dialogue and the participation of indige-     the rural economy. Fortunately, the Internet has creat-
      nous peoples and ethnic minority communities in de-         ed new possibilities for retaining the youth in rural ar-
      cision-making. The spatial disadvantages of living in       eas and revitalizing societies. Also, further application
      remote rural areas can be partially offset by investing     of high-end technologies has created the possibility of
      in high-quality public services in those areas.             making agriculture attractive to youth. However, spe-
             Indigenous peoples are vital partners in achiev-     cial policies are needed to make use of these possibil-
      ing the SDGs. Their in-depth understanding of natu-         ities. General policies aimed at provision of electricity,
      ral cycles, indigenous food systems and traditional         broad-band Internet connection, and others, are impor-
      knowledge contributes to the protection of biodiver-        tant in this regard.
      sity and the fight against climate change. Their lands
      and territories are home to a vast biological diversity     Micro-insurance
      of species. For indigenous peoples, land is often not       Policies promoting micro-insurance can play an impor-
      seen as a commodity: it is a sacred part of their cultur-   tant role in protecting rural people from the impact of
      al identity. Most indigenous peoples have land tenure       crop loss due to unexpected weather events and in en-
      systems based on collective rights, regulated by cus-       suring minimum income in the event of disabilities and
      tomary laws and tradition. However, in many parts of        death (for survivors). Weather-indexed crop insurance
      the world, these rights are either only partially recog-    schemes, based on objective indicators such as devi-
      nized or not recognized at all by national Governments.     ation of rainfall from the average, have been found to
      A lack of recognition of their customs and how they         be simpler and less costly than traditional insurance,
      conceive of territory leads to conflict, marginalization    where losses have to be verified after occurrence.
      and, ultimately, poverty. To ensure a prosperous future     Similarly, micro-insurance aimed at protection against
      for indigenous peoples, both culturally and economi-        unexpected injury and death can be affordable and ef-
      cally, secure access to their ancestral lands must be       fective for many in the rural areas. Policymakers can
      guaranteed.                                                 help to make these effective micro-insurance schemes
                                                                  available for the rural population.
      Special attention
      to older persons                                            Policies addressing
      Policies need to be directed at meeting the needs of
                                                                  environmental issues
      older persons living in rural areas. In many countries,
      old age pension and social security programmes do           Since most of the natural capital of a country is gener-
      not encompass the rural areas, so older persons in          ally located in the rural areas, rural development has a
      those areas often have to depend on their children. A       particular role in protecting the environment. Some of
      particular area in which they need assistance is health     the recommendations that emerged from the analysis
      care. Even in countries where comprehensive social          in chapter IV and other chapters focus on (a) adoption
      security programmes may take more time to emerge,           of technologies to conserve and protect water and land
      Governments need to adopt special policies and pro-         resources; (b) promotion of circular and conservation
      grammes to ensure adequate income and health care           practices; and (c) strengthening of institutions for nat-
      for the rural elderly.                                      ural resource management.


      Policymakers have a major role to play in pre-              agriculture can help to protect the soil quality
venting water and land resources from depletion, deg-             in the long run;
radation, and pollution.                                      • Adoption of light ploughing. Policies need to
                                                                  encourage a move away from deep ploughing
Policies for protecting water                                     for increasing crop output. The adoption of
                                                                  precision agriculture can help to attain higher
  • More efficient irrigation. Past policies, particu-
                                                                  agricultural productivity through the method of
    larly heavy investment in dams and barrages
                                                                  light ploughing;
    to make cheap water available, have led to inef-
                                                              • Rotational livestock. Livestock production sys­
    ficient methods of agricultural irrigation. Poli-
                                                                  tems contribute significantly to total green-
    cies are needed to move away from that path.
                                                                  house gas emissions, which needs to be con-
    These include the adoption of drip irrigation in
                                                                  sidered when addressing land degradation. A
                                                                  low-cost strategy to address the problem of
  • Increasing local availability of water. Policies
                                                                  land degradation is to increase rotational live-
    may be directed towards increasing local
                                                                  stock grazing;
    availability of water instead of relying on trans-        • Land restoration. Land restoration can raise
    ported water from faraway and often deplet-                   groundwater levels, increase crop yields and
    ed rivers. Promotion of rainwater harvesting,                 induce positive changes in the fauna of the
    through construction of local reservoirs and                  respective region. Farmer-managed natural
    other means, can be effective in this regard;                 regeneration and tree planting and protection
  • Recycling and reuse. Promotion of recycling                   have been used successfully on agricultural
    and reuse of water, through use of appropriate                lands.
    retention, treatment, and redirection of water,               Apart from the above policies directed towards
    is needed. This can be particularly effective in       the protection of water and land resources, there are
    conserving water;                                      policies that can be beneficial in a more general way.
  • Shifting towards precision agriculture. Policies
    promoting technologies of precision agricul-
                                                           Promotion of mixed farming
    ture can provide a win-win solution. Precision
    agriculture can reduce the necessity of chem-          Policies are needed to promote mixed farming over
    ical fertilizers and pesticides drastically and at     mono-crop agriculture. Under mixed farming, waste
    the same time improve water-use efficiency             from one crop can serve as a fertilizer for another. Also,
    and mitigate water pollution that result from          mixed farming allows combining crop cultivation with
    chemical run-offs. Promotion of precision              animal husbandry, so that waste from one can serve
    agri­culture will require provision of ICTs for all,   as production input for the other. Under mixed farming
    including smallholder farmers.                         the same water can serve multiple purposes, thus
                                                           ensuring greater efficiency of water use. Farmers of
Policies for protecting land                               developing countries used to practice mixed farming.
                                                           Policies can be directed to encourage reinstatement of
  • Raising crop productivity. An important policy
                                                           this practice, although with upgradation to a new tech-
    objective is raising the productivity of agricul-
                                                           nological level.
    ture by minimizing the use of land and water
    resources. Land use planning and sustainable
    agricultural intensification can help in reducing      Promotion of organic agriculture
    the demand for land;                                   Policies are needed to promote organic agriculture,
  • Reduction in the use of chemical inputs.               which can have multi-dimensional impact in promot-
    Reduction in the use of chemical fertilizers           ing environmental sustainability and resilience and can
    and pesticides through adoption of precision           also respond to changing consumer preferences in ur-

WO RL D S O CI A L RE P O RT 20 21

      ban areas, as noted in chapter IV. However, government      true for the protection of water bodies, which are gen-
      policies are needed to ensure that organic agriculture      erally common property resources. However, collective
      is not a return to pre-industrial, low-productivity farm-   efforts cannot materialize unless there are appropriate
      ing but instead is an upgradation to a high-productivity,   institutions that can organize and provide leadership
      technologically sophisticated and more valuable agri­       on such efforts. In building and strengthening these
      cultural output. Government policies can advance up-        local institutions, authorities can benefit from the suc-
      gradation through promotion of necessary research to        cessful experiences of other countries. However, such
      further close the yield gap between organic and con-        measures must also suit the specific physical, social
      ventional farming. Government policies can also help        and cultural conditions of a country. With appropriate
      raise public awareness of the merits of organic agricul-    attention to the country specificities, rural institutions
      ture, particularly in avoiding the negative externalities   can be a driving force for environmentally sustainable
      associated with conventional farming based heavily on       rural development.
      inorganic, chemical inputs.                                        Economic instruments can also play an impor-
                                                                  tant role in furthering sustainable land management.
      Promotion of indigenous                                     Direct subsidies can incentivize farmers to improve soil
      seed bank and species                                       management. Conditional fertilizer subsidies could, for
      Government intervention and policies are needed to          example, be provided if farmers adopt an easily verifia-
      protect the indigenous seed bank and species, which         ble organic soil fertility management practice. Subsidy
      are under increasing threat from large companies pro-       programmes could also be further developed to pro-
      moting new seed varieties that need to be purchased         vide payment for ecosystem services and compensate
      each year. Government can promote research that             farmers for their reforestation efforts.
      helps to raise the productivity of the indigenous varie-
      ties of crops. It can also help to raise awareness among
      the public about the merits of the indigenous varieties
      of crops and species. Given the changing climate, tradi-    A concerted effort is needed to harness the potential
      tional crops can become key for sustainable food pro-       of rural people and rural resources to ensure sustain-
      duction as local varieties with a high degree of genetic    able development in general, and achieve the SDGs
      diversity may better withstand and adapt to environ-        in particular. That effort should be grounded on the
      mental stress and changes. It will be critical for sus-     principle of improving the lives and livelihoods of rural
      tainable rural development to protect indigenous seed       populations, and not be a technocratic exercise of eco-
      banks and ensure their ability to conserve their seed       nomic, social or environmental policy. It is important to
      collection as well as ensuring scientists’ and farmers’     achieve growth of rural economies without sacrificing
      access to these seeds, which can foster crop improve-       environmental sustainability. Inequality must be ad-
      ment efforts and result in positive ripple effects for      dressed without undermining the incentives for growth
      food production.                                            and risk-taking. Protecting the environment must be
                                                                  balanced with new, sustainable livelihood options for
      Policies for strengthening                                  rural people. More importantly, the political voice and
      institutions                                                concerns of rural populations must be part of the pro-
      Policies are needed for creation and strengthening of       cess that aims to change their lives. Once necessary
      local institutions that are necessary for ensuring en-      attention is given to these issues, rural development
      vironmental sustainability of rural development. Both       can be a powerful force driving overall national devel-
      land and water protection often require collective effort   opment towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sus-
      of the farmers and rural residents. This is particularly    tainable Development, including the SDGs.


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