Channeled review of drought monitoring approach - France

Page created by Hazel Mitchell
Channeled review of drought monitoring approach
– France

 Work Package: T1 – Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Monitoring
 Deliverable:       D.T1.1.1
 Prepared by:       INRAE – LESSEM (France): Emilie CROUZAT, Hugues FRANÇOIS
 Date:              30/06/2020


As initial activity within T1, ARSO is in charge of reviewing existing operational drought monitoring
approaches over the entire Alpine area (T1.1). In order to obtain this kind of information for each
country, a T1 questionnaire was prepared to review in detail the drought-related indices, data,
platforms and products that are in operational practice in each of the 6 participating countries.
Information gathered through filled-out questionnaires set out the foundation for further work on
drought indices over the Alpine area, and consequently on what will be shown in the ADO platform.

The questionnaire below covers 4 topic (part A-part D): drought monitoring approach, drought-
information platforms, the regional & EU drought monitoring approach, and potential drought indices
in ADO.
We believe it can be filled out using the expertise available among the partnership. For a concise
overview, we kindly ask partners from the same country to cooperate. (idea: split topics among
yourselves with your fellow national partners; or write into a joint document file on SharePoint; or one starts,
the other adds in etc.)

For input required by the questionnaire that is out of the scope of the involved partners, we highly
recommend you to contact the observers and other national stakeholders – i.e. national or regional
hydrometeorological offices, water supply services, sectoral institutions who perform their own
monitoring that can be useful for drought detection, institutions responsible for early warning etc.
They can be your go-to institutions to get the most comprehensive information on a certain topic
available in your country.
However, each partner knows themselves best the situation in their country, and who to contact for
help, thus approach can be freely adjusted to meet the best outcome. The idea is to get one
comprehensive filled-out questionnaire per country*.

Questionnaire presents a template for Country overview of existing drought platforms, indices and
products (Deliverable D.T1.1.1)*. It is foreseen that all input related to a particular country is gathered
into a single filled-out questionnaire, which then presents a deliverable D.T1.1.1. Based on 6 received
Country overviews, ARSO will prepare a Regional overview (D.T1.1.2).
The six D.T1.1.1 are due in period 1 that ends in June 2020. However, since a Regional overview is also
due in period 1, we kindly ask you to send their filled-out questionnaire to ARSO by mid-April, to allow
us time for the Regional overview.

* Please note: with “country” overview, we do not mean an overview of just those things that apply for or cover
the entire country only, but anything available within your country (at national level as well as smaller-scale or
local levels) gathered into 1 Word file of the questionnaire.


A) Drought monitoring approach
A1) Drought indicators in use
Please list implemented drought indices (or describe other drought monitoring approaches) used in
your country (or Alpine region) through which drought conditions are monitored, and specify its
characteristics as requested in the table. Please, copy the table under each sub-section as many times
as needed.

* Letters under type of index in tables below correspond to the following:
C: calculated based on national ground monitoring network data (gauge stations, built-in sensors etc.)
M: modelled value, R: based on remote sensing

Preliminary note: Indicators presented below are extracted from the CLIMSEC project and relate to the French
national weather service Météo France. Coverage is whole France, spatial resolution is 8km and 900
hydrometric points with associated river flows are modelled in the third step. Years of data availability are from
01/08/1958 to 31/08/2008 + updates. Temporal resolution of final products is hourly (or 3 hours). Outputs are
provided through a three-step modelling approach allowing for a coherent treatment of variables along the
     -   SAFRAN model  atmospheric analysis system  Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)
     -   ISBA model  surface scheme  Standardized Soil Wetness Index (SSWI)
     -   MODCOU model  hydrogeological model  Standardized Flow Index (SFI)

References related to the SIM hydrometeorological model:
- Soubeyroux J.-M., Martin E., Franchistéguy L., Habets F., Noilhan J., Baillon M., Regimbeau F., Vidal J.-Ph., Le
Moigne P., Morel S. (2008) L’application Safran - Isba - Modcou (SIM), un outil pour la production
opérationnelle et les études hydrométéorologiques, La Météorologie, 8, 63, Novembre 2008, 40-45

- Habets F., A. Boone, J.L Champeaux, P. Etchevers, L. Franchistéguy, E.Leblois, E. Ledoux, P. Le Moigne, E.
Martin, S. Morel, J. Noilhan, P.Quintana Segui F. Rousset-Regimbeau, P. Viennot (2008)) : The SAFRAN-ISBA-
MODCOU hydrometeorological model applied over France, Journal of Geophysical Research D : Atmospheres
113, D06113 (2008) 18
- Vidal, J.-P., Martin, E., Baillon, M., Franchistéguy, L. et Soubeyroux, J.-M. (2010a), A 50-year high-resolution
atmospheric reanalysis over France with the Safran system. International Journal of Climatology, 30(11), 1627–
1644. DOI : 10.1002/joc.2003
- Vidal, J.-P., Martin, E., Franchistéguy, L., Habets, F., Soubeyroux, J.-M., Blanchard, M. et Baillon, M. (2010b),
Multilevel and multiscale drought reanalysis over France with the Safran-Isba-Modcou hydrometeorological
suite. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14(3), 459-478. DOI : 10.5194/hess-14-459-2010
Prix Norbert Gerbier Mumm 2010 de l’OMM
- Soubeyroux, J.-M., Vidal, J.-P., Baillon, M., Blanchard, M., Céron, J.-P., Franchistéguy, L., Régimbeau, F.,
Martin, E. & Vincendon, J.-C. (2010) Caractérisation et prévision des sécheresses et étiages en France à partir
de la chaîne hydrométéorologique Safran-Isba-Modcou. La Houille Blanche, (5), 30-39. DOI :
- Soubeyroux, J.-M., Kitova, N., Blanchard, M., Vidal, J.-P., Martin, E. & Dandin, P. (2012) Sécheresses des sols
en France et changement climatique : Résultats et applications du projet ClimSec. La Météorologie, 78, 21-30.
DOI : 10.4267/2042/47512
- Vidal, J.-P., Martin, E., Kitova, N., Najac, J. & Soubeyroux, J.-M. (2012) Evolution of spatio-temporal drought
characteristics : validation, projections and effect of adaptation scenarios. Hydrology and Earth System
Sciences, 16(8), 2935-2955. DOI : 10.5194/hess-16-2935-2012

 Meteorological (atmosphere) drought indicators

 Name of drought index           Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)
 (or indicator or
 monitoring approach)
 Short description (incl.        Probability index based only on precipitations. A 0 value relates to
 references/links and/or basic   median precipitation volumes compared to the 30 years reference
 ingredients, i.e. parameters    period. Negative values describe droughts and positive values describe
 used for calculation)
                                 wet conditions (Mc Kee et al., 1993).
                                 This index has been recommended by the WMO and allows for
                                 comparison between regions with different climates.
                                 Vidal et al. (2010) A 50-year high-resolution atmospheric renalysis over France with the
                                 Safran system. International Journal of Climatology, 30(11), 1627-1644. doi:
 Type of index*:                 C - M –> field                 Observed window                Month
 C, M, R                         observations are used          within index value
                                 to calibrate (re-              (i.e. day, week, month…)
                                 analyse) model
                                 outputs using SAFRAN
                                 (Météo France model)
 Reference period (if            1972-2000                      Temporal resolution            Calculation in hourly
 applicable)                                                    (index refresh rate)           steps
 Years of index                  01/08/1958 –                   Index value                    Grid - 8 km
 availability (from to)          31/08/2008                     projection: point, grid,
                                 (+updates)                     interpolated?
 Thresholds for drought          Based on the statistical distribution of SPI (standard normal distribution) 
                                 Return period – comparable to JRC methodology for Europe
                                  Return period                Index                      Category
                                  >= 25 years                  >= 1,75                    Extremely wet

10 to 25 years                1,28 to 1,75                 Very wet
                                  5 to 10 years (excluded)      0,84 to 1,28                 Moderately wet
                                  0 to 5 years (excluded)       -0,84 to 0,84                Close to normal
                                  5 to 10 years (excluded)      - 1,28 to -0,64              Moderately dry
                                  10 to 25 years                - 1,75 to -1,28              Very dry
                                  >= 25 years
Years of index                  01/08/1958 –                   Index value                     Grid
 availability (from to)          31/08/2008 (+                  projection: point, grid,
                                 updates)                       interpolated?
 Thresholds for drought          Same as SPI, cf. above

 (current) Geographical          SWI: France – Symposium zones (homogeneous climatic zones over
 coverage                        France)
                                 ECOCLIMAP = global (database I), with refinements over Europe
                                 (database II)
 Index provider                  Météo France
 (which institution, contact)
 Index provider’s
 source of data
 (where from, i.e. link to
 Index availability: free        ECOCLIMAP = free to download online https://opensource.umr-
 online (if so, where?) or
 restricted to certain users?    SSWI: Monthly reports available on BSH at national scale and at the
                                 Rhône-Méditerranée basin level (cf. below).
 Other comments                  Land surface parameters: The ECOCLIMAP programme is a dual
                                 database at 1 km resolution that includes an ecosystem classification
                                 and a coherent set of land surface parameters that are primarily
                                 mandatory in meteorological modelling (notably leaf area index and
                                 Faroux, S., Kaptué Tchuenté, A. T., Roujean, J.-L., Masson, V., Martin, E., and Le Moigne,
                                 P.: ECOCLIMAP-II/Europe: a twofold database of ecosystems and surface parameters at
                                 1 km resolution based on satellite information for use in land surface, meteorological
                                 and climate models, Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 563-582, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-563-2013,

 Hydrological (surface waters, groundwater) drought indicators

 Name of drought index           Standardized Flow Index (SFI)
 (or indicator or
 monitoring approach)
 Short description (incl.        River discharge is computed for 900 reference points in France based
 references/links and/or basic   on outputs from previous models. It considers both surface flows and
 ingredients, i.e. parameters    groundwater flows to simulate river discharge and piezometric levels.
 used for calculation)
 Type of index*:                 M – Modcou model               Observed window
 C, M, R                         (Météo France)                 within index value
                                                                (i.e. day, week, month…)
 Reference period (if                                           Temporal resolution             1 or 3 hours steps 
 applicable)                                                    (index refresh rate)            Daily river flow
 Years of index                  01/08/1958 –                   Index value                     Grid – 1-8 km
 availability (from to)          31/08/2008                     projection: point, grid,
                                 (+updates)                     interpolated?
 Thresholds for drought          List index values & corresponding drought severity levels

(current) Geographical         France
  Index provider                 Météo France
  (which institution, contact)
  Index provider’s
  source of data
  (where from, i.e. link to
  Index availability: free
  online (if so, where?) or
  restricted to certain users?
  Other comments

 Other drought indicators (socio-economic aspect)
Apart from pure meteorological, agricultural and hydrological indices and/or monitoring approaches,
please name any other indicators and other systematically monitored data on drought (including its
impacts) that you have experiences with. For example, forestry or ecology indicators, water price or
use restrictions, a media monitor, economic losses to certain sectors such as tourism, or any other
       -    Geotechnical drought: water deficit impacts subsoil water content, with impacts on
            soil stability and possibly on constructions (expansion and retraction of clay in soils).

 In-depth information on hydrological data
In accordance with the email, sent to the partnership by Mr Bertoldi on 19 Feb 2020, we kindly ask you
to fill out the following Excel table: Hydrological_Datasets_ADO.xls. For any questions, please contact
Mr Bertoldi.

A2) Early warning system approach:
If there is a drought early warning system in place in your country or region, please share with us the

    How is drought severity/warning level displayed?
  The French official scale for drought comprises four levels :
       - Vigilance: communication and awareness raising for general public and professionals
       - Alert: first level restrictions on water uses
       - Reinforced alert: increase in the magnitude of restriction measures
       - Crisis: above this threshold, critical human water uses as well as survival of water-related
          species are threatened.
  Increase in the drought scale implies more and more severe restrictions in water uses applying to
  domestic, agricultural and industrial domains.
  Information on real time situation is available in a spatially explicit way and applies for a given period
  of time, fixed by local public authorities at NUTS3 level.

    What indices, data and information build each of the warning levels?
  Thresholds for drought indices are specified at local levels for reference stations by NUTS3 public

They are regularly monitored through field measurements (river flows, piezometric levels on
 reference points).
 Statistical values of the drought indices are calculated for given return periods and provide the basis
 for drought thresholds.
 Values are available by reference point and NUTS3 units.

 For instance, regarding surface water, the minimum mean discharge of the year defined for various
 continuous durations d (1day ≤ d ≤ 30day), called VCNd (volume consécutif minimal), can be
 computed for each reference point. In the NUTS3 unit Isère (département 38), drought thresholds
 for surface water are based on VCN3 value on a 10 and 30 day-basis :
      - vigilance threshold = value associated with a return period of 2 years of VCN3,
      - alert threshold = value associated with a return period of 5 years of VCN3,
      - reinforced alert threshold = 10 days after alert threshold if flows remain below alert
      - crisis threshold = value associated with a return period of 20 years of VCN3.
 These thresholds can vary along NUTS3 units.

   Is it displayed regularly (up-to-date status) or when needed?
 Up-to-date status – restrictions need to be announced for given periods over given areas (specific

   Link to the website:
 Propluvia (official decrees for water use restriction): http://propluvia.developpement-
 BSH (hydrological situation at national scale) :
 Agence de l’eau Rhône-Méditerrannée (hydrological situation for the French Alps region) :
 Decrees with thresholds and reference points are available online at NUTS3 level for the French Alps

A3) Use of drones for detecting drought-related changes
In case your institution has used drones for detecting any changes on landscape that could be a
result of drought, can you share with us:

     a) what kind of change were you observing (i.e. vegetation greenness, vegetation coverage, soil
        moisture, disease spread etc.) and what was its purpose?


     b) any documents on findings of such observations (links, files):


B) Existing drought-information platforms
We would like to ask you to share with us other drought monitoring platforms for end-users, available
in your country or region. The description can be very short (a sentence or two), accompanied with the
information on its availability (whether it is available on-line/for public or restricted to certain
institutions/stakeholders) and the URL to the platform itself or reports and articles about it. Please,
copy the table below as many times as needed.

 Platform             Onde (observatoire national des étiages)
 Short description    The website contains near real-time data on water levels for rivers at national
                      scale. Information on low-flow levels comes from field observations by public
                      officers during the summer season (May->September; extended in case of
                      drought) based on visual analysis of water flows at fixed measure points.
 Availability         Available on line ; for public use

 Platform             HYDRO
 Short description    The database collects near real-time information from around 3200 stations
                      at national level on gauge, used to calculate river flows, flood forecast, etc.
 Availability         Available on line ; for public use

 Platform             ADES (Accès aux Données sur les Eaux Souterraines)
 Short description    The website contains data on groundwater levels and quality.
 Availability         Available on line ; for public use

 Platform             NAÏADES
 Short description    The website contains data on the quality of surface water (physical and
                      chemical parameters, temperatures, hydrobiology and hydromorphology).
 Availability         Available on line ; for public use

 Platform             BNPE (banque nationale des prélèvements quantitatifs en eau)
 Short description    This platform provides data on annual water uptakes in France from national
                      to municipal level (quantities, uses, and localisation).
 Availability         Available on line ; for public use

 Platform             Propluvia
 Short description    This website displays real time maps of official restrictions on water uses in
                      France due to droughts both for surface water and groundwater.
 Availability         Available on line ; for public use

Platform             Cartograph
 Short description    The platform provides synthetic information on water resources (maps,
                      graphs, temporal trends, tables). It includes for instance the proportion of
                      permanent river which dried up per NUTS3 and year.
 Availability         Available on line ; for public use

 Platform             BSH (bulletin de situation hydrologique)
 Short description    Monthly reports on hydrological situation are provided as a synthesis of
                      available quantitative data on water resources at national level (effective
                      rainfall, river discharge, groundwater levels, state of fill for dams and
                      reservoirs). Official decrees on water use restrictions are also provided.
 Availability         Available on line ; for public use

 Platform             Report on hydrological situation for the Rhône-Méditerranée basin
                      (Synthèse de situation hydrologique sur le bassin Rhône-Méditerranée)
 Short description    Monthly reports on hydrological situation are provided at the level of the
                      Rhône-Mediterranee basin (where the French Alps massif stands) as a
                      synthesis of available quantitative data on water resources at national level
                      (effective rainfall, river discharge, groundwater levels, state of fill for dams
                      and reservoirs, soil wetness, water use restrictions).
 Availability         Available on line ; for public use

C) Alpine- and EU-level drought monitoring approach
C1) What are, in your opinion, the best performing drought monitoring indices or products – namely,
which indices and indicators (that are available for small areas/regions) should be applied on entire
Alpine region?


C2) What are other drought monitoring products which in your opinion present a good example for
further application:

        Platforms:


        Database:


   Bulletins:


        Good practices on (early) drought detection:


D) Potential drought indices in ADO
We would also like to ask you which indicators and indices should also be applied in ADO. Our
preference is the application of well-known indices and indicators, described in WMO and IDMP’s
Handbook (
We would like your opinion on:

D1) Which indices and indicators, preferably from the WMO Handbook of Drought Indicators and
Indices, are most suitable for ADO platform?


D2) Which indices and indicators have proven in some situations not to be applicable or should be
applied with extra caution in Alpine region?


D3) Are there any other monitoring products (e.g. results of recent research, other indices or
indicators…) not listed in the Handbook or under section C of this questionnaire, that you consider
relevant and suitable for application in ADO?


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