Certificate/PG Certificate in Evidence Based - L Low Intensity CBT (IAPT) Student Welcome Pack September 2018 - UEA

Page created by Miguel Hines
Certificate/PG Certificate in Evidence Based - L Low Intensity CBT (IAPT) Student Welcome Pack September 2018 - UEA
Certificate/PG Certificate in Evidence Based
L           Low Intensity CBT (IAPT)

        Student Welcome Pack September 2018

Certificate/PG Certificate in Evidence Based - L Low Intensity CBT (IAPT) Student Welcome Pack September 2018 - UEA
Contents page

  Welcome to the training                               2

  Pre-induction week activities to be completed         3

  Online Access Module                                  4

  Suggested books for purchase/reading list             5

  Key information about the programme                   6

  Blackboard                                            7

  Personal Advisors                                     7

  Directions and information about the training venue   8

  Course timetables and assessment schedule             11

  Contact us                                            20

Certificate/PG Certificate in Evidence Based - L Low Intensity CBT (IAPT) Student Welcome Pack September 2018 - UEA
Welcome to the PG Certificate in Evidence Based Low Intensity CBT and
     congratulations on your successful appointment as a Trainee Psychological
                           Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP)

Dear Students,

Congratulations on gaining a place on our PWP training delivered by UEA. We are really
looking forward to welcoming you onto the PWP training on Monday 10th September 2018
and to working with you and your Services over the duration of the course. This welcome pack
gives you the information you need prior to your arrival. Included in the pack are some pre-
course tasks set to help you to orientate to IAPT and the role of a PWP, your timetable and
details of the training venue, information about recommended books for possible purchase,
and advice on what to bring with you to the induction week. This year we have launched our
new online entry module and you can get more information on this later in this welcome pack.

Please read the welcome pack carefully and complete the pre-course tasks before the
induction week. This welcome pack is supplementary to the Course Handbook you will receive
on the training itself. We also have a Supervisors Handbook for Case Management and Clinical
Skills Supervisors in practice that your nominated Supervisor(s) in the Service will receive
shortly after you commence with us.

The UEA IAPT PWP training course is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and
follows closely the PWP national curriculum developed in 2015. Our training is a true
partnership between the University and the clinical service in which you work. This cohort, we
are pleased to be working with Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge and
Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, Rethink Mental Illness and Turning Point.

We are here to support you on your journey to becoming a competent and confident qualified
PWP. During your first week with us we will allocate you a personal advisor to support through
the process of PWP training, it is important that you meet with your advisor early on in training
to start building a useful working relationship and to share any concerns you have about

Congratulations again on your success and your exciting new role, we very much look forward
to meeting you on Monday 10th September 2018.

Kind Regards,

Dr Paul Fisher

PWP Programme Director
Department of Clinical Psychology
Norwich Medical School

Certificate/PG Certificate in Evidence Based - L Low Intensity CBT (IAPT) Student Welcome Pack September 2018 - UEA
Pre-Induction week activities to complete
We have an online resource area for IAPT training here:
behavioural-therapy-training/iapt-and-cbt-resources which is accessible without needing a
username and password (open access).

Task 1: On the resource area as pictured above, you will find the ‘About IAPT and the history
of the programme’ section. This page contains two videos about the IAPT programme for you
to watch and an interactive history timeline of key events, documents and publications that
we have developed for our IAPT trainees and those that want to learn more about IAPT. After
watching the videos click into the timeline and press continue to view the timeline in full page
mode. You can then view this in either 2D or 3D by clicking on the bottom left hand side. You
can access all the documents and videos it contains on the timeline by clicking on them
directly. Watch the videos and then go through the timeline section looking at some of the
key documents and resources by clicking on them to learn more. In particular, make yourself
familiar with the two main stepped care models, the background to the programme, the
results of both the Newham and Doncaster pilots and their differences, and the successes and
challenges of the IAPT programme so far, making brief notes on key points and your learning
about these areas to bring to the training.

Task 2: Read chapters 1, 2 and 12 in Thrive by Richard Layard and David M Clark and Chapters
1 and 2 in The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT book by Bennett-Levy et al (both on the
recommended books for purchase list below). Make notes of what you feel are important key
considerations and your own learning points after reading each chapter and bring these notes
to the training.

These tasks will form the basis of some activities during the induction block of the training
and so you will be required to have your notes you have made with you and this knowledge
in place to meet the intensive week training day requirements.

Certificate/PG Certificate in Evidence Based - L Low Intensity CBT (IAPT) Student Welcome Pack September 2018 - UEA
The online IAPT resource area also contains other resources about IAPT services. You can
keep going back to this learning resource area as often as you want during the training and
new resources will be added as developments emerge.

Online Access Module

At UEA we provide Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) entry levels to the
Cert/PGCert in Evidence based Low Intensity CBT with the aim of widening participation to
the PWP role and supporting services to have a sustainable and competent workforce.
Successful UG applicants need to complete our new innovative online module as a condition
of their place on the training if it is deemed necessary by their interview panel. The module
has been developed to meet the need for flexible entry to PWP training for those who may
have relevant clinical experience, but not recent academic study or qualifications. This
access module is completed after the applicant has registered and before commencement
of the PWP training for UG students. It will also be available to PG trainees on
commencement of the course as part of their available blackboard resources.

The module contains videos and interactive exercises for trainees to complete and covers
the history and context of IAPT, the role of the PWP in service, ethics, a section on academic
skills and a values-based exercise to help trainees to identify their own motivations to be a
good PWP. Throughout each section are study skill activities linked to the PWP
training. UG trainees will also be required to complete written exercises to give to their
personal advisor during their first extended personal advisor meeting after induction week.
This should help the team identify any weaknesses in the students’ academic skills which
may impact on their performance on the course and put appropriate support into place.

Certificate/PG Certificate in Evidence Based - L Low Intensity CBT (IAPT) Student Welcome Pack September 2018 - UEA
Recommended books

Across the programme are a small number of recommended books that you may want to have
access to and consult frequently in your academic and on-going clinical work. The list below is
not an exhaustive reading list and there are detailed reading lists provided for each module
available on Blackboard (the student learning environment) when you are registered.

Please note that you are not expected to purchase all books that have been listed, however
they will be used extensively within the course and will help you at length throughout your
studying. With this in mind, the library will have access to all reading material listed here, in
plentiful stock and wide journal access should you not wish to purchase them. Once you are
registered you can access the UEA library resources via blackboard.

              Book Title                               Cover Image
              The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT
              Interventions. Bennett-Levy, Richards et
              al. (2010)

              Low Intensity Cognitive Behaviour
              Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide Mark
              Papworth et al. (2013)

              How to Beat Depression one step at a
              time using evidence based CBT
              Chellingsworth & Farrand (2015)

              How to Beat Worry and Generalised
              Anxiety Disorder one step at a time
              using evidence based low intensity CBT
              Chellingsworth & Farrand (2016)

              How to Beat Panic one step at a time
              using evidence based low intensity CBT
              Chellingsworth & Farrand (2016)

              Thrive: The Power of Psychological
              Layard & Clark (2015)

              Desk Reference to the Diagnostic
              Criteria from DSM-5

Key Information about the programme

       The 5 day programme induction block session starts on Monday 10th September 2018.
        You should arrive in time to be in the room and seated for a 9.00am start on day one.
        A full timetable is included within this welcome pack. Please leave plenty of time for
        your journey and take time to plan how you will get there. Teaching after the
        induction week is then in accordance with your timetable so ensure that you consult
        this regularly so as to be clear about the venue for teaching (which is split between
        UEA campus and a hotel venue in Bar Hill, Cambridge). Any updates to timetables will
        be posted on your Blackboard online learning environment when you start the
       As the days are full employment days in your salaried role, you should expect the
        course to start at 9am and finish at 5pm unless you are advised otherwise in advance.
        You must be in class and ready to start at 9am, that is not the arrival time. Sessions
        may finish before that time at staff discretion based on sessions learning objectives,
        but this should not be expected.
       The course has a 100% attendance requirement which is set nationally and face to
        face attendance cannot fall below 80% to pass the module. No annual leave or
        appointments can be taken on any of the taught course days. There is a formal catch
        up and review process should any individual session be missed because of acute
        illness. If a trainee becomes unwell and misses more than one session or has an
        ongoing health or attendance problem, they may be required to interrupt their
       As a joint training between practice and the course, all information on trainee
        progress, results, development, performance in the trainee role in service and
        attendance will be shared between the University and Service Managers and Clinical
        Supervisors regularly.
       You will sign the Trainee Declaration at the start of the course to state you will adhere
        to the expected levels of professionalism and acknowledge that this data is shared as
        a requirement of the training.
       Please ensure you complete the pre-induction week activities before the training as
        listed in the induction document and bring the completed work with you as this will
        form the first activities on the day.

What to bring to the training induction week and your further taught

Please bring a lever arch folder with clear pockets with you and note paper and pens. In the
induction week you will be provided with some materials that will be used across teaching in
the initial week. You will also be introduced to Blackboard where you will be able to find all
the other resources that you will need across the programme. It will be essential that you print
out and bring with you the documents required for subsequent teaching days as learning
activities will often be based around these documents. You can audio record the teaching
elements of the days with the permission of the lecturer running the session if this is
something you would find beneficial for your learning. Just ask them if this is something you
wish to do and bring a suitable device with you.

The Blackboard Online Learning Environment
For the environment, like most Universities, we do not print paper copies of hand-outs, these
will be on the Blackboard student learning environment for you to access each week prior to
your sessions (usually a week in advance, but on occasion where a guest lecturer is delivering
the session this time may be shorter). You can download and print them or view them on a
tablet or mobile device. You will have access to Blackboard when you are registered once you
have completed the process and generated a username and password by following the link
sent to the email you supplied when you applied for the training. Once registered you can
then access Blackboard via the Web, through the UEA portal or by downloading the
Blackboard App via your smartphone or tablet in the App store and logging in with your

Learning support and your Personal Advisor

Each of you will be allocated a Personal Advisor who is a point of contact and support for you
during the course. As a minimum you will meet with this person three times during your
training. All personal advisors are core course staff.

If you have a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia or if you have been out of study for
some time or perhaps you just want to refresh your skills, UEA Student Support Services has
a range of online study resources that you can access to support your learning once registered.
If you have any concerns about something impacting on your study you are strongly advised
to raise this with your advisor as soon as possible. The Medical School, of which you are part,
also has a disability liaison officer who will speak with the whole cohort briefly during the
induction. On the Portal and Blackboard, you will be able to access the library and its resources
remotely with your UEA username and password. Additional information is available on
blackboard and the UEA website.

Microsoft Office Software
As a UEA student if you do not have the latest version of Microsoft Office you can download
this free of charge to any suitable device to support your studies on the IT link via Blackboard
or the Portal when you are registered.

Directions and information on training venue

Training will be held either on the UEA campus or at the Hallmark Hotel in Cambridge. Please
consult your timetable for details of where each teaching block will be held.

UEA Campus

UEA is a campus University situated 3 miles from Norwich City Centre and 3 hours from
London and Central England. It is easily accessible by public transport, bike and car.

Address and Directions

University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park

Car Parking

UEA operates 2 visitor car parks with varying parking charges

Main UEA Car Park
Location: Main UEA campus, accessible from both vehicle entrances
Payment: Pay at the parking machines before returning to your vehicle or pay online/ mobile
Max Stay: no max

Suffolk and Central Car Park
Payment: pay and display, online and mobile
Max stay: 2 hours (no return within 4 hours)

Park and Ride:

511 Costessey – UEA
Because parking spaces on campus are limited, UEA provides a free sustainable park and ride
Journey time is 15 minutes (approx.).
Runs Mon- Fri and UEA Open Days (except bank holidays and UEA customary days)
Frequency: up to every 15 minutes
First/last departures: 7.20am (Costessey P&R) and 8.15pm (UEA University Drive)

Accessible Parking

There are disabled parking spaces for blue bade holders across UEA Campus. If you have
specific requirements or wat to make specific arrangements, please contact the UEA Travel
and Transport Team (01603 592353; transport@uea.ac.uk).


Local buses
Routes 25 and 26 serve Norwich city centre, Norwich bus station and Norwich railway
Bus stops: throughout camps
Runs: daily, up to 7mins (peak) and 15 mins (off-peak)

National Buses
National Express serves campus directly as well as Norwich bus station.
There are regular services to central London, Stansted Airport, Gatwick Airport and
Heathrow Airport. Megabus serves campus directly as well as Norwich bus station.
There are regular services to London Victoria coach station and London Stratford


The nearest train station to UEA is Norwich railway station, 4 miles away.
Taxis take 15 minutes and cost £10 (approx). FirstBus Routes 25 & 26 depart from the
station forecourt and serve the University directly.
Greater Anglia trains run to London Liverpool Street every 30 minutes (approx). There are
also services from local stations in Norfolk.
East Midlands Trains runs an hourly service between Norwich and Liverpool Lime Street,
calling at all main stations along the route.


There are 3,600 cycle parking spaces on campus. There are clearly marked cycle routes on
approach to the campus and throughout the university.

Lunch and refreshments:

There are a range of restaurants and cafes on campus which provide everything from a
simple coffee and sandwich to a full meal at eateries Blend, Zest, Vista, Café Direct, Cafe 57
and the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts Gallery Cafe. Fresh, locally sourced and Fairtrade
ingredients are encouraged and used wherever possible.

Hallmark Hotel Cambridge
Address and directions to the hotel:

Hallmark Hotel Cambridge
Bar Hill
CB23 8EU

From the North:
Exit M11 at B1050 Bar Hill, Take B1050 over the A14 to the roundabout, Take the second exit
to the Hotel

From the South:
Follow signs to Huntingdon, Exit A14 at B1050 Bar Hill turning, Take first turning off
roundabout to the Hotel

Nearest stations/airport
Nearest railway station: Cambridge, seven miles
Nearest airports: Cambridge City five miles, Stansted 20 miles
Nearest bus station: one mile,
See more at: http://www.hallmarkhotels.co.uk/hotels/cambridge/map-and-

Parking: Free parking at Hotel

Lunch and refreshments:

Lunch and refreshments are not provided at the training.
Trainees would be required to either bring a packed lunch or purchase food.

                                                                              10 | P a g e
Timetable Modules 1 & 2

  Date          Venue                              AM Session                                                                             PM Session
9am-5pm                                                                                           Lunch
Monday 10th    UEA        9.00 – 10.30                 10.30-   10.45-12.30              12.30-    1.15 -1.45    1.45 – 3.15                3.15 -     3.30 - 5.00
September                                              10.45                             1.15      Introductio                              3.30
Induction                 Welcome to the course        BREAK    Welcome to the course    LUNCH     n from TBC    Introduction to LI-CBT     BREAK      Introduction to LI-CBT
week           MED 2.02   and an Introduction to LI-            and an Introduction to                           & Disorder Specific                   & Disorder Specific
                          CBT                                   LI-CBT                                           Assessment                            Assessment

Tuesday 11th   UEA        9.00 –10.30                  10.30-   10.45-12.30              12.30-    1.15 -1.45    1.45 – 3.15                3.15 -     3.30 - 5.00
September                                              10.45                             1.15                                               3.30
Induction                 Intro to Low Intensity       BREAK    Information Gathering    LUNCH     Introductio   Information Gathering      BREAK      Information
week           MED 2.02   Assessments                           Phase 1: ABCs, 4Ws,                n from TBC    Phase 1: ABCs, 4Ws,                   Gathering Phase 1:
                                                                Triggers & Impact                                Triggers & Impact with                ABCs, 4Ws, Triggers &
                                                                                                                 skills practice                       Impact with skills

Wednesday      UEA        9.00-10.30                   10.30-   10.45 – 12.30            12.30-    1.15– 1.45    1.45 - 3.15                3.15 -     3.30 - 5.00
12th                                                   10.45                             1.15                                               3.30
September                 Information Gathering        BREAK    Information Gathering    LUNCH     Introductio   Information Gathering      BREAK      Information
Induction      MED 2.02   Phase 2: Risk, ROMs &                 Phase 2: Risk, ROMs &              n from TBC    Phase 3: Development                  Gathering Phase 3:
week                      ADSMs with skills                     ADSMs with skills                                and maintenance with                  Development and
                          practice                              practice                                         skills practice                       maintenance with
                                                                                                                                                       skills practice

Thursday       UEA        9.00-10.30                   10.30-   10.45 – 12.30            12.30-    1.15 -1.45    1.45 – 3.15                3.15 -     3.30 - 5.00
13th                                                   10.45                             1.15                                               3.30
September                 Information Giving,          BREAK    Information Giving,      LUNCH     Introductio   COM-B behaviour            BREAK      Skills practice
Induction      MED 2.02   Shared Decision Making                Shared Decision                    n from TBC    change with skills                    disorder specific
week                      & Endings with skills                 Making & Endings with                            practice.                             assessments
                          practice                              skills practice

                                                                                                                                                                                11 | P a g e
Friday 14th    UEA         9.00-10.30                  10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 -1.45       1.45 – 3.15                3.15 -   3.30 - 5.00
September                                              10.45                                1.15                                                  3.30
Induction                  Medication Management       BREAK     SP/SR instructions and     LUNCH     Introductio      Skills practice disorder   BREAK    Skills practice
week           MED 2.02                                          DLD overview                         n from TBC       specific assessments                disorder specific

Thursday       DLD 1
20th                       See instructions for DLD 1 on Blackboard for instructions about what to do on these days.

Thursday       Hallmark    9.00 - 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                                 3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
27th           hotel       Introduction to             10.45     Behavioural Activation     1.15      Behavioural Activation in LI-CBT with       3.30     Behavioural
September      Cambridge   Depression                  BREAK     in LI-CBT                  LUNCH     skills practice                             BREAK    Activation skills
Friday 28th    Hallmark    9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                                 3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
September      hotel       Assessment Skills           10.45     Challenging Thoughts       1.15      Cognitive Restructuring skills practice     3.30     Cognitive
               Cambridge   Practice                    BREAK     with Cognitive             LUNCH                                                 BREAK    Restructuring skills
                                                                 Restructuring                                                                             practice
Thursday 4th   DLD 2

                           See instructions for DLD 2 and 3 on Blackboard for instructions about what to do on these days.
Friday 5th     DLD 3

Thursday       UEA         9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                                 3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
11th October   BCRE 0.21   Introduction to Panic       10.45     Exposure &                 1.15      Exposure & Habitation in LI-CBT with        3.30     Exposure &
                                                       BREAK     Habituation in LI-CBT      LUNCH     skills practice                             BREAK    Habituation skills
Friday 12th    UEA         9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                                 3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
October        C.HALL      SP/SR Supervision:          10.45     Panic Management in        1.15      Panic Management with skills                3.30     Structure and stages
               0.13        Behavioral Activation       BREAK     LI-CBT                     LUNCH     practice                                    BREAK    of LI-CBT treatment
               ARTS 1.01                                                                                                                                   session

                                                                                                                                                                                  12 | P a g e
ARTS 01.01

Thursday       DLD 4
                            See instructions for DLD 4 and 5 on Blackboard for instructions about what to do on these days.
Friday 19th    DLD 5

Thursday       Hallmark     9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                       3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
25th           hotel        SP/SR supervision:          10.45     Assessment skills          1.15      Problem Solving in LI-CBT         3.30     Problem Solving skills
October        Cambridge    Cognitive Restructuring     BREAK     practice                   LUNCH                                       BREAK    practice

Friday 26th    Hallmark     9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                       3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
October        hotel        Assessment Skills           10.45     Introduction to GAD        1.15      Worry Management in LI-CBT with   3.30     Worry Management
               Cambridge    Practice                    BREAK                                LUNCH     skills practice                   BREAK    skills practice

Thursday 1st   DLD 6

                            See instructions for DLD 6 and 7 on Blackboard for instructions about what to do on these days.
Friday 2nd     DLD 7

Thursday 8th   UEA          9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                       3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
November       C.Hall       SP/SR supervision:          10.45     Sleep Management in        1.15      Sleep Management with skills      3.30     Sleep Management
               01.20        Exposure & Habituation      BREAK     LI-CBT                     LUNCH     practice                          BREAK    skills practice

                                                                                                                                                                           13 | P a g e
C.Hall 0.17

Friday 9th     UEA           9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                          3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
November       LSB 01.19     Intervention skills         10.45     Relapse Prevention         1.15      Intervention skills practice         3.30     Intervention skills
                             practise                    BREAK     Skills Practice            LUNCH                                          BREAK    practice

Thursday       DLD 8
15th                         See instructions for DLD 8 on Blackboard for instructions about what to do on these days.

Thursday       Hallmark      9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                          3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
22nd           hotel         SP/SR supervision: Worry    10.45     Assessment skills          1.15      Assessment skills practice           3.30     Intervention skills
November       Cambridge     Management                  BREAK     practice                   LUNCH                                          BREAK    practice

Friday 23rd    Hallmark      9.00-10.30                  10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                          3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
November       hotel         Intervention Skills         10.45     Assessment skills          1.15      Physical activity and exercise       3.30     Intervention skills
               Cambridge     practice                    BREAK     practice                   LUNCH                                          BREAK    practice

Thursday       UEA           9.00 – 13.30                11.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 2.00         2.00 – 2.45      2.45 -   3.00 – 5.00
29th           SCVA          In-class DSM Disorder       11.45     SP/SR supervision:         1.15      Intro from TBC      Intro from TBC   3.00     Assessment skills
November       01.10         Recognition Exam            BREAK     Sleep Management           LUNCH                                          BREAK    practice

Friday 30th    UEA           9.00 – 13.30                11.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                          3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
November       JSC 1.02      In-class Intervention       11.45     Intervention skills        1.15      Delivering LI-CBT over the phone,    3.30     Working over the
               8.00-11.00    Planning and Behaviour      BREAK     practice                   LUNCH     online and in groups                 BREAK    phone skills practice
                             Change Exam
               MED 2.02
Thursday 6th   Hallmark      9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                          3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
December       hotel         Formative OSCE:             10.45     Formative OSCE:            1.15      Formative OSCE: Assessment           3.30     Formative OSCE:
               Cambridge     Assessment                  BREAK     Assessment                 LUNCH                                          BREAK    Assessment

                                                                                                                                                                              14 | P a g e
Friday 7th     Hallmark    9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                           3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
December       hotel       Formative OSCE:             10.45     Formative OSCE:            1.15      Formative OSCE: Treatment             3.30     Formative OSCE:
               Cambridge   Treatment                   BREAK     Treatment                  LUNCH                                           BREAK    Treatment

Thursday       Hallmark    9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                           3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
13th           hotel       Skills practice             10.45     Skills practice            1.15      Making effective use of supervision   3.30     Skills practice
December       Cambridge                               BREAK                                LUNCH     as a PWP: case management and         BREAK
                                                                                                      clinical skills
Friday 14th    Hallmark    9.00 – 10.30                10.30-    10.45 – 12.30              12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                           3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
December       hotel       Skills practice             10.45     Skills practice            1.15      Reflective Writing                    3.30     Skills practice
               Cambridge                               BREAK                                LUNCH                                           BREAK

Thursday       UEA         9.00 – 5pm
December                   OSCEs: Full timetable to be uploaded in advance.

Thursday       DLD 9       See instructions for DLD 9 on Blackboard for instructions about what to do on these days.
10th January

Thursday                   See instructions for DLD 10 on Blackboard for instructions about what to do on these days.
24th January   DLD 10

  Please see below for the Module 3 teaching dates. Information about teaching content for each day will be updated to Blackboard closer to the beginning of the Module so
  please ensure you keep up to date by checking Blackboard for announcements and updates.

                                                                                                                                                                       15 | P a g e
Timetable Module 3

   Date         Venue   AM Session                                          Lunch             PM Session

 Thursday               9.00 -   9.15 – 10.30      10.30-   10.45-12.30     12.30-   1.15 -   1.45 – 3.15   3.15 -   3.30 - 5.00
 31st Januar            9.15                       10.45                    1.15     1.45                   3.30
 y 2019                                            BREAK                    LUNCH                           BREAK

 1st Februar            9.00 –       9.45 -10.30   10.30-   10.45-12.30     12.30-   1.15 -   1.45 – 3.15   3.15 -   3.30 - 5.00
 y                      9.45                       10.45                    1.15     1.45                   3.30
                                                   BREAK                    LUNCH                           BREAK

 Thursday 7    DLD 1
 Thursday 1             9.00-10.30                 10.30-   10.45 – 12.30   12.30-   1.15 -   1.45 – 3.15   3.15 -   3.30 - 5.00
 4th Februar                                       10.45                    1.15     1.45                   3.30
 y                                                 BREAK                    LUNCH                           BREAK

 Friday 15th            9.00-10.30                          10.45-12.30                       1.45-3.15              3.30-5.00

                                                                                                                                   16 | P a g e
Thursday 2    DLD 2
1st Februar

Thursday 2            9.00 - 10.30   10.30-   10.45 – 12.30   12.30-                 1.15-3.15   3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
8th Februar                          10.45                    1.15                               3.30
y                                    BREAK                    LUNCH                              BREAK

Friday 1st            9.00 - 10.30   10.30-   10.45 – 12.30   12.30-   1.15 – 3.15               3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
March                                10.45                    1.15                               3.30
                                     BREAK                    LUNCH                              BREAK

Thursday 7    DLD 3
th March

Thursday 1            9.00 - 10.30   10.30-   10.45 – 12.30   12.30-   1.15 – 3.15               3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
4th March                            10.45                    1.15                               3.30
                                     BREAK                    LUNCH                              BREAK

Friday 15th           9.00 - 10.30   10.30-   10.45 – 12.30   12.30-   1.15 – 3.15               3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
March                                10.45                    1.15                               3.30
                                     BREAK                    LUNCH                              BREAK

Thursday 2    DLD 4
1st March

                                                                                                                        17 | P a g e
Thursday 2              9.00 – 10.30             10.30-   10.45 – 12.30          12.30-    1.15 – 3.15                        3.15 -   3.30 – 5.00
    8th March                                        10.45                           1.15                                         3.30
                                                     BREAK                           LUNCH                                        BREAK

    29th March

    Thursday 4   DLD 5

All timetables are subject to change. You should use Blackboard as the most up to date version. If any changes are made to rooms etc. this will be communicated via a
Blackboard announcement and where appropriate group email. Please ensure you check your UEA email account on a regular basis.

Please see the assessment schedule documents below for assessment dates, results and resubmission dates. These dates are correct at the time of printing but subject to
change and all up to date assessment dates are placed on blackboard; it is your responsibility to regularly check blackboard to ensure you have the most up to date

                                                                                                                                                               18 | P a g e
Summative Assessment Timetable Module 1

                              Submission /                                                  2nd Attempt
   Assessment Name                              Results Date        2nd Attempt Date
                            Assessment Date                                                 Results Date
                                               30 working days                           30 working days from
                                               from assessment                             assessment date
                                                  date (except                             (except reflective
                                                    reflective       20 working days     commentary which is
                                              commentary which                            20 working days)
                                                 is 20 working
 In-class assessment of
    disorder specific        29-Nov-2018        18-Jan-2019          15-Feb-2019            29-Mar-2019
 recognition (pass/fail)
 An observed structured
   clinical examination
  (OSCE) of a CBT initial    20-Dec-2018        08-Feb-2019          08-Mar-2019            25-Apr-2019
 appointment (pass/fail)
 Reflective commentary
  on intervention OSCE       04-Feb-2019       04-Mar-2019            01-Apr-2019          03-May-2019

Summative Assessment Timetable Module 2

                              Submission /                                                   2nd Attempt
   Assessment Name                              Results Date        2nd Attempt Date
                            Assessment Date                                                  Results Date
                                                 30 working days                          30 working days from
                                                from assessment                               assessment date
                                                   date (except                              (except reflective
                                                                     20 working days
                                                    reflective                              commentary which
                                               commentary which                            is 20 working days)
                                              is 20 working days)
 In-class assessment of
    disorder specific        30-Nov-2018        21-Jan-2019           18-Feb-2019           01-Apr-2019
 recognition (pass/fail)
 An observed structured
   clinical examination
  (OSCE) of a CBT initial    20-Dec-2018        08-Feb-2019          08-Mar-2019            25-Apr-2019
 appointment (pass/fail)
 Reflective commentary
  on intervention OSCE       04-Feb-2019       04-Mar-2019            01-Apr-2019           03-May-2019

                                                                                    19 | P a g e
Summative Assessment Timetable Module 3

                               Submission/                                            2nd Attempt
   Assessment Name                             Results Date   2nd Attempt Date
                             Assessment Date                                          Results Date
                                                All 30 days    20 working days          All 30 days

Live patient session tape
    of a patient with         09-Apr-2019      29-May-2019      26-Jun-2019           07-Aug-2019
      diversity area

 Reflective Case Report
 of patient in recording
    assessment and
                              09-Apr-2019      29-May-2019      26-Jun-2019           07-Aug-2019
treatment planning with
diversity considerations
 and use of supervision.
 Competency Outcomes
      Portfolio with
 supervision log, clinical
  log of cases seen and
                              21-May-2019      03-Jul-2019      31-Jul-2019           12-Sep-2019
   interventions used,
 SP/SR blogs and action
 plan for the future as a
      qualified PWP

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How to contact us

Contact us: IAPT@uea.ac.uk

Our UEA IAPT email address can be used for all general enquires about the programme. This
mailbox is frequently checked by our dedicated administrator. If he is not able to answer your
query he can forward the email to the appropriate person. You must notify us at the mailbox
above of any absences.

Your personal advisor is normally your first contact. For discussions about your development
during the programme or anything impacting on your studies you should contact your
personal advisor.

If you have any concerns about any aspect of the programme or want to provide any other
feedback, you can contact the Programme Director Dr Paul Fisher

Our dedicated IAPT resource page is available at:

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