Ceramic Coatings by Thermal Spraying - a Comparison between High Velocity Oxy-Fuel and Atmospheric Plasma Spraying

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Ceramic Coatings by Thermal Spraying - a Comparison between High Velocity Oxy-Fuel and Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
COMPONENTS                                                                                     TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS

Ceramic Coatings by Thermal
Spraying – a Comparison between
High Velocity Oxy-Fuel and
Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
Metals, plastics and ceramics each have particular properties, which
make them suitable for different applications. Density, thermal and
electrical conductivity, thermal expansion, hardness, Young’s modulus,
optical properties, melting point, chemical stability, manufacturing cost
and environment-friendliness are only some of the aspects which must
be considered in the selection of a material class for a given application.
Despite the development of a great number of new materials, a single
material may not fulfil all the requirements of the intended application. In
many cases, simply the modification of the surface of the structural
material by means of a coating is sufficient to improve an existing
application or to enable new ones.

A common combination is the application of     of a ceramic. Fig. 1 presents examples of         While thermal energy is necessary for the
a ceramic coating onto a metallic substrate.   ceramic-coated metal parts for engineering        melting of the feedstock, kinetic energy is
Due to their high brittleness and hardness,    applications.                                     required to accelerate the molten particles
even at high temperatures, ceramics are        Thermal spraying is a group of coat-              towards the substrate with sufficient ve-
in many cases unsuitable as structural         ing techniques based on the melting of a          locity to obtain an adherent coating with a
materials. Moreover, shaping of complex        solid feedstock, which is then accelerated        suitable density for the intended applica-
3D-parts from ceramics is challenging          towards a substrate onto which it re-solid-       tion. The higher the particle temperature
and the manufacturing costs are generally      ifies, hence forming thick coatings with a        becomes, the lower the viscosity upon
higher than for metals. However, ceramics      lamellar structure, composed of individual        impact, facilitating spreading of the molten
provide the benefits of higher corrosion       splats – flattened, re-solidified droplets. In    material. In contrast, a high impact velocity
and wear resistance, higher hardness and       techniques such as Flame Spraying (FS),           with an insufficient temperature could lead
a lower thermal and electrical conductivity.   High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF), High Veloc-        to erosion of the substrate, due to the im-
By the application of a ceramic coating        ity Air-Fuel (HVAF) and Detonation Spraying       pact of unmelted particles. However, these
onto a metallic substrate, 3D-parts can be     (DS), the thermal energy required to melt
manufactured with the structural proper-       the feedstock originates from the combus-
ties of a metal and the surface properties     tion of a mixture of oxygen – or air in the        Gilvan Barroso
                                               case of HVAF – with a combustible gas or a         Rauschert Heinersdorf-Pressig GmbH
Keywords                                       liquid fuel. Other techniques, such as wire        96332 Pressig
ceramic coatings, thermal spraying, high                                                          Germany
                                               arc spraying (only suitable for metallic coat-
velocity oxy-fuel, atmospheric plasma
spraying, feedstock, metallic substrate,       ings) and plasma spraying, make use of an          E-mail: g.barroso@prg.rauschert.de
wear protection                                electric arc as an energy source.

CERAMICAPPLICATIONS 9 (2021) [2]                                                                                                           1
Ceramic Coatings by Thermal Spraying - a Comparison between High Velocity Oxy-Fuel and Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS                                                                                                  COMPONENTS

Fig. 1
Examples of ceramic-coated metal parts coated at Rauschert

two parameters are also competing to             obtain ideal conditions, the plasma gas is      vergent-divergent nozzle design, the ther-
some extent. A higher particle velocity leads    usually a binary or even ternary mixture of     mal energy and pressure in the combustion
to a shorter residence time in the hot zone      these gases. Despite the use of oxygen-free     chamber are converted to kinetic energy,
of the flame or plasma plume, reducing the       gases, oxygen from the surrounding air can      yielding supersonic particle velocities.
particle temperature, and vice versa.            oxidize the particles before they cool down.    The maximum gas temperature in HVOF
Among all the thermal spraying techniques,       Consequently, oxide-free coatings can only      is limited by the flame temperature of the
the most commonly used method for the            be obtained under a controlled atmosphere,      fuel/oxygen mixture, which ranges between
deposition of ceramic coatings today is the      such as an inert gas or a vacuum.               2500–3000 °C, depending on the fuel type
Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS) tech-          Because of the oxidation and decomposi-         and the fuel-to-oxygen ratio. To provide
nique. Due to very high particle velocities,     tion, at extremely high temperatures, of        sufficient thermal energy to the feedstock,
Detonation Spraying (DS) was, for many           some feedstocks containing metals and           particles are injected axially inside the
years, the method of choice to obtain dense      carbides, APS is mostly used to deposit ox-     burner (i.e. before the nozzle), or in some
ceramic coatings. However, because of            ide ceramic coatings. The high plasma tem-      cases radially into the nozzle. Since the
market strategy and proprietary rights, DS       peratures ensure a complete melting of the      axial injection takes place much closer to
equipment is not easily available; and only      feedstock, even with high feed rates, yield-    the combustion chamber, where the com-
a small number of companies are able to          ing a high productivity. Coatings with poros-   bustion gases are the hottest, this design
manufacture such coatings. Alternatively,        ity values down to 2 % can be achieved.         is especially suited to feedstocks with high
HVOF has been gaining importance as a            However, metal and carbide-based coat-          melting temperatures, such as ceramics.
method to obtain dense ceramic coatings.         ings for less demanding applications are        The development of HVOF burners has been
                                                 also frequently deposited by APS using          mainly oriented towards metal and carbide-
Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS)                suitable parameters and gas combinations.       based coatings. Hence, during recent years,
In a typical plasma spraying torch, a cath-                                                      the design of HVOF burners has been opti-
ode is positioned axially to the nozzle,         High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF)                   mized to achieve the highest particle veloc-
which acts as the anode. Upon the applica-       In High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF), a combus-     ity possible with reduced temperatures, to
tion of an electric potential, an arc forms,     tible substance is mixed with oxygen and        avoid phase transformations and oxidation
leading to the dissociation and ionization       ignited – hence the name oxy-fuel. Typical      of the feedstock. Recently, interest in HVOF
of the gas streaming between cathode and         fuels for HVOF are either gases, such as        as a method for the manufacturing of ce-
anode, generating a plasma. As the ionized       propane, ethylene or hydrogen, or a liquid,     ramic coatings has increased, especially
gases leave the nozzle, the ions recombine       such as kerosene.                               for more challenging applications, such as
to reform the original gas molecules, liber-     One of the main applications of thermal         wear protection and electrical insulation.
ating an abundance of heat, reaching tem-        spraying has always been coatings for
peratures above 10 000 K. Plasma spraying        wear protection, for which high density,        Comparative studies
processes can be classified according to         hardness and excellent adhesion, in ad-         One important difference between APS and
the atmosphere in which the spray process        dition to a smooth surface, are crucial         HVOF is the type and amount of feedstock
takes place. VPS (Vacuum Plasma Spraying)        properties. These characteristics can be        used. Due to the higher gas temperatures,
and LPPS (Low Pressure Plasma Spraying)          achieved by increasing the particle veloc-      feedstocks with larger particle size and/
are carried out in a chamber under reduced       ity during spraying. The higher the velocity    or feed rate can be used in APS without
pressure, whereas APS is carried out under       upon impact, the greater the compaction of      quality loss. HVOF requires finer powders
atmospheric pressure in natural air [1].         coatings. While the thermal contribution is     and lower feed rates to ensure complete
The most common plasma gases are ar-             dominant in APS; HVOF is oriented towards       melting of the particles. Therefore, during
gon, hydrogen, nitrogen and helium. To           high kinetic energy levels. Owing to a con-     the same processing time, APS can yield

2                                                                                                                CERAMICAPPLICATIONS 9 (2021) [2]
Ceramic Coatings by Thermal Spraying - a Comparison between High Velocity Oxy-Fuel and Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
COMPONENTS                                                                                     TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS

Fig. 2
Comparison of the microstructure of APS- and HVOF-sprayed Al2O3 coatings from Rauschert

thicker coatings than HVOF. Moreover, the        a more viable technique. However, for ap-       particle velocity upon impact, which also
part cooling requirements during spraying        plications requiring high hardness, density,    reduces the surface roughness of the as-
are usually higher for HVOF.                     adhesion and smooth surfaces, HVOF coat-        sprayed coatings (Fig. 3).
Another important aspect to be considered        ings stand out due to their technical advan-    Typically, roughness values of as-sprayed
is the processing cost. Fauchais et al. [1]      tages.                                          Al2O3 APS coatings are in the range of
presented an economic analysis of differ-        Fig. 2 presents examples of APS and HVOF        Ra = 3–4 µm and Rz = 22–23 µm, and
ent thermal spraying processes. APS has an       Al2O3 coatings sprayed at Rauschert with        as-sprayed Al2O3 HVOF coatings have
economic advantage, since the prices for         the same feedstock. The micrographs             Ra = 2–3 µm and Rz = 14–17 µm. How-
gases required for HVOF, such as ethylene,       exemplify the typical microstructural dif-      ever, the higher speed upon impact in-
are 3–4 times higher than those for argon,       ferences of coatings deposited with both        creases the residual stresses in the HVOF
hydrogen and nitrogen used in APS. Moreo-        processes. A higher number of larger sized      coatings. A careful tuning of the process
ver, the specific energy requirement (i.e.       pores and interlamellar (between splats)        parameters is required to obtain well ad-
the amount of power necessary to deposit         porosity and cracking characterize the mi-      herent, crack-free coatings.
a given mass of coating), is considerably        crostructure of APS coatings. On the other      The differences in the microstructures
higher for HVOF than for APS. Thus, from an      hand, the porosity of HVOF coatings is com-     of APS and HVOF coatings also reflect
economic point of view, the APS process is       posed of smaller pores, due to the higher       on the surface properties after finish-

Fig. 3
Topography profile of as-sprayed APS and HVOF Al2O3 coatings from Rauschert

CERAMICAPPLICATIONS 9 (2021) [2]                                                                                                            3
Ceramic Coatings by Thermal Spraying - a Comparison between High Velocity Oxy-Fuel and Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS                                                                                                 COMPONENTS

                                                                                                resulting in values in the range of 6–26 %,
                                                                                                depending on the feedstock and torch used.
                                                                                                The average hardness of APS coatings was
                                                                                                in the range of 700–800 HV 1,0, whilst an
                                                                                                average of 920 HV 1,0 was measured for
                                                                                                HVOF coatings. The toughness of the HVOF
                                                                                                coatings was considerably higher than the
                                                                                                values measured for the APS counterparts.
                                                                                                Moreover, the values measured on APS
                                                                                                coatings varied greatly, showing depend-
                                                                                                ence on the torch used. The mass loss of
                                                                                                the best performing APS coating during the
                                                                                                abrasion test was twice that of the HVOF
Fig. 4
Comparison of the surface roughness of APS- and HVOF-sprayed Al2O3 coatings from Rauschert      coating, providing evidence of the HVOF
after finishing                                                                                 coating’s higher wear resistance under the
                                                                                                investigated conditions.
ing. Fig. 4 shows the surface profile and        higher level of compressive stresses in the    Toma et al. [5] compared the electrical
the roughness values of APS and HVOF-            coatings.                                      properties of Al2O3 and MgAl2O4 (spinel)
sprayed Al2O3 coatings after the same fin-       The higher particle temperatures and the       coatings deposited by HVOF and APS. It is
ishing process. As evidenced by the surface      reducing characteristic of the plasma gas      well known that the typical α-Al2O3 phase
topography, the surface roughness is a con-      used in APS caused a loss of oxygen from       mainly transforms into γ-Al2O3 during ther-
sequence of coating porosity, which results      TiO2, resulting in the formation of subox-     mal spraying, which usually has a negative
in cavities in the surface after the finishing   ides. The porosity of the APS coatings was     influence on the mechanical properties and
process. Thus, the denser microstructure of      around 2,5 % and below 1 % for those of        electrical insulation. The authors demon-
the HVOF coatings leads to a lower surface       the HVOF counterparts. This reduced po-        strated that alumina coatings deposited by
roughness after finishing.                       rosity of the HVOF coatings contributed to     HVOF had a 5-fold higher volume fraction of
It should be borne in mind, however, that        a significant improvement in performance       α-Al2O3 compared to the APS counterparts.
a comparison between different thermal           during abrasion tests – the material loss      Coatings prepared by HVOF were consider-
spraying processes is difficult, due to the      was about 40 % lower for the HVOF coating      ably denser for both materials.
large number of factors influencing the          than that of the APS.                          The HVOF-sprayed spinel coatings had
coating’s characteristics. A thorough opti-      Interestingly, no significant difference in    the highest dielectric breakdown strength,
mization of the APS process with a suitable      coating hardness was measured – all coat-      reaching values over 30 kV·mm–1. Inter-
torch could lead to a similar microstructure     ings had a hardness of about 850 HV 0,3.       estingly, the APS-sprayed spinel coatings
to the one obtained by HVOF. This, however,      However, the crack propagation resistance      reached the lowest values of dielectric
would probably lead to increased process-        was about 13 % higher in HVOF coatings         breakdown strength – below 20 kV·mm–1.
ing costs, to the point where HVOF becomes       than in those of APS.                          The DC electrical resistance, at room tem-
a more interesting option. The images pre-       Killakoski et al. [3] investigated the prop-   perature and 30 % relative humidity (RH),
sented herein refer to the microstructures       erties of Al2O3–ZrO2 coatings with approxi-    was in the order of 1011 Ω for all coatings.
of typical industrial coatings, which were       mately 40 % ZrO2 sprayed by APS and HVOF.      However, at 95 % RH, values for the APS-
developed considering both technical and         APS Coatings had a porosity of around 2 %      sprayed alumina coatings were in the order
economic aspects. Although different in-         against values down to 0,88 % for those of     of 104 Ω, one order of magnitude lower
dustrial applications of HVOF ceramic coat-      HVOF. The highest hardness values were         than the other three variants.
ings are known, the number of academic           measured for the HVOF coating, 917 HV 0,3      At 200 °C, HVOF coatings outperformed
studies comparing APS and HVOF coatings          against approx. 800 VH 0,3 for the APS         the APS counterparts of the same material,
is limited.                                      coating. However, APS coatings produced        but the resistance of all coatings was in
Lima and Marple [2] compared the proper-         slightly higher values of critical flexural    the order of 1010 Ω of magnitude, with the
ties of APS and HVOF coatings from TiO2          strength and strain tolerance, attributed to   exception of spinel HVOF coatings, which
feedstocks. Despite cooling with air jets,       the coarser particle size and the less dense   reached slightly higher values (approx.
the substrate temperatures increased to          microstructure.                                1,3 x 1011 Ω).
approx. 150 °C during APS and 270 °C dur-        Liu and colleagues [4], compared APS- and      Berger and co-workers [6] compared APS
ing HVOF. As expected, the average parti-        HVOF-sprayed coatings made from different      and HVOF coatings from TiO2/Cr2O3 feed-
cle temperature, measured in flight, was         feedstocks composed of Al2O3 with 13 %         stocks with different TiO2 to Cr2O3 ratios.
higher in APS (2718 °C) than that in HVOF        TiO2. Moreover, coatings from the same         After spraying by APS, a significant amount
(1811 °C), whereas the average particle          feedstock were sprayed with two different      of amorphous phases was detected in the
speed was over twice as high in HVOF than        APS torches. As expected, HVOF coatings        coatings. Dense and homogeneous coat-
in APS – 751 m·s–1 against 302 m·s–1. The        were highly dense (1,2 % porosity), where-     ings were sprayed with both techniques
higher particle speed in HVOF resulted in a      as APS coatings had small and large pores,     for all compositions, although HVOF coat-

4                                                                                                               CERAMICAPPLICATIONS 9 (2021) [2]
Ceramic Coatings by Thermal Spraying - a Comparison between High Velocity Oxy-Fuel and Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
COMPONENTS                                                                                              TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS

ings seemed slightly denser, with a finer            parts, especially for small series production        coatings. Moreover, the choice of a suit-
microstructure than APS coatings. For                and/or large parts. The most common ther-            able feedstock for each process is crucial,
almost all the compositions, HVOF coat-              mal spraying techniques for the deposition           increasing the difficulty in making a direct
ings were harder. The highest values were            of ceramic coatings are APS and HVOF, both           comparison between coatings from both
obtained with pure Cr2O3 coating, reach-             available at Rauschert. While the particle           methods.
ing 1350 HV 0,3, compared to approx.                 temperatures are usually higher in APS,              As a competent partner with more than 30
1200 HV 0,3 for the APS counterpart. The             HVOF yields higher particle velocities.              years of experience in the development and
electrical resistivity of the coatings was           Even though APS is usually preferred from            production of ceramic coatings, Rauschert
higher for HVOF with all feedstock com-              an economic point of view, many studies              offers its clients APS and HVOF solutions
positions. The results for dry sliding and           show that HVOF has technical advantages.             with customized properties for a wide range
abrasive wear resistance measurements                HVOF-sprayed coatings have higher den-               of applications, including wear protection,
correlated well with the measured hard-              sity, hardness and better wear resistance.           electrical and thermal insulation and anti-
ness values.                                         However, it is important to keep in mind that        adherent coatings.
                                                     thermal spraying has an exceptionally large
Conclusions                                          number of parameters, thus the APS pro-
The deposition of ceramic coatings onto              cess can be optimized to yield technically           Acknowledgements
metals is an intelligent approach to obtain          improved coatings, which usually leads to            The author acknowledges the contributions
parts with the surface characteristics of            increased processing costs.                          of the colleagues from Rauschert to this pa-
a ceramic, but with the structural proper-           Conversely, HVOF can be optimized to re-             per, especially Dietmar Neder, Raika Brück-
ties of metals. This method provides lower           duce processing costs, which is likely to            ner, Klaus Schneider, Jim Greenfield, Jack
manufacturing costs compared to ceramic              reduce the technical performance of the              Ellis, Anna Schardt and Ulrich Werr.


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CERAMICAPPLICATIONS 9 (2021) [2]                                                                                                                      5
Ceramic Coatings by Thermal Spraying - a Comparison between High Velocity Oxy-Fuel and Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
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