CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...

Page created by Jon Wright
CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...
CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...
Chair                                Programme Directors
 Sir Charlie Bean                     Franklin Allen
                                      Stephen Broadberry
Trustees                              Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
 Bronwyn Curtis                       Refet Gürkaynak
 John Fingleton                       Helios Herrera
 Patrick Honohan                      Beata Javorcik
 Jean-Pierre Landau                   Eliana La Ferrara
 David Miles                          Camille Landais
 Lucrezia Reichlin                    Barbara Petrongolo
 Tony Venables                        Andrea Prat
 Andrew Woosey                        Mar Reguant
                                      Hélène Rey
Founder and Honorary President
 Richard Portes                      Distinguished Fellows
                                      Charles Bean
President                             Lorenzo Bini Smaghi
 Beatrice Weder di Mauro              Laurence Boone
                                      Claudia Buch
Chief Executive Officer               Vítor Constâncio
 Tessa Ogden                          Linda Goldberg
                                      Pinelopi Goldberg
Vice Presidents                       Martin Hellwig
 Maristella Botticini                 Pascal Lamy
 Philippe Martin                      Catherine L. Mann
 Ugo Panizza                          Mario Monti
 Hélène Rey                           Maurice Obstfeld
                                      Lucas Papademos
Founder and Editor-in-Chief, VoxEU    Adam Posen
 Richard Baldwin                      Peter Praet
                                      Lucrezia Reichlin
                                      Christina Romer
                                      Minouche Shafik
                                      Jean-Claude Trichet
                                      Axel Weber

CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...

Monthly page views on CEPR’s
policy platform VoxEU.org

CEPR’s network of researchers,
who retain their academic bases

Discussion Papers each year

Academic institutions represented
within the CEPR network

Conferences, workshops and discussion
meetings organised each year

Countries where CEPR’s network is active

CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...
CEPR in 2020
                                      ...in words
                                        “2020 has demonstrated
                                        that the CEPR network is
                                          extremely powerful in
                                          responding to a crisis.
                                         We want to continue to
                                        use this strength to help
                                           rebuild and recover.”

                              ...in numbers

7 million+
Distinct visits to VoxEU
                                     Video interviews
Copies of ePublications downloaded
                                     Issues of Covid Economics
Discussion Papers published
VoxEU Columns
                                     eBooks and other publications
Physical & online events

CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...
CEPR is the leading global platform for dissemination of excellent economic
research and relevant policy output to the research and policy communities and
the informed global public.

CEPR’s research is carried out under the auspices of eleven Programme Areas,
each with a range of activities, including an annual symposium and research
projects. The programme areas are:

   •   Development Economics
   •   Economic History
   •   Financial Economics
   •   Industrial Organization
   •   International Macroeconomics and Finance
   •   International Trade and Regional Economics
   •   Labour Economics
   •   Macroeconomics and Growth
   •   Monetary Economics and Fluctuations
   •   Organizational Economics
   •   Public Economics
   •   Political Economy

Further thematic research is also conducted within a framework of Research and
Policy Networks, which build communities of researchers around topics of high
policy relevance and where academic research and collaboration with policymakers
can have a high impact.

To date we have launched ten RPNs:

   •   Central Bank Communication (led by Michael McMahon)
   •   Climate Change (led by Christian Gollier)
   •   Competition Policy (led by Gregory S. Crawford)
   •   European Economic Architecture (led by Jan-Pieter Krahnen, Philippe
       Martin and Lucrezia Reichlin)
   •   Fintech and Digital Currencies (led by Antonio Fatás)
   •   Populism (led by Sergei Guriev)
   •   Preventing Conflict: Policies for Peace (led by Dominic Rohner)
   •   Rising Asia (led by Kees Koedijk)
   •   Spatial Disparities and Policy (led by Tony Venables)
   •   Sustainable Finance (led by Dirk Schoenmaker)

CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...
CEPR President
Beatrice Weder di Mauro:
Since 1984 CEPR has played a key role in establishing the scientific excellence and
policy relevance of economics in Europe and beyond.

We are a community of over 1600 top researchers. Each year we sponsor more than
200 academic conferences and workshops all over the world, and we own the globally
leading platform for disseminating quality economic research and policy publications.
On CEPR’s policy portal, VoxEU.org, we have an audience of over 7 million views per year.

CEPR has a mandate to engage in policy. It has a series of renowned products that
are at the leading edge of economic policy debates; in particular, the Geneva Reports,
Barcelona Reports, the Policy Insights series, eBooks, and VoxEU columns.

We are constantly growing. In 2020 we published over 1200 CEPR Discussion
Papers and our network and influence grows ever larger. We are also expanding
geographically, in January 2019 we opened our first regional office in Brussels, and
we plan to open an office in Paris in Autumn 2021.

CEPR is the premier European and global Thinknet.

CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...
                    President of CEPR, Distinguished Fellow at the
                    Emerging Markets Institute of INSEAD, Professor
                    of International Economics at the Graduate
                    Institute in Geneva
                    Beatrice has been CEPR President since July 2018. She
                    previously held the Chair for International Economics
                    at the University of Mainz, and has held visiting
                    positions at Harvard University, the International
                    Monetary Fund, the United Nations University in Tokyo
                    and INSEAD in Singapore. She is a member of the
Beatrice            boards of Bosch and Unigestion .

Weder di Mauro

                    Chairman of CEPR and Professor of Economics at
                    LSE, he is currently the Economy Expert on the
                    Budget Responsibility Committee of the UK Office
                    for Budget Responsibility
                    From 2000 to 2014, Charles served at the Bank of
                    England as, successively, Executive Director, Chief
                    Economist and then Deputy Governor for Monetary
                    Policy. He was President of the Royal Economic
                    Society from 2013 to 2015 and was knighted in 2014
                    for services to monetary policy and central banking.
Sir Charles

                    Editor-in-Chief of CEPR’s policy portal VoxEU.org,
                    Professor of International Economics at the Graduate
                    Institute in Geneva
                    Richard was President of CEPR from 2014 to 2018,
                    a Visiting Research Professor at the University
                    of Oxford, Visiting Professor at MIT Economics
                    Department, and an Associate Professor at Columbia
                    University Business School. He founded VoxEU in


CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...

We will:

  • foster the premier European academic network in economics; to produce
    and disseminate excellent economic research

  • promote economic research that is relevant and accessible by bringing
    together top academics and practitioners

  • lead the debate on European economic architecture and develop special
    research projects and thematic networks, such as:
    • Central Bank Communication
    • Climate Change
    • Competition Policy
    • European Economic Architecture
    • Fintech and Digital Currencies
    • Preventing Conflict: Policies for Peace
    • Populism
    • Rising Asia
    • Spatial Disparities and Policy
    • Sustainable Finance

  • expand our research focus and network in Asia

  • identify and promote exceptional young talent within our research base

  • broaden our network of members and supporters

CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...

   CEPR is the premier European network of leading researchers in economics.

Its researchers have played a pivotal role in the European economic integration
process and continue to be on the cutting edge of the debate on reforming European
economic architecture. Moreover, 2020 has demonstrated that the CEPR network is
extremely powerful in responding to a crisis. We continue to use this strength to help
                                rebuild and recover.

CEPR MEMBERSHIP 2021/2022 - Centre for Economic Policy ...
CEPR’s research network includes academic researchers as well as practitioners
and policymakers. We are proud to be working with a diverse group of policymakers

                   Luc Laeven                               Beata Javorcik
                   Director-General of                      Chief Economist,
                   the Directorate General                  EBRD; Professor of
                   Research, European                       Economics, University
                   Central Bank; CEPR                       of Oxford; CEPR
                   Research Fellow                          Programme Director for
                                                            International Trade and
                                                            Regional Economics

                   Philippe Martin                          Philip Lane
                   Professor of Economics,                  Chief Economist,
                   Sciences Po; President                   European Central Bank;
                   of the French Council                    Whately Professor
                   of Economic Analysis;                    of Political Economy,
                   Vice President of                        Trinity College Dublin
                   CEPR and CEPR                            (on leave); CEPR
                   Research Fellow                          Research Fellow

                   Laurence Boone                           Silvana Tenreyro
                   Chief Economist, OECD;                   Member of the Bank
                   CEPR Distinguished                       of England Monetary
                   Fellow                                   Policy Committee;
                                                            Professor of Economics,
                                                            LSE; CEPR Research

                   Claudia Buch                             Lars Feld
                   Vice President,                          Chairman of the German
                   Deutsche Bundesbank;                     Council of Economic
                   CEPR Distinguished                       Experts, Director, Walter
                   Fellow                                   Eucken Institut; Professor,
                                                            University of Freiburg;
                                                            CEPR Research Fellow

                   Agnes Bénassy-Quéré                      Isabel Schnabel
                   Chief Economist, French                  Member of the European
                   Treasury; Professor,                     Central Bank’s Executive
                   University of Paris I                    Board; Professor,
                   Panthéon Sorbonne and                    University of Bonn (on
                   PSE (on leave); CEPR                     leave)
                   Associate Fellow

     CEPR has six Nobel Laureates among its researchers:

                     Professor of Economics, Nobel Laureate,
                     and CEPR Research Fellow

                     Paul Krugman was awarded the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in
                     Economic Sciences for his contributions to New Trade Theory
                     and New Economic Geography. He is a CEPR Research Fellow in
                     International Trade and Regional Economics. He is Distinguished
                     Professor in the Graduate Center Economics Ph.D. programme
                     and Distinguished Scholar at the Stone Center on Socio-
                     Economic Inequality at the Graduate Centre of the City
                     University of New York.

                     Regius Professor of Economics, Nobel Laureate, and CEPR
                     Research Fellow

                     Christopher Pissarides was awarded the 2010 Nobel
                     Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences jointly with Peter A.
                     Diamond and Dale Mortensen for their analysis of markets
                     with theory of search frictions. He is a CEPR Research Fellow
                     in the Monetary Economics and Fluctuations programme. He
                     is the Regius Professor of Economics at the London School
                     of Economics and Political Science.

                     Director of the Toulouse School of Economics and of the
                     Jean-Jacques Laffont Foundation, Nobel Laureate, and
                     CEPR Research Fellow

                     Jean Tirole was awarded the 2014 Nobel Memorial
                     Prize in Economic Sciences for his analysis of market
                     power and regulation. He is a CEPR Research Fellow in
                     Public Economics, Financial Economics and Industrial
                     Organization. He is Director of the Toulouse School of
                     Economics and of the Jean-Jacques Laffont Foundation.
                     He is also affiliated with CERAS in Paris and MIT.

Professor of Economics, Nobel Laureate,
and CEPR Research Fellow

Abhijit Banerjee was awarded the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize
in Economic Sciences jointly with Esther Duflo and Michael
Kremer for their experimental approach to alleviating global
poverty. He is the Ford Foundation International Professor
of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Cofounder and Director of the Poverty Action Lab and a
CEPR Research Fellow in Development Economics.

Professor of Economics, Nobel Laureate,
and CEPR Programme Director

Esther Duflo was awarded the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize in
Economic Sciences jointly with Abhijit Banerjee and Michael
Kremer for their experimental approach to alleviating global
poverty. She was the Co-Director of the CEPR Development
Economics programme from its inception in 2006 until 2015. She
is the Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and
Development Economics in the Department of Economics at MIT
and is a Co-founder and Director of the Poverty Action Lab.           Esther

Professor of Economics, Nobel Laureate,
and CEPR Research Fellow

Michael Kremer was awarded the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize
in Economic Sciences jointly with Esther Duflo and Abhijit
Banerjee for their experimental approach to alleviating global
poverty. He is the Gates Professor of Developing Societies in the
Department of Economics at Harvard University; a Fellow of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences; and a recipient of both
a MacArthur Fellowship and a Presidential Faculty Fellowship.
He is a CEPR Research Fellow in Development Economics.

Covid Economics, Vetted and Real-Time Papers
(https://cepr.org/content/covid-economics), launched in March 2020, is a
free online CEPR publication. It was created to quickly disseminate fast-rising
scholarly work on the Covid-19 epidemic. Alongside VoxEU, which presents short
analyses on the epidemic and other economic issues, Covid Economics features
more formal investigations, based on explicit theory and/or empirical evidence.
Covid Economics is special in three respects; it presents research in real time; the
papers are vetted by Editors for quality and relevance; the articles are pre-prints,
meaning that authors, who retain copyright, may later submit to established

eBooks (www.cepr.org/content/ebooks)
Our latest eBooks:
•   Addressing Impediments to Digital Trade by Ingo Borchert and L Alan Winters.
•   Shaping Africa’s Post-Covid Recovery by Rabah Arezki, Simeon Djankov and
    Ugo Panizza.
•   Monetary Policy and Central Banking in the Covid Era by Bill English, Kristin
    Forbes, and Angel Ubide.

Policy insights (www.cepr.org/content/policy-insights)
•   CEPR Policy Insight No. 109: The Legacy of the Pandemic: How Covid-19 is
    Reshaping Economic Policy in the EU by Marco Buti and George Papaconstantinou.

Reports (www.cepr.org/content/reports)
•  It’s All in the Mix: How Monetary and Fiscal Policies Can Work or Fail Together
   by Elga Bartsch, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Giancarlo Corsetti, Xavier Debrun.
•  Resilience of the Financial System to Natural Disasters by Patrick Bolton,
   Marcin Kacperczyk, Harrison Hong and Xavier Vives, the third in a series of
   CEPR/IESE reports on the ‘Future of Banking’.

VoxEU.org – CEPR’s policy portal – was set up in June 2007 in the midst of the
financial crisis, when the need for the analysis of what was happening and what
should happen was prescient. It promotes research-based policy analysis and
commentary by leading economists.

VoxEU has a very large audience, with 8.6 million unique sessions each year,
12 million pageviews, and 6 million users, numbers which consistently grow

VoxEU readers include a vast range of government officials, private-sector
economists, elite business and media professionals, and academics, as well as
students of economics. This wide-ranging audience ensures that the world’s best
policy-relevant economists are keen to write for VoxEU.

VoxEU columns cover all fields of economics broadly defined. We are constantly
introducing new innovations: videos, podcasts, and most recently a Blogs &
Reviews section, which gathers together blog posts and book reviews from
leading economists around the world.

VoxEU’s most popular column ‘A tale of two depressions: What do the new data
tell us?’ by Barry Eichengreen and Kevin O’Rourke has had over 1 million reads
to date.

CEPR is formalising its efforts to improve female representation in the economic
profession with the creation of the Women in Economics Initiative.

Led by CEPR’s Vice-President, Hélène Rey, this initiative aims to redress
gender imbalances in the economics profession, partnering with CEPR member
organisations to promote women within the field.

Since 2019, CEPR has been working in partnership with UBS to celebrate
contributions of women in economics, with a series of portraits and video interviews
on a dedicated website. This programme shines a light on quality research and
policymaking from female leaders in their field.

Featured Economists:
  • Marianne Bertrand
  • Esther Duflo
  • Lucrezia Reichlin
  • Rachel Griffith
  • Eliana La Ferrara
  • Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
  • Michèle Tertilt
  • Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan
  • Antoinette Schoar
  • Paola Sapienza
  • Gita Gopinath
  • Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé

CEPR Membership offers unique access to cutting-edge research with direct relevance
for economic policy issues, and to the leaders shaping Europe’s economic, political and
financial future. Benefits include privileged access to meetings and publications as
well as direct access to Europe’s most influential and established network of academic

        “CEPR has become a synonym for the kind of economics we need.”
                                                                         Mario Draghi

“The premier centre of policy-oriented research in Europe, perhaps even
the world.”
Stanley Fischer

Access conferences, workshops and
discussion meetings organised each year               330
                                                 Connect with academic institutions
                                               represented within the CEPR network

                                                    “CEPR has made a
                                              tremendous difference to
                                           European economic research
                                           and the way it is conducted”
                                                                      Axel A. Weber,
Leading economists are part of CEPR’s
                                                       Chairman of the Board, UBS AG
global network

   CEPR has had a pivotal impact on economic policy going back four decades. Ideas
   and evidence from CEPR policy research have been influential on many topics,
   most recently in 2020 when the global pandemic shut down normal life as we knew
   it. The CEPR network rose to the challenge of helping to fight this unprecedented
   global crisis, and CEPR and VoxEU became the central meeting point for the
   production and dissemination of immediate and essential research on Covid-19.

   The Centre’s close relationship with central banks – in Europe and around the world
   – is an important factor in its impact on policy. Almost all Eurozone central banks
   and the Bank of England are CEPR institutional members, as are the central banks
                                         of Canada, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Mexico,
                                         Norway, Romania, Russia, the Federal Reserve
                                         banks of San Francisco and St. Louis, Sweden,
                                         Switzerland, and Turkey. The Centre collaborates
                                         actively with policymakers and researchers from
                                         these central banks, holding many conferences
                                         annually. It also supports cooperation among
                                         central-bank economists, for example with the
                                         Euro Area Business Cycle Network. The CEPR’s
   Euro Area Business Cycle Dating Committee (the European equivalent to the NBER’s
   Business Cycle Dating Committee) establishes the dates of Eurozone recessions.

   Our private-sector Institutional Members also play a key role in helping CEPR
   disseminate policy-relevant research to decision makers in financial and non-
   financial corporations. They regularly host CEPR workshops, conferences and
   public discussion meetings.

   CEPR engages directly with policymakers
   through the Institutional Memberships of
   government agencies. These include Japan’s
   Research Institute of Economy, Trade and
   Industry (RIETI), IMF, European Commission,
   OECD, the Department for International Trade
   and the Bank for International Settlements.

“CEPR has made an important contribution to the international
policy debate in recent years ... This role will be even more
important over the next decade.”
                                                             Lawrence H. Summers,
          Former President of Harvard University and Former Secretary of the Treasury

                                                             Standard           Premiuim     CEPR
                                                             Membership         Membership   Partnership
                                                             10,000 EUR         20,000 EUR   50,000 EUR
Unlimited free electronic access to all CEPR publications

                                                                                                
for all staff members via a site user license and
complimentary copy of all books and reports published by

Weekly summary of key policy articles, discussion papers,
monthly research highlights, open calls for papers, and
monthly EuroCOIN™ alert
                                                                                                
Quarterly Events Calendar with overview of CEPR
meetings                                                                                         
Invitation to academic conferences which provides a
unique opportunity to stay up-to-date with the latest and
best academic economic research, together with opportu-
nities for continuous professional development
                                                                                                 
Invitation to public discussion meetings in all European
capitals                                                                                        
Invitation to our regular CEPR Roundtables, which bring
together CEPR Research Fellows and our Corporate and
Central Bank supporters to discuss topical economic issues                                      
Opportunity to host academic conferences
                                                                                                
Opportunity to sponsor events of interest
                                                                                                 
Invitation to the Leaders’ Circle, our high-level meeting
with key decision makers and top academics                                                       
Opportunity to publish up to five columns per year on        For an addition-
CEPR’s policy portal VoxEU                                   al fee of 5,000
                                                                                                 
Sponsorship of CEPR reports and launches, providing a
wealth of opportunity to promote the organisation, raise
brand awareness, or host clients
                                                                                                 
Opportunity to publish at least ten columns per year on
CEPR’s policy portal VoxEU, as well as deeper involvement                                         
with VoxEU by exposure on its social media channels,
Blogs&Reviews pages and debates
Full access to all CEPR academic and policy activities
by designating a senior representative as a CEPR                                                  
Associate Fellow, who will have the possibility to publish
academically orientated papers in the prestigious CEPR
Discussion Paper series

The possibility to collaborate in CEPR research pro-
grammes of particular interest, including shaping the                                             
research agenda
Invitation to sit on the CEPR Advisory Board which meets
once per year in London                                                                                   17

Partners:                             Standard Members:
 Aberdeen Standard Investments         Danmarks Nationalbank
 European Central Bank                 De Nederlandsche Bank
 UBS                                   Department for International Trade
 Société Générale                      DG ECFIN
                                       DG Joint Research Centre
Premium Members:                       European Bank for Reconstruction and
 Banca d’Italia                         Development
 Bank for International Settlements    European Fiscal Board
 Caixabank                             European Investment Bank
 Citigroup                             European Stability Mechanism
 Deutsche Bundesbank                   Federal Reserve Bank of San
 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis      Francisco
 GIC                                   Fondation Banque de France
 Goldman Sachs                         Inter-American Development Bank
 International Monetary Fund           Intesa Sanpaolo
 Nestlé                                JP Morgan
 Norges Bank Investment Management     KPMG
 RIETI                                 Lietuvos Bankas
 Schweizerische Nationalbank           Magyar Nemzeti Bank
 Suomen Pankki                         Monetary Authority of Singapore
 Sveriges Riksbank                     Norges Bank
 UniCredit                             OECD
                                       Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Standard Members:                      PIMCO
 Banca Nationala a României            Rothschild & Co
 Banco de España                       Seðlabanki Íslands
 Banco de México                       Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi
 Banco de Portugal                     Wellington
 Bank of Canada
 Bank of England                      Donations:
 Bank of Israel                        National Institute of Public Finance
 Banka Slovenije                       and Policy, India
 Banque de France
 Banque Nationale de Belgique
 CPB Netherlands Bureau for
  Economic Policy Analysis
 Central Bank of Ireland
 Central Bank of the Russian


            CEPR is European in focus but its reach is global.

We promote world-class research, manage projects and deliver policy-relevant
    results to the public- and private-sector decision-makers worldwide.

33 Great Sutton Street
London EC1V 0DX


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