CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care

Page created by Michael Norton
CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care

                                                                            MAY 2020 I ISSUE 12 I RECEPTION 4349 2300

                                                                             Nurses Day
                                                                             International Nurses Day falls on
                                                                             Tuesday 12th May 2020

                      This too shall pass…
                       March has been a difficult time, as we find
                       ourselves separated from family and friends,
                       and unable to participate in many of our normal
                       activities. There are encouraging signs that the
                       Australian response to COVID-19 is working well
                       to suppress the virus and avoid the full impact of
                       the health disaster that we have seen overseas.
Our thoughts are with families that have lost their job, their business
or who are unwell with COVID-19 and we look forward to happier               This day was chosen as it is Florence Nightingale’s
times returning in the not-too-distant future.                               birthday and this year is the 200th Anniversary of her
In the meantime, there have been many creative responses to the              birth. Florence Nightingale has been described as a
virus – we have seen politicians singing songs about hand washing,           caring and trailblazing British nurse, statistician, social
roof-top tennis, art classes by correspondence, remote meetings              reformer and leader of improved health care who is
via Zoom, and family gatherings via video conference. We have also           widely regarded as the founder of modern nursing.
been blessed with support from young members of our community,               In keeping with this tradition, whenever there is a crisis
sending letters and drawings to encourage people living alone.               around the world – wars, pandemics, natural disasters
Inside this edition you will find some news to uplift you and interest       – we turn to our nurses for support. The role of our
you. . We will continue to send regular updates to residents and             Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses and Care Staff
visitors to the Lodge regarding visiting rules, and updates can also be      through the COVID-19 pandemic is a wonderful example
found on our website                           of their invaluable and often challenging work.
I hope that you are managing to enjoy the gentle autumn weather.
                                                                             International Nurses Day is a fantastic opportunity
Whether you are watching the birds from your veranda or taking a
                                                                             to thank our team at Evergreen who deliver such
constitutional walk along the waterways, keep your distance from
                                                                             amazing care to our residents.
others and stay safe and well.
                                                                             Thank you – you all are truly amazing!
Kind Regards, Helen

                                                      > May Activities                         > Missing Word
          INSIDE THIS ISSUE                           > Great Recipe for May                   > Laughing Out Loud
                                                      > Birthday Celebrations                  > Resident Committee Update

CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care
Top tips for looking after your mental health
                                            while self-isolating
                                            There are a number of ways to support your mental health during periods
                                            of self-isolation or quarantine.
    National Volunteer Week                 •   Remind yourself that this is a temporary period of isolation to slow
                                                the spread of the virus.
    Monday 18 May to
                                            •   Remember that your effort is helping others in the community
    Sunday 24 May 2020                          avoid contracting the virus.
    To our Volunteers                       •   Stay connected with friends, family and colleagues via email,
    Even though we can’t celebrate              social media, video conferencing or telephone.
    with our Volunteers this year,          •   Engage in healthy activities that you enjoy and find relaxing.
    Evergreen would still like to say a     •   Keep regular sleep routines and eat healthy foods.
    very BIG thank you to ALL of you!       •   Try to maintain physical activity.
    Your dedication to Evergreen is so      •   Establish routines as best possible and try to view this period
    very appreciated and we would be            as a new experience that can bring health benefits.
    lost without you all!                   •   Avoid news and social media if you find it distressing.
    Peter Fisher has holding art
    classes for the Village Residents
                                            Seek support
    via correspondence. At the
                                            It’s normal to feel overwhelmed or stressed by news of the outbreak.
    beginning of April, Peter (contact
                                            We encourage people who have experienced mental health issues
    free) delivered the materials for a     in the past to:
    cartooning class to his students’
                                            •   Activate your support network.
    doorsteps. The students were then
                                            •   Acknowledge feelings of distress.
    dialled in using a Conference Call
                                            •   Seek professional support early if you’re having difficulties.
    facility. Peter talked Bill, Gwen and
                                            For those already managing mental health issues, continue with your
    Pauline through the lesson and
                                            treatment plan and monitor for any new symptoms.
    went and collected drawings for
                                            Social contact and maintaining routines can be supportive for our mental
                                            health and wellbeing. In circumstances where this is not possible, staying
    Gary Scholes has also been
                                            connected with friends and family online or by phone may assist. Beyond Blue
    coming in and giving the
                                            also has a dedicated page on its forums about coping during the coronavirus
    Maintenance team a hand almost          outbreak.
    every day!
                                            Acknowledge feelings of distress and seek further professional support
    To our Volunteers who are unable        if required.
    to come to Evergreen at present,
                                            Beyond Blue has fact sheets about anxiety and offers other practical advice
    we hope you are well and staying
                                            and resources at
    healthy! We are looking forward to
                                            If you need assistance please visit the dedicated Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing
    seeing you all when the pandemic
                                            Support Service. Trained mental health professionals are available to talk to
    has passed!                             you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via phone, webchat and email.

                 Yallambee Lodge
                                                HAIR STUDIO
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CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care
Double-crested Cormorant
                                                                                                                            The many vistors we have at our Village.

             The Legal Pathways for Older People project is a partnership between
                  Council on the Ageing NSW (COTA NSW) and Legal Aid NSW.
            The   LegalPathways
                Legal   Pathways for Older
                                      Older People
                                                    projectis  a partnership between
              The Legal Pathwaysfor
                                  for Older People project is is a partnership
                                                               a partnership     between
       This project aims to
                 Council  onhelp
                           on theolder
                             the Ageing
                                         NSW   obtain
                                         NSW(COTA     free
                                                      NSW)  or
                                                            and reduced
                                                               andLegal   cost
                                                                    Legal      legal
                      Council on the Ageing NSW (COTA NSW) and Legal Aid NSW.
 The  type
       This of
    This       assistance
                      aims to
                   aims      given
                               helpmay  bepeople
                                    older  a face-to-face  consultation,
                                                 obtain free or reduced or acost
                                                                         cost referral to an
                                                                              legal assistance.
       This project   aimstotohelp
                                    older people  obtainfree
                                          people obtain   free
                                                             oror reduced
                                                                reduced  cost    legal
                                                                              legal     assistance.
 appropriate legal service.
   The type of assistance given may be a face-to-face consultation, or a referral to an
TheThe type
    type of of  assistancegiven
   appropriate  legal
                             given may be face-to-face consultation, or a referral to an
                       service. may be a face-to-face consultation, or a referral to an
 This assistance
   appropriate     is available
                legal  service. to Aged Pensioners or holders of a Commonwealth Seniors
appropriate   legal  service.
 Health Card.
    This assistance is available to Aged Pensioners or holders of a Commonwealth Seniors
ThisThis assistance
    Health Card.  is isavailable
                                    Aged Pensioners
                                         Pensioners ororholders
                                                                  a Commonwealth Seniors
                                                                     a Commonwealth Seniors
    Health Card.such as Wills; an Enduring Power of Attorney; or Appointment of Enduring
Health   Card.
 Guardianship can be drawn up by a qualified private solicitor, by appointment only, at the
    Documents such as Wills; an Enduring Power of Attorney; or Appointment of Enduring
  locations        such
              listed       as Wills; an Enduring Power of Attorney; or Appointment of Enduring
    Guardianship      can    be drawn
                        as Wills;       up   by a qualified
                                        Enduring               private
                                                       Powerprivate     solicitor, by appointment only,
                                                                of Attorney;                                  at the
    Guardianshipsuchcan             an up
                             be drawn        by a qualified             solicitor,orbyAppointment
                                                                                       appointment only,of Enduring
                                                                                                              at the
    locations listed
Guardianship        can below.
                          be   drawn   up   by   a qualified    private   solicitor,   by  appointment      only,  at the
    locations      NSWbelow.
                listed     office: Level 11, 31 Market Street, Sydney
            listedNSW Level 11, 31 Market Street, Sydney
           COTA NSW
         Solicitors     areoffice:   Levelat:11,
                              available          31 Market
                                               Avoca    Beach;Street,   SydneyBlue Mountains; Camden;
        COTA     NSW are
           Solicitors     office:  Levelat:
                              available    11,   31 Market
                                               Avoca  Hill;
                                                       Beach;   Street,Erina;
                                                                Blacktown;Sydney Gosford;
                                                                              Blue           Grafton;
                                                                                     Mountains;         Hunter Region;
           Solicitors are available at: Avoca Beach; Blacktown; Blue Mountains; Camden;
         Hurstville;      Kyogle;Casino,  Chester
                                    Lismore;          Hill; Cronulla;
                                                 Liverpool;            Erina;Newport;
                                                               Newcastle;      Gosford; Grafton;    Hunter
                                                                                           Parramatta;        Region;
        Solicitors    areKyogle; Casino,at:
                             available    Chester
                                              Avoca   Hill; Cronulla;
                                                       Beach;          Erina; Gosford;
                                                                 Blacktown;                Grafton; Hunter
                                                                                Blue Mountains;        Camden;Region;
         Picton;     Maitland;      Lismore;
                                   Taree;       Liverpool;
                                            Forster;          Newcastle;
                                                        Tuncurry;    Tweed  Newport;
                                                                               Heads     Parramatta;
                                                                                        and            Penrith;
           Hurstville; Kyogle;
        Campbelltown;               Lismore; Liverpool;
                                Casino,                       Newcastle;    Newport;     Parramatta;
           Picton; Maitland;       Taree;Chester
                                            Forster;Hill;    Cronulla;
                                                       Tuncurry;   Tweed Erina;  Gosford;
                                                                             Heads   and Wollongong.     Hunter Region;
           Picton; Maitland;
        Hurstville;                Taree; Forster;
                        Kyogle; Lismore;               Tuncurry;
                                                Liverpool;         Tweed Heads
                                                               Newcastle;            and Wollongong.
                                                  (Locations    as of  MarchNewport;
                                                                                2020)       Parramatta; Penrith;
        Picton; Maitland; Taree; Forster;        (Locations    as of March 2020)
                                                 (Locations    as of Tweed     Heads and Wollongong.
                                                                     March 2020)
  This project offers free consultations with solicitors to draw up documents for a fee of $50
  per    project offers
       document              free costs.
                      to cover    consultations
                                           If the(Locations
                                                    solicitor   as ofsees
                                                     with solicitors
                                                               who     March
                                                                      to    you2020)
                                                                          draw  up   documents
                                                                                 thinks           forfinancial
                                                                                          that your    a fee of $50
    This project offers      free consultations      with solicitors  to draw   up   documents    for a fee of $50
    per document to cover costs. If the solicitor who sees you thinks that your financial
    per documentand/or to coverthe    amount
                                  costs.   If theofsolicitor
                                                     work involved
                                                              who seesinyouhelping
                                                                               thinksyouthatmeans   you fall outside
                                                                                             your financial
      project    offersand/or    the amount of work
                           free consultations        with   involved
                                                                         helping   you   means you fall    outside
  the  scope of
    circumstances  thisand/or
                                 thethe  solicitor
                                      amount          will advise
                                                 of work           you
                                                            involved      ofdraw   up documents
                                                                             this and
                                                                      in helping   you   refer
                                                                                         meansyou      for
                                                                                                 youtofall  a fee of $50
                                                                                                        a more
per the scope of to
     document        thiscover
                           service, the solicitor
                                 costs.   If  the    will advise
                                                   solicitor   whoyou   of this
                                                                     sees   you and   referthat
                                                                                 thinks     youyour
                                                                                                 to a more
    the scope oflegal
  appropriate        this service,
                           service. the solicitor will advise you of this and refer you to a more
    appropriate legal
circumstances        and/or service.
                                the amount of work involved in helping you means you fall outside
    appropriate legal       service.
the scope of this  All  service,   the solicitor     willtoadvise  you of this     and refer   youNSW:
                                                                                                     to a more
appropriate         Allappointments
                 legal    appointments need
                                                need    to bebebooked
                                                                 booked       through
                                                                            through        COTA
                                                                                         COTA   NSW:
                    All   appointments          need    to  be  booked      through
           Phone: (02) 8268 9616 or 1800 449 102 (for callers outside Sydney metro)      COTA   NSW:
             Phone: (02) 8268 9616 or 1800 449 102 (for callers outside Sydney metro)
             Phone: (02) 8268 9616 or 1800 449 102 (for callers outside Sydney metro)
                ** Legal
                All       Pathways
                    Legal          is open
                          Pathways is open  forenquiries
                                           for  enquiries Mondays,Tuesdays
                                                 to beMondays,
                                                          booked   Tuesdays
                                                                    through  and
                                                                           and   Wednesdays*
                                                                               COTA   NSW:
                 * Legal  Pathways is open for enquiries Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays*
          Phone: (02) 8268 9616 or 1800 449 102 (for callers outside Sydney metro)
                                                                                                                                                       Pet Therapy
                                                                                                                                                        Studies show that
               * Legal Pathways is open for enquiries Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays*
                                                                                                                                                        just 15 minutes with
                                                                                                                                                        a dog, cat, or another
                                                                                                                                                        service animal can
                                                                                                                                                        increase brain activity
                                                                                                                                                        and serotonin levels
                                                                                                                            in seniors. Serotonin is known as “the feel-good
                                                                                                                            hormone” and plays a crucial role in bodily function
                                                                Keep Washing                                                as well as our experiences of positive emotions.
                                                                 Your Hands!                                                Our staff have started sharing their pets with
                                                           Keep washing your hands                                          residents through a rostered visiting program.
                                                             with soap and water.                                           Pets are vetted, are vaccinated and are very keen
                                                              Use hand sanitiser                                            to visit! Angus and his friends have a way of
                                                            wherever possible too!                                          brightening up our resident’s day.

                                                                                                                                                FOR MORE
                                                                                                                                             ENQUIRIES RING
                                                                                                                                               1800 637 637

CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care
REGULAR ACTIVITIES                                AT HOME AND SAFE IN THE

           PODIAT GIE                                           Bunny
           FRUIT & ATING
          STILL O
                  PER                                           didn’t
Podiatrist - Friday 15th May                                    us!”
Home visits only during this time.
(Appointments only).
Please Book on 4349-2302

Fruit & Vegie Day
Wednesdays from 11am. Fruit, vegie’s
and eggs available at the
Community Centre.

Community Restaurant
Meals On Wheels
Have suspended all gatherings
until further notice.

                                                                                            Embracing Technology
                                                                                            Joan K speaking with her sons.
                                                                                            So far, over 40 residents in the Lodge have
                                                                                            been successfully communicating with
                                                                                            their families and friends through our new
                                                                                            Video Calling Facility!
                                                                                            What’s App and Face Time have proven to
                                                                                            be the easiest to use and most successful
                                                                                            If you would like to make a booking please
                                                                                            call Jan or one of our Liaison Staff
                                                                                            on 4349 2301.

               YOUR LEGAL PARTNER
                                                         Formerly Brennan Tipple Partners

      Solicitors & Barristers
         COURT APPEARANCES             LITIGATION                                                      4323 1900

CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care

   Still having fun in the Lodge

We are still having fun here at the Lodge
during this isolation. The activities such as
Move & Groove, Craft Time and Bingo (to
name a few) are still happening with social
distancing. We have introduced Winey
Wednesday where the residents enjoy the
afternoon activity with a glass of wine.

Easter Drawings
Rheannon Loker from Forresters Beach organised for her twin girls Avienne and
Bayla (5) and their friends from school to write cards and letters to our residents for              HAPPY
Easter! All letters were personalised to individual residents which was a lovely touch!
Our residents have been so thrilled by this touching gesture! Evergreen would like to                   MAY
say a big thank you to Rheannon                                                                    BIRTHDAY
and her friends for making our residents smile!
You don’t realise how much this has meant to our people!
                                                                                                 to all these
                                                                                              wonderful residents!

                                                                                                 2nd Betty Swannell
                                                                                                9th Dorothy Williams
                                                                                                9th Edward Fletcher
                                                                                               11th Angelina Genovese
                                                                                                13th Geraldine Irwin
                                                                                                  17th Doris Freear
Jean (Penpal)          Beverly Ross             Margaret (Penpal)   Sheila

     West Gosford Pharmacy                                                                  We will
                                                                                           match any
     Try our FREE Webster Packing Service                                                 competitors
     FREE Delivery
     FREE  delivery to Evergreen Village
                                 Life Care
     Monday to Village
                Friday Monday to Friday

     West Gosford Pharmacy
     West Gosford Shopping Centre
     PH: 4325 2866

CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care
    SUNDAY            MONDAY              TUESDAY         WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY               FRIDAY           SATURDAY

31                                                                                                  1                   2
1.30pm                                                                                              9.30am              1.30pm
MOVIE                                                                                               Move & Groove       Documentary of
‘STANLEY’S GIG’                                                                                     10am                FIJI
in the                                                                                              Word Games          in the
Main Lounge                                                                                                             Main Lounge
                                                                                                    11am Music, Music
                                                                                                    2pm Name that
                                                                                                    Tune in the
                                                                                                    Main Lounge

3                 4                   5                   6                     7                   8                   9
1.30pm            9.30am              9.30am              9.30am                9.30am              9.30am              1.30pm
MOVIE             Move & Groove       Move & Groove       Move & Groove         Move & Groove       Move & Groove       Documentary of
‘MONA LISA        10am                10am Quiz Time      10am                  10am Quiz Time      10am                MEXICO
SMILE’            Brain Teasers                           Quiz Time                                 Word Games          in the
                                      11am Music, Music                         11am Music, Music
in the                                                    11am Music, Music                                             Main Lounge
                  11am Music, Music   Music                                     Music               11am Music, Music
Main Lounge                                               Music
                  Music               2pm Craft Group                           2pm Bingo Game      Music
                  2pm                 ‘Sock Animals’      2pm Winey             in the              2pm Music
                  Bingo in the        in the              Wednesday             Main Lounge         Appreciation
                  Main Lounge         Main Lounge         ‘Being a Mother’                          in the
                                                          in the Gazebo                             Main Lounge

10                11                  12                  13                    14                  15                  16
HAPPY             9.30am              9.30am              9.30am                9.30am              9.30am              1.30pm
EASTER            Move & Groove       Move & Groove       Move & Groove         Move & Groove       Move & Groove       Documentary of
                  10am                10am Quiz Time      10am                  10am Quiz Time      10am                NORWAY
                  Brain Teasers                           Quiz Time                                 Word Games          in the
1.30pm                                11am Music, Music                         11am Music, Music
                                                          11am Music, Music                                             Main Lounge
MOVIE             11am Music, Music   Music                                     Music               11am Music, Music
‘THE PRINCESS     Music               2pm Craft Group     Music                                     Music
                                                                                2pm Bingo Game
DIARIES’          2pm                 ‘Dolly Fans’        2pm Winey             in the              2pm Name that
in the            Bingo in the        in the              Wednesday             Main Lounge         Tune in the
Main Lounge       Main Lounge         Main Lounge         ‘Going to the Fair’                       Main Lounge
                                                          in the Gazebo

17                18                  19                  20                    21                  22                  23
1.30pm            9.30am              9.30am              9.30am                9.30am              9.30am              1.30pm
MOVIE             Move & Groove       Move & Groove       Move & Groove         Move & Groove       Move & Groove       Documentary of
‘THE QUEEN’       10am                10am Quiz Time      10am                  10am Quiz Time      10am                THAILAND
in the            Brain Teasers                           Quiz Time                                 Word Games          in the
                                      11am Music, Music                         11am Music, Music
Main Lounge                                               11am Music, Music                                             Main Lounge
                  11am Music, Music   Music                                     Music               11am Music, Music
                  Music               2pm Craft Group     Music                                     Music
                                                                                2pm Bingo Game
                  2pm                 ‘Pipe Cleaner       2pm Winey             in the              2pm Music
                  Bingo in the        Cards’              Wednesday             Main Lounge         Appreciation
                  Main Lounge         in the              ‘Your working life’                       in the
                                      Main Lounge         in the Gazebo                             Main Lounge

24                25                  26                  27                    28                  29                  30
1.30pm            9.30am              9.30am              9.30am                9.30am              9.30am              1.30pm
MOVIE             Move & Groove       Move & Groove       Move & Groove         Move & Groove       Move & Groove       Documentary of
‘LADY IN          10am                                    10am                                      10am                SAUDI ARABIA
                                      10am Quiz Time                            10am Quiz Time
THE VAN’          Brain Teasers                           Quiz Time                                 Word Games          in the
                                      11am Music, Music                         11am Music, Music                       Main Lounge
in the                                                    11am Music, Music
                  11am Music, Music   Music                                     Music               11am Music, Music
Main Lounge                                               Music
                  Music               2pm Craft Group                                               Music
                                                                                2pm Bingo Game
                  2pm                 ‘Wind Chimes’       2pm Winey             in the              2pm Name that
                  Bingo in the        in the              Wednesday             Main Lounge         Tune in the
                  Main Lounge         Main Lounge         ‘Memories from                            Main Lounge
                                                          the kitchen’
                                                          in the Gazebo

CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care
                                                               I T I E S CANCE
 MAY IN THE VILLAGE                                      T I V
                                                  AGE AC                   ICE.
                                          ALL VILL L FURTHER NOT
    SUNDAY       MONDAY         TUESDAY     WEDNESDAY          THURSDAY                FRIDAY       SATURDAY

31                                                                                1             2
                             SHOPPING                           COMMUNITY
                               BUSES                               CENTRE
                             CANCELLED                             CLOSED

                                UNTIL                              FOR ALL
                                                              UNTIL FURTHER

3            4              5               6                 7                   8             9

                                                                                 ANZAC DAY

                                                                             “Light up the Dawn.”

10           11             12              13                14                  15            16

Mother’s                                                                     Dawn on the driveways.

17           18             19              20                21                  22            23

24           25             26              27                28                  29            30


CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care
    Silent Thinking
    I sit in the still of twilight,
                                         RESIDENT’S COMMITTEE
    Of evening, to settle in
    I think of the places I have been.
    I gaze into the embers
    of a dying campfire
    I stoke the coals and the flame
    And the sparks fly high,
    then away.
    I have no burning desire
    But to ponder the night sky
    And as ‘Banjo’ did
    Wonder at the Glory
    Of the everlasting stars
    As I sit here and bathe
    In the solitude of my own
        company                          Hi Everyone, due to the current situation the         used to keep the meals warm in transit.
    I think of the days gone by          resident’s committee meeting scheduled for            The concept of delivering meals to those
    Some made me laugh                   April 6th was cancelled. Any business for the         unable to prepare their own evolved into
    Some made me cry.                    meeting will be held over until May 4th. Let’s        the modern programmes of today that
                                         pray by then things will have improved and in         deliver mostly to the housebound elderly,
    I think of flood and drought
                                         the near future we will be back to our ‘normal’       sometimes free, or at a small charge.
        and fire
                                         activities. If we all do the right thing, hopefully   Doris Taylor MBE founded Meals on
    Of all the loss
                                         this will be sooner than later.                       Wheels in South Australia in 1953, and in
    And some of the gain
                                         Keep yourselves fit too as when we                    1954 the first meal was served from the
    I marvel at what mankind
                                         eventually hold our ‘fun day’ to christen             Port Adelaide kitchen and meals were
    Can endure with pain.                the recreation area, let’s show these staff           delivered to eight elderly Port Adelaide
    I think of old friends               members our mettle and scare them off.                residents. In New South Wales, Meals on
    And mates I once knew                One thing I will remind you of again is to put        Wheels was started in March 1957 by
    Most of them now long gone           the date of the Resident’s Annual General             The Sydney City Council. In the first week,
    or just shoot through                Meeting in your diaries. Wednesday July 29,           150 meals were served for inner city
    There was Rex, John, Melody          2020.                                                 dwellers and these were cooked in the
                                                                                               Town Hall kitchen. In 2012, the Queensland
    Dennis and Blue                      Volunteers and our staff have been wonderful
                                                                                               branch of Meals on Wheels was a recipient
    The ones that did me favours         during this crisis. Meals on Wheels for one is
                                                                                               of the Queensland Great Awards.
    I could never repay                  still delivering. I was reading an interesting
                                         article on how Meals on Wheels originated             From a very humble beginning Meals on
    Never until my dying day                                                                   Wheels is now a well-established active and
                                         from World War 2 and did you know that
    In my solitude now and then                                                                thriving group of organisations.
                                         many early services used old prams to
    I wonder I shall go                  transport the meals and thus the name
    The very same way.                   Meals on Wheels evolved.                              Watching a beautiful sun rise is the reward
    To that other place                  In the United Kingdom during the Blitz                for early morning walks.
    I will find them there               when many victims lost their homes and                “What I know for sure is that every sunrise is
    Where we can sit and joke            therefore the ability to cook their own               like a new page, a chance to right ourselves
       and laugh                         food. The Women’s Volunteer Service                   and receive each day in all it’s glory.
    And not have a bloody care.          for Civil Defence provided food for these
                                                                                               Each day is a wonder”
                                         people. This type of service required many
    J Dwight                                                                                   Oprah Winfrey
                                         volunteers with an adequate knowledge
    8.7.2011                             of basic cooking to prepare the meals by a
    Revised 10.2.2020                    set time each day. Old prams were used to             Take care everyone and thanks for listening.
                                         transport the meals and straw bales, old              Margaret.
                                         felt hats and anything else suitable was

                                                                                                Our thoughts and prayers go out to

                                               In Sympathy                                      the family and friends of the late:
                                                                                                Hans Oak - YL
                                                                                                Gladys Craig - YL
                                                                  ¢                             John Anderson - YL
                                                                                                Our sincere condolences.

CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care
                                                            OUT LOUD
JUST BE CAREFUL EVERYONE,                  THE RIGHT ONE                                AT THE DOCTORS
PEOPLE ARE GOING CRAZY                     Fred is 32 years old and he is still         Hi, I would like to book a doctor’s
FROM BEING IN ISOLATION!                   single.                                      appointment please....
Actually, I’ve just been talking about     One day a friend asked, “Why aren’t          Receptionist: Sure thing, how about
this with the microwave and toaster        you married? Can’t you find a woman          11 tomorrow?
while drinking coffee and all of us        who will be a good wife?”                    Man: No thanks, just one will be fine.
agreed that things are getting bad. I      Fred replied, “Actually, I’ve found many
didn’t mention anything to the washing     women I wanted to marry, but when I
                                                                                        DOUBLE TROUBLE
machine as she puts a different spin       bring them home to meet my parents,
                                                                                        A man came through my lane at the
on everything. Certainly not to the        my mother doesn’t like them.”
                                                                                        grocery store with a jug of wine and a
fridge as he is acting cold and distant.   His friend thinks for a moment and           bouquet of roses. But before paying, he
In the end the iron calmed me down         says, “I’ve got the perfect solution, just   set the two items aside and said, “I’ll be
as she said everything will be fine, no    find a girl who’s just like your mother.”    right back.” He ran off, only to return a
situation is too pressing. The vacuum
                                           A few months later they meet again           minute later with a second jug of wine
was very unsympathetic... told me to
                                           and his friend says, “Did you find the       and another bouquet of roses. “Two
just suck it up, but the fan was more
                                           perfect girl? Did your mother like her?”     girlfriends?” I asked. “No,” he said.
optimistic and hoped it would all
                                           With a frown on his face, Fred answers,      “Just one really angry one.”
soon blow over! The toilet looked a
bit flushed when I asked its opinion       “Yes, I found the perfect girl. She was
and didn’t say anything, but the door      just like my mother. You were right, my
knob told me to get a grip. The front      mother liked her very much.”
door said I was unhinged and so            The friend said, “Then what’s the
the curtains told me to ........yes, you   problem?”
guessed it......pull myself together!!!!   Fred replied, “My father doesn’t like
                                           her.”                                        BOOKS
                                                                                        ON THE NOSE
                                                                                        If people say they just love the smell of
A woman was taking an afternoon            HELP
                                                                                        books, I always want to pull them aside
nap. When she woke up, she told her        While driving on the highway, my
                                                                                        and ask, to be clear, do you know how
husband, “I just dreamed that you          daughter noticed a child in the window
                                                                                        reading works?
gave me a pearl necklace. What do you      of a car in the next lane, holding up a
think it means?” “You’ll know tonight,”    handwritten sign that read “Help.”
he said. That evening, the man came        A few minutes later, the car passed her,     MOTHER (noun).
home with a small package and gave         and she again glanced at it. The little      A person with the ability to detect a lie,
it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it   boy held up the same sign and this           hear the smallest noises, and see out
to find a book entitled “The Meaning of    time followed it with another, which         the back of their head.
Dreams.”                                   read “My mother is singing!”

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CEO MESSAGE - Evergreen Life Care
60s Songs
                  MAY                                 Find and circle all of the 1960s song titles that are hidden in the grid.
                                                      The remaining letters spell the title of an additional 1960s song.

           Join us in wishing
       Happy Birthday
     to these wonderful residents.
 1st May
 Roy Kittson.................................. YV
 Di Wagemaker............................. YV
 3rd May
 Joy Lane....................................... YV
 Deidre Mayo................................ YV
 5th May
 Joan Gotts.................................... YV
 9th May
 John Blain.................................... YV
 10th May
 Kevin Maguire............................. YV
 16th May
 Kay Scarr...................................... YV
 Lynette Field............................... YV
 18th May
 Judy Roy...................................... YV    BABY LOVE             ELENORE                   MEMPHIS               TEEN ANGEL
 Bill Hogarth................................. YV     BLUE MOON             FINGERTIPS                MY GIRL               THE BOXER
 21st May
                                                      BLUE VELVET           FIRE                      MY GUY                THE TWIST
 Bill Targett................................... YV
 23rd May                                             BUS STOP              GALVESTON                 PEOPLE                THESE EYES
 Margaret Campbell.................... YV             CARA MIA              GOOD LOVIN’               PUPPY LOVE            VALLERI
 26th May
 Helen Simmonds........................ YV            CHAIN GANG            GROOVIN’                  RESPECT               VOLARE
 27th May                                             CHERISH               HAIR                      RUNAWAY               WHITE RABBIT
 Donald Young.............................. YV
                                                      CRAZY                 HEATWAVE                  SHERRY                WILD THING
 29th May
 Norman Austen........................... YV          CRYING                HEY JUDE                  SOUL MAN              WINDY
 30th May                                             DIZZY                 HOLIDAY                   SPOOKY                WIPEOUT
 Vera Black.................................... YV
                                                      DOWNTOWN              ITCHYCOO PARK             STAY                  WORDS
            YV = Yallambee Village
                                                      EL PASO               LAST KISS                 SURF CITY             YESTERDAY

New Lifts                                                             BREAKFAST HASH BROWN
New lifts have been installed for Units 132 – 136
on Tuesday 21st April by quite a large crane.                         & EGG CUPS
This did create a bit of excitement in the Village!                   INGREDIENTS
                                                                      •   600g cream delight potatoes, peeled, finely grated
New Raised
                                                                      •   2/3 cup finely grated parmesan
Garden Bed in SCU
                                                                      •   3 rashers streaky bacon, finely chopped
Steve Kane and the Maintenance Team
have outdone themselves yet again!                                    •   1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives
A new raised garden bed has been installed in the Special Care Unit   •   8 small eggs
of Yallambee Lodge. Our new garden is the perfect height for our
residents to get their hands dirty, plant some seedlings and then     METHOD
wait and watch them grow! We will be planting a variety of herbs,     Step 1
vegetables, fruits and flowers. Peas, spinach and beetroot have
                                                                      Preheat oven to 200C/180C fan-forced. Grease 8 holes
already been planted.
                                                                      of a 12-hole (1/3-cup-capacity) muffin pan.
                                                                      Step 2
                For Mum                                               Squeeze excess moisture from potato. Pat dry with paper towel.
                                                                      Combine potato and parmesan in a bowl. Season with salt and
                When I think of you Mum,
                I can’t help but smile,                               pepper. Divide potato mixture evenly among holes of prepared pan.
                You brighten up my life;                              Using the back of a teaspoon, press mixture evenly over base and
                Always go the extra mile.                             side of holes to form a case.
                Time goes by so quickly,                              Bake for 15 minutes or until potato is golden.
                But our memories we can share                         Step 3
                Because you made them special Mum,                    Sprinkle 1/2 of the bacon and 1/2 the chives over the base of each
                And always show you care.                             case. Crack 1 egg into each hole.
                This is a special thank you,                          Sprinkle with remaining bacon and chives.
                For everything you do,                                Bake for 10 minutes or until egg is just set and bacon is golden.
                Enjoy your special day Mum,                           Stand in pans for 5 minutes.
                And remember I love you.
                                                                      Carefully transfer to a baking paper-lined wire rack to cool. Serve
                                           By Abby Herbert
                                                                      warm or cold.

Hawkesbury River Bridge

The completion of the 1886 Hawkesbury River Railway Bridge                                    Mary Brady
saw the linkage not only of the significant Sydney to Newcastle
                                                                                              Emergency Response Team
Railway link but also in effect, the railway systems of South
Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland were joined
by continuous rail with the opening of the bridge.
The bridge was used by Sir Henry Parkes as a powerful symbol           How long have you worked at
of Federation and he gave the address at the opening of the            Evergreen Life Care?
bridge, which has been claimed by some as his first Federation         I’ve worked here for two weeks...and I love it!
speech. The abutments and piers of the bridge as well as the 1886
Long Island tunnel are tangible reminders of these significant         How long have you worked in Aged Care?
events and the symbolic power they had for people at the time.
                                                                       I’ve worked in Aged Care approx. 7 years.
Both the 1889 and 1946 bridges and associated infrastructure
on Long Island also demonstrate the significant investment in the
railway system of NSW in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
The contrast of the man-made bridges and tunnels with the
rugged and beautiful natural landscape of Hawkesbury River
allows passengers and visitors to appreciate the engineering
achievements of the railway line’s construction.
The 1946 railway bridge was also a major technical achievement
at the time of its construction, its large riveted steel trusses and
its footings were still among the deepest in the world. It remains
the longest purpose built rail bridge in the NSW network.
The bridge itself as well as the remnant construction docks,           What do you like to do in your spare time?
platform and power station demonstrate the technical
                                                                       In my spare time I enjoy reading, walking,
achievements. The docks in particular provide direct evidence
for the method of construction and the challenges associated           learning guitar, and spending time with family.
with construction in this estuarine environment.
The Hawkesbury River Railway Bridge was heritage listed
in 1999.
Source: Wikipedia.

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