Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council

Page created by Rodney Patel
Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council
barmera, monash & glossop



Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council
Welcome to
                          PROUDLY SUPPORTING THE BARMERA,
                           MONASH AND GLOSSOP CENTENARY
                              Browse our regional information
                                or buy some local produce!
       Learn about Wartime history with the Loveday Internment Collection Display.
              Remember us with a gift from our range of unique souvenirs.

Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council
Welcome to our
                                                                                             centenary celebration
                                                          The towns of                                                                          volunteering behind the scenes in the
                                                          Barmera, Glossop                                                                      lead up to this wonderful achievement.
                                                          and Monash were                                                                       The committees have done an
                                                          gazetted throughout                                                                   outstanding job in planning COVID-19
                                                         1921 and this year                                                                     safe events so that the past century can
                                                        will celebrate 100                                                                      be celebrated safely.
                                                      years of town and                                                                            Council has also committed to
                                                   community across our                                                                         supporting these initiatives through
                                              region. Neighbouring Cobdogla,                                                                    cash funding and in-kind support
              Editor                   Loveday and Overland Corner are                                                                          wherever possible, and hopes to see
         Jane Kuerschner               also being encouraged to participate                                                                     our community come out and embrace
              Design                   in the centenary celebrations as they                                                                    the committees’ tremendous efforts in
         Shenaid Kenyon                too have been an integral part of the                                                                    organising the range of events.
          Emily Pongrac                Riverland region’s prosperity.                                                                              As we celebrate the towns’
           Kirsty Frahn                   On behalf of the Berri Barmera                                                                        centenaries through the year of
                                       Council, it gives me great pleasure to                                                                   memorable festivals, parades, and
           Cover Design
                                       celebrate this milestone along with our                                                                  other events, I trust that you will take
          Emily Pongrac
                                       community volunteers, families, and                                                                      the opportunity to look back and reflect
            Advertising                visitors throughout the 2021 centenary                                                                   on the many advantages and privileges
           Gail Campain                calendar of events. I too am delighted                                                                   of living in such a thriving and resilient
           Contributors                to welcome and host His Excellency                                                                       community.
            Josh Brine                 the Governor, Hieu Van Le, and his wife                                                                     I look forward with optimism and
       Peta-Marie Philippou            Mrs Le back to our region as guests to                                                                   confidence that our towns will continue
           Paul Mitchell               the various functions being held over                                                                    to grow and prosper through another
                                       the last weekend in May.                                                                                 100 years.
             Resources                    The council is excited for the
       Berri Barmera Library           year ahead planned by the towns’                                                                                                               Mayor Peter R. Hunt
    Service, The Barmera Story         community committees who have been                                                                                                             Berri Barmera Council
    by George Woolmer, A Brief
     History of Barmera, State

a, monash & glossop
     Library of South Australia.

            Thanks to
    Peggy Germein, Christine
     Webster, Kelsey Hogan,
    Glenys Matthews, Graham
   Matthews, Julie Krollig, Peter
    Ison, Jacque Zagotsis, Ali
   Halupka, Lloyd Wright, Annie
                                    WHAT’S INSIDE
   Berriman, Jenni Jury, Rhonda
   Centofanti and Alan Delaine.

      COMPILED BY                   Barmera history........................................ 2               Barmera’s show-stopping auto                                      Glossop High School’s
                                                                                                                                                                              first student.............................................. 21
                                                                                                            street party................................................ 10
                                    Barmera raring to celebrate.......... 3
                                                                                                            Proud history behind                                              Glossop’s family
      GROUP MEDIA                   Barmera Primary’s
                                    time capsule................................................. 4
                                                                                                            the Rodders............................................... 11     fun celebrations.................................... 23

                                                                                                            Cobdogla & Loveday........................ 12                     Glossop History.................................... 24
                                    Barmera’s education history........ 5
                                                                                                                                                                              Centenary Wines.................................. 26
                                                                                                            Overland Corner & Winkie........... 13
                                                                                                                                                                              Monash History..................................... 28
                                    Football Club................................................ 6         Council supports
                                                                                                            centenary events................................. 14              Monash Playground ............... 29-30
          8586 8000                 Barmera’s Library
                                    love affair........................................................ 8   Centenary events........................ 16-19                    Monash celebrations....................... 32

                                                                                                                                                              BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 1
Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council

Officially gazetted in 1921, Barmera
was already taking shape with Lake
Bonney – named after Charles Bonney
– identified as a major resource for
irrigation and farming in the decades
    Charles Bonney was the friend
and travelling companion of Joseph
Hawdon, the first white man to set foot
on the site of Barmera in 1838.
    The first settlers noted the potential
of the lake-side spot, but it wasn’t         People at Barmera Railway Station, Easter Monday 1939. Many travelled to Barmera
until about 50 years later that talk of        from across the region and Mallee to attend the picnics on Easter Monday on the
                                                                                  lake front.
construction of irrigation infrastructure
began in the South Australian                shops and newsagencies, the main              The Loveday group of internment
parliament.                                  drag was certainly a buzzing place to     camps was the largest in Australia and
    The name Barmera came from               be.                                       during the peak of the war held nearly
the Aboriginal word Barmeedjie                  Barmera’s Catholic Church was built    5500 internees, and served as base for
meaning lake, with indigenous tribes         in 1929 on Lake Avenue, while the         over 1500 army personnel.
surrounding Lake Bonney benefiting           Church of England was built in 1921           The camps comprised a group
from the riches the water provided for       and the Congregational Church was         headquarters, three separate
their families.                              built in 1922. The Church of Christ was   internment camps, and three wood
    In the lead-up to the gazetting of       built in 1958.                            camps.
Barmera, the surrounding areas of               The Barmera Hotel was built in 1932,       A wonderful area for growing and
Cobdogla and Overland Corner were            and was home to the town’s library, in    irrigating, much of the surrounding
also being established and developed.        its cellar, run by Miss Margaret Tonkin   land of Barmera was used to grow wine
    The iconic Overland Corner               and later Mrs T Wilson.                   grapes and various vegetables.
Hotel was built in 1859 to cater for            The town’s first presence from the         The Cobdogla District Council was
the overland drovers and is still in         law occurred in 1920 when H. W. Hilton    gazetted in 1924 and after many years
operation today.                             was based in Barmera at a temporary       of debate was renamed the Barmera
    Meanwhile Cobdogla – from the            police station, before a permanent        District Council in 1937.
Aboriginal word meaning ‘land of             station was built in 1924.                    From 1928 to 1980, Barmera’s
plenty’ – was first occupied in the             Barmera’s first primary school         railway line played an important role
1840s by John Chambers under a               building was officially opened in 1922,   for the district, and was mainly used as
pastoral lease for purebred horses for       and quickly had 118 students. The         a freight route.
the police and military.                     school expanded to cope with demand.          The town of Barmera has seen many
    The first detailed surveying around         The Lady Weigall Hospital was          famous country music artists visit the
the Barmera area was conducted for           opened in 1922 and by 1933 could          area for the Barmera Country Music
the Cobdogla Irrigation Scheme in            house 270 patients.                       Festival, which experienced over 40
1911.                                           As the population grew in Barmera      years of success over the June long
    The town survey for Barmera took         and the surrounding towns, Australian     weekend.
place in 1920, before the official           Rules Football became increasingly            Throughout the years since Barmera
gazetting the following year, however        popular. The Barmera Football Club        was gazetted, the town has faced
many people had already started to lay       formed in 1920 and became a strong        many hardships including floods,
their roots around the area, with the        club.                                     including the unforgettable 1956
first house built in Barmera in 1912.           During World War II football           flood, the depression following World
    Barmera’s first business – a general     went into recess, before Barmera          War I, locals serving in World War
store – was built in 1919 on the corner      and Cobdogla formed in the late           II, a devastating tornado, and many
of Laffer Street and Barwell Avenue          1940s, then disbanded and formed          droughts.
by William Struthers. This was the           the Barmera-Monash Football Club              Barmera locals have also enjoyed
beginning of a long and proud history        and the Cobdogla Football Club,           decades of iconic events, the influx of
of business in Barmera.                      separately.                               visitors from far and near for the Easter
    In the years to come, Barwell Avenue        At the outbreak of World War II,       long weekend sandcastle competition,
began to take shape as the town’s main       internment camps became part of           sporting successes, and many
shopping strip. From hairdressers,           Australian life with one of the largest   colourful characters gracing the town
butchers, a billiard saloon, tobacco         opening in Loveday.                       for many years.

Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council

   Timeline of
                          Barmera raring to celebrate
    The town of
 Barmera is gazetted

A devastating tornado
 strikes the new town

  The first train to
Barmera arrives from
     Adelaide               This photo taken was looking west towards the jetty on Easter Monday Carnival Day.

       1937:              The town of Barmera is ready to              events.
 The first local power    celebrate its centenary in a big way, with      Mrs Barney said the time capsule
                          a number of events set to excite locals      was one of the committee’s ideas to
  station is opened
                          and visitors.                                celebrate the centenary.
                             The Barmera Centenary Committee              “The capsule is being made for us by
       1939:              has been working tirelessly to make sure     Scotty’s Fabrications and Engineering in
The outbreak of World     2021 will be a year to remember and the      Berri,” she said.
  War II impacts the      perfect way to celebrate Barmera.               “It will hold historical information
                             Committee member Helen Barney             from the past 100 years of Barmera to be
     young town           said the centenary celebrations have         unearthed in 100 years’ time.
                          brought the town together.                      “We’re putting in lots of photographs
       1941:                 “What it’s done is bring the community    and historical items from Barmera,
Internment camps are      together in a stronger way,” she said.       Overland Corner, Loveday, Cobdogla,
                             “Because we’re all working on             and surroundings areas.”
                          celebrating this year and it means that         The Barmera Centenary Committee
                          we’re actually putting the history of        has also worked hard to decorate the
       1956:              Barmera out there in the community.          main street to showcase the town’s
A disastrous flood hits      “Everyone is reliving their family        history throughout the entire year.
       the area           history and buildings in the town.              Many of Barwell Avenue’s shops are
                             “It’s really brought people together      being occupied by historical displays,
                          for a common objective.”                     including the inside of an original
       1964:                 Barmera’s calendar of things to           blocker’s home, a 1930s living room and
 Sir Donald Campbell      do includes an extravaganza of               a toy display.
 attempts to break the    events over the Easter long weekend,            Mrs Barney, who is also involved in
                          beginning on Easter Saturday with            the National Trust, said the organisation
  world water speed
                          Sandy Centenary Fun at Lake Bonney’s         had assisted with sourcing artefacts and
record on Lake Bonney     volleyball area, and will also continue      items for the display.
                          on the Sunday.                                  She said there will be no shortage of
       1980:                 The event includes a “sand sculpture      events to keep locals and visitors busy
     The Barmera          spectacular”, which celebrates the once      for the remainder of the year.
                          popular Easter sand castle competition          “It’s just fantastic everything we
    rail line closes      from decades ago.                            have going on and the events are quite
                             Barmera’s always-popular Main             continuous throughout the year,” Mrs
       1996:              Street Markets will take place on Easter     Barney said.
     The district         Sunday, and will include the interring of       “And a lot of events are really great
                          Barmera’s time capsule at 3pm.               for families and we hope people from all
 councils of Barmera
                             Meta4 will be playing on the verandah     over the Riverland get involved.”
and Berri amalgamate      of the Bonney Theatre in the afternoon          For more details on the events check
                          and a family film will complete the day’s    out pages 16 to 19.

                                                                        BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 3
Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council

                                                                                                  Barmera Primary School
                                                                                                 students Koa Packer, year
                                                                                                   3, Ava Sard, year 2, and
                                                                                                 Sam Jericho, year 7, at the
                                                                                                   location of the school’s
                                                                                                  40-year-old time capsule.
                                                                                                       The trio all have
                                                                                                 grandparents and parents
                                                                                                  who attended the school.

Barmera Primary’s time capsule celebrations
Past students, teachers and               number of items to go into it such as       for the lower grades there is a section
community members have been               drawings, pictures and photographs          called ‘Then and Now’ which looks
invited to witness the unearthing of      but the memories have faded so no           at the past and compares how things
a 40-year-old time capsule at the         one seems to know at this stage what        change over time,” Mrs Matthews said.
Barmera Primary School.                   additional items are in there.”                “It’s a great opportunity for students
   The time capsule will be unveiled on      The entire community will be             to compare things in the local area.
Saturday, May 29, between 12 noon         welcome to attend the school for the           “At the moment the shop windows
and 1pm, and will be officially opened    unveiling with the site open from           in the main street of Barmera have
by the South Australian Governor.         12 noon to 3pm.                             been decorated with all sorts of past
   Barmera Primary School teacher and        “We’ll have the choir singing and        displays and the plan is to take groups
centenary celebration                     we’ll have a display of past archival       of students to have a look at the shop
co-ordinator Glenys Matthews said the     records and photographs in the hall,”       windows and show them how things
entire school community was excited       said Mrs Matthews.                          have changed.”
to reveal the time capsule’s contents.       “We’ll have one of the units open           The school will also host a sports
   “It was placed here when the school    so after looking at the hall people can     day on the town oval after a march
was moved from its old location to the    see a ‘then and now’ school display.        down the main street as was done in
new location in December 1981,” she       They’ll be able to see the old items        years gone by.
said.                                     and then be able to see what we’re             The sports day will take place on
   “It was to commemorate 100 years       doing at the present time.”                 Friday, June 4, with events like three-
of education in Barmera which meant          Mrs Matthews said another time           legged and egg-and-spoon races
that its opening would coincide, 40       capsule will be collated and buried at      featuring.
years later, with the town centenary.”    a later stage in the year after gaining        Later in the year on Wednesday,
   Mrs Matthews said she has spoken       some inspiration from the 40-year-          September 1 – the official 100-year
to former staff who were at the school    old capsule.                                anniversary of Barmera appearing in
when the capsule was filled, but the         She said the opportunity to              the Government Gazette – the school
exact contents are somewhat of a          celebrate the centenary with students       will invite local seniors to attend for
mystery.                                  this year had been a valuable               a morning tea and welcomes them
   “From what they can remember they      experience.                                 to join students to play games like
know that each class contributed a           “As part of the curriculum for history   marbles and knucklebones.

Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council
Barmera’s education history
Education began in                   the head teacher.
Barmera as a private                    The school grew rapidly
school run by reverend               and became a higher
A. McCulloch in a hall.              primary school in 1929
   The school was taken              therefore providing some
over by government when              secondary education for
Barmera was officially               the local community. This
named and gazetted in                continued until Glossop
September, 1921.                     High School opened in
   Two stone buildings
                                        Additional classrooms
were built on Scott Avenue
                                     were added over time and
to replace the old building.
                                     particularly during an influx    The south facade of the original higher primary school,
A total of 118 students
                                     of students between 1956          on the corner of Scott Avenue and Sturt Street, which
were enrolled in these new           and 1966.                                           opened in 1922.
buildings, with Tom Sard as             Late in 1965 it was          location on Rumbold Drive                  provide education to the
                                     suggested that the school       in 1981.                                   local community in the
                                     be rebuilt however due to          It was officially opened                same buildings.
                                     financial constraints and       by Harold Allison, Minister                  The grounds have been
           The school                disruption to learning, it      for Education on October                   developed over time to
           grew rapidly              was decided to relocate the     30, 1982.                                  include expansion to the
                                     school to a new site.              A “Back to Barmera                      playground areas and
           and became a                 The school was moved         School” day was held to                    updating of the garden
           higher primary            from its location on Scott      celebrate the opening.                     areas around the school
           school in 1929            Avenue to its present              The school continues to                 buildings.

                                                                        BARMERA PRIMARY SCHOOL
                                                                                               UCC AT E II N
                                                                                                   AT E    NSSP
                                                                                                              P II R
                                                                                                                   REE N


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                                                                        Information Technology
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                                                                        Onsite Library
            Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm, Sat 9am-12noon
                                                                        School
                                                                        School Bus
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                                                                        Playgroup                                        (08)
                                                                                                                          (08) 8588
                                                                                                                                8588 2198
         08 8588 2363                                                   Out
                                                                        Out of
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                                                                                School Hours
                                                                                       Hours Care
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                                                                                                                  Principal -- Ms
                                                                                                                               Ms Natasha
                                                                                                                                  Natasha Hefford
         20 Barwell Ave,Barmera                                                                                                           Hefford

                                                                                                BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 5
Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council

 Monash                                    A brief history of the
                                           Barmera-Monash Football Club
 Tyrrell.                                  drought for another 15 years, before      yellow colours and nickname of the
                                           again reigning supreme in the UMFA        Pelicans were changed in 1981, at the
                                           competition in 1937, winning the          recommendation of A grade coach Bob
                                           premiership under the leadership of       Fisher. Barmera-Monash reverted to
                                           Neil Munro and Ron McKay.                 double-blue colours it wore pre-1936
                                              The UMFA went into recess during       and become the Roos.
                                           World War II, from mid-1940 through          It was not until 1983, after being
                                           to 1945. As the war in Europe drew to a   runner-up in the previous three years,
                                               close, the Bonney Friendly Football   that Barmera-Monash finally held the
                                                      Association was established,   RFL A grade premiership trophy aloft,
                                                         in April 1945.              breaking a premiership drought of 46
                                                               The participating     years.
                                                              teams were Barmera,       Even better, coach Barry “Buff”
                                                               Berri, Cobdogla,      Tyrrell – who joined the club after
                                                                Kingston-            a decorated SANFL career with
                                                                 Moorook, Loxton,
                                                                                     Woodville – and his brilliant team
                                                                 Renmark, and at
                                                                                     repeated this for the next four years,
                                                                 the completion of
                                                                                     making it five straight premierships
The                                                              the first round a
                                                                                     from 1983 to 1987.
predecessor                                                     team from Loveday,
                                                                                        After a slight glitch in 1988,
of what is today                                               known as Loveday
                                                                                     Barmera-Monash won the 1989
the Barmera-                                                 Camps, was admitted
                                                                                     premiership under the guidance of
Monash Football                                           to the competition.
                                                                                     SANFL state representative, North
Club was a team that                                      Barmera FC resumed
                                                  in the UMFA in 1946, before        Adelaide and Woodville player and
commenced playing in a
                                           Barmera and Cobdogla merged the           1960 Magarey Medallist, Barrie
local competition known as the Central
                                           next year, playing as Cobdogla-           Barbary, making it six premierships in
Albert Football Association in 1920.
   This Barmera team competed              Barmera United from 1947 to 1951.         seven years.
under a variety of names, including           Barmera resumed under its own
Barmera, Lakes, Lake Bonney and            banner in 1952, continuing as the
Lake Barmera.                              Barmera Football Club through to
   In 1921 the Barmera Football Club       1956, when the great River Murray
was formed and joined the Upper            flood saw the competition cancelled.          The team from Barmera
Murray Football Association (UMFA),           In 1957 Barmera amalgamated                played at a few different
competing against teams from Berri,        again, this time with Monash,                 ovals before settling
Renmark, Lyrup and Glossop.                becoming known as the Barmera-
   Another football team from the          Monash Football Club (BMFC).                  on the main town oval,
Barmera area, South Lake Ramblers,            In a heartbreaking run from 1961 to        Memorial Oval.
commenced playing in the local             1964, Barmera-Monash was runner-
Central Albert Football Association        up to Loxton in the UMFL competition
                                           four times in a row, which included a        The club endured another frustrating
competition in that same year, 1921.
   A premiership was not long in coming    drawn grand final in 1962 and defeat in   run of disappointments until 2012
for the new Barmera team in the UMFA,      the replay, followed by a three-point     when Barmera-Monash, coached
and in 1922 the all-conquering             loss in the next year, 1963.              by one of Tyrrell’s champion A grade
Barmera Football Club, led by former          The UMFA had changed its name          premiership players from the 1980s,
North Adelaide champion, Lloyd             to the Upper Murray Football League       Lyndon Burns, was again RFL A grade
Davies, was undefeated for the year.       (UMFL) in 1953, then in 1972 its          premier, for only the ninth time in its
   The team from Barmera played at a       name changed again, to the Riverland      history.
few different ovals before settling on     Football League (RFL).                       On 22 occasions, nearly a quarter
the main town oval, Memorial Oval.            The club’s new clubrooms were          of all grand finals played in the 100
These early locations include Bruce        officially opened on July 27, 1980,       years of the Barmera-based team, the
Oval, which became the town’s trotting     after years of planning.                  lakeside club has been on the wrong
track, and a lake-front spot to the west      The pre-existing clubrooms became      end of a grand final defeat.
of Memorial Oval.                          changerooms and remain in that               Sources: Hallett Shueard, and Hallett
   After the 1922 success, Barmera         capacity today.                           Shueard’s book, The Barmera-Monash
endured an A grade premiership                The club’s striking red and            Football Club Centenary Book.

Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council

                Barmera-Monash’s 1937 premiership team.



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                                                          BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 7
Centenary 1921 2021 - barmera, monash & glossop - Berri Barmera Council

Barmera’s library love affair
Right from the earliest       moved there.
beginnings as a town,            Mr Bill Rogers acted as
Barmera people have           both secretary and librarian.
always loved libraries and    It was just established
reading.                      when it was damaged in the
   That’s from very humble    1924 tornado.                                            Barmera’s library was located in the
beginnings, with librarian       The institute repaired                            basement of the Barmera Hotel in 1936.
Mrs H Corney (operating as    the library and moved it to
a branch of the Cobdogla      the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall     in 1948, the community                Today the library’s staff
Institute Library) lending    around 1929 with Mr Rogers      centre took over the library,      of Peggy Germein (team
books from the home of Mr     still acting as librarian.      moving it near the old             leader), Sue Webber, Jody
Lang.                            Miss Margaret Tonkin         Hambours (B and B’s) site.         Bannear, Joella Crossfield
   After the Barmera          was the first librarian            In 1961, the Barmera            and Sue John are just as
Institute Committee was       in the Barmera Hotel            Public Library opened at its       enthusiastic and dedicated
formed in 1920, Mrs Corney    Incorporated Library of         present site in 4C Barwell         as librarians in the past.
was employed as the first     1936.                           Avenue, Barmera.                      A life-sized paper mache
librarian. According to          The library was in the          Miss Jan Wallage was            figure representing the
George Woolmer in The         hotel’s cellar. Past Barmera    librarian for six months,
                                                                                                 1936 Barmera librarian
Barmera Story, this library   residents recall going down     and then came Miss Diane
                                                                                                 Miss Margaret Tonkin is
was in the reverend J.        some steep stairs to borrow     Tillett, who was librarian for
                                                                                                 currently a special guest,
Harold Datsun’s hut.          books in the cellar, where      40 years.
                                                                 Ms Marie Trezise was            sitting outside the present
   In 1920, the institute     the librarian always used to
bought a cubicle in           look up over her glasses.       librarian in 2002 and Mr           Barmera Library.
Nookamka Terrace and the         After Miss Tonkin came       Warren Winship from 2004              - Peggy Germein, Barmera
Barmera Institute Library     librarian Mrs T Wilson. Then    to 2006.                                    Library team leader.

                                                                       Proudly supporting the

  KEEPING                     Proudly supporting the             Barmera, Monash & Glossop Centenary

                              Barmera, Monash and
                              Glossop Centenary.
                                                                1 Queen Elizabeth Dr, Barmera SA 5345
                                                                Phone: (08) 8588 3220

                                                                Monday-Wednesday Closed
                                                                Thursday-Friday 4:30pm to 7pm
             Barwell Ave, Barmera | 8588 2277                   Saturday-Sunday 11:30am to 7pm       Blue Bird Café


                                                                                                                        he Barmera
                                                                                                                        has created
                                                                                                                        a number of
                                                                                                            displays in shop
                                                                                                            fronts along Barwell
                                                                                                            Avenue. They include
                                                                                                            life-sized paper
                                                                                                            mache people of
                                                                                                               Some of the
                                                                                                            displays include a
                                                                                                            toy shop (pictured),
                                                                                                            a 1930 living room, a
                                                                                                            blocker’s home and a
                                                                                                            tailor shop.
                                                                                                               Head down to
                                                                                                            Barwell Avenue to
                                                                                                            see them for yourself.
                                                                                                            It is well worth a visit.
Life-sized paper mache depictions of people of interest are among the displays in centenary-
                             themed shop fronts in Barmera.

                                                                                        THE ART OF

                   LAKE BONNEY                                                                                        SUPPORTING THE
                                                                                                                    BARMERA, MONASH
                                                                                                                        AND GLOSSOP

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                                                                              CUSTOM DESIGNS. HAND MADE. PERFECT FOR ALL OCCASIONS.

                                                                                                   BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 9

                                                                          A variety of vehicles eligible for membership in the
                                                                            two clubs. These were participating in one of the
                                                                            past Riverland All Cars Days hosted by the clubs.

  Barmera’s show-stopping auto street party
  Motoring enthusiasts are in for a        vehicles from the past 100 years.         Pick, Club Manager’s Pick and
  massive treat later this year when          There will be market stalls, a live    People’s Choice.
  the Riverside Rodders and Riverland      band, plenty of food and drink stalls        There will be no charge for
  Customs and Classics host the            and shady spots for the participants      entering your vehicle or coming
  Riverland Auto Street Party.             and public to enjoy.                      along to have a look on the day.
     The event will take place on             If you own a motorbike, truck, or         Saturday evening will be a social
  Saturday, November 6, and Sunday,        car from the past 100 years that you      meal for participants at the Barmera
  November 7, to celebrate Barmera’s       think is special, then come along and     Club and Sunday morning will see
  centenary and also 100 years of the      put it on display.                        two wind-down cruises departing
  automobile in Barmera.                      Vehicle owners from outside            from the lake front after coffee.
     On the Saturday, Dean Drive           the region will also be invited to           One of these will head east
  (Barmera’s lake front) will be closed    participate in the spectacle.             and the other west, with the final
  to through traffic for a display of an      Awards will be given for               destinations for lunch yet to be
  anticipated 200-plus special interest    Policeman’s Pick, MP’s Pick, Mayor’s      confirmed.

                                                                                    Entrants’ cars attending one of the many
                                                                                     Riverside Campout weekends hosted by
                                                                                          Riverside Rodders in the Riverland.


Proud history behind the Rodders
                                                                                                      Barmera Easter Picnic. The
                                                                                                    town of Barmera has a proud
                                                                                                              automotive history.

                                                                                                   Over the years more
                                                                                                   than $20,000 has
                                                                                                   been donated to
                                                                                                   local charities and
                                                                                                   the Barmera Primary
                                                                                                   School from funds
                                                                                                   raised at various
                                                                                                   shows and events
                                                                                                   hosted by the club.

Established in the mid           donated to local charities
1980s, the Riverside             and the Barmera Primary
Rodders was the first hot        School from funds raised
rod club in the Riverland        at various shows and
region.                          events hosted by the club.
   Membership was small             Following the success
initially, but the members’      of the Big River Regional
enthusiasm made up               Street Rod Nationals held
for that, holding events         in Barmera in 2006 and
and attending car shows
across the country while
                                 again in 2012, another car
                                 club, Riverland Customs
                                                                                Hot Rods, Customs & Classics
building and driving their       and Classics, was founded.             •   Catering for original, restored & legally modified pre
hot rods.                           This club can operate                   1978 vehicles
                                                                        •   Approved clubs for Conditional Registration of
   The club is affiliated with   as a club in its own right,
                                                                            historic, left hand drive & street rod vehicles
the Australian Street Rod        however its members
                                                                        •   Share information & assist to preserve, restore,
Federation and operates          and Riverside Rodders                      maintain or modify your vehicle
within its rules, while the      considered it in the best              •   Promote & encourage social activities with
members own and build            interest of the Riverland                  similar clubs & organsations
ASRF class vehicles within       car community to co-exist              •   Individual, Partner & Family membership
the National Street Rod          as the one club.                       •   Affiliated with the Australian Street Rod Federation
Guidelines.                         Membership is available
   Riverside Rodders             to people owning original,                    Original, Restored & Modified
received a Regional              restored, or modified
Tourism Award for                vehicles manufactured
their 10th Anniversary           prior to 1978.
Riverside Campout and               Both clubs complement
regularly took out awards        and assist each other with
at the Adelaide Hot Rod          family friendly activities
and Street Machine               and events. They also
Spectacular.                     offer conditional club

   Over the years more           registration to their
than $20,000 has been            members.

                                                                                          BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 11
barmera, monash & glossop centenary

                             Cobdogla                                          LOVEDAY
Cobdogla started out as part of the Cobdogla Station                     Proclaimed in 1940,
with the homestead being built on the site of the current                Loveday was the site of
Cobdogla Station Caravan Park. This lease was taken out                  one of Australia’s largest
by the Chambers family in 1846. The station once covered                 internment camps during
over 200 miles (over 500km) of river frontage. The first                 World War II. At its peak
police greys were bred on the property and the famous                    it housed 5380 internees
explorer John McDouall Stuart used “Circle C” horses                     of German, Japanese and
from here for his journey across Australia from north to                 Italian descent as well
south.                                                                   as over 1500 Australian
                                       Cobdogla is home                  Military personnel. The
                                       to the Cobdogla                   camp supplied a variety of
                                       Irrigation and Steam
                                                                         products including wheat,
                                       Museum, which
                                       has the world’s                   vegetables, fruit and
                                       only operational                  seeds. It also grew opium poppies. These were used for
                                       Humphrey Pump.                    the production of morphine required medicinally by the
                                       The pump is                       armed forces. The ruins for the World War II Internment
                                       currently not                     Camp still remain.
                                       operating due to                  Ernest Alfred Loveday (pictured) was born 1868 and died in
                                       building renovations.             1915. He was a surveyor and superintending surveyor of the
                                       The Cobdogla                      Murray Irrigation Settlement. It was after the party led by
                                       Station Caravan                   Mr Loveday had come to the area that Berri became a large
                                       Park houses the                   government scheme instead of a small village settlement,
                                       historic Cobdogla
                                                                         which was originally proposed. Mr Loveday was son of
                                       Chimney. The
                                                                         Corporal Richard John Loveday and laid out the township
                                       chimney is a 1846
                                                                         of Berri. The Loveday settlement was named after him. The
                                       relic of the Cobdogla
                                                                         Loveday Memorial was unveiled at Cobdogla in appreciation
                                       homestead complex.
                                                                         of his work in 1930.

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               OVERLAND CORNER                                                          WINKIE
Overland Corner became famous from 1838 as a river            Originally part of Cobdogla Station, this locality was
crossing and stopover for overlanders moving from             marked on early maps as Wink Wink Paddock. The area
the eastern states to South Australia. In 1860 Overland       was surveyed and channelled from 1911 to 1913 as part
Corner was on the Wentworth mail route from Adelaide.         of the Berri Irrigation Area. It was extended for soldier
A telegraphic communication line between Adelaide and         settlement after World War I. In the 1950s there were
Sydney was erected in 1865 and passed through Overland        plans to establish a residential township area. This did
Corner. Traffic along the overland trail increased with       not eventuate, however it is a sought-after area for
the construction of the railway at Morgan in 1878. The        out-of-town living.
hotel built in 1859 was one of the first stone buildings
constructed in the Riverland. This was the stagecoach post
for Cobb and Co. and has been restored by the National
                                                              Winkie footballers Eric McDonald
Heritage Trust of South Australia.                            and Lional Aldenhoven (pictured)
                                                                      dressed in long shorts and
                                                                   big boots for football. Winkie
                                                                        Football Club wore black
                                                                guernseys with a red band from
                                                                  approximately 1925 to 1928.
                                                                   in 1930 Winkie and Glossop
                                                                   amalgamated to form a new
                                                                  “Centrals” club which won the
                                                                1931 premiership. Club colours
                                                              are a mystery, with some sources
                                                               claiming purple guernseys and a
                                                                white band, others maintaining
                                                                the colours were dark blue with
                    The Overland Corner Hotel surrounded          a light blue band. The football
                          by water during the 1956 flood.          ground at Winkie was on the
                                                                    Winkie Recreation Grounds.



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     31 - 33 Barwell Ave, Barmera | Phone 8588 2111 | barmerahotel.com.au

                                                                                 BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 13

       The view down Barwell Avenue looking north towards the lake, 1937. Note cars on both sides of the Avenue, with one-way
                                    traffic not yet introduced. Pendle's bus is in the foreground.

Council supports centenary events
The Centenary Grants               appropriate public liability        your event can be             Grants Scheme conditions
Scheme is a one-off                insurance and adhere to             co-ordinated, or perhaps be   which provides the details
initiative to support              sound workplace health and          joined with other planned     of the program and the
community groups and               safety practices.                   Centenary programs,           process when applying,
organisations by providing            • Berri Barmera Council          events or activities. To      which can be found at www.
financial and in-kind              has so far allocated $56,000        contact any of these groups   berribarmera.sa.gov.au/
support to enhance their           through the Centenary               directly, email the Barmera   centenary-2021
capacity to provide                Grants Scheme towards               group at centenary2021@          To apply for a community
Barmera, Monash, Glossop,          events and projects with            barmeratourism.com.
                                                                                                     grant and/or support, please
Cobdogla, Loveday and              Round 1 of the Grants               au (or by telephone on
                                                                                                     complete the Centenary
Overland Corner centenary-         Scheme closing in October           8588 2289), email the
                                                                                                     Grant Scheme Application
orientated programs and            2020. A second round of             Monash group at ali@
                                                                                                     Form and submit to council.
events within the Berri            funding opened on March             grantsheds.com.au (or by
                                                                       telephone 8583 5262) or          For enquiries relating
Barmera Council area during        17, with applications due                                         to the Centenary Grants
2021.                              by April 30, 2021. There is         email the Glossop group at
                                                                       princessannie2310@gmail.      Scheme please contact
   • The requested support         also the possibility of a third                                   council’s library manager,
                                                                       com (or by telephone
must provide a direct benefit      round of Centenary Grant
                                                                       0438 890 496).                Peter Ison by emailing
to the Berri Barmera Council       funding to be offered for
                                                                          • Please ensure that       pison@bbc.sa.gov.au or
community. The applicant           mid-2021.
                                                                       you read the Centenary        calling 0428 883 177.
must be based in the Berri            Before completing an
Barmera Council region,            application:
have a membership base                • You should approach
within the Berri Barmera           either the Barmera
Council, or be delivering a        Centenary Committee, the
service which will be of a         Lone Gum and Monash
direct benefit to members          Community Association Inc
of the Berri Barmera Council       or the Glossop Centenary
community.                         Committee if you want
   • Applicants must agree         to conduct an event in
to comply with conditions          the Barmera, Monash or
which council may apply to         Glossop areas.
the support provided, have            This will ensure that

  The "Lone Gum" at Monash from which the district first took
      the name Lone Gum, still stands today in the middle of a
   fruit property. Because of its location it is not a usual tourist
 attraction and only locals tend to know the exact location and
                         history of the tree along Lobban Road.

Proudly supporting the Barmera, Monash and Glossop Centenary
                          B R E A K FA S T • L U N C H
                 Open 7 Days | Fully Licensed | Dine-in & take-away
                 1 Dean Drive, Barmera SA 5345 | PHONE: 8588 2000

                                       Kitchen closes 2pm

 Large range of breakfast, cooked meals & bakery products,freshly baked on the premises daily.
 Monday-Friday 7.30am-3.00pm | Saturday 8.30am-2.30pm | Sunday 9am-2.30pm
              Public holidays 8.30am-4.00pm (closed Christmas day)

                                                                     THE BARMERA,
                                                                     MONASH AND

                                                                             BARMERA LPO
                                                                            1 Barwell Avenue, Barmera
                                                                            8588 2699

                                                                     BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 15

APRIL                                                                               MAY
                                          Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021
                                          Barmera Centenary Street Party
                                          Featuring the interring of Barmera’s
Easter Saturday,                          100-Years’ Time Capsule                   SA History Festival
April 3, 2021                             3pm                                       May 1 - May 31, 2021
Sandy Centenary Fun                       Barwell Ave, Barmera                      Barmera Centenary Exhibition
Lake Bonney Sand                          Sandy Centenary Fun                       Check out a selection of historical
Sculpture Spectacular                     Lake Bonney Sand                          photographs and memorabilia during
10am                                      Sculpture Spectacular                     History Month.
Barmera Lakefront, volleyball area        10am                                      Times TBC
                                          Barmera Lakefront, volleyball area        Barmera Soldiers Memorial Hall
Berri Easter Carnival                                                               Barwell Ave, Barmera
Featuring towns celebrating their         Barmera Twilight Easter Market
centenary and their schools               2pm-6pm
Radio 5RM and Berri Rotary Club           Live music by Meta4 on the
Free Breakfast - 7am                      Bonney Theatre outside balcony
Easter Parade - 11am                      4pm-6pm
Vaughan Tce, Berri                        Family movie from 7pm
919 Wines Vineyard Lunch                  919 Wines Vineyard Lunch
Bring your smart devices so you can       Bring your smart devices so you can
go back in time but be back in time for   go back in time but be back in time for          Barmera Memorial Hall
dinner                                    dinner                                              opened in 1929
11am-3pm                                  11am-3pm
919 Wines, Hodges Rd, Glossop             919 Wines, Hodges Rd, Glossop             May 21 - May 22, 2021
                                                                                    Barmera Centenary Bowls
                                                                                    Featuring: The Australian Jackaroos
                                                                                    Bowls Team
                                                                                    Barmera Bowling Club
                                                                                    Nookamka Tce, Barmera
                                                                                    Friday, May 21:
                                                                                    Meet & Greet 5pm until late
                                                                                    Saturday, May 22:
                                                                                    Junior Coaching Clinic
   Berri Easter carnival carp throwing                                              Adult Coaching Clinic
           competition, 1995                   Camping ground, Lake Bonney          12:30pm-1:30pm


Barmera Centenary Demo Game,
Australian Jackaroos vs Berri Barmera   Friday, June 4, 2021
Council All-stars
2:30pm-4:30pm                           Barmera Primary School Centenary
Sports Night and dinner                 Sports Day
6pm till late                           10am - 12 noon (TBC)
Sunday, May 23:                         Barmera Town Oval, Barmera
Open Fours Carnival                     Thursday, June 10-
Morning game featuring                  Sunday, June 13, 2021
Australian Jackaroos
                                        SA Sheepdog Trials                         Barmera Drum & Fife School Band
12 noon-1pm                                                                        This calendar lists centenary events
Afternoon game followed by                                                           that will be held across the Berri
presentations and farewell                                                           Barmera Council area in 2021 to
1:30pm                                                                             celebrate 100 years since the towns
                                                                                    of Barmera, Monash and Glossop
Friday, May 28 –                                                                               were gazetted.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
                                                                                    Please note that these events are
Monash Hidden Secrets Exposed                                                       organised by various community-
Exhibition                                                                           based centenary groups and the
Monash Memorial Hall                                                                  Berri Barmera Council takes no
Randell Tce, Monash                          Monash Memorial Hall, 1983            responsibility for event organisation
Saturday, May 29, 2021                                                                         and delivery.

Opening of the school time capsule                                                  At time of printing all details in this
Barmera Primary School                                                              program were correct but events,
by His Excellency the Governor at                                                   dates and times are all subject to
12 noon to 1pm followed by a viewing    Sunday, August 29, 2021                     change due to COVID-19 or other
of school memorabilia in the hall.                                                            circumstances.
                                        Monash Military Ceremony and
12 noon - 3pm                           Flyover                                            Please contact the
Barmera Primary School Hall             Coincides with the 100th Anniversary        Berri Barmera Council Centenary
                                        of the Dedication of Monash on                      Project Officer at
                                        August 28, 1921                                ‘cwebster@bbc.sa.gov.au’
                                        9am -11am                                          for any alterations,
   Barmera Higher Primary School        Monash Memorial Hall, Monash                     additions or omissions.

                                                                               BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 17

                                                                                  Saturday, October 16, 2021
                                                                                  Glossop High School Open Day
                                                                                  10am - 4pm
Wednesday, September 1,                  Saturday, October 2, 2021                ‘Back to Glossop’ Dinner at the
                                         Monash Shindig                           Barmera Club
Senior Citizen’s Morning Tea             Celebrating the centenary of the         6pm pre-dinner drinks, 7pm dinner
Celebrating Barmera being officially     Monash Community through a               Check the Glossop Centenary 2021
named in the Government Gazette          communal feast of food, wine and         Facebook page for the latest
10am - 11.30am (TBC)                     music.

Barmera Primary School Hall              5pm - 12 midnight
                                         Adjacent to the Monash Memorial Hall,
Friday, September 17 -                   Randell Tce.
Saturday, September 18,
2021                                     Monday, October 4-                       Saturday, November 6 -
                                         October 8, 2021                          Sunday, November 7, 2021
Riverland Field Days with Centenary
2021 stall                               Riverdaze 2021,                          Riverland Auto Street Party
52 Field Day Dr, Barmera                 State Girl Guide Camp                    Celebrating 100 years of the
                                         Camp Kedron, Barmera                     automobile in Barmera.
                                         Thursday, October 14, 2021               Saturday 6: See special interest
                                                                                  motor vehicles from the past 100
                                         Glossop High School’s 80th
                                                                                  years on display along the lake front.
                                         Anniversary Continental
                                                                                  Live band, market stalls and food and
                                                                                  drinks available.
                                         535 Old Sturt Highway, Glossop
                                                                                  Sunday 7: Two wind-down cruises
    Barwell Avenue, Barmera, 1938
                                                                                  will depart from the lake front, one
Friday, September 24, 2021                                                        heading east, the other west
                                                                                  Barmera Lakefront
Barmera Centenary Dinner
Black Tie Event                                                                   Saturday, November 20 -
Bonney Theatre 6pm                                                                Sunday, November 21, 2021
Saturday, September 25,                                                           St. Edmunds Anglican Church 100
2021 - October 10, 2021                                                           Year Centenary Celebrations
                                                                                  Everyone welcome, history display
Waterways of the Riverland Art
                                                                                  over the weekend, Saturday evening
                                                                                  activity and Sunday Church Service.
Exhibition to feature paintings,         Glossop High School student Judy Solly   Event details to be finalised.
photography, metal work and quilting.            winning a hurdle race            St Edmund’s Anglican Church, Barmera


DECEMBER                               ALL-YEAR
Friday, December 10, 2021
Barmera Centenary Christmas
Pageant and Fireworks Spectacular
Barwell Ave, Barmera                   Cobdogla Irrigation and Steam
Pageant on Barwell Ave, begins         Museum Open Days
at 5:30pm                              Family $40 (2 adults + children under
Santa’s Cave                           18 years), Pensioner $15, Children 5
Fireworks on Barmera Oval, begins at   to 18 years $10, under 5 years free.
9:15pm                                 11am - 4:30pm

Barmera Centenary Christmas
Shop Window Displays
                                       Trussell Terrace, Cobdogla
                                       Sunday, March 7
                                                                                      Visit our
On display all of December 2021.
Barwell Ave, Barmera
                                       Easter Saturday, April 3
                                       Sunday, June 13                                website
                                                                                      for more
                                       Sunday, July 11
                                       Sunday, October 3

                                       Barmera Centenary Shop Window
                                       Running until November 2021.

                                          Cobdogla Pumping Station main
      Cobdogla Pumping Station                    channel 1937

                                                                               BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 19

 Winkie’s Alan
 Delaine was one
 of Glossop High
 School’s first
 students in 1941.

 placing of
 stone in

 first school


   One of Glossop High’s originals
  taking in the bittersweet moment
One of Glossop High School’s first         opened, students living in the                Mr Delaine said because the school
students says he was “proud and            Berri/Barmera area would travel to          was built during the war, there were
honoured” to witness the opening of        Renmark to attend high school.              shortages of school supplies.
an “amazing school”, which he will            “I spent one term at Renmark High          “Our classrooms were just tables,
miss dearly when it closes later this      at the beginning of first year because      chairs and a blackboard and we wrote
year.                                      Glossop hadn’t opened yet,” he said.        on notepads,” he said.
   Winkie’s Alan Delaine, 93, began           “Many of the students travelled to         “Every morning we lined up at the
first year at Glossop High School in       Renmark with Mr Mortimer by horse           book room to get our supplies for the
1941 from the day it opened.               and trailer.                                day.
   Mr Delaine said the school was             “There was a high demand for a
stationed at an “ideal location” for       secondary school in the area so its
students living in surrounding areas.      opening was a big deal and very
   “At the time there was a rivalry with   exciting.”
Berri and Barmera and they couldn’t           Mr Delaine said the school had
decide where to put the school,” he        evolved over the years.
said.                                         “When the school opened it was               At the time only girls
   “That’s how Glossop got chosen          just the main building, and afterwards
for the location.                          one portable was built for the leaving          had uniforms – they
   “I was born and raised in Winkie        students,” he said.                             were hard to get – and
and every day I rode to school on my          “The rest of the ground was just
                                                                                           the boys wore suits.
bike, which took approximately 30
minutes.”                                     “There was a train line that also ran        It didn’t matter what
   Mr Delaine said many students           through the school, which travelled             colours the boys wore
enrolled at Glossop High School as         from Barmera to Adelaide daily.
soon as it opened.                            “The other side of the train track           but as long as it was a
   “When the school opened, there          was school property but we didn’t               suit with a tie, that’s
                                           realise that because it was a fruit
were 177 students and you knew
                                                                                           all that mattered.
                                              “Later on, the ag students took
                                           over that part, but now that part is a
                                           gymnasium, which wasn’t built until            “At the time only girls had uniforms
                                           40 or 50 years after I left.                – they were hard to get – and the
    I was born and                            “There were sports days when we          boys wore suits.
                                           were in school and music became big            “It didn’t matter what colours the
    raised in Winkie                       after a few years, which was run by         boys wore but as long as it was a suit
    and every day I                        Miss Paterson.
                                              “Some of the students were
                                                                                       with a tie, that’s all that mattered.”
                                                                                          Mr Delaine said he will be sad to
    rode to school on                      fantastic and with Miss Paterson’s          see the school go.
                                           help, they managed to put on good              “Over the years I’ve come back
    my bike, which                         shows.                                      to visit the school and it’s evolved
    took approximately                        “We mostly learnt math and
                                           English subjects – there were no tech
                                                                                       beautifully and come a long way,” he
    30 minutes.                            studies or anything like that. School          “What is here now is amazing, so
                                           ran from 9am to 4pm and there were          seeing it go is a real shame.
everyone by name,” he said.                only three school terms in the year            “My children went here and my
   “Back then we didn’t call each          instead of four.                            grandson went here too, so they got
year level by a number, we went by            “Christmas break was very long           to see the school’s expansions and
first year, second year, intermediate,     because students had to help out            enjoy everything new.
leaving and leaving honours.               on fruit blocks and cut apricots and           “Although it’s the end of an era, it’s
   “At first the school just went up to    things like that.                           also the start of something special
leaving and it wasn’t until later that        “There was an assembly weekly.           and I wish the new Berri Regional
leaving honours came along.”               Every Monday we sang the school             Secondary School all the best and I
   Mr Delaine said before the school       hymn and regularly had air-raid             am very lucky to say I was there from
                                           warnings.”                                  day dot.”

                                                                                      BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 21
1941 - 2021
                                                     HIGH SCHOOL
                               Commemorating 80 years of Secondary Education

                                 Glossop High School has been providing quality
                                 secondary education to students from Glossop,
                                 Barmera, Monash, Berri and surrounding districts for the
                                 past 80 years and proudly supports the towns
                                 celebrating their Centenaries.

                                 2021 is a significant year for Glossop High School. The
                                 school is commemorating its 80th Anniversary and the
                                 final year at the original Glossop site. In 2022 the two
                                 Glossop High School campuses will consolidate in Berri
                                 and will be known as Berri Regional Secondary College.

                                 The school community invites past and present
                                 students, families and staff to the following celebrations:

            Continental                  Glossop Campus           Back to Glossop Dinner
            Glossop Campus               Open School              Sat 16th October
            Thursday 14th                Saturday 16th            Barmera Club
            October                      October                  6:30pm $50/head
            5:30 - 8:30                  10am - 4pm               Tickets to be purchased
            Wear your house                                       from Sue at the Club
            colour with pride                                     ph: 85882025

                             For more information contact Jenni at Glossop High School
                             ph: 85832004
                             email: jenni.jury565@schools.sa.edu.au

Glossop’s family fun
centenary celebrations
Glossop’s township will hold     October 16, from 6pm.              “Even in recent years, the
a number of events this year        • Glossop High School        school would raise up to
to celebrate its centenary       80th anniversary continental    $50,000.
and the closing of Glossop       – Thursday, October 14, from       “This year’s event will be
High School.                     5.30pm.                         more of a community event
   The Glossop Centenary            Glossop centenary            and not have that competitive
Committee has planned            committee member Jenni Jury     edge.
projects that showcase           said the Glossop High School       “The money raised this year
the best of Glossop, which       80th anniversary continental    will go towards purchasing
include:                         was one event in particular     an electronic honour board
   • A projection display of     the committee was most          for Berri Regional Secondary
old photos on the side of        looking forward to.             College, so we can preserve
the Ashborn building – from         “The continental will be     the history of Glossop High.”
Thursday, October 14, to         very special because it’s the      Ms Jury said the evening           The first
Sunday, October 17.              end of an era,” she said.       would be a “fun, family night”.
   • 919 Wines vineyard             “The first continental          “There will be food and            continental
lunch – Saturday, April 3, and   started back in 1947 and it     market stalls but we will be          started back
Sunday, April 4.
   • Glossop High School
                                 used to take place over the
                                 first two weeks of the school
                                                                 mostly showcasing the school
                                                                 and giving the community
                                                                                                       in 1947 and
open day – Saturday, October     year.                           an opportunity to say their           it used to
16, 2021. 10am to 4pm.              “For two weeks, up until     goodbyes,” she said.                  take place
   • Glossop Primary             the lead-up to the event, the      “Students will be setting
Community School open day        school would host fundraisers   up their own displays to              over the
– Sunday, October 17, from       like walkathons, baking of      showcase and sell what they           first two
10am.                            goods, picking of grapes,       have to the community.
   • Back to Glossop dinner at   fashion parades and quiz           “The night will have a lot of
                                                                                                       weeks of the
the Barmera Club – Saturday,     nights to name a few.           student involvement.”                 school year.

                First primary school, 1920.                                     Mr Grayson’s Glossop store.

                                                                                  BARMERA, MONASH & GLOSSOP CENTENARY 23

Glossop’s proud history
The township of Glossop is named                 Winkie. This was established here due       the 1980s there has been a downturn
after Vice Admiral John Collings                 to the fact there was a lime kiln a short   in businesses establishing themselves
Taswell Glossop. John Glossop was                distance away, and lime was needed          in Glossop.
Captain of HMAS Sydney when it sank              for the concrete for the channels and          Through the 1970s and early 1980s
the German war ship SMS ‘Emden’ in               block houses.                               the Glossop Club was a central part of
November 1914 off the coast of the                   Glossop Primary School was              the community, but unfortunately the
Cocos Islands.                                   established in 1920 and soon outgrew        club ceased to trade.
   The anchor from the ‘Emden’ to this           its rooms, so another school was built         In the early 1980s the Sikh
day sits on display in front of the motel        in 1924, which is at the present-day        community purchased the club
in Glossop.                                      site.                                       and breathed new life into it by
   Even though Glossop was only                      The year of 1941 saw the                transforming it into their temple.
gazetted as a town in August 1921 it             establishment of Glossop High                  A diverse range of nationalities
had started to grow well before this.            School, thus securing Glossop as            have now settled within the Glossop
   Glossop was settled in the “soldier           the hub of the Berri, Barmera and           community.
settlement scheme” in 1919/1920 with             surrounding areas.
returned soldiers from World War I                   Glossop became a
being allocated pieces of scrubland on           thriving town with
which they were to clear the land and            about 200 town                       Timeline of significant events
plant fruit blocks as they forged a new          blocks and all the
life for themselves and their families.          fruit properties             1919/1920:         1925 – 1926:          1973-1974:
   Behind where the motel is now was             around making                Arrival and           Glossop              Glossop
a large temporary camp for the lime              it central for             settlement    of      Agriculture            effluent
kiln workers and the construction                many businesses           soldier settlers     Bureau held a           drainage
workers, building the channel system             to start up,             on scrub blocks,          produce         scheme for the
throughout Glossop, Monash and                   although since           which were then         show in the        township and
                                                                             planted up to     hall both years. high school was
                                                                           fruit properties.                            installed.
                                                                                 1920:           The Glossop               1978:
  AGRICULTURAL REPAIRS METAL FABRICATION MACHINING STEEL SALES            Glossop    Primary     High   School            Anchor
                                                                           School opened             opens.            monument
       Proudly supporting the Barmera,                                    with 18 students
                                                                          and soon rose to       Early 1960s:
                                                                                                                       for Sir John
       Monash and Glossop Centenary.                                         30 students.         BP service         HMAS Sydney
                                                                                                 station was           and plaque
                                                                                 1921:          built (around            unveiled
                                                                                Glossop         1961) by Wilf          by Mayor H
                                                                               officially      Heuzenroeder,            Bosman.
                                                                             gazetted as a       followed by
                                                                                 town.           him building              1983:
                                                                                                   the motel       The Sikh Temple
                                                                                 1924:         (around 1964). was established
                                                                               Methodist                            in the old club.
                                                                              church was              1967:
       GREGOIRE/VINESTAR/URM                                                   opened in            The new                1992:
         GRAPE HARVESTERS                                                      Campbell
                                                                              Street. The
                                                                                               (now existing)
                                                                                                  fire station
                                                                                                                    Primary School
                  ● Genuine & after market parts                             church is still       was built.          burnt down.
                  ● Full Servicing, 24 hour call out                       standing today.
                  ● Machining & Welding Services                                                 Early 1970s:              2008:
                                                                                 1924:           The Glossop          Glossop Post
           ● Hydraulic & General Engineering Services
                                                                          Glossop Primary          Club was          Office moved
              ● Now Supplying Shell Oil & Lubricants                         moved to its             built.         from the store
            ● B.S.C Bearings and Power Transmission                          now existing                              where it had

                     ● Steel Sales ● Fasteners                               site with new            1974:            been since
                                                                          facilities able to          Berri           the 50s to BP
              487 Old Sturt Highway, Glossop
                                                                            accommodate             Estates         service station,
        David: 0408 837 370 / Kyle 0415 651 686
                                                                                up to 70        is devastated          as the store
          woolstonengineering@bigpond.com                                                           by a fire.
                                                                               students.                                 closed.

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