Page created by Yolanda Ray
Summer 2014

             Magazine For Crohn's & Colitis Australia™

     NEW AMBASSADOR                                      See page 7

CCA camp                       Rick’s ride
dates announced                for Charlotte
See page 4                     See page 10
MISSION STATEMENT                                        INSIDE INSIGHT SPONSOR
     CCA’s mission is to support the Crohn’s                  Crohn’s & Colitis Australia
     and colitis community, with a focus                      acknowledges the generous
     on confidential support programs                         contribution of Shire towards
                                                              the development and printing
     including education, advocacy,
                                                              of Inside Insight.
     counselling, increasing awareness and
     generating and utilizing funds
     for research and services.

3             CEO’s Welcome                                  9	Local Champion

4             CCA News                                       10	Rick’s Little Adventure

5	Support Groups                                             11         Community Fundraising

6             Volunteer Team Profile                         12	Research

7             Queensland Snippets                            13         General Information

8             New CCA Ambassador

INSIDE INSIGHT                                                    COVER
Editor	                   Janita Friend                           CCA Welcomes A New Ambassador.
                                                                  See story, page 7
Contributors              Anita Reilly
	Lauren Mann                                                      Inside Insight is published by Crohn’s & Colitis
                          Jessica Chapman                         Australia (CCA). Copyright 2014.
	Scott Davidson

    We send our thoughts and best wishes to members who are ill at present, or who are recovering from surgery.
    We wish you a speedy recovery.

Page 2    I   Inside Insight
This edition of the Inside Insight magazine comes to you in a slightly different
format. To help reduce costs and to inform all of our members on our progress
for the year, we have decided to combine both our Annual Review and our
last magazine of the year in one issue. I hope you enjoy reading both.

On our cover this month, we have        Francesca has been living with         the very best for a prosperous,
a beautiful photo of our newest         Crohn’s disease for five years. As     healthy and joyous 2015. Our team
Ambassador Mrs Francesca                a wife and mother, she runs a          at CCA will be taking a break from
McMillan. Living with Crohn’s           successful dance school, Fusion        23rd December 2014 and will be
disease and ulcerative colitis is       Beats and is South Australia’s         back on deck again on Monday,
difficult for many people to speak      first professional Bollywood           5th January 2015 full of passion
about and because of this, it is        choreographer. For the past year       and energy for making life more
challenging for us to find the right    Francesca has been busy with the       liveable for everyone with IBD.
kind of public Ambassador to            rigours of a Mrs Australia Universe
represent our cause. Celebrities        title, travelling to Malaysia in       Warm regards,
and other public figures can be         August to represent the nation at
reluctant to speak out about            this prestigious event. Francesca
medical conditions they have,           is a fabulous inspiration for the
fearing it may harm their careers,      IBD community and is also a
so often they stay silent.              great ambassador for CCA. Her
                                        training as a performer and            Francesca Manglaviti
Selecting Ambassadors is a very         speaker coupled with her sparkling
deliberate process. They must have      personality will ensure the public
a profile but they must also have                                              P.S don’t forget to flip this magazine
                                        is given a new representation of
an IBD or have a strong connection                                             over to enjoy our Annual Review for
                                        what living with an IBD can be.
with Crohn’s disease or colitis                                                2013/14.
through a family member or friend.      As this is the last magazine for the
Without this connection, it would       year, I would also like to take the
not be possible to authentically        opportunity on behalf of myself
represent what living with an IBD       and the CCA Board of Directors,
means on a day to day basis.            to thank our staff, volunteers,
Given this criteria, we are delighted   members, donors, supporters and
to announce the appointment             sponsors, who have all contributed
of our new Ambassador - South           to making 2014 a dynamic and
Australia-based Bollywood               successful year. On a personal
choreographer and Mrs Australia         note I wish you a Merry Christmas
Universe 2014, Francesca McMillan.      with your friends and family and

                                                        Inside Insight   I   Page 3

CCA FORUMS                                2015 CAMP DATES ANNOUNCED
One of the services Crohn’s &             CCA are very excited to announce that we will be running three teen
Colitis Australia is proud to run are     camps in 2015 in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia.
our forums.
                                          These camps are very popular and give kids with IBD an opportunity to
Forums are held around Australia          share stories and experiences with other teenagers with Crohn’s disease
and are open to anyone                    and colitis as well as have fun in a safe and understanding environment.
seeking specialist information on         Our camps have been very successful in creating a sense of belonging
inflammatory bowel disease. Those         and connectedness for the young people that attend, helping them feel
living with an IBD, their families,       they aren’t alone with their illness.
friends and carers are all welcome.
                                          The camps dates are as follows:
The forums are particularly useful
                                          Western Australia       27th – 29th March 2015
for those recently diagnosed as
                                          			                     Ern Halliday Recreation Camp
they offer education, support
and strategies for day to day             Victoria 8th – 10th May 2015
management of the condition in a          			Camp Manyung
safe and helpful environment.
                                          New South Wales         Date and location to be confirmed
Since January this year CCA has
                                          Don’t miss out! We would like to get any expressions of interest in early
hosted 12 forums across Australia
                                          so please contact Lauren on or 03 9006
in Tasmania, Queensland, Victoria,
                                          6976 if you are interested in attending.
New South Wales, the ACT, Western
Australia and South Australia. The        More information to come in early 2015 so keep an eye out.
New South Wales forum at The
Children’s Hospital, Westmead
attracted a large crowd with 136
registrations. This was our first forum
at Westmead so it was great to
have such high attendance. Thank
you to everyone who has attended
a forum and given feedback, this
really helps to provide direction
around future forum topics. Please
keep an eye on our website and
our Facebook page for future
dates and venues.

Page 4   I   Inside Insight
Support Groups

Support Group Update
We are pleased to announce that a number of new support groups have recently commenced, offering even
more support to those in need across Australia. Support groups are a great way to connect with others who are
affected by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, to share experiences with those who understand what you are
going through and can provide help and understanding in a confidential and supportive environment.

Current support groups:

 VIC                          NSW                         QLD                          WA

 Ballarat                     Canterbury                  Sunshine Coast               Bassendean

 Bass Coast                   Erina                       Brisbane                     Dianella

 Melbourne Young Adults       Chatswood                   Brisbane South               Mandurah

 RMH                          Newcastle                   Cairns                       Palmyra

 Mount Waverly                Penrith                     Gold Coast

 Preston                      Port Macquarie              Mackay

 St Kilda                     Sutherland Shire

 Templestowe                  Wagga Wagga                                              SA

 Sandringham                                                                           Adelaide


 Geelong                      ACT                         TAS                          NT

 Mornington Peninsula         Hughes                      Launceston                   Palmerston

 Beaconsfield                                             Hobart

If you live near any of these groups why not join them – the Support Group Facilitators are there to welcome you
and would love to have you come along. Please see our website or phone our
office on 03 9815 1266 for more information on CCA Support Groups.

LaTrobe Valley launches                                   SEEKING A TREASURER
a new Volunteer Team                                      Our Volunteer Teams are being set up in regional
We are pleased to launch a new Volunteer Team for         areas to provide greater support and connection
the Latrobe Valley region in Victoria and are looking     for the IBD community. Our newly established
for members. So far we have a Team Leader Jodie-lee       Geelong Team is seeking a treasurer. Would you like
Schulz and Treasurer Murray Ellis.                        to volunteer your time to help the IBD community in
                                                          the Geelong region as our Volunteer Team treasurer?
The first support group meeting will be held on           You don’t need a finance background and all
Wednesday 3 December. The team is looking for             training and resources are provided, you just need to
people to be involved in helping raise awareness and      be a member of CCA. For more information please
support in the local area. For more information please    contact
contact Jessica Chapman on 03 9006 6974 or via            or phone 03 9815 1266

                                                       Inside Insight   I   Page 5
Volunteer Team Profile

Tiffany Smart,                          There are two of us in the team,        give a huge thank you to Marissa,
Wodonga Region                          myself and my wonderful treasurer,      our treasurer for facilitating the
Having Volunteer Teams (VT’s) on        Marissa Ellis. What I like best about   support groups, fundraising and
the ground in regional areas mean       the role is being able to help others   general suppot – you’ve been
we can help more people, raise          in our community and connecting         great!”
more awareness and fundraise            people who can relate to each
through events and activities.          other and provide support.

We are grateful to all of our           I’d really like to expand the team
volunteers and the time they give       to the point where we have big
to help the IBD community and           fundraising events that greatly
CCA. This issue we profile, Tiffany     involves the local community.
Smart, a Volunteer Team leader for      In October we had a Bunnings
the Wodonga Region.                     BBQ and we plan to organise
                                        raffles and another BBQ in the
Tiffany’s VT story:                     near future. I would like to thank
“I became a VT leader because           Bunnings Wodonga for helping us
when I was first diagnosed with         through everything step by step. I
Crohn’s disease in February 2013,       would also like to thank your close
there was nowhere local to turn         knit support group for being so
to. I made numerous trips to            wonderful and welcoming. I’d also
Melbourne for forums etc, before        like to thank my partner, Daniel
contact Jess Chapman to organise        for all his support whilst I’ve been
a local support group. It was the       getting the group up and running.
best decision I’ve made!                Last but not least, I would like to

   This Christmas,
   ask your family and friends for what you really want…
   better support, treatment and ultimately a cure for Crohn’s and colitis
      Many of us have everything we want – except a cure for
      the chronic health problems that plague an increasing
      number of Australians. Every day another 14 people are
      diagnosed with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. By 2022,
      it is estimated that 100,000 Australians will be affected by
      these diseases.

      Crohn’s & Colitis Australia (CCA) invest in research and
      provide information, education and support for people
      living with inflammatory bowel disease. A gift to CCA is a
      gift that can benefit thousands of people as well as yourself.

      If you are celebrating a special occasion and would like
      friends and family to donate to CCA in lieu of gifts, then
      email and we will send you
      out our In Celebration envelopes.

      In Memory envelopes also available

Page 6   I   Inside Insight
Queensland Snippets

Queensland support groups grow!                             Cooke-Murphy Reserve, 28 Ashton St, Labrador. 2015:
We now have seven groups running in Queensland.             skip January, 17th February (TBC).
Support groups give you an opportunity to meet with
                                                            Mackay: 7.00pm, second Wednesday every month.
a small group in an easy, friendly and supportive
                                                            Mackay Women’s Centre (group meetings are for
environment, and if you haven’t been to one, why not
                                                            both genders), 418 Shakespeare St, Mackay. 2015:
book a date in your diary and go along – it might be
                                                            skip January, 11th February.
just the thing you need to make your day!
                                                            Sunshine Coast: 6.00pm, second Tuesday every month.
Here’s a run-down of details for those who may not          Studio Republic, 2/7 Norval Court, Maroochydore.
realise there is a support group in their local area and    2015: 13th January (TBC), 10th February.
don’t have access to the internet.
                                                            Townsville: 5.30pm, last Tuesday every month. Mater
Brisbane: 7.30-8.45pm, first Thursday every month.          Hospital Clinical School Board Room, Level 1, Fulham
Rosalie Baptist Church (downstairs meeting room), Cnr       Rd, Pimlico. No December meeting. 2015: 29th
Fernberg Rd & Ellena St, Paddington. Enter car park         January.
from Ellena St. 2015: skip January, 5th February.
                                                            For further information or to register your interest in
Brisbane South: 7.00pm, last Tuesday every second           attending, contact CCA on 1800 138 029 or email
month. The Coffee Club, 1428 Logan Rd, Mt Gravatt.
Parking is available underneath; entry on left just past
                                                            Name and daytime phone number is required for
Coffee Club. 2015: skip January, 24th February – this
                                                            registration so that CCA can advise of any late
meeting will be attended by Anita Reilly, IBD Helpline
                                                            changes or the cancellation of a meeting.
& Qld State Co-ordinator. Meet in The Coffee Club
Courtyard at the back.
                                                            Seasons Greetings
Cairns: 6.00-7.00pm, first Thursday every month.            Wishing you all a happy Christmas with thoughts
Tropical Gardens Motel (Conference Centre Room),            for those remembering loved ones they have lost.
314 Mulgrave Rd, Cairns. 2015: skip January, 5th            May the coming year bring good health and be
February (TBC).                                             prosperous.

Gold Coast: 7.00-8.30pm, third Tuesday every month.         Anita Reilly, QLD State Co-ordinator. Tel: 1800 071 072,
Labrador AFL Sports Club (upstairs Function Room),          Email:

                              Celebrate Christmas with CCA
                               Support CCA by buying your
                               Christmas cards through us!
                               CCA’s Christmas cards are stylish and cost-effective                   des vely
                               Just $15 for each set of 10 cards and envelopes.                              s

                                        Each card includes CCA’s logo and all profits go towards
                                        supporting the work we do.

                                        Order from our website:
                                        by emailing
                                        or phoning us on 1800 138 029

                                                           Inside Insight   I   Page 7
CCA Ambassador

We welcome aboard Francesca                 functioning right, but no nutrients
McMillan, Bollywood choreographer           were being absorbed, my iron was
and Mrs Australia Universe as our           low, I was anaemic and diagnosed
new Ambassador. Here Francesca              with Crohn's.
shares her Crohn’s story.
                                            From then on my life changed
                                            forever and my days became a
Francesca’s Crohn’s Journey                 maze of trying to find out whether
“I was formerly diagnosed in 2009           to take my immunosuppresants
by doctors but growing up I knew            and steroids, what foods I should
something wasn't right from an              eat and slowing down on
early age.                                  everything I was doing.
With an Indian mother and Italian           Now, my health is the best it can
father, food was a very dominant            be given I have Crohn’s. I have
part of my life and trying to eat           a 16 month little girl, Eliana and
chilli was the first sign for me. I         before I was pregnant I was in
knew that it felt different. I wasn't       remission. While pregnant I had no
just being a ‘wuss’ for not having          Crohn’s symptoms, it was fantastic
something spicy, I would get a bad          being able to eat everything
stomach ache each time. Then I              again however seven months after
noticed milk and other products             giving birth it came back and
were having a similar effect.               in full force too. At the moment
                                                                                    My everyday life is very busy but
                                            I have my flare up days and on
As a child I ignored it and just went                                               I manage to get through it all
                                            those days I take my Prednisolone.
on eating everything but realised                                                   and manage the Crohn’s. I am
                                            I am on Mercaptopurine taking
I would react to certain foods.                                                     currently Mrs Australia Universe
                                            one every day and having regular
Doctors would just say that I had                                                   2014 and I run Adelaide's first
                                            colonoscopy and endoscopies to
irritable bowel syndrome and leave                                                  professional Bollywood dance
                                            check everything is ok.
it at that. In 2009, I was getting                                                  school, Fusion Beats. I am a full time
married, getting my new dance               Above all, I listen to my body. I       mother and run other small business
school up and running and working           tried many diets and restricting        such as a skincare businesses and
full time so I was under a lot of stress.   certain foods and as a result was       now pageant director.
I did find that energy wise, I had          very stressed out doing it which
none. If I was on the couch I would         caused more flare ups. I took a step    My best advice to others with
be asleep within two minutes, and           back and with all the knowledge I       Crohn’s is to listen to your body
a deep sleep too. I had warning             had gained researching digestive        and don't stop achieving your
symptoms that something was up              enzymes and food combinations as        goals and dreams. I live each day
but I completely ignored them. The          well as trial and error I now am able   with goals and dreams and push
biggest clue was that in that year I        to eat most foods in moderation.        through my flare ups.
lost 10kg by not dieting and eating         For me I found the knowledge of
                                                                                    There are days that are tough,
everything. After the wedding               ‘food combining’ really useful and
                                                                                    painful and hard - it is fine to have
we went on our honeymoon to                 it made sense based on the foods
                                                                                    those days - for us sufferers it is
Karon Beach, Thailand. I noticed            I was eating. Now, if I am feeling
                                                                                    normal, take rest when you need it
that my stomach didn't react to             quite acidic I just eat a lot more
                                                                                    and then get back into it.
the foods there; I think it was the         veggies for that week, if I know that
freshness of the fruits and other           I will be indulging on the weekend      And I am honoured to be asked
products. A month after coming              then I will take it easy during the     to be a Crohn’s & Colitis Australia
back I was very unwell and was              week. So for me it is finding a         Ambassador and I am looking
admitted to hospital for a couple           balance, not stressing over what I      forward to supporting CCA the best
of weeks and put on steroids and            can and can't eat but listening to      I can and creating awareness by
other medications. My body was              my body.                                sharing my story”.

Page 8   I   Inside Insight
Local Champions

The Local Champion’s program
aims to reach every MP in Australia
by connecting our members with
them and sharing their personal
stories, with the aim of putting
a face to the IBD cause. Scott
Davidson, of Sydney became a
Local Champion in 2013 and below
he shares his story and how he has
worked to raise awareness of the
issues facing the IBD community.

“In 2011, my wife and I were faced
with a decision that would change
our son’s life forever. After years of
unsuccessful treatment, including
enormous amounts of medication,
a liquid only diet for three months
and a stay in intensive care we
acted on the advice of our IBD
team and agreed for our son,
Khyle, just aged 11, to have an          Health Minister, Jillian Skinner & Scott Davidson, Local Champ


This was an enormous decision            IBD team at Sydney Children’s                      at Sydney Children’s. Again this
and something that weighed on us         Hospital Randwick that we had a                    was just another way of raising
heavily.                                 consistent coordinated treatment                   awareness. Becoming a local
                                         plan and began to make progress.                   champion has not only enabled
The end result has been the              Mr Patterson was able to arrange                   me to help drive positive change
transformation of our son. He has        a meeting for me with the NSW                      in the care of IBD patients but has
been given his life back. He has         Health Minister, The Honourable                    assisted in raising the profile of this
gone from not being able to leave        Jillian Skinner MP.                                disease in my local community. I
the house to an active, energetic                                                           would encourage other Local
teenager, playing rugby league,          In the presence of both the minister
                                                                                            Champions to make a call to your
surfing, swimming and generally          and local member I was able
                                                                                            local member, talk to your local
enjoying life.                           to table the Pricewaterhouse
                                                                                            media, raise awareness and keep
                                         Coopers report and discuss funding
 Becoming a Local Champion                                                                  working towards a model of care
                                         options and models of care. From
for Crohn’s & Colitis Australia has                                                         that will work for all”
                                         here I have been able to work as
allowed me to discuss a range of         a consumer advocate with The                       Would you like to be a Local
issues relating to the treatment of      Agency for Clinical Innovate. The                  Champion? Find out more
Crohn’s and colitis with a variety       ACI was established in 2010 and                    about how here https://www.
of people. My first meeting was          drives continuous improvement            
with the NSW State Member for            in the way care is provided to                     help/advocate/local-champions.
Camden Mr Chris Patterson. At            patients across NSW. In September                  Or phone Janita Friend on 03
this meeting I was able to discuss       last year I ran the Sydney Marathon                9815 1266 or email janita@
my son’s treatment and the               to raise money for the IBD Clinic        
difficulty we had faced with a
non-coordinated approach.
My son was under the care of
                                         “Becoming a Local Champion has not only enabled
various specialists all of whom
communicated with each other             me to help drive positive change in the care of IBD
in differing ways. It was not until      patients but has assisted in raising the profile of
we were under the care of the                   this disease in my local community”

                                                                      Inside Insight   I   Page 9
My Story

We are constantly inspired by the               I’m hoping I have the support of                We’re hoping to raise $50,000 that
parents of children with IBD, who               not only the Bathurst locals but also           will be split equally between CCA
take on amazing challenges to                   the Bathurst business community.                and The Children's Hospital at
fundraise. Their dedication to a                                                                Westmead.
                                                When you have a child in your
better world for their kids is nothing
                                                family with Crohn’s disease it                  Any support we can generate
short of amazing and we applaud
                                                affects everyone. You need to                   is very much appreciated.
their resilience, imagination and
                                                juggle other kids, school and work.             All donations over $2 are tax
enthusiasm. Bathurst dad, Rick
                                                The hardest thing is watching                   deductible and you can follow our
Foster, father of Charlotte, is one
                                                one of your kids go through it. So              project on our Facebook page.
of those parents. He is planning
                                                many days in hospitals and trips to
a marathon charity ride which
                                                doctors and specialists, there just             If you are affected by Crohn’s, or
will seem him riding for two weeks
                                                seemed to be no end in sight for                even if you are not, and live near
from Port Augusta, South Australia
                                                what Charlotte was enduring. It's a             the route we will be taking, please
to Bathurst, NSW and then home
                                                terrible disease.                               come out and say hi as I ride
via the Blue Mountains. Here Rick
                                                                                                through. All your encouragement
talks about the challenge ahead                 Any time I can spend to help find               will get us home and help us meet
and his reason for taking on this               a cure for this disease is time well            our $50,000 target. Charlotte is now
monumental task.                                spent!                                          saying that Crohn’s is now getting
“Following Charlotte's illness in               The first time I walked out of                  the recognition it deserves “
2009 we wanted to raise the                     Westmead I thought that I would
awareness of Crohn’s disease                    like to give something back
and provide funds to CCA to help                when we had the chance. As                              Please support Rick by
in finding a cure. She has been                 Charlotte is reasonably well now                          donating on line at
through so much and no one can                  and I finished Uni myself in Feb                       Every Day Hero and by
really understand what she has                  this year, I thought if I didn't do it               following him on Facebook
endured. Charlotte has spent a                  now it wouldn't get done, and I
total of 305 days in hospital, 105              would regret that. We also wanted
days in Bathurst Base Hospital and              to recognise the work of The
200 days at The Children’s Hospital             Children's Hospital at Westmead,                     https://give.everydayhero.
in Westmead. I have a number of                 who have helped and supported                        com/au/ALittleAdventure
local businesses supporting me and              her during the last 5 years

   My daughter Charlotte suffers from Crohn’s disease which is an inflammatory bowel
   disease effecting over 75,000 Australians. Unfortunately, it is incurable and the number
   of sufferers being diagnosed with the disease is on the rise. Since 2009 Charlotte has
   spent a combined total of 305 days in hospital. This included 105 days in Bathurst
   Base Hospital and 200 days between Surgical and Medical wards at The Children’s
   Hospital at Westmead.

   ‘A Little Adventure’ is our way of raising funds to help Crohn’s & Colitis Australia (CCA) with
   research into this disease and The Children’s Hospital at Westmead who provide specialist care
   for sick children and their families. This is our opportunity to give something back to the two
   wonderful organisations who helped Charlotte.
   Our goal is to raise $50,000 to be equally divided between Crohns & Colitis Australia
   and The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.                                                                       Rick & Charlotte Foster

   ‘A Little Adventure’ is our fundraising ride which starts in South Australia in March 2015 and
   takes us through Victoria on our way home to Bathurst, NSW - a two week adventure. I will ride
   approximately 1,800 kilometres and Charlotte will be with me all the way in the support team.
   Please support our journey.
   ‘A Little Adventure’ will make a BIG difference to many lives.
   Donations can be made online:
   Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.

           Follow our progress on Facebook

Page 10    I   Inside Insight

Changing Lives                         • Declan Hughes raised $1,137 for      COMMUNITY
Challenge                                CCA in the City2Surf and finished    FUNDRAISING
Our Changing Lives Challenge             in one hour and 23 minutes – well    Thank you to our many community
participants continue to amaze           done Declan!                         fundraisers – without you we
us as over $106,000.00 has been        • Boronia Morrison also competed       wouldn’t have nearly as much
raised for CCA since January 2014.       in her first City2Surf and raised    impact and every cent you raise
Thank you to each and every one          $1,182. She was diagnosed with       helps us run our programs.
of you and to those who have             Crohn’s just this year, thank you
supported you through your runs,                                              Congratulations!
                                         Boronia (pictured)
walks and personal challenges.
                                                                              • Glen Francis held a fundraiser
This year we have had people                                                    at work and donated $1,119
raise awareness of CCA through                                                  to CCA
events such as Run Melbourne,
                                                                              • Taylor Corey raised $2,552
City2Surf, Bridge2Brisbane, HBF Run
                                                                                through the QEII Endoscopy Unit
For a Reason, Chevron City2Surf,
                                                                                in QLD and by chopping off her
Blackmores Sydney Running
                                                                                very long locks! Thank you to all
Festival and a Colour Run in five
                                                                                who supported Taylor.
states! This is a really incredible
effort and we thank you for getting                                           • Kylie Hoddle hosted a Cabaret
our name out there!                                                             Night in Leigh Creek, SA and
                                                                                through ticket sales, raffles and
Thanks to:
                                                                                donations raised over $7,300
• Emma Shanks raised $3,885 for                                                 for CCA - thank you Kylie.
  CCA through the generosity of
  her family and friends. Emma is                                             • Wellington Secondary College
  really passionate about raising                                               held a casual day and raised
  funds for CCA and this year ran      Boronia Morrison                         $623 through the students.
  the City2Surf in honour of her dad
  Greg Shanks who was a Crohn’s        • Natasha Morgan, Amanda
                                                                              Entertainment Guides
  sufferer. Fantastic job, Emma.         Liddelow and Christine Turner
                                                                              Thank you to everyone who
                                         participated in the Perth Colour
• Monique Bell (pictured) who                                                 supported our Entertainment Guide
                                         Run on the 2nd November.
  raised $2,214 by doing Run                                                  fundraiser and bought themselves
                                         Collectively they raised over
  Melbourne this year                                                         a copy or two.
                                         $6,500 for CCA and also
                                         drummed up a lot of awareness        The Entertainment Guide gives up
                                         for CCA and the local support        to 50% discount and 2 for 1 offers
                                         group through their community        in hundreds of outlets around
                                         newspaper. Well done girls – an      Australia – from fun parks, to
                                         amazing effort (pictured)            restaurants and movies – it’s such a
                                                                              great opportunity to save while you

                                                                              This year we sold 135 books, an
                                                                              increase on last year, so it has
                                                                              been a worthwhile campaign for
                                                                              us and we know that you all get
                                                                              enjoyment out of the vouchers.
                                                                              We will endeavour to run this
                                                                              campaign again next year, so look
                                                                              out for the promotions.

Monique Bell                           Natasha Morgan, Amanda Liddelow
                                       and Christine Turner

                                                      Inside Insight   I   Page 11

Consider giving Infliximab a second try
Restarting infliximab therapy after a drug holiday           "Clinicians understandably have been reluctant to
is safe and effective for patients with inflammatory         rechallenge patients with infliximab given the fear of
bowel disease (IBD), according to a new study in             immediate or delayed hypersensitivity reactions with
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the                dose interruptions. This study provides the important
official clinical practice journal of the American           message that restarting infliximab after a drug holiday
Gastroenterological Association.                             is feasible," added Dr. Baert.

"Our findings suggest that starting infliximab after         Infliximab was the first anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
a history of prior therapy can be very beneficial to         biologic for Crohn's disease and still is used frequently
patients," said lead study author Filip Baert, MD, PhD,      for its efficacy in both Crohn's and ulcerative colitis.
from the department of gastroenterology, University          Studies have shown that loss of response to infliximab is
Hospitals Leuven in Belgium. "Most striking, response        about 13 percent per patient-year of treatment.
to infliximab can be regained in a subset of patients
who previously had lost response to the treatment and
failed several other treatments thereafter."

Researchers conducted a retrospective single-centre
study to evaluate the efficacy of restarting infliximab
in inflammatory bowel disease patients, both those
suffering from Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
The average duration of infliximab holiday was 15

Patients who were in remission at the time infliximab
was discontinued were the best candidates, with a 78
percent response rate at one year. In patients with a
previous loss of response or an infusion reaction, the
strategy was effective in 45 percent of patients at
one year; while less than the other group, this may be
enough in cases where the patient has failed other
treatment options.

This study shows that starting pharmacologic
monitoring (i.e., checking levels of medicine in
the blood and antibodies to infliximab) early after
restarting infliximab can guide physicians to predict
the long-term efficacy and safety of restarting this
treatment. In clinical practice, these tests are not
always readily available; however, measuring drug
levels and antibodies early after restarting infliximab is
very valuable and allows early optimization.

How safe is the strategy? Of the 128 patients re-
treated, seven had severe infusion reactions,
generally during the second or third induction
dose. Unfortunately, premedication did not protect
against all infusion reactions, but simultaneous             Source: The above story is based on materials provided by
                                                             American Gastroenterological Association. Note: Materials
immunomodulators did. Therefore, immunomodulator             may be edited for content and length.
therapy should be strongly considered in these
                                                             Journal Reference: Filip Baert, David Drobne, Ann Gils,
Patients may initially stop infliximab therapy due           Niels Vande Casteele, Scott Hauenstein, Sharat Singh,
to loss of response, and, despite the current                Steve Lockton, Paul Rutgeerts, Séverine Vermeire. Early
                                                             Trough Levels and Antibodies to Infliximab Predict Safety
recommendations, patients sometimes will discontinue
                                                             and Success of Reinitiation of Infliximab Therapy. Clinical
therapy for various reasons, including durable               Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2014; 12 (9): 1474 DOI:
remission, pregnancy, safety or financial concerns.          10.1016/j.cgh.2014.01.033

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                                                                   Inside Insight   I   Page 13
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