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2021                                                                                           Department of the Treasury
                                                                                               Internal Revenue Service

Instructions for Form

       DRAFT AS OF
U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Refundable Child Tax Credit for
Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico)
Section references are to the Internal        The American Rescue Plan Act of        claim the refundable child tax
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.       2021 (the ARP) adds new sections to       credit. If you are solely filing Form
                                           the Internal Revenue Code to provide      1040-SS to claim the refundable child

      January 28, 2022
General Instructions                       credits for qualified sick and family     tax credit, you only need to complete
                                           leave wages similar to the credits that   Part I—Total Tax and Credits and Part
Future Developments                        were previously enacted under the         II—Bona Fide Residents of Puerto
For the latest information about           FFCRA and amended and extended            Rico Claiming Refundable Child Tax
developments related to Form               by the COVID-related Tax Relief Act       Credit of the form.
1040-SS and its instructions, such as      of 2020. The credits under sections
legislation enacted after they were        3131 and 3132 are available for           New filing statuses for 2021. The
published, go to                  qualified leave wages paid for leave      enhanced credit amount of the 2021
Form1040SS.                                taken after March 31, 2021, and           RCTC phases out at different lower
                                           before October 1, 2021.                   income levels for different filing
What's New                                 Enhanced refundable child tax
                                                                                     statuses. The head of household and
                                                                                     qualifying widow(er) filing statuses
Due date of return. File Form              credit (RCTC) (for bona fide resi-
                                                                                     were added to Form 1040-SS.
1040-SS by April 18, 2022. The due         dents of Puerto Rico). Under the
                                                                                     Choosing the head of household or
date is April 18, instead of April 15,     ARP, the child tax credit has been
                                                                                     qualifying widow(er) filing status may
because of the Emancipation Day            enhanced for 2021. If you were a
                                                                                     increase your RCTC if your modified
holiday in the District of                 bona fide resident of Puerto Rico, the
                                                                                     AGI is more than $75,000.
Columbia—even if you don’t live in the     following now apply.
District of Columbia. If you live in       • You can claim the credit even if you    Extension and expansion of credit
Maine or Massachusetts, you have           didn't work and even if you received      for qualified sick and family leave
until April 19, 2022. That is because of   no income. You are not required to        for certain household employees.
the Patriots' Day holiday in those         have social security or Medicare taxes    The ARP provides that certain
states.                                    withheld, or have paid                    self-employed individuals can claim
                                           self-employment (SE) tax.                 credits for up to 10 days of “paid sick
Virtual currency. You will need to         • You can claim the credit even if you    leave,” and up to 60 days of “paid
answer the question on page 1 of           only have one qualifying child.           family leave,” if they are unable to
Form 1040-SS about whether you             • The child tax credit has been           work or telework due to
engaged in a transaction involving         extended to qualifying children under     circumstances related to coronavirus.
virtual currency in 2021. See Virtual      age 18.
Currency under Specific Instructions,      • Depending on your modified              Note. Self-employed individuals will
later.                                     adjusted gross income (AGI), you may      claim these credits on their territory
The COVID-19 related credit for            receive an enhanced credit amount of      income tax returns and not on the
qualified sick and family leave wa-        up to $3,600 for a qualifying child       2021 Form 1040-SS.
ges has been extended and amen-            under age 6 and up to $3,000 for a        Repayment of self-employed tax
ded. The Families First Coronavirus        qualifying child over age 5 and under     and household taxes deferred in
Response Act (FFCRA) was                   age 18.                                   2020. In 2020, legislation allowed
amended by recent legislation. The         • The enhanced credit amount              certain individuals who filed Form
FFCRA requirement that employers           begins to phase out where modified        1040-SS and/or Schedule H to defer
provide paid sick and family leave for     AGI exceeds $150,000 in the case of       the payment of 50% of the social
reasons related to COVID-19 (the           a joint return or surviving spouse,       security tax imposed for the period
employer mandate) expired on               $112,500 in the case of a head of         beginning on March 27, 2020, and
December 31, 2020. However, the            household, and $75,000 in all other       ending December 31, 2020, over the
COVID-related Tax Relief Act of 2020       cases.                                    next 2 years. To make the 2021
extends the periods for which                  For more information, see Part        deferred payment, see How
employers providing leave that             II—Bona Fide Residents of Puerto          Self-Employed Individuals and
otherwise meets the requirements of        Rico Claiming Refundable Child Tax        Household Employers Repay
the FFCRA may continue to claim tax        Credit.                                   Deferred Social Security, later.
credits for qualified sick and family
leave wages paid for leave taken                   Bona fide residents of            Part VII. We removed Part VII as it
before April 1, 2021.                       TIP Puerto Rico filing just to           does not apply for 2021. The election

Jan 28, 2022                                           Cat. No. 26341Y
to defer the payment of SE tax under       received from the IRS. Entry spaces              Another purpose of the form is for
section 2302 of the FFCRA applied to       for the IP PIN have been added to the        bona fide residents of Puerto Rico to
2020 only.                                 right of the spouse's signature block.       file in order to claim the RCTC, even if
Maximum income subject to social           For more information, see Identity           you do not have to pay SE tax.
                                           Protection PIN, later.
security tax for 2021. For 2021, the                                                      See Who Must File, later, for
maximum amount of self-employment          Taxpayer identification number               additional uses of this form.
income subject to social security tax is   (TIN) required to claim the RCTC.
$142,800.                                  If you don't have a social security             You may also be required to file an

                                           number (SSN) or an individual                income tax return with the government
Optional methods to figure net
earnings. For 2021, the maximum            taxpayer identification number (ITIN)        of Guam, American Samoa, the USVI,
income for using the optional methods      issued on or before the due date of          the CNMI, or Puerto Rico. See Pub.
                                           your 2021 Form 1040-SS (including            570, and contact your local territory
is $5,880.
                                           extensions), you can't claim the RCTC        tax office for more information.

     January 28, 2022
                                           on an original or amended Form
Reminders                                  1040-SS. Also, your qualifying child         How To Get Tax Help
Maximum income subject to social           must have an SSN valid for                   If you have questions about a tax
security tax for 2022. For 2022, the       employment issued prior to the due           issue, need help preparing your tax
maximum amount of self-employment          date of your 2021 Form 1040-SS               return, or want to download free
income subject to social security tax is   (including extensions).                      publications, forms, or instructions,
$147,000.                                      For information on how to obtain an      see How To Get Tax Help at the end
Estimated tax payments. If you             SSN, go to Social Security Number            of the instructions. You can find
expect to owe self-employment (SE)         and Card.                                    additional resources to help you right
tax of $1,000 or more for 2022, you            If you are not eligible for an SSN,      away at
may need to make estimated tax             you must apply for an ITIN. For more
payments. Use Form 1040-ES,                information on ITINs, go to         Who Must File
Estimated Tax for Individuals, to figure   ITIN. Also, see Form W-7 and its             You must file Form 1040-SS if you
your required payments and for the         instructions.                                meet all three requirements below.
vouchers to send with your payments.                                                       1. You, or your spouse if filing a
                                           Refunds for returns that claim the
Schedule LEP (Form 1040).                  RCTC. Claiming the RCTC on your              joint return, had net earnings from
Schedule LEP is a form that allows         2021 Form 1040-SS will not delay             self-employment (from other than
taxpayers to request a preference to       your refund. The requirement that            church employee income) of $400 or
receive written communications from        refunds be delayed until mid-February        more (or you had church employee
the IRS in Spanish and other               when a tax return claims the ACTC            income of $108.28 or more—see
languages. If a language preference is     does not apply to the RCTC.                  Church Employees, later). However,
requested, attach the Schedule LEP                                                      see Exceptions, later.
(Form 1040) to your Form 1040-SS           Electronic filing. You can e-file
                                                                                           2. You do not have to file Form
when you file it. For more information,    Form 1040-SS. For general
                                                                                        1040 with the United States.
including what languages are               information about electronic filing, visit
                                                                   3. You are a bona fide resident of:
available, get Schedule LEP at                                                                       a. Guam,
                                           Purpose of Form                                 b. American Samoa,
Disaster tax relief. To find               This form is for residents of the U.S.
information on the most recent tax                                                         c. The USVI,
                                           Virgin Islands (USVI), Guam,
relief provisions for taxpayers affected   American Samoa, the Commonwealth                d. The CNMI, or
by disaster situations go to      of the Northern Mariana Islands                 e. Puerto Rico (you can file either
Disaster. See Pub. 547 for                 (CNMI), and the Commonwealth of              Form 1040-PR (in Spanish) or Form
discussions on the special rules that      Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) who are not        1040-SS).
apply to federally declared disaster       required to file a U.S. income tax
areas.                                                                                          Even if you have a loss or little
                                           return but who have self-employment
                                           income or are eligible to claim certain       TIP income from self-employment,
Automatic 60-day extension for                                                                 it may benefit you to file Form
taxpayers affected by federally de-        credits. Residents of Puerto Rico may
                                                                                        1040-SS and use either optional
clared disasters. Certain taxpayers        file Form 1040-PR in place of Form
                                                                                        method on Part VI. See Part
affected by federally declared             1040-SS.
                                                                                        VI—Optional Methods To Figure Net
disasters may be eligible for an              One purpose of the form is to report      Earnings, later.
automatic 60-day extension for filing      net earnings from self-employment to
returns, paying taxes, and performing      the United States and, if necessary,         Exceptions. If (2) and (3) under Who
other tasks required by the IRS. For       pay SE tax on that income. The Social        Must File, earlier, apply, though (1)
more information, see Pub. 547.            Security Administration (SSA) uses           does not apply, you must file Form
Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) for       this information to figure your benefits     1040-SS (or Form 1040-PR if you are
spouse. Beginning in 2020, spouses         under the social security program. SE        a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico)
must enter an identity protection PIN      tax applies no matter how old you are        to:
on the Form 1040-SS if one has been        and even if you are already receiving        • Report and pay household
                                           social security or Medicare benefits.        employment taxes;

                                                              -2-                         Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2021)
• Report and pay employee social          File, you aren't required to file Form      Form 4029 and have received IRS
security and Medicare tax on (a)          1040-SS. However, if you had other          approval, don't file Form 1040-SS.
unreported tips, (b) wages from an        earnings of $400 or more subject to         See Pub. 517 for details.
employer with no social security or       SE tax, see Part V, Lines 4a Through
Medicare tax withheld, and (c)            4c.                                         Employees of Foreign
uncollected social security and                                                       Governments or International
                                                  If you have ever filed Form         Organizations
Medicare tax on tips or group-term life           2031 to elect social security
insurance (see Part I, Line 6, later);      !
                                          CAUTION coverage on your earnings as
                                                                                      You must pay SE tax on income you

• Report and pay the Additional           a minister, you cannot revoke that          earned as a U.S. citizen or a resident
Medicare Tax (Part I, Line 5a, later);                                                of Puerto Rico employed by a foreign
• Claim excess social security tax                                                    government (or, in certain cases, by a
withheld;                                                                             wholly owned instrumentality of a
                                             If you must pay SE tax on certain
• Claim the RCTC; and                     income, include this income on Part         foreign government or an international
• Claim the health coverage tax credit                                                organization under the International

     January 28, 2022
(HCTC) or reconcile advance               IV, line 1. But do not report it on Part
                                          V, line 5a; it isn't considered church      Organizations Immunities Act) for
payments of the health coverage tax                                                   services performed in the United
credit made for you, your spouse, or a    employee income.
                                                                                      States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American
dependent.                                   Also include on Part IV, line 1:         Samoa, the USVI, or the CNMI.
                                          • The rental value of a home or             Report income from this employment
Who Must Pay SE Tax                       allowance for a home furnished to you       on Part IV, line 1. Enter the net
                                          (including payments for utilities); and     amount from Part IV, line 27, on Part
Self-Employed Persons
                                          • The value of meals and lodging            V, line 2. If you performed services
You must pay SE tax if you had net        provided to you, your spouse, and           elsewhere as an employee of a
earnings of $400 or more as a             your dependents for your employer's         foreign government or an international
self-employed person. If you are in       convenience.                                organization, those earnings are
business (farm or nonfarm) for                                                        exempt from SE tax.
yourself, you are self-employed.             However, do not include on Part IV,
                                          line 1:                                     Commonwealth or Territory
  You must also pay SE tax on your
share of certain partnership income       • Retirement benefits you received          Residents Living Abroad
and your guaranteed payments. See         from a church plan after retirement, or     In most cases, if you are a bona fide
Partnership Income or Loss under          • The rental value of or allowance for      resident of Guam, American Samoa,
Part V, later.                            a home furnished to you (including          the USVI, the CNMI, or Puerto Rico
                                          payments for utilities) after retirement.   living outside the territories or United
Church Employees                                                                      States, you must still pay any
                                             If you were an ordained minister, a
If you had church employee income of                                                  applicable SE tax.
                                          member of a religious order who has
$108.28 or more, you must pay SE tax      not taken a vow of poverty, or a            Exception. The United States has
on that income. Church employee           Christian Science practitioner, and         social security agreements with many
income is wages you received as an        were employed by a church                   countries to eliminate dual taxes
employee (other than as a minister or     (congregation) for a salary, do not         under two social security systems.
member of a religious order) of a         include that income on Form                 Under these agreements, in most
church or qualified church-controlled     1040-SS, Part IV. Instead, figure your      cases, you must pay social security
organization that has a certificate in    SE tax by completing Part V, including      and Medicare taxes or foreign health
effect electing exemption from            on line 2 this income and any rental        insurance only to the country you live
employer social security and              (parsonage) allowance or the value of       in.
Medicare taxes.                           meals and lodging provided to you.                  If you have questions about
   If your only income subject to SE      On the same line, subtract the
                                                                                       TIP international social security
tax is church employee income, skip       allowable amount of any                              agreements, visit the SSA
lines 1a through 4b on Part V. Enter      unreimbursed business expenses you          International Programs website at
zero on line 4c and go to line 5a.        incurred as a church employee.    
                                          Attach an explanation. For details, see     totalization_agreements.html for more
Ministers and Members of                  Pub. 517.
Religious Orders                                                                      information.
In most cases, you must pay SE tax        Members of Recognized
                                          Religious Sects                                      Even if you don’t have to pay
on salaries and other income for                                                               SE tax because of a social
services you performed as a minister,     If you have conscientious objections          !
                                                                                       CAUTION security agreement, you may
a member of a religious order who has     to social security insurance because        still have to file a tax return with the
not taken a vow of poverty, or a          of your membership in and belief in         IRS.
Christian Science practitioner. But, if   the teachings of a religious sect
you filed Form 4361 and received IRS      recognized as being in existence at all     Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Cases
approval, you will be exempt from         times since December 31, 1950, and
paying SE tax on those net earnings.      which has provided a reasonable level       While you are a debtor in a chapter 11
If you had no other income subject to     of living for its dependent members,        bankruptcy case, your net profit or
SE tax and do not owe any of the          you can request exemption from SE           loss from SE will be included on the
taxes listed earlier under Who Must       tax by filing Form 4029. If you filed       income tax return (Form 1041) of the

Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2021)                         -3-
bankruptcy estate. However, you are         and credit attributable to the business      Where To File
responsible for paying SE tax on your       between you and your spouse in               If you are enclosing a payment, send
net earnings from self-employment,          accordance with your respective              your Form 1040-SS to:
not the bankruptcy estate.                  interests in the venture. Each of you
                                            must file a separate Part III or Part IV,           Internal Revenue Service
   Enter on the dotted line next to
                                            as well as a separate Part V. On each               P. O. Box 1303
line 3 of Form 1040-SS, Part V,
                                            line of your separate Part III or Part IV,          Charlotte, NC 28201-1303
“Chap. 11 bankruptcy income” and
                                            you must enter your share of the
the amount of your net profit or (loss).

       DRAFT AS OF
                                            applicable income, deductions, and           If you aren't enclosing a payment,
Combine that amount with the total of
                                            losses. For more information on this         send your Form 1040-SS to:
lines 1a, 1b, and 2 (if any) and enter
                                            election, see the 2021 Instructions for
the result on line 3.
                                            Schedule E (Form 1040).                             Department of the Treasury
  For other reporting requirements,            For more information on QJVs, go                 Internal Revenue Service
see the Instructions for Form 1040.         to Election for Married Couples                     Austin, TX 73301-0215

      January 28, 2022
                                            Unincorporated Businesses at
More Than One Business                                                 When To File
If you were a farmer and had at least                                                    If you file on a calendar year basis, file
one other business or you had two or           Rental real estate business. If
                                            you and your spouse make the QJV             by April 18, 2022. The due date is
more nonfarm businesses, your net                                                        April 18, instead of April 15, because
earnings from self-employment are           election for your rental real estate
                                            business, in most cases, the income          of the Emancipation Day holiday in
the combined net earnings from all of                                                    the District of Columbia – even if you
your businesses. If you had a loss in       isn't subject to SE tax (for an
                                            exception, see item 3 under Other            don’t live in the District of Columbia. If
one business, it reduces the income                                                      you live in Maine or Massachusetts,
from another. Complete and file only        Income and Losses Included in Net
                                            Earnings From Self-Employment in             you have until April 19, 2022, because
one Form 1040-SS for any 1 year.                                                         of the Patriots' Day holiday in those
Attach a separate Part III or Part IV for   the instructions for Part V, later).
                                                                                         states. If you file after this date, you
each trade or business, and combine            If the QJV election is made for a         may have to pay interest and
the net earnings on a single Part V.        farm rental business that isn't included     penalties. See Interest and Penalties,
                                            in self-employment, the income isn't         later.
Joint returns. If both you and your
                                            subject to SE tax. Don’t include the
spouse have self-employment income                                                          If you file on a fiscal year basis, file
                                            income on Form 1040-SS. Depending
from separate farm or nonfarm                                                            by the 15th day of the 4th month after
                                            on the source of the income
businesses, each of you must                                                             the close of your fiscal year.
                                            (possession, U.S. source, or other
complete and file a separate Part III or
                                            foreign source), you may need to file        Extension of Time To File
Part IV. Be sure to enter at the top of
                                            other tax forms. See Pub. 570 and
each Part III or Part IV the name and                                                    If you can't file Form 1040-SS by the
                                            Form 4835 for more information.
SSN of the spouse who owns the                                                           due date, you can get an extension of
business. Each of you must also             Community property. If you and               time to file the form. In some cases,
complete a separate Part V. Attach          your spouse wholly own an                    you can get an extension of time to file
these pages to a single Form                unincorporated business as                   and pay any tax due.
1040-SS.                                    community property under the
                                            community property laws of a state,          Bona fide residents of Puerto Rico.
                                                                                         You can apply for an automatic
Business Owned and                          foreign country, or U.S. possession,
                                                                                         6-month extension of time to file Form
Operated by Spouses                         the income and deductions are
                                            reported based on the following.             1040-SS (until October 17, 2022, for
If you and your spouse jointly own and                                                   calendar year taxpayers). To get this
operate an unincorporated business
                                            • If only one spouse participates in
                                            the business, all of the income from         automatic extension, you must file
(farm or nonfarm) and share in the                                                       Form 4868 by the regular due date of
                                            that business is the self-employment
profits and losses, you are partners in                                                  your return (April 18, 2022, for
                                            earnings of the spouse who carried on
a partnership, whether or not you                                                        calendar year taxpayers). You can file
                                            the business.
have a formal partnership agreement.                                                     Form 4868 either by paper or
Do not use Part III or Part IV. Instead,
                                            • If both spouses participate, the
                                            income and deductions are allocated          electronically through IRS e-file. For
file the appropriate partnership return.                                                 details, see the instructions for Form
                                            to the spouses based on their
Exception—Qualified joint venture           distributive shares.                         4868.
(QJV). If you and your spouse               • If either or both you and your                      This 6-month extension to file
materially participate (see Material        spouse are partners in a partnership,           !     does not extend the time to
participation in the 2021 Instructions      see Partnership Income or Loss under         CAUTION pay your tax. Any interest due

for Schedule C (Form 1040)) as the          Part V, later.                               on unpaid taxes is calculated from the
only members of a jointly owned and         • If you and your spouse elected to          original due date of the return.
operated business, and you file a joint     treat the business as a QJV, see
Form 1040-SS for the tax year, you          Exception—Qualified joint venture            Bona fide residents of American
can make a joint election to be taxed       (QJV), earlier.                              Samoa, the CNMI, Guam, or the
as a QJV instead of a partnership. To                                                    USVI. You can apply for the
make this election, you must divide all                                                  automatic 6-month extension
items of income, gain, loss, deduction,                                                  described earlier, or you can receive

                                                               -4-                         Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2021)
an automatic 2-month extension and          Automatic 60-day extension for               of Form 1040-SS. A transaction
then apply for an additional 4-month        taxpayers affected by federally de-          involving virtual currency includes, but
extension if you still need more time.      clared disasters. Certain taxpayers          is not limited to:
   Automatic 2-month extension.             affected by federally declared               • The receipt of virtual currency as
                                            disasters may be eligible for an             payment for goods or services
You are allowed an automatic
                                            automatic 60-day extension for filing        provided;
2-month extension to file your return
and pay your tax if you are outside the     tax returns, paying taxes, and               • The receipt or transfer of virtual
                                            performing other tasks required by the       currency for free (without providing
United States and Puerto Rico on the

                                            IRS. For more information, see Pub.          any consideration) that does not
day Form 1040-SS is due (April 18,
                                            547.                                         qualify as a bona fide gift;
2022, for calendar year taxpayers).
Although you have an extension of
                                                                                         • The receipt of new virtual currency
                                                                                         as a result of mining and staking
time to pay your tax, interest on any       Specific Instructions                        activities;
unpaid tax will be charged from the
                                                                                         • The receipt of virtual currency as a

     January 28, 2022
original due date of the tax return.        Fiscal Year Filers                           result of a hard fork;
   To get this automatic extension,         If your tax year is a fiscal year, use the   • An exchange of virtual currency for
you must file Form 1040-SS by the           tax rate and earnings base that apply        property, goods, or services;
extended due date (June 15, 2022, for       at the time the fiscal year begins.          • An exchange of virtual currency for
calendar year taxpayers) and attach a       Don’t prorate the tax or earnings base       another virtual currency;
statement explaining that on the            for a fiscal year that overlaps the date     • A sale of virtual currency; and
regular due date of your tax return you     of a rate or earnings base change.           • Any other disposition of a financial
were a bona fide resident of American                                                    interest in virtual currency.
Samoa, the CNMI, Guam, or the               Name and SSN
USVI.                                                                                       A transaction involving virtual
                                            To ensure proper credit to your social
                                                                                         currency does not include the holding
   Additional 4-month extension. If         security account, enter your name and
                                                                                         of virtual currency in a wallet or
you can't file your tax return within the   SSN, and your spouse's if filing a joint
                                                                                         account, or the transfer of virtual
automatic 2-month extension period,         tax return, exactly as shown on your
                                                                                         currency from one wallet or account
in most cases, you can get an               social security card. If you do not have
                                                                                         you own or control to another that you
additional 4 months to file your tax        an SSN, you should get one. For
                                                                                         own or control.
return, for a total of 6 months. File       information on how to obtain an SSN,
Form 4868 by the extended due date          go to Social Security Number and                If you received any virtual currency
allowed by the 2-month extension            Card.                                        as compensation for services, or
(June 15, 2022, for calendar year                                                        disposed of any virtual currency that
                                               If you are not eligible for an SSN,       you held for sale to customers in a
taxpayers). Follow the instructions for     you must apply for an ITIN. For more
completing Form 4868, and be sure to                                                     trade or business, or inventory or
                                            information on ITINs, go to         services, you should report the
check the box on line 8.                    ITIN. Also, see Form W-7 and its             income on Part III or Part IV of Form
   Unlike the original 2-month              instructions.                                1040-SS.
extension, the additional 4 months of
time to file is not an extension of time    Virtual Currency                                 If you disposed of any virtual
to pay. You must make an accurate           Virtual currency is a digital                currency that was held as a capital
estimate of your tax based on the           representation of value, other than a        asset through a sale, exchange, or
information available to you. If you find   representation of the U.S. dollar or a       transfer, report it in your territory
you can't pay the full amount due with      foreign currency (“real currency”), that     income tax return. If you received any
Form 4868, you can still get the            functions as a unit of account, a store      virtual currency as compensation for
extension. You will owe interest on the     of value, or a medium of exchange.           services, or disposed of any virtual
unpaid amount from the original due         Some virtual currencies are                  currency that you held for sale to
date of the tax return.                     convertible, which means that they           customers in a trade or business, you
                                            have an equivalent value in real             must report the income as you would
Where to file extension for taxpay-
                                            currency or act as a substitute for real     report other income of the same type
ers affected by federally declared
                                            currency. The IRS uses the term              (for example, W-2 wages) in your
disasters. If you are enclosing a
                                            “virtual currency” to describe the           territory income tax return.
payment, send Form 4868 with your
payment to:                                 various types of convertible virtual                  For more information, go to
                                            currency that are used as a medium of         TIP
    Internal Revenue Service                exchange, such as digital currency
    P.O. Box 1302                           and cryptocurrency. Regardless of the
    Charlotte, NC 28201-1302                label applied, if a particular asset has     Part I—Total Tax and
                                            the characteristics of virtual currency,
                                            it will be treated as virtual currency for
If you aren't enclosing a payment,
send Form 4868 to:                          federal income tax purposes.                 Line 1
                                               If, in 2021, you engaged in any           Check the filing status that applies to
    Department of the Treasury                                                           you.
    Internal Revenue Service                transaction involving virtual currency,
    Austin, TX 73301-0215                   check the “Yes” box next to the
                                            question on virtual currency on page 1
Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2021)                           -5-
More than one filing status         • Given all the facts and                      a home in which you lived with your
 TIP can apply to you. Married              circumstances, it wouldn’t be fair to          qualifying child.
          taxpayers who owe additional      hold you liable for the tax.
Medicare tax on line 5a may pay less            File Form 8857 to request innocent             You are considered unmarried for
tax if they qualify for and choose the      spouse relief. Some requests for               this purpose if any of the following
head of household filing status             innocent spouse relief may need to be          applies.
instead of married filing separately.       filed within 2 years of the date on            • You were legally separated
Bona fide residents of Puerto Rico          which the IRS first attempted to collect       according to your state law under a

       DRAFT AS OF
whose modified AGI exceeds $75,000          the tax from you. For more                     decree of divorce or separate
may claim a greater RCTC on line 9 or       information, go to                    maintenance at the end of 2021. But
owe a smaller repayment of advance          InnocentSpouse.                                if, at the end of 2021, your divorce
child tax credit on line 5b if they                                                        wasn't final (an interlocutory decree),
qualify for and choose the head of          Married Filing Separately                      you are considered married.
household or qualifying widow(er)                                                          • You are married but lived apart from

      January 28, 2022
filing status instead of single or          Check the “Married filing separately”          your spouse for the last 6 months of
married filing separately.                  box at the top of Form 1040-SS if you          2021 and you meet the other rules
                                            are married and file a separate tax            under Married persons who live apart,
                                            return. Enter your spouse’s name in            later.
Single                                      the entry space below the filing status        • You are married to a nonresident
You can check the “Single” box at the       checkboxes. Be sure to enter your              alien at any time during the year and
top of Form 1040-SS if, on the last         spouse’s SSN or ITIN in the space for          the election to treat the alien spouse
day of the year, you were unmarried         spouse’s SSN.                                  as a resident alien is not made.
or legally separated from your spouse
under a divorce or separate                    If you are married and file a               Qualifying child. A child you claim
maintenance decree.                         separate tax return, generally, you are        for the RCTC is a qualifying child for
                                            responsible only for the tax on your           this filing status. Your adopted child is
                                            own income. However, you will                  always treated as your own child. See
Married Filing Jointly                                                                     Qualifying child, later. However, don’t
                                            usually pay more tax than if you use
You can choose this filing status if you    another filing status for which you            include as your qualifying child for this
were married at the end of 2021 and         qualify.                                       filing status any child you claim for the
both you and your spouse agree to file                                                     RCTC because of the rule for Children
a joint tax return. You can also choose              You may be able to file as            of divorced or separated parents (or
this filing status if your spouse died in    TIP head of household if you had              parents who live apart) in Pub. 501 or
2021 and you didn’t remarry in 2021.                 a child living with you and you       under a multiple support agreement.
                                            lived apart from your spouse during            See Qualifying Child of More Than
    If you choose to file a joint tax       the last 6 months of 2021.                     One Person in Pub. 501.
return, check the box for married filing                                                           The qualifying children you
jointly and be sure to include your         Head of Household                               TIP claim for the RCTC are those
spouse's name and SSN on the lines                                                                  you list by name and SSN in
provided below your name and SSN.           A head of household is someone who
                                            is unmarried (or is considered                 the Qualifying child section on Part I,
If your spouse also had                                                                    line 2, of Form 1040-SS.
self-employment income, complete            unmarried) and provides a home for
and attach a separate Part V and, if        certain other persons. If you are a
                                            bona fide resident of Puerto Rico              Keeping up a home. To find out
applicable, Part VI. If necessary,                                                         what is included in the cost of keeping
attach a separate Part III or Part IV for   whose modified AGI is more than
                                            $75,000, checking the “Head of                 up a home, see Keeping up a home in
your spouse's farm or nonfarm                                                              Pub. 501.
business.                                   household” box may increase your
                                            RCTC on Part I, line 9, or lower the           Married persons who live apart.
   Joint and several tax liability. If      repayment of ACTC on Part I, line 5b.          Even if you weren’t divorced or legally
you file a joint tax return, both you and                                                  separated at the end of 2021, you are
your spouse are generally responsible                If you owe Additional
                                                                                           considered unmarried if all of the
for the tax and any interest or              TIP Medicare Tax on line 5a, were
                                                     married at the end of 2021,           following apply.
penalties due on the tax return. This                                                      • You lived apart from your spouse
means that if one spouse doesn't pay        but lived apart from your spouse for
                                            the last 6 months of 2021 and do not           for the last 6 months of 2021.
the tax due, the other may have to.                                                        Temporary absences for special
                                            claim a qualifying child for the RCTC,
   However, you may qualify for             see Head of Household in Pub. 501              circumstances, such as for business,
innocent spouse relief from an              for additional rules for this filing status.   medical care, school, or military
existing tax liability on your joint tax                                                   service, count as time lived in the
return if:                                                                                 home.
• There is an understatement of the           You can check the “Head of                   • You file a separate tax return from
amount of tax because your spouse           household” box at the top of Form              your spouse.
omitted income or claimed false             1040-SS if you are unmarried (or are           • You paid over half the cost of
deductions or credits;                      considered unmarried), claim a                 keeping up your home for 2021.
• You are divorced, separated, or no        qualifying child for the RCTC, and             • Your home was the main home of
longer living with your spouse; or          paid over half the costs of keeping up         your child, stepchild, or foster child for

                                                                -6-                          Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2021)
more than half of 2021. If the child         she died, even if you didn't actually do     quarter of 2020 or 2021 to all
didn’t live with you for the required        so.                                          household employees.
time, see Temporary Absence in Pub.
501.                                            If your spouse died in 2021, you          Note. See the instructions for lines
• You can claim this child as your           can't file as qualifying widow(er).          11a and 11b for the refundable portion
dependent or could claim the child           Instead, see Married filing jointly          of the credit for qualified sick and
except that the child's other parent         Married Filing Jointly, earlier.             family leave wages for leave taken
can claim him or her under the rule for                                                   before April 1, 2021, and/or after
                                             Qualifying child. A child or stepchild

       DRAFT AS OF
Children of divorced or separated                                                         March 31, 2021.
                                             (not a foster child) you claim for the
parents (or parents who live apart) in       RCTC is a qualifying child for this filing   Line 5
Pub. 501.                                    status. Your adopted child is always
                                             treated as your own child. See               Line 5a. Additional Medicare Tax.
   Foster child. A foster child is any                                                    Attach Form 8959. Enter the total
child placed with you by an authorized       Qualifying child, later. However, don’t
                                             include as your qualifying child for this    Additional Medicare Tax from line 18

      January 28, 2022
placement agency or by judgment,                                                          of Form 8959 on line 5a. Attach Form
decree, or other order of any court of       filing status any child you claim for the
                                             RCTC because of the rule for Children        8959. See Form 8959 and its
competent jurisdiction.                                                                   instructions for more information.
                                             of divorced or separated parents (or
Qualifying Widow(er)                         parents who live apart) in Pub. 501 or       Line 5b. Repayment of advance
                                             under a multiple support agreement.          child tax credit (AdvCTC). If you
Someone whose spouse died in 2019            See Qualifying Child of More Than            were a bona fide resident of Puerto
or 2020 may be a qualifying widow or         One Person in Pub. 501.                      Rico in 2021, you were not entitled to
qualifying widower. If you are a bona                                                     receive advance payments of the
fide resident of Puerto Rico whose                    The qualifying children you
                                                                                          child tax credit. But you may have still
modified AGI is more than $75,000,            TIP claim for the RCTC are those
                                                      you list by name and SSN in         received these payments if the IRS
checking the “Qualifying widow(er)”                                                       estimated your 2021 RCTC based on
box may increase your RCTC on Part           the Qualifying child section on Part I,
                                             line 2, of Form 1040-SS.                     a Form 1040 or 1040-SR that you or
I, line 9, or lower the repayment of                                                      your spouse filed for 2019 or 2020. If
advance child tax credit on Part I,                                                       the total amount of AdvCTC payments
line 5b.                                     Dependent. To find out if someone is
                                             your dependent, see Dependents in            you received is more than the child
                                             Pub. 501.                                    tax credit amount that you are eligible
   You can check the “Qualifying
                                                                                          to claim on line 19 from the Part I of
widow(er)” box at the top of Form            Keeping up a home. To find out               the Refundable Child Tax Credit
1040-SS if all of the following apply.       what is included in the cost of keeping      (RCTC) Worksheet—Part II, Line 3,
   1. Your spouse died in 2019 or            up a home, see Keeping up a home in          later, you may have to repay the
2020 and you didn't remarry before           Pub. 501.                                    excess AdvCTC payments you
the end of 2021.                                                                          received. Complete Part II of the
                                             Line 2
   2. You have a child or stepchild                                                       RCTC Worksheet to figure the
                                             Enter the name and SSN for each              repayment of the AdvCTC you
(not a foster child) whom you can
                                             qualifying child for which you are           received and whether any repayment
claim as a dependent or could claim
                                             claiming the RCTC. See Qualifying for        protection is available to have the
as a dependent except that, for 2021:
                                             the Credit under Part II—Bona Fide           required repayment reduced. Use
   a. The child had gross income of          Residents of Puerto Rico Claiming
$4,300 or more,                                                                           line 5b to enter the amount you must
                                             Refundable Child Tax Credit, later, to       repay.
   b. The child filed a joint tax return,    find if your child is a qualifying child.
or                                                                                            You qualify for full repayment
                                             Line 3                                       protection and won’t need to repay
   c. You could be claimed as a                                                           any excess amount if you were a bona
                                             Complete line 3 and Parts III through
dependent on someone else’s tax                                                           fide resident of Puerto Rico for 2021
                                             IV only if you, or your spouse if filing a
return.                                                                                   and your modified AGI for 2021 is at
                                             joint tax return, had net earnings from
    If the child isn’t claimed as your       self-employment (from other than             or below the following amount based
dependent, enter the child’s name in         church employee income) of $400 or           on the filing status on your 2021 tax
the entry space below the filing status      more or had church employee income           return.
checkboxes. If you don’t enter the           of $108.28 or more. See Who Must             • $60,000 if married filing jointly or
name, it will take us longer to process      Pay SE Tax, earlier.                         qualifying widow(er).
your tax return.                                                                          • $50,000 if head of household.
                                             Line 4                                       • $40,000 if single or married filing
    3. This child lived in your home for
                                             If either of the following applies, see      separately.
all of 2021. If the child didn't live with
                                             Schedule H (Form 1040) and its                   The amount of the repayment
you for the required time, see
                                             instructions to find out if you owe          protection will be reduced or phased
Temporary absences in Pub. 501.
                                             household employment taxes.                  out if your modified AGI is more than
    4. You paid over half the cost of        • You paid any one household
keeping up your home.                                                                     the applicable amount above for your
                                             employee cash wages of $2,300 or             filing status.
    5. You could have filed a joint tax      more in 2021.
return with your spouse the year he or       • You paid total cash wages of                  Example. You were a bona fide
                                             $1,000 or more in any calendar               resident of Puerto Rico for 2021 and

Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2021)                            -7-
your only income was $35,000 from          this tax and “Uncollected Tax” on the       an example of how to do this, see
sources in Puerto Rico. You received       dotted line next to line 6.                 Pub. 505.
$6,600 in AdvCTC payments for 4
qualifying children during 2021 but
                                           Uncollected employee social se-             Line 8
                                           curity and Medicare tax on                  If you, or your spouse if filing a joint
claim only one qualifying child on your    group-term life insurance. If you           tax return, had more than one
2021 tax return. Although the total        had group-term life insurance through       employer for 2021, and total wages of
amount of AdvCTC payments you              a former employer, you may have to          more than $142,800, too much social
received is more than the child tax        pay social security and Medicare tax

credit amount that you are eligible to                                                 security tax may have been withheld.
                                           on part of the cost of the life             You can take a credit on this line for
claim for one qualifying child, you        insurance. The amount of tax due            the amount withheld in excess of
qualify for full repayment protection      should be identified with codes M and       $8,853.60. But if any one employer
and don't need to make a required          N in box 12 of your Form W-2AS,             withheld more than $8,853.60, you
repayment.                                 W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI. If you are          must ask that employer to refund the

     January 28, 2022
   Letter 6419. The IRS will issue         a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico,        excess to you. You can't claim it on
Letter 6419, which will report the total   contact your employer for this amount.      Form 1040-SS. Figure this amount
amount of advance child tax credit         Include this tax in the total for line 6.   separately for you and your spouse.
payments issued to you and the             Enter the amount of this tax and            You must attach Forms W-2AS,
number of qualifying children the IRS      “Uncollected Tax” on the dotted line        W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, or
used to figure your advance child tax      next to line 6.                             499R-2/W-2PR. See Pub. 505 for
credit payments. You will need your        Uncollected employee social se-             more information.
Letter 6419 to figure the amount of        curity and Medicare tax on wages.
child tax credit to claim on your tax                                                  Line 10
                                           If you’re an employee who received
return or the amount of a required         wages from an employer who didn’t           If, during 2021, you were a bona fide
repayment you must report. If you did      withhold social security and Medicare       resident of Puerto Rico and an eligible
not receive Letter 6419, go to the child   tax from your wages, complete Form          trade adjustment assistance (TAA)
tax credit update portal at       8919 to figure your share of the            recipient, alternative TAA (ATAA)
ctcportal or call 800-829-1040 to get      unreported tax. Enter the amount of         recipient, reemployment TAA (RTAA)
the information needed before              tax due (from Form 8919, line 13) and       recipient, Pension Benefit Guaranty
completing the RCTC Worksheet.             “Uncollected Tax” on the dotted line        Corporation (PBGC) payee, or
                                           next to line 6, and include this tax in     qualifying family member, see the
   Married filing jointly. If you filed
                                           the total for line 6. Attach to Form        2021 Form 8885 and its instructions to
as married filing jointly on your
                                           1040-SS the completed Form 8919.            figure the amount of your credit, if any.
prior-year tax return, then both you
and your spouse will receive a Letter      Repayment of excess advance                   See chapter 1 of Pub. 570 for the
6419.                                      payments of the HCTC. If you                bona fide residency rules.
Line 6                                     received the benefit of advance             Line 11
                                           payments of the HCTC for months
Include the following taxes in the                                                     How you report qualified sick and
                                           you weren’t eligible, the amount on
line 6 total.                                                                          family leave wages and the
                                           line 5 of Form 8885 may be negative.
Employee social security and Med-          On the dotted line next to line 6, enter    refundable credit for qualified sick and
icare tax on tips not reported to          “HCTC” and the additional tax as a          family leave wages on Schedule H
employer. Complete Form 4137 if            positive amount. Include this tax in the    (Form 1040) has changed. You will
you received cash and charge tips of       total for line 6. Attach the completed      use the Worksheet 3 and/or the
$20 or more in a calendar month and        Form 8885 to Form 1040-SS.                  Worksheet 4 in the Instructions for
didn’t report all of those tips to your                                                Schedule H (Form 1040) to compute
employer. On the dotted line next to       Line 7                                      the amount of the refundable portion.
line 6, enter “Tax on Tips,” and the       Enter any estimated tax payments you        For more information, see the 2021
amount of tax due (from Form 4137,         made for 2021 including any                 Instructions for Schedule H (Form
line 13). Be sure to include this tax in   overpayment from your 2020 tax              1040).
the total for line 6. Attach to Form       return that you applied to your 2021        Line 11a. Credit for qualified sick
1040-SS the completed Form 4137.           estimated tax. If you or your spouse        and family leave wages for leave
                                           made separate estimated tax                 taken before April 1, 2021.
Uncollected employee social se-            payments but are now filing a joint
curity and Medicare tax on tips. If                                                    Although the requirement for certain
                                           return, add the amounts you each            employers to provide paid leave to
you didn’t have enough wages to            paid and enter the total on line 7. If
cover the social security and                                                          workers who are unable to work or
                                           you and your spouse made joint              telework due to circumstances related
Medicare tax due on tips you reported      estimated tax payments but are now
to your employer, the amount of tax                                                    to COVID-19 does not apply to
                                           filing separate tax returns, you can        periods of leave after December 31,
due should be identified with codes A      divide the amount paid in any way you
and B in box 12 of your Form W-2AS,                                                    2021, the FFCRA, as amended by
                                           choose as long as you both agree. If        recent legislation, provides that
W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI; or entered         you can't agree, you must divide the
in boxes 25 and 26 of your Form                                                        individuals who report household
                                           payments in proportion to each              employment taxes from Schedule H
499R-2/W-2PR. Include this tax in the      spouse's individual tax as shown on
total for line 6. Enter the amount of                                                  (Form 1040) on Form 1040-SS may
                                           your separate tax return for 2021. For      continue to be eligible to claim a credit

                                                             -8-                         Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2021)
to cover the costs of providing            past-due amount. Offsets for federal                If you are asking to have a
qualified sick leave wages and             taxes are made by the IRS. All other         !      joint refund deposited to an
qualified family leave wages for           offsets are made by the Treasury            CAUTION individual account and your

periods of leave through March 31,         Department's Bureau of the Fiscal          financial institution won’t allow this,
2021.                                      Service. For federal tax offsets, you      your direct deposit will be rejected
   Enter the amount from Schedule H        will receive a notice from the IRS. For    back to the IRS and a check will be
(Form 1040), line 8e.                      all other offsets, you will receive a      sent instead. The IRS isn’t
                                           notice from the Fiscal Service. To find    responsible if a financial institution

       DRAFT AS OF
Line 11b. Credit for qualified sick        out if you may have an offset or if you    rejects a direct deposit.
and family leave wages for leave           have any questions about it, contact
taken after March 31, 2021, and be-        the agency to which you owe the debt.      Effect of refund on benefits. Any
fore October 1, 2021. Enter the                                                       refund you receive can't be counted
amount from Schedule H (Form               Injured Spouse                             as income when determining if you or
1040), line 8f.                                                                       anyone else is eligible for benefits or

      January 28, 2022
                                           If you file a joint tax return and your    assistance, or how much you or
         Do not enter any credits for      spouse hasn’t paid past-due federal
         sick and family leave related                                                anyone else can receive, under any
 CAUTION to your self-employment
                                           tax, state income tax, state               federal program or under any state or
                                           unemployment compensation debts,           local program financed in whole or in
income reported on line 3 of Form          child support, spousal support, or a
1040-SS. Those amounts will be                                                        part with federal funds. This includes
                                           federal nontax debt, such as a student     any part of your refund due to the
reported on your territory return. See     loan, part or all of the overpayment on
the instructions for your territory tax                                               recovery rebate credit, any economic
                                           line 14 may be used (offset) to pay the    impact payments you received in
return for more information.               past-due amount. But your part of the      2021, or advance child tax credit
                                           overpayment may be refunded to you         payments you received in 2021.
Line 12                                    if certain conditions apply and you        These programs include Temporary
Add lines 7 through 11b. Enter the         complete Form 8379.                        Assistance for Needy Families
total on line 12.
                                                                                      (TANF), Medicaid, Supplemental
Additional Medicare Tax withheld.          Lines 14a Through 14d                      Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, and
If you had Additional Medicare Tax         If you want us to directly deposit the     Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
withheld by your employer in 2021,         amount shown on line 14a to your           Program (formerly food stamps). In
include the amount shown on Form           checking or savings account at a U.S.      addition, when determining eligibility,
8959, line 24, in the total for line 12.   bank or other U.S. financial institution   the refund can't be counted as a
On the dotted line next to line 12,        (such as a mutual fund, brokerage          resource for at least 12 months after
enter “Form 8959” and show the             firm, or credit union):                    you receive it. Check with your local
amount. Attach Form 8959. See Form         • Check the box on line 14a and            benefit coordinator to find out if your
8959 and the its instructions for more     attach Form 8888, if you want to split     refund will affect your benefits.
information.                               the direct deposit of your refund into     TreasuryDirect®. You can request a
Amount paid with request for ex-           more than one account or use all or        deposit of your refund (or part of it) to
tension of time to file. If you got an     part of your refund to buy paper series    a TreasuryDirect® online account to
automatic extension of time to file        I savings bonds; or                        buy U.S. Treasury marketable
Form 1040-SS by filing Form 4868 or        • Complete lines 14b through 14d if        securities and savings bonds. For
by making a payment, enter the             you want your refund deposited to          more information, go to
amount of the payment or any amount        only one account.                
you paid with Form 4868. If you paid
                                               If you don’t want your refund          Form 8888. You can have your
by credit or debit card, don’t include
                                           directly deposited to your account,        refund directly deposited into more
on line 12 the convenience fee you
                                           don’t check the box on line 14a. Draw      than one account or use it to buy up to
were charged. On the dotted line next
                                           a line through the boxes on lines 14b      $5,000 in paper series I savings
to line 12, enter “Form 4868” and
                                           through 14d. The IRS will send you a       bonds. You don’t need a
show the amount paid.
                                           check instead.                             TreasuryDirect® account to do this.
Refund                                             The IRS isn't responsible for a
                                                                                      See the instructions for Form 8888 for
                                                                                      more details.
Amount Overpaid                              !     lost refund if you enter the
                                           CAUTION wrong account information.
If line 14 is under $1, we will send a                                                Line 14b
refund only on written request.            Check with your financial institution to
                                           make sure your direct deposit will be      The routing number for your financial
                                           accepted and to get the correct            institution must be nine digits. The first
Refund Offset
                                           routing and account numbers.               two digits must be 01 through 12 or 21
If you owe past-due federal tax, state                                                through 32. Otherwise, the direct
income tax, state unemployment                Don’t request a deposit of your         deposit will be rejected and a check
compensation debts, child support,         refund to an account that isn't in your    sent instead.
spousal support, or certain federal        name (such as your tax preparer's
nontax debts, such as student loans,       own account).                                 Ask your financial institution for the
all or part of the overpayment on                                                     correct routing number to enter on
line 14 may be used (offset) to pay the                                               line 14b if:

Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2021)                         -9-
• The routing number on a deposit                   To make a payment using a           remainder is due by December 31,
slip is different from the routing                  Debit or Credit card: Choose        2022.
number on your checks,                              an approved payment
                                                                                        How you can repay the deferred
• Your deposit is to a savings              processor to pay online, or by mobile       taxes. You can pay the deferred
account that doesn't allow you to write     device. A convenience fee is charged        amount any time on or before the due
checks, or                                  by these service providers.                 date. You:
• Your checks state they are payable                                                    • Can make electronic payments
through a financial institution different            To make a payment by phone,
                                                                                        online, by phone, and from a mobile

       DRAFT AS OF
from the one at which you have your                  call one of our service
                                                                                        device using the IRS2Go app—for
checking account.                                    providers. Each charges a fee
                                                                                        more information, see Making a tax
                                            that varies by provider, card type, and
                                                                                        payment, later;
Line 14c                                    payment amount.
                                                                                        • Should make a separate payment
Check the appropriate box for the               ACI Payments, Inc.                      from other tax payments to ensure the

      January 28, 2022
type of account. Don’t check more                                                       payment is applied to the deferred tax
than one box. You must check the                (888-872-9829)                          balance on the tax year 2020 Form
correct box to ensure your deposit is                     1040-SS because the IRS systems
accepted. For a TreasuryDirect®                 Link2Gov Corporation                    won't recognize the payment for
online account, check the “Savings”             888-PAY-1040™                           deferred tax if it is with other tax
box.                                            (888-729-1040)                          payments or paid with the current
                                                                   Form 1040-SS; and
Line 14d                                        WorldPay US, Inc.                       • Should designate the payment as
                                                844-PAY-TAX-8™                          “deferred social security tax.” If you
The account number can be up to 17                                                      are making deferred social security
characters (both numbers and letters).          (844-729-8298)
                                                                 tax payments using EFTPS, you
Include hyphens but omit spaces and                                                     should select “1040 Individual Income
special symbols. Enter the number                                                       Tax Return” and “deferred social
from left to right and leave any unused        Notice to taxpayers presenting
                                                                                        security tax” for the type of payment.
boxes blank. Don’t include the check        checks. When you provide a check
                                                                                        You must apply the payment to the
number.                                     as payment, you authorize the IRS
                                                                                        2020 tax year where payment was
                                            either to use information from your
  If the direct deposit to your                                                         deferred. Go to for details.
                                            check to make a one-time electronic
account(s) is different from the                                                        If you are using the Card Program to
                                            fund transfer from your account or to
amount you expected, you will receive                                                   pay with a debit or credit card, you
                                            process the payment as a check
an explanation in the mail about 2                                                      should select “installment agreement.”
                                            transaction. When the IRS uses
weeks after your refund is deposited.                                                   If you are using Direct Pay you should
                                            information from your check to make
                                                                                        select the reason for payment
         If you are asking to have a        an electronic fund transfer, funds may
                                                                                        “balance due.” You must apply the
         joint refund deposited to an       be withdrawn from your account as
 CAUTION individual account and your        soon as the same day we receive your
                                                                                        payment to the 2020 tax year where
                                                                                        the payment was deferred.
financial institution won’t allow this,     payment, and you will not receive your
your direct deposit will be rejected        check back from your financial              What you should do if you are un-
back to the IRS and a check will be         institution.                                able to pay in full by the install-
sent instead. The IRS isn’t                                                             ment due dates. If you are unable to
                                                    To avoid interest and
responsible if a financial institution                                                  pay the full deferred tax amount, you
                                             TIP penalties, pay your taxes in           should pay whatever amount you are
rejects a direct deposit.                           full by April 18, 2022. You
                                                                                        able to pay by the installment due
                                            don’t have to pay if line 16 is under $1.
Line 15                                                                                 dates to limit penalty and interest
Enter on line 15 the amount, if any, of     Don’t include any estimated tax
the overpayment on line 13 you want                                                         If the installment amount is not paid
                                            payment for 2022 in this payment.
applied to your 2022 estimated tax.                                                     in full, the IRS will send you a balance
                                            Instead, make the estimated tax
The election to apply part or all of the                                                due notice. You should follow the
                                            payment separately.
overpaid amount to your 2022                                                            instructions on the notice to make a
estimated tax can't be changed later.                                                   payment or apply for a payment plan.
                                            How Self-Employed Individuals               You can also visit the Paying Your
Line 16—Amount You Owe                      and Household Employers Repay               Taxes page on for additional
The IRS offers several payment              Deferred Social Security Tax                information about ways you can pay,
options. You can pay online, by             The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and            what to do when you can't pay, and
phone, mobile device, cash                  Economic Security (CARES) Act               viewing your tax account.
(maximum $1,000 per day and per             allowed self-employed individuals and       Extension of time to pay due to an
transaction), check, or money order.        household employers to defer the            undue hardship. If paying the tax
Go to for payment          payment of certain social security          when it is due would cause you an
options. Also, see How To Get Tax           taxes on their Form 1040-SS for tax         undue hardship, you can ask for an
Help, later.                                year 2020 over the next 2 years. Half       extension of time to pay by filing Form
                                            of the deferred social security tax is      1127 by April 18, 2022. In most cases,
                                            due by December 31, 2021, and the

                                                              -10-                        Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2021)
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