CAUGHT ON CAMERA Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest - JANUARY 2019 - Victorian National Parks Association

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CAUGHT ON CAMERA Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest - JANUARY 2019 - Victorian National Parks Association
Citizen science in the
Wombat State Forest

Prepared by Christine Connelly,
Richard Loyn, Caitlin Griffith, Dr Sera Blair
CAUGHT ON CAMERA Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest - JANUARY 2019 - Victorian National Parks Association
Victorian National Parks Association
      The Victorian National Parks Association is a community-led nature conservation organisation.
      Our vision is to ensure Victoria is a place with a diverse and healthy natural environment that is
      protected, respected and enjoyed by all.
      We work with all levels of government, the scientific community and the general community to
      achieve long term, best practice environmental outcomes and help shape the agenda for creating
      and managing national parks, conservation reserves and other important natural areas across
      land and sea in Victoria.
      We are also Victoria’s largest bushwalking club and provide a range of education, citizen science
      and activity programs that encourage Victorians to get active for nature.

      The Victorian National Parks Association’s NatureWatch program is a citizen science program
      which gets community involved in collecting scientific data on Victorian native plants and animals.
      The program builds links between community members, scientists and land managers and
      develops scientifically based, practical projects which contribute to a better understanding of
      species and ecosystems, and the management of natural areas.

      Project Partners
      Wombat Forestcare
      Wombat Forestcare is a community group dedicated to protecting and enhancing the natural
      ecosystems of the Wombat State Forest and surrounding areas.

      Eco Insights
      Eco Insights is a consultancy established by Richard Loyn that conducts strategic projects in
      Australia and Papua New Guinea. Richard is an ecologist with special interests in forests, fire,
      wetlands, threatened species, bird migration and conservation.

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CAUGHT ON CAMERA Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest - JANUARY 2019 - Victorian National Parks Association
NatureWatch and the Caught on Camera project would not exist without the tremendous amount of
work of many volunteers who have been involved in helping establish the project, setting up cameras,
maintaining equipment, team leading, identifying wildlife in images and data management.
Over the first five years of the project, each year around 45 volunteers contributed over 1,500 hours in the
field, over 1,000 hours in the office identifying images and managing equipment and countless hours on
other behind the scenes tasks.
Wombat Forestcare input and support, Gayle Osborne, Eddie Schambre and several others.
DELWP input and support, Matt Chick, Robin Holmes, Kerryn McTaggart and Sarah Bellhouse.
ARI input into project development, Matt Bruce, Peter Menkhorst and Richard Loyn.
EcoInsights project scientific support, Richard Loyn.
Victorian National Parks Association volunteer team leaders, office volunteers and field volunteers.
Project supported by: Since 2012, the project has received funding from the Foundation for National Parks
and Wildlife, the ANZ Staff Foundation, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
Environment Fund, Perpetual Rowe Family Foundation.
Caught on Camera is supported by the Victorian Government.
This project is conducted with full ethics approvals
and under DELWP Research Permit #10007466.

Summary                                             4
A project for the wider community                   4
What have we found?                                 4
Introduction                                        6
Caught on Camera project                            6
Project aims                                        6
This report                                         6
Background                                          7
The importance of understanding the fire response   7
Why use motion-sensing cameras?                     7
Monitoring in Wombat State Forest                   7
A 10-year endeavour                                 7
Methods                                              8
Study area                                           8
   Sites                                             8
Survey methods                                      10
   Training                                         10
   Setting up monitoring sites                      11
   Species identification                           12
   Habitat assessments                              12           Above: Christine Connelly. Photo by Deb Connelly.
Analysis                                            13
                                                                 Cover images: Eastern Grey Kangaroos and
Results                                             14           Brush-tailed Phascogale (inset). Photos by VNPA.
What did we observe?                                14           Back cover images: Common Wombat and
   Associations between animal species              17           Crimson Rosella (inset). Photos by VNPA.
   Associations with habitat features               18
   Relationships with fire history                  19
   Trends over time                                 20
Discussion                                          23
A community achievement                             23
Understanding our results                           23
Limitations and recommendations                     24
What’s next                                         25
References                                          26

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      Between 2012 and 2016                                                              The participation of the community
      more than 200 volunteers           A project for the                               in this project demonstrates a great
      contributed over 2,500             wider community                                 passion for science and conservation
      hours to monitor wildlife                                                          in Wombat State Forest.
      in Wombat State Forest             Caught on Camera has been a
      as part of the Caught on           major achievement for the local                 We’re incredibly grateful to everyone
      Camera project. Thanks to          and wider community.                            that has contributed to the project
      the inspiring volunteer effort,                                                    to date and we look forward to
                                         Through the project, we’ve                      working with new and old friends
      the community amassed five
                                         built and strengthened positive                 to complete our ambitious and
      years of data on 13 native
                                         and long-lasting links between                  valuable 10-year study.
      mammals and 15 native
                                         the community, scientists and
      birds, including threatened
                                         the government.
      species. This is part of a 10                                                      What have we found?
      year project and this report       The community came together
      marks our findings at the half                                                     The community effort on this project
                                         to develop and deliver this
                                                                                         has amassed five years of records that
      way mark.                          project over the past five years,
                                                                                         document 13 native mammal species
                                         with volunteers from Wombat
      Back in 2012, Wombat                                                               and 15 native bird species, including
                                         Forestcare and VNPA being
      Forestcare and the VNPA
                                         involved in:                                    Mammals:
      were concerned that we did
      not know enough about the           Establishing the project science and methods   Echidna
      effects of fire on wildlife.        Reviewing project progress                     Brush-tailed Phascogale
      So, with the support of the         Setting up and packing down cameras 100        Agile Antechinus
      Department of Environment,          times at 44 different monitoring sites         Dusky Antechinus
      Land Water and Planning’s           Habitat assessments                            Common Brushtail Possum
      Arthur Rylah institute for          Sending in recorded data                       Mountain Brushtail Possum
      Environmental Research              Maintaining equipment                          Common Ringtail Possum
      (ARI), we set about devising        Leading teams in the field                     Koala
      a method to explore the             Identifying wildlife in many thousands         Common Wombat
      question; ‘what is the impact       of images
                                                                                         Black Wallaby
      of fire on mammals?’                Overview of final reports
                                                                                         Eastern Grey Kangaroo
      through the VNPA’s
                                                                                         Bush Rat
      NatureWatch program.
                                                                                         Swamp Rat

                                                                                         Southern Boobook
                                                                                         Laughing Kookaburra
                                                                                         Crimson Rosella
                                                                                         Superb Fairy-wren
                                                                                         White-browed Scrubwren
                                                                                         Spotted Quail-thrush
                                                                                         Grey Shrike-thrush
                                                                                         Grey Currawong
                                                                                         Pied Currawong
                                                                                         Australian Magpie
                                                                                         White-winged Chough
                                                                                         Scarlet Robin
                                                                                         Flame Robin
                                                                                         Eastern Yellow Robin
                                                                                         Bassian Thrush

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We have also recorded nine              Other recent studies in similar       We don’t have a lot of data on
introduced mammal species               ecosystems have shown that            the less common species but to
and one introduced bird species:        longer-term effects of fire on        date our results appear to show
                                        flora and fauna are generally         that common ground-dwelling
Common Blackbird                        more subtle than those in the         mammal and bird species in
Black Rat                               first three years. Our project        the two forest types remained
House Mouse                             appears to support this, at           common over the study period.
European Rabbit                         least for the common species.
Brown Hare                              So far, there is no evidence
Feral Goat                              of a dramatic response for
Sambar Deer                             any species, and several
Red Fox                                 species have shown only
Cat                                     subtle responses.
Domestic Dog (with its human!)

   Brush-tailed Phascogales:
   an exciting find of a threatened species!
   Capturing images of a threatened Brush-tailed Phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa)
   is an incredibly exciting outcome for this project. They are a small marsupials with a
   distinctive bottle-brush tail that live in dry leafy forests and nest in tree hollows and feed
   on insects and nectars. Being photographed at three sites across the Wombat State
   Forest demonstrates this is an important habitat area for this species which is listed as
   threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (1988).
   A few months before these images were taken, Wombat Forestcare picked up the species
   on some of their cameras – these were the first recordings of the species in this part of the
   Wombat State Forest since the 1970’s!

      Brush-tailed Phascogale.

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      Caught on Camera                       Project aims
      project                                The Caught on Camera project        This original aim remains,
                                             objectives in Wombat State          although we have refined our
      Caught on Camera is an
                                             Forest are:                         project slightly since we started.
      ongoing project that involves
                                                                                 We have extended the study to
      working with local community           • To provide crucial data on
                                                                                 look at fire response in a broader
      groups, land managers and                the long-term impacts of
                                                                                 range of species, including some
      scientists to establish long-            prescribed burning on wildlife
                                                                                 ground-foraging birds, and to
      term wildlife monitoring, using          to land managers, community
                                                                                 increase the number of sites in
      motion-sensing cameras. Field            groups, scientists and
                                                                                 each vegetation type and time
      deployment of the cameras and            government.
                                                                                 since fire category.
      management of equipment is             • To create working partnerships
      undertaken by local community            with government, researchers
      volunteers, with support of              and community, to carry out       This report
      volunteers from elsewhere in             long-term monitoring.             This report presents the
      Victoria, recruited through the        • To demonstrate and promote        results of the first five years’
      VNPA.                                    to government the need            of monitoring, and provides
      In Wombat State Forest and               for ongoing, strategic and        recommendations for the
      Bunyip State Park, Caught on             comprehensive monitoring in       ongoing monitoring.
      Camera involves looking at               response to fire.
      the long-term impact of fire           We specifically designed the
      on wildlife. In the Hindmarsh/         project to explore the question:
      Wimmera region and at Bank
      Australia’s conservation               ‘What mammal species are
      reserves, we explored the value        located at ‘Recently Burnt’,
      of revegetation efforts for            ‘Medium time since burnt’ and
      wildlife.                              ‘Long Unburnt’ sites in Foothills
                                             Forest and Forby Forest in
      In other locations we are              Wombat State Forest?’
      carrying out exploratory surveys,
      especially where contemporary
      survey data are lacking.

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The importance of                         Why use motion-                          Monitoring in
understanding the                         sensing cameras?                         Wombat State
fire response                             Monitoring of fauna using traditional    Forest
                                          survey techniques (e.g. trapping,
“Much monitoring of fauna is of such      spotlighting) can be highly labour       Since 2012, annual monitoring took
a small scale and short duration that     intensive. Motion-sensing cameras        place over March to July at up to
the statistical likelihood of detecting   provide an alternative method, and the   20 sites each year. The monitoring
a positive or negative effect of the      opportunity to gather data on some       season commences with a
management regime is minute. Such         animal groups (e.g. small mammals,       community training session in March,
shortcomings will only be overcome        some arboreal mammals and ground-        which includes deploying the cameras
through broad-scale and/or long-term      foraging birds) with much less effort.   at the first four sites.
studies of fauna.” (Clarke 2008)
                                          Cameras can be set-up at multiple        Throughout the monitoring season,
In Australia, we have a limited           locations and left to automatically      eight cameras are rotated around the
understanding of the impacts of           detect and record species throughout     sites every three weeks, to ensure that
fire on our biodiversity particularly     the day and night. The method is also    every site is monitored once. Each
the impacts on fauna (Clarke 2008,        much less stressful for the fauna than   deployment involves two teams of
MacHunter et al. 2009). We need           trapping and can provide data on the     around 4-5 volunteers.
repeatable, ongoing monitoring or         presence of some species that are
there will continue to be gaps in our
understanding of the impacts of
                                          unlikely to be caught in traps.          A 10-year
planned burning in the landscape.         It’s important to note that motion-      endeavour
                                          sensing cameras do not provide
For land managers to improve              accurate data on population sizes        We established a one year trial, to test
planned burning techniques,               (except in rare cases when individual    the study design and the community’s
particularly to meet the needs of         animals can be recognised) but           capacity to carry out the study,
our native fauna, it is essential to      may have potential to provide            with a view to carrying out annual
understand the impact of fire on all      data on relative abundance across        monitoring over the long-term
life forms, not just the impacts on the   different habitats.                      (>10 years).
plants. This is particularly relevant
when working in a fragmented              Motion-sensing cameras also offer        At the end of the year, we reported
landscape, such as Victoria.              a terrific opportunity for community     on our results and reviewed our
                                          engagement — the photographs of          success and decided that the project
“The ability of fire planners to          animals ‘Caught on Camera’ in their      was successful and should continue.
meaningfully implement the dual           natural environment can be shared        We established a strategic plan with
aspirations of protecting life and        throughout the community as well         planning and review actions to be
property and achieving ecological         as to a wider audience online. This      undertaken at four yearly intervals.
goals is dependent on the availability    can serve as an educational tool and
of science and evidence that informs      inform the community about the           In 2015, we conducted a detailed
operational processes, and monitoring     richness of their local environment,     review of the project and determined
that influences future management.”       fostering a more meaningful              that we are tracking well; the
(MacHunter et al. 2009)                   relationship between the community       data were of good quality and the
                                          and the place in which they live.        project should continue with minor
Through long term community-                                                       adjustments.
driven projects that are developed
with scientific rigour and linked to                                               Specifically, we determined that we
management techniques, such as                                                     should increase our sample size by
planned burning, it is possible for the                                            adding more sites across the site
community to contribute to building                                                categories, to improve our likelihood
our knowledge base on the impact of                                                of detecting responses.
fire on fauna.

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      Study area                             Sites
      The study was conducted in             From 2012 to 2015, 28 sites          Parameters for selecting
      Wombat State Forest in central-        were established, a subset           monitoring sites:
      west Victoria, approximately           of 30 sites established by
                                                                                  • Include sites with planned
      80 km north-west of central            Wombat Forestcare and the
                                                                                    burns in the subsequent 1-2
      Melbourne. The forest covers           Department of Sustainability
                                                                                    years (to collect pre-burn data
      about 70,000 ha and extends            and Environment as Community
                                                                                    and then monitor change).
      along both sides of the Great          Research sites (Macak et al.
                                             2010). In 2016, a further 16         • Sites in Forby Forest and
      Dividing Range, from Creswick to
                                             sites were added to increase the       Foothills Forest EVDs.
      Mount Macedon.
                                             statistical power of the study,      • Consider opportunities to
      Wombat forest has a long history       providing greater capacity to          address spatial distribution of
      of timber harvesting, and was          detect trends in results.              burns in the landscape, and the
      extensively logged during the                                                 patterns of burn intensity within
      gold rush era of the mid-1800s.        The sites were selected to             each burn. Patchiness can be
      Virtually all old-growth trees have    represent sites that have been         manipulated at both scales
      been removed from the forest.          burnt at different time intervals,     through the planning process
      Large-scale harvesting ceased in       which were classified into three       and decisions about when to
      2002 (Macak et al. 2010), but the      ‘time since fire’ categories;          burn (weather on the day). Fine-
      forest continues to be managed         • recently burnt (RB: 0 - 10 years     scale patchiness can also be
      under the Forests Act, thus mining       since the last fire),                manipulated by decisions about
      and further logging activities         • medium burnt (IB: 11 - 41            ignition patterns.
      cannot be ruled out.                     years since the last fire) and     • All sites are easily accessible
                                             • long unburnt (LU: 42+ years          (by 2WD vehicle and short
      The forest comprises a
                                               since the last fire).                walk).
      mixed eucalypt foothill forest
                                                                                  • Sites are at least 1km apart.
      with dominant Messmate                 Sites were located within
      (Eucalyptus obliqua) overstorey,                                            • Design includes recently burnt
                                             two vegetation communities             sites (0-3 years since burn) if
      in combination with Peppermints        (ecological vegetation division
      (E. dives and E. radiata) and                                                 possible.
                                             categories for fire planning;        • If there is an interest or need
      Candlebark Gum (E. rubida)             EVDs); Foothills Forest and
      (Leversha 1996). Sixty per cent of                                            identified in the future, sites in
                                             Forby Forest.                          new EVCs can be included at a
      the vegetation types that occur in
      the Wombat forest are classified       The project planning workshop          later stage.
      as threatened.                         provided a 10-year project plan      So far, 44 sites have been
                                             to select 20 sites for monitoring    selected and surveyed across
      The Wombat forest provides             each year. This could include
      habitat for over 180 native                                                 the study area (Figure 1), with 28
                                             some repeated sites and some         monitored in the first four years
      vertebrate fauna species,              new sites and result in up to 100
      including 18 rare or threatened                                             and a further 16 surveyed in the
                                             or more monitoring sites over        fifth year covered by this report.
      species (e.g. Greater Glider,          the next 10 years.
      Powerful Owl, Square-tailed
      Kite, White-throated Needletail
      and Lace Monitor). The forest
      is also inhabited by several key
      fire response species such as
      Mountain Brushtail Possum, Agile
      Antechinus and Black Wallaby
      (Macak et al. 2010; MacHunter et
      al. 2009).

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Figure 1. Map of the study sites within the Wombat State Forest and their time since fire category
          (green = long unburnt, blue= medium burnt, red= recently burnt).

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CAUGHT ON CAMERA Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest - JANUARY 2019 - Victorian National Parks Association
Survey methods
      This is an ongoing
      community project and
      on-ground activities are
      carried out by community
      volunteers. Each year,
      coordination and training
      is led by the VNPA. The
      monitoring season starts
      in March and begins with a
      community training activity,
      to launch the project and
      train participants in how to
      set-up cameras.
      Between 2012 and 2017,
      each annual training activity
      was attended by 25-50
      eager participants , who
      were provided with project
      background, information
      about VNPA and Wombat
      Forestcare, visited several
      sites in Wombat forest and
      were trained in how to set-up
      bait stations and cameras.

                                                                          PHOTOS: IAN KENINS

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Setting up monitoring sites

Following the training activity,     site. Two motion-sensing             ground, facing south to
community volunteers from            cameras (heat-in-motion type,        avoid sun glare at sunrise
VNPA and Wombat Forestcare           Reconyx Hyperfire HC500)             and sunset.
volunteered every three weeks        were installed at each site,
to pack down, move and set-up        approximately 100 m apart.           The bait station comprised six
cameras and bait stations at the                                          stainless steel tea strainers,
20 sites monitored each year.        Each camera was attached             which were secured inside a
                                     to the nearest suitable tree at      small rectangular cage and
A GPS and location description       the designated location and          attached to a plastic garden
were used to navigate to each        positioned 50 cm above the           stake, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Camera and bait station field set-up

                                             Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest | PAGE 11

      A bait station was placed           The cameras were left to operate
                                                                              Habitat assessments
      2-3 m in front of each camera       for a minimum of 21 days.
      with the base of the cage           Upon collection, cameras were       At the first camera set-up at each
      approximately 30 cm from the        checked to see if they were still   site, habitat was assessed within
      ground. The tea strainers were      operating.                          a one hectare area centred on the
      filled with a bait mixture of                                           cameras. Several habitat variables
      rolled oats, peanut butter and      Species identification              were recorded, to describe upper-,
      golden syrup, which were used                                           mid- and under-storey vegetation
      to attract wildlife to the centre   The species of wildlife in each
                                                                              structure and to not any special
      of the cameras’ field of view.      photo taken by the cameras
                                                                              features of the site. Key habitat
                                          were identified and counted by
                                                                              features such as leaf litter or fallen
      The cameras were aligned so         volunteers under the supervision
                                                                              logs were scored on a scale from
      that the bait station appeared      of the NatureWatch Coordinator.
                                                                              0 (absent) to 5 (very prevalent).
      in the horizontal centre of         The images of wildlife which
                                                                              Practice sessions helped ensure
      the frame and the bottom            were difficult to identify were
                                                                              that this was estimated consistently
      of the bait cage was in the         then sent to ARI or Eco Insights
                                                                              by all assessors.
      vertical centre of the frame.       for further identification. Where
      The vegetation between each         possible, animals have been         Four photographs of the habitat
      camera and its bait station         identified to species level.        were taken from the locations where
      and one metre behind was            In cases where some doubt           cameras were installed, using hand-
      cleared (within the field of        persisted they were assigned        held digital cameras. The first is a
      view of the camera) to ensure       to a more generic category, for     photograph of the canopy, and the
      that this did not obscure any       example “Unidentified Brushtail     rest are horizontal photographs
      photographs of animals.             Possum”.                            of the vegetation immediately
                                                                              surrounding the site.

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We had planned to examine sites
Analysis                             in a third EVD (Grassy/Heathy Dry
We calculated the number of          Forest) but found too few sites for
days on which each species           this to be useful. Hence, we focused
was identified (using means for      mainly on Foothills Forest and Forby
the two cameras) for each site       Forest. Two sites in Grassy/Heathy
and year. This measurement is        Dry Forest were analysed along
called a ‘site-day’. We used this    with sites in Forby Forest, as some
as a measure of the prevalence       intermingling was found between
of that species on the site at       those EVDs.
that time, or the intensity with     Table 1 shows the spread of
which the species was using          sites across these ‘time since fire’
the site. We then assessed           categories and the vegetation types.
any relationships between            Because there is less Forby Forest in
this prevalence measure for          the Wombat forest, we located two
each species and the following       sites within a similar EVD, ‘Grassy/
variables:                           Heathy Dry Forest’.
• The prevalence of other
                                     Table 1. Number of sites in
                                              each fire category and
• The habitat variables we                    ecological vegetation
  recorded.                                   division. Time since fire
• The vegetation type (Ecological             categories include: recently
  Vegetation Division; EVD).                  burnt (3-14 years before
• Fire history (number of                     the survey); medium-burnt
  recorded fires since 1970, and              (15-50 years before) or
  ‘time since fire’ as a numerical            long-unburnt (no recorded
  value of ‘years’).                          fires for 50 years or more).

We categorised the sites as          Ecological         Total        Recently Medium    Long
recently burnt (3-14 years before    Vegetation         Sites        Burnt    Burnt     Unburnt
the survey); medium-burnt (15-       Division
50 years before) or long-unburnt     Foothills Forest           29         7       12         10
(no recorded fires for 50 years
                                     Forby or
or more). This differs slightly      Grassy/Healthy             15         4        5             6
from the original design (see        Dry Forest
pages 10-11), but it provided        TOTAL                      44        11       17         16
similar numbers of sites in each
category. It happens that we
did not survey any sites burnt       Statistical analyses were run to
less than three years before the     identify significant correlations
survey, and we will attempt to       and other more complex
include such very recently burnt     relationships with EVD and time
sites in the future because some     since fire. Further statistical
species are known to favour          models will be developed in the
those early stages after fire.       future for selected species.

                                               Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest | PAGE 13
      What did we observe?
      Altogether we recorded 23          most common mammal species          The same seven species also topped
      mammal species and 16              in descending order were            the list in terms of numbers of days
      bird species with the motion-      Common Wombat (36 sites),           detected, accounting for 74.2% of
      sensing cameras. Black             Agile Antechinus (31), Red Fox      mammal site-days. The two small
      Wallabies were detected on         (28), Mountain Brushtail Possum     species in the group (Agile Antechinus
      all 44 sites and were recorded     (26), Eastern Grey Kangaroo         and Bush Rat) were recorded on more
      on more days than any other        (22), and Bush Rat (18). All were   days at each site than the larger species,
      species. In terms of numbers       native except for the Red Fox.      reflecting their small home ranges and
      of sites recorded, the next        Details in Table 2.                 consequently higher density.

      Black Wallaby                                             Common Wombat

      Red Fox                                                   Bush Rat

      Mountain Brushtail Possum                                 Eastern Yellow Robin

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No other mammal species was recorded on more than 10 sites
(Table 2). Black Rats appeared to be common on one of the three
sites where they were recorded (WCR8, with Forby Forest last burnt in
2004) whereas other species were detected infrequently.
The species recorded were mainly ground-foragers, although Agile
Antechinus also forage extensively in trees and five species feed
mainly in trees (Brush-tailed Phascogale, Koala and the three possum
species). No gliders or bats were recorded with the camera traps.

Agile Antechinus                                Koala

Of the 22 mammal species, 13 were native and nine were introduced
to Australia. Introduced mammal species contributed 7.1% of the
mammal site-days, showing that introduced mammals form only a
modest component of the mammal fauna detected.
The most commonly detected bird species was the Superb Fairy-wren,
and it was found on 20 sites, followed by the Grey Shrike-thrush at
18 sites (Table 2).

Feral cat                                       Superb Fairy-wren

                                             Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest | PAGE 15
Table 2: Species prevalence represented by the number of sites they were recorded visiting, the percentage
               of total sites they visited and the mean number of days (site days) they were recorded at each site.

                                               Mean number          Number of          Percentage of
                                               of site days         sites recorded     sites visited
                                                                    (n=44)             (n=44)
       Native mammals species
       Black Wallaby                                         3.94                 44             100.0
       Common Wombat                                         1.49                 36              81.8
       Agile Antechinus                                      1.76                 31              70.5
       Any Brushtail                                         0.96                 29              65.9
       Mountain Brushtail Possum                             0.77                 26              59.1
       Eastern Grey Kangaroo                                 0.45                 22              50.0
       Bush Rat                                              0.79                 18              40.9
       Common Ringtail Possum                                0.09                 10              22.7
       Common Brushtail Possum                               0.16                 9*              20.5
       Antechinus sp.                                        0.05                  9              20.5
       Echidna                                               0.06                  9              20.5
       Koala                                                 0.08                  7              15.9
       Unknown Rattus sp.                                    0.07                  6              13.6
       Brushtail sp.                                         0.01                  3               6.8
       Brush-tailed Phascogale                               0.04                  3               6.8
       Dusky Antechinus                                      0.01                  2               4.5
       Swamp Rat                                             0.01                  1               2.3
       Native bird species
       Superb Fairy-wren                                     0.56                 20              45.5
       Grey Shrike-thrush                                    0.49                 18              40.9
       White-browed Scrubwren                                0.11                 12              27.3
       Grey Currawong                                        0.17                 12              27.3
       Australian Magpie                                     0.19                  9              20.5
       Laughing Kookaburra                                   0.16                  7              15.9
       White-winged Chough                                   0.13                  7              15.9
       Spotted Quail-thrush                                  0.03                  4               9.1
       Scarlet Robin                                         0.02                  3               6.8
       Currawong sp.                                         0.01                  2               4.5
       Southern Boobook                                      0.01                  1               2.3
       Crimson Rosella                                       0.01                  1               2.3
       Pied Currawong                                        0.00                  1               2.3
       Flame Robin                                           0.02                  1               2.3
       Eastern Yellow Robin                                  0.12                 12              27.3
       Bassian Thrush                                        0.06                  8              18.2
       Introduced species
       Red Fox                                               0.55                 28              63.6
       Cat                                                   0.03                  5              11.4
       Black Rat                                             0.21                  3               6.8
       European Rabbit                                       0.05                  3               6.8
       Common Blackbird                                      0.02                  3               6.8
       Sambar or Deer sp.                                    0.01                  2               4.5
       Domestic Dog                                          0.01                  2               4.5
       House Mouse                                           0.01                  2               4.5
       Brown Hare                                            0.03                  2               4.5
       Feral Goat                                            0.04                  1               2.3
       * Identification of some Common Brushtail Possum records requires further confirmation.
       Local observers consider it to be unlikely to be as prevalent as these data suggest.

PAGE 16 | Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest
All of the birds observed forage      All bird species recorded, except
                  extensively from the ground or        Common Blackbird, were native
                  low vegetation, and most were         species. Introduced species
                  classed as members of two             contributed 0.7% of the bird site-
                  guilds that take invertebrates        days, showing that introduced
                  from open ground or damp              birds form a very small
                  shady ground respectively.            component of the bird fauna
                  Another common species (Grey
                  Shrike-thrush) is classed as a        Associations between
                  general insectivore, which takes
                  invertebrates and other food
                                                        animal species
                  from a wide range of situations.      We found positive correlations
                                                        between species that favour
                  The only seed-eating bird
                                                        similar habitats, including Black
                  recorded (Crimson Rosella) feeds
                                                        Wallaby and Common Wombat;
                  mainly in the tree canopy but also
                                                        Agile Antechinus and Echidna;
                  from the ground or low plants.
                                                        and Grey Shrike-thrush and
                  Two carnivorous species               Eastern Yellow Robin. These
                  (Laughing Kookaburra and              species all occupy a wide range
                  Southern Boobook) feed mainly         of habitats but the first pair
                  by pouncing on ground-dwelling        favours reasonably dense shrub
                  prey though they may take prey        cover and the other two pairs
                  from a range of situations.           become most common where
                                                        shrub cover is interspersed with
Laughing Kookaburra                                     areas of open ground. Dusky
                                                        Antechinus were identified at
                                                        two sites where Bassian Thrush
                                                        was detected (WCR13 & 28),
                                                        and both species have a general
                                                        preference for forest gullies,
                                                        damp or wet forest.
                                                        Birds that favour drier situations
                                                        (e.g. White-winged Chough,
                                                        Scarlet Robin and Spotted Quail-
                                                        thrush) also showed positive
                                                        correlations with each other,
                                                        showing that they tended to
                                                        favour similar sets of sites.
                  Many bird species that feed from      Few negative correlations
                  tall shrubs, tree trunks or the       were found, suggesting that
                  eucalypt canopy are known to be       competition between species
                  common in the forest, but were        was not a major force in shaping
                  not detected with camera traps.       the bird community in this forest.

                           Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest | PAGE 17
Associations with
      habitat features
      In terms of the designated             Table 3: Mean number of site days of each species
      EVD, two native species                         by Ecological Vegetation Division.
      (Echidna and Spotted Quail-
      thrush) appeared to favour              Site EVD                    Foothills          Forby Forest or
      Grassy/Heathy Dry Forest or                                         Forest             Grassy/Heathy
      Forby Forest over Foothills
      Forest. Two introduced                  Number of sites                          29                15
      species (European Rabbit                Native mammal species
      and Feral Cat) were also                Echidna                                 0.04              0.10
      found more often in                     Brush-tailed Phascogale                 0.05              0.00
      those EVDs.                             Agile Antechinus                        1.97              1.33
                                              Dusky Antechinus                        0.01              0.00
      Three of the uncommon                   Common Brushtail Possum                 0.19              0.11
      native mammal species                   Mountain Brushtail Possum               0.90              0.53
      recorded were only found in             Any Brushtail                           1.11              0.65
      Foothills Forest: these were            Common Ringtail Possum                  0.11              0.04
      Brush-tailed Phascogale,                Koala                                   0.08              0.09
      Swamp Rat and Dusky                     Common Wombat                           1.70              1.07
      Antechinus. Fewer birds                 Black Wallaby                           3.91              4.01
      were recorded in the two                Eastern Grey Kangaroo                   0.48              0.41
      sites containing Grassy/                Bush Rat                                1.03              0.32
      Heathy Dry Forest than in               Swamp Rat                               0.01              0.00
      sites containing Forby Forest           Native bird species
      or Foothills Forest.
                                              Southern Boobook                        0.02              0.00
      In general, the designated              Crimson Rosella                         0.02              0.00
      EVD explained only a                    Laughing Kookaburra                     0.16              0.15

      small part of the variation             Superb fairy wren                       0.66              0.37

      in mammal and bird                      White-browed Scrubwren                  0.11              0.10

      communities between sites.              Spotted Quail-thrush                    0.02              0.06
                                              Grey Shrike-thrush                      0.50              0.46
      Mean numbers of site-days
                                              Australian Magpie                       0.16              0.26
      for each species in each EVD
                                              Pied Currawong                          0.00              0.00
      are shown in Table 3.
                                              Grey Currawong                          0.17              0.17
                                              Currawong sp.                           0.00              0.01
                                              White-winged Chough                     0.17              0.04
                                              Scarlet Robin                           0.03              0.00
                                              Flame Robin                             0.00              0.05
                                              Eastern Yellow Robin                    0.15              0.05
                                              Bassian Thrush                          0.08              0.03
                                              Introduced species
                                              Black Rat                               0.08              0.47
                                              House Mouse                             0.02              0.00
                                              European Rabbit                         0.03              0.08
                                              Brown Hare                              0.02              0.07
                                              Feral Goat                              0.00              0.12
                                              Sambar or Deer sp.                      0.01              0.01
                                              Red Fox                                 0.63              0.41
                                              Cat                                     0.01              0.06
                                              Domestic Dog                            0.00              0.02
                                              Common Blackbird                        0.00              0.04

PAGE 18 | Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest
Correlations were evident with                        stringybarks (mainly Messmate)        Four native species showed
some of the measured habitat                          was negatively correlated with        weak positive relationships with
characteristics. For example,                         Mountain Brushtail Possum but         time since fire, suggesting a
the abundance of tree-ferns was                       positively with Agile Antechinus.     long process of recovery after
positively associated with Dusky                                                            an initial negative impact of fire.
Antechinus and Bassian Thrush.                        Numbers of Agile Antechinus           These were Echidna, Bush Rat,
Sedges and Blackwood wattles                          correlated positively with the        Grey Shrike-thrush and Superb
were positively associated                            number of trees with dead tops,       Fairy-wren1.
with Common Wombat and                                and negatively with the number
insectivorous birds that feed                         of trees lacking that feature.        Two uncommon species were
from damp ground (including                           Tree size and number of hollows       found mainly on sites that had
White-browed Scrubwren and                            correlated positively with total      not been burned for a long time:
Eastern Yellow Robin).                                birds and several bird species.       these were Dusky Antechinus
                                                                                            and (more surprisingly) the
The proportion of smooth-                             Relationships with                    introduced European Rabbit.
barked eucalypts (gums, mainly                        fire history                          Introduced House Mouse was
Candlebark) was positively                                                                  only found in two sites (WCR4
correlated with Koala (which                          No species showed strong              and 19), both of which were
feeds preferentially from these                       relationships with fire history,      long-unburnt.
species) and Mountain Brushtail                       showing that most species can
Possum (which favours the                             tolerate a range of fire regimes.     The three records of Brush-
damp habitats occupied by                             However, weak relationships           tailed Phascogale were in
gums). The proportion of                              were found for some species           Foothills Forest in each of the
                                                      (Table 4).                            three time since fire categories
                                                                                            (recently burnt, medium burnt,
                                                                                            long unburnt).

Short-beaked Echidna

1   Statistical significance for all tests: p < 0.1

                                                               Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest | PAGE 19
Table 4: Mean number of site days for each species                                             Trends over time
               by fire history category.
                                                                                                     We surveyed 11 of the 44 sites
                                                                                                     every year from 2012 to 2015,
       Site                                           Long              Medium            Recently
                                                                                                     which enables us to examine
                                                      unburnt           burnt             burnt
                                                                                                     trends over time at these
                                                                                                     sites. Data from those sites
       Native mammals species                                                                        are graphed in Figures 3-6 for
       Echidna                                        0.11              0.05              0.00       four common native mammal
       Brush-tailed Phascogale                        0.02              0.06              0.02       species: along with most
       Agile Antechinus                               2.00              2.13              0.82       species, these were expected to
       Dusky Antechinus                               0.02              0.00              0.00       demonstrate a response to fire.
       Common Brushtail Possum                        0.09              0.22              0.17
       Mountain Brushtail Possum                      0.96              0.69              0.61       Two of the 11 sites were classed
       Any Brushtail                                  1.06              0.95              0.81       as recently burnt: site WCR30
       Common Ringtail Possum                         0.14              0.08              0.03       was burnt in 2009 (three years
       Koala                                          0.12              0.04              0.09       before our study began), and
       Common Wombat                                  1.67              1.46              1.26       site WCR18 in 2005 (7 years).
       Black Wallaby                                  3.73              4.02              4.13       Three of the sites were classed
       Eastern Grey Kangaroo                          0.45              0.35              0.63       as medium time since fire,
       Bush Rat                                       1.37              0.61              0.22       having been burnt 10-50 years
       Swamp Rat                                      0.02              0.00              0.00       previously (WCR5, 14 & 23), and
       Native bird species                                                                           six were classed as long-unburnt
       Southern Boobook                               0.00              0.00              0.05       (WCR3, 12, 19, 26, 28 & 29). It
       Crimson Rosella                                0.00              0.00              0.05       was expected that the recently
       Laughing Kookaburra                            0.02              0.23              0.25       burnt sites (especially WCR30)
       Superb fairy wren                              1.00              0.36              0.23       might show more evidence of
       White-browed Scrubwren                         0.13              0.07              0.13       successional change than the
       Spotted Quail-thrush                           0.03              0.06              0.00       sites burnt longer ago. However,
       Grey Shrike-thrush                             0.78              0.36              0.25       little support for that idea was
       Australian Magpie                              0.21              0.16              0.22       found for these four species
       Pied Currawong                                 0.01              0.00              0.00       (Figures 3-6).
       Grey Currawong                                 0.13              0.21              0.16
                                                                                                     Nevertheless, some differences
       Currawong sp                                   0.01              0.01              0.00
                                                                                                     in response were evident2:
       White-winged Chough                            0.09              0.22              0.05
       Scarlet Robin                                  0.04              0.02              0.00       • Black Wallabies appeared to
       Flame Robin                                    0.05              0.00              0.00         increase over time on the most
       Eastern Yellow Robin                           0.17              0.11              0.06         recently burnt site (WCR30)
       Bassian Thrush                                 0.08              0.07              0.02         but remained more stable on
       Introduced species                                                                              the set of other sites (Figure 3).
       Black Rat                                      0.00              0.01              0.84       • Common Wombats were
       House Mouse                                    0.04              0.00              0.00         initially more common on
       European Rabbit                                0.13              0.00              0.00         WCR30 than on other sets of
       Brown Hare                                     0.00              0.06              0.05         sites, but decreased to average
       Feral Goat                                     0.00              0.00              0.16         levels in the fourth year of the
       Sambar or Deer sp.                             0.01              0.00              0.02         survey (Figure 4).
                                                      0.48              0.60              0.60
       Red Fox
                                                                                                     • Bush Rats were not recorded
       Cat                                            0.05              0.02              0.01
                                                                                                       on WCR30 except in the third
                                                      0.01              0.00              0.01
       Domestic Dog
                                                                                                       year of the survey (2014), and
       Common Blackbird                               0.02              0.00              0.05
                                                                                                       numbers fluctuated greatly
                                                                                                       in the other sets of sites
                                                                                                       (Figure 5).

      2   Further analysis is needed to assess the statistical significance of these results.

PAGE 20 | Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest
Figure 3: Black Wallaby relationship with fire history.



 Average number of site days per year

                                                                                          Long unburnt

                                        5                                                 Medium burnt

                                                                                          WCR18 (2005)
                                                                                          WCR30 (2009)




                                            2012   2013   2014                  2015

Figure 4. Common Wombat relationship with fire history.


 Average number of site days per year

                                                                                          Long unburnt

                                                                                          Medium burnt
                                                                                          WCR18 (2005)

                                                                                          WCR30 (2009)



                                            2012   2013   2014                  2015

                                                          Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest | PAGE 21
Figure 5: Bush Rat relationship with fire history.



       Average number of site days per year


                                                                                 Long unburnt
                                                                                 Medium burnt
                                                                                 WCR18 (2005)

                                               2                                 WCR30 (2009)




                                                    2012   2013   2014    2015

      Figure 6: Agile Antechinus relationship with fire history.
                                                                                                • Agile Antechinus
                                               7                                                  dramatically after
                                                                                                  the first year of
                                                                                                  the survey on
                                               66                                                 both recently
                                                                                                  burnt sites, and
                                                                                                  on the set of
       Average number of site days per year

                                               5                                                  three medium-
                                                                                                  burnt sites, but
                                                                                 Long unburnt     not on the set of
                                               4                                                  six long-unburnt
                                                                                 Medium burnt     sites (Figure 6).
                                                                                                  A similar decline
                                                                                 WCR18 (2005)
                                                                                                  occurred on the
                                                                                 WCR30 (2009)     long-unburnt sites
                                                                                                  the following year,
                                                                                                  with a partial
                                                                                                  recovery in 2015.


                                                    2012   2013   2014    2015

PAGE 22 | Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest
                                     Some of our participants,             “Looking at the photos there is
A community                          volunteers and community              something incredibly intimate
achievement                          group leaders reflected on their      and unguarded about them. It's
                                     learnings through an anonymous        as if wildlife social-realism meets
This important study on the          survey:                               the monochromatic aesthetic of
impacts of fire on wildlife in the                                         night vision surveillance and we
Wombat State Forest is carried       “Participation has broadened my       are becoming voyeurs of another
out almost entirely by volunteers.   knowledge and appreciation of         intelligence at work -- which we
More than 45 volunteers each         local plants and animals and the      would not have encountered
year contributed over 2,500          habitats in which they live.”         otherwise.” (Brüggemeier and
hours of work to amass five                                                Miranda 2012)
                                     “Community members have a
years of highly valuable data
                                     desire for ecological knowledge
on mammals in Wombat State
                                     and their participation allows for    Understanding our
                                     the sharing of this knowledge.”
The project has opened a new
                                     We’ve also had some exciting
window on the ground-dwelling                                              Wombat State Forest has been
                                     and unexpected outcomes.
mammal fauna in the Wombat                                                 subject to a long history of
                                     Caught on Camera in Wombat
State Forest, and helps to                                                 gold-mining, logging, wildfire
                                     State Forest was featured in
improve our understanding                                                  and planned burns. Most of
                                     French documentary, ‘Nature’s
of how different species may                                               the 44 sites surveyed had been
                                     Keepers’. Representatives from
change over time, and respond                                              subject to some or all of these
                                     VNPA and Wombat Forestcare
to habitat and the way the                                                 disturbances.
                                     were interviewed and the field
habitat is managed.
                                     deployment of the project was         Fire causes substantial changes
Without this study we would          filmed to provide an international    to fauna habitat, which are
have no contemporary data            audience with an understanding        most marked in the first three
about the ground-dwelling            of the project and our aims.          years. Influxes of native species
mammal fauna in these forests                                              associated with open habitats
                                     ‘Nature in the Dark’ was a
in the decade following one                                                are often seen after wildfire, and
                                     creative arts project that arose
of the longest droughts in                                                 these may include introduced
                                     from the images we collected.
recent history (1997-2009) and                                             species such as House Mouse
                                     Artists were provided with our
subsequent changes in policy                                               (Friend 1993) and native species
                                     wildlife images and re-worked
relating to management of fire                                             such as Superb Fairy-wren,
                                     and interpreted the original
and logging.                                                               Scarlet Robin and White-browed
                                     footage in their own way, with
                                                                           Woodswallow (Loyn 1997; Loyn
The project has seen passionate      several artists’ interpretations
                                                                           and McNabb 2015).
community members, scientists        curated into a single piece that
and managers working together        was projected at various venues.      Smaller influxes may also occur
to increase our understanding        According to the curators;            after planned burns, as shown in
of mammals in Wombat                                                       various studies including some
State Forest. The project                                                  in the Wombat State Forest
has expanded the skills and                                                (Humphries 1994; Loyn et al.
knowledge of everyone involved.                                            2003; Loyn and McNabb 2015).
                                                                           The current study focused on
                                                                           longer-term effects, and we did
                                                                           not examine sites burnt less
                                                                           than three years before the

                                              Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest | PAGE 23
Some of the species that                                                 As with any project, our
      prosper in the first three years       Limitations and                   study does not provide a
      after fire (e.g. House Mouse,          recommendations                   complete picture, and there
      Superb Fairy-wren and Scarlet                                            are some limitations with the
      Robin) turned out to be more           Camera trapping has become        field methods and with the
      prevalent in long-unburnt forest       a popular and valuable survey     exploratory analysis presented
      than in younger age-classes.           method, and refinements will      here. But, despite the limitations,
      Other studies have shown that          continue to be made to the        this project has progressed
      some of the mammals and birds          technology and the different      our knowledge of fauna in
      that favour open stands in early       ways of analysing data            Wombat State Forest. More
      stages after fire or logging may       (e.g. Swann et al. 2004;          complex statistical analyses
      avoid the later stages where           Nelson and Scroggie 2009;         will be needed to unlock the
      shrub cover may be dense, but          Meek et al. 2014).                potential of this study to inform
      become more prevalent as those                                           us about effects of habitat and
                                             At present, the number of
      stands open up again after many                                          fire management. The analyses
                                             photographs does not provide
      years (Loyn 1997, 2004, 2012).                                           reported here are exploratory,
                                             a robust measure of species
                                                                               and more sophisticated
      Recent studies in Victorian            abundance, as individual
                                                                               approaches are possible (Robley
      foothill forests have shown that       animals may spend long and
                                                                               et al. 2010; Gillespie et al. 2016)
      longer-term effects of fire on         variable periods at the bait
                                                                               which we look forward to
      flora and fauna are generally          station on a single visit. Some
                                                                               exploring in the future.
      subtler than those in the first        ecologists have argued that
      three years (Muir et al. 2015;         quantitative conclusions cannot   With the present data, it is
      Leonard et al. 2016; Kelly et          be made with camera-trap data     clear that some species were
      al. 2017). The current project         unless individual animals are     detected much more often on
      supports this conclusion,              identified, but we believe that   some sites than others, in terms
      showing the response of the            approach is too limited, and      of numbers of photographs
      common ground-dwelling                 quantitative analyses of the      taken and numbers of days on
      mammal and bird fauna in these         sort we have undertaken can       which they were photographed.
      forests.                               provide important information     The number of days on which
                                             about the relative abundance      the species is detected is highly
      The project has also shown             of mammal species in different    likely to reflect the relative
      that these forests continue to         types of habitat. Analysis        abundance of that species on
      support some less common               based on presence-absence         the site (for species with small
      species, including the Brush-          would clearly be inadequate for   home ranges), or the intensity
      tailed Phascogale, which was           common species such as Black      of use that site (for species with
      formerly only known from the           Wallaby, which was recorded on    large home ranges).
      drier northern parts of Wombat         every site but exhibited marked
      State Forest. It is much harder        variation in prevalence between
      to determine how they may be           sites (different numbers of
      affected by current or future          site-days).
      management of fire or anything
      else because of the low numbers
      we detected. However, it is
      reassuring that they can still be
      found in Wombat State Forest
      and continue to make use of
      widely distributed and less-
      threatened habitats including
      Foothills Forest.

PAGE 24 | Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest
What’s next
At a workshop to develop our          The following reporting will be
long-term project plan, attended      undertaken:
by the project partners, we           1. Regular reporting back to
decided the best way to progress         community via social media
was to increase the number of            and emails.
sites by monitoring new sites
                                      2. Reporting all feral and
each year. The benefits of this
                                         threatened species records
approach were identified as:
                                         to DELWP within a week of
• Increase the statistical power         downloading data.
  of the project and capacity to
                                      3. Reports every five years
  answer the research question.
                                         prepared for a mixed
• Easily make it possible to             audience (scientists, land
  include several of the following       managers, community and
  options:                               volunteers) and published by
    1. Adding monitoring of birds        VNPA.
       at existing sites.             4. Article for peer-reviewed
    2. Adding monitoring in other        science journal by around
       vegetation types                  2022 (including up to 10
    3. Setting up monitoring sites       years of data).
       to monitor burn patterns at
                                      We’re committed to continue
       specific sites.
                                      this project for at least ten
    4. Setting up monitoring at       years. We’re looking forward
       sites before and after fire.   to a continued and lasting
    5. Gather more detailed           relationship between the
       habitat data.                  community, scientists and
    6. Include more ‘recently         government representatives
       burnt’ sites (0-4 years        involved in Caught on Camera in
       since fire).                   Wombat State Forest.
• Make it possible to analyse
  the data against different
  variables.                          Black Wallaby

                                                 Caught on Camera | Citizen science in the Wombat State Forest | PAGE 25
      Brüggemeier, J. and Miranda,            Leonard, S., Bruce, M., Christie,    Loyn, R.H. and McNabb, E.G.
      M. 2012. Curatorial Statement:          F., Di Stefano, J., Haslem, A.,      2015. Bird population responses
      Nature in the Dark 1. http://           Holland, G., Kelly, L., Loyn, R.,    to wildfire and planned burns in, accessed          MacHunter, J., Rumpff, L.,           the foothill forests of Victoria,
      August 2018.                            Bennett, A., Clarke, M. and York,    Australia. Journal of Ornithology.
                                              A. 2016. Foothills fire and biota.   156: 263-273.
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      management: science or                  Environment, Land, Water &           R.H., 2010. Arboreal mammal
      just wishful thinking? Wildlife         Planning, Melbourne, Victoria.       habitat associations in Wombat
      Research 35: 385-394.                                                        State Forest. Unpublished
                                              Loyn, R.H. 1997. Effects of          client report to the Wombat
      Friend, G.R. 1993. Impact of fire       an extensive wildfire on birds       Biodiversity Working Group/
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      woodlands and heathlands of             Conservation Biology 3: 221-234.     Rylah Institute for Environmental
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      114.                                    ecologically sustainable forest      Heidelberg, Victoria.
                                              management in Victorian eucalypt
      Gillespie, G., Gentles, T., Hill, B.,   forests pp 783-806 in D. Lunney      MacHunter, J., Menkhorst, P.
      Choy, J.L, Mahney, T., Stevens,         (Ed) Conservation of Australia’s     and Loyn, R.H. 2009. Towards a
      A. and Stokeld, D. 2016. A guide        forest fauna (second edition).       process for integrating vertebrate
      for the use of remote cameras for       Royal Zoological Society of New      fauna into fire management
      wildlife surveys and surveillance in    South Wales, Mosman, NSW.            planning. Technical Report Series
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References (cont.)

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Red Fox

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