Catapulted into the future. Enjoy Development - CONTUR GmbH
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Catapulted into the future. Enjoy Development Redesigning work with the BEST of all worlds. Program Overview – Detailed information Hannover | Frankfurt | Regensburg Shanghai | Mexico City
Day 1 - Program – May 12th 2020 8:00 am CEST 9:00 am CEST 10:00 am CEST 11:00 am CEST 1:00 pm CEST (CST: 2:00 PM; CDT: 1:00 AM) (CST:3:00 PM, CDT: 2:00 AM) (CST: 4:00pm, CDT: 3:00 AM) (CST:5:00 PM, CDT: 4:00 AM) (CST: 7:00 PM, CDT: 6:00 AM) A Growth Mindset and Virtual Energizers for Chance or curse - Post-Corona scenarios - Courageous Leadership in Cultural Differences: online-meetings: Cultural differences in And what it could mean times of Corona Keys to fostering virtual How to keep people adapting to change for working life team interaction engaged Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Session Language: English Session Language: English Session Language: English Session Language: German Session Language: German Harald Penner Florence Guesnet Michael Hardtmann Stephanie Püttker Dr. Alexander Fink CONTUR Business ambitionize-Coaching & Consulting Global Performance Improvement oHg spice. Team & Intercultural Consulting ScMI Scenario Management Consulting (Shanghai) International AG Social distancing, self-quarantine and An interactive session that helps you to Working virtually is creating a new Wie können wir virtuelle Programme noch In einem offenen Szenarioprozess sind wearing masks are by now among the reflect on your own leadership cultural paradigm for nearly all of us, lebendiger gestalten, eine gute unter Beteiligung zahlreicher Experten seemingly most effective measures to response to the Corona Crisis and to and is forcing us to face some Atmosphäre schaffen, Menschen ver- verschiedene Bilder unserer react to the current crisis around the find a path of smart and impactful unexpected hurdles. Understanding binden, soziale Präsenz erhöhen, Ver- Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft nach der globe. However, the adaption to those leadership actions. “Courage” will be a how to clear the first hurdle in teams trauen stärken, die Aufmerksamkeit hal- Corona-Krise entwickelt worden. In measures and overall reaction to the core concept, as in times of extreme and open people’s minds to tackling ten, die Teilnehmer aufwecken und sie zum der Session wird die von den unpredictability and uncertainty, Lachen bringen? Als Erlebnis-pädagogin bin Szenarien aufgespannte "Landkarte new situation seemed to have been something new is critical to driving tapping into the unknown is essential. ich davon überzeugt, dass in Online der Zukunft" vorgestellt. Anschließend quite different in China and Germany. engagement and interaction in the Meetings und Online Trainings die werfen wir einen genaueren Blick auf In this 60 minutes Zoom session, we virtual workspace. And since mindset Notwendigkeit besteht, mit Warm-Ups und will discuss different cultural and culture go hand-in-hand, die spezifischen Entwicklungen der Aktivitäten zu spielen. Die approaches, e.g. seeing change as a understanding how people’s individual Arbeitsmärkte und des Arbeitslebens Wissensvermittlung passiert so oder so, chance or a curse, and share and cultural differences affect our in den verschiedenen Szenarien. zum Teil sogar effektiver als in Präsenz- experiences about what we can learn online interactions will enable us to situationen – hier ist also das Gegenteil der from each other in the future. tailor our approaches to maximise our Fall. Besuchen Sie meine Session und lassen effectiveness in this novel construct. Sie uns gemeinsam verschiedene Energizer ausprobieren.
Day 1 - Program – May 12th 2020 2:00 pm CEST 5:00 pm CEST 6:00 pm CEST 7:00 pm CEST 11:00 pm CEST (CST: 8:00 PM, CDT: 7:00 AM) (CST: 11:00 PM, CDT: 10:00 AM) (CST:12:00 AM; CDT:11:00 AM) (CST: 1:00 AM, CDT: 12:00 PM) (CST: 5:00 AM, CDT: 4:00 PM) Taking 100% Resources for self- Are you stuck on the Diversity – Current work @ home is knowledge and self- escalator? responsibility (E+R=O) How it can help in the more than a Corona empowerment through our Facing the Leadership Achieving your goals with virtual personality. challenges through and crisis effect affirmation Resilience in times of crisis beyond COVID-19 Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Session Language: English Session Language: English Session Language: English Session Language: Spanish Session Language: Spanish Dr. Petra Köppel Norbert Barnikel Stuart B. Fields Dr. Edgar Salazar Miguel Angel Abarca Synergy Consult Barnikel Innovation & Digital Management Development Trainer & Psychologist CONTUR Consulting Mexico Transformation Consultancy In the past weeks we have seen how Going back is not an option. Digitization In this session we will talk about The developing coronavirus epidemic, like innovative humans can be in order to leads to Work @ home and current analysis and recognition of personality all crises, is disorienting, fast-paced, find new solutions. We have got Work @ home is more than only a patterns through behavior in the virtual threatening and paralyzing. completely new business models, we Corana effect – it is a compelling world (internet). Most leaders have been tested by this crisis, and the pressure can feel have found new ways to keep in touch evolutionary step. More information will follow Together we will look on aspects of insuperable, leading to reactive behavior and companies have adapted their Nobody really knows. There is no shortly! attitude change and recognition of or paralysis. So, what should they be processes and business models. Let us question, however, that we are going professional development opportu- doing? In this Live Online session we have a look on how diversity, the through the different phases of the nities through cyberspace. attempt to answer the questions being differences between people, especially transition. We look at the phases of And reflect on strengthening our ability posed by many leaders: What will it take in a team can be a resource for "working at home" transition, their to manage crises through virtual to navigate this crisis? What kind of creativity. myths and truths with a wink - and why techniques. leadership attitudes or behaviors are that is a good thing. At the same time, I changing? What do I need to do share helpful hints with you on how to differently now and in the close future try to overcome these challenges. (next week for example)?
Day 2 - Program – May 13th 2020 8:00 am CEST 9:00 am CEST 10:00 am CEST 11:00 am CEST 1:00 pm CEST (CST: 2:00 PM; CDT: 1:00 AM) (CST:3:00 PM, CDT: 2:00 AM) (CST: 4:00pm, CDT: 3:00 AM) (CST:5:00 PM, CDT: 4:00 AM) (CST: 7:00 PM, CDT: 6:00 AM) Virtual Energizers for Virtual Thought Sketching How do I know my team online-meetings: Develop your resilience – – Creating a global visual works well in a virtual Recharge your courage How to keep people You can do it language environment? engaged Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Session Language: English Session Language: English Session Language: English Session Language: German Session Language: German Xiaoli He Stephanie Püttker Dr. Peter Belker Ulrike Balke-Holzberger Florence Guesnet CONTUR Business Consulting- spice. Team & Intercultural Consulting 3B Consulting Managementberatung Expertin für Gesundheit und Resilienz ambitionize-Coaching & Consulting (Shanghai) In this interactive workshop we How can we make virtual programs A leader who manages remotely has to In kritischen Zeiten gilt es ist die eigene Mut trägt uns von der Komfort- in die introduce you to the universe more alive, create a good atmosphere, know how capable the team is. She/ he Widerstandskraft zu stärken oder mit Lernzone, so lässt er uns wachsen. Mit of meaningful visualisation. Whether connect people, raise social presence, should understand in how far each anderen Worten Resilienz aufzubauen. einer angeleiteten Meditation laden wir as a trainer, coach, facilitator, increase the trust level, keep them individual is prepared to perform tasks Einige Personen scheinen resilienter zu Sie zum Entdecken und zur consultant or project manager, engaged, wake them up and make and take over responsibilities. At a sein als andere. Dennoch ist Resilienz Mobilisierung Ihres ganz individuellen irrespective of your artistic talent, you them laugh? distance it is challenging to create that von allen entwickelbar. Aufbauend auf Mutes ein. Ein wichtiger Schritt in will start to learn a global visual As an experiential trainer I feel a strong kind of transparency. At the same time einem Impuls zum Thema Resilienz Zeiten vieler Fragezeichen. language. This you can use for need to play a bit with warm-ups and a remote team leader needs the right arbeiten wir an Ressourcen und sketching your thoughts online as energizers in online-meetings and balance of incentives, control, and Möglichkeiten die eigene well as on flip charts and pin boards. online trainings, where the trust. In this interactive session we will Resilienz zu stärken. transmission of facts happens anyway look at the levers that help to find this and maybe even more effectively than balance and develop the team towards in f2f sometimes - so this is the team excellence. counterpart! Join in and let’s try different energizers together!
Day 2 - Program – May 13th 2020 2:00 pm CEST 3:00 pm CEST 4:30 pm CEST 5:30 pm CEST 11:00 pm CEST (CST: 8:00 PM, CDT: 7:00 AM) (CST: 9:00 PM, CDT: 8:00 AM) (CST: 10:30 PM, CDT: 9:30 AM) (CST:11:30 AM; CDT:10:30 AM) (CST: 5:00 AM, CDT: 4:00 PM) Live Talk: Make it stick – Post-Corona scenarios - How can we take the best Remote communication Appearance and impact Successful virtual And what it could mean from now into the future? as a chance to strengthen in virtual settings Learnings from all over the communication for working life our relationships world Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Session Language: German Session Language: German Session Language: English Session Language: English Session Language: Spanish Daniela Butscher Frieda Tirre Dr. Alexander Fink Norbert Barnikel - Germany Viviana Rodriguez CONTUR GmbH CONTUR GmbH ScMI Scenario Management Stuart B. Fields - USA CONTUR Consulting Mexico International AG Hamid Chbouki - Mexico Virtuelle Teamkommunikation kann In dem 45-minütigen Live Online- NN - China representative sehr effektiv sein und sogar viel Spaß Training „Auftritt und Wirkung im In an open scenario process, various Facing the new reality, we are involved machen. virtuellen Raum“ lernen Sie, wie Sie die images of our society and economy in a virtual space of interaction. Our Entdecken Sie die vier Schritte die Kamera optimal einsetzen können, um after the corona crisis have been Moderation: ways to communicate and our relations virtuelle Teams zusammenschweißen selbstsicher und authentisch developed with the participation of Miguel Ángel Abarca have already changed, is it a bad thing? und zur Exzellenz führen. aufzutreten. numerous experts. The session will We are in the era where everything Interaktive 60 Minuten zum Thema Sie profitieren von Tipps & Tricks zum present the "map of the future" drawn During this Live Talk, our experts from that you want to know is available and erfolgreiche Teamkommunikation mit optimalen Einsatz der Kamera und up by these scenarios. We then take a all around the world will discuss the you have the opportunity to increase Übungen zum "nachmachen". lernen die wichtigsten Aspekte rund um closer look at the specific question: What has changed in the your knowledge and connections Körpersprache, Stimme & developments of the labour markets different parts of the world and how through different technology devices. Hintergrundgestaltung kennen. and working life in the various can we take the best from now into the How can we live in this new virtual scenarios. future? world without ignoring our human *Die Nutzung einer Kamera (Laptopkamera oder Be part of this exciting discussion and sensitivity? externe Kamera) ist von Vorteil, aber nicht zwingend notwendig. contribute your ideas.
Day 3 - Program – May 14th 2020 8:00 am CEST 9:00 am CEST 10:00 am CEST 11:00 am CEST 1:30 pm CEST (CST: 2:00 PM; CDT: 1:00 AM) (CST:3:00 PM, CDT: 2:00 AM) (CST: 4:00pm, CDT: 3:00 AM) (CST:5:00 PM, CDT: 4:00 AM) (CST: 7:30 PM, CDT: 6:30 AM) Bar Camp: Do agile principles and Open your doors, face your The new future of work: Effective meeting in a Crisis, Change routine work in a virtual fears and overcome crisis Why humans stand a chance virtual space and Organizational team setting? with Four Rooms ® against machines Resilience Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Language: English Language: English Language: English Language: English Language: English Jiayi Wang Sandra Schumacher Christiaan Lorenzen Daniel Laya Dr. Jari Grosse-Ruyken CONTUR Business Consulting CONTUR GmbH DooNorth Coaching Consultant, Trainer and Coach hivetime (Shanghai) How can the Four Rooms of Change Bar Camp, often referred as non- Did you experience global online Staying synchronized with coworkers help you and your team regain and For years new technologies have been conference, represents an event in meetings, which were less efficient and has never been more important, yet maintain open communication and available in the workplace, but the which contents and topics are self- even bordered on the chaotic? In this how do you handle all the normal day- emotional balance in an environment adoption rate has been rather determined by the participants. one hour session, we will share some of to-day things like daily stand-up of increasing fear and confusion? In disappointing. But the COVID-19 crisis We give you a short impulse to the these experiences and how to tackle meetings and tracking tasks? What order to understand how to deal with has represented an awakening as main topic „Crisis, Change them effectively. You will also about basic communication in self- fear and confusion and assist you in millions of employees worldwide and Organizational Resilience“ before experience a guided discussion to give organized Teams? We all know that your search for inspiration and satis- started using overnight collaborative we enter into a typical Bar Camp you some inspiration for your further Agile teams value face-to-face faction. We will help you to understand software to coordinate actions and session. work. interaction. How do we accomplish this your own personal emotional expe- chatbots to communicate with in the current environment? rience in a world that is forcing change customers and employees. A new way Moderation: Tanja Tralau-Vieillemard We invite you to share your thoughts and will show you essential tools of working is in place: digital overcame and experiences maybe also best to reach out and assist those around physical for good, and paradoxically, practices within this session. you who may be fearful and businesses need people more than ever experiencing today’s world as an before.
Day 3 - Program – May 14th 2020 4:00 pm CEST 6:30 pm CEST (CST: 10:00 PM, CDT: 9:00 AM) (CST:12:30 AM; CDT:11:30 AM) Emotional Empowerment! Reimagining Work Uncertainty management mindset Live Online Session – 1h Live Online Session – 1h Language: English Language: Spanish Hamid Chbouki Ph.D. Alberto Martinez Intercultural Consultant Evolución Estratégica Panamá In this session, we will focus on how We are facing an evolutionary disruption companies can reimagine work and challenge. The leadership journey is leverage disruptive execution models more complex than ever. that depend on analytics, collaboration, The uncertainty management requires a automation and the power of platforms. powerful mindset. But maybe, the difference starts with you: Your time, So we will reimagine work on two fronts: your turn, your people, your team. resources and processes. Build ownership for your emotional empowerment skill set. This a simple Throughout our session, we will be playbook to be a super spreader: the examining how a company can enable a contagion we can control. disruptive approach to work and how it can be translated into improved competitiveness.
Program Overview Enjoy Development 12th - 14th May 2020 Hannover | Frankfurt | Regensburg Shanghai | Mexico City
May 12th 2020 Program Overview CEST 8:00 am CEST 9:00 am CEST 10:00 am CEST 11:00 am CEST 1:00 pm CEST (Germany) CST (China) & CDT (CST: 2:00 PM; CDT: 1:00 AM) (CST:3:00 PM, CDT: 2:00 AM) (CST: 4:00pm, CDT: 3:00 AM) (CST:5:00 PM, CDT: 4:00 AM) (CST: 7:00 PM, CDT: 6:00 AM) (Mexico) A Growth Mindset and Virtual Energizers for Chance or curse – Post-Corona scenarios - Courageous leadership in Cultural Differences: online-meetings: Topic Cultural differences in And what it could mean times of Corona Keys to fostering virtual How to keep people adapting to change for working life team interaction engaged Speaker Harald Penner Florence Guesnet Michael Hardtmann Stephanie Püttker Dr. Alexander Fink Session Language English English English German German CEST 2:00 pm CEST 5:00 pm CEST 6:00 pm CEST 7:00 pm CEST 11:00 pm CEST (Germany) CST (China) & CDT (CST: 8:00 PM, CDT: 7:00 AM) (CST: 11:00 PM, CDT: 10:00 AM) (CST:12:00 AM; CDT:11:00 AM) (CST: 1:00 AM, CDT: 12:00 PM) (CST: 5:00 AM, CDT: 4:00 PM) (Mexico) Are you stuck on the Taking 100% responsibility Resources for self- escalator? Diversity – Current Work @ Home is (E+R=O) empowerment through our Topic Facing the Leadership How it can help in the crisis more than a Corona effect Achieving your goals with virtual personality. challenges through and affirmation Resilience in time of crisis beyond COVID-19 Speaker Dr. Petra Köppel Norbert Barnikel Stuart B. Fields Dr. Edgar Salazar Miguel Angel Abarca Session Language English English English Spanish Spanish Focus Areas of our Virtual Learning Space Summit Future World of Work: Learning & Ideas Face the challenge: Mindset & cultural influence Helpful now: tools and best practices Stay healthy. Be stable.
May 13th 2020 Program Overview CEST 8:00 am CEST 9:00 am CEST 10:00 am CEST 11:00 am CEST 1:00 pm CEST (Germany) CST (China) & CDT (CST: 2:00 PM; CDT: 1:00 AM) (CST:3:00 PM, CDT: 2:00 AM) (CST: 4:00pm, CDT: 3:00 AM) (CST:5:00 PM, CDT: 4:00 AM) (CST: 7:00 PM, CDT: 6:00 AM) (Mexico) Virtual Energizers for Virtual Thought Sketching – How do I know my team online-meetings: Develop your resilience – Topic Creating a global visual works well in a virtual Recharge your courage How to keep people You can do it language environment? engaged Speaker Xiaoli He Stephanie Püttker Dr. Peter Belker Ulrike Balke-Holzberger Florence Guesnet Session Language English English English German German CEST 2:00 pm CEST 3:00 pm CEST 4:30 pm CEST 5:30 pm CEST 11:00 pm CEST (Germany) CST (China) & CDT (CST: 8:00 PM, CDT: 7:00 AM) (CST: 9:00 PM, CDT: 8:00 AM) (CST: 10:30 PM, CDT: 9:30 AM) (CST:11:30 AM; CDT:10:30 AM) (CST: 5:00 AM, CDT: 4:00 PM) (Mexico) Live Talk: Make it stick – Post-Corona scenarios - How can we take the best Remote communication as Appearance and impact in Topic Successful virtual And what it could mean for from now into the a chance to strengthen our virtual settings communication working life future? Learnings from all relationships over the world Norbert Barnikel, Stuart B. Speaker Daniela Butscher Frieda Tirre Dr. Alexander Fink Fields, Hamid Chbouki, Miguel Viviana Rodriguez Angel Abarca Session Language German German English English Spanish Focus Areas of our Virtual Learning Space Summit Future World of Work: Learning & Ideas Face the challenge: Mindset & cultural influence Helpful now: tools and best practices Stay healthy. Be stable.
May 14th Program Overview CEST 8:00 am CEST 9:00 am CEST 10:00 am CEST 11:00 am CEST 1:30 pm CEST (Germany) CST (China) & CDT (CST: 2:00 PM; CDT: 1:00 AM) (CST:3:00 PM, CDT: 2:00 AM) (CST: 4:00pm, CDT: 3:00 AM) (CST:5:00 PM, CDT: 4:00 AM) (CST: 7:30 PM, CDT: 6:30 AM) (Mexico) Bar Camp: Do agile principles and Open your doors, face your The new future of work: Effective meeting in a Crisis, Change Topic routine work in a virtual fears and overcome crisis Why humans stand a virtual space and Organizational team setting? with Four Rooms ® chance against machines Resilience Speaker Jiayi Wang Sandra Schumacher Christiaan Lorenzen Daniel Laya Dr. Jari Grosse-Ruyken Session Language English English English English English CEST 4:00 pm CEST 6:30 pm CEST (Germany) CST (China) & CDT (CST: 10:00 PM, CDT: 9:00 AM) (CST:12:30 AM; CDT:11:30 AM) (Mexico) Emotional Empowerment! Topic Reimagining Work Uncertainty management mindset Speaker Hamid Chbouki Alberto Martinez Session Language English Spanish Focus Areas of our Virtual Learning Space Summit Future World of Work: Learning & Ideas Face the challenge: Mindset & cultural influence Helpful now: tools and best practices Stay healthy. Be stable.
May 12th 2020 Further virtual sessions in China (offered in chinese language) Are you interested in further virtual sessions offered in China? Our colleagues from CONTUR Business Consulting Shanghai offer various sessions (in chinese) on Tuesday, May 12th 2020 starting at 08:00 CST (Chinese Standard Time, 02:00 AM CEST) Sign up here!
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