Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA

Page created by Tiffany Mack
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA

Catalog of
Activities                                                    RIVERFRONT PARK, SEE PAGE 28

Get out and play with us!
Look inside for the City of Fredericksburg’s Parks, Trails, Activities and Events
Join us!        @FredParksRec         Online at:        Call: 540-372-1086
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA
                                                                                            The mission of the Fredericksburg Parks,
                                                                                            Recreation & Events Department is to enhance
                                                                                            the lives of our citizens by providing a diverse
                                                                                            package of recreation and park opportunities.
408 Canal Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Our Community Center is the home of the Park, Recreation and Events Department and          ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM:
home to the majority of our programs. Parking is located in the back of the building.
Parks and Recreation administrative offices are located within the Community Center.        Wendy Stone, Asst Director of Finance & Leisure Services
                                                                                            Jenny Casarotti, Superintendent Leisure Services
Community Center                       Contact:
                                                                                            Callie Brown, Outdoor Recreation Supervisor
Operating Hours:                                                                            Carly Hedge, Office Assistant
                                       General Phone: 540-372-1086, x 0
                                       Children’s Activities x 217
Registration (Front desk):                                                                  Michael Ward, Assistant Director of Parks and Athletics
                                       Nature Programs x 213
Mon-Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm                                                                   Aaron Simmons, Superintendent Parks & Maintenance
                                       Tennis, Fitness & Dance x 208
                                                                                            Jillian Franklin, Superintendent Sports & Fitness
                                       Sports x 214
Open for activities:
                                       Adult Classes x 217
M-Th: 8:30am-8:30pm                                                                         Kim Herbert, Supervisor of Events
                                       Events x 307 x 308
Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm                                                                       Sammy Walker, Special Event Coordinator
                                       Trips x 217
                                       Fax: 540-372-3475
Saturday & Sunday, CLOSED                                                                   Anne Hamm, Evening & Weekend Supervisor
                                                                                            Karen Lea, Front Desk Receptionist
                                                                                            Danielle Paradis, Front Desk Receptionist
                                                                                            Darlene Rich, Front Desk Receptionist

CONGRATULATIONS TO JANE SHELHORSE ON HER RETIREMENT!                                        Sonja Cantu, Marketing & Advertising
                     Jane Shelhorse was hired by the City of Fredericksburg Parks and
                     Recreation Department in November 1985 as the Leisure Services
                     Coordinator, and was promoted to Assistant Director in 1986,
                     then became the Department Director in 2016, and has served            RECREATION COMMISSION
                     the City for 27 years. During her years of service, she helped to
                     grow the City’s recreation offerings with innovative activities year   MEMBERS:
                     after year, and helped develop the robust leisure and recreation
                     programs as well as the special events for which the City is           Mr. David Dorsey, Chairman
                     known.                                                                 Mrs. Sharon Null, Vice Chair
                                                                                            Mr. DaCorey Carter
                        She assisted in the development and opening of the Motts            Ms. Quincy Crecelius Click
Run Nature Center, Fredericksburg Dog Park, Dixon Park, Doris E. Buffett Swimming           Mr. Eric Keeler
Pool, and the Fredericksburg Roller Hockey Rink. She introduced numerous special            Mr. Brandon McVade
programs such as Midnight Madness, the First Friday concerts, the Urban Trail Ride,         Ms. Sue Sargeant
and the Rappahannock Regional Soap Box Derby, which successfully claimed the title
of “World’s Largest Race” for four consecutive years, and has been involved in over 20      City Council Representative:
local, regional, state and national awards for achievement in programs and events.          Dr. Timothy Duffy
She is proud to have helped create memorable experiences for many generations of
children, many of whom have since brought their own children and grandchildren to           School Board Representative:
participate with the department. We wish her well on her next adventures!                   Dr. Matthew Eberhardt

2                                    Online at:                  Call: 540-372-1086
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA
                  RECREATION & EVENTS
                                                                                            Nerf Mania
       WIND DOWN                                                                             All Ages
                                                                                        Friday, October 8

       WEDNESDAY                                                            FredNats Stadium, 42 Jackie Robinson Way
                                                                                         $10 per person

                                                                         Come to the Fredericksburg Nationals Stadium for a night of
                                                                         action packed fun as we transform the stadium into a Nerf
                                                                         battlefield. Nerf Mania will feature play for all ages.

                                                                         We will have multiple kid only zones (designated by age
                                                                         groups), an adult only zone and kid/adult zone along with
                                                                         other games and challenges throughout the park. Bring your
                                                                         own Nerf gun(s) and protective eye wear. We will supply the
                                                                         basic Nerf bullets. Players must wear protective eyewear.
                                                                         Staff reserves the right to deny use of any participant’s Nerf
                                                                         gun that they feel is too powerful. Concessions will be avail-
      LIVE CONCERT SERIES                                                able at the stadium for purchase during the event. Pre-regis-
                                                                         tration is required.
     AUG 4th- SEPT           6PM-8PM            AT MEMORIAL
      29th EVERY                                 PARK, 1401              For information please visit or call 540-372-
      WEDNESDAY                                 KENMORE AVE
                      FROM ONE OUR FOOD VENDORS
            Parking avaiable at First Christian Church on
                         Washington Ave.

                                                                                 FXBG DRIVE IN
   FXBG FALL MOVIE SERIES                                                     HOLIDAY MOVIE SERIES
                    Friday, September 17
           Friday, October 29 (Halloween Movie)                                              Friday, November 19
                   Saturday, November 6                                                     Saturday, December 11
                                                                                             Friday, December 17
                            Dixon Park
 (location subject to change- check our Facebook/website and                                      Old Mill Park
                     sign up for Fred Alerts)                            (location subject to change- check our Facebook/website and
                                                                                             sign up for Fred Alerts)
                      Gates open at 5:00pm
                       Movie starts at dark                                                   Gates open at 5:00pm
                    Admission is FREE, All Ages                                                Movie starts at dark
                                                                                            Admission is FREE, All Ages
Come join us for a FREE family movie night in the park. We will
 have a food truck available for dinner. Bring your chairs and             Come join us for a FREE family movie night in the park. The
blankets. Movies will be announced closer to the dates on our              movie will be played through your car radio. We will have a
             Facebook page @FredParksRec and                             food truck available for dinner. Movies will be holiday themed
                 our website                                       and announced closer to the dates on our
                                                                                       Facebook page @FredParksRec and
                                                                                          our website
 Stay informed. Subscribe to Parks, Recreation and
 Events’ notifications for weather cancellations, park
 closings and more.                                                               Join us!               @FredParksRec
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA
Upcoming Events in the ‘Burg                                                                 NOVEMBER 19
                                                                                             FXBG Drive In Holiday Movie at Old Mill
SEPTEMBER 1		                                   OCTOBER 2		                                  Park. Info:
Wind Down Wednesday at Memorial Park.           Bourbon & Boxwood at Mary
Info:                            Washington House. Info: www.                 NOVEMBER 20
                                                      Children’s Christmas Tree Lighting in
SEPTEMBER 8		                                                                                Hurkamp Park. Info:
Wind Down Wednesday at Memorial Park.           Picasso in the Park at Alum Spring Park.
Info:                            Info:                         DECEMBER 4
                                                                                             Fredericksburg Christmas
SEPTEMBER 10                                    OCTOBER 8
                                                                                             Parade in Downtown. Info:
Soggy Doggy Swim at Buffett Pool. Info:         Nerf Mania at FredNats Stadium. Info:                        
		                                              		                                           Mistletoe Market at Hurkamp Park. Info:
Fredericksburg Area Museum Sounds of            Fredericksburg Area Museum Sounds of
Summer at Market Square. Info:       Summer at Market Square. Info:
sounds-of-summer-2021                                                                        DECEMBER 11
                                                OCTOBER 9
                                                                                             FXBG Drive In Holiday Movie at Old Mill
SEPTEMBER 15		                                  Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Old Mill Park.    Park. Info:
Wind Down Wednesday at Memorial Park.           Info:
Info:                                                                         DECEMBER 17
                                                OCTOBER 16
                                                                                             FXBG Drive In Holiday Movie at Old Mill
SEPTEMBER 17		                                  Halloween Movie Night at Hurkamp Park.       Park. Info:
FXBG Fall Movie at Dixon Park. Info: Parks.     Info:                                                                                     JANUARY 1
                                                OCTOBER 22
                                                                                             First Day Hike at Motts Run Reservoir. Info:
SEPTEMBER 18		                                  Park After Dark at Alum Spring Park. Info:
Electric Stride- 5k walk to benefit Healthy
Generations Area Agency on Aging in
Downtown. Info:         OCTOBER 29
events-and-fundraisers                          FXBG Fall Move Night at Dixon Park. Info:
Chiari Malformation Awareness Walk at
Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. Info: walk.   OCTOBER 30                               Children’s Halloween Costume Stroll and
                                                Treats on the Street in Downtown. Info:
SEPTEMBER 22		                        
Wind Down Wednesday at Memorial Park.
Info:                            Spooky 5K and 10K at Old Mill Park and
                                                Heritage Trail. Info:
Riverfest at City Dock. Info: www.              Halloween in the Park at Hurkamp Park                                Farmers Market,

Pizza Palooza at Market Square. Info: www.      NOVEMBER 6                                   FXBG Fall Movie Night at Dixon Park. Info:
Wind Down Wednesday at Memorial Park.           NOVEMBER 11
Info:                            Veteran’s Day Procession at Memorial Park.
Fredericksburg Independent Book Festival        NOVEMBER 13 & 14
at Riverfront Park area. Info:    Holiday Open House in Downtown. Info:

4                                      Online at:                Call: 540-372-1086
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA
September 10
                                                                                         12:00pm – 8:00pm
                                                                                     $5.00 for up to two dogs
                                                                                 Doris E. Buffett Pool in Dixon Park
FREDERICKSBURG FARMERS MARKET                                        When dogs rule the Doris E. Buffett Pool! Open to dogs 12
                                                                     weeks and older. All dogs must have current vaccinations. Half
Explore a variety of local farm fresh produce, meats, baked goods,   of all proceeds will be donated to the Fredericksburg SPCA. Pre-
honey and more at the Fredericksburg Farmers Market!                 register at or at the Dorothy Hart Community
                                                                     Center. If space is still available you may register the day of the
                  Hurkamp Park Market                                event on site. For information please visit or
             Prince Edward and George Streets                        call 540-372-1086.
                Saturdays, 7:00am - 2:00pm
               Open now through October 30
           November - December “Winter Market”

           Art in the Park - now through October 30
                                                                                 Saturday, October 2, 10 am – 3 pm
          Community Day - Saturday, September 11                                    Location: Alum Spring Park
       Harvest Fest/Halloween in the Park - October 30                       All ages! FREE, Pre-registration required.
                Mistletoe Market - December 4                        Calling all artists! Gather at Alum Spring Park on October 2
                                                                     for some plein air creativity. Bring your own art supplies for
   For more information please visit           the medium of your choice as we spread out in the park and
                    or call 540-372-1086.                            attempt to capture nature’s beauty in artwork. All mediums
                                                                     welcome, from painting and sketching to photography and
                                                                     beyond. Bring a chair and pack a lunch or plan to drive out to
                                                                     eat. This event is open to all and free but pre-registration is

                ART IN THE PARK                                      required for artists as space is limited. Deadline for artists to
                                                                     register is September 26, 2021. Spectators are welcome to visit
                                                                     and observe, no sign-up necessary.
     at the Fredericksburg Farmers Market

Hurkamp Park
September 4
September 18
                                                                            Calling all Artists!
October 2                                                                          Get your paintbrushes ready for the
October 16
                                                                         2022 Fredericksburg Fine Art Show and Sale
Saturdays                                                                        Entry forms available online in January
9:00am - 1:00pm                                                                 Entry deadline will be late February 2022
                                                                       Show Dates will be March 11-13, 2022 in the Dorothy Hart
Browse and shop local artists and crafters on display the first                   Community Center, 408 Canal Street.
and third Saturdays at the Farmers Market. Free admission.           For information please call 540-372-1086 or email ksherbert@
For info: (540) 372-2086 or marketmanager@fredericksburgva.        Online at
gov. Online at

                                                                              Join us!                @FredParksRec
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA
                                                                                    November 15 - December 27
                                                                                    Riverfront Park, 700 Sophia Street

                    Saturday, October 16                            FREE, bring your friends and family for selfies in the park!
                          7:00pm                                    Oversized greeting card frames will be on display in Hurkamp
                 Hurkamp Park, 500 William St                       Park. Stop by to visit the cards and take a selfie, share with
                FREE admission, public invited.                     friends, come back and do it again.
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets for our family-friendly
movie night! It’s going to be out of this world!! Co-sponsored by   It’s FREE to visit the cards and take all the photos you’d like.
Fredericksburg Police, Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events,   Featuring five card designs: FXBG, Merry Christmas, Happy
Fredericksburg Parent, Rappahannock Rotary and Fredericksburg       Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and Happy Holidays. Share your
Main Street.                                                        pics: #LoveFXBG

    For info. please visit or call 540-372-1086.     For information please visit or 540-372-1086.

                 Saturday, January 15, 2022
                     3:00pm - 5:00pm
           FredNats Stadium, 42 Jackie Robinson Way

Held snow or shine! Come dressed for the weather,
bring drinking water. Children must be supervised by an
accompanying adult. Teen and adults, bring your group of
friends and we’ll schedule you for an adults-only match too!
                                                                                   Saturday, January 1, 2022
                                                                                          9am – 12pm
Admission $3 per person or $5 for 2 people. Matches are
                                                                              Motts Run Reservoir, 6600 River Road
approximately every 10 minutes. Signed waivers are required
                                                                                         FREE, All Ages
to play. Call 540-372-1086 or visit for
                                                                    Start the New Year off right by spending the first day out in
                                                                    Nature! Bring out the whole family to take a hike on one of
                                                                    the many trails at Motts Run Reservoir and enjoy a fun activity
     WINTER RESTAURANT WEEK                                         along the way. Come out to this event anytime between 9 am
                                                                    – 12 pm. The First Day Hike at Motts Run is completely free!
                    January 14 - 23, 2022                           Don’t miss out on this fun opportunity to kick off the year on
Enjoy a winter family outing to sample the unique flavors of
                                                                    the right foot. No need to register for this event, just come out
Fredericksburg. Find out what our local restaurants have to
                                                                    between 9-12 to participate.
offer during this week of tasty specials.
                                                                    For info. please visit or call 540-372-1086.

6                                   Online at:             Call: 540-372-1086
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA
                                                                                                 Christmas Tree Lighting
                                                                                                                          Saturday, November 20
                                                                                                                          at 4:00pm
                                                                                                                          Hurkamp Park, 500 William Street
                                    To honor the contributions of our
                                         United States Veterans                                                           Meet Santa and other holiday characters,
                                       Thursday, November 11                                                              make fun holiday crafts, experience live
                                         starting at 10:00am                                                              music and story-time and much more!
                                                                                                                          The Fredericksburg Annual Children’s Tree
                 Procession Route: Along Washington Ave. From Mary Ball St. to                                            Lighting program is FREE and open to the
                 George St.                                                                                               public.
                 Veterans and Veteran Groups are invited to register to be in the
                 procession. No commercial, for-profits nor political campaigns
                                                                                                                          Brought to you by Fredericksburg
                 will be permitted in the procession.
                                                                                                                          Economic Development and Tourism and
                                                                                                                          Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and
                 Public (family members and non-veterans) are invited to view                                             Events.
                 the procession along Washington Avenue and then join the
                 Veteran’s Day Commemoration at the Fredericksburg Area War                                               For more information on this event,
                 Memorial (George St.). Free admission to the procession and the                                          please contact Fredericksburg Visitor
                 commemoration. Held rain or shine.                                                                       Center at 540-373-1776 or
                 For information please visit or call 540-372-1086.

                                                                              Fredericksburg Christmas Parade
                                                                                       Saturday, December 4 at 5:30pm
                                                                            Held along Caroline and Princess Anne Street in Downtown Fredericksburg.
                                                                               Come early & stay late!! Enjoy downtown shops & restaurants before & after!

                                                                      Free Admission, public invited. Dress for cold weather and wear walking shoes. See our
                                                                      parade map online for more information.

                                                                      This year’s theme is “Candyland.” Registration for entries/floats will open August 23, 2021.
                                                                      Deadline is October 15, 2021. Spaces are limited to 80 entries and fill on a first-come, first-
Photo Credit: The Free Lance-Star

                                                                      served basis.

                                                                      This year’s parade is proudly sponsored by:

                                                                          For more information: (540) 372-1086
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA
                 EARTHQUEST PROGRAMS                                                      PICASSO IN THE PARK
                                                                                          All Ages
                                                                                          Calling all artists! Gather at Alum Spring
WALK WITH A HAWK                                                                          Park on October 2 for some plein air
All Ages                                                                                  creativity. Bring your own art supplies for
On our Walk with a Hawk, we will take a hike through the woods while one of the           the medium of your choice as we spread
Earthquest educators teaches you about Hawks and what makes them so special.              out in the park and attempt to capture
During our walk, a flighted, non-releasable Red-Tailed Hawk will follow us through the    nature’s beauty in artwork. All mediums
woods in the trees. Participants are encouraged to take pictures during the hike. All     welcome, from painting and sketching to
children must be accompanied by a paying adult. Wear sturdy shoes and dress for the       photography and beyond. Bring a chair and
weather. Please leave your pets at home. For more information on Earthquest, visit        pack a lunch or plan to drive out to eat. Registration closes the Sunday before each program.                   This event is open to all and free but pre-
    Wednesday, September 8 at 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm                                           registration is required for artists as space
    Saturday, November 13 at 10 am – 11 am                                                is limited. Deadline for artists to register
    Location: Motts Run Reservoir                                                         is September 26, 2021. Spectators are
    $20/person or $50/family (up to 4), Pre-registration is required.                     welcome to visit and observe, no sign-up
                                                                                               Saturday, October 2, 10 am – 3 pm
RAPTOR ENCOUNTER                                                                               Location: Alum Spring Park
All Ages                                                                                       FREE, Pre-registration required.
Want to learn more about birds of prey and meet a few? Join the team from
Earthquest at Motts Run Reservoir for a Raptor Encounter where you will have the
chance to meet a few different birds of prey and learn about their many adaptations.
For more information on Earthquest, visit Children should be
accompanied by an adult. Please leave your pets at home. Registration closes October
3, 2021.
    Friday, October 8 at 5 am – 6 pm
    Location: Motts Run Reservoir
    $20/person or $50/family (up to 4), Pre-registration is required.

All Ages
EarthQuest is back again with another feathered friend! Falcons are among the
fastest flying birds on the planet. Join educators at Old Mill Park to learn more about
these majestic birds. Participants are encouraged to take pictures and ask questions
                                                                                          CAMPOUT IN THE
throughout the program. All children must be accompanied by a paying adult. Please        PARK
leave your pets at home. For more information on Earthquest, visit www.earthquest.        All Ages
org. Registration closes September 19, 2021.                                              Bring out the family for a fun night in the
    Sunday, September 26 at 4 pm – 5 pm                                                   park. You will have the chance to camp
    Location: Old Mill Park                                                               at Motts Run Reservoir, enjoy s’mores
    $20/person or $50/family (up to 4), Pre-registration is required.                     on the campfire, and more. Space is
                                                                                          limited so register early. All meals and
PARROT PALOOZA                                                                            activity materials are provided but you
                                                                                          are responsible for your own tent and
All Ages
                                                                                          camping supplies (a supply list and
Birds of a feather flock together! Gather your family to enjoy this one-of-a-kind
                                                                                          additional information will be emailed upon
program together. Discover more about parrots with Earthquest at Parrot Palooza.
                                                                                          registration). Registration closes October 10,
Explore their adaptations, ask questions, and meet a few feathered friends along the
way! All children must be accompanied by an adult. Masks are required. Please leave
                                                                                              Friday, October 15 at 5 pm – Saturday,
your pets at home. For more information on Earthquest, visit
                                                                                              October 16 at 10 am
Registration closes November 28, 2021.
                                                                                              Location: Motts Run Reservoir
Wednesday, December 1 at 5 pm – 6 pm
                                                                                              $65/$75 for a family of 4 (resident/non-
Location: Motts Run Nature Center
                                                                                              resident) ($20/each add. individual),
$20/person or $50/family (up to 4), Pre-registration is required.
                                                                                              Pre-registration is required.

8                                  Online at:                   Call: 540-372-1086
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA
All Ages
Start the New Year off right by spending the first
day out in Nature! Bring out the whole family to
take a hike on one of the many trails at Motts
Run Reservoir and enjoy a fun activity along the
way. Come out to this event anytime between
9 am – 12 pm The First Day Hike at Motts Run
is completely free! Don’t miss out on this fun
opportunity to kick off the year on the right
foot. No need to register for this event, just
come out between 9-12 to participate.                WEE WILD ONES
    Saturday, January 1, 2022, 9 am – 12 pm          3yrs-5yrs
    Location: Motts Run Reservoir                    Do you have a little one itching to get outside and play? Join a naturalist for some
    FREE                                             nature discovery, play time, a craft, and a story for four Mondays this fall. This series is
                                                     for preschool children ages 3-5 and a parent. Dress for the outdoors/weather and bring
                                                     a bag lunch if you want to stay after for a picnic. Each child must attend with a non-
                                                     paying adult. No non-registered siblings, please! Registration closes September 5, 2021.
                                                     Every 2nd Monday this fall
                                                         September 13, October 11, November 8, and December 13 at 10-11:30 am
                                                         Location: Motts Run Reservoir
                                                         $30/$40 (resident/non-res). Pre-Registration required.

                                                     BE A BEAVER BELIEVER
OPEN GYM FOR LITTLE                                  Ages 5+
                                                     Discover the effects of these cool creatures on the environment as we gather together
ONES                                                 at Motts Run. Have fun as we explore the adaptations that make beavers the master
Ages 1 1/2-5 yrs                                     builders they are. All children must be accompanied by a paying adult. Registration
Come and play with us! The gym is open!              closes September 19, 2021.
Bounce a ball, chase your friends, or maybe             Saturday, September 25 at 2-3:30 pm
build with blocks and color! Enjoy some non-            Location: Motts Run Reservoir
structured play with your child. Children must          $6/person (children and adults), Pre-registration required.
be accompanied by an adult.
Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center
   Tuesdays, 10:00am-11:00am                         PARK AFTER DARK
   September 14                                      Ages 5+
   September 28                                      Gather under the trees at Alum Spring Park after dark for an evening of spooky, family-
   October 12                                        friendly stories. On October 22, we will be led by a storyteller through tall tales of all
   October 26                                        kinds. Bring a chair and maybe a blanket for this spookily fun evening. Family-friendly
   November 9                                        for ages 5 and up. Registration closes October 17, 2021.
   November 23                                           Friday, October 22 at 6:30 – 8 pm
   December 7                                            Location: Alum Spring Park
   Free                                                  $5/person (children and adults), Pre-registration is required.

MEET ME @ THE PARK-                                  TURKEY TREK
PRESCHOOL                                            Ages 5+
                                                     Gobble, Gobble! Turkey Day is coming up so why not come out to
Ages 1 1/2-5 yrs
Come and play with us! Meet us at the park           learn all about this cool feathered friend? Join a naturalist as we
for some fun! Enjoy craft time and some              discover more about the Wild Turkey, make our own turkey calls, and
structured games at the park. Children must be       look for turkey scratches. For ages 5+; adults and children both pay.
accompanied by an adult.                             Registration closes November 21, 2021.
    Wednesdays, 10am-11am                               Wednesday, November 24 at 9-10:30 am
    September 15, Alum Springs Park                     Location: Motts Run Reservoir
    September 29, Motts Reservoir                       $6/person (children and adults both pay), Pre-registration is required.
    October 27, Memorial Park
    November 10, Dixon Park
    November 24, Riverfront Park
    December 8, Old Mill Park
    Free                                                                             Join us!                @FredParksRec
Catalog of Activities - Fredericksburg, VA
                                                 GRANDPARENTS & ME: PADDLING IN THE PARK
                                                 Ages 6+
                                                 Celebrate Grandparents Day in style! Bring along Grandma or Grandpa (or both!) for a
                                                 memorable day in the park. Take an easy guided paddle in canoes on the reservoir and then
                                                 gather around a campfire on the shore for yummy s’mores! Beginner paddlers welcome.
                                                 Come prepared with your silliest jokes to share around the fire. Grandkids should be at least
                                                 6 years old to participate. Canoes need at least two paddlers and can carry up to two adults
                                                 and two small children. Registration closes September 5, 2021.
                                                    Sunday, September 12 at 2-4pm
                                                    Location: Motts Run Reservoir
                                                    $20/canoe. Pre-registration required.
CAMPS                                            FAMILY FIREBUILDING
Ages 5yrs-12yrs                                  Ages 6+
Are you looking for a fun-filled place           Bring out the whole family and learn a new skill together. Join a naturalist to learn various
your kids can spend when they are out of         ways to construct and start a fire and how to safely put it out. This will be great practice
school for the day or week? Then, look           for your own campout! Once we get a good fire going, there will be s’mores fixings for
no further. Kids will enjoy a fun filled day/    everyone to enjoy. Registration closes November 7, 2021.
week of activities to include arts and crafts,       Saturday, November 13 at 2-3:30 pm
sports, nature, games, and adventures                Location: Motts Run Reservoir
along with tons of fun. So, don’t forget to          $20/family. Pre-registration is required.
mark our calendars and we will see you
there! Children must bring their own lunch
each day for full days. Pre-registration
is required. Location: Dorothy Hart              WINTER SOLSTICE NIGHT HIKE
Community Center.                                Ages 6+
    Tuesday, November 2, 9am-4pm                 Join a naturalist at Motts Run Reservoir on the shortest day of the year and the first day of
    Wednesday, October 13, 9am-4pm               Winter - the Winter Solstice. Participants will take a night hike on one of the trails (less than
    Fee: $25 per camper                          a mile) and afterwards enjoy hot cocoa by the campfire. Please wear sturdy shoes and dress
                                                 for the weather. All children should be accompanied by a paying adult. Registration closes
   Wednesday, October 20, 1pm-4pm                December 19, 2021.
   Friday, December 17, 1pm-4pm                      Tuesday, December 21 at 5:30-7 pm
   Fee: $15 per camper                               Location: Motts Run Reservoir
                                                     $6/person. Pre-registration is required.
   Monday-Wednesday, December 20-22,
   Monday-Wednesday, December 27-29,             HORSEBACK RIDING LESSONS
   9am-4pm                                       Beginner to Beginner Plus
   Fee: $75 per camper                           6yrs and older
                                                 Our riding program progresses through beginner into beginner plus levels. Basic grooming,
                                                 handling, safety leads straight into understanding the tack, adjustments & correct riding
                                                 position & aid applications. Partnership with the horse requires patience and developing
SURVIVAL SKILLS 101                              an understanding of becoming a fair, gentle leader. A shoe or boot with a heel is the only
Ages 6-12yrs                                     equipment you need; we provide the rest. Join us for fun and fresh air!! Pre-registration
Do you have what it takes to survive on your     required. Location: White Buffalo Horse Farm. Have questions? Please email Judy
own? Join a naturalist as we learn some
new wilderness skills like knot tying, using a      Thursdays, 4:00pm-5:00pm- All Levels              August 26-September 19
compass, and fire building. All children must       Saturdays, 11:00am-12:00pm- Beginners Plus September 23-October 17
be accompanied by a non-paying adult.               Saturdays, 12:00pm-1:00pm- Beginners              October 21-Nov 18 (No class 11/11)
Registration closes September 19, 2021.             Sundays, 10:00am–11:00am- Beginners Plus          Nov 20-Dec 30 (No class 11/25 & 12/23)
   Saturday, September 25 at 10-11:30 am            Sundays, 11:00am–12:00pm- Beginners
   Location: Motts Run Reservoir
   $6/child, Pre-registration required.             $130/$140 (residents/non-residents)
                                                    * Horseback riding classes are for youth and adults!

10                                     Online at:                  Call: 540-372-1086
                                                     Ages 8yrs-12yrs

                                                     Bridging the Past
                                                     Explore the history, and engineering behind Fredericksburg
                                                     bridges. This program uses primary sources, and inquiry-based
                                                     activities to further understand how and why bridges were built
                                                     over the Rappahannock River.
                                                     Monday, September 27, 5pm-6pm
                                                     Kid Curator
NATURE NERDS                                         Are you interested in knowing what happens behind the scenes at a museum?
Ages 6-12yrs                                         Participants will learn what it takes to become a museum curator, and how FAM takes
Whether you are a homeschool or an                   care of and studies historic artifacts.
asynchronous learner, come and get                   Monday, October 11, 5pm-6pm
in touch with your natural side! Join a
naturalist for nature explorations, games,           Powhatan People
crafts, and more. This series includes five          Discover what life was like for the Powhatan people along the Rappahannock River.
different programs and each week will                Through discussion of artifacts, photographs, and drawings, students learn about the
feature a new exciting theme for kids to             Virginia Indians’ traditional food ways, shelter, and clothing as well their reliance on
explore. This is a drop off program so kids          natural resources.
will need to bring a small backpack with             Monday, October 25, 5pm-6pm
a notebook, pencil, and water bottle with
them each day. Registration closes the               Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center
Thursday before each date.                           $10 per class. Pre-Registration is required.
    Every Other Tuesday (September                   Instructor: Fredericksburg Area Museum
    14-November 9), 9 am-12 pm
    September 14 – Habitat Hunt
    September 28 – Insect Safari
    October 12 – Weather Wonders                  FXBG STEM CLUB
    October 26 – Nature Art                       Ages 6yrs-12yrs
    November 9 – Fantastic Fossils                Fredericksburg STEM Club is an enriching and friendly program. In an informal setting
    Location: Alum Spring Park                    dedicated to empowering young people, this program aims to inspire independent problem
    $20/child for each program or $90/child       solving for our future STEMist. They will be given a chance to explore aspects of Science,
    for all five, Pre-registration is required.   Technology, Engineering and Math which will require them to be creative, innovative and
                                                  think strategically. Each session will introduce different STEM challenge and activities along
                                                  with the theme Lab Box. Pre-registration is required.
AFTERSCHOOL                                          Wednesdays, 3:30pm-5:30pm or Fridays, 4pm-6pm
NATURE CLUB                                          August 18-September 3- All About Matter
                                                     September 8-October 1- See Like a Designer, Think Like an Engineer
Ages 6-12yrs                                         October 6-29- Clean Water
Let’s have some fun in nature! We’ll meet            November 3-December 3 (No class November 24 and 26)- Crystal Garden
one Thursday a month from September                  December 8-29 (Wednesdays only)- Shake it Up
– December. Each date will feature a                 Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center
different topic so be sure to catch them             Fee: $55 per session
all. Wear appropriate outdoor clothing. No
non-registered siblings please. Kids should
be accompanied by a non-paying adult.
Registration closes Sunday before each date.
    Thursdays, 4:30-6 pm
    September 16, 2021 – Mighty Morphin’
                                                      PRIVATE HOMESCHOOL PROGRAMS
                                                    Are you part of a local homeschool group? Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events
    Animals                                         offers great private nature programs for the area’s homeschool groups. Groups can
    October 21, 2021 - For Goodness                 come out once a month to one of our parks for nature education, activities, and fun.
    Snakes!                                         Contact the Outdoor Recreation Supervisor, Callie Brown to find out more information
    November 18, 2021 – Fantastic Fossils           or to set this up for your group:, 540-372-1086 x213.
    December 16, 2021 – Creatures of the
    Location: Alum Spring Park
    $10/child for each session or $35/child
    for all four, Pre-registration is required.
                                                                                      Join us!               @FredParksRec
                                                   FXBG STEM                                    CREATE
                                                   HOLIDAY CAMPS                                AND LEARN
                                                   Ages 6yrs-12yrs
                                                   Fredericksburg STEM Club is an               VIRTUAL-
                                                   enriching and friendly program. In
                                                   an informal setting dedicated to
                                                   empowering young people, this                CODING
FXBG GIRL’S STEM CLUB                              program aims to inspire independent          Grades 2nd-4th
Girls Ages 6yrs-12yrs                              problem solving for our future STEMist       Let the fun begin! We start
Do you know a girl who has a passion for           and focuses on the middle school             from the very basics of
STEM that just isn’t fulfilled in school? FXBG     age. They will be given a chance to          the coding concepts in this fun-filled class.
STEM Club is an engaging program with STEM         explore aspects of Science, Technology,      Students solve puzzles by coding an agent in
enrichment for girls ages 6 to 12. In the STEM     Engineering and Math which will              the Minecraft game to move, take actions,
Club, girls are able to experience the magic of    require them to be creative, innovative      and react to the environment. They are
science, technology, engineering, and math         and think strategically. Each session will   also given the opportunity to build open
through exciting, hands-on experiments. Each       introduce different STEM challenge and       ended puzzles on their own. We will cover
session will introduce different STEM challenge    activities along with the theme Lab Box.     core coding concepts including sequence,
and activities along with the theme Lab Box.       Pre-registration is required. Location:      conditional, loop, and more. All the puzzles
Pre-registration is required. Location: Dorothy    Dorothy Hart Community Center                and projects are designed by our curriculum
Hart Community Center                                  Monday-Wednesday,                        experts exclusively for Create & Learn. Pre-
Tuesdays, 3:30pm-5:30pm                                December 20-22, 9:00am-12:00pm,          registration is required.
   August 17-September 7                               Fee: $65 per camper                         Thursdays, 6pm-7pm
   September 14-October 5                                                                          October 7-December 2 (No class
   October 12-November 2                              Monday-Thursday,                             November 25th)
   November 9-30                                      December 27-30, 9:00am-12:00pm,              Fee: $155 per session
   December 7-28                                      Fee: $85 per camper
   Fee: $55 per session

                                                   CREATE AND LEARN CREATE AND LEARN
MIDDLE SCHOOLERS                                   NINJA 1          CODING QUEST
Grades 6th-8th
                                                   Grades 2nd-3rd                               Grades 2nd-5th
Fredericksburg STEM Club is an enriching
                                                   This class uses Scratch, a platform          Let the fun begin! We start from the very
and friendly program. In an informal setting
                                                   developed by MIT, to teach                   basics of the coding concepts in this fun-
dedicated to empowering young people,
                                                   fundamental coding concepts. We start        filled class. Students solve puzzles by coding
this program aims to inspire independent
                                                   from the very basics, no prior coding        an agent in the Minecraft game to move,
problem solving for our future STEMist and
                                                   experiences needed. Students will learn      take actions, and react to the environment.
focuses on the middle school age. They will be
                                                   core coding concepts such as sequence,       They are also given the opportunity to
given a chance to explore aspects of Science,
                                                   loop, and conditional. We will also          build open ended puzzles on their own. We
Technology, Engineering and Math which will
                                                   use a wide range of Scratch specific         will cover core coding concepts including
require them to be creative, innovative and
                                                   capabilities including motion, sensing,      sequence, conditional, loop, and more.
think strategically. Each session will introduce
                                                   control, and more. Your child will have      All the puzzles and projects are designed
different STEM challenge and activities along
                                                   a lot of fun as we build a new project in    by our curriculum experts exclusively for
with the theme Lab Box. Pre-registration is
                                                   every session ranging from animation,        Create & Learn. Pre-registration is required.
required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community
                                                   games, to storytelling. Students not              Mondays, 5pm-6pm
                                                   only learn coding but also start creating         September 20-November 8
    Mondays, 3:00pm-5:00pm
                                                   from day 1! Pre-registration is required.         Fee: $155 per session
    August 16-Sept 13 (No class 9/6)- STEM to
                                                       Tuesdays, 5pm-6pm
                                                       September 14-November 2
    September 20-October 11 - Aerospace
                                                       Fee: $155 per session
    October 18-Nov 8 - The Maker ROB-Bot
    Nov 15- Dec 6 - Video Games Tournament
    December 13-January 3- Cyber Security
    Fee: $55 per session

12                                    Online at:                Call: 540-372-1086
                                                  AID AND CPR/AED
                                                  14yrs and older
                                                  Heartsaver® CPR AED is a classroom, video-
                                                  based, instructor-led course that teaches student
                                                  critical skills needed to respond to and manage
CREATE AND                                        a first aide, choking or sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until
                                                  emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Please see our complete listing of classes on our
LEARN VIRTUAL- AI                                 online registration site. Multiple days and dates are available. Please bring a bag lunch! Pre-
EXPLORERS                                         registration required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Instructor: Tim Carpenter
Grades 4th-6th                                        Tuesdays, 9:00am–5:00pm
This is the first class in our fun and engaging       September 14
series that introduces students to the world          October 12
of AI. Students will start to learn the key           November 9
concepts of AI, and moreover, get first-hand          December 14
experience with cutting-edge AI applications          January 11
for image recognition, chatbots, machine              $60/$65 (resident/non-resident)
learning, and more, all in an age-appropriate
way. We also build a small imagine
recognition program in the class. With our
small class size, world-class curriculum, and
                                                  ASHI WILDERNESS FIRST AID CERTIFICATION
                                                  14yrs and older
team projects, kids will also enjoy ample         Wilderness environment create special emergency situations. This 16 hour intense course
opportunities to exercise their creativity,       is designed for Boy and Girl scouts/Adventure groups leading outdoor adventures. CPR
critical thinking, and communication skills.      certification not included (course offered separately through Parks, Recreation and Events).
Pre-registration is required.                     Real-life scenarios will be incorporated as we covered preparation, assessment, preventing
    Fridays, 4:30pm-5:30pm                        and caring for injuries and much more in this hands-on training by an ASHI (American
    October 8-December 3 (No class                Safety & Health Institute) instructor. Book and certificate included. Bring a bag lunch. Pre-
    November 26th)                                registration required. Location: Motts Run Nature Center. Instructor: Tim Carpenter (cpr.4_
    Fee: $155 per session               
                                                      Saturday and Sunday, 9:00am–4:00pm
CREATE AND LEARN                                      September 18-19
                                                      $160/$160 (resident/non-resident)
FOR AI                                            CAMP LAKEVIEW
Grades 6th plus                                   Ages 18+
This is the first unit of our Python for          You are never too old to go to camp! Join other nature
kids coding course, we start to learn core        enthusiasts at Motts Run Reservoir for three days of fun,
concepts of Python syntax, loop, data types,      adventure, and discovery. Participate in camp crafts, games,
variables, and a lot more. We build a smooth      canoeing, hikes, and more. We will be camping out lakeside
transition for kids to up level from block        at night and spending our days taking part in activities and
coding such as Scratch, to text-based coding.     exploring the outdoor world. Any adult may attend-- whether
They will learn fundamental Python skills         you are an active professional/volunteer in the nature field or
as they build creative stories, animations        just someone looking for a fun new experience! All meals, snacks, activities will be included
and games. Basic topics will include using        but you must supply your own tent and camping supplies. A supply list will be available
Python syntax, variables, loops, functions,       upon registration.
and built-in data structures. Pre-registration       Labor Day Weekend:
is required.                                         Saturday, Sept 4 – Monday, Sept. 6
    Wednesdays, 5pm-6pm                              Check-in: 10:00 am Sat., Sept. 4
    September 29- November 17                        Check-out: 10:00 am Mon., Sept. 6
    Fee: $155 per session                            Location: Motts Run Reservoir
                                                     $200/$215 (residents/non-residents)
   Stay informed. Subscribe to Parks, Recreation and

   Events’ notifications for weather cancellations, park
   closings and more.                                                                 Join us!                @FredParksRec
YOUTH BASKETBALL                                                         YOUTH SPORTS COACHES WANTED
Novice (7yrs – 8yrs)
Rookie (9yrs – 10yrs)                                                           Basketball         Soccer          Field Hockey
Junior (11yrs – 13yrs)
Learn the basic fundamentals in this coed league designed for fun,     If you have a love of the game and enjoy working with children
sportsmanship and teamwork. Practices start January 4th and will       and passing on that interest, call us!
take place at Walker Grant Middle School and Lafayette Upper           Our seasons are about 8 to 10 weeks long. You bring us your
Elementary School. Games are during the week and on Saturdays.         enthusiasm and we’ll give you what you need to get started as
The age determination date will be March 1st, 2022. Registration       a volunteer coach! Call 540-372-1086 or email prfrontdesk@
begins October 4th for City residents and October 11th for Non-City
residents. Deadline to register is December 3rd. There is a $10 late
registration fee after December 3rd. Location: Walker-Grant Middle
School and Lafayette Upper Elementary School.
                                                                                   THANK YOU
   Mondays – Saturdays, Times Vary                                           TO OUR YOUTH COACHES!!
   January 10th – March 4th                                            Special thanks to our volunteers for helping coach our Spring
   $35/$70 (residents/non-residents)
                                                                       Soccer, Field Hockey and Baseball seasons:

                                                                                                     Jens Panyard       Kristie McDowell
FREDERICKSBURG ROLLER                                                   Thomas Julkowski
                                                                        Rebecca Watson-Schmidt       Megan Waite        William Dickinson
HOCKEY                                                                  Kathrina Urann
                                                                        Alex Vernon
                                                                                                     Jack Shiner
                                                                                                     George Dickinson
                                                                                                                        Stephanie Wise
                                                                                                                        Willis Twum
For information on youth and adult roller hockey programs and to
register please visit                                        Aria DeSimini                Jamie Scully       Christina Peck
                                                                        Amy Rogers                   Clint Govar        Bryan Clement
                                                                        Lana Hughes                  Lori Govar         Zac Covington
                                                                        Pamela Black                 Matthew Laird      Amie Goldfarb
                                                                        Angela Hall                  Jason Austin       Tevin Norman
WHEN YOU SPONSOR OUR SPORTS TEAMS                                       Heather Wangberg             John Hunt          John Castellarin
                                                                        Carrie Sandoval              Robert Courtnage   Errin Theado
                     EVERYONE WINS!                                     Emily Roberts                Leah Courtnage     Aaron Whetsell
  Businesses and organizations have the opportunity to sponsor          Samantha Gayle               Daniel Garcia      Sonny Dean
  a team in any of our sports. Team sponsorships can be obtained        Madison Affeldt              Lyndsey Hinkle     Joseph Cralle
  for a $150 investment. Supports our programs and aids Parks           Kim Brewer                   Matthew Denson     Kenneth Barlow
  and Recreation in giving to families who can’t afford registration    David Fraser                 Raisa Price        Nicole Skinner
  fees a chance to play.
  Sponsors receive:
  • Organization logo or statement on team jerseys                        THANK YOU TEAM SPONSORS!
  • Recognition in Parks and Recreation brochure                           Spring Soccer, Field Hockey and Baseball Sponsors
  • A good feeling of knowing you are making sports available to            Kevin’s Roofing and Attic Insulation
  all children in the City who want to play.                                Jane Shelhorse
                                                                            John ROBB Custom Homes, Inc.
  Children & Teams receive:
                                                                            Falmouth Bottom Properties
  • Sponsored teams will receive an upgraded awards at the end
                                                                            R.F. Strategies
  of the season.
                                                                            Fide Law
                                                                            Holcomb Contracting Group
  For information, contact Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation &
                                                                            McAvinney & Associates
  Events at 540-372-1086 or email
                                                                            Sarah Hurst, Realtor

 14                                   Online at:               Call: 540-372-1086
                                                  POUR PAINTING WORKSHOP
HOUR                                              16 yrs and older
ART                                               This is also called fluid acrylics. You will have the opportunity to make several projects.
                                                  All supplies are provided and I even clean up afterwards. Instructor: Cheryl Bosch.
CLASSES                                           Questions? Pre-registration is required. Location:
16 yrs and older                                  Frame Designs Gallery, 105 Hill Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22408.
These 2 hour
classes are geared                                   Session 1- Sunday, October 10, 2:00pm-5:00pm
toward non artists. They are a fun gathering         Session 2- Sunday, November 21, 2:00pm-5:00pm
that involves a project that will be finished         Session 3- Sunday, December 5, 2:00pm-5:00pm
in one class. The supplies are included in           $45/$55 per person per timeslot (residents/non-residents)
the cost of the class unless otherwise noted.
The ages are 16 and up. Bring a beverage of
your choice and a snack to share, all other                                                       ADVANCED BASIC
supplies are provided. Instructor: Cheryl
Bosch. Questions? Or to ask about custom          BASIC DOG                                       DOG MANNERS
classes contact the instructor at Cheryl@         MANNERS                                         Ages 16yrs and older
                                                                                                  In response to graduates of our Basic Pre-registration         Ages 16yrs and older
is required at the Dorothy Hart Center. Class                                                     classes, we offer advanced skills classes
                                                  Using positive
Location: Frame Designs Gallery, 105 Hill                                                         for dogs who want to go a bit further in
                                                  reinforcement methods
Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22408.                                                                 their good manners mastery. Instructor,
                                                  based on current
                                                                                                  Sarah Ferrell, will teach you positive
                                                  learning theory and
Colorful Pet Portraits                                                                            reinforcement techniques for helping
                                                  behavior modification
Send Cheryl a photo of your pet and she will                                                      your dog master longer sit and down
                                                  techniques, we will
have your drawing ready to paint. Each session                                                    stays; calm, leisurely loose lead walking;
                                                  teach YOU to teach the dog to respond to
is an independent class. If you have 4 pets                                                       and fast, enthusiastic “ Come!” when
                                                  your commands of: Come, Sit (and Stay)
you’d like to paint, sign up for 4 sessions.                                                      called. Dogs will learn to do their work,
                                                  Down (and Stay) and Heel. Instructor,
  Mondays, 6:00pm-8:00pm                                                                          on request, even with distractions
                                                  Sarah Ferrell, teaches the skills dogs need
  September 13                                                                                    like strangers knocking on the door,
                                                  to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen test.
  October 4                                                                                       humans jogging while they concentrate
                                                  Dogs of all ages and sizes are welcome,
  November 8                                                                                      on sit or down, watching their humans
                                                  but the dog must be at least 14 weeks
  December 6                                                                                      even when tantalizing dog fun activity
                                                  old and have had at least 2 of 4 puppy
  $35/$45 per session (residents/non-res)                                                         unfolds around them. For the dogs that
                                                  vaccinations. Participants in all classes
                                                                                                  came to a Basic Dog Manners class and
                                                  must show current veterinary vaccination
                                                                                                  now want to hone their attention and
Needle Felting Coasters                           at first night’s orientation. Positive
                                                                                                  obedience response vocabulary, this is
These fun coasters are easy to make and will      reinforcement methods only. We will
                                                                                                  the class for you. We will work on all
introduce you to the process of needle felting    learn to use a clicker. Students learn to
                                                                                                  ten tasks of the AKC CGC test and will
with wool.                                        use their clicker to show dogs the desired
                                                                                                  take the CGC test at graduation. Owners
 Monday, September 20, 6:00pm-8:00pm              behavior and give immediate rewards.
                                                                                                  working on their AKC Novice work may
 $25/$35 per person (residents/non-res)           Dogs attend ALL five classes. Students
                                                                                                  wish to practice a run-through of the
                                                  will receive e-mail homework and dog
                                                                                                  AKC Novice work as their graduation
Painted Glassware                                 behavior discussions. We will have a
                                                                                                  exercise. As in all Dog Manners classes,
Create dishwasher safe painted glassware.         festive graduation with prizes and photo
                                                                                                  we will have a festive graduation our
 Monday, October 18, 6:00pm-8:00pm                opportunities week 5. Email instructor,
                                                                                                  last session. Students will receive
 $25/$35 per session (residents/non-res)          Sarah Ferrell at to
                                                                                                  e-mail homework and dog behavior
                                                  request a supply list and class orientation
                                                                                                  discussions. Please email instructor,
Decoupage Baskets                                 sheet after you register. Pre-registration
                                                                                                  Sarah Ferrell at saf@abrohamneal.
These baskets make wonderful gifts and are        is required. Location: Dorothy Hart
                                                                                                  com to request a supply list and class
super easy and useful.                            Community Center
                                                                                                  orientation sheet after you register.
 Monday, November 15, 6:00pm-8:00pm                                                               Pre-registration is required. Location:
 $25/$35 per person (residents/non-res)              Wednesdays, 4:00pm–5:00pm
                                                                                                  Dorothy Hart Community Center
                                                     Sept 15-Oct 20 (No class 10/13)
Wet Felting                                                                                          Wednesdays, 1:00pm–2:00pm
Learn the process of wet felting with a project      Wednesdays, 7:00pm–8:00pm
                                                                                                     Sept 15-Oct 20 (No class 10/13)
like a small purse or eye glass case.                Sept 15-Oct 20 (No class 10/13)
                                                                                                     $99/$109 (resident/non-resident)
  Monday, December 13, 6:00pm-8:00pm                 $99/$109 (resident/non-resident)
  $25/$35 per session (residents/non-res)

                                                                                 Join us!                @FredParksRec
Ages 16yrs and older
Graduates of Sarah Ferrell’s Advanced
Canine Good Citizen class who have passed
the CGC test are invited to join us to work
on polishing our obedience skills beyond
the basics. Class will focus on smooth,
reliable loose lead walking, long distance
and duration sit and down stays and speedy
response to commands. Dogs and handlers
will have fun enhancing attention and
teamwork while mastering new exercises          ADULT GROUP FITNESS
not practiced in; Basic’, nor in ‘ Advanced/    18yrs and above
CGC’ class. Trainers working on their AKC       Group Fitness is a great way to stay active and meet like-minded individuals. All fitness
Novice Obedience work may wish to practice      levels are encouraged to join. Each time you attend a class, it is one punch. Attend any
an AKC Novice obedience ‘run through’ as        class during the week with this monthly pass.
their graduation exercise.
Must have graduated from Sarah’s CGC            Monday: Early Morning Sculpt and Tone, 8:10am - 9:00am
class, and have passed the AKC CGC              This class includes a varsity of exercises to strengthen, tone and keep you flexible. Core
test. No exceptions. Email Sarah at saf@        condition floor work will also be part of the class. for Graduate School
Homework.                                       Tuesday: Gentle Yoga, 8:10am - 9:00am
                                                Stretch, strengthen, breathe and relax with this restorative class. Work at your
   Wednesdays, 2:30pm–3:30pm                    individual level as the instructor guides you through a series of standing, seated, and
   Sept 15-Oct 20 (No class 10/13)              lying postures. Appropriate for those new to Yoga and those familiar with traditional
   $99/$109 (resident/non-resident)             poses.

                                                Wednesday: Early Morning Sculpt and Tone, 8:10am - 9:00am
                                                This class includes a varsity of exercises to strengthen, tone and keep you flexible. Core
                                                condition floor work will also be part of the class.

                                                Thursday: Weights and Cardio Mix, 8:10am - 9:00am
                                                Weights and cardio together? Why not! This class will combine strength training and
                                                cardiovascular training into one class. Build your endurance and increase your strength
                                                during this class.

                                                Friday: Pilates for the beginner to intermediate levels, 8:10am - 9:00am
PICKLEBALL COURTS                               Pilates is for ages and abilities! Class will focus on activating deep muscles while
                                                helping tone, streamline and improve your posture through the emphasis on body
The City’s pickleball courts are located in
Memorial Park (Kenmore) on the corner of        conditioning, core muscles training and flexibility.
Kenmore Avenue and Mary Ball Street at
1401 Kenmore Ave. Park hours: 6am-10pm          Bring your own mat and set of weights, or two if you want! Bring your own towel,
daily.                                          water bottle, and wear comfortable clothing. Masks will be required when physical
                                                distancing is unable to be obtained. Class will be held in the auditorium. Participants
The courts are a non-membership public          will enter and exit the auditorium via the Charles St. door.
facility. This means they are open for             Location: DHCC Auditorium
individual public play unless officially           Mondays – Fridays
reserved through the Parks and Recreation          Monthly
office. Player groups that meet at the courts      $35/$35 (residents and non-residents)
must share the courts with other players
who wish to play their own games.

16                                    Online at:              Call: 540-372-1086

WATERFORD FAIR                              CHRISTMAS TIME                               SAVANNAH &
Washington, DC                              NEW YORK CITY                                CHARLESTON GET
We’re headed to Waterford, Virginia         DAY TRIP                                     AWAY
for the 77th Annual Waterford Fair!         New York City, NY                            7 Days & 6 Nights
The perfect autumn festival, and                                                         Savannah, Georgia & Charleston, South
one of the most well known in the           Explore New York City on your own.           Carolina
state. You spend the day as you wish,       Enjoy holiday shopping and sightseeing.
touring one of the historic homes or        Trip goers will have a day to explore on     How about a spring getaway to Savannah and
gardens, visiting one of the many craft     their own. Spend your time the way           Charleston? We've got a week long excursion
booths, watching a contemporary             you want, whether it’s shopping and          to these beautiful cities in one of the prettiest
artist at work, or strolling though         shows, or visiting attractions like the      times of the year. You will have time to explore
one of the barns that have been             9/11 Memorial Museum, the Empire             on your own, especially Savannah's River
transformed to an art gallery for the       State Building and the Metropolitan          Street, but we do have guided tours of both
weekend. There’s music and food and         Museum of Art. Catch a “Hop On Hop           Savannah and Charleston, admission to the
so much to see. Lunch will be on your       Off” double decker bus to see the whole      Magnolia Plantation and the Charleston Tea
own. Seats are limited, so register         city (ticket can be purchase once in         Plantation, a guided tour of Ft. Sumter with a
early. Pre-registration is required.        NYC). We will arrive in NYC about 10am       spirit line harbor cruise all included in the trip.
We’ll meet the bus at the Dorothy           and leave about 7:30pm. This will give       Also included are 6 nights of accommodations,
Hart Community Center.                      you plenty of time to see what the Big       6 breakfasts and 4 dinners (including taxes and
    Registration and cancellation           Apple offers. Times are approximate and      gratuities), and deluxe motorcoach For more
    deadline is September 10                may vary slightly due to weather, road       information stop by the community center or
    Saturday, October 2                     conditions, traffic, etc. Pre-registration   visit our website
    Bus leaves: 8:00 am                     is required. We’ll meet the bus at the
    Returns: 5:00 pm                                                                         Deposit of $100 to reserve your space.
                                            Dorothy Hart Community Center.
    Fee: $55 per person (includes bus                                                        Balance due January 14, 2022
                                                Registration and cancellation
    and admission)                              deadline: November 30
                                                                                             Dates: Tuesday, March 22- Tuesday, March
                                                Saturday, December 18
                                                                                             28, 2022
                                                Bus Leaves: 4:30am
                                                                                             Fee: $925 per person (double occupancy)
                                                Bus Returns: 1:30am
                                                                                             $1,275 per person (single occupancy)
                                                Fee: $90 per person


   Register in person or by mail at the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events          Register online at
   office which is located in the Dorothy Hart Community Center, 408 Canal Street.

   For more information, please feel free to give us a call at 540-372-1086 ext. 0.

                                                                                  Join us!             @FredParksRec
HOW TO REGISTER                                                                                Welcome to
                                                                                               our Registration
                                                                                               We are excited to launch our new
                                                                                               registration system and we hope you will
                                                                                               be too. Our new CivicRec system is mobile
                                                                                               friendly and browser neutral. We will launch
                                                                                               at the start of the new year.

                                                                                               Don’t worry, if you’ve shown your child’s
                                                                                               birth certificate to enroll in any of our
                                                                                               programs, we will update your file once you
                                                                                               sign up for a new account.

                                                                                               As always, if you have any difficulties please
                                                                                               let us know!

                                                                                               Step 1:
                                                                                               CREATE YOUR
Visit > Register Online

Most programs are available for online enrollment. Classes with special enrollment or fee
                                                                                               Step 2:
requirements are not available online and require registration in person, by mail or by fax.   BROWSE ACTIVITIES
For mail in registrations, please complete and sign the registration form on page 25. Credit
card or check payments only. Mail-in registrations are handled as they come in. Mail
registration form and payment to:
   Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events
   408 Canal Street
   Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Fax completed registration form to 540-372-3475. Credit card or account payments only.
Registration cannot be processed without payment information and signature.
                                                                                               Step 3:
IN PERSON                                                                                      REGISTER ON YOUR
Registrations are taken in person at the Dorothy Hart
Community Center at 408 Canal Street. Cash, check or credit card payments accepted.
   Office Registration Hours:
                                                                                               PHONE, TABLET OR
   Monday-Friday : 9:00am-4:00pm                                                               COMPUTER.
   Saturday-Sunday: Closed

18                                    Online at:                  Call: 540-372-1086
                                  Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events, 408 Canal Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401
                                                                   Fax: (540) 372-3475

  Adult’s First Name ___________________________________                                       Adult’s Last Name ___________________________________

  Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________

  City / State _______________________________________________________________ Zip ___________________________

  Home Phone __________________ Work Phone / Cell Phone __________________ E-mail _____________________________

   Participant Name                             M/F           DOB                      Activity Name               		                     Date/Time                     Fee

  I need a modification because of disability (circle one): YES NO                                 Allergies? YES NO ____________________________

  If yes to either above, please explain: __________________________________________________________________________

      Please check one of the following:         Check (make payable to “City of Fredericksburg”)             Cash (walk-in only)

                                                  Credit Card (Visa, M/C, Discover, Amex)

            Credit Card Number: _________________________________________________________________________________________

            Exp. ______ Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Liability Release:
I understand the nature and scope of the activity listed above. I understand that there are risks and dangers associated with the activity. I understand that it is
not the function of the City of Fredericksburg, its employees, agents, operators, or instructors to guarantee the safety of participants with respect to this activity. I
also understand that each participant has the responsibility to exercise with due care in the performance of the activity for the safety of him/herself and the other

In consideration of my/the participant’s being permitted to enroll in this activity, I hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Fredericksburg, its
employees, agents, operators, and instructors from any and all claims, demands, costs, charges, and expenses for harm, injury, damage or loss which may be
sustained by me/the participant as a result of or relating to participation in this activity.

Also, by signing below, I give Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events permission to use photographs and videos of me and my children for publicity in order
to increase community awareness of FPRE programs and in all publications and other media without limitation.

Signature of Parent/Guardian/Participant: ________________________________________________________ Date___________

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