Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist

Page created by Charlotte Richardson
Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
Fall/Christmas      Fostering a culture
2018                of unity and dialogue

New Releases
Best Sellers
Best of Backlist

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Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
New Releases

    Cistercian Fathers and Forefathers                  Prophet and Pilgrim of Peace                     Blind Spot
    Essays and Conferences                              99 Sayings by Pope Saint Paul VI                 War and Christian Identity
    Thomas Merton                                       Karl Schultz, Editor                             Dorothy Garrity Ranaghan
    Edited by Patrick F. O’Connell                                                                       New Edition
                                                        These 99 passages convey Paul VI’s culture,
    “Full of insights that move the heart. Dr.          spirit of dialogue, and wisdom.                  “This book is a must read for anyone who is
    O’Connell’s introductions and notes continue        Allow his joyful sayings to permeate your        open to learning about war and peace. Read it,
    his tradition of deploying careful scholarship in   being.                                           you will change and heal the world.”
    his many highly-regarded volumes preserving
    Merton’s literary legacy.”                          Hardcover: 978-1-56548-673-7        $16.95       Andrea Bartoli, Representative to the United
                                                        Available in September                           Nations, Community of Sant’Egidio.
    Jonathan Montaldo Former Director: Thomas
    Merton Center, General Editor: Fons Vitae           Pope Francis to canonize Paul VI                 Paper: 978-1-56548-663-8              $16.95
    Thomas Merton Series.                               on Oct. 14, 2018                                 Available in September

    Paper: 978-1-56548-671-3             $34.95
    Available in September

    John 17 - The Heart of God                          A Critical Study of the                          I Believe in You
    Edited and with an introduction                     Rule of Benedict - Volume 3                      Luca Badetti, PhD
    by Joseph Tosini                                    Adalbert de Vogüé                                Foreword by Jean Vanier
    Preface by Pope Francis
                                                        Translation by Colleen Maura McGrane, OSB        This book is inspiring and it will nurture your
    This book will introduce the “John 17” expe-                                                         personal growth. It is grounded in the Christian
    rience and journey. It included two personal        This volume serves as the basis of all serious   tradition in the spirit of L’Arche. Discover the
    and profound meetings with Pope Francis,            study of the Rule of Benedict. Sr. Colleen       wisdom from a community with persons with
    each over two hours long, and more than             McGrane has accomplished a monumental task       disabilities. It will make you believe in yourself
    forty Church leaders.                               in making this superb translation available.     and others.

    Paper: 978-1-56548-642-3             $16.95         Paper: 978-1-56548-601-0           $ 39.95       Paper: 978-1-56548-641-6              $15.95
    Hardcover: 978-1-56548-665-2         $24.95         Available in September                           Available in November
    Available in October

                                                                   800-462-5980 (ext.1) 845-229-0335 Fax: 845-229-0351
Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
Spring 18 Releases

The City of God                                        Challenged to Grow                                 Healing Polarization
Abridged Study Edition                                 A Catholic Parent’s Journey                        in the Classroom
Saint Augustine                                        Through an Evangelical World                       Amy Uelmen and Michael Kessler
For all those who are interested in the greatest       Richard L. Akins                                   This practical guide helps teachers and students
classics of Christian antiquity, The City of God       Challenged to Grow sums up for readers the         to foster a learning environment where even
is indispensable. This version also contains           stumbling blocks on the road to mutual under-      the most difficult and divisive issues can be
thought-provoking study questions at the end           standing, educating Catholics and Evangelicals     discussed. Examples incorporate the voices and
of each chapter.                                       alike concerning the key points of view in their   experiences of students.
                                                       respective churches.
Paper: 978-1-56548-660-7                $34.95                                                            Paper: 978-1-56548-629-4                $7.95
                                                       Paper: 978-1-56548-625-6             $14.95

Going Beyond the Wound                                 The Strength of Mercy                              Mary
A Spirituality for Men                                 Four Weeks with Louise de Marillac                 Her Identity, Our Identity
Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.                               Sr. M. Veronika Häusler                            Chiara Lubich
A timely and ‘profoundly pragmatic’ book from          In this age when hope sometimes seems far          Mary has often accompanied the life and spiritual-
a master in the spiritual life. It should be read in   off, The Strength of Mercy shows the courage of    ity of Christian saints in both the Western and East-
a spirit of prayer. It is essential reading for men    one woman, Louise de Marillac, in living God’s     ern churches. In this compilation you’ll discover
and those who guide them in the spiritual life.        plan for her amid difficulties—a model for the     a rich spirituality of the Mother of God which will
                                                       twenty-first century.                              challenge, inform, and strengthen the reader.
Paper: 978-1-56548-611-9                $12.95
                                                       Paper: 978-1-56548-623-2             $12.95        Paper: 978-1-56548-624-9               $12.95

800-462-5980 (ext.1) 845-229-0335 Fax: 845-229-0351                                                                                                                   3
Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
Visit our website
        Best of Backlist                                                                                        for a complete list of books

                         Table Talk (Year C)                                   The Roots of                                       Moments to
                         Beginning the Conversation                            Christian Mysticism                                Remember
                         on the Gospel of Luke                                 Olivier Clément                                    Ignatian Wisdom for Aging
                         Jay Cormier                                                                                              Carol Ann Smith, SHCJ and
                                                                               By linking together a series                       Eugene F. Merz, SJ
                         Year A and B also available.                          of brilliantly chosen texts
                         These reflections will                                from the early centuries                             This book offers a faith
                         help spark the Sunday                                 of the Church, the author                            perspective for reflecting
                         conversation about Luke                               lays bare the roots of the                           on the experience of aging,
                         around the parish table: the                          deeply mystical spirituality                         drawing especially upon
                         homilist who will preach on                           that has flourished among      the wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola. It provides
    it, the catechist who will teach it to children, the   Christians throughout the ages. It is a masterly   the reader with a variety of reflection questions
    RCIA team who will lead candidates through a           contribution to Christian scholarship, and         aimed at deepening their gratitude and hope.
    discussion of that weeks passage, or individual        includes an extraordinarily useful Index.          With quotations of well-known people to affirm
    disciples looking for a companion on their day-                                                           the reader’s reflection process.
    to-day journey to Emmaus.                              Paper: 978-1-56548-485-6              $29.95
                                                                                                              Paper: 978-1-56548-574-7              $14.95
    Paper: 978-1-56548-322-4               $16.95

                         Costly Love                                           Simply Bonaventure                                 The Confessions
                         The Way to True Unity for All                         An Introduction to His Life,                       Saint Augustine
                         the Followers of Jesus                                Thought, and Writings
                         John H. Armstrong                                     Ilia Delio, OSF                              “Augustine’s Confessions
                                                                                                                            has been much translated:
                         “Good books make you                                  Simply Bonaventure pro-                      but it is no exaggeration
                         think, great books provoke                            vides an introduction to the                 to say that Sister Maria
                         you to change. John Arm-                              life, thought and writings                   Boulding’s version is of a
                         strong has given us a great                           of the medieval Franciscan,                  different level of excellence
                         book that has the potential                           Bonaventure of Bagnoregio.                   from practically anything
                         to transform churches                                 Sr. Delio’s work places his                  else on the market.”
    and leaders.” Rev. Tyler Johnson, Lead Pastor,         theology in the context of contemporary human Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of
    Phoenix, Arizona                                       experience.                                      Canterbury
    Paper: 978-1-56548-616-4               $15.95          Paper: 978-1-56548-484-9              $16.95       Paper, 978-1-56548-154-1              $10.95

                         Thriving Marriages                                    Gospel Joy                                         Making Each
                         An Inspirational and                                  Pope Francis and the New                           Moment Count
                         Practical Guide to Lasting                            Evangelization                                     21 Reflections
                         Happiness                                             Fr. Dennis Billy, C.SsR.                           on a Fulfilled Life
                         John and Claire Yzaguirre                                                                                Anne Bryan Smollin
                                                                              “This short and very reada-
                        “In this delightful book,                             ble book gives an excellent                       Some psychologists claim
                        couples are urged and                                 summary and commentary                            that it takes 21 days to
                        gently nudged to consider                             on the present Pope’s recent                      change a habit or establish
                        the exquisite yet simple                              document, Gospel of Joy. I                        a behavior. Isn’t it worth
                        components of empathy,                                was particularly impressed                        21 days’ effort to become
    autonomy and mutuality in marriage.”                   by his comments on the Church as communion, more grounded in the moment and capable of
    Judith and Jack Balswick                               based on our innate social nature.”             living fully and enjoying life with others and
                                                           Msgr. Charles Quinn                             with God?
    Paper: 978-1-56548-591-4               $14.95
                                                           Paper: 978-1-56548-566 -2           $11.95      Paper: 978-1-56548-367-5                  $5.95

                                                                      800-462-5980 (ext.1) 845-229-0335 Fax: 845-229-0351
Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
15 Days of Prayer Series                                                                                    Over 20 titles in the series

   Paperback, 4 1/2 in. x 7 1/2 in.                                                 Each volume contains:
   Daily meditations with beloved spiritual leaders and saints.                      •    A brief biography of the saint or spiritual leader
   The 15 Days of Prayer series have been published all over                         •    A guide to creating a format for prayer or retreat
   the world for over 30 years in multiple languages and                             •    Fifteen meditation sessions
   originated in France with our sister company, Nouvelle Cité.                      •    Focus points and reflection questions

                     15 Days of Prayer with                                15 Days of Prayer with                                15 Days of Prayer with
                     Saint Francis of Assisi                               Saint Eugene                                          Saint Catherine of Siena
                     Thaddée Matura, OFM                                   De Mazenod                                            Chantal van der Plancke
                                                                           Bernard Duller                                        and André Knockaert
                       In 15 Days of Prayer with
                       Saint Francis, Thaddee                                 Eugene de Mazenod, the                              This 15-day journey will
                       Matura selects key texts and                           founder of the Mission-                             teach you to focus on Christ
                       provides a commentary that                             ary Oblates of Mary                                 and be transformed by
                       introduces the Poverello’s                             Immaculate, is not very                             him. The Cross is the central
                       gospel-based message.                                  widely known, despite be                            axis of these fifteen days
                       Those who may have only        canonized as saint in 1995. More unfortunate                                because it is the place that
an anecdotal acquaintance with the facts of           still is the fact that his rich spirituality, which   leads to God. This is the vision of spiritual awak-
Francis’ life will be astonished at the density of    takes Christs preferential option for the poor as     ening in Christ that Saint Catherine offers us.
his spiritual message.                                its centerpiece, suffers that same anonymity.         Paper: 978-1-56548-310-1                  $12.95
Paper: 978-1-56548-315-6                 $12.95       Paper: 978-1-56548-320-0                  $12.95

                     15 Days of Prayer with                                15 Days of Prayer with                                15 Days of Prayer with
                     Blessed Chiara Badano                                 Chiara Lubich                                         Brother Roger of Taizé
                     Florence Gillet                                       Florence Gillet                                       Sabine Laplane Brother
                     This very young woman, a                              Chiara Lubich, an apostle                             Roger was a Swiss Christian
                     person of our own times,                              of dialogue in ecumenism,                             leader and monastic
                     bore witness above all                                in interreligious dialogue,                           who founded the Taizé
                     to the beauty of being a                              and among people of no                                Community, an ecumenical
                     disciple of Christ.                                   religious affiliation.                                monastic community in
                                                                                                                                 Burgundy, France.
Paper: 978-1-56548-554-9                $13.95        Paper: 978-1-56548-513-6                 $13.95       Paper: 978-1-56548-349-1                $12.95

                     15 Days of Prayer with                                15 Days of Prayer with                                15 Days of Prayer with
                     Dorothy Day                                           Henri Nouwen                                          Bernadette of Lourdes
                     Michael Boover                                        Robert Waldron                                        François Vayne
                     Dorothy Day was the                                 Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)                               Born into a humble family
                     founder of the Catholic                             is considered one of the                               which fell into extreme
                     Worker Movement, who                                greatest spiritual masters                             poverty, Saint Bernadette of
                     used her faith to work for                          of the modern age. This                                Lourdes was only fourteen
                     social justice.                                     book reminds Christians                                when the Blessed Virgin
                                                                         that we are Gods beloved                               Mary appeared to her for
                                                                         children, that our God is                              the first of eighteen visits
Paper: 978-1-56548-491-7                $12.95        the One of unconditional love, who loves us           near Lourdes, in southern France.
                                                      now, with no strings attached.
                                                                                                            Paper: 978-1-56548-314-9                $12.95
                                                      Paper: 978-1-56548-324-8                 $12.95

                     15 Days of Prayer with                                15 Days of Prayer with                                15 Days of Prayer with
                     Saint Francis de Sales                                The Curé of Ars                                       Saint John of the Cross
                     Claude Morel                                          Pierre Blanc                                          Constant Tonnelier
                     Francis was a humble                                Known popularly as the                                  The ultimate consequence
                     servant of the poor and an                          Curé of Ars (Parish Priest                              of your 15 day journey
                     exceptionally skilled evan-                         of the town of Ars). People                             with John of the Cross
                     gelist, preaching Catholic                          noticed that he prayed                                  may be the deep mystical
                     doctrine with tremendous                            with great recollection and                             union with God that John
                     love and patience, often in                         celebrated Mass with deep                               placed at the center of the
                     the face of grave danger.                           devotion. Very soon, the                                Christian life.
Paper: 978-0764-805752                    $7.95       Curé of Ars had won the hearts of all.
                                                                                                            Paper: 978-1-56548-427-6                $14.95
                                                      Paper: 978-0764-807138                     $7.95

800-462-5980 (ext.1) 845-229-0335 Fax: 845-229-0351                                                                                                                   5
Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
The Works of St. Augustine
       A Translation for the 21st Century
       The Works of Saint Augustine, A Translation for the 21st Century in its complete form
       will be published in 49 volumes. To date, 42 volumes have been published.

    For an interactive pdf version of this catalog, go to or send an email to

                                                    800-462-5980 (ext.1) 845-229-0335 Fax: 845-229-0351
Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
“New City Press and the Augustinian Heritage Institute have undertaken a monumental and immensely valuable
   project.… I am already grateful that I can recommend the excellent edition of The Trinity to my students with its
   detailed introduction, extensive critical notes, scriptural and general indexes and above all, its fine translation.… It
   supersedes all other English editions in every respect.…”
                                                                                                        Dr. Carol Harrison,
                                                                Department of Theology, University of Durham, England

                    Writings on the Old Testament - Volume I/14                                  The Trinity - Volume I/5 (2nd edition)
                    Boniface Ramsey, Editor.                                                     Translation, introduction and notes by Edmund
                                                                                                 Hill, OP, John E. Rotelle, editor
                    5 Works are included in this volume:
                    Questions on the Heptateuch, Expressions in the                               In the first seven books Augustine searches the
                    Heptateuch, Notes on Job, Eight Questions from the                            scriptures for clues to understanding the Trinity
                    Old Testament and Answer to the Jews.                                         and then defends the orthodox statement of the
                    The first four listed above have never been rendered                          doctrine against the Arians. In the last eight books
                    into English before.                                                          Augustine seeks to understand the mystery of the
                    Awareness of these works contributes to forming a                             divine Trinity by observing an analogous trinity in
                    complete picture of Augustine’s understanding of                              the image of God, which is the human mind; and
Sacred Scripture and provide one more dimension of his greatness.           in so doing, he also suggests a program for the serious Christian of
Hardcover: 978-1-56548-557-0                                    $89.00      spiritual self-discovery and renewal.
                                                                            Hardcover: 978-1-56548-610-2                                    $99.00
                                                                            Paperback: 978-1-56548-446-7                                    $39.95

                   Homilies on the First Epistle of John                                          The Confessions - Volume I/1
                   Saint Augustine                                                                Translation and introduction by Maria Boulding,
                                                                                                  OSB, John E. Rotelle, OSA, editor
                   Saint Augustine’s ten homilies on the First Epistle of
                   John are among his greatest and most influential                               Augustine undertook this greatest piece of writing
                   works. John and Augustine both develop the same                                with the conviction that God wanted him to make
                   central theme of love, exploring its meaning and                               this confession. The book in fact is an extended
                   implications.                                                                  poetic, passionate and intimate prayer. Second
                                                                                                  Edition includes an annotated bibliography by
                   Paperback: 978-1-56548-289-0                 $24.95                            William Harmless, SJ.
                   Hardcover: 978-1-56548-288-3                 $39.00
                                                                             Hardcover: (2nd Edition): 978-1-56548-468-9                    $89.00
                                                                             Pocket: 978-1-56548-154-1                                      $10.95
                                                                             Paperback (2nd Edition): 978-1-56548-445-0                     $29.95

                   On genesis                                                                    Essential Sermons
                   Saint Augustine                                                               Saint Augustine

                   This volume contains three works on the Book of                               From Augustine’s finest preaching, Fr. Doyle
                   Genesis: On Genesis: A Refutation of the Man-                                 has selected over 70 sermons that represent a
                   ichees, Unfinished Literal Commentary on Genesis                              wide range of subjects, including God, Christ,
                   and the third and longest, The Literal Meaning of                             sin, grace, conversion, martyrdom, sacraments,
                   Genesis.                                                                      marriage, wealth, poverty, Christmas, Easter, and
                                                                                                 living the Christian life.
                   Paperback: 978-1-56548-201-2             $44.95                               Paperback: 978-1-56548-276-0              $39.95

The Works of Saint Augustine - Set of 42 Volumes                                                 Index to The Works of Saint Augustine,
Hardcover: 978-1-56548-659-1 $2,888.00                                                           Translation for the 21st Century
                                                                                                 Compiled and Edited by Steven Cordiviola
                                                                                                 One single electronic file (pdf) contains Indexes to
                                                                                                 74 Works of Saint Augustine. The pdf contains over
                                                                                                 1,000 pages of indexes covering 15,000 pages of
                                                                                                 Augustine’s writings. All the volumes currently in
                                                                                                 publication by New City Press. Quick Search and
                                                                                                 Advanced Search functions apply.
                                                                                                 For information about this free download go to

800-462-5980 (ext.1) 845-229-0335 Fax: 845-229-0351                                                                                                          7
Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
Francis and Clare of Assisi Early Documents
       A collaborative effort of the entire English-speaking Franciscan family, this series presents new translations and
       texts about Francis in the early Franciscan tradition. In some instances, these texts are available for the first time in
       English translation; in all instances they have been annotated in light of recent scholarship.

       Edited by Franciscan scholars, Regis J. Armstrong, O.F.M. Cap., J. A. Wayne Hellmann, O.F.M. Conv.,
       and William J. Short, O.F.M.

                           Francis of Assisi: Early Documents                                               Francis of Assisi: Early Documents
                           Volume I - The Saint                                                             Volume II - The Founder

                           The Saint contains the following works: The                                      The Founder contains works by Thomas of Celano,
                           Writings of Francis of Assisi; The Life of Saint                                 Elias of Assisi, Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, and
                           Francis by Thomas of Celano; The Liturgical                                      others including The Beginning or the Founding of
                           Texts; The Life of Saint Francis by Julian of                                    the Order and the Deeds of Those Lesser Brothers
                           Speyer; The Versified Life of Saint Francis                                      Who Were the First Companions of Blessed Francis
                           by Henri d’Avranches; The Sacred Exchange                                        in Religion; The Legend of the Three Companions;
                           between Saint Francis and Lady Poverty; and                                      The Assisi Compilation and related documents.
                           related Documents.
                                                                                                            Paper: 978-1-56548-112-1                    $49.95
                           Paper: 978-1-56548-110-7                $49.95

                           Francis of Assisi: Early Documents                                               Francis of Assisi: Early Documents Index
                           Volume III - The Prophet
                                                                                                            The Index contains the following: Index of Subjects;
                           The Prophet contains works by Bernard of Besse,                                  Index of Names; Index of Places; Index of Scripture;
                           Henri d’Avranches, Ubertino Da Casale, Angelo                                    Index of Textual References for Primary Sources in
                           Clareno, Ugolino Boniscambi, Arnald of Sarrant                                   Inner Margins, and a Bibliography.
                           and others including A Book of the Praises of
                           Saint Francis by Bernard of Besse including                                      Paper: 978-1-56548-171-8                    $15.95
                           The Versified Life of Saint Francis by Henri
                           d’Avranches; A Collection of Sayings of the
                           Companions of Blessed Francis; The Tree of the
                           Crucified Life of Jesus; and related documents.
                           Paper: 978-1-56548-114-5                $49.95

                           Clare of Assisi: Early Documents                                                 Studying the Life of Saint Francis of Assisi
                           The Lady                                                                         William Hugo, OFM Cap.

                           The Lady includes the following documents:                                       Studying The Life functions as an extraordinary source
                           May You Live Blessed Poverty, Selected Letters,                                  book with its ready-made lesson plans and insightful
                           Testament, and Blessing; Together with My                                        commentaries on the varied aspects of the life of
                           Sisters, Toward the Form of Life, The Brilliance of                              Saint Francis based on the Early Documents Series.
                           Her Life, as well as various biographical writ-
                           ings and related documents.                                                      Paperback: 978-1-56548-397-2                $19.95

                           Paperback: 978-1-56548-221-2            $39.95

    Day by Day with Saint Francis                        Francis: The Saint of Assisi                             The Francis Trilogy
    Gianluigi Pasquale, OFM Cap.                         Joan Mueller                                             Thomas of Celano
    Day by Day contains 365 days of meditations.         The Saint of Assisi reads like both a love story         This volume contains three major texts of
                                                         and a biographical account of the life of the            Thomas of Celano. Three classic works appear
    Paperback: 978-1-56548-394-1         $24.95          most universally acclaimed saint.                        here for the first time in one volume.
                                                         Paperback: 978-1-56548-332-3           $19.95            Paperback: 978-1-56548-204-3         $24.95
    Simply Bonaventure, 2nd Edition
    Ilia Delio, OSF
                                                         Leading like Francis
    Simply Bonaventure provides an introduction          Carl Koch
    to the life, thought and writings of the medi-
    eval Franciscan, Bonaventure of Bagnoregio.          An introduction to the foundational principles
                                                         of servant-leadership and how they are clearly
    Paperback: 978-1-56548-484-9         $16.95          manifested in the life of St. Francis of Assisi.
                                                         Paperback: 978-1-56548-575-4           $14.95

                                                                    800-462-5980 (ext.1) 845-229-0335 Fax: 845-229-0351
Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
Spirituality of Unity
                    Essential Writings                                   Focolare: Living a                                   Chiara Lubich a Biography
                    Chiara Lubich                                        Spirituality of Unity                                A Woman’s Work:
                                                                         in the United States                                 Chiara Lubich
                    Theologians and leaders                              Thomas Masters and                                   Story of the Focolare
                    from many Churches have                              Amy Uelmen                                           Movement and Its Founder
                    acknowledged as unique                                                                                    Jim Gallagher
                    in Christian history the                             Through many personal
                    spiritual gifts poured forth                         narratives, readers will                             A biography with sharply
                    through Chiara Lubich. This                          discover the Focolare’s                              drawn characters that pres-
                    volume gathers her essen-                            essential spiritual and                              ents one of the ways God is
                    tial writings. It is a “summa”                       practical values, its history                        working in the world today.
                    of the charism of unity.                             and culture.
                                                                                                          Paperback: 978-1-56548-099-5         $14.95
Paperback: 978-1-56548-259-3         $24.95          Paperback: 978-1-56548-374-3,         $16.95

                   New Financial Horizons                                Chiara Lubich’s                                      Early Letters:
                   The Emergence of an                                   Communitarian Way to                                 At the origins of a
                   Economy of Communion                                  Holiness in the Light of                             New Spirituality
                   Lorna Gold                                            John 17: 11b-19                                      Chiara Lubich
                                                                         Paloma Cabetas
                    Stories of businesses                                                                                      Early Letters of Chiara Lu-
                    demonstrating their                                 Explores the concept ex-                               bich to her companions and
                    positive role and the                               pressed by Chiara Lubich                               others where the reader en-
                    possibility of being agents                         that the Lord doesn’t ask us                           counters the mystical side
                    of transformative change.                           for an individual holiness,                            of Chiara who is also the
                    The Economy of Commu-            but for a communitarian holiness in which each                            bearer of a charism, a gift
nion involves a worldwide network of solidarity      person must help their neighbor to become a          from the Holy Spirit in response to the special
among some 800 firms.                                saint.                                               needs of the Church and of the world.
Paperback: 978-1-56548-354-5         $16.95          Paperback: 978-1-56548-581-5           $5.95         Paperback: 978-1-56548-432-0         $15.95

                   The Art of Loving                                     Education’s Highest Aim                              A Handbook of Spiritual
                   Chiara Lubich                                         Teaching and Learning                                Ecumenism
                                                                         through a Spirituality                               A tool for Applied
                   Chiara Lubich draws her                               of Communion                                         Ecumenism
                   readers into the very heart                           Michael James, Thomas                                Cardinal Walter Kasper
                   of evangelical love and                               Masters and Amy Uelmen
                   gently challenges them to                                                                                  This Handbook is written for
                   start living it.                                      An educational philosophy,                           anyone who values deeply
                                                                         a pedagogy and a practice                            the restoration of Christian
                                                                         grounded in the vision of                            unity, especially those re-
                                                                         unity, in a spirituality of                          sponsible for promoting it at
Paperback: 978-1-56548-335-4         $11.95                              communion.                                           various levels of Church life.
                                                     Paperback: 978-1-56548-336-1         $14.95         Paperback: 978-1-56548-263-0           $9.95

   Pope Benedict XVI declared her ,Blessed, in 2010
   Blessed Chiara Luce Badano (1971-1990) was a girl full of vitality who suddenly fell gravely ill with cancer. Her perseverance
   and love has made her a model for us to imitate.
   “Chiara Luce is God’s response to the cultural crisis of today. Despite losing everything she never lost her joy. This DVD is a
   beautiful telling of her story.”
                                                                                                            Christopher Stefanick
                                                                       Speaker/Author & Director of Youth, Archdiocese of Denver

                    Chiara Badano                                                                        Chiara Luce:
                    A Teen’s Life and Beatification                                                      A Life Lived to the Full
                    Maria A. Calò                                                                        Michele Zanzucchi

                    Filmed on location in Italy, this powerful film tells the                            An inspiring biography as seen through her
                    story of Blessed Chiara Badano from her childhood to                                 writings, her parents’ eyes and her friends.
                    her beatification in 2010.
                                                                                                         Paperback: 978-1-56548-527-3         $12.95
                    DVD: 978-1-56548-424-5 		 $19.95

800-462-5980 (ext.1) 845-229-0335 Fax: 845-229-0351                                                                                                                9
Catalog Fall/Christmas 2018 - New Releases Best Sellers Best of Backlist
5 Steps Series
     Paperback, 4 1/2 in. x 7 in.

     The books in the 5 Steps Series provide bridge-building solutions and positive approaches to a number of current
     issues. Each volume presents five brief chapters (“Steps”) on a single topic including a relevant “excerpt” from a
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                            in the Classroom                                                       Tom Rowley
                            Amy Uelmen and Michael Kessler
                                                                                                   Presents simple yet important
                            “This practical guide helps teachers                                   ideas for raising a family that un-
                            and students to foster a learning envi-                                fold like a conversation around the
                            ronment where even the most difficult                                  kitchen table.
                            and divisive issues can be discussed.”                                 Paper: 978-1-56548-515-0 $4.95
                            Paper: 978-1-56548-629-4 $7.95

                  5 Steps to Building Unity                      5 Steps to Effective                        5 Steps to Positive
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                  Kevin and Katie Kelley                         Dennis Carr, Michael James                  Amy Uelmen
                                                                 and Hannah Trost
                  Encourages couples to                                                                      Helps you ask the right ques-
                  achieve a marriage full of                     Highlights leadership princi-               tions and establish parame-
                  love and beauty by putting                     ples with examples rooted in                ters that can produce actual
                  into practice the “Art of                      Ignatian Spirituality, Catholic             dialogue rather than simul-
                  Loving.”                                       Social Teaching, and a 21st                 taneous monologues in your
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                  and helps the reader                           tians to approach one                       ant ideas for raising a family
                  discover the meaning of                        another on the path toward                  that unfold like a conversa-
                  suffering which is often                       unity.                                      tion around the kitchen table.
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              David Carlson                                        of Jews and Christians
                                                                   Silvina Chemen and Francisco Canzani
              This book offers an approach to faith, unity,
              and relationship that recognizes the individual      These pages provide dialogue related concepts
              person and their situation, instead of seeing        for anyone taking part in the encounter be-
              people of other faiths solely as enemies or          tween people of different cultures or religions.
              potential converts. We call on people who love
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              Mary in 3-D                                          Martin Luther King Jr.
              Icon of Discipleship, Doctrine, and Devotion         Spirit-Let Prophet
              Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R.                             Richard Deats
              Presents devotion to this sacred icon in the         This compelling story of the Rev. Martin Luther
              larger theological and spiritual context of the      King, Jr. pastor, theologian, scholar, orator, civil
              church’s general Marian teaching.                    rights leader, martyr. Spirit-led Prophet chroni-
              Paperback: 978-1-56548-603-4           $9.95         cles King’s activities illustrating his nonviolent
                                                                   faith and how he lived it out in his ministry.
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              Gateway To Heaven:                                   Orthodoxy
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              Brian K. Reynolds
                                                                   Evdokimov’s Orthodoxy presents a masterful
              The most comprehensive survey of the origins         synthesis of the essential elements of Orthodox
              and development of Marian theology and spir-         traditions as they appear throughout Church
              ituality, at least up to the late Middle Ages, in    history, revealing the fruit born from the
              both East and West. It is beautifully organized      Russian diaspora in Western Europe and the
              and developed, and the abundance of primary          interface of Orthodoxy with both the Christian
              texts makes it particularly helpful.                 and atheist West.
              Paperback: 978-1-56548-449-8          $39.95         Paperback: 978-1-56548-369-9            $34.95

              From Big Bang to Big Mystery                         Leading Like Francis
              Human Origins in the Light                           Building God’s House
              of Creation and Evolution                            Carl Kosh
              Brendan Purcell
                                                                   This book clarifies the ten characteristics of ser-
              What are the origins of human consciousness?         vant-leaders as identified by Robert Greenleaf
              Can science and evolution explain human              and seen in Francis, and now in Pope Francis.
              development? Father Brendan Purcell tackles          It introduces the reader to the foundational
              these questions and many more in his study           principles of servant-leadership.
              of human origins that combines science and           Paperback: 978-1-56548-575-4            $14.95
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              Where To From Here?                                  The Hour of the Tiger
              The Christian Vision of Life after Death             Facing our Fears
              Brian Grogan, SJ                                     Megan McKenna

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              as: Could hell be empty? Can knowledge of the        the present moment every moment. It is about
              future transform the present? What will it be like   facing life and death, fear and love; about
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Family Life & Dialogues
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Table of Contents
 2    New Releases
 3    Spring 18 Releases
 4    Best of Backlist
 5    15 Days of Prayer Series
 6    The Works of St. Augustine
 8    Francis and Clare of Assisi
 9    Spirituality of Unity
10    5 Steps Series
11    Featured titles

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