Subject Cum Code of Annual & Semester Examination - Rashtriya Sanskrit ...
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Subject Cum Code of Annual & Semester Examination Year 2018-2019 (Examination Section) 100 RASHTRIYA SANSKRIT SANSTHAN Deemed University 56-57, Institutional Area (D-Block) Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 Ph: 28524993/4995, Ext. 232,233 Fax: Ph.011-28521258 Web. /
7. Semester System (English Version) 8 Details of question papers 8 Subjects at Shastri level 9 Promotion Rules 9 Re-appear cases 10 Outline of written question paper (S. level) 10 Semester system–Acharya level Outline of question paper–(A. level) 11 Evaluation of Sessional work 12 Medium & language at (A. level) 13 Examination Rules– (A. level) 13 (1)
´ ´ ´ 40+10+40+10 = 100 40+10+40+10 = 100 40+10+40+10 = 100 / 40+10+40+10 = 100 40+10+40+10 = 100 40+10+40+10 = 100 40+10+40+10 = 100 40+10+40+10 = 100 700+700+800=2200 (2)
4 % % (3)
l % l l l % % (i) (4)
(ii) 20 15 02 15´2=30 06 5´6= 30 20 1´20=20 % % % % % % % % ´ (5)
1´50=50 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) %, (6)
l l l l % (7)
Semester-System (English Version) The semester system has been introduced for the students of Shastri and Acharya courses of the campuses of Sansthan and Adarsh Institution. w.e.f. session 2018-2019. The syllabus has already been sent to all the campuses but for examination and result purposes, certain important points are being clarified below- 1. Semester system is for Shastri I Year, II Year & III Year and Acharya I Year and II year in 2018-2019 session and there after. Shastri 3´2=6 Semesters 2 semester per year Acharya 2´2=4 Semesters 2 semester per year Date will be decided. 2.1. Semester System is applicable to students of Campuses and Affilated Institution 2.2 Cases of old Students:- Old students following the semester course courses as ex-regular, improvement cases, Back paper cases etc. whether studying in campuses or in Adarsh Institutions shall also be allowed to appear in the semester examination of the Sansthan during the period as shown in the semester calender. 3. Semester-wise list of subjects is as follows- 4 A. Details of Question paper Shastri Course has been devided into three years and six semesters. There will be seven question-papers in Ist , 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Semesters. In fifth and sixth semesters, there will be eight papers. 4(i) Details of subjects to be studied at Shastri level The Three-year Shastri course has been divided into six semesters. There will be two semesters per year. / Vyakaranam 40+10+40+10 100 / Sahityam / Philosophy / English 40+10+40+10 100 / Hindi/ Regional Language 40+10+40+10 / 40+10+40+10 100 Political Science/ Philosophy/ History / Economics/ Sociology / Hindi Lit./ English Lit. / Shastras and 40+10+40+10 100 40+10+40+10 100 / Computer Science 40+10+40+10 100 40+10+40+10 100 Environment Education, (Only in third year 5 & 6 Semesters th th (8)
4 B. Per semester there will be two optional Shastra papers. The student has to select any one of the following Shastras- List of Shastras Subjects Navya-Vyakaranam Prachin Vyakaranam Sahityam Siddhanta Jyotisham Phalit Jyotisham Sarvadarshanam Dharmashastram Puranetihasah Vedah (Shukla-yajurvedah) Paurohityam Jain Darshanam Bauddha Darshanam Samkhyayoga£ Navya-nyayah Prachina-nyaya-vaisheshikam Mimamsa Advait-vedantah 5. Promotion rules for S-I , S-II & S-III per semester 5.1 These promotion rules are applicable to Shastri-I , Shastri II and Shastri III students of Campuses only. 5.2 There is no question of any promotion from Ist semester to 2nd semester. The promotion from Ist year to IInd year will depend on the total no of marks obtained by a student in a subject in both the semesters. It is also clarified that it will be compulsory for a student to obtain at least pass marks in each paper per semester. 5.3 However if a candidate of first year / II year who fails in any three subjects in Ist & 2nd semester examinations, or in 3rd & 4th semesters, he/she shall be promoted to second year/third year as the case may be, with the condition to clear all the papers in which he/she had failed alongwith the students of the concerned semester. 5.4 A student failing in both the semesters of first year in more than 50% papers and who does not obtain 36% in total as well, he/she shall not be promoted to II year. 5.5 If a student of II year fails in IIIrd & IVth semester then he/she will not be promoted to III year. 5.6 If a student fails in first semester of first year, or is unable to appear in the examination, then he will be promoted to II year on the condition that he will re-appear with the students of first year in the concerned papers alongwith his own third semester papers following the prescribed current course . (9)
5.7 Similarly if a student fails in second semester of first year or is unable to appear in the said examination, then he/she shall be allowed to appear in the second semester examination alongwith the fourth semester examination of second year. 5.8 If a student fails in third semester of Shastri II year, or is unable to appear in the said examination, then he will be allowed to re-appear in the third semester examination of II year alongwith the 5th semester examination of third year students. 5.9 Similarly if a student fails in fourth semester examination of II year or is unable to re-appear in the examination, shall be allowed to appear in fourth semester examination of second year alongwith the sixth semester examination of third year, following the prevalent courses of study. 5.10 Similarly if a student fails in the sixth semester of S III, or is unable to appear in examination due to any reason, he can appear in sixth semester examination of the following year in the prevalent course of study. 5.11 A student who has passed all the papers of all the six semesters shall only be entitled to be awarded the degree of Shastri. 6. Internal assessment for Shastri course The total marks per question paper, per semester will be 80 only. For sessional work 20 marks are fixed per subject, but for results evaluated 50% marks as 40+10=50 Minimum pass marks in each paper will be 36% per paper. The division will be based on the basis of total marks obtained by a student in all the six semesters of Shastri course which will be as under. 60% or more I Division. 45% or more but less than 60% II Division. 36% or more but less than 45% III Division. Above 75% Distinction 7. Re-appear/ improvement cases Any student desiring to improve upon the previous results of I/II/III years in one paper or in more than one papers, can also reappear in the required papers alongwith students of the respective sessions following the prevalent courses of study. 7.1 There will be no special arrangements for improvement/ Re appear cases. 7.2 Only one opportunity :- Students will be allowed once only to reappear as a reappear-case in one or more than one papers for improvement. 7.3 In improvement cases, the previously obtained marks of the student shall stand cancelled as soon as the application is received for improvement. After availing the opportunity as a re-appear case, the candidates will have to accept the result irrespec- tive of the fact whether the marks in re-appear examination are less or more. 7.4 A student has to clear all the papers within five years from the date of admission. ( 10 )
8. Semester System for Acharya I st Year & IInd Year Level. 8.1. The present semester system is applicable to Acharya I year & II year students of the campuses of Sansthan. For other students annual examination will be held as usual. There will be only four semesters at the Acharya level i.e. two semesters (1-2) in I year and (3-4) in the II year. In each Semester there will be five question papers. Each question paper will be 80 Marks and 20 Marks for semester work but in evaluation of marks 50% (40+10) 8.2.(i) List of subjects with code nos. which can be chosen for study are as follows– (Acharya Level) /List of Subjects Subject Navya-Vyakaranam Prachin Vyakaranam Sahityam Siddhanta Jyotisham Phalit Jyotisham Sarvadarshanam Dharmashastram Jain Darshanam Bauddha Darshanam Samkhyayogah Navya-nyayah Prachina-nyaya-vaisheshikam Mimamsa Advait-vedantah Puranetihasah Veda Paurohityam 8.2.(ii) Optionals Papers Some optional subjects are also available for students. The list of optional papers is as follows. Any one subject can be offered in I & II year paper V A, B in both the years. 1. Pali language and literature 2. Prakrit language and literature 3. Jainism and Buddhism 4. Material production for Sanskrit teaching/learning ( 11 )
5. Dharmashastra 6. Physical Education 7. History of Sanskrit literature and philology 8. Sanskrit and Indian Culture 9. Jainism-literature and Practice 10. Vedic literature and Upanishads 11. Ancient Indian Psychology 12. Introduction to Descriptive linguistics 13. Vastu 14. Indian theatre and Sanskrit Play production 9. Outline of written question paper at Shastri & Acharya level The written question paper at the end of each semester shall be of maximum marks of 80 only, per paper, per subject. 20% marks are reserved for sessional work. Time 2½ Hours. Design of the Question Paper Q. to be Q. to be Marks Total M. Set Answered A. Very short answer questions 20 15 15´2 30 B. Short answer questions 8 5 5´6 30 (Value points two) C. Long answer question 3 1 1´20 20 (Value points four) OR 10+10 80 Sessional work 20 10.1 Evaluation of Sessional work In every question paper 20 marks are reserved for sessional work. The sessional work will be evaluated as per details given below. NoteThe evaluation of the sessional work will be from 20 marks only but for result purposes per semes- ter it will be 40+10 i.e. only 10 marks will be added in the result. Thus every paper will be of 40+10 marks =50 marks per semester. Five (5) marks are reserved for the percentage of attendance. 10.2 Attendance (5) percentage of attendance Marks 70% –75% 3 76% –80% 4 81% or more 5 ( 12 )
10.3. Class-Tests There will be four class-tests per year in every paper. Five marks are reserved for class-tests per semester. Every class-test will be of 25 marks each. There will be two class-tests in every semester. The sessional calculation of marks will be done as follows Total marks 50 Sessional marks 5 Marks obtained 10 1 11–20 2 21–30 3 31–40 4 41–50 5 10.4 Seminar/ Project participation 5 Marks In every paper, one seminar or one project is to be organized per semester. Fifty marks are reserved for each seminar/ project work 1´50=50 marks Marks obtained in seminars or project work Sessional marks 5. 10 1 11–20 2 21–30 3 31–40 4 41–50 5 10.5 Library work 5 marks Library work may include: 1. Bibliography on the concerned subject. 1 2. Listing of new publications on the subject. 2 3. Bibliography of Research Journals. 3 4. Listing of Research Articles/ Projects. 4 5. Over all excellent works 5 10.6 Assessment Record of Sessional work Maximum Marks:- Maximum marks per written paper at Acharya level will be 50 marks only. Written question paper for 40 marks 10 marks are reserved for sessional work per paper per semester. Complete record of internal evaluation will be maintained by the Principal of the concerned campus. A separate proforma will be sent to each campus for sending the completely calculated record of marks to the Head Quarters for examination result. 11. Medium of language:- At Acharya level, the medium of language for answering the papers shall be Sanskrit in Devnagri Script only. For seminar work/project work, the small research paper shall also be in Sanskrit only. 12. Examination rules applicable to Acharya level courses:- Promotion Rules:-For promotion from A-I to A-II year, minimum 40% marks are required in each paper and also in the total. 12.1 Scale of the division:-The division will be calculated on the sum total of marks obtained in all the four semesters plus the sessional marks. ( 13 )
60% or more I Division. 50% or more but less than 60% II Division. 40% or more but less than 50% III Division. more than 75% Distinction 12.2 Promotion Rules 12.2.1 If any student fails in the total of first and second semester in more then fifty % papers, he/she shall not be promoted to II year. 12.2.2 A candidate who passes in any three or more papers in the total of first and second semester, he/she shall be promoted to II year but will have to reappear in the subjects, in which he/she had failed, with the candidates of next session. 12.2.3 If a student fails in first semester or is unable to appear due to certain unavoidable circumstances but passes in second semester, he/she will be promoted to II year, on the condition to reappear with the students of first year alongwith his/her third semester papers following the current syllabus. 12.2.4 If a candidate fails in second semester of I year or is unable to appear in the 2nd semester examination due to unavoidable circumstances, he/she will have to reappear along with fourth semester examination, in the second semester papers also with I year students of the next session in the prescribed courses of study. 12.2.5 If a student fails in third/fourth semester of II year or is unable to appear in the examination due to some unavoidable reasons, he/she shall have to reappear with the II year students of the next session in the respective semester in the prescribed syllabus. 13. Award of degree A candidate successfully passing in all the four semesters only shall be awarded the degree of Acharya. 14. Inspection of sessional work:- Complete record of sessional work per student has to be maintained by an institution for assessment up to 5 years for verification if required by the H.Q. Some exemplary and challenging assignments and summaries of research projects at institutional level may be sent to H.Q. for inclusion in the newsletter of Sansthan or for publishing in the Sansthan maga- zine. This will give an encouragement to students and the staff of campuses. The campus showing maxi- mum interest in such activities will be appreciated. 15. Re appearing/Improvement Any student desiring to improve upon the previous results of I/II years in one paper or in more than one papers, can also reappear in the required papers alongwith students of respective sessions. 15.1 There will be no special arrangements for improvement/Reappear cases. 15.2 Only one opportunity:- Students will be allowed once only to reappear as a reappear-case in one or more than one papers for improvement. 15.3 A student has to clear all the papers within five years from the date of admission. 16. Indiscipline of any kind shall not be tolerated. Due punishment will be given as per administrative rules. ( 14 )
100 100 100 100 III (NCERT) (NCERT) OR III 100 OR (Class VIII) B.S.Ed. , Orissa 100 OR 100 OR 100 OR 100 OR 100 OR ( 15 )
100 OR Sahitya Auouba (S.C.E.R.T. Manipur) 100 (English) 100 1. Honey DEW (NCERT) 60 2. Supplementary Reader as for Central Schools40 (Social Studies) 100 III (N.C.E.R.T.) III (N.C.E.R.T.) (Mathematics) 100 Mathematics Book III Part I, II (NCERT) OR 100 (Science) Science Book III/ (N.C.E.R.T.) 100 OR (Drawing) Kala Kunj Pt. 8 100 OR (Home Science) 100 Grih Vigyan Pt. 8 (Delhi Adm.) OR (Philosophy) 100 ( 16 )
100 100 A 100 B 100 ( 17 )
I I OR Bengali 100 OR Oriya 100 OR Nepali 100 OR Dogri 100 OR Malayalam 100 OR 34 Kannad 100 OR Gujrati 100 OR Marathi 100 OR Manipuri 100 English 100 Section A: Comprehension 20 Two unseen passages Section B: Composition 20 Letter writing, Paragraph, Composition verbal/visual stimulus (diagram, picture), graph, map, chart, table, flow chart, etc. Section C: Grammar 15 Use of non finites, sentence connectors Clauses, past tense modals: areas covered in (IX) Section D: Text Books 1. Beehive 30 2. Moments N.C.E. R.T. Supplementary Reader for class IX 15 ( 18 )
Social Sciences Units I-V 100 Mathematics/ Units I-VI 100 OR Drawing 100 (a) Still life Study, 50 (b) Sketches from life/nature 20 (c) Submission of portfolio consisting of five selected works 30 OR Home Science 100 Practicals 25 One Theory paper 3 hrs. Units I-VIII 75 OR Music 75+25 100 OR Science Units I-V 100 100 100 100 100 ( 19 )
100 100 A 100 B 100 OR Bengali 100 OR Oriya 100 OR Nepali 100 OR Dogri 100 OR Malayalam 100 OR 58 Kannad 100 Applied Grammar, Composition, Poetry, Prose Short Stories to be studied (6-10 Stories) OR ( 20 )
Gujarati 100 OR Marathi 100 OR Manipuri 100 English 100 Section A: Comprehension 20 Section B: Composition 20 Letter writing, Paragraph, A short writing task based on a verbal/visual stimulus Section C: Grammar 15 Section D: Text Books 1. First Flight 30 2. Foot prints without feet 15 Social Studies Units I-V 100 Mathematics Units I-VII 100 OR Home Science 100 Theory, Practical 75+25 OR Drawing 100 OR Music Hindustani 75 100 Practical 25 Science Units I -V 100 100 100 100 100 ( 21 )
100 A 100 (English) 100 A. Comprehension (10 marks) B. Composition (10 marks) Report, Writing or Composition or letter writing C. Grammar (40 marks) 1. Parts of Speech, types of sentences, Tenses, Clauses, Modals. (20 marks) 2. Editing Tasks Punctuation, Correction of Spellings, Grammatical errors. (10 marks) 3. Re-ordering of sentences (10 marks) D. Text Books (30 marks) 1. Hornbill (NCERT) (20 marks) 2. Snapshots (NCERT) (10 marks) E. Essay Type Question on clean India (swacha Bharat) (10 marks) A 100 ( 22 )
B 100 OR Bengali 100 OR Oriya 100 OR Nepali 100 OR Dogri 100 OR Malayalam 100 OR 84 Kannad 100 OR Methili 100 OR Marathi 100 OR Manipuri 100 ( 23 )
Optional Paper (any one of the following) Economics Ref. Books NCERT 100 Statistics in Economics 1. Economics-meaning-scope and importance of Statistics in Economics. 2. Collection, organization and presentation of Data-sources, methods, census of India, National Sample SurveyOrganization, Variables, Frequency Distribution, Presentation-Tabular, Diagrammatic. 3. Statistical Tools and Interpretation. (Means, Median and mode.) (Measures of Dispersion) (Correlation) (Introduction to Index numbers meaning, types, uses, Inflation) 4. Developing Projects (Demographic structure, Consumerawareness, Changing prices, Co-operative insitutions) Indian Economic Development 1. Economic Reforms since 91 (liberalization, globalization and privatization, LPG policies.) 2. Current Challenges (Poverty, Rural development, Human Capital Formation, Employment, Infrastructure, Policies, Economic Development, Effects of Economics Development on Resources and Environment. 3. Development Experiences of India (India and Pakistan, India and China, Development indications.) OR History Introduction to World History 100 Early Societies (15 marks), Empires across three continents, central Islamic lands, Nomadic Empires (25 marks), Changing Cultural Traditions, Confrontation (25 marks), Paths to Modernization-Industrial Revolution, Displacement of indigenous people, Paths to modernization (25 marks) and Map-Work based on above units (10 marks) Themes in World History (NCERT) OR Political Science Ref. Books NCERT 100 A. Indian Constitution at works. (50 marks) Making of Constitution, Fundamental Rights, System of representational democ- racy, Executive in a parliamentary system, legislature, Judiciary, Federalism. Local Government, Political Philosophy underlying constitution. B. Political Theory (50 marks) Introduction, Freedom, Equality, Social Justices, Rights, Citizenship, Nationalism, Secularism, Peace Development. OR Sociology Ref. Books NCERT 100 Introducing Sociology 50 marks) (Society, Sociology and relationship with other sciences, Basic concepts, social Institutions, Culture and Society, Practical Sociology: Methods and Techniques) ( 24 )
Understanding Society (50 marks) (Structure, Process, Stratification, Social Change, Environment and Society, Western Social Thinkers, Indian Sociologists-Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, G.S. Ghurye, D.P. Mukherjee, A.R. Desai, M.N. Srinivas) OR Biology Ref. Books Biology Part-I NCERT 100 Diversity in Living World, Structural Organization in animals and plants, Cell-Structure and function, Plant Physiology (Water, food, nutrients, gases, Respiration, Photosynthe- sis, growth development), Human Physiology (Digestion, absorption, Breathing, respi- ration, Body Fluids and circulations excretory products and elimination, Locomotion and movement, control and co-ordination) OR Mathematics Ref. Books Mathematics Part-I NCERTI. 100 I. Sets and Function (25 marks) (Empty set, Finite and Infinite sets, Subsets, Power set, Universal set. Venn diagrams, union, intersection, difference, complement of a set) Relation and Function (Pictorial diagrams, domain, ranges, Sum, difference, product and quotient of functions)Trigonometric Functions (Measuring angles, conversion from one measure to another, Definition of trigonometric functions with the helps of unit circle identities) II. Algebra (35 marks) (Principal of Mathematical Induction, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Linear Inequalities, Permutation and Combinations, Binomial Theorem Sequence and Series) III. Co-ordinate geometry (15 marks) Straight Lines, Conic Sections Introduction to Three-dimensional Geometry IV. Calculus (05 marks) Limits and derivatives V. Mathematical Reasoning 10 marks) VI. Statistics and Probability (10 marks) OR Geography Ref. Books NCERT 100 A. Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Geography as a discipline, the earth, landforms, climate, water (oceans), life on earth . (40 marks) B. India-Physical Environment Physiographic, Climate, Vegetation, Soil, Natural Hazards, Disasters.(40 marks) C. Maps, Topographical & Weather-maps Latitude,Longitude, time, Map-projection, Uses of weather charts,weather instruments. (20 marks) ( 25 )
100 100 100 100 100 A 100 B 100 C 100 (Computer Science) 100 1. Computer Appreciation: What is Computer? 2. computer Organization (Central Processing Unit, Memory, Input Devices, Output Devices, Multimedia, Computer Software etc) 3. Operating Systems (Disk Operating Systems, Microsoft Window, LINUX etc) ( 26 )
100 100 (English) 100 A. Comprehension (10 marks) (A passage from the text, followed by 5 questions each carrying 2 marks) B. Advanced writing Skills (10 marks) (A passage from the text followed by 5 questions each caring one out of three question [composition or writing report. 2 marks or writing report] between 150 to 200 words.) Report, Writing or Composition or letter writing C. Grammar (40 marks) (Changing the voice and Narration, combining sentences. Articles, Prepositions 20 questions out of 25 each questions caring 2 marks) D. Text Books (30 marks) 1. Flamingo NCERT, 2008 (five out of eight short answer questions [each caring 4 marks] (20 marks) 2. Supplementary Reader: Vistas NCERT, 2008 (one out of three long answer questions. [essay type with 100 to 150 words]) (10 marks) E. Essay Type Question on importance of Yoga (10 marks) ( 27 )
A 100 B 100 OR Bengali 100 1. Grammar (Phonology-Definition with five examples- Samibhaban, Spinihiti, Sarasangati, Swarabhkti,Abhisruti)-10 marks (Rhetoric-Definition and Identification-Anuprash, Slesh, Yamka, Upama,Shamashakti)-10 marks (Proverbs and Idioms)-10 marks 2. Composition (Personal letters (Friends and parents)-10 marks 3. Literature- Text book-Uchcha Madhyamik Path Sanchayan (Prose)Edition-2005 Lessons to be studied:- A. Prose (Biral, Tota Kahini-by Rabindra Nath Tagore, Shubh Utsav)-20 marks Text book-Uchcha Madhyamik Path Sanchayan (Poetry &Drama) Edition-2005 B. Poems to be studied-Attya Bilap, Ora Kaj Kare and Atharo Bacchar Bayesh- 15 marks C. Novel-Srikanta Part-I by Sarat Chandra Chatterjee-15 marks ( 28 )
OR Oriya 100 1. Reading Skills-10 marks 2. Writing Skills (Essay on current topic social and cultural issues (250 to 300 words))-10 marks (Letter to the Editor of Newspaper)-08 marks (Factual description of place or object)-07 marks 3. Applied Grammar, Prosody and Rhetories Applied Grammar-i. Transformation of sentences (Simple, Complex, Compound)- 03 marks ii. Idioms and Proverbs-03 marks iii. Correction of errors in words-03 marksProsody and Rhetorics-i. Prosody (Sama, Bisama, Matra bruta)-03 marks ii. Rhetorics (Anuprasa, Rupak)- 03 marks 4. Literature Prose-Prescribed text-Gadya Dhara, Orissa State Bureau of text book preparation and production, Bhubneswar, 2006 Lesson-Swadhina Chinta, Odia jati Kie, Kshyana, Manisa (2), Jatira Jibana O Samskruti and Madhu Sandhan (Questions-L.A.-1 out of 2, S.A.-2 out of 4 and Explanation 1 out of 2)-20 marksPoetry-Prescribed text-Padya Dhara, Orissa State Bureau of Text Book preparation and production, Bhubneswar, 2006 Lesson- Enu Kapota Guru Moro, Jagate Kebala, Mo Jibana Pachhe Narke Padithau, Mu Hata Bahuda, Barsha, Urkala Kamala, Chhota Mora Ganti, Grama Patha and Sarata Ratura, Janma(Questions-L.A.-1 out of 2, S.A.-2 out of 4 and Explanation 1 out of 2)-20 marks Drama-Buxi Jagabandhu by Mahorajon Das, Dasarathi Pustakalaya, Cattuck-10 marks OR Nepali 100 1. Grammar (Chhanda-Anustup, Totak, Indrabajraa, Shikharini, Basantatilaka, Sardulvikridit) (Alankar-Anupras, Upama, Rupak, Slesh, Vakrokti, Utpreksha) (25 Marks) 2. Reading Unseen (10 Marks) 3. Composition & writing (i. Patra-rachana-Vyaktigata,Vyaparik,Daftari, Samprak ii. Nibandha rachana- Aatmaparak, Vicharatmak) (15 Marks) 4. Literature (Prose) (30 Marks) (Stories-Machhako Mol, Pipako Hawaldar, Rupko Mulya and Chaprasi) (Essay-Dhan, Namastey and Sapana) Poetry-Ritu Vichar- Lekhnath Poudyal- (10 marks)Drama- Natak-Saadharan Parichaya, Nepali Natak ko Vikash Katha- (10 marks) Ref. Book- i. Madhyamik Nepali Vyakaran ra Rachana ii. Katha-Sangraha, Janapakchcha prakashan, Gangtok, Sikkim iii. Nibandha Sangrah. Janapakchcha Prakashan, Gangtok, Sikkim iv. Nepali Sahitya Parichaya-Purna Raiiv.Ritu Vichar v. Nepali Ekanki Sangraha, Siksha Vibhag, Sikkim Sarkar vi. Daak Bangla (UPANYASH) ( 29 )
OR Dogri 100 OR Malayalam 100 1. Grammar ( Elementary meters and alankaras-Upama, Utpreksha, Atishayokthi, Rupakam) (25 Marks) 2. Writing Skills (A general study of newspapers/magazines and periodicals in the language with the object of writing- i. Reports of simple events- (05 marks) ii. Letter of Editor- (10 marks) iii. Comprehension of an unseen passage followed by short answer question-(10 marks) 3. Prose, Poetry (50 Marks) Text book i. Sahitya Darpanam ii. Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad (Biography) iii. vidhura Bhiksha OR 109 Kannad 100 Text book-Sahitya Chandana OR Methili 100 OR Marathi 100 1. Grammar (i. Transformation of sentences-moods, voices,tenses-15 marks ii. Transformation of words-05 marks iii. Filling in the blanks with appropriate from of words-05 marks) 2. Unseen reading comprehension-10 marks 3. Composition and writing-15 marks (Essay on topical subject relating to Economic, Social and Cultural Life in Contemporary society and day to day experiences.) 4. Text books prescribed by CBSE-50 marks OR Manipuri 100 1. Applied Grammar (Number, Case, Sentence Types- Simple, Complex, Compound) ( 30 )
2. Prose and Poetry Prose (Madhab gi Qukchel Hongba, Sahitya, Inthokpa,Wakehing gi Nong and Sarkargi Chakari)Poetry (Meitei Kokil, Cring gi Leirang Amada, Mrigchatthiba, Manipur and Sabhata gi Phum) 3. Supplementary Reading (Tirha Tatra-ArambamSamarendra Singh) Manipuri Lila Mancha Published by Cultural Form Manipur OR Tamil 100 1. Grammar-15 marks 2. Letter essay writing-10+15=25 marks 3. Unseen reading & Comprehension-10 marks 4. Prose-20 marks, Poetry-15 marks and Non-detailed text book-15 marks Ref. books-Podhu Thamizh Class XII, Kathai Kovai-non-detailed Class XII (Tamilnadu Text Book Society) OR Gujrati 100 1. Advanced Reading Skills-10 marks 2. Effective writing Skills (An essay of 200-250 words on current topics)-10 marks (Story building from givenpoints)-08marks (letter writing-personal, professional, occupational)-08 marks 3. Applied Grammar (Identifying Alankar-from prescribedpoems only)-03 marks (Identifying Idioms-fromprescribed poems only)-03 marks (Transformation of Sentences in respect of tenses)-04 marks (Identifying casesfrom given sentences)- 04 marks 4. LiteratureProse-i. Four reference to the context questions based onall prescribed lessons (In four or five lines) ii. Two essay type questions out of four questions. Title-Mata Pita niAgna, Kanchan Ane Geru, Napass, Maji No Pyalo,Diwaliman Noker Gayo, Navun Darshan, Din Khoon keHamare, Shruti Ane Smruti, Indereshwarthi Ashram,Putra Shishyat Icchet ParajayamPoetry-i.Two Rasdarshan- Bhavarth from the given linesfrom the prescribed poems only ii. Two long questions out of four questions based on the prescribed poems only iii. Critical appreciation of any one poem out of three poems.Title- Mehulo Gaje Ne Madhav Nache, Janani, Phool vinSakhe, Mane Aej Samajatu Nathi, Biju Hun Kai na Magun, Koun?, Te Shun Kstuim?, Banavati Phoolone, Adhalak Dhaliyo Re Samaliyo, Tham, Tadko, Haiku. 100 Optional Paper (any one of the following) Economics 100 Ref. Books NCERT A. Introductory Microeconomics 50 marks Introduction-04 marks, Consumer Behavior and Demand-13 marks, Producer Be- havior and supply-15 marks, forms of market and price determination-10 marks and Simple applications of Tools of demand and supply-08 marks ( 31 )
B. Introductory Macroeconomics 50 marks National Income and related aggregates-15 marks, Determination of Income and Employment-12 marks, Money and Banking-08 marks, Government Budget and the Economy-08 marks and Balance of Payments-07 marks OR History 100 Ref. Books NCERT 1. Archaeology & Ancient India (Units-1-4) 25 marks 2. Medieval India (Unit-5-9) 30 marks 3. Modern India (Unit-10-15) 35 marks 4. Map work (on Unit 1-15) 10 marks OR Political Science 100 Ref. Books NCERT A. Contemporary world politics 46 marks Cold war era in World Politics-06 marks, Disintegration of the Second World and Collapse of Bipolarity-12 marks, US Dominance in World Politics-05 marks, Al- ternative centers of Economic and Political power-03 marks, South Asia in the Post-cold war era-05 marks, International Organizations in a unipolar world-06 marks, Security in Contemporary World-04 marks, Globalization and its critics-05 marks B. Politics of India Since Independence 54 marks Era of on party Dominance-06 marks, Nation Building and its Problems-04 marks, Politics of Planned Development-06 marks, India’s External Relations-06 marks, Challenge to and restoration of Congress System-04 marks, Crisis of the Consti- tutional Order-10 marks, Regional Aspirations and Conflicts-04 marks, Rise of New Social Movements-06 marks, Democratic Upsurge and Coalition Politics-04 marks and Regent issues and challenges-04 marks OR Sociology 100 Ref. Books NCERT A. Indian Society 50 marks Structure of Indian Society-05 marks, Social Institutions continuity & change-15 marks, Social Inequality & Exclusion-15 marks and The Challenges of Unity in Diversity-15 marks B. change and Development in India 50 marks Process of Social Change in India-10 marks, Social Change and the Polity-10 marks, Social Change & the Economy-10 marks, New Areas of Social Change-10 marks and Social Movements-10 marks ( 32 )
OR Biology 100 Ref. Books Biology Part-II NCERT 1. Sexual reproduction 15 marks 2. Genetics and evolution 30 marks 3. Biology and human welfare 20 marks 4. Biotechnology and its applications 15 marks 5. Ecology and environment 20 marks OR Mathematics 100 Ref. Books Mathematics Part-II NCERT A. Relations and Functions (Relations and Functions, Inverse trigonometric func- tions)-10 marks B. Algebra (Matrices, Determinants)-13 marks C. Calculus (Continuity and differentiability, Applications of Derivatives, Integrals, Application of the Integrals and Differential Equations)-44 marks D. Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry-17 marks E. Linear Programming-06 marks F. Probability-10 marks OR Geography 100 Ref. Books NCERT A. Fundamentals of Human Geography 50 marks Human Geography-05 marks, People-10 marks, Human Activites-10 marks, Trans- port, communication & trade-10 marks, Human settlements-10 marks and Map work-05 marks B. India-People and Economy 50 marks People-05 marks, Human settlements-05 marks, Resources and development-15 marks, Transport, Communication and International trade-15 marks, Geographi- cal perspective on selected issues and problems-05 marks and Map wrok-05 marks 100 100 ( 33 )
100 100 100 100 A 100 B 100 C 100 (Computer Science) 100 Unit-I i. Introduction of Internet-3 sessions ii. World wide web-3 sessions iii. Browsers-6 sessions iv. Electronic mail-6 sessions v. HTML-15 sessions REVISION-2 SESSIONS Unit-II i. Introduction to Business Data Processing overview of Business system-4 sessions ii. Introduction to visual fox pro-20 sessions iii. Overview of Business Applications- 8 sessions REVISION-2 SESSIONS ( 34 )
20 % 40 English English A. Intermediate English Grammar, A. Intermediate English Grammar, Raymond Murphy Ch.-1-15. Raymond Murphy Ch.-16-30. B. English at the work place, Part-I B. English at the work place, Part-I (D.U. Publication) Unit- 1-6 (D.U. Publication) Unit- 7-12 C. One Essay type Question on Integrity. Bengala Bengala a-f a-d a-e a-e Oriya Oriya Nepali Nepali Dogri Dogri Malayalam Malayalam ( 35 )
Kannada Kannada Gunamukha Manipuri Manipuri Unit 3 Manipuri Composition. (a) Essay, Unit 4, 5 Manipuri Composition, Comprehension, Amplification Precise writing etc same as in syllabus. Methili Methili Political Science Political Science Political Theory and Thought Political Theory and Thought What is politics?, what is political A. Concepts and thoughts (Indian,Western) theory?, The relevance of Political 1. Concepts: Identity, Citizenship, Theory. Why study the History of Property, Civil Society and State. Political Thought? 2. Western Thought: Thinkers and A. Concepts and thoughts Themes (Locke on Rights and (Indian, Western) Property, JS Mill on Liberty and 1. Concepts: Democracy, Liberty, Democracy, Marx on State) Equality, Justice, Rights 3. Indian Thought: Thinkers and 2. Western Thought: Thinkers and Themes(Gandhi on Swaraj, Nehru Themes (Aristotle on and Lohia on Democracy, Periyar on Citizenship, Rousseau on Inequality) Idemity) 3. Indian Thought: Thinkers and B. Introducing Political Argument Themes (kautilya on State, 1. Is Democracy Compatible with Ambedkar on Social Justice) Economic Growth? B. Introducing Political 2. Does Protective Discrimination Argument.(Understanding Political Violate Principles of Fairness? Argument, Is Censorship Justified?) 3. Should the State Intervene in the Institution of the Family? Philosophy Philosophy Logical Reasoning (classification of Logical Reasoning (Types of truth Propositions and distribution of terms) Functions (Negation, Conjunction, (Traditional square of opposition and Disjunction (Alternation), Conditional its Critique (Existential Import), (Material Implication), Bi-Conditional Immediate inferences: Conversion. (Material Equivalence), Shaffer’s Stroke Obversion and Contraposition.) function. Inter definability of Truth (Mediate Inference categorical Function.) (Truth and validity. Decision Syllogism, figures and moods, special procedures: Truth Table Method. rules governing each figure; rules and Reduction and absurdum.) (Formal proof fallacies. Symbolization. of validity using only first nine rules of inference.) (Predicate Logic: Universal and existential quantifiers. Symbolization of sentences) (Informal fallacies-definition and examples) ( 36 )
History History A. History of India Up to Eighth A. Dev. From 6th -4th cent B.C. Mauryas, Century A.D. Unit I Only. Post Mauryan period Guptas, Early medieval changes. OR OR B. Cultures in the Indian B. Cultures in the Indian Subcontinent. Unit I only Subcontinent. Unit II Architecture, sculpture & Painting, Painting, Popular Culture, Popular Culture, Communication. Economics Economics Principles of Micro Economics Principles of Micro Economics (Introduction, Consumer Theory (Consumer and Producer Theory in Reading: Ch.-6-7 (including action, Income distribution and factor appendices), Production and Costs, pricing, Market success and market Market Structures) failure, International Trade) Sociology Sociology Introduction to Sociology 1. Sociological Concepts & 1. Nature and Scope of Sociology perspectives(Culture, Institution and (Relevance of Sociology, roles, Order, conflict and Nature, Society and Culture, contradiction change, Difference and Relationship with other social inequality) sciences: social anthropology, 2. Theoretical orientations his-tory psychology) functionalism, Marxism. 2. Sociological concepts and perspective (Individual, groups, socialization, Structure, Function and process.) 40 40 English Literature English Literature Text-The Individual and Society Text-The Individual and Society Unit 3, 4, 7, 14, 16 & 19 Unit 3, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 & 31 ( 37 )
( 38 )
(Computer Science) (Computer Science) ( 39 )
% 40 1 1165 2165 2 1166 English 2166 English A. Intermediate English Grammar, A. Intermediate English Grammar, Raymond Murphy Ch.-31-45. Raymond Murphy Ch.-46-60. B. English at the work place, Part-II B. English at the work place, Part-II (D.U. Publication) Unit- 1-6 (D.U. Publication) Unit- 7-12 C. One Essay type Question on Anti corruption. 3 1167 2167 3 1168 2168 Fiction and Drama Fiction and Drama A. Aranyak-Bibhutibhushan Bandyo-padhyay A. Galpaguchchha (An anthology of short B. Galpaguchchha (An anthology of short stories)-Rabindranath Tagore) The stories)-Rabindranath Tagore) following pieces have been prescribed- The following pieces have been Shasti, Samapti, Aparichita prescribed- Chhuti, Strir Patra B. Buro Shaliker Ghare Ro-Micheal Madhusudan Datta 3 1169 2169 FictionBook prescribed- Danapani- 1. Sagara Manthan- Manoranjan Das, Orissa gopinath Mohanty, Cuttack Students store, Book store, Cuttack 1992 Cuttack 1950 2. Lakshmira Abhisara-manoj Das, Grantha Mandir, Cuttack 1997 3 1170 2170 3 1171 2171 ( 40 )
3 1172 \ 2172 1. Chithavishtayaya Seetha, Kumaranasan 1. Dronaparuam-Thunchathu Ezhuthachan 2. Kathasahithi (Stories)-Stories-1-5 2. Kathasahithi (Stories)-Stories-6-10 3 1173 2173 1. Hosanannada Kavya Bhaga, Part-3, Ed. 1. Koushalya Kannada, Ed. Prof. H. T. Prof. M. Chandra Shekaraiah and Prof. Krishnamurthy and Dr. M. S. Asha Devi Kiran Desai 2. Shabari (Novel)- Barayuru Ram- 2. Nalina Chintyaka-Shantha Hublikar chandrappa 3 1174 2174 1. Seirenge-Tamgadaba Lairik/Text Book 1. Wareng-Tampadaba Lairik/Text Book (Kanchi seirenge, Kamalgi, Chaobagi, (Kanchi wareng, Chaobagi, Minaketangi, Anganghalgi, Irabotgi, Minakentangi and Nilakantagi) Nabadwipchandragi) 2. Seireng (Makha Chathaba) 2. Wareng (Makha Chathaba) (Manihargi, (Niakantagi, Samarendragi, Shri Birengi, Manisana Shastrigi, G. C. Tongbragi, Madhubi rgi, Ibopishakgi and Ibomchagi) I R Babu, Rinodinigi) 3. Seireng (Makha Chathaba) (Yakeiba-Ariba Seireng) 3 1162 2162 4 1175 Political Science 2175 Political Science 1. Indian Politics in Comparative 1. Indian Politics in Comparative Perspective(i. Perspective(i. Approaches to the Study National movement and its Ideological of Indian Politics and Nature of the State Discourse and Political legacies ii. Power in India: Liberal, Marzist and Gandhian. structure in India Institutional and social Ii. Indian Constitution: Provisions and Caste-Dalit-Bahujan, class patriarchy iii. Institutional Functioning. iii. Federalism Human rights in India Rights in the Indian in India in Comparative Perspective with Constitution and Social Practices. Special Reference to Canada. iv. Party Comparative Study with Special Reference System in India in comparison with that to Experiences in China iv. Strategies of in the U.K. v. Religion in Politics: Development in India since Independence Secularism and Communalism. vi. Social v. Social Movements- Workers movement, Movements-Women’s movement, Peasants movement) Environmental movement.) 4 1176 Philosophy Ethics: Theory and 2176 Philosophy Practice(Ethics: A definition of the field and its demarcation from the fields of Ethics: Theory and Practice(Euthanasia, Female customs, conventions and laws.) (virtue Feticide, Capital Punishment, Cruelty to Ethics: Aristotle: Well-being Definition of Animals, Pulushartha, Niskama Karma, Virtue, Concept of the Golden mean with Buddhist and Jaina Ethics, Gandhi’s Concepts special reference to Courage and- of Ahimsa) Temperance. Moral and Intellectual virtue.) (Deontological Ethics: Immanuel Kant, Concept of Duty, Good will categorical Imperative.) (Consequentiality Ethics: Mill’s Utilitarianism) ( 41 )
4 1177A History 2177A History A. History of India, 8 th Century to 18 th History of India, 8 th Century to century(i. Century(i. Characterizing Early Medieval Emergence and Consolidation of Mughal State India ii. Social and economic conditions 16th -17th century ii. Akbar to Aurangzeb in India 8 th ² 12th century’s evolution of administrative structure manasab and Jabir, State political structures of Rashtrakutas, Palas, and Religion socio religious movements’ iii. Pratihars, Cholas and Rajput iii. Indian Agricultural production, land revenue, village Merchants in overseas trade 8 th ² 15th community, zamindars and peasantry iv. Crafts, centuries iv. Arabs in Sindh Polity Religion artisans and karkhanas, internal and overland and Society v. A survey of religious and trade, Indian merchants and overseas trade 15 th cultural developments including tartricism -18th centuries v. Architecture and painting under the Mughals vi. Mughal decline, interpreting and nathpanthis vi. Evolution of regional the 18th century.) styles in art and architecture.) OR OR 1177B Cultural transformation in Early modern 2177B Cultural transformation in Early modern Europe-circa 1500-1800 Europe-circa 1500-1800 (Key concepts and Historical Background, (The Scientific Revolution and the The renaissance, Upheaval in Religion, Enlightenment, Literary and Artistic The conquest of the new world Material, Developments, Transitions in popular culture social and cultural aspects basic reading.) and everyday life 1550-1750) 4 1178 Economics 2178 Economics Macro-Economics- Macro-Economics- 1. GDP and price level in short and long run. 1. Introduction to Macro-economics. 2. Money in a Modern Economy. 3. IS-LM analysis 2. Introduction to National Income 4. Balance of payments and exchange rate Accounting. 3. National Income Determination. 4. National Income Determination in an Open Economy with Government Fiscal Policy. 4 1179 Sociology 2179 Sociology India as a Plural Society-Religion, Sociology of India- Language, Ethnicity, Nation. Social Institutions and Practices (Caste, Tribe, village, Class, Family and Kinship, Gender) 4 1180 Hindi Literature 2180 Hindi Literature 4 1181 English Literature 2181 English Literature 1. Twentieth Century Novel-The Quiet Play: The Merchant of Venice- American-Grahan Greene Shakespeare 2. Poetry (Renaissance[Sonnet and Love lyric], 18th century and romantic, Victorian to 20 th century) ( 42 )
5&6 1182 2182 1182A 2182A 1182B 2182B 5&6 1143 2183 1143A 2183A 1143B 2183B 5&6 1184 2184 1184A 2184A 1184B 2184B 5&6 1185 2185 1185A 2185A 1185B 2185B 5&6 1186 2186 1186A 2186A 1186B 2186B 5&6 1187 2187 1187A 2187A 1187B 2187B 5&6 1188 2188 1188A 2188A 1188B 2188B 5&6 1189 2189 1189A 2189A 1189B 2189B 5&6 1190 2190 1190A 2190A 1190B 2190B 5&6 1191 2191 1191A 2191A 1191B 2191B ( 43 )
5&6 1192 2192 1192A 2192A 1192B 2192B 5&6 1194 2194 1194A 2194A 2194B 1194B 5&6 1195 2195 1195A 2195A 1195B 2195B 5&6 1196 2196 1196A 2196A 1196B 2196B 5&6 1199 2199 1199A 2199A 2199B 1199B 5&6 1200 2200 1200A 2200A 1200B 2200B 5&6 1201 2201 1201A 2201A 2201B 1201B 7 1454 Computer Science 2454 Computer Science) 1. Internet Technology and Protocols 1. Introduction to ‘C’ Language 2. File transfer protocol 2. Conditional Statements and Loops 3. Working with relational databases in visual 3. Arrays fox pro. 4. Practical work experience 4. Visual Fox pro utilities 5. Practical work experience ( 44 )
% 40 (i) 30 (i) 30 (ii) 10 (ii) 10 English English (i) Inter English Grammar 20 (i) Inter English Grammar 20 (Ch.91-111) (Ch.112-136) (ii) Fluency in English Part I 20 (ii) Fluency in English (Ch. 1-9) (ch. 10-18) 20 40 Bengali Bengali 40 40 Oriya Oriya 40 40 Nepali Nepali 40 40 Dogri Dogri (i) (i) 20 (ii) (ii) 20 (iii) Malayalam Malayalam (i) Samskara kairali (ch 1-5) 15 (i) Samskara kairali (ch 6-10) 15 (ii) K.G.S. Kavithakal poems (ii) K.G.S. Kavithakal poems (2, 3, 4) 15 (6, 8, 10) 15 (ii) Navakairali poems (1, 2, 3) 10 (iii) Navakairali poems (4, 5) 10 ( 45 )
Kannada Kannada (i) chandassu 20 (i) Harishchandra kavya (ii) Kannada Sahitya 20 Samgraha 4th part to 9th part 20 Charitreya Samiksha (ii) Keshiraja's Shabdhamani darpanam (Samgraha) 20 Manipuri Manipuri (i) Natak Lairki 15 (i) Wari Macha (Larirk) 15 (ii) Matric Pass 15 (ii) Wari Macha (iii) Upanyas 10 (Makhachathaba) (i,ii,iii) 15 Lairik/Text book Parineeta (iii) Wari macha (Makhachathaba) (a,b) 10 Methili Methili Political Science Political Science Optional A International Relations Optional A International Relation (Unit 1- 3) 40 (Unit 4- 6) 40 OR Cold war, globalization, contemporary world Optional B Optional B Administration and Public Administration and Public 40 Policy, (Units 1-3) 40 Policy, (Units 4-6) Philosophy Philosophy Plato, Descarte, Berkeley 40 Sartre, Russel 40 History of India History History of India 1750-1970 History of India. 1750-1970 (Unit I - IV) 40 (Units V-VIII) 40 OR OR Issues in world History (Unit I-V) 40 Issues in world History (Unit VI-IX) 40 Economics 40 Economics 40 Sociology Sociology Karl Marx, Max Weber 40 Durkheim, Erving Goffman 40 Hindi Lit. Hindi Lit. 40 40 English Lit. English Lit. (a) Latin America short stories 20 (a) Africa (i) Novel (ii) Prose 20 (b) poems 20 (b) India Novel, Play, Story 20 ( 46 )
20 40 20 40 40 40 40 40 (i) 20 (i) 20 40 40 (i) (i) (ii) (ii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (iv) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 47 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 i 20 i 20 ii ii 20 20 i 20 20 ii 20 20 ( 48 )
20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 49 )
% 40 Subject 01 Pali language and literature 40 02 Prakrit language and literature 40 03 Jainism and Buddhism 40 04 Material production for Sanskrit 40 teaching/ learning 40 05 Dharmashastram 40 06 Physical Education 40 07 History of Sanskrit literature and philology 40 08 Sanskrit and Indian Culture 40 09 Jainism-literature and pratice 40 10 Vedic literature and Upanishads 40 11 Ancient Indian Psychology 40 12 Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics 40 13 Vastu 40 14 Indian theatre and Sanskrit Play production 40 ( 50 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 51 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 52 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 40 20 20 20 20 40 40 20 20 20 20 i) 20 20 ii) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ( 53 )
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 54 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 55 )
% 40 i ii Subject 01 Pali language and literature 40 02 Prakrit language and literature 40 03 Jainism and Buddhism 40 04 Material production for Sanskrit 40 teaching/ learning 05 Dharmashastram 40 06 Physical Education 40 07 History of Sanskrit literature and philology 40 08 Sanskrit and Indian Culture 40 09 Jainism-literature and pratice 40 10 Vedic literature and Upanishads 40 11 Ancient Indian Psychology 40 12 Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics 40 13 Vastu 14 Indian theatre and Sanskrit Play production 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 56 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 57 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 58 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 59 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 40 40 ( 60 )
20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 10 10 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 61 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 62 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 63 )
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ( 64 )
Shikshacharya-First Year/First Semester Paper No. Subject Subject Codes 1550 First Paper Philosophy in Educational Process 1551 Second Paper Traditional Sanskrit Education 1552 Third Paper Educational Research and Fundamental Statistics 1553 Fourth Paper Education and Peace (or) 1554 Distance Education 1555 Fifth Paper Educational and Vocational Guidance (or) 1556 Educational Planning and Administration Shikshacharya-First Year/Second Semester Paper No. Subject Subject Codes 2550 First Paper Sociology in Educational Process 2551 Second Paper Information & Communication Technology in Education 2552 Third Paper Knowledge, Learner & Learning Process 2553 Fourth Paper Value Education (or) 2554 Adult Education 2555 Fifth Paper Inclusive Education (or) 2556 Educational Technology ( 65 )
Shikshacharya-Second Year/Third Semester Paper No. Subject Subject Codes 3550 First Paper New Trends in Sanskrit Education 3551 Second Paper Educational Research & Inferential Statistics 3552 Third Paper Comparative Education (or) 3553 Environmental Education and its Restoration Shikshacharya-Second Year/Fourth Semester Paper No. Subject Subject Codes First Paper Psychology for Individual Development 4550 Second Paper Teacher Education 4551 Third Paper Secondary Education 4552 (or) Curriculum Development 4553 ( 66 )
100 (English) 100 Grammar: As a Raymond Murphy's Intermediate 50 English Grammar. (Chapters 46 to 90) Text books: English at the workplace, Part II 50 (Delhi University Publication) 100 OR Bengali 100 Fiction and Drama OR Oriya 100 Fiction and Drama OR Nepali 100 OR ( 67 )
Dogri 100 OR Malayalam 100 OR /Kannada 100 OR Manipuri 100 Study of literary texts Methili 100 Optional Papers (any one of the following-) Political Science 100 Indian Politics in Comparative Perspective Units 1-10 OR /Philosophy 100 Section-A Ethics: Theory and Pratice 40 Section- B Euthanasia, Female Foeticide, 30 Capital Punishment, Cruelty to Animals Section-C Purushartha, Niskama Karma,Buddhist and Jaina Ethics, Gandhi's Concept of Ahimsa 30 OR /History 100 177A History of India,8 th Century to 18 Century. Unit I,II,III OR 177B Cultural Transformation in Early Modern Europe: 100 circa 1500-1800 Unit I & II OR /Economics 100 Macro-economics 1-8 Topics OR /Sociology 100 1. India as a Plural Society: 50 2. Social Institutions and Practices 50 OR ( 68 )
Hindi Literature 100 OR English Literature 100 1. Play: The Merchant of Venice: 30 2. 19th Century Novel (Oliver Twist:) 20 3. Twentieth Century Novel:The Quiet American: 20 4. Poetry: 30 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 ( 69 )
A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 ( 70 )
A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 Computer Science) 100 ( 71 )
100 (English) 100 Grammar: As a Raymond Murphy's Intermediate 50 English Grammar. (Chapters 91-End) Text books: Fluency in English Part I, Mac Millan 50 (As Prescribed by Delhi University) 100 OR Bengali 100 History of Bengali Literature OR Oriya 100 OR Nepali 100 OR Dogri 100 ( 72 )
OR Malayalam 100 OR /Kannada 100 OR Manipuri 100 Methili 100 Optional Paper (any One of the following) Political Science 100 215 A Optional A- International Relations Units I-V OR 215B Optional B-Administration and Public Policy Units I-VI OR /Philosophy 100 Section-A & Section B 60+40 Section-A 1. Knowledge and Opinion-Plato. 2. Descartes' Mind-Body Dualism and its critique by Ryle. 3. Berkeley's Critique of Locke's Theory of Material Substance. 4. Sartre's Critique of Determinism and his Humanism. 5. Russell and Copleston debates on the Existences of God. Section-B 6. Carvaka's rejection of Consciousness, critique by Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta. 7. Buddhist Theory of Ksanikavada. Nyaya and Samkara's Critiques. 8. Jain Anekantavada, Critique by Samkara. 9. Nyaya proofs for the existence of God, Jain and Mimamsa Critique of theism. 10. Samkhya dualim, Critique by Samkara. 11. Samkara's Concept of Brahma and Maya, Critique, By Ramanuja. OR /History 100 217A History of India 1750s- 1970s Units I-VII OR 217B Issues in World History: The 20th Century Units I-IX OR /Economics 100 Economic Development and Policy in India Section A: Issues in Development and Planning with reference to India Section B: Sectoral Aspects of the Indian Economy 1. Agriculture: 2. Industry: 3. Foreign Trade: 4. Prices: ( 73 )
OR /Sociology 100 Sociological Theories 1. Karl Marx 2. Max Weber 3. Emile Durkheim 4. Erving Goffman OR Hindi Literature 100 OR English Literature 100 (A) Latin America (B) Africa (C) India A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 ( 74 )
A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 ( 75 )
A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 A 100 B 100 Computer Science) 100 (Environmental Science) 100 ( 76 )
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ( 77 )
100 100 100 100 100 ( 78 )
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ( 79 )
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ( 80 )
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ( 81 )
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ( 82 )
( Shiksha Shastri ) B.Ed. (First Year) Paper No. Subjects Subject Codeses 1 1501 Education in the Perspective of Philosophy & Sociology 2 1502 Psychology of Learning and Development 3 1503 Informative and Communicative Technology of Teaching & Learning 4 1504 Language Education 5 1505 Sanskrit Teaching 6 Teaching of Modern Subject/Teaching of Modern Language (Any one of the following) (i) Teaching of Hindi 1506 (ii) Teaching of English 1507 (iii) Teaching of Social Science 1508 (iv) Teaching of Malayalam 1509 (v) Teaching of Kannad 1510 (vi) Teaching of Odia 1511 (vii) Teaching of Bangala 1512 (viii) Teaching of Dogri 1513 (ix) Teaching of Marathi 1514 7.1 Educational Management(Compulsory) 1515 / New Educational Trends 7.2 Any one of the following (i) Adult Education 1516 (ii) Physical Education 1517 (iii) Environment Education 1518 (iv) Population Education 1519 ( 83 )
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