Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...

Page created by Enrique Hodges
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...

& Life.
We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life.
Embrace your time here, and you’ll carry the lessons with you always.
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...
Do What Matters                                                                                    EXPLORE EVERYTHING
                                                                                                      Ask questions, discover passions,
We have a rich 166-year tradition of empowering students at our women’s college.
Today, we offer a personalized liberal arts education for both men and women.
                                                                                                      and learn relentlessly.
                                                                                                         In the same way we push students to ask questions and explore new
PURPOSE-DRIVEN EDUCATION                                                                                 ideas, we promise to do the same. While we have a distinguished
True to our Methodist roots, we care about matters of social justice, diversity, and                     liberal arts tradition, we also work to infuse creativity into our
inclusiveness. These values have underpinned the way we care, direct, and teach our                      learning experiences. We encourage you to stay curious and keep
students for over a century. Our founding motto in 1854 was “non quem sed quid,” not                     learning while you’re here and long after you graduate.
who but what.

In other words, it’s not about who’s who.
Your intellect, integrity, and faith matter
                                                         What sets the school apart is that it
most, and we’re committed to cultivating
                                                         doesn’t matter what background you
those qualities in you. We empower you                                                                                              My experience from freshmen to
                                                         come from or what you hold dear,
to share your talents and give back to                                                                                              senior year has been one of freedom to
                                                         you’re always encouraged to use your
others. And we support you along the way.                                                                                           explore life and new points of interest
                                                         unique differences and talents to make
                                                                                                                                    in my major of Behavioral Science as
                                                         a difference, not only in the community
                                                                                                                                    well those outside of it such as music,
MEET CHALLENGES                                          and at school, but out in the world.
                                                                                                                                    philosophy, and biology.
Growing you as a leader is at the heart of               —Erica Cooper, Class of 2017
                                                                                                                                    —Ashley Patterson, Class of 2020
what we do. We have a range of leadership
programs—from a dedicated minor in
leadership to specialized courses, training,
and experiential learning. You have unique gifts to offer the world. We help you explore
those talents and give you the tools to build courage, commitment, confidence, and

     I have always felt my professors’ sincerity in wanting me to
     succeed not only as an academic, but as a successful and
     independent woman in society.

     —Maryam Azeem, Class of 2020
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...

                                                                                                                                                                             Tailored to You
                     Accounting, B.S.                                 Early Childhood Education, B.A. certifying to teach

                 Behavioral Science, B.A.                                           Educational Studies, B.A.

                   Biology, B.A or B.S.                                  Elementary Education, B.A. certifying to teach

              Business Administration, B.A.                                               English, B.A.
Concentrations: Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Management
                                                                                 English, B.A. certifying to teach                                                  With an 11 to 1 student teacher ratio, we take pride in the
           or Marketing or Sports Management

              Business Administration, B.S                                            Exercise Science, B.S.                                                        individualized care we provide each student. Our professors
Concentrations: Business Administration; Business Analytics
                                                                                    Forensic Psychology, B.S.                                                       will know you and your interests. Want to attend a conference?
                  Chemistry, B.A. or B.S.                                                                                                                           Interested in a research project? Have your eyes set on an
                                                                         Human Development and Family Studies, B.A.
     Concentrations for B.S.: Biochemistry or Chemistry

                  Communication, B.A.
                                                                               Individualized Studies, B.A. or B.S.                                                 internship? They’ll help you pave the road to get there.
       Concentrations: Professional Communication,                            Interdisciplinary Studies, B.A. or B.S.
             Digital Media, Public Relations
                                                                        Middle Level Education, B.A. certifying to teach
    Community and Organizational Leadership, B.A.             Concentrations: English/Language, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies
                                                                                                                                                       No other college can compare to the amount of compassion
          Community and Public Health, B.A.                                         Mathematics, B.A. or B.S.
        Concentrations: Healthcare Management or                                                                                                       and genuine care the professors have for their students.
            Community Health and Education                                                 Music, B.A.

           Community and Public Health, B.S.                                                 Nursing
        Concentrations: Public Health or Pre-Nursing
                                                                                                                                                       —Kristin Wilson, Class of 2017
                                                                                      Political Science, B.A.
        Computer and Information Science, B.A.
                                                                                         Psychology, B.A.
        Computer and Information Science, B.S.
    Concentrations: Computer Science or Cyber Security                                   Psychology, B.S.

                  Criminal Justice, B.A.                                                Social Work, B.A.
            Concentrations: General or Forensic
                                                                           Special Education, B.A. certifying to teach                                                   The Columbia College biology program is special because
                       Dance, B.A.                                              Speech Language Pathology, B.A.                                                          all of the professors genuinely care about their students.
        Dance Education, B.A. certifying to teach
                                                                                         Studio Art, B.A.                                                                The professors push their students to be critical thinkers,

                                            ONLINE DEGREES                                                                                                               independent learners, and collaborative teammates.

             Business Administration, B.A.                                          Forensic Psychology, B.S.                                                            —Scarlett Leigh, Class of 2019
              Business Administration, B.S.                                      Healthcare Studies, B.A. or B.S.
Concentrations: Business Administration; Business Analytics
                                                                                      Health Science, B.S.
   Community and Organizational Leadership, B.A.
                                                                               Human Services: Counseling, B.A.
        Computer and Information Science, B.S.
   Concentrations: Computer Science or Cyber Security                         Interdisciplinary Studies, B.A. or B.S.

                  Criminal Justice, B.A.                                                   RN to BSN
           Concentrations: General or Forensic                                                                                          My professors supported me from the moment
                                                                                        Psychology, B.A.
       Disaster & Emergency Management, B.A.                                                                                            I started at Columbia College. They were
                                                                                Speech Language Pathology, B.A.
       Disaster & Emergency Management, B.S.                                                                                            always there as helping hands, encouragers,
                Concentration: Fire Science
                                                                                                                                        and motivators. They’ve provided me with
                                                                                                                                        more than an education, they’ve given me a
                                        G R A D U AT E D E G R E E S                                                                    community of teachers to lean on for guidance
                 Athletic Coaching M.A.                               Family Nurse Practitioner, M.S. (Coming Fall 2021)                and support as I begin working in special
         Biology for Science Educators, M.Bio.                                  Healthcare Administration, M.A.                         education.
            Business Administration, M.B.A.                                Higher Education Administration, M.Ed.
                  Criminal Justice, M.A.                                       Organizational Leadership, M.A.                          —Maddie Hogdin, Class of 2020
               Divergent Learning, M.Ed.                                      Trauma Informed Education, M.Ed.
  Educational Administration and Leadership, M.Ed.
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...
Start Ready                                                                            LASTING LESSONS
We provide you with a liberal arts education, which                                    More than a third of our students participate in
gives you lasting lessons to learn quickly, teach                                      athletics, and they collectively hold a 3.35 GPA.
yourself, and share insights with others. These habits,                                Whether it’s on the field, in the classroom, or at an
skills, and knowledge prepare you to achieve the                                       internship, you’ll find unique opportunities to prepare
quality of performance that employers value. Graduate                                  for success in your career, community, and life.
with more than a major, graduate ready for success
throughout your career and life.

Gain Immersive Experiences
We have close relationships with top employers and work to bring you emerging
skills like emotional learning, change management, financial literacy, and more.
Our professors will teach you in ways that challenge you to adapt, think on your
feet, and express yourself fearlessly.


          CORA Rehabilitation Clinic, Camden, SC

          Federal Bureau of Investigation, Columbia, SC                                                                                                         WOMEN’S TEAMS
                                                                                                                                                                Basketball      Softball
          Floating Hospital for Children/Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
                                                                                                                                                                Cross Country   Swimming
          Girl Scouts of San Diego, San Diego, CA                                                                                                               Golf            Tennis
                                                                                                                                                                Lacrosse        Track & Field
          Greenwood SC Chamber of Commerce Women’s Leadership Council, Greenwood, SC                                                                            Soccer          Volleyball

          J. Marrion Sims Foundation, Lancaster, SC
                                                                                                                                                                MEN’S TEAMS
          Kayi & Wilkes Attorneys at Law, Washington, DC                                                                                                        Cross Country   Soccer
                                                                                                                                                                Golf            Track & Field
          Kershaw Mineral Lab, Kershaw, SC

          Midway Elementary School, Lexington, SC

          The Southern Institute of Etiquette and Protocol, Augusta, GA
                                                                                              The athletics program has invested their energy, time, and support in me and made me more
          Special Olympics South Carolina, Irmo, SC
                                                                                              confident in myself and my abilities both on and off the field.
          Walt Disney World Corporation, Orlando, FL
                                                                                              —Charlotte Daniels, Class of 2020
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...
Education Legacy

                                                                       Serve Others
                                                                        Find a just cause and fight for what you believe in.
TRAINING TEACHERS                                                       Represent the values of the Columbia College
                                                                        community in everything you do.

                                         L E S S       T H A N

11 1                                     $3,000
                                                                              I love the sense of community that we have here. It is literally a big
                         STUDENT                                              caring family. Everyone works together for the good of all and the good
          TO             TO FACULTY
                         RATIO                                                of the College as a whole. Not only that, but we work together as a
                                            P E R      Y E A R
                                         average out of pocket cost
                                                                              team to serve the broader community outside the College.

                                                                              —Tyler Brown, Professor of Mathematics

 30                 %
     o f g ra ds g et
   adva nced d eg rees
                                      UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS TO PURSUE
                                                                        Live Out Your Values
                                                                          We empower you to lead, influence change, and help others. Our unique course
                                                                          curriculum, engaged student body, and location in a Capital City give you
                                                                          countless opportunities to plug in, discover causes, and share your passion and
                                                                          gifts with the community.

                                                                                                              STUDENT SPOTLIGHT

                                                                                                              Meet Kennedy
                                                                                                              Kennedy Herndon was recently selected to be
                                                                                                              a Mayor’s Fellow for Mayor Benjamin. When she
                                                                                                              graduates, she plans on attending law school,
                                                                                                              and she aspires to be a Prosecutor at the District
                                                                                                              Attorney’s office in Washington, DC.
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...
GIVING BACK TO                                                                                      PLACE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM

                                                                                                    Our PLACE program is just one example of a collaboration we’ve
                                                                                                    formed with non-profits and community partners to help nearby
                                                                                                    neighborhoods in need. Admitted PLACE Fellows benefit from social
                                                                                                    justice training, paid internships, and countless opportunities to serve.
 Leadership Development
  We define leadership as the choice to use your education to                                 PLACE FELLOW SPOTLIGHT
  create positive change, not just in yourself, but in the world
  around you. The four Cs are an expression of this emphasis.                                 Meet Maya
                                                                                              ACTIVITIES & SERVICE
                                                                                              •      Organized the Sleigh-Bell Social—a fundraiser
                  COURAGE                                                                            to collect holiday cards and raise money for
                                                                                                     Transitions Homeless Shelter
                  Step up and accept the risks that come with reaching your goals.
                                                                                              •      Served in Girls Empowered at Eau Clair High
                  COMMITMENT                                                                         School, which inspires young girls to be leaders
                  Step in and embrace the values you hold dearly.                             •      Interned at Midlands Mediation Center, which
                  CONFIDENCE                                                                         resolves disputes related to discriminatory
                                                                                                     practices based on race, color, or national origin
                  Step out, chart your course of action, and seize opportunities.
                                                                                              •      Interned at Hive Community Circle, which helps
                  COMPETENCE                                                                         women and girls overcome the trauma of sexual assault
                  Step back, reflect, develop insights, and improve your effectiveness.
                                                                                                  Maya’s always loved non-profits, and after interning with two, she aspires to become a
                                                                                                  communications director at a non-profit.

                                      PLACE FELLOW SPOTLIGHT

                                     Meet Hunter                                                                My PLACE Fellow experience has helped me to be a life-long learner,
                                                                                                                a strong and confident leader, a kinder and more understanding
                                      She interned at the Columbia Museum of Art for a                          person, and a more competent working professional. I have learned
                                      full academic year, and she’s starting her Master                         more through the opportunities that PLACE gave me than I think I
                                      of Arts in Art Administration this fall. She plans to                     could have in any class or any other organization.
                                      work in education and engagement at an arts-                              —Hunter Huggins, Class of 2020
                                      related non-profit.
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...
Experience Community                                                                       KEEP EXPLORING
                                                                                           TOUR CAMPUS
CONNECT WITH YOUR COLLEGE                                                                  The best way to experience everything Columbia College has to offer is to visit
Here you’ll find people who value your opinion and want the best for you. Learn,           campus. We’d love to meet you and show you our beautiful 52-acre campus.
lead, and make an impact alongside your friends and classmates. With over 50               Sign up online at
groups on campus, there are activities for everyone.
                                                                                           AT TEND AN OPEN HOUSE
CONNECT WITH COLUMBIA                                                                      Saturday, October 17, 2020
Experience the energy of a Capital City and college town with 60,000+ students             Saturday, November 7, 2020
across the city. Our revitalized downtown is just a ten-minute drive down Main             Saturday, March 31, 2021
Street. We’ve got outdoor markets, dining, coffee shops, boutiques, and festivals as       Friday, April 23, 2021
well as an indie theater, art museum, and the State House.                                 Register at

                                                                                           A P P LY I N-P E R S O N O N D EC I S I O N D AY
Adventure is also just minutes from our city center—there’s tubing and kayaking on
                                                                                           High school seniors and transfer students can bring their application and receive an
the river, hiking at nearby forests, and fun on the water at Lake Murray. All that, plus
                                                                                           on-site acceptance decision.
beach and mountain getaways are just 90 minutes down the road in either direction.
                                                                                           Saturday, September 19, 2020
                                                                                           Saturday, December 5, 2020
                                                                                           Register at

                                                                                           START YOUR APPLICATION
                                     A L ACH                                               Our application is free, we offer rolling admissions, and once your application is
                                 APP          S
                                     UNT                                                   complete, we typically make a decision within one week.
                                                                                           Apply at

                                                                                           FILE FOR FINANCIAL AID
                                                           MB   IA
                                                   C   OLU                                 We’re committed to helping you access a personalized liberal arts education,
                                                                                           and we’ll help you explore your financing options. Nearly all our students receive
                                                                                           financial aid in the form of loans, grants, scholarships, work study, or veterans’
                                                           STO                             benefits to help pay for college.

                                                                                           FILE THE FAFSA BEGINNING OCT 1.
                                                                                           The first step in the financial aid process is filing the FAFSA—Free Application for
                                                                                           Federal Student Aid—which determines your eligibility for financial aid.

                                                                                           Columbia College’s School Code: 003430
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...
MAKING COLLEGE AFFORDABLE                                                                                                                    CAMPUS MAP
                                                                                                                                                                              CLAREND ON STREET

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                                                                                                   CARO LINA AVEN UE


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                                                                                                                                                  26                                                                                        20                                28

     We reward hardworking and high achieving students with scholarships from                                                                                                                            3                               MORGAN STREET
                                                                                                                             32                   23                     30
     Columbia College.                                                                                                                                                                       22                                 8                              19





     We offer a range academic scholarships based on your high school GPA and



                                                                                                                                  4                                                                     11
     We offer scholarships to talented student athletes. Visit to learn
                                                                                                                             H                                                                                                                                                             A
     more about becoming a koala.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          COLUMBIA COLLEGE DRIVE

     Know what you plan to major in? Some of our degree programs—like art, dance,                                                                                        12
     and music—offer scholarship opportunities.
                                                                                                          ACADEMICS                                                 10. Janet Alexander Cotter Alumnae Hall                                      22. Daniel Hall & Humphries Hall
                                                                                                        1. Ariail-Peele                                                       Alawee Gibson Tucker Conference Room                                    Commuter Student Lounge
                                                                                                          Division of Education                                               Alumnae Relations                                                       Free Store
                                                                                                                                                                              Office of Advancement                                                   Surcie Shop
                                                                                                        2. Barbara Bush Center for
                                                                                                                                                                              “The Parlor” (former Vera Young Thomas                             23. Hudson Hall
                                                                                                           Science & Technology                                               Memorial Library)
                                                                                                          Division of Business, Entrepreneurship &                                                                                               24. Kneece Hall — The Cottages
                                                                                                                                                                              Office of Communications & Marketing
                                                                                                          Technology, Division of Health & Science                                                                                               25. Knox Hall — The Cottages
                                                                                                                                                                    11. The Johnnie Cordell Breed
 SC SCHOLARSHIPS                                                                                        3. Center for Career Coaching &                                 Leadership Center for Women                                              26. McNair Hall
                                                                                                            Professional Development                                          First Level: Breed Leadership Lecture Hall                         27. Mirse Hall
     We also encourage you to go after state and local scholarships. For example, full-time               Office of Career Services/ Office of                                Second Level: Gibson-Tucker Board Room;                            28. S.C.A.H.P.E.R.D.
                                                                                                          Student Success                                                     Mary Adams Brown Grand Foyer; Office of                                 South Carolina Alliance for Health,
     South Carolina residents are also eligible for these generous opportunities:                       4. Cottingham                                                         Admissions                                                              Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
                                                                                                          Box Office                                                12. Maxwell House                                                            29. SC United Methodist Center
                                                                                                          Cottingham Theater                                                                                                                     30. Student Union
     PALMETTO FELLOWSHIP                                                                                  Division of Arts
                                                                                                                                                                    13. Athletic Complex                                                              First Level: Dining Area
                                                                                                          Griffin Arena Theatre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Second Level: Terrace Café,
     Up to $6,700 the first year and up to $7,500 year two, three and four                              5. J. Drake Edens Library                                             Price Pavillion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Student Lounge
                                                                                                          First Level: Library Reference & User Services                      Sutton Softball Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lower Level: Office of Residence Life &
                                                                                                          Second Level: Honors Program; Collaborative                         Younts Lacrosse & Soccer Stadium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Housing; Office of Student Activities
     LIFE SCHOLARSHIP                                                                                     Learning Center                                           14. Godbold Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 31. T.J. Harrelson Student Services Center
                                                                                                          Lower Level: Division of Communication,                         Athletics Department
     Up to $5,000 for meeting certain academic criteria                                                   Language & Literatures; Information                             Athletic Training Room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      First Level: Bookstore; Women’s Business &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Entrepreneurship Center; Post Office;
                                                                                                          Technology Services; Overton Media Center;                      Dance Studios
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Women’s Business Center of South Carolina
     HOPE SCHOLARSHIP                                                                                     Pearce Communication Center                                     George’s Gym Fitness Center
                                                                                                                                                                          Greer Natatorium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Second Level: Division of Student Affairs;
                                                                                                        6. Spears Center for the Arts                                                                                                                 Koala Pantry; Office of Counseling &
     Up to $2,800 a year for meeting certain academic criteria                                             Concert Hall                                                   Porter Gymnasium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Accessibility Services; Office of the Dean of
                                                                                                           Goodall Gallery                                                CAMPUS LANDMARKS                                                            Students; Office of Multicultural Affairs &
                                                                                                        7. Will Lou Gray                                            15. “The Columns” Gazebo                                                          Community Resources
     TUITION GRANT                                                                                         Division of Behavioral Science                                                                                                        32. Wesley Hall
                                                                                                                                                                    16. The Fountain
     Up to $3,000 for students who demonstrate financial need determined by the FAFSA                     ADMINISTRATION                                            17. The Green                                                                     PARKING
                                                                                                        8. Allison Administration Building                          18. The Mall                                                                 A, B, G – Visitor Parking
                                                                                                          First Level: Human Resources/Benefits                     19. Mitzi’s Garden                                                           C, D, E, F, H – Decal Parking
                                                                                                          Coordinator; Office of the President; Office
                                                                                                          of the Provost; VP Finance                                      STUDENT LIFE
                                                                                                          Second Level: Registrar                                   20. College Place United
 V I S I T CO LU M B I A S C .E D U / S C H O L A R S H I P S F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N          Third Level: Financial Aid; Financial                        Methodist Church
                                                                                                          Services; Payroll & Student Employment                          Children’s Garden Daycare
                                                                                                        9. Facilities Management                                    21. Columbia College Police Dept.
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...
1301 Columbia College Dr,
  Columbia, S.C. 29203
Career, Community, & Life - We prepare you for fulfilling work and a meaningful life. Embrace your time here, and you'll carry the lessons with ...
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