Cardiomyopathic Hamster Heart Cells - Phospholipid Metabolism in

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Cardiomyopathic Hamster Heart Cells - Phospholipid Metabolism in

                         Phospholipid Metabolism in
                    Cardiomyopathic Hamster Heart Cells
                         Hideaki Kawaguchi, Mikako Shoki, Hitoshi Sano, Toshiyuki Kudo,
                     Hirofumi Sawa, Hiroshi Okamoto, Yoshihito Sakata, and Hisakazu Yasuda

          We demonstrated that the activities of phosphatidylinositide-specific phospholipase C, inositol
          1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) kinase, and 1P3 phosphatase were enhanced in cardiomyopathic
          hamster hearts (BIO 14.6 and BIO 53.58) in comparison to control hamsters (Flb). Release of
          both arachidonic acid and prostacyclin was markedly enhanced by norepinephrine in the
          cardiomyopathic hamsters. Phospholipase C in heart has high substrate specificity to phos-
          phatidylinositol. 1P3 production was markedly enhanced in the cardiomyopathic hamsters. We
          also determined the intracellular calcium concentration, which was higher in BIO 53.58
          hamsters than in BIO 14.6 hamsters at 5-20 weeks of age. There was no significant difference
          in the intracellular calcium level between Flb and BIO 14.6 hamsters at 5 weeks of age. These
          results suggest that phosphatidylinositol turnover stimulated by norepinephrine may produce
          high intracellular calcium levels in both BIO 14.6 and BIO 53.58 myocytes. In addition, in BIO
          53.58 hamsters, some mechanism such as the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which controls the
          intracellular calcium level, may deteriorate in function. We concluded from these results that
          a prolonged high intracellular calcium level may lead to the death of BIO 53.58 myocytes.
          (Circulation Research 1991;69:1015-1021)

Syrian cardiomyopathic hamsters (BIO 14.6 and                        trisphosphate (IP3) and sn-1,2-diacylglycerol
        BIO 53.58) display hereditary abnormalities                  (DAG).9,10 DAG stimulates membrane-bound phos-
        of the cardiac and skeletal muscles that are                 pholipid-dependent, Ca2+-dependent protein kinase
inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.1 BIO 14.6                 C," whereas 1P3 releases Ca21 from stores in the
cardiac involvement results in initial myocardial hy-                endoplasmic reticulum.12"3 Removal of 1P3 occurs by
pertrophy followed by cardiac dilation and death                     two different pathways: hydrolysis to inositol 1,4-
from congestive heart failure.2 Calcium overload of                  bisphosphate (IP2) and phosphorylation to inositol
myocytes has been implicated in the etiology of these                1,3,4,5 -tetrakisphosphate (IP4).14-19 1P4 subsequently
abnormalities, because calcium uptake by the myo-                    is dephosphorylated to 1,3,4-IP3, which is relatively
cardium is increased and calcium antagonists are                     inactive in releasing Ca21 when compared with the
effective in improving the manifestations of the dis-                1,4,5-IP3 isomer.20 The physiological significance of
ease. It is thought that the cardiomyopathic hamster                 this extra loop of the PI turnover pathway is unknown
provides a useful model of human cardiac diseases                    in any mammalian cell system, but in sea urchin eggs,
such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.3,4                              1P4 has been shown to enhance Ca2' entry into the
  The primary event in the mechanism of action of                    cell.21 However, this phenomenon has not been
many different hormones and neurotransmitters is                     shown to occur in cardiac myocytes. This phosphor-
the receptor-mediated stimulation of the breakdown                   ylation/dephosphorylation pathway generally is con-
of plasma membrane inositol phospholipids.5,6-8 This                 sidered an integral part of the PI turnover pathway.
so-called phosphatidylinositol (PI) turnover pathway                    We have suggested that this aspect of phospholipid
generates two second messengers: inositol 1,4,5-                     metabolism may have an important role in inducing
                                                                     myocardial cell damage and cardiac myocyte hyper-
   From the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido          trophy. Accordingly, this experiment investigated
University School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan.                       polyphosphoinositide metabolism in the hearts of
   Supported in part by a research grant for cardiomyopathy from     dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamsters.
the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan and grants-in-aid for
scientific research from the Ministry of Education, Science and
Culture of Japan, 01870041, 02404042, and 02454250.                                Materials and Methods
   Address for correspondence: Hideaki Kawaguchi, Department         Experimental Protocol
of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University School of Med-
icine, Sapporo 060 Japan.                                              Experiments were carried out using male hyper-
   Received November 1, 1990; accepted May 24, 1991.                 trophic cardiomyopathic hamsters (BIO 14.6) aged 5,
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1016    Circulation Research Vol 69, No 4 October 1991

 10, 20, and 30 weeks and age-matched male dilated                Phospholipid hydrolysis stimulated by norepineph-
 cardiomyopathic hamsters (BIO 53.58) (Bio Breed-               rine also was determined in the presence of 1 ,uM
 ers, Inc., Fitchburg, Mass.).4 Fib hamsters were used          metoprolol. Triplicate cultures of myocytes were
 as controls, and each age group was composed of 10             biosynthetically labeled with 5 ,uCi methyl-
 animals. The BIO 14.6 strain of cardiomyopathic                 [3H]choline, myo-[3H]inositol, or [3H]ethanolamine
 golden Syrian hamsters develops the following char-             (20, 78, and 30 Ci/mmol, respectively) (Radiochemi-
 acteristic pathological changes: cardiac myolysis at            cal Centre). The cells were incubated for 30 minutes
 4-5 weeks of age, cardiac hypertrophy at approxi-              at 37°C with the indicated norepinephrine concentra-
 mately 20 weeks of age, cardiac dilation at approxi-           tions. The radioactive materials in the cells and
 mately 30-40 weeks of age, and congestive heart                medium were extracted, and the combined extracts
 failure at approximately 1 year of age.4 In contrast to        were   analyzed by thin-layer chromatography (solvent
 BIO 14.6 hamsters, BIO 53.58 hamsters do not                   system: methanol/chloroform/acetic acid/water,
 develop myolysis or hypertrophy before dilation. BIO           50:30:8:4, vol/vol) with authentic standards.
 53.58 hamsters gradually develop cardiac dilation at           Phospholipase C Activity
 approximately 4-20 weeks of age, which is accompa-                 For the determination of the cellular phospholi-
 nied with diffuse cell death; they also have a signifi-         pase C activity, cells (1 x 105) first were labeled with 5
 cantly shorter life span and demonstrate reduced                ,Ci myo-[3H]inositol, [3H]choline chloride, or [3HIeth-
 cardiac function at an earlier age than do the BIO              anolamine. Labeling was performed for 24 hours in
 14.6 hamsters.34 Therefore, the BIO 53.58 hamster               phosphate buffer with 0.3% fetal calf serum, after
 provides a model of cardiac dilation that contrasts            which cells were washed three times with phosphate
with the hypertrophic model of the BIO 14.6 strain.              buffer. Cells then were incubated with the indicated
 The Flb strain is an Fl hybrid of strains BIO 1.5 and           concentrations of norepinephrine, 5 mM 2,3-diphos-
 BIO 87.2.                                                       phoglyceric acid (2,3-DPG; this concentration inhib-
   The left ventricle was excised from each heart, and           ited the dephosphorylation of 1P3 and 1P4 by 98%),
 the blood was carefully washed out.                             and 10 mM LiCl for the indicated periods in the
                                                                 presence of 1 ,uM metoprolol; the incubation was
 Cell Preparation                                                terminated with chloroform/methanol (2:1, vol/
   Cardiac myocytes from BIO 14.6, BIO 53.58, and               vol).30 Phospholipids were fractionated by thin-layer
Flb hamsters were prepared in phosphate buffer                  chromatography with a chloroform/methanol/acetic
according to a previously reported method22 and then             acid/water solvent system (50:30:8:4, vol/vol).31 For
cultured in Ham's F-10 medium with 10% fetal calf               the separation of polyinositol phosphatides, the
serum until use. Freshly prepared cells were main-              aqueous phase was applied to an AG1 x8 column in
tained at 37°C in a humidified 5% C02-95% air                   format form (100-200 mesh; Bio-Rad Laboratories,
atmosphere.23 Cells then were subcultured for assay             Richmond, Calif.), and inositol phosphates were
in 35-mm dishes at 3 X 105 cells/dish in 1 ml phos-             separated by an ammonium gradient system (0.2-1.2
phate buffer containing 1 mM CaCl2 and were used                M) plus 0.1 M formic acid.32'33 For a more detailed
within 2 hours.24                                               analysis, including the separation of inositol phos-
                                                                phate isomers, samples were filtered and separated
Phospholipase A2 Activity                                       by high-performance liquid chromatography (Partisil
   Triplicate cultures of lx 105 cells were plated in           10 SAX anion-exchange column with a guard col-
35-mm Falcon plastic dishes in 2 ml Krebs-Henseleit             umn, Whatman Inc., Clifton, N.J.) using a gradient of
solution and HEPES buffer (pH 7.4) containing 0.3%              ammonium formate and phosphate.1617 The release
fetal bovine serum and 1 ,uCi [3H]arachidonic acid              of 1P3 also was determined with an 1P3-binding
(135 Ci/mol, Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, UK)                protein system (myoinositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate as-
and were cultured for 24 hours.25 The incorporation             say system, Amersham, UK).34 For the determination
of [3H]arachidonic acid into cardiac myocytes was               of DAG release,27 cells first were labeled with [3H]ara-
22±6%. The cells on the dishes were washed three                chidonic acid (1 uCi/dish) and then incubated with
times with 2 ml of the medium and then incubated                norepinephrine as described above. For the determi-
with norepinephrine at 37°C for up to 60 minutes in             nation of monoacylglyceride (MG) release, triplicate
the presence of 1 ,uM metoprolol (Japan CIBA-                   cultures of cells were prelabeled with [3H]glycerol (3
GEIGY, Osaka, Japan) to exclude the effect of                   ,uCi/dish) for 24 hours at 37°C and then were incu-
a1-adrenergic receptor stimulation. The lipids re-              bated with 1 ,M norepinephrine for the indicated
leased into the medium from cells were extracted                periods at 37°C as described previously.27 After stim-
with 2 ml ethyl acetate and analyzed by thin-layer              ulation by norepinephrine in the presence of 1 ,uM
chromatography.26-28 Further identification of the              metoprolol, 1P3 kinase and inositol 5-phosphatase
reaction products was done using high-performance               activities were determined in cells permeabilized
liquid chromatography.29 The retention times of                 with saponin (10 ,ug/ml, a concentration that did not
6-ketoprostaglandin F,a, thromboxane B2, pros-                  affect either enzyme activity).14 Cells were preincu-
taglandin F2, and prostaglandin E2 were 3, 5, 7, and            bated with 1 ,uM norepinephrine for 2 minutes, then
12 minutes, respectively.                                       saponin and the substrate (IP3 or 1P4) were added
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Kawaguchi et al Increased Phospholipid Metabolism in Cardiomyopathy                   1017

TABLE 1. Heart Weight, Release of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1,, and Arachidonic Acid, and Phospholipid Hydrolysis
                Heart wt/body wt
Hamster               (mg/g)                   Release of                    Phospholipid hydrolysis                  Release of
strain        5 weeks      20 weeks 6-Keto-PGF1a           AA    PC       PI     PE LysoPC LysoPI LysoPE           DAG          MG
BIO 14.6      3.9+0.2*     3.6±0.1         1.3±0.1t       15±1t 99 68±11t 99             1        0        0      9.5±1t 3t
BIO 53.58 2.7±0.2*         3.2±0.1t        1.4±0.1t       16±2t 99 62±4t 99              0        0        0      9.0± it 3±0.5t
Flb           3.4±0.4      3.6±0.2        0.4±0.1          5±2    99 87±3         99     1        1        0      3.2±1      0.8
   Values are mean±SEM. Heart rate/body weight ratio shown for hamsters aged 5 and 20 weeks. Effect of 1 M norepinephrine shown on
release of 6-ketoprostaglandin F,,, (6-keto-PGFia) and arachidonic acid (AA); total 6-keto-PGFia release shown as percentage of total
incorporated [3H]AA. Phospholipid hydrolysis stimulated by norepinephrine shown as percentage ottincorporated radioactivity migrating
with phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), lysoPC, lysoPI, and lysoPE. Effect of 1 M
norepinephrine shown on release of diacylglyceride (DAG) and monoacylglyceride (MG) from myocytes.
1018            Circulation Research Vol 69, No 4 October 1991

                           (A)                            (B)                                         (A)                      (B)


                                                                                9-                               x

                                                                                a                                0
                                                                                aU60)*                           X


                  Incubation Time (min)             -Log[NEJ M
                                                                                                30      60
            40              (C)               40-       (D)                                     Time(sec)                 Time(sec)
                                                                            FIGURE 2. Effect of norepinephrine stimulation on inositol
            30                                30                            monophosphate (IP; panel A) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphos-
                                                                            phate (IP3; panel B) production in cardiomyopathic and Flb
        ' 20                              20'                               hamsters aged 10 weeks, determined as described in "Materi-
                                                                            als and Methods." A, BIO 14.6 hamsters; *, BIO 53.58
        k                                 k                                 hamsters; o, Flb hamsters.

                                                                            and BIO 53.58 hamsters (Figure 4, p
Kawaguchi et al Increased Phospholipid Metabolism in Cardiomyopathy                         1019


            0                                                                 0     300 7
            Ir            3
                                                                              E                                              *t
             CL                                                               E
             '-                                                               0     200   -                       *t    *
             02                                                               0_.
             1.. a

                                                                                                   5               10            20        30
                                       Time(sec)                                                        AGE(WEEKS)
FIGURE 4. Effects of norepinephrine on inositol 1,3,4,5-                     FIGURE 6. Effects of norepinephrine stimulation on inositol
tetrakisphosphate (IP4) release in cells of cardiomyopathic                  1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) release in BIO 14.6 hamsters
and Flb hamsters aged 10 weeks, determined as described in                   (hatched bars), BIO 53.58 hamsters aged 5-30 weeks (cross-
"Materials and Methods." A, BIO 14.6 hamsters; *, BIO                        hatched bars), and Flb hamsters (open bars). Each activity
53.58 hamsters; o, Flb hamsters.                                             was determined as described in "Materials and Methods" in
                                                                             the presence of 1 MM metoprolol. *p
1020     Circulation Research Vol 69, No 4 October 1991

levels of radioactive choline and ethanolamine in the               Recently, it was reported that diminished f-adren-
medium showed only small changes, but an increase in             ergic receptor responsiveness and cardiac dilation in
the level of inositol was observed. These results sug-           heart of BIO 53.58 hamsters are associated with a
gested that norepinephrine stimulated phospholipase              functional abnormality of the guanine nucleotide-bind-
C, which has substrate specificity toward PI. After the          ing regulatory protein that stimulates adenylyl cyclase
activation of phospholipase C, some of the arachi-               (GS).45 In contrast, the present results show that a1-
donic acid released was converted to prostacyclin.               adrenergic receptor stimulation may cause intracellular
   We tried to characterize the phospholipase C                  calcium overload because of deterioration of sarcoplas-
activity stimulated by a1-adrenergic receptor stimu-             mic reticulum function in BIO 53.58 hamsters.
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Phospholipid metabolism in cardiomyopathic hamster heart cells.
    H Kawaguchi, M Shoki, H Sano, T Kudo, H Sawa, H Okamoto, Y Sakata and H Yasuda

                                       Circ Res. 1991;69:1015-1021
                                      doi: 10.1161/01.RES.69.4.1015
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