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Carbon Emission Avoidance Study 2020/2021 TeamViewer DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy © 2021 | ISSN 1863-0553 | Version 1.0, Feb-21 | Publisher: Dr.-Ing. Thomas M. Fleissner Comparative DFGE: Miriam Emissions/Study Eimannsberger Dr. Alice Beining / Dr.-Ing. Thomas Dreier TeamViewer: Stefan Gaiser / Alexander Gührer
Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Methodological approach 4 2.1. Greenhouse Gas Protocol on avoided emissions 4 2.2. Product Carbon Footprint 4 2.3. Use case cluster and influencing factors 5 2.4. Business-As-Usual scenario (BAU System) 7 2.5. Quantitative and qualitative analysis 9 3. Study results 10 4. Conclusion and outlook 12 5. Index and references 13 2
1 Introduction With increasing use of digital services worldwide, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector became a fast-growing industry globally. Where on the one hand this can improve living situations, work life and standards it could also lead to an increase in global greenhouse gas emissions reliably creating an impact on climate change. In fact, the provision of digital services demands energy for operating large data centres. Despite increasing energy demand of data centres, the question on how digitalisation contributes to a more sustainable world has arisen. Studies show that ICT has a high potential of enabling low-carbon solutions and could, thus, cut global “Business-as-usual” greenhouse gas emissions by 15%1. In order to understand the impact of its business on climate change, TeamViewer, a company providing cloud-based software solutions to access and remotely control networked devices and to enable online support and collaboration across the globe, appointed DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy to conduct a study on the climate impact of its business. The goal was to examine the possible enabling effect of its products towards helping customers to avoid emissions. The objective of the study was to calculate a valid greenhouse gas emission inventory for the complete solutions portfolio of TeamViewer. Furthermore, the goal was to determine the positive or negative effect of its services on emissions in comparison to a Business-as-usual scenario where ICT solutions are not available - a comparative emissions study. Covered are all lifecycle emissions starting with the product emissions from data centres and data traffic as well as emissions from the electricity needed for running the products on the user’s devices. TeamViewer products allow for activities to occur remotely rather than on site. Therefore, the underlying assumption for the comparative scenario is that the activities would occur on site rather than remotely leading to CO2-emissions because of travel activities. The comparative scenario covered emissions from travelling including potentially travelled distances, mode of transport and travel frequency. The analysis and calculation were based on literature research, a customer survey and expert interviews. Reference year for the emissions balance is the calendar year 2019. The case studies were conducted in 2020. 1 GeSi and BCG, p. 6 3
2 Methodological approach 2.1 Greenhouse Gas Protocol on avoided emissions The figure below shows the overall structure and framework of the comparative emissions study. The different components, the product carbon footprint, the Business-as-usual (BAU) system and the quantitative and qualitative analysis are explained in the following sections. Figure 2-1: PCF and comparative emissions structure and framework The Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) builds the basis of the study, representing the overall emissions of the TeamViewer portfolio considering use clusters and use frequencies. The Business-as-usual Scenario or BAU-System embraces the alternative scenario in which TeamViewer solutions were not available and user needed to travel to substitute what is gained by TeamViewer solutions. The quantitative and qualitative analysis consists of an online customer survey and customer expert interviews to gain valuable data and test the underlying study hypothesis. 2.2 Product Carbon Footprint The basic element of this study was TeamViewer’s Corporate Carbon Footprint conducted in 2020, which covers the overall amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and six other greenhouse gas emissions2 associated with the entire activities of a company including Scope 3 emissions in the up- and downstream value chain. Based on this assessment, the Product Carbon Footprint was developed analysing the life-cycle emissions of the complete TeamViewer Solutions Portfolio (Figure 2-2). The functional unit of this ICT System was the service provision of TeamViewer services in a year, including the products 2 The Carbon Footprint and the comparative emissions assessment include emissions of CO2 and six other greenhouse gas types specified in the Kyoto Protocol and adopted by the GHG Protocol standard: methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) - GHG Protocol 2013 4
TeamViewer, TeamViewer Meeting, TeamViewer Pilot and TeamViewer IOT. To estimate emissions on a product level the allocation approach was chosen with yearly overall emissions as basis. The allocation was performed by using output of the analysed solution compared to the overall share especially with the share of data traffic needed and time used for each solution. Figure 2-2: Life cycle stages of a product in relation to Corporate Carbon Footprint scopes defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol3 The Carbon Footprint calculations are oriented on the accounting and reporting framework developed by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, namely the “Corporate Standard”, “Scope 3 Standard”, and “Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard”4. For evaluating product emissions specifically for the TeamViewer portfolio and considering sector specific requirements, the ICT Sector guidance “ICT Sector Guidance built on the GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard” was used as an additional methodological framework for the Carbon Footprint calculation.5 2.3 Use case cluster and influencing factors To calculate the emissions of the ICT system model it was necessary to cluster the possible use habits into use cases applicable for the TeamViewer product portfolio. The criteria for the use cases to be set were driven by data availability, applicability and practicability. In order to decrease complexity the use cases were clustered around three criteria: i) TeamViewer solution and session duration, ii) distance bridged per connection and iii) frequency of use. The figure below shows the three criteria applied to the ICT System resulting in 54 use cases. Each cuboid is a specific use case within the ICT portfolio dimensions for calculating the ICT System emissions. 3 GHG Protocol 2011 4 GHG Protocol 2011 5 ICT Sector Guidance 2017 5
Figure 2-3: TeamViewer clustering criteria for 54 use cases The session duration separation was applied to TeamViewer with dividing it into short (less than 30 minutes) and long sessions (more than 30 minutes). The product use frequencies were divided into three categories of high frequency (product use at least once a week), medium frequency (product is used less than weekly but at least once a month) and high frequency (used less than every month). The distances bridged for occurring connections were divided into three ranges. It was aimed for applying distances that consider the modal choices and travel habits. Less than 10 km was chosen to include inter-company and inter-city connections that potentially influence the alternative travelling habits. 10 to 200 km was chosen due to literature findings suggesting that business and personal trips have an average travel distance of 150 km and 200 km respectively6. Furthermore, at a distance longer than 200 km airplanes can begin to be chosen for transport7 and, thus, this modal choice with a large impact on emissions begins to come into effect here. Only connections lasting longer than 30 seconds were taken into account to avoid counting misconnections. Also taken into consideration were the total use time of TeamViewer solutions in 2019. This value was used as basis for calculating emission from electricity consumption due to using TeamViewer with an average laptop. An additional input data point was the maximum storage capacity held up for TeamViewer at the external data centres in 2019 to approach the actual emission impact of the data traffic caused by using Team Viewer solutions as well as an approximation of data centre energy consumption. The emissions were calculated using the specific emission factors and considering the regional split. For the calculation of the Product Carbon Footprint some slight deviations were made. A screening showed that electricity as well as data traffic for software development (including updates) are negligible (
2.4 Business-As-Usual scenario (BAU System) For estimating the potential enabling effect of the TeamViewer portfolio, the attributional approach following the “Estimating and Reporting the Comparative Emissions Impacts of Products” guidance and the “Evaluating the carbon reducing impacts of ICT -An assessment methodology” was used9. The attributional approach estimates the GHG impacts as the difference in the amount of emissions from a scenario with the TeamViewer services in comparison to the scenario (business-as-usual i.e. BAU scenario) where these services do not exist i.e. are not or cannot be used. A positive difference is referred to as “avoided emissions” such that the product or service reduces emissions in comparison to the base case10. The BAU system in this comparative emissions study are activities related to travelling like business travel, technical maintenance and IT support. The hypothesis is that using TeamViewer products (ICT system) leads to less need for travelling because solutions can be found virtually. For example, if TeamViewer did not exist, it is likely that a technician would travel to repair, update or maintain the machine. The determination of avoided emissions for the ICT System is subject to a wide range of influencing variables and dependencies. It is, therefore, a multidimensional problem. This multi-dimensionality could for example include social and regional differences in the choice of mode of transport or structural changes initiated by hiring local IT support instead of travelling. The present study gives a first insight into the complexity of the subject and, to reduce complexity, only focusses on distance and use frequency as influencing factors. The possibility bundling of travel activities was accounted for in the customer survey so that interdependencies of distances and frequency are covered. By using TeamViewer and remote access to the machine or tool, this travel activity can potentially be avoided (Table 2-1). Table 2-1: ICT and BAU system scope System Description Components of the system TeamViewer Remote connectivity & Data centres, network connections, electricity portfolio telecommunication need Business-as-usual Business travel for maintenance, support Private / business vehicles, Local public (BAU) & business meetings transport, Railway transport, Airplane travel In order to estimate the net enabling effect of TeamViewer solutions, the primary enabling and rebound factors were included (Table 2-2). Primary enabling effects refer to the immediate positive impact a product or service has on reducing emissions. Direct emissions mean the immediate negative impact of the product or service by increasing overall emissions. The rebound effect refers to a situation where emission savings are offset by an increase of emissions in another activity. 9 GeSI and BCG 2010 10 WRI 2019 7
Table 2-2: Primary and secondary enabling and rebound effects Effect Primary Enabling Primary enabling Decrease emissions Potential immediate reduction of BAU system emissions occurring: decrease in overall business travelling activities as a result of TeamViewer solution portfolio Direct ICT emissions Primary, direct ICT emissions Increase emissions Emissions generated by the TeamViewer products through data traffic and data center energy need (see chapter 4.3) Rebound Primary rebound Increase emissions Increased energy consumption for running TeamViewer products The underlying hypothesis is that if TeamViewer products, and similar applications, would not exist, travelling would be the alternative. In order to account for different use case scenarios, potential bundling of journeys and travelling behaviours, case studies were conducted. Travelling in general can be done with 1) the private or business vehicle, 2) via train, 3) using air transport, 4) local public transport, biking or walking in close proximities. Each of the 54 identified use case, i.e. TeamViewer solution application, could potentially be substituted with travelling using one of the above-mentioned modes of transport. This leads to 216 different user profiles in the BAU scenario that were looked at for estimating the avoided emissions (54 dimensions and four different modal choices). For example, a very frequent TeamViewer use case is a session lasting less than 30 minutes, occurring at least once a week with a partner or device within a short proximity. The TeamViewer use case, if TeamViewer (or similar solutions) were not available, would substitute approximately every tenth session with travelling a short domestic distance by car. In comparison, a less frequent TeamViewer use case is a session lasting more than 30 minutes, occurring at least once a year bridging a long distance. The TeamViewer use case, if TeamViewer (or similar solutions) were not available, would substitute approximately every fourth session (see survey results, chapter 4.3) with travelling a long distance by plane. Besides taking into account the modal choice it is also necessary to understand the potentially travelled distances in the BAU scenario. With regard to emissions, it can generally be said that the longer the distance the more emissions are produced even though the amount of emissions per kilometre might reduce, especially with airplane emissions where starting and landing have a relatively higher impact the shorter the distance11. Thus, the distances for airplane travelling were taken into account with great care. For the emission impact calculation, the distances for airplane travelling were divided into three ranges of short-, medium- and long-haul. For short-haul an average flight distance of 500km was assumed as domestic flight with a split of 16% of all flights (based on EU air travel behaviour). The medium-haul is set at an average bridged distance of 1.500 km as an average between short- and long-haul with a share of 34% of airplane travelling. It was assumed that an average long distance business travel by plane bridged a distance of 2.500 km12. The long-haul is set an average distance of 2.500 km with 50% of all flights occurring in this range13. 11 ICAO, 2018 12 Statistisches Bundesamt 2012 13 Eurostat 2020 8
The distances for car, rail and walk/bike/local public transport were also divided into three distance categories of 200km (500km for calculation). 2.5 Quantitative and qualitative analysis The input data was established by literature research and analysis and two descriptive case studies. In order to test and verify the assumptions and hypothesis introduced for the BAU system, case studies were conducted. The chosen approaches were explanatory, as an online customer survey, and descriptive case studies, as expert interviews, to describe and test the assumptions in the real-life context. This was on the one hand necessary to understand and test the use cases chosen and the related BAU scenarios. It was also necessary to gain insight into modal choices in relation to distance and bundling of journeys for users of TeamViewer solutions. To assure data quality and ethics the survey was set as voluntary, available to all users of TeamViewer Core product where the survey was distributed given the constraint of availability. The participation was anonymous. The data could not be used to conclude the origin or any other user specific data. The expert interviews were conducted virtually via TeamViewer Meeting. The participants were informed of the background of the topic and the purpose. It was aimed at taking no influence during questioning by avoiding interpretation or explanation beforehand to avoid bias. The answers were documented in the online survey and can, thus, not be tracked or traced to the expert participant. Due to confidentiality the customer experts cannot be named and the interview results cannot be published14. 14 For reference please refer to the TeamViewer AG CCO 9
3 Study results The estimated total avoided emissions for TeamViewer Germany AG amount to approximately 37 Mt CO2e. This number represents the difference between TeamViewer portfolio emissions of 100.000 t (ICT system) CO2e and approximately 36,9 Mt CO2e potential travel emissions (BAU system). This result is based on the chosen input information and data verified by the quantitative and qualitative analysis. Figure 3-1: Comparative emission result as avoided emissions15 The results show that using TeamViewer products has a net enabling effect on global emissions due to avoided emissions from travelling activities. However, it should be noted that the input parameters play a significant role in the result Depending on the input parameters the conducted sensitivity analysis shows that the amount of avoided emissions can lie between 20 and 60 Mt CO2e. Figure 3-2: Sensitivity of long-haul flight distances Especially the effect of airplane travel with on avoided emissions regard to frequency and distance has a high impact on the overall avoided emissions. The basis for the present air travel emissions calculation was an average long distance of 2.500km. If this amount changes and, for example, increases to an average distance of a flight from Frankfurt, Germany, to New York, USA, the emissions that can be avoided by using TeamViewer instead amount to approximately 55 Mt CO2e. The same is true if the average distance is set to 1.000 km which decreases the amount of emissions avoided when using TeamViewer products to roughly 20 Mt CO2e. The figure below shows the sensitivity of the medium flight distances for the overall avoided emissions result, for example, if the long-haul distance lies at 6.500 km the amount of avoided emissions ranges around 60 MT CO2e. 15 Values are rounded figures 10
In the current comparative emissions calculation, it was assumed that 16% of air travel occurs in domestic distances averaged at 500 km. If, as was recently discussed in European politics, domestic flights were banned entirely and, thus, decreased to 0% assuming a change to train travel instead, avoided emissions would decrease to 35 Mt CO2e. If, on the other hand, the domestic travel frequency would increase to 25% with more people travelling overall, using TeamViewer products could avoid emissions of approximately 37 Mt CO2e. Sources of uncertainty As part of the study, an error analysis was conducted to quantify bandwidths and data variability. By way of example, the following input assumptions and data points will be discussed in terms of their effect: 1) Emissions from data: A source of uncertainty is to be seen with estimating data centre and data traffic emissions used for the PCF and the comparative emission study. Only few peer- reviewed information sources exist for approaching their calculation and use general average data form different data centre set-ups or data traffic pre-conditions not all necessarily applicable to TeamViewer products. Additionally, the information on energy consumption of GB/kWh to estimate data traffic emissions is based on data from 201516. With increasing and fast developing data energy efficiencies this value might be lower than assumed for this study. 2) Availability of data: Another uncertainty to be considered concerns the available primary data. The amount of data traffic used for emission estimation is based on the maximum storage capacity retained for TeamViewer at the various external data centres rather than the actual data traffic produced by using TeamViewer products. This value, therefore, contains uncertainty and is likely to be a conservative estimation. 3) Travel distances: With regard to the BAU system, the distances chosen for calculation travelling emissions are a source of uncertainty. Sources differ on what maximum and average distances are appropriate and applicable for the different modal choices. Additionally, the modal choice and distance relation differs in different countries and even regions. The chosen data represents an average slightly more influenced by European data due to availability and applicability. Furthermore, the present study analysed the one-dimensional alternative of avoided travel. The choice of mode of transport can depend on other influences beyond distance such as availability or monetary aspects which were not analysed in this study. The examples illustrate the derivation of robust statements. Nevertheless, the study succeeded in demonstrating the positive one-to-one effect of IT use on the reduction of climate gases. 16 Aslan et al. 2017 11
4 Conclusion and outlook Interpretation of results In light of increasing atmospheric CO2 levels and global temperature increase, this study has shown that using TeamViewer products has a positive effect on global emissions as emissions can potentially be avoided. The analysis of results and data has, however, also shown that the data is sensitive. Changes in the basic assumptions, especially regarding the use of airplane as main mode of transport and the potentially travelled distance can change the actual emissions avoided: the more and the farther the user would fly, the more emissions can be avoided if TeamViewer products are used instead. It has also become clear that the overall user behaviour towards products but also on travelling activities influences the positive impact on comparative emissions and drives the enabling effect for TeamViewer products. The sensitivity analysis has shown that the avoided emissions can most likely be found at 37 Mt CO2e within a range of 20 Mt CO2e and 60 Mt CO2e for TeamViewer products in 2019. Comparative assertions i.e. claims regarding the overall environmental superiority or equivalence of a product versus a competing product are not supported by this study. The results of the comparative emissions study need to be reported separately from TeamViewer AG own emissions and cannot be seen as a balance sheet of compensating or reducing own emissions17. Outlook Regarding the Product Carbon Footprint for the next year, it is suggested to put an even stronger focus during data collection and analysis on categories of high importance and improvable data quality, like data centres and product use. It is suggested that to increase data quality and comparability the data inputs are further analysed and improved continuously. Included should be a better understanding of customer behaviour and the relation of user and connections. This could further be supported by expanding the present project boundaries to secondary effects. Regarding the impact of user behaviour and to make the present results comparable it is suggested to repeat the survey at a later stage. 17 WRI 2019 12
Index and references Index of figures Figure 2 1: PCF and comparative emissions structure and framework 4 Figure 2 2: Life cycle stages of a product in relation to Corporate Carbon Footprint 5 Figure 2 3: TeamViewer clustering criteria for 54 use cases 6 Figure 3 1: Comparative emission result as avoided emissions 10 Figure 3 2: Sensitivity of long-haul flight distances on avoided emissions 10 Index of tables Table 2 1: ICT and BAU system scope 7 Table 2 2: Primary and secondary enabling and rebound effects 8 References - Last access to all online resources: December 2020 ACRP (Airport Cooperative Research Program), 2019: Air Demand in a Dynamic Competitive Context with the Automobile. The National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, chapter 3, pp. 35-44 Aslan, J., Mayers, K., Koomey, J.G., France, C., 2017 Electricity Intensity of Internet Data Transmission: Untangling the Estimates. Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol. 22 (4), pp. 785-798 atmosfair gGmbH, 2016: atmosfair Flight Emissions Calculator - Documentation of the Method and Data Eurostat, 2020: Passenger transport statistics explained/index.php/Passenger_transport_statistics#Modal_split_of_inland_passengers GeSI (Global e-sustainability initiative) and BCG (Boston Consulting Groups), 2010: Evaluating the carbon reducing impacts of ICT - An assessment methodology GHG Protocol 2013: Required Greenhouse Gases in Inventories - Accounting and Reporting Standard Amendment, February, 2013 df GHG Protocol 2011: Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard - Supplement to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Print version) Standard_041613_2.pdf ICAO 2018: ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator Methodology protection/CarbonOffset/Documents/Methodology%20ICAO%20Carbon%20Calculator_v11-2018.pdf 13
ICT Sector Guidance 2017: ICT Sector Guidance built on the GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard Ifmo (Institute for mobility research) 2014: Long-distance Mobility - Current Trends and Future Perspectives Statistisches Bundesamt Presseportal, 2012: Zahl der Woche: Durchschnittlich 2 500 Kilometer legten Flugpassagiere 2011 auf Auslandsreisen zurück WRI (World Research Institute), 2019: Estimating and Reporting the Comparative Emissions Impacts of Products by Stephen Russel Munich/Germany, February 2021 Founded in 1999 as a spin-off of the technical University of Munich, the DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy provides consulting services in the field of sustainability. Our offer Sustainability Intelligence featuring calculation management, reporting solutions and strategy development aims at bundling the effort of taking part in several sustainability/CSR standards and rankings like CDP, UNGC, DJSI, EcoVadis or GRI as well as building overarching strategies, such as a sustainability strategy according to the SDGs. As the unique partner of the CDP for SBTs, DFGE provides its customers with comprehensive advice on climate strategy and helps them to operate climate-neutrally at product level or company-wide. To enable a future AI-based CSR management, DFGE researches in big data approach and machine learning. Our clients comprise international companies (DAX and fortune 500), SMEs, governmental organizations or territorial authorities. The DFGE disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the given information. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute DFGE's judgment as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice. DFGE shall have no liability for errors, omissions, or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This document was submitted by: DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy Kreitstr. 5, 86926 Greifenberg, Germany T. +49.8192.99733-20 / F. +49.8192.99733-29 14
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