CAPITALIST the A boom in luxury home sales may provide the perfect opportunity. The Future of Jumbos - PCMA
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the CAPITALIST MARCH 2021 A boom in luxury home sales may provide the perfect opportunity. The Future of Jumbos
INTRO Dear Readers, We are one month into 2021; for the first time in my career January has taken off like a rocket. If the first 31 days of January is any barometer, 2021 promises to be a bright one for Private Client Lending. The resilience in real estate markets and the surge in the high-end segment is fueling increasing demand for alternative NonQM lending at a time when traditional lending options have never been more restrictive. In this issue you’ll read the details of the luxury housing boom and what it means for high net worth clients looking to acquire assets or reposition debt. In the midst of these unprecedented times, asset-rich individuals need innovative and flexible lending alternatives. It comes as no surprise that 2020 was a challenging year for PCMA and private client lending in general. But by August we had reopened and rebooted our exclusive OMEGA and ZENITH expanded prime product catalogue. Only a month later, PCMA had generated more than $219 million in purchase and refinance applications. At PCMA we have never wavered from our commitment and dedication to the high net worth mass affluent individuals looking for alternative lending solutions that can help them invest opportunistically, harness equity and make the most of their financial future. We will continue to do so and wish you the best in the coming year – what may truly be called the year of private client lending. Sincerely, John Lynch CEO PCMA Private Client Lending THE CAPITALIST 2
A N A LY S I S Making Sense of the 2021 Single and Multi-Family Rental Market. L ike just about every aspect of the Development NINA – No Income No Asset economy, the single and multi- Most of 2021’s building started long before • NINA – No Income No Asset family rental markets were re- Covid-19 hit. CBRE estimates another 280,000 • DSCR – qualifies off the cash-flow of the markably challenging in 2020. units on top of 2020’s estimated 300,000 units subject property Renters struggled to meet their will hit the market. Increased supply may in- • No Tax Returns Required obligations as Covid-19 related crease vacancies and decrease rents in many • Permanent & Non-Permanent Resident unemployment swelled. Owners lost plenty of areas while at the same time adding much nee- Alien rental income plus ancillary income from wai- ded inventory to other areas of the market. ved fees, deferred rents and other forbearance. That said, everyone wants to be part of an What’s more, vacancy rates are expected to re- orderly market. “High net worth and mass af- main low through much of 2021 as the pande- Urban to Suburban Shift fluent individuals, whether they want to sell, mic ceases to subside. Urban real estate markets were hit hardest are holding loans or looking to borrow or re- That said, like the single-family home during the pandemic as a result of remote finance, benefit from the true valuation of un- market, there were some welcome surprises in working, closed urban amenities, fears of pu- derlying assets,” says Lynch. “We will return to 2020 as certain segments of the rental market blic transit and other factors. As a result, many that marketplace in the near future, but in the held up beyond expectations. Investor demand suburban markets thrived. The same holds meantime it makes sense to step carefully,” he for multifamily assets in 2020 was higher than true going forward. Lower density and more adds. previous recessions would have indicated, ac- affordable suburban markets are well-positio- cording to CBRE Group. Pricing also held up ned for 2021. amid the pandemic. The Midwest and Southeast regions provi- But Covid-19 certainly put a damper on ded the most suburban opportunity in 2020 some investors. Class A assets were particular- and will likely do so again in 2021. Indianapo- ly hard hit in 2020, largely due to young adults lis was the best performing Midwest market in moving back home, plenty of new rental su- 2020 along with Greensboro, Jacksonville, Ri- pply and renters looking for more affordable chmond and Virginia Beach in the Southeast. housing. Experts forecast Class A assets may On the negative side, the most impacted not begin recovering until midyear 2021, al- metro areas of 2020 were San Francisco, San though Class B assets should outperform. Jose and New York, according to CBRE. All the signs for continued investment in At PCMA, our commitment to private clien- residential real estate has current and future ts has never wavered with creative financing investors bullish in this market segment. Va- options and innovative products designed cancy levels are expected to return to pre-Co- specifically for experienced real estate inves- vid levels and there may be a 6% increase in tors. The initial lockdown in the pandemic net effective rents in 2021, according to CBRE sent shock waves through the capital marke- predictions. Multifamily demand will rebound ts, causing liquidity for residential lending to from 2020 levels, largely due to post-Covid in- contract, explains John R. Lynch, Founder and creased job opportunities allowing young peo- CEO of PCMA. ple to live independently. Experienced Investors can find alternatives As a result, multifamily and single rental to traditional lending, which too often favors volume is expected to increase in 2021, gaining income over assets, with ZENITH, a line of 33% over 2020 levels, but still below the record products designed for high-quality investmen- 2019 level. Continuing low mortgage rates will ts in the residential market. ZENITH provides further incentivize investors. liquidity and credit options based on a simple, Two other important trends are impacting innovative business purpose program that fea- the rental markets for both better and worse: tures: THE CAPITALIST 3
OUTLOOK The Future of Jumbos PAUL SIMONS - RISK ANALYST, PCMA T he pandemic shows no signs Surprising and unrelenting demand in the to Non-Agency RMBS has afforded PCMA to of slowing down the housing high-end housing market since then has seen a double its credit facilities and expand lending market, particularly in the hi- return of some jumbo lenders and a bit of sta- guidelines to gain market share and serve this gh-end category. Luxury home bilizing in the market. But the increased res- uniquely qualified client profile. purchases often call for jumbo trictions remain. OMEGA 2.0 is PCMA’s exclusive product for mortgages. But the pandemic has At the end of 2020, it wasn’t unusual for primary and second home estates, giving pri- left a definite impression on the jumbo market. lenders to demand significantly higher credit vate clients program optionality, qualifying fle- Demand throughout 2020 was high but the bar scores, cash reserves and down payments than xibility, and below market interest rates. Loan for qualifying also rose, leaving some high net they required before the pandemic. What’s amounts ranging from $500,000 - $10,000,00 or worth and mass affluent borrowers on the si- more, despite record low mortgage interest more. In accordance with the PCMA ideology delines, even as home sales and refinancing rates, many jumbo lenders have increased ra- and the financial complexities of the clients surged. tes dramatically to counter the increased risk. they serve, OMEGA allows for considerations Before coronavirus hit, the jumbo mortgage The result is more variance in interest rates in of qualification commensurate with the so- market relied on banks and other investors to the jumbo market than has previously been ex- phistication and experience of applicant. purchase loans in the secondary market. Last perienced, even during the financial crisis of Curated credit is more boardroom and less summer, just after the worst of the first Covid 2008. algorithmic, says John Lynch, PCMA’s Foun- wave in many parts of the country, the secon- Lack of access to the credit markets for high der and CEO, “The credit performance, return dary market dried up as wall street investors net worth and mass affluent borrowers who on investment and successfully navigating the and depository banks suspended any further may not meet traditional and, in many cases, Covid 19 liquidity event, has allowed further purchases to shore up their capital reserves in irrelevant borrowing restrictions, is exactly the expansion of the OMEGA program, serving the preparation of a potential wave of forbearance vacuum PCMA was created to fill. needs of our esteemed clientele.” requests and defaults on obligations. PCMA is in a uniquely positioned to step The result? Several jumbo lenders left the into this void because of our strong position market. Those that stuck around upped their leading into the pandemic and our quick and qualifying requirements and, in many cases, effective response to it. The experience of their rates, for non-compliant loans. our management team and our commitment CURATED CREDIT IS MORE BOARDROOM AND LESS ALGORITHMIC. THE CAPITALIST 4
C EDITORIAL ovid-19 brought a surprising Record low interest rates and the promise amount of silver linings to the from the Federal Reserve Bank that they will U.S. real estate market in 2020. continue throughout 2021 or longer, will conti- Are you Record low mortgage rates, a doubling of demand in the high- nue to increase market activity and borrowing demand. Industry leader predictions for 2021 Ignoring Your -end housing market and a wave mortgage rates range from an average of 3.1% of purchases in newly reopened, high-volu- to 3.3%, with the caveat that there may be some me markets such as New York and California, volatile swings throughout the year. Because Best Potential meant sales volume and prices waxed at a time when much of the rest of the economy waned. this low-rate environment coincides with the era of lender challenges, borrowers may find Customers? Forecasters expect continued robust activity in the real estate market in 2021. that traditional mortgages are increasingly di- fficult to get. Lenders however did not fare as well, either That is why it’s important for real estate during the worst of the first wave and even con- professionals who help clients with their finan- tinuing into the second wave toward the end cing needs understand expanded prime credit of the year. A retrenching of the secondary for high-end clients. As the leader in non-bank market, concerns over the economic impact private client lending, PCMA has long unders- CV-19, and the specter of unemployment and tood the need to design credit products that are business foreclosures causing payment delays more capacity, cash flow and asset utilization and defaults, put enormous pressure on len- focused. ders, especially in the Non-Agency market. Well before the pandemic, high net worth and mass affluent individuals had been unfair- ly punished by well-meaning but misguided regulation that came out of the 2008 banking crisis. The result is an unprecedented credit gap for these borrowers, who have more than enough assets and means to finance their fa- mily homes, residential real estate investments or equity recapture, but don’t necessarily meet the strict income regulations for a qualified mortgage. For your asset-rich clients in need of more flexibility than traditional lenders can provi- de --regardless or because of the pandemic – here are some important advantages of private client lending. Asset-based qualification. Property value and location take priority over clients’ cash flow, credit rating or current financial situation. No TRID disclosures. Borrowers looking to finance residential rental properties with busi- ness purpose loans may not be subject to TRID disclosure requirements. Instead borrowing is determined by the cash flow of the property using Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR). Term flexibility. Extended 40-year terms or interest only 10-year loans are all part of the private lending equation, allowing your clients to find the best fit for their circumstances. Competitive rates. Many private lending rates compete with jumbos from money center banks, especially in the current environment. Expanded prime rates may carry a slightly hi- gher rate than depository jumbo, the private clients understand capital opportunity and appreciate the ease and access of capital at PCMA. As the high-end market continues to thrive, understanding private client lending is essen- tial. In this era of Covid, it isn’t enough to post listings and show houses. Knowledge of the en- tire mortgage landscape, including non-bank private client lending, can help real estate pro- fessional best serve their high-net-worth clien- ts and their own enterprises. THE CAPITALIST 5
P E R S O N A L F I N A N CE The Time Is now for Private Clients to Leverage Equity. The surprising resilience in the real estate market during the pandemic has been fueled by the high-end market.
S ales of luxury homes (those with Meanwhile, travel restrictions have promp- a median price of $862,700) skyro- ted lots of snow birds and other retirement cketed 41.5%, according to Redfin home owners to stay put and buy property in data published in a housing in- their retirement destinations especially as the dustry report. Relatively abundant second wave of infection spread throughout inventories, low interest rates and the country. Covid-19 motivated moves were some of the The West Coast fueled the increase in luxury leading factors behind the jump. During the home sales. Sacramento led the surge with an same time-period, sales of expensive homes astounding 86.1% increase in sales. Riverside (median price $402,200) increased by 17.1% By and Oakland also saw significant gains above contrast sales of affordable homes (median pri- 60%. Portland, OR market was up 60.6%. ce $178,000) decreased 4.2%. There are macro reasons for the increase With this growth comes a new trend, as well. Low interest rates and rising stock pri- “million-dollar cities.” The number of U.S. ci- ces throughout the pandemic translates into ties where the typical home is $1 million shot the fact that people in the high-end market up 17% in 2020, according to a report Monday can afford to move and sell their homes. The from Zillow. There are now 312 million-dollar result: The inventory crisis that has artificially cities (45 more than last year); a majority of kept home sale numbers low currently is less these cities can be found in the smile states pronounced in the high-end segment of the with a heavy concentration in the San Francis- market. The number of luxury homes for sale co, New York and Los Angeles areas. increased 8.4% year over year in the third quar- “At PCMA we are not surprised to see the ter, according to Redfin, while inventory in all rapid growth in the high-end housing market,” other price ranges declined. said John Lynch, Founder and CEO of PCMA Home prices have jumped too. In the third Private Client. “We have to remember that due quarter, luxury home prices increased 6.5% to over-reaching regulations, the Private Client year over year. Prices in the expensive tier jum- community has been locked out of mortgage ped 7.2%. Both categories outpaced the 2.9% lending since 2008. There has been and conti- price increase in the most affordable homes. nues to be a pent-up demand in this space that Increasing sales volume, rising prices and is finally being given the tailored lending ser- built-up equity in luxury homes adds up to a vices that allow them access equity, buy a new trifecta for high net worth and mass affluent home, buy a vacation home or all three. The clients looking to re-trade and reposition the growth of sales in high-end homes will only equity in their homes for personal, business or continue throughout 2021.” estate planning purposes. High-end buyers are “going all in,” Lawren- Overregulation in the past decade has crea- ce Yun, chief economist for the National Asso- ted a credit blind spot. As a result, many high ciation of Realtors told National Public Radio, net worth and mass affluent clients have found adding that he had never seen an increase like themselves house rich and cash poor, as the this before. saying goes. They are also suffering from a de- What’s behind the high-end frenzy? A pan- cade or more of stifled movement in household demic induced exodus from expensive, crow- liquidity. ded cities to spacious homes in less populated The current environment is different. Re- destinations was a big part of the equation in positioning equity has become an important 2020. Demand for bigger homes with plenty of financial tool for several groups including en- space to work and study at home is also fueling trepreneurs looking for capital to survive the the trend. Covid-19 storm, high-level employees dealing with job loss, retirees looking to solidify their estate planning and real estate investors looking to re-trade for today’s opportunity in- vestments. “With mortgage rates continuing at historic lows, non-bank private lending can provide some of the most competitive and flexible re- financing opportunities available, all without the onerous regulations or strict qualifying criteria traditional lenders impose,” said Lyn- ch. “PCMA specializes in equity repositioning through products such as Omega, Zenith and other tailored lending strategies for sophistica- ted households and estates.” Balancing equity accumulation is a prudent and thoughtful process in estate planning. The- re are many variables to consider vis a vis the overall economic outlook and your current fi- nancial position, including taking on further liability or extending debt duration timeframes. THE CAPITALIST 7
PCMA, Inc. dba PCMA, a California Corporation, NMLS Consumer Access #237710. Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law License. Equal Housing Opportunity Statement PCMA, Inc. is an Equal Housing Lender and fully complies with all laws applicable to the conduct of its business, including those laws prohibiting discrimination such as the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. 2100 Main Street, Suite 450, Irvine, California 92614 1-888-399-7262
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