Can stakeholders agree on how to reduce human-carnivore conflict on Namibian livestock farms? A novel Q-methodology and Delphi exercise

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Can stakeholders agree on how to reduce human–
               carnivore conflict on Namibian livestock farms? A
               novel Q-methodology and Delphi exercise
                                                                                                                                                                         NIKI A. RUST

               Abstract Conflict      between carnivores and livestock                                        which can sometimes result in communities revolting against
               farmers affects human livelihoods and predator populations.                                    management decisions (Goldman et al., ). It is seen as in-
               Historically, successful mitigation of this conflict has been                                  creasingly important for wildlife managers to cooperate with
               limited, sometimes because of a lack of participation among                                    the communities that share land with wildlife, and to involve
               stakeholders to create and implement agreeable and effective                                   them in management decisions. Community engagement has
               solutions. Finding common ground between stakeholders                                          the potential to foster more amicable relations between all
               can, however, be difficult, partly because of the range and                                    parties, which can lead to more socially accepted and sustain-
               intensity of values held. Using a novel combination of                                         able management plans (Kittinger et al., ).
               Q-methodology and the Delphi technique, I investigated                                             This study focuses on human–predator conflict in
               whether a diverse range of stakeholders could agree on how                                     Namibia, where carnivore populations have been increasing
               to mitigate conflict between carnivores and livestock farmers                                  in recent decades, causing more frequent livestock depreda-
               in Namibia. A strong consensus was reached on using conser-                                    tion (NACSO, ). Official management of human–wild-
               vation education and husbandry training to reduce livestock                                    life conflict is overseen by the government but the policy
               depredation. Two narratives emerged: one group preferred                                       focuses almost exclusively on communal farmers who live
               non-lethal methods to manage the conflict, whereas a smaller                                   on government land, and largely ignores freehold commer-
               group preferred lethal measures. This new decision-making                                      cial farmers (Government of Namibia, ). Because of
               exercise has potential to be applied to other conservation                                     this skewed governance it is legal for commercial farmers
               conflicts to assist with participatory decision making.                                        to kill carnivores on their land if deemed a threat to
                                                                                                              human lives or property (Government of Namibia, ).
               Keywords Carnivores, consensus building, decision mak-
                                                                                                              This conflict requires immediate attention to ensure min-
               ing, Delphi technique, human–wildlife conflict, livestock
                                                                                                              imal damage to farmers’ livelihoods and recently restored
               depredation, Q-methodology
                                                                                                              carnivore populations. Creating a participatory manage-
                                                                                                              ment plan could help to solve this problem.
                                                                                                                  Previous research elsewhere that has used participatory
               Introduction                                                                                   decision making to manage predators has sometimes
                                                                                                              found a lack of common ground between stakeholder groups

               C     onflict between carnivores and livestock farmers threa-
                     tens predator populations and farmers’ livelihoods
               (Loveridge et al., ; Rust & Marker, ). This conflict
                                                                                                              (Redpath et al., ; Johnson & Sciascia, ). This lack of
                                                                                                              agreement could stall management progress or inflame con-
                                                                                                              flict between groups. Namibia is no exception, and the issue
               is difficult to resolve, partly because of complex social dis-                                 is further complicated by divergent stakeholder opinions on
               agreements on governance options and goals (Clark et al.,                                      managing carnivores (Mosimane et al., ; Rust, a). As
               ). To reduce the problem effectively requires focusing                                     many carnivore species range beyond farm boundaries it is
               on mitigating conflict not only between people and preda-                                      essential that farmers manage carnivores collectively.
               tors but also between various groups of people (Redpath                                            This study used a novel participatory decision-making
               et al., ).                                                                                 exercise to determine () whether stakeholders could agree
                   Historically, conservation of threatened species such as                                   on ways to mitigate human–carnivore conflict on commer-
               carnivores involved little participation from the local com-                                   cial livestock farms in Namibia, and () whether there were
               munities that were affected by wildlife management deci-                                       separate groups of participants who had similar or conflict-
               sions (Brockington, ). This lack of participation can                                      ing viewpoints on preferred management plans.
               create tensions between stakeholders regarding how to miti-
               gate the situation effectively (Thirgood & Redpath, ),
               NIKI A. RUST (Corresponding author) Durrell Institute of Conservation and
               Ecology, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NR, UK                                            The decision-making technique
               Received  July . Revision requested  September .                                   This study employed an innovative combination of the
               Accepted  September . First published online  January .                            Delphi technique and Q-methodology. The Delphi

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                Oryx, 2017, 51(2), 339–346 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315001179
340         Niki A. Rust

                technique is a systematic, iterative process of decision mak-                          involved in Namibian carnivore management, which in-
                ing in which experts can form consensus on how to tackle a                             formed later sampling for the Delphi/Q.
                complex problem (Dalkey, ). The main benefit of using                                 Interviews were also used to collect additional concourse
                this method is that it is completed anonymously, which can                             statements and were conducted with  participants: 
                encourage honest discussion, lower inhibitions (Hess &                                 farmers, seven conservationists, five government officials,
                King, ) and reduce power differentials between partici-                            four tourism operators, three landowners offering trophy
                pants (Dalkey, ). The iterative nature facilitates learning,                       hunting, two meat industry workers and two academics.
                potentially resulting in a more informed decision (Hung                                Conducted in English (the official language of Namibia), a
                et al., ), and can also break down barriers between con-                           semi-structured format was used and interviews typically
                flicting stakeholders when they realize that opposing groups                           lasted  hour. Questions related to how participants would
                potentially hold similar views to their own.                                           like to manage carnivores on Namibian commercial farm-
                    Q-methodology is a structured quantitative interview                               land, what methods they thought were and were not effect-
                where participants are asked to rank predefined statements                             ive, and what methods they would recommend using.
                on a scale (Stephenson, ; Brown, ). It ‘considers                                 In total,  statements on how to mitigate conflict were
                people as whole entities and correlates individuals instead                            collected from the interviews and  from newspaper arti-
                of traits’ (Byrd, , p. ). This technique is particularly                         cles. These were refined to  by deleting duplicates and
                suited to studying complex phenomena in which indivi-                                  combining those that were similar. These  statements
                duals hold contrasting views (Barry & Proops, ), and                               comprised the concourse for use in the Q-methodology
                can reveal areas of statistical consensus and disagreement,                            (Table ), which retained the original wording to capture
                as well as uncover distinct narratives amongst participants.                           the intent of the source (Rastogi et al., ).
                Consequently, it could be useful in facilitating understand-
                ing of heterogeneous stakeholder views on human–wildlife
                conflict (Johnson & Sciascia, ). It does not require a                             Sampling
                large or random sample size, as participants are chosen
                                                                                                       As random sampling is not necessary for either Delphi or Q
                based upon reaching theoretical saturation in terms of the
                                                                                                       (Brown, ; Skulmoski et al., ), participants were pur-
                possible range of views on a topic (Stephenson, ), and
                                                                                                       posefully sampled to ensure breadth and diverse representa-
                therefore external validity cannot be conferred. However,
                                                                                                       tion across stakeholder groups, to capture the range of
                the aim of Q-methodology is to determine the range rather
                                                                                                       possible views on conflict mitigation (Brown, ).
                than the frequency of views (Johnson & Sciascia, ).
                                                                                                       Snowball sampling was used to increase the sample size
                    As the Delphi technique does not seek to address the sub-
                                                                                                       and ensure theoretical saturation.
                jectivity in decision making it could be useful to combine it
                                                                                                           A total of  potential participants were contacted via
                with Q-methodology. This blend would give rise to a partici-
                                                                                                       email to request their participation in the Q/Delphi exercise.
                patory decision-making tool that includes group feedback
                                                                                                       These included all individuals that had participated in the ini-
                and repeated rounds, potentially resulting in statistical con-
                                                                                                       tial interview and those who had been identified through
                sensuses and disagreements, and/or various narratives for
                                                                                                       purposeful and snowball sampling. Thirty-five participants
                solving a problem. Deliberation and feedback of results
                                                                                                       (the P-set) completed the first online survey (% response
                could lead to a more holistic and rational decision, rather
                                                                                                       rate):  livestock farmers, six conservationists, six landowners
                than quick, instinctive decisions that might not have consid-
                                                                                                       offering trophy hunting, five meat industry employees,
                ered fully all available options and outcomes (Dalkey, ).
                                                                                                       two tourism operators and two environmental academics.
                                                                                                       Emphasis was placed on livestock farmers because they are
                Q-methodology statement collection                                                     the stakeholders that currently have the power to manage car-
                                                                                                       nivores on farmland. The same  participants were sent the
                Q-methodology requires an initial data collection period to
                                                                                                       second survey  month later, of which  completed the survey.
                develop the concourse (i.e. the diversity of views on a phe-
                                                                                                       Twenty-nine of the  completed the third and final survey, of
                nomenon). Content analysis of Namibian newspapers was
                                                                                                       which  were farmers, six conservationists, five landowners
                used to collect some of the concourse statements on the
                                                                                                       offering trophy hunting, four meat employees, two tourism
                types of mitigation techniques used to reduce conflict with
                                                                                                       operators and one an environmental academic.
                carnivores and livestock farmers in the country. Five of the
                main English-language newspapers were used in content
                analysis: Informante, The Namibian, Namibia Economist,                                 Q-sort and Delphi
                Namibian Sun and New Era. Articles were screened by
                searching for the keywords ‘carnivore’, ‘predator’,                                    A Q-sort refers to the participant-ranked concourse state-
                ‘human–wildlife conflict’ and ‘depredation’. Content ana-                              ments. An online survey tool (SurveyMonkey, ) was used
                lysis was also used to identify the main stakeholder groups                            to administer the Q-sort. Prior to implementation, a pilot of the

                                                                                           Oryx, 2017, 51(2), 339–346 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315001179
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Human–carnivore conflict in Namibia                    341

              TABLE 1 Q-sort statements used during Delphi rounds, with corresponding z scores (underlined values reflect areas of statistical consensus).

                                                                                                  Round 1 z-score              Round 2 z-score               Round 3 z-score
                                   Statement to mitigate conflict between large                   Factor A       Factor B      Factor C       Factor D       Factor E      Factor F
              Statement no.        carnivores & livestock farmers                                 (n = 24)       (n = 11)      (n = 19)       (n = 11)       (n = 21)      (n = 6)
              1                    Compensate farmers for full value of livestock                    −1*             0             −2            −1             −2             −1
                                   killed by predators
              2                    Promote photo tourism as a way to receive in-                       1*            0               1*             0             1*           −1
                                   come from predators
              3                    Promote trophy hunting of predators as a way to                   −1*             2             −1               0             0              0
                                   be reimbursed for livestock loss
              4                    Farmers should receive a price premium if meat                      2*            0               2*             0             1              0
                                   is farmed in a ‘predator-friendly’ way
              5                    Use profits from nature reserves & Game Trust                       0             1               0              0             0            −1
                                   Fund to fund management of predators in
                                   nearby areas
              6                    Count livestock often for human presence to                         3             1               1              1             0*             2
                                   deter predators and also to find lost livestock
              7                    Kill predators that kill livestock                                −2*             3             −2*              3           −2*              3
              8                    Properly fence national parks & hunting re-                        0              0              0*              2            1               1
                                   serves to stop predators from escaping
              9                    Monitor numbers of predators to set more                            2             1               1*             2             1              0
                                   accurate hunting quotas
              10                   Use livestock-guarding animals to protect stock                     2             1               2              1             2              1
                                   from predators
              11                   Train farm workers on how to protect livestock                      3             2               3              3             3              3
                                   from predators & how to improve livestock
              12                   Zone areas where conflict is highest, & target                      1*            3               0*             1             0              1
                                   with mitigation measures
              13                   Put livestock in kraals overnight to protect from                   1*          −1                1*          −1               1*           −2
                                   predators & always keep vulnerable livestock in
              14                   Employ herders to protect livestock from                            1*            0               1              0             2              1
              15                   Pay compensation for killed livestock to people                     1*          −1                1*          −1               0*           −1
                                   who have taken active steps to avoid depredation
              16                   Teach people about conservation, ecology, value                     3             2               3              2             3              2
                                   of predators & identification of cause of live-
                                   stock death
              17                   Sell problem predators to nature reserves & zoos                   0             1               0*            1             0               0
              18                   Reduce consumption of wild meat to increase                       −2            −2              −2            −2            −2              −3
                                   wild prey for predators
              19                   Change from small stock to cattle farming in                      −1*           −3              −1*           −3             −1*            −2
                                   areas with many small predators
              20                   Install predator-proof fencing around grazing                     −2*             1             −1*              1           −1*              0
              21                   Kill all predators that enter farm                                −3*           −1             −3*            −2             −3*              0
              22                   Use indigenous breeds of livestock with horns to                   0*           −2              0              0              1               1
                                   protect against predators
              23                   Allow restricted hunting of problem lions &                         0*            2              0*              1             0*             2
                                   wild dogs
              24                   Keep a couple of large predators on a farm to                       0*          −3             −1*            −2             −1*            −2
                                   control jackal & caracal populations
              25                   Pay farmers for the number of predators on                        −2*           −3             −1*            −2             −1*            −3
                                   their farms (more predators = more money)
              26                   Allow sale of skin of hunted problem predator to                  −1*             3            −1*               2           −1*              2
                                   reimburse for loss of livestock
              27                   Have a government-run livestock breeding                          −3            −2             −2             −3            −2              −1
                                   centre to replace predator-killed livestock

              Oryx, 2017, 51(2), 339–346 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315001179
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342         Niki A. Rust

                Table 1 (Cont.)
                                                                                                    Round 1 z-score              Round 2 z-score               Round 3 z-score
                                     Statement to mitigate conflict between large                   Factor A       Factor B      Factor C       Factor D       Factor E      Factor F
                Statement no.        carnivores & livestock farmers                                 (n = 24)       (n = 11)      (n = 19)       (n = 11)       (n = 21)      (n = 6)
                28                   Reward farmers (in cash & by recognition) when                       0*          −1               0*          −1                0             0
                                     they have no livestock loss or use predator-
                                     friendly methods
                29                   Pilot a predator-friendly farm to train farmers                      1*          −1               2*             1             2*          −1
                                     how to coexist with predators
                30                   Employ ‘environmental shepherds’ who look                            2*            0              2*             0              2             1
                                     after livestock & monitor for poaching, cattle
                                     theft & wildlife numbers
                31                   Put radio collars on predators; if they are proven                −1               0            −1            −1             −1               0
                                     to kill stock, kill that animal
                32                   Provide subsidies to farmers who kraal calves/                    −1             −1               0*          −1             −1*           −2
                                     kids/lambs or use herders
                33                   Move female livestock with young to areas                            0*          −2               0              0             0              0
                                     without predators and swap with farms that
                                     have adult males in areas with good grazing but
                                     no predators
                34                   Only allow predators to survive in protected                      −3*              0           −3*            −1             −3*              0
                35                   Use high-density herds & move them frequently                      –              –              0               0             0*           1
                36                   Improve habitat for game to thrive so popula-                      –              –              1               0             1*          −1
                                     tions increase & predators prefer to kill wild
                *Denotes significant difference between the two factors.

                Q/Delphi survey was administered to eight volunteers (four                             reached agreement on any of the proposed mitigation mea-
                within and four external to the study site) to determine the                           sures and () whether there were groups of participants who
                ease of completing the survey, whether the statements were                             ranked statements in a statistically similar manner. Initially
                clear and whether the instructions were comprehensible.                                the data were run through a principal component analysis to
                    In the survey, participants were asked to rank each miti-                          identify loaded factors (i.e. groups of participants who
                gation method on a -point Likert scale ranging from −                                ranked statements similarly; Buckley, ). These factors
                (strongly disagree) to  (strongly agree). At the end of                               went through Varimax rotation, which determined the
                each survey participants were asked about their reasons                                most parsimonious structure that explained the highest
                for strongly agreeing or disagreeing with statements to                                variability between factor groups (Brown, ).
                gain information on the subjective reasoning behind their                              PQMethod arranged the Q-sorts into the factors that were
                selections. At the end of the first round, participants were                           most correlated. Factors with eigenvalues .  (Webler
                also asked to recommend other statements that should be                                et al., ) were put into a factor analysis. Each statement
                included in the subsequent rounds, and this resulted in                                was given a z-score based on the mean rank given by
                the inclusion of two more statements ( and ; Table ).                             participants within each factor. Statistical consensus
                Each Q-sort was conducted monthly, in three iterations dur-                            was defined where P . . (i.e. groups of participants
                ing October–December . At the end of each round an                                 did not rank statements differently at the % confidence
                email was sent to participants listing the three most and                              level). For the statements that were statistically consensual
                least popular statements from that round, which comprised                              a strong agreement was defined where the mean rank
                part of the Delphi group informed feedback.                                            between factors was at least +  or − . A grounded theory
                                                                                                       approach was used to qualitatively analyse answers to the
                                                                                                       open-ended questions, where common themes were
                Analyses                                                                               searched for and coded in the data (Strauss & Corbin,
                                                                                                       ). Quotes used in the results section were selected for
                The Q-sort analysis was run in PQMethod v. . (Schmolck,                             their typical representation of a particular theme
                ). The analysis determined () whether participants                                (Auerbach & Silverstein, ).

                                                                                           Oryx, 2017, 51(2), 339–346 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315001179
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Human–carnivore conflict in Namibia                    343

              Results                                                                                meats (statement ), whereas factor D (the lethal narrative)
                                                                                                     voted against this. Participants loading onto both factors
              Overall, participants agreed throughout the three Delphi                               were more positive about piloting a predator-friendly farm
              rounds that human–carnivore conflict could be mitigated                                (statement ) compared with Round , although the non-
              firstly by training farm workers in effective husbandry to                             lethal narrative was consistently more positive about this
              deter predators and secondly by teaching people about con-                             method than the lethal narrative. A strong agreement was
              servation of predators (Table ). Participants also strongly                           reached on the same statements as in Round , but views
              agreed that conflict would not be resolved by reducing con-                            on paying for the number of predators on farms were less
              sumption of wild game meat.                                                            negative in this round (statement ).
                  Despite consensus, Q-methodology separated two fac-                                    Factor analysis of Round  again produced two factors
              tors (or narratives) in each Delphi round (Table ).                                   that explained % of the variance (% for factor E, %
              Participants in the first narrative (factors A, C, E; Table )                         for factor F). A strong agreement was reached on statements
              remained positive regarding non-lethal methods to mitigate                              (training farm workers in more effective husbandry) and
              conflict (statements ,  and ) and negative regarding                              (teaching people about conservation and value of preda-
              lethal methods and having a government-run livestock                                   tors) and there was strong disagreement with statement 
              breeding centre to replace livestock killed by predators                               (reducing wild meat consumption) as ways to mitigate
              (statements , ,  and ); this group is therefore called                          conflict.
              the non-lethal narrative. The second narrative (B, D, F)
              had participants who remained positive regarding training,
              lethal control and consumptive use (statements ,  and )
                                                                                                     Participants’ reasoning for their answers
              and negative regarding economic incentives and changing
              from small stock to cattle farming (statements , , ,                           The comments made by participants at the end of each
              and ); this group is called the lethal narrative. In general,                        round helped to explain the subjective reasoning behind
              the non-lethal narrative consisted of conservationists, aca-                           their voting behaviour. Education in predator conservation
              demics, trophy hunters and cattle farmers, whereas the le-                             and training on livestock husbandry were thought by many
              thal narrative included sheep farmers and meat industry                                participants to be the most effective ways to mitigate conflict
              employees. By the final round, % of all livestock farmer                             because ‘only if you know enough about nature you can
              participants loaded into the non-lethal narrative.                                     react against it’ (cattle and sheep farmer CS). Participants
                  Factor analysis of Round  produced two factors that ex-                           were against the idea of reducing consumption of game
              plained % of the variance (% for factor A and % for                              meat to increase wild prey for carnivores, believing that
              factor B). The statements, their mean ranking and the                                  ‘wild meat feeds the nation’ (cattle farmer CT).
              areas of agreement and disagreement are shown in                                           In general, participants were critical of compensation
              Table . Participants in factor A (the non-lethal narrative)                           payments, as they questioned ‘who will finance compensa-
              were defined by agreeing to statements that improved live-                             tion for killed livestock? Sounds good, but who has the
              stock husbandry (statements , , ) and disagreeing that                            money and will be willing to administrate it on a sustainable
              predators should only survive in protected areas (statement                            basis?’ (cattle farmer CT), nor did they like the idea of a
              ). Conversely, participants in factor B (the lethal narra-                           government-run livestock replacement centre, as the gov-
              tive) were critical of solutions that involved allowing carni-                         ernment ‘will not breed what I want and animals might be
              vores to live on farms (statements  and ) and agreed                               less adapted’ (cattle farmer CT). Furthermore, participants
              with consumptive use of carnivores (statements , , )                              thought that the government should not be involved in
              but disagreed with changing livestock management prac-                                 managing economic incentives: ‘I do not believe that any
              tices (statements , , ). A strong agreement was reached                          (governmental) interventions into private business (i.e. live-
              in Round  on statements  (training farm workers on how                              stock farming) will work out, as administration and control
              to look after livestock when predators are present) and                              thereof will be too complicated and also some farmers will
              (teaching people about ecology and the value of predators)                             try to screw the system to earn extra money’ (sheep farmer
              as the most acceptable methods to resolve conflict. For state-                         SF).
              ments  (reduce wild meat consumption),  (pay farmers                                   Most participants in the non-lethal narrative, which in-
              for the number of predators on their farm) and  (have a                              cluded many of the farmers, appeared to show some toler-
              livestock replacement centre) both factors agreed that                                 ance towards predators. They often mentioned that
              these methods would not reduce conflict.                                               predators should not be eliminated because they ‘are part
                  Factor analysis of data from Round  produced two fac-                             of nature and the ecology and have a definitive place therein’
              tors that explained % of the variance (% for factor C,                             (cattle farmer CT) and ‘are essential in the food chain’ (cat-
              % for factor D). Factor C (the non-lethal narrative)                                 tle farmer CT). Participants were often wary of economic
              voted in favour of price premiums on predator-friendly                                 incentives (‘I do not always agree that money solves the

              Oryx, 2017, 51(2), 339–346 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315001179
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344         Niki A. Rust

                problems’; tourism operator TO) but believed that conflict                            salaries for farm workers and has significant cultural value
                could be reduced effectively through education and experi-                             (Botha, ; Karamata, ). Thus it may not be cultur-
                ence: ‘most problems occur because of lack of knowledge.                               ally or economically feasible to introduce this mitigation
                Only knowledge can improve management’ (cattle farmer                                  method in Namibia.
                CT). Economic incentives were often considered to be a                                   The results show more areas of consensus between stake-
                short-term fix but not a long-term solution.                                           holder groups than other similar predator management
                    Conversely, the lethal control narrative believed culling                          studies (e.g. Redpath et al., ; Johnson & Sciascia,
                predators was important because carnivores ‘need to be con-                            ). It is not clear why this is the case; it may be because
                trolled, especially those who kill livestock’ (cattle and sheep                        of the method used or because conflict between stakeholders
                farmer CS). This narrative was critical of changing manage-                           is less heated in Namibia compared with other areas. This
                ment practices because they thought this was unfeasible: ‘it                           less intense conflict could be an important factor in creating
                is no solution to highly restrict (the way of) livestock farm-                         positive collaborations between stakeholder groups for col-
                ing or make it impossible’ (sheep farmer SF). Herding was                             lectively managing carnivores.
                not considered practical because of its ‘major rangeland im-                               Despite there being areas of agreement, two different
                pacts’ (trophy hunter TH). The lethal control narrative was                           viewpoints on how to mitigate negative human–carnivore
                in favour of ensuring predators remained only in protected                             interactions on livestock farms emerged. However, the div-
                areas: ‘There is enough land in Namibia for predators, why                             ide is not as simple as conservationists preferring non-lethal
                must the commercial farmers also keep them?’ (cattle farm-                             solutions and farmers preferring lethal control of carnivores.
                er CT). Participants in this narrative also thought it made                           On the contrary, two-thirds of livestock farmer participants
                sense to receive income from killing predators, as this could                          opposed lethal control, which contrasts with research find-
                offset the cost of depredation: ‘Reimbursing farmers who                               ings elsewhere (Selebatso et al., ; Schumann et al.,
                have losses due to predators is very good and through tro-                             ). It is unclear why this is the case here, particularly as
                phy [hunting] some funds can be generated’ (meat board                                 the survey was undertaken anonymously and therefore
                employee MB).                                                                         there was no pressure on participants to conform to social
                                                                                                       norms (Dalkey, ). It may be that long-standing education
                                                                                                       on carnivores in Namibia has slowly improved attitudes and
                Discussion                                                                             behaviour towards predators (Marker et al., ) or that the
                                                                                                       sample size was too small to notice negative attitudes towards
                The results show that stakeholders reached a strong agree-                             carnivores. This confirms the finding of Chamberlain et al.
                ment on some techniques to reduce human–carnivore con-                                 () that it should not be assumed that individuals within
                flict in Namibia. They agreed that training farm workers to                            a stakeholder group hold uniform opinions on wildlife man-
                improve their livestock husbandry and teaching people                                  agement (i.e. that all farmers are anti-carnivore) but rather
                about carnivores could reduce conflict. Farm workers in                                the differences of opinion are more complex, and consensus
                Namibia tend to be from poor backgrounds and have lim-                                 can be found between diverse stakeholder groups.
                ited education (Hunter, ), and therefore it is possible                                For the lethal control narrative management changes on
                that educating them about effective husbandry will benefit                             the farm were not considered to be potential solutions to the
                the situation (Rust, b). Previous research has shown                               conflict. Conforti & Azevedo () also found that some
                that increased knowledge of carnivores and livestock hus-                              farmers were unwilling to improve their husbandry prac-
                bandry practices can increase tolerance and reduce livestock                           tices to reduce depredation. Farmers in general are risk
                depredation on Namibian farms (Marker et al., ), thus                              averse and do not tend to change their management unless
                the Delphi/Q-methodology has successfully highlighted                                  absolutely necessary (Binswanger & Sillers, ). It may
                areas of agreement that reflect effective solutions to mitigat-                        therefore be inappropriate to advise conservative farmers
                ing human–wildlife conflict.                                                           on changing their management.
                    Along with a consensus on how conflict should be miti-                                 Economic incentives, particularly those offered by the
                gated, there was also agreement on how it should not be                                government, were not a preferred conflict mitigation meth-
                managed; i.e. through reducing wild game meat consump-                                 od as participants feared corruption and incompetence, in
                tion. This statement was suggested initially on the basis that                         accordance with previous findings (Dickman et al., ;
                it could increase the availability of wild prey for carnivores                         Rust, a). Photographic tourism was not considered to
                and thereby potentially limit livestock depredation (Inskip                            be effective at reducing conflict as participants felt it was
                & Zimmermann, ). However, participants opposed                                     too difficult to ensure that guests could view rare and illusive
                this idea because game meat was seen as a benefit accrued                              carnivores. There was also concern about having strangers
                by the majority of Namibians, as most farmers hunt game                                on farms, which interfered with the peace and solitude de-
                animals for their own consumption and/or for sale to the                               sired by some farmers. On a deeper level, this suggests that
                general public. Wild meat is also used as part-payment of                              money may not be the sole motivator in decision making;

                                                                                           Oryx, 2017, 51(2), 339–346 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315001179
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Human–carnivore conflict in Namibia                     345

              happiness depends on many other values besides monetary                                Acknowledgements
              wealth (Myers & Diener, ).
                  Using Delphi and Q-methodology together may have                                   This work was sponsored by the Economic & Social
              helped reduce conflict and power differentials between par-                            Research Council (grant number ), Panthera
              ticipants, which usually hinder successful decision making                             Kaplan Graduate Award and Okonjima Nature Reserve/
              in face-to-face negotiations (Susskind et al., ). This                             AfriCat Foundation. I thank especially H. & B. Sohrada
              may have been one of the reasons why more participants                                 and S. Redpath.
              reached consensus in this study compared with other stud-
              ies. Remote methods of decision making may therefore be
              useful when integrating participant views from conflicting
              stakeholder groups, such as is usually the case in human–                              References
              wildlife conflict situations. However, participating remotely
              might have hampered social learning (Ziglio, ), emo-                               A U E R B AC H , C.F. & S I LV E R S T E I N , L.B. () Qualitative Data: An
              tional attachment and empathy building, which are import-                                  Introduction to Coding and Analysis. New York University Press,
                                                                                                         New York, USA.
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              I therefore recommend that participants attend a workshop                                  methodology. Ecological Economics, , –.
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              Namibian commercial farmers are well educated (at least                                B R O C K I N G T O N , D. () Fortress Conservation: The Preservation of
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346         Niki A. Rust

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                                                                                                       Oryx, 2017, 51(2), 339–346 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315001179
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