Can physical assessment techniques aid diagnosis in people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis? A diagnostic accuracy study ...

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Open Access                                                                                                                                  Research

                                     Can physical assessment techniques aid
                                     diagnosis in people with chronic fatigue
                                     syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis?
                                     A diagnostic accuracy study
                                     Lucy Hives,1 Alice Bradley,2 Jim Richards,3 Chris Sutton,4 James Selfe,5
                                     Bhaskar Basu,6 Kerry Maguire,7 Gail Sumner,8 Tarek Gaber,9 Annice Mukherjee,10
                                     Raymond N Perrin3

To cite: Hives L, Bradley A,         Abstract
Richards J, et al. Can physical                                                                       Strengths and limitations of this study
                                     Objective To assess five physical signs to see whether
assessment techniques aid            they can assist in the screening of patients with chronic
diagnosis in people with chronic                                                                      ►► This is the first study that explores agreement on
                                     fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and
fatigue syndrome/myalgic                                                                                 the presence of physical signs in the screening of
                                     potentially lead to quicker treatment.
encephalomyelitis? A diagnostic                                                                          patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic
accuracy study. BMJ Open             Methods This was a diagnostic accuracy study
                                                                                                         encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and demonstrates proof
2017;0:e017521. doi:10.1136/         with inter-rater agreement assessment. Participants
                                                                                                         of concept of these signs.
bmjopen-2017-017521                  recruited from two National Health Service hospitals,
                                                                                                      ►► This study did not assess the performance of
                                     local CFS/ME support groups and the community were
►► Prepublication history for                                                                            physical signs in diagnosing CFS/ME among people
                                     examined by three practitioners on the same day in
this paper is available online.                                                                          reporting with illness in clinical practice.
                                     a randomised order. Two allied health professionals
To view please visit the journal                                                                      ►► The screening method did not involve patient/family
online (http://​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​   (AHPs) performed independent examinations of physical
                                                                                                         history, patient symptoms or any discussion between
1136/​bmjopen-​2017-​017521).        signs including: postural/mechanical disturbances of
                                                                                                         practitioner and patient; including these would be
                                     the thoracic spine, breast varicosities, tender Perrin’s
                                                                                                         likely to increase accuracy in clinical practice.
Received 27 April 2017               point, tender coeliac plexus and dampened cranial flow.
                                                                                                      ►► There were more female participants than males, at
Revised 23 August 2017               A physician conducted a standard clinical neurological
Accepted 29 September 2017                                                                               a rate similar to other studies, which have found a
                                     and rheumatological assessment while looking for                    higher prevalence of CFS/ME in females; however,
                                     patterns of illness behaviour. Each examination lasted              there were similar percentages of males and
                                     approximately 20 min.                                               females among the controls.
                                     Results Ninety-four participants were assessed, 52               ►► This was a small study that included only two allied
                                     patients with CFS/ME and 42 non-CFS/ME controls,                    health professionals using the Perrin technique and
                                     aged 18–60. Cohen’s kappa revealed that agreement                   did not include participants with severe CFS/ME; this
                                     between the AHPs was substantial for presence of the                limits the generalisation of the findings.
                                     tender coeliac plexus (κ=0.65, p
Open Access

interferes with a person’s everyday activities. In addition    toxins in the lymph nodes have been shown to lead to
to this, four or more of the following symptoms must have      symptom improvement in patients with CFS/ME.13
persisted or reoccurred within the last 6 months; impaired        Currently, there is no definitive way of diagnosing
memory or concentration, postexertion malaise, sore            patients, although recent research has suggested that
throat, tender lymph nodes, aching or stiff muscles, joint     there is a link between CFS/ME, the lymphatic drainage
pain, headache and unrefreshing sleep. The latest inter-       system and the CNS and that, in fact, patients with CFS/
nationally recognised diagnostic criteria for CFS/ME is        ME have certain physical signs present that may explain
the International Consensus Criteria2 based on the widely      a number of the characteristics of the condition.13 The
adopted Canadian Criteria.3                                    Perrin technique is a system of manual diagnosis and
   The Canadian criteria included many of the cardiopul-       treatment that is based on the hypothesis that CFS/ME
monary and neurological abnormalities, which were not          is a disorder of the lymphatic drainage of the CNS, which
included in the CDC criteria. In addition, the Canadian        leads to five physical signs.14
criteria selected cases with less psychiatric comorbidity,        The first aim of this study was to see whether the five
more physical functional impairment, more fatigue/             physical signs of the Perrin technique can assist in the
weakness, plus neurological symptoms, which were signifi-      screening of patients with CFS/ME, which could then
cantly different from psychiatric controls with CFS/ME.4       subsequently lead to quicker treatment. Second, the study
However, in the UK, The National Institute for Health          aimed to see whether the diagnostic accuracy was similar
and Care Excellence (NICE) recognises the heteroge-            for a newly trained allied health professional (AHP) with
neity of the condition, advising that diagnosis of CFS/ME      no prior experience of CFS/ME compared with an expe-
should be made after other possible diagnoses have been        rienced AHP.
excluded and the symptoms have persisted for at least
4 months. The NICE guidance also states that diagnosis
should be reassessed if none of the following key features
of the disorder are present: postexertional fatigue, cogni-    Methods
tive difficulties, sleep problems or chronic pain.5            This was a diagnostic accuracy study with inter-rater agree-
   Due to the heterogeneity of the disorder, the aeti-         ment assessment. R&D approval was obtained from each
ology of CFS/ME remains unknown with many theo-                participating NHS Trust. The full study protocol has been
ries surrounding the pathophysiology of the disorder.6         made available at the same publisher.
The literature suggests that a range of possible causes
including hormonal disturbances, immune system                 Recruitment
dysfunction, infectious and viral agents and nervous           Participants with CFS/ME were recruited from two
system abnormalities may all play a role in the patho-         hospital clinics and local support groups within the
physiology of the disease.7 Early research suggested that      North West. Social media and posters displayed around
infectious agents such as the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)         the University of Central Lancashire were used to adver-
are associated with CFS/ME, with a persisting EBV infec-       tise the study. Healthy participants were recruited from
tion being seen in those with the condition.8 A number         non-blood relatives and friends of people with CFS/ME,
of other infectious agents have been linked to the onset       staff and students from the university and from those who
of CFS/ME including enteroviruses, which could explain         had heard about the study over social media. All partici-
the gastrointestinal symptoms often seen in patients,9 and     pants voluntarily contacted the research team, by email,
also the acute B19 virus infection.10 It has been suggested    telephone or post, to register their interest.
that viral infections can alter immune response, which in         Those who contacted the researcher were sent a partici-
turn can chronically activate the immune system11 and          pant information sheet via email or post. Potential partic-
lead to many of the symptoms associated with CFS/ME.           ipants were given time to consider participation, during
However, the research within this field is inconsistent with   which they could contact the researcher to ask any ques-
no evidence of a single infection causing CFS/ME, as well      tions about the research. The researcher then sent out a
as many patients showing no sign of previous infection,12      consent form to each person, which were then returned
suggesting that infectious agents may only be relevant to      if they were happy to take part.
a subset of the patient population.
   Lymphatic system alterations are suggested to have          Participant eligibility
involvement in CFS/ME with dysfunction within the              On receiving their completed consent form, the
immune system, causing toxic build up within the central       researcher contacted each person by telephone in order
nervous system (CNS) and leading to engorgement                to assess their eligibility to take part in the study. Poten-
of varicose lymph vessels that can be felt on examina-         tial participants who were aged between 18 and 60 were
tion.13 Tender lymph nodes are included in the ICC,            assessed using two forms: a recruitment screening form
Canadian and US CDC definitions1 and the NICE guid-            based on the NICE guidance5 and a form based on the
ance,5 confirming it is a common symptom of the disorder       International Consensus Criteria2 (reference standard).
related to immune system abnormalities. Techniques to          These eligibility criteria were used to ensure that each
target these engorgements and stimulate the drainage of        patient with CFS/ME had received a correct diagnosis of

2                                                                 Hives L, et al. BMJ Open 2017;0:e017521. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017521
Open Access

CFS/ME and to ensure that control participants did not                     mechanical disturbances of the thoracic spine (assess-
have undiagnosed CFS/ME.                                                   ment A); (2) breast varicosities (assessment B); (3) tender
                                                                           Perrin’s point (assessment B); (4) tender coeliac plexus
Inclusion criteria for CFS/ME group                                        (assessment C); and (5) dampened cranial flow (assess-
To be included, patients with CFS/ME needed to have a                      ment D).
prior formal diagnosis of CFS/ME5 at a National Health                       If all five signs were present, then the participant is
Service (NHS) hospital specialised clinic, persistent or                   classified as having CFS/ME. If one or more of the signs
recurrent fatigue for at least the past 6 months, a clear                  was absent, then the participant is classified as not having
starting point to the fatigue, the fatigue should be unex-                 CFS/ME.16
plained by any other conditions, the fatigue should                          The examination was performed by two AHPs. One had
reduce the amount of physical activity each person could                   10 years of experience of using the Perrin technique and
do and the fatigue should feel worse after physical activity.              working with patients with CFS/ME (experienced AHP);
  Additionally, patients with CFS/ME needed to have at                     the other was newly trained in the Perrin technique with
least one of the following symptoms: difficulty sleeping or                no prior experience of CFS/ME (newly trained AHP).
insomnia, joint pain without swelling, headaches, painful                  The newly trained AHP received training, especially for
lymph nodes that are not enlarged, recurrent sore throats,                 this study, which involved being taught how to examine
muscle pain without swelling, poor mental function (eg,                    patients for the five physical signs and having hand-on
difficulty thinking), symptoms getting worse after phys-                   experience of practising the technique.
ical or mental exertion, feeling unwell or having flu-like
symptoms, dizziness or nausea or heart palpitations.                       Rheumatological assessment
                                                                           A standard clinical neurological and rheumatological
Exclusion criteria for both CFS/ME and control groups                      assessment was performed by a physician while observing
The following were excluded from taking part: people                       the participant for any signs of illness behaviour, but no
needing to use a wheelchair and pregnant and lactating                     clinical history was taken. The neurological examination
women. In addition: comorbidities including: anae-                         included muscle strength testing, examination of muscle
mias, autoimmune diseases, cardiac disease, endocrine                      tone in arms and legs, coordination including the finger
disorders, infectious diseases, intestinal diseases, malig-                nose test, heel-shin test, heel-toe walking, reflexes and
nancies, neurological disorders, primary psychiatric disor-                sensation with eyes closed. The rheumatological examina-
ders, significant pulmonary disease and primary sleep                      tion examined joint swelling, wasting of regional muscles,
disorders. Additional exclusion criteria for control group                 deformity of joint, redness in joints or tendons and the
included: a diagnosis of CFS/ME or a family history of                     palpation of the margin of joints in hands and feet.
CFS/ME.                                                                       If all the tests were normal with no observed illness
  Each participant was allocated a participant ID number                   behaviour, the patient was classified as not having CFS/
with the clinical team being blinded to the groupings.                     ME, whereas if abnormal observations were made, the
                                                                           physician used their clinical experience to decide if the
Assessment methods                                                         participant had CFS/ME. The physician performing
Perrin technique                                                           these assessments had experience of working in NHS
The examination comprised the following four                               clinics for CFS/ME but had no experience of the Perrin
assessments:                                                               technique (physician).
A. Participant standing: observation and palpation of
    thoracic spine for any postural defects; regions of red-               Data collection
    ness, temperature change or skin rashes or eruptions,                  For each participant, all data collection was performed
    for example, acne/boils.                                               on a single assessment day. They were allowed to bring
B. Participant lying supine: observation and palpation of                  a friend or relative along for support or, if requested, a
    breast tissue for varicosities in the surface lymphatics               chaperone was provided by the research team. Partic-
    and abnormal breast tenderness at ‘Perrin’s point’,                    ipants were rebriefed on what would be involved, and
    which is a superficial tender area found at around                     consent was confirmed.
    2–3 cm lateral and superior to the left nipple.15                        Each of the participants were separately examined by
C. With the participant remaining supine, palpation of                     the three practitioners in different rooms. The order
    the region of the coeliac plexus just below the xiphoid                of examinations was randomised. No conversation took
    in the upper central area of the abdomen for any ab-                   place between the participants and practitioners except
    normal tenderness with possible temperature change                     to determine if there was any pain or tenderness in
    in the region.                                                         certain regions.
D. With the participant remaining in a supine position,
    cradle the head and examine the quality of the cranial                 Data analysis
    rhythmic impulse.16                                                    A priori, the Perrin technique required all five symptoms
  These assessments resulted in identification of the                      to be present for a patient to be diagnosed as CFS/ME.
following signs as present or not present: (1) postural/                   Using this criterion, the sensitivity and specificity of the

Hives L, et al. BMJ Open 2017;0:e017521. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017521                                                       3
Open Access

                                                                   trained who correctly diagnosed 77% and the physician
Table 1 Gender balance of the two groups
                                                                   who correctly diagnosed 69% of participants.
                        CFS/ME             Control
Male                     9 (17%)           25 (60%)                Sensitivity and specificity
Female                  43 (83%)           17 (40%)                Table 2 shows the prevalence, sensitivity (the proportion
CFS/ME, chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis.
                                                                   of positive results in people with CFS/ME), specificity
                                                                   (the proportion of negative CFS/ME results in healthy
                                                                   controls), positive predictor value (the proportion with
diagnosis of CFS/ME relative to the reference standard
                                                                   CFS/ME in participants with a positive result) and nega-
were estimated as simple proportions, accompanied by
                                                                   tive predictive value (the proportion of healthy controls
exact (binomial) 95% CIs. McNemar’s test was used to
                                                                   with negative CFS/ME results).
investigate whether any of the practitioners systematically
                                                                      When using the five physical signs of the Perrin tech-
underdiagnosed or overdiagnosed CFS/ME. Agreement
                                                                   nique, the sensitivity for the experienced AHP was 0.88
in the diagnosis of CFS/ME between AHPs using the
                                                                   (95% CI 0.77 to 0.96) and the specificity was 0.83 (95%
Perrin technique was estimated using Cohen’s kappa (κ)
                                                                   CI 0.69 to 0.93). Similarly, when the newly trained AHP
coefficient; an approximate 95% CI for κ was obtained
                                                                   used the same technique, the specificity was 0.86 (95%
using bias-corrected non-parametric bootstrapping.
                                                                   CI 0.71 to 0.95); however, sensitivity was lowered to 0.69
Agreement between their identification of the individual
                                                                   (95% CI 0.55 to 0.81). This shows that although using the
physical signs was also estimated using the same methods.
                                                                   same technique, the newly trained AHP struggled more
  Exploratory analysis of the performance of using
                                                                   frequently to identify correctly all five physical signs in
different numbers of symptoms was then performed.
                                                                   people with a positive diagnosis of CFS/ME. There was no
Symptoms were removed based on the observed agree-
                                                                   statistically significant bias in the diagnosis by the expe-
ment between AHPs; thus, the four-symptom test excluded
                                                                   rienced AHP relative to actual diagnosis (p=1.0). There
the symptom with lowest agreement, the three-symptom
                                                                   was also a marginally non-significant evidence of biased
test excluded the two symptoms with the two lowest agree-
                                                                   diagnosis by the newly trained AHP relative to actual
ments and so on.
                                                                   diagnosis (p=0.052), potentially favouring a non-CFS/ME
Sample size                                                        diagnosis.
The target sample size was 50 with CFS/ME and 50                      When using the standard clinical neurological and
controls to enable estimation of sensitivity and speci-            rheumatological examination, the sensitivity of the physi-
ficity of each Perrin technique AHP’s diagnosis of CFS/            cian was 0.44 (95% CI 0.30 to 0.59) and the specificity
ME (relative to the imperfect reference standard) to               was 1.0 (95% CI 0.92 to 1.0). These results show that
within ±9.9% with 95% confidence if the sensitivity and            while able to identify correctly all healthy controls, the
specificity were each at least 85%. It would also enable the       physician struggled the most out of all three practitioners
estimation of κ (for inter-rater agreement between each            to identify correctly people with a positive diagnosis of
pair), with 95% confidence, to within ±0.140 providing κ           CFS/ME. There was a significant bias in the diagnosis by
were at least 0.7.                                                 the physician relative to actual diagnosis (p
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the presence of postural/mechanical disturbance of the                         one or two of the physical signs (80.9%). Therefore,
thoracic spine (κ=0.57; 95% CI 0.39 to 0.73, p
Open Access

five physical signs and 83% of healthy controls who did        technique, there are some limitations, which should
not display all five signs. However, for the AHP with no       be highlighted. First, this study recruited two groups of
prior Perrin technique experience, they were able to           participants, people with a prior diagnosis of CFS/ME
detect 86% of healthy controls but identified only 69%         and healthy controls with no symptoms of the condition,
of patients with CFS/ME using all five signs; there was        as the purpose was to establish ‘proof of concept’ of the
borderline non-significant evidence of this AHP underdi-       Perrin technique. Therefore, the study did not explore
agnosing rather than overdiagnosing CFS/ME. This high-         how accurate the Perrin technique physical signs would
lights that the newly trained AHP was not able to identify     be, when presented with patients with different condi-
all five signs in some people with a diagnosis of CFS/ME.      tions with similar presenting symptoms such as fibromy-
However, this does not necessarily mean that the signs         algia. However, in a clinical setting, knowing the history
were not present; it could mean that the newly trained         and symptoms together with the physical signs would help
AHP found these signs more difficult to detect. Despite        to differentially diagnose CFS/ME from other possible
this, there was moderate agreement between both AHPs           illnesses. Now that we have established proof-of-concept,
on overall diagnosis.                                          it will be important to identify whether the physical signs
   The physician was able to correctly identify 100% of        of the Perrin technique, combined with history, improve
the healthy controls using the standard clinical neuro-        the accuracy of identifying people with chronic fatigue
logical and rheumatological examination. However, they         syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) in clin-
were only able to correctly identify 44% of patients with      ical practice.
CFS/ME, and the tendency to underdiagnose CFS/ME                  The gender balance in the patients with CFS/ME was
was highly statistically significant (p
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Conclusion                                                                               Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
                                                                                         Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
Current methods for diagnosing CFS/ME are challenging.
                                                                                         permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
The use of standard clinical neurological and rheumato-                                  and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
logical examination to examine illness behaviour is more                                 properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://​creativecommons.​org/​
likely to have a false negative result than a true positive                              licenses/​by-​nc/​4.​0/
one. Using certain physical signs appears to improve                                     © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
the accuracy of identifying people with CFS/ME and                                       article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
                                                                                         expressly granted.
shows agreement with current diagnostic techniques,
although not all of the physical signs were useful, and it is
suggested that only two of these are needed. Examining
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Contributors LJH recruited participants, collected data and analysed the data.           10. Kerr JR, Bracewell J, Laing I, et al. Chronic fatigue syndrome
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Funding This work was supported by The Fund for Osteopathic Research into
                                                                                             response to a manual therapeutic approach: a pilot study. Int J
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (registered charity number: 1045005).                              Osteopath Med 2011;14:96–105.
Competing interests This research explored the findings by one of the co-authors,        14. Perrin R. The involvement of cerebrospinal fluid and lymphatic
RNP. To avoid any conflict of interest, he was not involved in any of the recruitment        drainage in chronic fatigue syndrome/ME. PhD [thesis]. University of
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                                                                                         15. Puri BK, Gunatilake KD, Fernando KA, et al. Increased tenderness
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                                                                                             Am Osteopath Assoc 2007;107:218–24.
Ethics approval NRES Committee North West-Lancaster (REC reference 12/                   17. Jason LA, Richman JA, Rademaker AW, et al. A community-
NW/0877).                                                                                    based study of chronic fatigue syndrome. Arch Intern Med
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.                       1999;159:2129–37.
                                                                                         18. NHS Choices. Chronic fatigue syndrome. http://www.​nhs.​uk/​
Data sharing statement The relevant anonymised patient level data are available              conditions/​Chronic-​fatigue-​syndrome/​Pages/​Introduction.​aspx.
on request from the corresponding author.                                                    (accessed 18 Aug 2017).

Hives L, et al. BMJ Open 2017;0:e017521. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017521                                                                                            7
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