Page created by Philip Howell
C A L L    F O R                    E N T R I E S

                                            Deadline: March 4, 2022

2022           16th annual
   Design-Build Awards Competition

            Submissions are due:
            March 4, 2022

            Awards will be presented:
            2022 Awards Program
            Napa Meritage Resort
            August 25, 2022

         W estern P acific R egion                2022 DESIGN-BUILD AWARDS
                                             The Competition
                                             This year marks the Western Pacific Region’s 16th Annual Design-Build awards

 Objective                                   To be considered for a Regional Design-Build Award, projects must demonstrate
To acknowledge                               successful application of 2-build best practices as defined by the DBIA Design-Build
                                             Manual of Practice. These include: early integration of key team members during the
         the most                            proposal process via a proposal charrette or other collaborative outreach effort and
    outstanding                              close coordination between design and construction team members from the design
                                             development stage through field construction.
  projects in the                            The acceptance of single-entity risk is a defining feature of design-build project
                                             delivery and winning submissions must be carried out under a DBIA or other single-
 Western Pacific                             responsibility contract. Only projects completed on time, on budget, and without
                                             litigation will be considered for an award. Projects are honored for design and
  Region area by                             construction that meets or exceeds owner expectations.
 promoting and
                                             The formal Western Pacific Region’s Design-Build Awards will be made during the
     recognizing                             Design-Build Awards program on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at Napa Meritage Resort

     the use and                             in Napa, CA.

     efficiency of                           Eligibility
                                             Eligible projects are located in California, Nevada, Hawaii, and Arizona.
design-build as a                            All design-build projects completed within the three years prior to
 project delivery                            January 1, 2022 are eligible.

          method.                            Projects may be submitted for the Western Pacific Region Design-Build Awards no
                                             more than in two different calendar year competitions (excluding projects that
                                             already won a WPR award).

        CalTech Chen Neuroscience
             Research Building       4
  2021 Project of the Year & Design
       Excellence Award Recipient
        California Institute of Technology
  Hensel Phelps │ SmithGroup │ KPFF| AEI
         Saiful Bouquet | Spurlock | TK1SC
           W estern P acific R egion                2022 DESIGN-BUILD AWARDS

Projects must be delivered under a single-source contract
                                                                                  Also submit your project in the
between the owner/user and the design-builder or the design-
build team what was considered “at risk” for both cost and                National Awards Competition. Remember:
schedule. Eligibility is not based on the use of a DBIA contract        Western Pacific Region requirements are similar
document; any single-source contracted project meets this
                                                                     to the National Awards Program, but have significant
                                                                     variation in requirements. Refer to for
All qualified teams are encouraged to submit entries. DBIA                           information regarding the
membership is not an award criterion.
                                                                                       National Competition.

Awards will be given at the discretion of the judges at the
following levels:

Award of Merit
Excellent implementation of design-build techniques
meeting or exceeding the owner’s expectations. One or
more awards may be given at this level.

Award of Distinction
Successful analysis of design-build strategies resulting in
a unique application of teaming to exceed the owner’s
needs. One or more awards may be given at this level.

Regional Excellence
Exemplify the principles of interdisciplinary teamwork,
innovation and problem solving. “Break new ground” in
their approach and accomplishments.                                Casa Roble High School Student Union & Admin Building                
Project of the Year                                                                                    2021 Regional Award Winner
Chosen from all categories, one project will be awarded                                San Juan Unified School District | Flint Builders, Inc.
the top award of the entire program.                                          JK Architecture Engineering | Vanir | Miyamoto International
                                                                        Intech Mechanical | The Engineering Enterprise | Redwood Electric
Design Excellence                                                                      Siegfried Engineering | Roach+Campbell | Terracon
Honors projects that achieve an owner’s overall aesthetic
and functional vision through outstanding design.

Award of Excellence for Lean in Design-Build
Optional submittal category for Lean in Design-Build. Lean is increasingly being used in design-build project delivery and naturally
supports and builds on the collaborative environment necessary for successful design-build. The winning team will successfully
demonstrate integration and implementation of Lean approaches, tools, and techniques to create a collaborative environment
and culture of continuous improvement aimed at value to the customer and elimination of waste.
            W estern P acific R egion                2022 DESIGN-BUILD AWARDS

Submission Format                                                  SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS
The design-build entity should be involved in the preparation      Cover Letter - limit one page. Include:
                                                                    • Project Name:
of the submission. All entries must be received by March 4,
                                                                    • Owner Name:
2022. Responses must be in the same order as requested, all
                                                                    • Design/Builder Name:
questions answered completely and clearly, and submitted in         • Architect Name:
the required format.                                                • Key Design-Build Team member firms (to be listed on the
                                                                      presentation during the awards banquet):
The entry fee for each submission is $350 for DBIA-Western          • Submission Contact Information (Firm/Contact Name,
Pacific Region members, and $500 for non-members. Please              Phone & Email):
register on-line to submit the entry fee. The link for entry fee
                                                                   If selected for an award, list the company name(s) to be
can be found on the DBIA-WPR Events page at:                       engraved on the trophy (limit 3 lines):

Visit to join and take advantage        Tab 1 – Why this Project Should Win a Design-Build Award -
of the savings!                                                    Maximum of 2 pages (25 points)
                                                                   Provide a narrative description of the project (i.e. size, location,
                                                                   etc.), the project goals, the challenges and constraints of the
                                                                   project, the owner’s design objectives, and the team’s efforts to
Submissions must be provided in the following format:              realize them.
•  One PDF format submission document titled with
   the project name.
•  The PDF document must be complete and be                        Tab 2 – Design Excellence - Maximum of 2 page (20 points)
   organized with sections as directed in the following            Describe the owner’s criteria for design excellence and how it
                                                                   was achieved by the team. Client criteria for design excellence
                                                                   could include such elements as: embracing the client’s values
•  Provide page numbers in the lower right hand
                                                                   and transforming organizational performance; improving the
   footer.                                                         site; advancing innovation in building materials and systems;
•  All pages in the submission should be 8 ½” X 11”                providing a visual/aesthetic contribution to the community;
   sized in portrait orientation. Minimum 10 point font.           and/or achieving the highest level of sustainability.
•  In addition to incorporating photographs into
   section 3 of the response, also provide separate,               Please include a space plan with your submission (does not
                                                                   count towards page limit).
   high resolution photograph files.

Provide all required files electronically to:                      Tab 3 – Photographs – Please provide seven to ten images
Committee Chair:                                                   in the submission pdf, and provide them in separate, high-
Jennie Gonzalez, Business Development Manager                      resolution .jpg files. Both “in-progress” and completed project
Southland Industries                                               photos are highly encouraged.
714-943-0150                                                       Applicants are responsible for obtaining the rights from their
                                                                   photographer to reprint the photographs without limitations. Ownership
                                                                   of a physical photo is not sufficient. Photographers normally retain
*Flash drive submissions must be coordinated with Jennie           the copyright of photos, so applicants should ensure that they have
prior to mailing.                                                  permission to copy and send photos to DBIA for use without limitations.
                                                                   Professional photographers must be credited. Any liability for copyright
                                                                   violation shall be borne solely by the applicant.
              W estern P acific R egion              2022 DESIGN-BUILD AWARDS

Tab 4 - Teaming - Maximum of 1 page (20 points)                   Lean In Design-Build (Optional Awards Category)
What methods or approaches were employed to engage and            Maximum of 1 page; include as the last section of your submittal
interact “as one team” collaboratively throughout the design      Describe how your team successfully implemented Lean
AND construction phases of the project?                           Design and Construction approaches, tools, and techniques
                                                                  across the entire project team and throughout the project.
Describe the owner’s procurement process and how it
encouraged collaboration and engagement.                          Describe how the process created value for the owner,
                                                                  promoted collaboration between team members, and
Describe how the owner, various client stakeholders, and end      eliminated waste.
users were engaged as part of the team throughout the design
and decision making process.                                      Questions?
                                                                  Send questions to Jennie Gonzalez:

Tab 5 – Schedule and Cost Performance - Maximum of 2              GOOD LUCK!
pages (25 points)
Complete the Table below:
                                                   Explain Any
                       Contracted    Actual        Variation
 Start Date
 Completion Date
 Project Cost
Describe the approach and methods that were employed                 A jury of industry experts will evaluate project submissions
to facilitate and manage the “design to budget” throughout           primarily on successful achievement of the owner’s project
                                                                     goals through implementation of design-build best practices
the design phase of the project. Give examples of how you            as defined by DBIA’s Design-Build Manual of Practice.
provided the owner with the “best value for dollar spent”.           Submissions should highlight the design-build team’s
                                                                     collaborative efforts to add value to the project. DBIA best
Describe how the design-build team met required schedule             practices include but are not limited to early integration of key
                                                                     team members during the proposal process via charrette or
dates. If there were any changes, explain why. Describe any          other collaborative outreach effort; collocation of project team
special or unusual challenges involved in meeting the schedule.      members to encourage coordination between design and
                                                                     construction team members; and the use of incentives within
                                                                     the project team.

Tab 6 – Safety - Maximum of 1 page (10 points)                       Owner’s design objectives and the team’s efforts to realize
Describe any specialized or innovative safety and health             them should be addressed in all submissions.
programs and training used specifically for this project.

Include a table that lists:
 Total hours worked on the project
 Number of Recordable Incidents
 Number of Lost Time Incidents
Please include subcontracted hours when available

Submissions must disclose if there were fatalities on
the project, and if so, provide a full explanation of the
C A L L    F O R                    E N T R I E S

2022           16th annual
   Design-Build Awards Competition

            Submissions are due:
            March 4, 2022

            Awards will be presented:
            2022 Awards Program
            Napa Meritage Resort
            August 25, 2022

        W estern P acific R egion   2022 LEADERSHIP AWARDS

      To recognize
         who have
 leadership in the
   of best design-
   build practices
    and of design-
       build as the
  project delivery
         method of
               W estern P acific R egion                  2022 LEADERSHIP AWARDS

 Awards may be presented in the following categories.

 •  Public Sector                                                Full-time Faculty
 •  Private Sector                                               Includes full-time faculty at accredited institutions of higher
 Industry Professional
 Including, but not limited to, architect, engineer, specialty   Student
 contractor, and attorney                                        Enrolled in an academic program, either undergraduate or
                                                                 graduate, during the 2021-2022 academic semesters
 •   State Legislator
 •   Local Legislator
         W estern P acific R egion   2022 LEADERSHIP AWARDS
                             Category Criteria

                             Public and Private Sector Owner nominees are judged by the overall impact
                             of their professional work. They are evaluated in terms of their achievements in
        Successful           furthering design-build as a delivery method as demonstrated in one or more of the
   submissions will          following areas.
                             •    A strong and well-documented commitment to design-build and single source
       be notified                responsibility contracting through repeated use.
      by May 2022            •    Use of design-build in a new application, such as D-BOT or D-BOM, a new project
                                  type, or the development and use of a new technology.
                             •    Active participation on the design-build team by attending meetings and
     Award winners                making decisions in a timely manner.
 will be recognized          •
                                  A strong involvement in the design-build industry.
                                  Vocal and written advocacy of design-build and design-build best practices in
         at the 2022              the public sector.
    Annual Design-           •    Commitment to the use of design-build best practices.
       Build Awards          Industry Professional nominees are judged by the overall impact of their
        Banquet on           professional work. They are evaluated in terms of their achievements in advancing
   August 25, 2022           design-build as a delivery method as demonstrated in one or more of the following
               at the        areas.
     Napa Meritage           •   A strong and well-documented commitment to design-build and single source

              Resort         •
                                 responsibility contracting through repeated use.
                                 Use of design-build in a new application, such as D-BOT or D-BOM, a new project
                                 type or the development and use of a new technology.
   Sponsorships:             •   Active participation on the design-build team by attending meetings and                 making decisions in a timely manner.
                             •   A strong involvement in the design-build industry.
                             •   Vocal and written advocacy of design-build and design-build best practices in
                                 the private sector.
       Sponsorship and       •   Commitment to the use of design-build best practices.
     ticket information
        can be found at      State & Local Legislator nominees are judged by the overall impact of their       legislative careers. They are evaluated in terms of their achievements in furthering
                             design-build as a delivery method as demonstrated in one or more of the following
                             •    A strong and well-documented commitment to alternate delivery strategies,
                                  including design-build project delivery.
                             •    Sponsorship or co-sponsorship of design-build enabling legislation on the state
                                  or local level.
                             •    Vocal and written advocacy of design-build and design-build best practices for
                                  use in public agencies or departments.
                   W estern P acific R egion                             2022 LEADERSHIP AWARDS

Faculty nominees are judged by the overall impact of their research and teaching careers. They
are evaluated in terms of their achievements in furthering design-build as a delivery method as
demonstrated in one or more of the following areas.
•    Development of a series of courses or a curriculum on design-build.
•    Research and development in the promotion of design-build and design-build best
•    Involvement in the design-build industry.
•    Mentoring students in design-build.
•    Encouragement and active involvement in DBIA student chapters.
•    Vocal and written advocacy of design-build.

Student nominees are judged by the overall direction and impact of their student careers. They
are evaluated in terms of their achievements in furthering design-build as a delivery method as
demonstrated in one or more of the following areas.
•    Enrollment in a series of courses or a curriculum on design-build.
•    Contact with and mentoring by design-build professionals.
•    Articulation of design-build issues to other students and faculty.
•    Completion of papers, theses, or dissertations on items relating to design-build.
•    Participation in design-build competitions.
•    Participation in national or regional DBIA events (conferences, seminars, etc.).
•    Founding/leadership role in DBIA student chapter*.

* Only applicable if a DBIA student chapter currently exists on campus
     W estern P acific R egion   2022 LEADERSHIP AWARDS

    All Submissions      Nominations
                         There is no entry fee for nominating an individual for the Design-Build Leadership

must be received by      Awards. Nominations must be formatted in Microsoft Word or PDF format and
                         submitted via email to Jennie Gonzalez at “2022 Leadership

     March 4, 2022.      Awards” should be in the subject line of the email. All nominations must be received
                         by DBIA-WPR no later than March 4, 2022.

                         In the nomination submission, include the following:
                         Cover Page
                         The text “2022 Distinguished Leadership Awards”
                         Nominee’s name, position, company/organization, and contact information (mailing
                         address, email, and phone number(s)). If the nominee is a student, please be sure to
                         include where he/she may be reached during the summer months.
                         Contact information of the person submitting the nomination (name, organization,
                         mailing address, email, and phone number(s)).

                         Include the following:
                         Include “2022 Distinguished Leadership Awards – Nominee’s name, organization, and
                         category” as the header for each page. Provide a detailed description answering how
                         the nominee meets the award criteria (8 1/2 x 11, portrait orientation, minimum 10
                         font).Visual aids may be included if supportive of the nomination. They should not
                         exceed 8.5” x 11” in size and should be included within the nomination document.
                         Videocassettes, CDs, and DVDs will not be accepted.

                         Signed Agreement
                         The following statement must be included at the end of the nomination:
                         “I understand that the contents of this entry become the property of DBIA and will
                         not be returned. I further understand that DBIA shall have the right to make all text
                         and photos, if any, available for publication without compensation, real or implied,
                         and without claim by nominees against the jury, DBIA or its staff, or individual DBIA
                         members.” (Sign and scan or include either an electronic signature or your initials,
                         and the date, as agreement to this statement.)

                         Signature 		Printed Name 				Date
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