CA Regional CGA Committee Minutes Virtual Meeting October 21, 2021 Objective
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CA Regional CGA Committee Minutes Virtual Meeting October 21, 2021 Objective: The primary mission of California Regional Common Ground Alliance (CARCGA) is to eliminate safety risks to life, health, and property while also preventing damage to underground infrastructure and vital public services. CARCGA will accomplish this mission by: encouraging stakeholders to accept and fulfill their shared responsibility in damage prevention; welcoming all stakeholders within California and encouraging their participation in CARCGA; educating members and non-members regarding Common Ground Alliance Best Practices; identifying issues concerning damage prevention and attempting to construct practices to resolve them; exchanging ideas and information with other CGA Regional Partners. When a new damage prevention practice is created, CARCGA may forward the practice on to the CGA Best Practices Committee for their consideration. CARCGA’s efforts in damage prevention will help eliminate damages to underground infrastructure, interruption to vital services, safety risks, accidents, and fatalities. When citing examples of incidents, please refer to the parties involved anonymously. 1. Call to Order: Marshall Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. and read the objective. 2. Attendance – See sheet at end 3. Review Minutes from Previous Meeting Marshall asked if there were any corrections or changes to the minutes from the June meeting. John McMahon motioned to accept the minutes as emailed. Steve Cleaver seconded. The motion was passed. 4. Dig Safe Board Update Tony Marino, from the California Facilities Safe Excavation Board said that the September meeting had been the education and outreach meeting and they had run the education course for those in attendance. He noted that the first 2 classes for the education course were held in August and September. He said that their integration into the Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety had begun and they would be in their new office by January. He said that the new fee regulation was approved by the Office of Administrative for an effective date of January 1, 2022. There will be a drop in the fee to be collected from 7 million to 5 million and it will only be assessed on new tickets. He said they are moving to a fiscal year and the fee numbers will be posted in March. They are planning on a town hall in January for the operators to hear about the changes for the fee regulations. He said the November 9th meeting will be the last one for 2021 and will include a notice of probable violation, a ticket volume volatilely study, technology updates from the notification centers and 2022 planning. For agendas, documents and regulations go to the Board website at 1
5. CGA Update Ann Diamond said the CGA Conference was held last week. The 2022 Conference will be in Anaheim in 164 days. James Wingate reported that the conference was excellent, and the sessions were great. He said there were about 720 people in attendance. He said that CGA had released Best Practices version 18 and the 2020 DIRT report. The DIRT report still shows that not getting a ticket is still the largest root cause for damages. He said that CGA’s Next Practices was released in July and at the conference a status update was presented. The initiative is looking at what the industry can do in the future to improve damage prevention practices. 6. Notification Center Updates Ann from DigAlert said that through September the center had taken just over 710,000 tickets which was a 4.67% increase over 2020 and a 10% increase over 2019. She noted that 75% of the calls are coming in on 811. She included some key statistics for DigAlert in the packet. She noted that the 20 millionth ticket would be taken in November. James Wingate from USA North 811 reported that the center has had an up and down year in 2021. Tickets are up 12.2% but end of September was down and October has been slower as well. He noted on the centers Key Performance Indicators (KPI) the average speed of answer was very high. He said the center was being hit by the “Great Resignation” and they have lost eight customer service representatives in a six-week period. He noted that the 85% tickets done online seems to be the ceiling due to the type of tickets that can be done online. He said with the new ticketing software they will be installing by July 1, 2022 that should provide more functionality with better mapping. He said the anticipated volume increase with fiber build out to rural areas, the federal infrastructure bill and 10,000 miles of PG&E undergrounding their lines should increase the web percentage in the future. Thomas Young asked why people were resigning. He said that he had been to a couple of conferences and people were saying it’s hard to get labor. James said in his situation it seems to be the younger/entry level employees that quit, some that are burned out and some that they helped quit. 7. Committee Reports A. Board of Directors Update Marshall went over the financials and said the current balance is $20,560.43. Gilbert Aceves motioned to accept the financials. John McMahon seconded. The motion carried. The 2022 stakeholder membership dues will be sent out November 1st. The Board made some changes to the operating procedures and a complete copy will be sent out with the minutes. He said the website is being updated. The new look website was displayed. It was suggested that instead of CARCGA Approved Practices that tab be changed to CARCGA Suggested Practices. B. Subsurface Safety and Incident Prevention Committee Update. Steve Woo reported that the committee was still discussing embedded lines and who is responsible for damages when removing overlying pavement. He went over the items the committee had identified like having a separate EPR code for embedded lines, marking with an E/P as a unique symbol and that operators contact the excavator before excavation begins. Marshall Johnson asked the centers if there was a separate EPR code 2
for embedded lines now. James Wingate responded that the TCC committee was looking at that but had not been approved by the centers Boards yet. The committee meets the 1st Tuesday of every month starting at 9:30am. C. Education Programs and Marketing Committee Update. Michael Worster said that the committee successfully held an excavator EPR webinar despite technical difficulties. Next time a backup plan will be available. He said still waiting on the third-party submission form for CARCGApedia content to be approved. He also noted that he will be giving an update at the AGC conference in November. The committee meets the last Thursday of every month from 10 to 11am. D. Legislative and Regulatory Committee Update. Ann said the committee has been meeting monthly all year and included in the packet were the agreed changes to 4216. All CARCGA members were asked to consider for a vote at the December meeting. She said that there is another section on vacuum use that still needs to be worked out. She said that if the full CARCGA agrees to the changes the next step would be to find a sympathetic legislator to sponsor a bill next year. The committee thinks the changes help clarify 4216. Marshall Johnson asked about opposition and bringing the California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board in on this venture. Tony Marino asked about the intent of some of the changes. The committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1 to 2:30pm. E. Technology Committee Update. Thomas Young reported that the committee held another GIS webinar with Bond Harper from the CGIA. He said the next meeting of the committee will be November 18th at 2pm. Aaron Rezendez said that after the 2 GIS webinars and the questions asked, that a deeper dive into the subject was needed. There will be a panel discussion on GIS on January 20, 2022. Looking for smaller members that have converted from paper maps to a GIS to be on the panel. If you are or know someone who fits that bill, please reach out to Thomas or Aaron. The committee normally meets the 4th Thursday of odd numbered months at 2pm. Marshall thanked the committees for all the hard work, the time and expertise they have expelled to look at issues. 8. Old Business A. Nomination of Stakeholder Directors Marshall reported that there had only been 2 nominations in 2 different stakeholder groups, so there will be no need for voting in any stakeholder group. The director for Equipment Manufacturer will continue to be Thomas Young, Steve Woo as the Excavator Director, Ryan Dove as the Gas director, Notification Center – Ann Diamond, Colette Shelly for water. He welcomed Brittny Branaman with the California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board as the Regulator director. He said Sunil Shori from the CPUC has retired. He said Sunil’s efforts to CARCGA will be missed. Sunil did leave a personal email address if anyone wants to reach him contact Ann for that information. 3
Colette Shelly asked if there is a new representative from the CPUC. Marshall said no we don’t have anyone else from the CPUC on CARCGA and Brittny would be the regulator director on the Board. 9. New Business Anthony Headley asked if CARCGA will have a booth at the CGA conference. He also said that the California/Nevada chapter of the American Water Works Association will have a conference in Anaheim the week after CGA and if CARCGA wants a booth there he can help facilitate. He also said that Gold Shovel is now a subset of CGA. Aaron Rezendez asked that CGA Next Practices be put on the agenda for the future. He also asked if the SSIP committee had discussed the submission for the Safe Excavation Board on what constitutes a new line to be put into a GIS. Thomas Young said he had not yet talked with Steve about the request but would get it on the agenda. 10. 2021/2022 Meetings December 16, 2021 – Virtual Meeting February 17, 2022 – TBD April 21, 2022 – Virtual Meeting June 16, 2022 – TBD August 18, 2022 – Virtual Meeting October 20, 2022 – TBD December 15, 2022 – Virtual Meeting 11. Adjourn Meeting: The meeting adjourned at 10:45 am 4
Virtual Meeting Attendance October 21, 2021 Initial Name Organization Email Industry - Membership Gilbert Southern California Electric - Associate X Aceves Edison Jared Ajlouny DACO Construction Excavator - Stakeholder Dino Alvarado Torrance Logistics Oil - Stakeholder x Company Dorie Sacramento Area Sewer Sewer - Stakeholder Anderson District Paul AT&T Telecommunications - X Bagneschi Stakeholder Kev Bagoian Utiliquest Locator - Stakeholder Nanette Sacramento Area Sewer Sewer - Stakeholder Bailey District Jeff Barros Sacramento Area Sewer Sewer - Stakeholder District Doug Beeler Beeler Construction Excavator - Associate Dorothy Southern California Electric - Associate x Bergman Edison Rene CSLB State Regulator - Associate x Blackshire David Crimson Pipeline LLC Oil - Associate Blakeslee Brittny Underground Facilities State Regulator - x Branaman Safe Excavation Board Stakeholder Tony Anvil Builders Excavator - Associate Burnham Jeffrey Burns Lyles Services Inc Water - Associate Adrian Wonderful Orchards Agriculture - Commercial - X Calixtro Associate Bob Southern California Gas Gas - Stakeholder Carpenter X Michael DP Nicoli Excavator - Stakeholder Casas X Pete Cerda Irish Construction Excavator - Stakeholder X Randy UtiliQuest Locator - Stakeholder Charland James Western Municipal Water Public Works - Associate Chatwin District Jeff Chittaro Travelers Insurance - Associate X Steve Cleaver PG&E Gas - Stakeholder
Virtual Meeting Attendance October 21, 2021 Initial Name Organization Email Industry - Membership Cliff Concello PG&E Gas - Stakeholder Drew Cooper Traffic Management Inc. Public Works - Associate Alan Coppola Travelers Insurance - Associate Dan Cordova City of Vernon Gas - Stakeholder Mark Plains All American Oil - Associate Crossland Pipeline Matthew APTIM Engineering/Design - Curtis Associate Amber Dahl Underground Service Notification Center - x Alert of SC Stakeholder Victor Davis AT&T VD1619@ATT.COM Telecommunication - x Stakeholder Art DeLeon Underground Excavator - Associate Construction Co. David Plains All American Oil - Associate Delgado Pipeline Jason Dennis Griffith Company Excavator - Stakeholder x Ann Diamond Underground Service Notification Center - x Alert of SC Stakeholder Troy Dodson Vactor Manufactoring Equipment Manufacturer - Associate Susen Helix Water District Water - Associate Doubrava Ryan Dove SoCal Gas Gas - Stakeholder Todd Farrell Haaker Equipment Co. Equipment Manufacturer - Associate Paul Finucane Travelers Insurance - Associate Bram Fuller USIC Locator - Stakeholder Gary Getchell Zayo Group Telecommunications - Associate Jorge Gil- PG&E Gas - Stakeholder Blanco X Nicole Goi SMUD Gas - Stakeholder Audrey Travelers Insurance - Associate Gomez x Jose SoCal Gas Gas - Stakeholder Gonzalez
Virtual Meeting Attendance October 21, 2021 Initial Name Organization Email Industry - Membership Sarah 3M Equipment Manufacturer - Goodfellow Stakeholder David Traffic Management Inc Excavator - Associate Graham Ryan Graham RDG Excavation and Excavator - Associate Demolishing Shane PG&E Gas - Stakeholder Granberg Russell Shell Pipeline LP Oil - Stakeholder Guidry Kristofer MasTec Utility Services Excavator - Associate Hanon Group Marvena Contractors State State Regulator - Associate Harris License Board Gina Hartman SeeScan, Inc Equipment Manufacturer - Stakeholder Caleb Haus KRC SAFETY CO., INC. Calebh@KRCSAFETY.COM Excavator - Associate Fredrick Hays Terra Solutions fred.hays@terra- Equipment Manufacturer - Stakeholder Scott Hazlett SDG&E Gas - Associate Anthony West Valley Construction Excavator - Stakeholder x Headley Michael K&L Contracting Inc. Public Works - Associate Hefley Craig Hill Sacramento Area Sewer Sewer - Stakeholder District Jamie Himes Sukut Construction Public Works - Associate Travis Hinkle San Jose Water Water - Associate Travis Huston Pacific Gas & Electric Gas - Stakeholder X William Johns Utility Coordinating, Inc. Engineering/Design - Stakeholder X Marshall AT&T Telecommunications - Johnson Stakeholder Jared MGE Underground Excavator - Stakeholder Johnson Quinton Karst Herman Weissker Inc Excavator - Associate Paul Krahl Southwest Gas Gas - Stakeholder Corporation Marc 811spotter Excavator - Stakeholder Krichman
Virtual Meeting Attendance October 21, 2021 Initial Name Organization Email Industry - Membership Michael The Paradigm Alliance, Emergency Services - Kucharski Inc. Associate Michael Kinder Morgan Oil - Stakeholder LaPeaux Valerie Southern California Gas Gas - Stakeholder X Lertyaovant Company Ross Leverett Pacific Gas & Electric Gas - Stakeholder Company Deanna DLEW Services Oil - Associate Lewotsky Aaron Lindh PG&E Gas - Stakeholder Kevin Luke Travelers Insurance Insurance - Associate Luis CableCom Telecommunications - Maldonado Associate Mike Marrero USIC Locator - Stakeholder X Ryan Clean Harbors Excavator - Stakeholder McCormick Mike D&M Utiltiy Services of Engineering/Design - McIntosh CA Associate John Retired Engineering/Design - X McMahon Associate Erich Metzger Veteran Pipeline Excavator - Stakeholder X Construction (a Charge Company) Enrique Kana Pipeline, Inc., Excavator - Stakeholder Miranda Collin Miyadi USA North 811 Notification Center - Stakeholder Dino Montez Torrance Logistics Oil - Stakeholder Company Cynthia Contractors State State Regulator - Associate Moore License Board Shawn Union Sanitary District Sewer - Stakeholder Nesgis Bryce Newell Municipal Maintenance Equipment Manufacturer - Equipment Associate Tony Nicols SECC Corporation Telecommunications - Associate X Michael Otay Water District MIKE.ODONNELL@OTAYWATER.GOV Water - Associate O'Donnell x James Southern California Excavator - Stakeholder O'Kane Contractors Association x Jeff Patrick SECC Corporation Excavator - Associate
Virtual Meeting Attendance October 21, 2021 Initial Name Organization Email Industry - Membership Micah Paulk D. Woolley & Associates Locator - Stakeholder Brandon Ferreira Construction Excavator - Stakeholder Pensick Neil Punt USIC Locator - Stakeholder Maritza PBC Companies Excavator - Associate Quintanilla Aaron Pacific Gas and Electric Gas - Stakeholder X Rezendez Company Gil Rivas San Jose Water Water - Associate Company Angel Romero CALOSH Risk Excavator - Associate Management Michael Utiliquest Locator - Stakeholder Rukavina Zachary Pacific Gas & Electric Gas - Stakeholder Scofield Aaron Scott California Water Service Water - Associate Vicky Excavator - Associate x Shankling Colette Shelly EBMUD Water - Stakeholder x Scott Hooker Creek, Inc. Excavator - Associate Shongood Ronda PG&E Gas - Stakeholder Shupert Shant Utiliquest Locator - Stakeholder Simonian Steve PG&E Gas - Stakeholder x Sisemore Matt Smylie Ford Construction Inc Excavator - Associate Daniel SeeScan Equipment Manufacturer - Stankovich Stakeholder Thomas Advanced Infrastructure Locator - Associate Stevens Technologies Adam Sullivan Advanced Infrastructure Locator - Associate Technologies X Paul Sutter MCH Electric Excavator - Stakeholder Bob Thorpe Epic Land Solutions Public Works - Associate Tim Thrift OSHA Training Center- State Regulator - CLPCCD Stakeholder
Virtual Meeting Attendance October 21, 2021 Initial Name Organization Email Industry - Membership Rosa Trevizo Associated General Excavator - Associate Contractors of California Scott Vickers CPN Pipeline Company Gas - Stakeholder Steve Victor Victor Backhoe, Inc Excavator - Associate William Vogl San Jose Water Water - Associate Company Eric Voight Conner Strong & Insurance - Associate Buckelew Ryan White USA North 811 Notification Center - X Stakeholder Alexander California Water Water - Associate Williams Service James USA North 811 Notification Center - x Wingate Stakeholder Steve Woo HCI Inc. Excavator - Stakeholder x Matthew Haaker Equipment Equipment Manufacturer - Woods Company Associate David D. Woolley and Locator - Stakeholder x Woolley Associates Michael Worster Construction Engineering/Design - x Worster Management Stakeholder Thomas PelicanCorp Equipment Manufacturer - x Young Stakeholder Devin California Underground - x Blankenship Facilities Safe Excavation Board Kurtis Foster SoCal Gas - x Thomas - X Bagley x Tony Marino California Underground - Facilities Safe Excavation Board - - - - - -
Standing Roster of Sub-Committee Members Education Programs and Marketing ( Michael Worster (co-chair) Amber Dahl Michael Kucharski Gil Rivas Collin Miyadi (co-chair) David Delgado Michael LaPeaux Angel Romero Gilbert Aceves Ann Diamond Jordan Latimer Michael Rukavina Jared Ajlouny Ryan Dove Valerie Lertyaovant Aaron Scott Dino Alvarado Gary Getchell Deanna Lewotsky Vicky Shankling Jeffrey Burns Sarah Goodfellow Luis Maldonado Steve Sisemore James Chatwin Russell Guidry Mike Marrero Thomas Stevens Jeff Chittaro Fredrick Hays Enrique Miranda Paul Sutter Cliff Concello Anthony Headley Dino Montez Rosa Trevizo Drew Cooper Travis Huston Tony Nicols Alexander Williams Alan Coppola Paul Krahl Jeff Patrick Legislative and Regulatory (leg/ Ann Diamond (co-chair) Dan Cordova Jordan Latimer Angel Romero Colette Shelly (co-chair) Jason Dennis Ross Leverett Delfina Ruiz Gilbert Aceves Ryan Dove Deanna Lewotsky Zachary Scofield Jared Ajlouny Todd Farrell Luis Maldonado Aaron Scott Kev Bagoian Gary Getchell Mike Marrero Steve Sisemore Nan Bailey Nicole Goi John McMahon Matt Smylie Dorothy Bergman Jose Gonzalez Erich Metzger Bob Thorpe Brittny Branaman Shane Granberg Dino Montez Rosa Trevizo Jeffrey Burns Gina Hartman Michael O’Donnell James Wingate James Chatwin Caleb Haus James O’Kane David Woolley Justin Clausen Anthony Headley Jeff Patrick Thomas Young Steve Cleaver Travis Huston Micah Paulk Cliff Concello Marshall Johnson Brandon Pensick Alan Coppola Paul Krahl Gil Rivas Subsurface & Safety Incident Prevention ( Steve Woo (co-chair) Ann Diamond Paul Krahl Michael Rukavina Thomas Young (co-chair) Troy Dodson Michael LaPeaux Zachary Scofield Gilbert Aceves Ryan Dove Jordan Latimer Aaron Scott Jared Ajlouny Todd Farrell Deanne Lewotsky Vicky Shankling Dorothy Bergman Paul Finucane Luis Maldonado Colette Shelly Tony Burnham Gary Getchell Ryan McCormick Ronda Shupert Jeffrey Burns Nicole Goi Ashlen McGinnis Shant Simonian Adrian Calixtro Jose Gonzalez Mike McIntosh Steve Sisemore Michael Casas David Graham Erich Metzger Matt Smylie Randy Charland Ryan Graham Enrique Miranda Dan Stankovich James Chatwin Russell Guidry Dino Montez Rosa Trevizo Jeff Chittaro Gina Hartman Bryce Newell Nathalie Valdez Steve Cleaver Caleb Haus James O’Kane Eric Voight Alan Coppola Scott Hazlett Jeff Patrick Alexander Williams Dan Cordova Anthony Headley Brandon Pensick James Wingate Mark Crossland Jamie Himes Neil Punt Matthew Woods Victor Davis Travis Huston Aaron Rezendez Art DeLeon Bill Johns Gil Rivas David Delgado Jared Johnson Angel Romero
Standing Roster of Sub-Committee Members Technology ( Aaron Rezendez(co-chair) Gary Getchell Jim Schwilk Thomas Young (co-chair) Marc Krichman Steve Sisemore Paul Bagneschi Jordan Latimer Dan Stankovich Justin Clausen Erich Metzger Rosa Trevizo Jeff Chittaro James O’Kane Michael Worster Chris Davy Micah Paulk Art DeLeon Aaron Scott
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