Page created by Marshall Moss
N. 4                                    SUMMER 2021


                         BY ANGELINI PHARMA


                                                                                                                  Page 4

                                                                                                                 Towards digital
                                                                                                                 health, in record time

                                                                                                                  Page 7

                                                                                                                 The Launch Of
                                                                                                                 Ontozry® In Germany:                      Page 16
                                                                                                                 A Team Success Story
                                                                                                                                                          The Future Of Drug
                                                                                                                  Page 8
                                                                                                                                                          Development: Our
                                                                                                                                                          New 3D Printing Area
                                                                                                                 PLAY in Spain                            printing area
                                                                                                                 the Agile Way
                                                                                                                                                           Page 18
                                                                                                                     Page 10
                                                                                                                                                          Team Green Heroes
                                                                                                                 Many stories,                            Save The Environment
                                                                                                                 one commitment:                          With Bottles And...
                                                                                                                 to be protagonists of                    Nappies!

#Hopeforagood life                                                                                                                                         Page 12

The passion for research, together with
                                          THE COVER                                                                                                       Our Journey Towards

                                                                                                                                                                                     Operational Excellence
the synergy of skills, are key elements
in developing innovative and patient-                                                                                                                     Operational Excellence
centered formulations, according to our
                                          Year 2025. A doctor performs a routine online
Research and Development Team.                                                                                                                             Page 13
                                          visit with her patient. Her old stethoscope has
                                          turned into a headset jack attached to the tablet.
                                          Local health systems and private hospitals have
                                          already shared online medical records of patients
                                                                                                                                                          Simplify to improve
                                          with her. Thanks to AI, she is always informed                                                                  Process Operability
                                          and alerted in advance of any anomalies. She can
                                          propose personalised therapies on the basis of
                                          the data collected. No one gives up on treatment                                                                 Page 13
                                          any more. Everyone feels that their health is now
                                          under control.                                                                                                  AHEAD, our training for
                                                                                                                                                          Operational Excellence
                                                FACEBOOK                                       Editor in chief                                             Page 14
                                                @AngeliniItalia                                Daniela Poggio
                                                                                                                                                          Business Excellence:

                                                                                                                                                                                    FOCUS ON
                                                LINKEDIN                                       Editorial office
                                                @angelinipharma                                Claudia Carolina Blass                                     the new Global
                                                                                               Angela Cinicolo
                                                                                               Barbara Nadine De Gol
                                                                                                                                                          Management Platform
                                                @AngeliniPharma                                Luca Di Giandomenico
                                                                                               Felicia Ridola                                              Page 15
                                                @angelinipharma                                Collaborators
                                                                                                                               Lara Kessler
                                                                                               Joana Alvim
                                                                                               Adelaide Ciccarella             Alessandra Pennacchiotti   our new CRM system
                                                                                               Valentina Coccoli               Marilena Saviano
                                                Angelini Pharma
Scan and explore                                                                               Elisa Ficiarà                   Jack Shirts
                                                                                               Lorenzo Giacometti
                                                                                               Olga Insua
Towards digital health,
               in record time
               By Pierluigi Antonelli, Angelini Pharma CEO

               We have had to race throughout this past year,                                                              look at epilepsy, depression and      Industrial Operations, R&D) in
                                                                                                                           schizophrenia; Angelini Pharma        each of our 25 countries.
               but we did it knowing that we were moving in
                                                                                                                           Plus, a portal dedicated to our       A transformation that is changing
               the right direction                                                                                         pharmacists, which is under           life within our community,
                                                                                                                           development; AiDEA, a brand new       and which is receiving positive
                                                                                                                           CRM powered by AI with Microsoft      testimony. In Italy, our company
                                                                                                                           and Trueblue; Angela, our AI          was the most awarded at the
                                                                                                                           powered chatbot, who also won         Life Science Excellence Awards
               Many things might change               three driving principles:
                                                                                                                           an award at the About Pharma          2021, award promoted by the
               throughout the course of a
                                                                                                                           Digital Awards for Best Service for   Italian Society of Scientific and
               business year, but if that year is       Digital Consent Acquisition:
                                                                                                                           Pharmacists in 2019.                  Health Communication, and
               marked by an unprecedented             through a simple online form,
                                                                                                                           Our digital transformation journey    received the Best Help And

                                                                                               of view
               pandemic like the one we are still     we started to allow our medical
                                                                                                                           started 18 months ago, and            Support Projects award for the
               facing, time is shortened, the pace    sales representatives the ability
                                                                                                                           within the last 14 months we have     digital communication project
               of change accelerates, and the         to collect doctor and pharmacist
                                                                                                                           already achieved very positive        #FaLaScuolaGiusta at the About
               results are here before anticipated.   consent to engage with them
                                                                                                                           results. Out digital investments      Pharma Digital Award 2021,
               The catastrophic pandemic              remotely or send e-mails;
                                                                                                                           are a very significant data           another important award for
               took us by surprise by suddenly
               showing us that our traditional        • Enabling Remote Channels:
                                                                                                                           point: the promotional budget
                                                                                                                           earmarked for digital initiatives
                                                                                                                                                                 digital innovation, where our
                                                                                                                                                                 company this year was a finalist
               working methods were no longer         We activated a remote call
                                                                                                                           grew from 8% in 2019 to 20% in        in eight categories, including Best
               suitable for facing the evolution      platform to be used for
                                                                                                                           2021. A transformation supported      Social Company and Best Digital
               of the workplace. For years, we        promotional digital material,
                                                                                                                           by a true Digital Organization        Company. I hope that in the
               have always put pressure mainly        standardized emails to our clients,
                                                                                                                           formed by more than 30                future our initiatives will also be
               on the relationship between            and also optimized peer-to-peer
                                                                                                                           colleagues dedicated to digital       recognized in the other countries
               doctors and pharmacists with           medical communication across
                                                                                                                           in all businesses (Commercial,        in which we operate.
               an engagement mode, mainly             virtual platforms;
                                                                                                                                                                 The road ahead is still long, but
               based on frequency and coverage,
               which did not provide for use with     • Medical Sales Representative
                                                                                                                                                                 I am truly confident that our
                                                                                                                                                                 company is on the right path
               other channels of interaction. This    Training: We have equipped
                                                                                                                                                                 towards becoming a Pharma
               is because our run-in approach         our Field Force with new training
                                                                                                                                                                 Company leader in Europe, with a
               worked well.                           on how to effectively execute a
                                                                                                                                                                 digital first mentality!
               When we introduced our “Go             remote visit.
               Digital” pillar strategy in 2019 by
               sharing a vision and a resource-       After one year, we sent more
               supported plan, I noted some           than 1,000,000 custom emails
               skeptical glances among our            within the last 12 months alone,
               colleagues. As strange as it may       compared to zero emails in
               see, the pandemic helped us            2019. In some countries, remote
               understand that we were behind,        interactions have reached 96%.
               forcing us to make up for the
Time is
shortened,     delay. And thanks to the incredible    We have also launched innovative
the pace       sense of urgency and enthusiasm        channels to create various contact
of change      of Angeliners, we have almost          points with our doctors and
accelerates,   made up for years’ worth of a gap      clients:
and the
results are
               in a few months.             , our
here before                                           CNS and Mental Health Digital
anticipated.   We established a plan based on         Hub, which contains a closer

 4                                                                                          ISSUE        TOUCHING THE FUTURE                                                                           5

                                                           The Launch Of Ontozry®
                                                           In Germany:
                                                           A Team Success Story
                                                           By Lara Kessler, Digital Medicines Manager

                                                           An important new step in our journey to provide
                                                           an answer for the treatment of focal onset
                                                           seizures in adults with epilepsy.

                                                           In early 2020, the Medical Team                mindset.                              different media groups.
                                                           began contacting and informing                 Once the team was formed, the         At present, Ontozry® is available
                                                           leading German epileptologists,                campaign continued with the first     from large wholesalers in
                                                           while an early access program                  Ontozry® HCP Meeting and the          Germany. Moreover, the
                                                           for cenobamate was launched in                 launch of a DSE (Disease State        product launch is supported by
                                                           October of the same year.                      Educational) campaign to raise        a continuous media presence
                                                                                                          awareness of the unmet need of        in leading medical journals
                                                           At the same time, in April 2021, the           drug-resistant patients with focal    to promote and position our
                                                           onboarding program for the Sales               onset seizures. Another important     company as a strong partner in
                                                           Force team began. The new team                 milestone reached before the          the field of epilepsy and Ontozry®
                                                           attended a full month of scientific            actual launch of Ontozry® was         as a promising new treatment
                                                           training sessions on epilepsy and              its inclusion in the Lauer-Taxe       option for epilepsy patients with
                                                           in particular on cenobamate,                   (the list of drugs and their prices   focal seizures that are difficult to
                                                           its commercial positioning,                    on the German market) and the         treat.
                                                           understanding market dynamics                  submission of the dossier to the
                                                           and handling questions from                    German regulatory authority.          The launch of Ontozry® was
                                                           doctors.                                                                             a team success that makes
                                                                                                          11 June was the day of the            our entire company proud to
                                                           Since the meeting was organized                Ontozry® press conference and         provide such an innovative
                                                           digitally, the Management Team,                launch event in Berlin, where six     therapeutic solution to healthcare
                                                           with the support of HR colleagues,             KOPs shared their experience          professionals and patients. This
                                                           planned team building sessions                 in treating patients with drug-       was a particular success for
                                                           to allow colleagues to get to know             resistant epilepsy. The press         the team at Angelini Pharma
                                                           each other better and develop                  conference was attended by            Germany, who made a real
                                                           a shared understanding and                     twelve journalists from ten           difference with the launch of

    Epilepsy In Germany

    It is estimated that there are           confirmed that people with drug-resistant epilepsy are at
    between 400,000 and 800,0001             higher risk of premature death than the general population3.
    people with epilepsy in Germany
    and that around 60% of them
    suffer from focal seizures2. These
                                             Brandt C. Informationsblatt 006.
    seizures can have a severe impact
                                             Herausgeber: Dt. Gesellschaft für Epileptologie. 2016.
    on people’s lives. A study carried out   2
                                                 Schmitz B, et al. Epilepsia. 2010; 51(11):2231 – 2240.
    in Germany and published in 2017         3
                                                 Strzelzcyk et al. Front Neurol 2017; 8: 712.

6                              ISSUE                       TOUCHING THE FUTURE                                                                                                   7

                                                                                                                                                       PRIORITIZE IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                     The organization has a

                     PLAY in Spain                                                                                              Y                                                           L
We must have                                                                                                                                          clear purpose with a
it to deprioritize                                                                                                                                  progressive prioritization

                     the Agile Way
and challenge                                                                                                                                           (P) shared by all.
the status
quo, focusing                                                                                                       YOU LEARN TO IMPACT                                                LEAD IMPACT

on impact vs
                     Di Olga Insua, Country Manager Angelini Pharma Spain                                          Teams continually learn as                                    Talent feels empowered to
                                                                                                                      they experiment and                                               contribute in
                                                                                                                    progress toward defined                                          self-organized and
                                                                                                                            priorities.                                           multidisciplinary squads.
                                                                                                                                                           Align IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                     The entire organization
                                                                                                                                                    moves forward together,
                     A radical transformation in the approach to the                                                                                   collaborating and
                     organisation of work and teams as told in first person by                                                                     adapting in a synchronized
                     Olga Insua, Country Manager of Angelini Pharma Spain.                                                                         way in the same direction.

                     Shortly after I arrived at Angelini           front, based on clearly defined and                  determined by the squads, bottom up, not          You Learn
                     Pharma, I was in a conference room            measurable objectives, we formed                     top down. Because they are based on impact        Implementation of PLAY has been a
                     and spotted a poster on a whiteboard          cross-functional/self-organized teams,               vs activity, the squads continually check         continuous learning journey. We were able
                     left over from a past meeting. There          Squads, focused on the priorities that               progress, make recommendations, and ask           to stay connected, flexible in adjusting to the
                     were objectives, key results…clearly a        would achieve the objectives and key                 for help. For the Leadership Team, our job is     rapidly changing needs of the market. In 2021
                     planning workshop had taken place             results (OKRs). By having the right                  to trust the squads, to support, empower and      we evolve our learning with Play.Dna, focusing
                     here. I asked to see this for all our         skilled people focused on the defined                challenge them, but the most important is         on Being Digital and learning about Phygital.
                     brands and was astonished to learn that       priorities, it forced us to simplify and             trust. We need to let people do their jobs. No    From the start, PLAY has been key to work
                     this poster was from a pilot, and that        concentrate on that which would have                 hierarchy. No fear.                               in an agile way. In uncertain times, through
                     this kind of planning didn´t exist for        the highest impact, deprioritizing                                                                     Covid-19, and an increasingly VUCA (volatility,
                     other departments. Wait…what?                 things with little/no impact. The role               Align                                             uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity)
What is PLAY?                                                      of the Leadership Team is to provide                 Each week all squads come together for            environment, we were able to be successful,
For starters, it     This was my first exposure to PLAY, our       guidance and support, to be clear on                 two hours and provide a status and level          dynamic and united as a team. PLAY has
is an acronym:       version of Agile Methodology. The pilot       the why, so teams are free to focus on               of confidence on the ability to achieve           been our magic recipe for success: controlling
                     had been going on for a while with            the what and how.                                    the OKRs. This is our drumbeat, keeping           the controllable and changing together into
Align                positive feedback. Immediately, we            A key component is our core behavior:                everyone moving together in a synchronized        a better, agile & efficient high-performance
You Learn            rolled it out nationally, in February 2020.   courage. We must have it to deprioritize             way. Vulnerability is key! We have to be          organization. One year later we have no doubt:
                     Little did we know that PLAY would            and challenge the status quo, focusing               willing to share the blockers early and ask       we will keep PLAYing!
                     be key to our success with the coming         on impact vs activity. As leaders, we                for help in unblocking, especially when the
                     pandemic!                                     must have the courage to give our                    blockers are still small. As leaders, we need
                                                                   teams the space and freedom to make                  to encourage this transparency. It makes all
                     First, as a Leadership Team we defined        their own decisions about how to reach               the difference in keeping projects on track,
                     our PLAY to Win Strategy for 2023. We         success.                                             ensuring the ability to be flexible when
                     needed to have a common direction                                                                  adjustments are needed. This element was
                     across the entire business.                   Lead                                                 critical to the success of Spain during the
                                                                   With self-organized teams, leadership                pandemic, giving us the communication
                     Prioritize                                    belongs to everyone. Having identified               channel and the agility to make any
                     Then, by putting patient needs in             and prioritized the OKRs, the squads                 necessary adjustments fast!
                     the center and our teams at the               lead the activities. The priorities are

  8                                                                                                 ISSUE     TOUCHING THE FUTURE                                                                                      9

Many stories,                                                                                                        One year of Angelini Pharma
one commitment: to be                                                                                                in Germany
protagonists of change                                                                                               By Lara Kessler, Digital Medicines Manager

By Jack Shirts, US Human Resources Head
                                                                                                                     July is the month of celebration     completely new team does not          in the prescription market and
                                                                                                                     for Germany. One year ago, on July   happen often. We had and still        consistently implementing our
From Anthony’s passion for cars to Teresa’s “mission”: the stories of                                                1, 2020 Angelini Pharma opened       have enormous support from our        growth strategy.”, says André
the US Angeliners, a heritage for our entire group.                                                                  a branch in Munich. Germany          colleagues at our headquarters        Kindling. With the acquisition
                                                                                                                     started with 50 employees and        in Rome and are therefore able        of Arvelle, the team grew by 30
                                                                                                                     the Consumer Health brands           to rely on existing structures, but   new colleagues and will meet for
                                                                                                                     ThermaCare, Tantum Verde,            determine many things ourselves.”     the very first time all together in
                                                                                                                     BoxaGrippal, Heumann and                                                   person, to celebrate the 1-year-
What do racecars have in                and pride when they discuss their      teams continue to integrate,          Acutil – and this in the middle of   Within this first year, many          anniversary with a big event and
common with manufacturing               work.                                  despite the more than 1200 km         the COVID-19 pandemic. André         milestones have been achieved.        an Italian evening.
medical devices? More than you          The Davises aren’t alone in their      distance between them.                Kindling, Country Manager            From meeting both quantitative
would think, according to Anthony       commitment and loyalty to the          Although smaller, the Rockville       Germany:                             and qualitative targets to
Davis. Although he’s only worked        brand they’ve helped to build;         team is no less committed to                                               launching Ontozry as first country
for two years in the ThermaCare         many colleagues, both veterans         successfully growing the business.    “The start was exciting and with     in the Angelini Pharma world.
production facility at Albany,          and new hires alike, display these     Every person and every position       a lot of positive energy. Starting   “For us as a company, it means
Georgia, USA, Davis has many            behaviors. Another long-term           makes a difference.                   such a journey together with a       now also establishing ourselves
years of experience as an amateur       colleague is Teresa Carmon,            One example is Janiece Herrera,
racecar driver. It didn’t take long     Production Support Specialist,         Customer Service Specialist, who

                                                                                                                     Compreender a Depressão:
for him to see the similarities.        who started with P&G 31 years ago.     started with the company in 2008.
                                                                               Having been raised as the oldest
“Most people think racing is            She moved from North Carolina          of 10 kids in a blended family,

                                                                                                                     a disease awareness
just about speed,” Davis said.          to Albany when the ThermaCare          she knows how to multi-task
“But the key is to know your            business was brought here in 1999.     and motivate as a protagonist of
car, your machine, and to keep          “I love the interaction with people    positive change.

                                                                                                                     campaign by Angelini Pharma
it performing with consistency          in the plant,” said Teresa. “Working   “Even with the negatives that
over time and through various           well together is the real secret       come,” Herrera said, “there’s
conditions. Speed counts, but           to success. Teamwork is a must         always something positive. “Life
consistency is key.”

Davis’s racing partner is his father,
                                        for us to make progress”. Teresa
                                        has made it a personal mission to
                                        bring positivity to her colleagues.
                                                                               is a path of stepping stones. Each
                                                                               step prepares you for the next.
                                                                               You have to take responsibility for
Wheeler Davis, a fellow Angeliner       Her motto is “B4Real,” which is a      change and progress.”
who has worked with ThermaCare          simplified version of Shakespeare’s                                          By Joana Alvim, Corporate Communication Specialist
products for more than 30 years.        quote, “To thine own self be true…     Whether on the racetrack
The senior Davis notified his son       and thou canst not then be false       or the manufacturing plant,
of an open position a couple years      to any man.” Carmon is genuine         serving customers or motivating       Angelini Pharma Portugal is          be helped.                            contribution of 11 experts who
ago, knowing he wanted to make          in her concern for her colleagues,     colleagues, US Angeliners             carrying out a disease awareness     Contents are intended for             will address various topics in this
a career change. They work in           who are like family to her.            embrace the challenge to be           campaign, entitled Understanding     the general public, mainly for        area like, relationship between
different departments and don’t                                                protagonists in our change            Depression, in partnership           patients with depression, at risk     depression and other illnesses,
have much direct interaction.           Since the acquisition of               journey.                              with the Portuguese Society of       of depression and/or who deal         the importance of knowing the
But both men use words like             ThermaCare (March 2020), the                                                 Psychiatry and Mental Health and     closely with these patients.          causes, symptoms and treatment
gratitude, commitment, family,          Albany and Rockville, Maryland                                               promoted at the media level by       The campaign started, May             of depression, understanding
                                                                                                                     the a leading local Media Group.     14th, with a debate on the TSF        the suffering of anxiety and
                                                                                                                     This campaign addresses Mental       radio (local leader news radio)       depression.
                                                                                                                     Health and Mental Illness focusing   with two specialists of the area.     The campaign will be promoted
                                                                                                                     on the area of Depressive            On the same day, on the Diário        on the digital channels and social
                                                                                                                     Disorder.                            de Noticias website, debuted          networks of Diário de Notícias
                                                                                                                     Its aim is to destigmatize,          a campaign channel with the           newspaper, on TSF radio, as well as
                                                                                                                     demystify and pedagogically          publication of three articles         on the website of the Portuguese
                                                                                                                     clarify about this pathology,        developed by experts.                 Society of Psychiatry and Mental
                                                                               Life is a path of                     identify possible warning signs,     By the end of the year, ten           Health.
                                                                               stepping stones.                      and instruct on how to help and      articles will be published with the
                                                                               Each step prepares
                                                                               you for the next.

 10                                                                                                        ISSUE     TOUCHING THE FUTURE                                                                                         11

Our Journey                                                                                FOCUS          Simplify
Towards Operational                                                                        ON
                                                                                                          Improving Process Operability
Excellence                                                                                 Excellence
                                                                                                          Every Day
By Valentina Coccoli, Global BEX Executive Director                                                       By Luca Di Giandomenico, Global Internal Communication Specialist

Engagement, innovation and a clearly defined goal:                                                        Support the transition towards      processes. It adopts a horizontal    For example? Last year’s focus
to strive for operational excellence in order to act as a                                                 becoming an agile organization      approach that fully involves the     group with each country’s
partner for our stakeholders                                                                              and promote process optimization    departments requiring support.       marketing teams revealed that
                                                                                                          and continuous improvement.         ‘Our approach necessarily involves   the budget and forecasting
                                                                                                          These are the main goals of         identifying needs,’ explains         procedures were in need of review.
                                                                                                          Simplify, the stream within         Adelaide Ciccarella, Global
Change, innovation and digitalization       not only by those who seek to bring                           Angelini Pharma’s Business          Processes Optimization Manager       Thanks to feedback from over
are some of the most frequently used        about change, but also by those who                           Excellence department to foster     and head of Simplify, ‘so we         twenty stakeholders interviewed
words in the last year and a half, ever     are affected by the change, namely                            process innovation and strive for   organize periodic focus groups       during the assessment stage,
since the pandemic’s effects on the         customers, consumers, partners and                            operational excellence.             and short surveys to identify        the Simplify team identified the
economy have forced organizations           employees. In recent months, our                                                                  requirements. Once we have           strategic inputs required to define
to transform themselves, not only to        company has launched many projects                            Simplify can be described as a      the complete picture, we             the new process in time to start
improve, but, at a more fundamental         aimed at improving processes: in                              department within a department      proceed with the selection and       planning the 2022 budget.
level, to survive this new normal.          these projects, in these processes, we                        to support other divisions in       implementation of a project that
Angelini Pharma, in this regard,            have always decided to focus first and                        planning and redesigning internal   aims to solve needs.’
can claim to be a company that has          foremost on the full participation of the
managed to stay ahead of the game           actors involved, both external actors
by planning accordingly. It is no           and, above all, internal actors. If the road
coincidence that one of the strategic       to excellence is a challenging journey,
pillars of our company, long before the     all travelers must be enthusiastic and

                                                                                                          AHEAD, When Training
pandemic, is Embrace Operational            fully involved.
Excellence - a strategic pillar that is
in fact a policy statement on how           As mentioned earlier, over the past
to develop projects and improve
                                            year the word ‘transformation’ has
                                            become synonymous with digital                                Coincides With Operational
                                            transformation. If achieving operational
Embrace Operational Excellence.             excellence is a journey, then you have
Excellence is a concept that is             to equip yourself with the best tools to
inherently associated with the absolute,    make it happen. Digital transformation,
with perfection. Indeed, considering        especially in the pharmaceutical
that one of the cornerstones of             industry, has, for obvious reasons,                           By Alessandra Pennacchiotti, Global CFR Training & Development Manager
Operational Excellence is continuous        been much more far-reaching - it has
improvement, excellence appears to be       involved shifting many stakeholder
a goal that drifts further away whenever    relationships to a digital environment.
it is approached. Once a target has         A denser, more holistic change, in
been achieved, the focus shifts to how      which we have sought to participate
                                                                                                          Training, transformation and        find useful tools for their own      existing courses. Moreover, there
it can be improved. And that is precisely   and will continue to do so in the future.
                                                                                                          innovation: for a company like      development. In particular, the      is an ongoing collaboration with
our goal - being excellent at achieving
                                                                                                          Angelini Pharma, these are key      platform includes a tool for self-   the HR department to expand
and striving for excellence.                Because the journey towards
                                                                                                          assets for strategic success.       and hetero-assessment of skills,     the AHEAD Academy’s training
                                            operational excellence is never-ending.
                                                                                                          With the goal of combining          a tool for defining a Personal       program to benefit CFRs.
It is a journey which, for obvious
                                                                                                          these assets, our company has       Development Plan, and the
reasons, involves innovation and
                                                                                                          developed and launched AHEAD,       AHEAD Academy, a library with        By the end of 2021, the AHEAD
change. Innovation means change and
                                                                                                          the program for developing the      all the training resources freely    program will also be extended
change often requires consideration,
                                                                                                          technical and scientific skills     accessible to users.                 to Angelini Pharma CFRs in
                                                                                                          of Angelini Pharma’s Customer                                            the Medical and Marketing
                                                                                                          Facing Roles (CFRs).                The AHEAD program is constantly      Department.
                                                                                                                                              evolving: new training solutions,
                                                                                                          AHEAD is structured as a            tailored to each Field Force
                                                                                                          platform on which each user can     role, are being rapidly added to
 12                                                                                          ISSUE       TOUCHING THE FUTURE                                                                                     13

Our way to supporting and                                                                                      Between Artificial In-
boosting Business Excellence:                                                                                  telligence and Digital
the new Global Management                                                                                      Transformation.
Platform                                                                                                       AiDEA, our new CRM
By Claudia Ceniccola, Global Sales Force Effectiveness Senior Manager

                                                                                                               By Barbara De Gol, Global Patient Advocacy Specialist

OneClick, the innovative dashboard to centralize into a single structure multiple
data sources, useful for commercial purposes.                                                                  Our digital vision becomes true in the implementation
                                                                                                               of an innovative AI-Driven CRM system: AiDEA.
OneClick entails two main             portal integrating different           Sales performance and Plans of
challenges for our company.           data sources - such as Finance         Action.
On one hand, the introduction         and profitability, Market Sales,       OneClick is also the result of
                                                                                                               A new AI-Driven CRM system, a         as it makes it possible to develop   will be accompanied by the
of an important analytical            Sales Force (CRM) and Digital &        a strong team collaboration
                                                                                                               new paradigm in our daily work.       tailored Customer Journeys           standardization of governance
evolution in all countries; on the    Coaching - which provides access       between our Business Excellence
                                                                                                               A tool that outlines a clear path     and to obtain a 360° view of the     processes at a corporate level, thus
other, the implementation of a        to analytical processes, reports,      central team, the local country
                                                                                                               towards digitalization by fostering   customer.                            promoting an important change
major change in management            and dashboards available to a          BEX and TrueBlue, a leading
                                                                                                               a Smart Customer Engagement,          The AiDEA suite will be              management model that will
processes.                            variety of business roles, from        Italian provider of specialized
                                                                                                               in order to develop and improve       implemented in more than 24          involve all countries.
With such innovative dashboard        Management to Sales Reps.              digital workforce solutions.
                                                                                                               commercial and operational            subsidiaries worldwide, offering
and the insights that it generates,
                                                                                                               capabilities of our people, leading   actionable insights and omni-        In conclusion, AiDEA represents
our company is aligning to            Focusing on the territory              The early onboarding of
                                                                                                               us to grow internationally.           channel optimization algorithms      a crucial project for our
the business processes in the         performance management,                Champions and the co-creation
                                                                                                                                                     designed to maximize the use of      community, for sure challenging
pharmaceutical scenario, and          OneClick embraces an analytical        workshops have been the key
                                                                                                               The tool is powered by                resources.                           from many points of view, but
we are now better equipped            process founded on the “5 why          steps to share expectations and
                                                                                                               Microsoft and featured by a fully                                          characterized by the desire to
to success in an increasingly         analysis” where - thanks to specific   agreements on processes and
                                                                                                               conversational interaction            The potentialities inherent in       pursue important objectives
competitive market.                   business questions - users are able    KPIs.
                                                                                                               driven by AI and permits to           Artificial Intelligence will add     of growth and innovation, in
OneClick consists of an analytical    to discover actionable insights on
                                                                                                               easily collect and organize           value to our company’s path          a historical moment of digital
                                                                                                               information from multiple             of innovation and will boost a       transition for companies in the
                                                                                                               sources. This innovative thrust       revolution in the way of working     pharmaceutical market all over
                                                                                                               allows our company to push its        within the Company, at all levels    the world.
                                                                                                               Digital Transformation attitude,      and departments. This change

                                                                                                                App                           App

 14                                                                                                    ISSUE   TOUCHING THE FUTURE                                                                                        15

The Future Of Drug
                                                                                                                                                               chances of successful treatment plans
                                                                                                                                                               and consequently treatment safety and
                                                                                                                                                               patient compliance.

Development: Our New 3D
                                                                                                                                                               Harnessing the benefits of the
                                                                                                                                                               flexibility offered by 3D printers, our
                                                                                                                                                               preformulation team aims to study

Printing Area printing area
                                                                                                                                                               different classes of oral delivery systems
                                                                                                                                                               with a single machine - namely
                                                                                                                                                               monolithic systems with customizable
                                                                                                                                                               designs, formulations with scheduled
                                                                                                                                                               active release according to need, and
                                                                                                                                                               oral systems with unique formulation
New technologies are also making it possible to radically                                                                                                      characteristics.
innovate in the pharmaceutical industry, opening the way to
                                                                                                                                                               Personalizing the type of formulation,
the real prospect of personalized medicine.                                                                                                                    as well as scaling dosage based on
                                                                                                                                                               individual body mass and better
                                                                                                                    3D printer                                 management by caregivers, would
By Marilena Saviano, Preformulation Laboratory Junior Scientist,
                                                                                                                    (Ultimaker S5 Pro                          enable us to offer safer and more
                                                                                                                    Bundle)                                    compliant treatments.
and Elisa Ficiarà, Preformulation Laboratory Scientist
                                                                                                                                                               In this new scenario, pharmaceutical
                                                                                                                                                               companies could therefore play a
                                                                                                                                                               crucial role in the development of
                                                                                                                                                               medicines that combine personalized
                                                                                                                                                               treatment, an industrial scale and
In the last year, the network        There are countless applications       hospital pharmacies, as well as                                                    product safety in accordance with
created thanks to the                for 3D printing in the                 of revolutionary products with                                                     regulatory bodies’ requirements.
MarcheBioBank Project (co-           pharmaceutical industry, from          unique characteristics in the
financed by the European             rapid prototyping of formulations      industrial field.
Regional Development Fund, POR       to its potential in phase I clinical   In recent years, the prospect of
FESR MARCHE 2014-2020) has led       trials and finally to finished         personalized treatments has been
to the creation of a collaborative   products that can be printed           driving the community towards a
research platform, involving both    directly onto packaging material.      widespread desire for personalized
the business and research worlds,    In this context, our aim is to         healthcare. It is therefore essential
to investigate new therapeutic       pioneer the future paradigm shift      to reorganize health services and
approaches to personalized           in the design, production and use      production schedules to meet
medicine.                            of next-generation drugs through       patients’ expectations regarding
                                     innovative manufacturing               targeted medicine and a holistic
The project has enabled              technologies.                          view of medical care.
Angelini Pharma to focus its         Our research projects will
research efforts on 3D printing, a   certainly contribute to increasing     Thanks to personalized healthcare
manufacturing technology based       awareness of the possibilities         linked to 3D printing techniques,
on an additive process, i.e. the     offered by 3D printing and             the selection of the appropriate
sequential layering of material      recognition of this new                formulation will be more
from a digital model.                technology as highly functional        targeted and the production
                                     and promising in the field of          of personalized drugs will be
Studying this new technology and     pharmaceutical sciences and            accelerated and tailored to the
applying it in the pharmaceutical    healthcare.                            specific needs of subcategories of
industry allows us to move           3D printing is revolutionizing the     patients.
towards the development and          prototyping and manufacturing
testing of new effective and         system in a number of sectors          3D printing applied to drug                                 “It’s far more
practical solutions that meet the    and will undoubtedly supplement        development could therefore                                 important to
needs of a large pool of people      traditional methods or play an         improve the therapeutic efficacy                            know what
with specific needs, such as         alternative role in the production     of new molecules or known
pediatric patients.                  of personalized drugs in               active ingredients, increasing the
                                                                                                                                        person the
                                                                                                                                        disease has
                                                                                                                                        than what
                                                                                                                                        disease the
                                                                                                                                        person has.”

                                                                                                                                        c. 460 - c. 370 B.C.

 16                                                                                                      ISSUE      TOUCHING THE FUTURE                                                                  17

                    Team Green
                                                                                                                                                                   of ‘source reduction’ of materials
                                                                                                                                                                   used in all types of packaging
                                                                                                                                                                   (in compliance with regulatory

                    Heroes Save The
                                                                                                                                                                   requirements to ensure patient/
                                                                                                                                                                   consumer safety) and this year
                                                                                                                                                                   we are completing the project to

                    Environment With
                                                                                                                                                                   remove PVC from Amuchina Gel
                                                                                                                                                                   products and replace it with PET.
                                                                                                                                                                   This will lead to the reduction of

                    Bottles And...                                                                                                                                 around 5 tonnes of PVC from the
                                                                                                                                                                   market by 2022!

                    Nappies!                                                                                                                                       A real cultural change could be
                                                                                                                                                                   achieved by considering not
                                                                                                                                                                   only packaging, but also all the
                                                                                                                                                                   other ‘materials’ involved in
                    By Lorenzo Giacometti, Packaging Engineering Specialist                                                  studying the potential use of         sales (promotional materials,
                                                                                                                             packaging generated by re-using       displays, packaging, etc.). Tertiary
                                                                                                                             post-consumer plastics for two        packaging, since it has no direct
                                                                                                                             categories of home-care products      contact with the product (and its
                                                                                                                             sold under the Amuchina brand:        formula), could lead to excellent
                    In recent years, there has been a global increase                                                        the Flooring range (3 products in     sustainability opportunities
                    in demand for sustainably manufactured                                                                   the range) and the Laundry Liquid     directly at the point of sale.
Tertiary            products. Companies that have demonstrated a                                                             range (consisting of 2 products).     We are analyzing the market,
packaging, since
it has no direct
                    commitment to sustainability have enjoyed four                                                           Compatibility studies with the        identifying the brand with
contact with the    times the sales growth of competitors that have                                                          relevant formulations are ongoing,    which to launch this project and
product (and its    failed to do so.                                                                                         but we expect to produce bottles      involving two strategic partners:
formula), could                                                                                                              made from 100% recycled plastic       Unicam -
lead to excellent
                                                                                                                             resin before the end of 2022.
opportunities                                                                                                                This is quite an achievement          University of Camerino and Fater
directly at the                                                                                                              when we consider that, in the case    (a company in our Group). It
point of sale.                                                                                                               of primary packaging, it is not       may seem very ambitious, but
                                                                                                                             always possible to use sustainable    we would like to use alternative
                    Our offices have always been                                                                             packaging solutions because,          resources, such as those produced
                    characterized by a great deal                                                                            in order to guarantee patient/        by the FaterSmart project, which
                    of empathy and perhaps this is                                                                           consumer safety, quality and          recovers cellulose and plastic
                    why the first cross-functional                                                                           performance levels must be met        resin from used nappies. Giving
                    Angeliners team to dream of a                                                                            that are often not achievable with    these materials a second life will
                    sustainable future was established                                                                       packs produced from regenerated       promote the noble concept of
                    here. Because ‘sustainable’ is a                                                                         materials.                            a circular economy within our
                                                         forming the first partnerships with

                    development model that meets                                                                                                                   holding company.
                                                         external bodies such as university
                    the needs of the present, without                                                                        For ‘sustainable design’ to be        There is still a long way to go,
                                                         research labs, suppliers and
                    compromising the ability of future                                                                       usable we must first define several   but now is the time to set out a
                    generations to meet their own                                                                            factors for each type of product.     concrete vision for our future.
                    needs.                                                                                                   These include the highest level
                                                         We focused on cost-effectiveness
                                                         from the outset because often
                    Set up in December 2020              the most sustainable solutions
                    as a collaboration between           are also the most expensive in
                    the technical Packaging              terms of industrial processes.               We are completing
                    Engineering department and           In recent years, there has been              the project to
                    the Procurement department, in       a global increase in demand                  remove PVC from
                    its various forms (Purchasing of     for sustainably manufactured                 Amuchina Gel
                    Packaging Materials, Purchasing      products. A few years ago, surveys
                    of Finished Products, Purchasing
                                                                                                      products and
                                                         revealed that around 70% of                  replace it with PET.
                    of Promotional Materials), the       consumers were willing to pay
                    Green Team considered what                                                        This will lead to
                                                         extra money for sustainable
                    was lacking and how to design                                                     the reduction of
                                                         products, compared to 50% two
                    new ideas together in order to       years earlier. This also explains
                                                                                                      around 5 tonnes
                    find sustainable and eco-friendly    why companies that have                      of PVC from the
                    solutions for application in daily   demonstrated a commitment                    market by 2022!
                    work.                                to sustainability have enjoyed
                    After just 5 months, the team        four times the sales growth of
                    expanded and we involved             competitors that have failed to do
                    the Global Marketing, Trade          so.
                    Marketing, and R&D teams,            We took the first steps by

 18                                                                                 ISSUE      TOUCHING THE FUTURE                                                                            19
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