Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group

Page created by Lee Holmes
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
13 JANUARY 2022

Business update 2021 & outlook 2022
David Layton, CEO | Hans Ploos van Amstel, CFO

Edward Diffendal Private Infrastructure Americas | Vittorio Lacagnina Client Solutions Americas
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
BUSINESS UPDATE 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                  2

    Growth momentum continues into 2022

                                                               Clients   Investments

                              Robust client demand                                Strong portfolio performance
 USD 25 billion in new commitments in 2021, supported in                          Our investment approach delivered attractive
part by a catch-up in activities that were postponed in 2020                      underlying portfolio performance

          Sustained AuM growth                                                                 Significant investment activity
  AuM grew 17% to USD 127 billion in 2021,                                                     Invested USD 32 billion in 2021 with a focus on
            diversified across asset classes                                                   transformational growth themes

                               Solid growth in 2022                               Thematic investing remains key
          Anticipated client demand results in continued                          We continue to identify assets with superior growth
     AuM growth; USD 22-26 billion fundraising expected                           profiles and greater resilience

   Source: Partners Group (2022).
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
BUSINESS UPDATE 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                             3

Table of contents

                                      1   AuM development 2021 & outlook 2022

                                      2   Investments 2021 & outlook 2022
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
AUM DEVELOPMENT 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                4

 Sustained AuM growth with continued diversification across asset classes

 Total assets under management1 (in USD billion)


                                                                                                                             63bn                                  27bn
                                                                                                                                 Private                              Private
                                                                                                                                 equity                                debt

                                                                                                                             18bn                                   19bn
                                                                                                                                Private                                Private
                                                                                                                              real estate                          infrastructure
















Note: assets under management exclude discontinued public alternative investment activities and divested affiliated companies held up to 2013.
1Partners Group aims to mirror the fee basis for its various programs and mandates when calculating AuM. For further information please refer to the 2020 Annual

Report, "Key definitions and alternative performance metrics (APM)", on page 28, available for download at
Source: Partners Group (2022).
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
AUM DEVELOPMENT 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                  5

 Bespoke client solutions lead fundraising and represent the majority of AuM

  Assets raised during 2021                                                                                AuM as of 31 December 2021

                Private infrastructure                                                                                  Private infrastructure
                         17%                                                                                                     15%
                                                                                                                      Private real
            Private real
                                                                                                                         estate                       USD            Private equity
               estate                         USD                      Private equity
                                            25 billion                                                                    14%                       127 billion           49%
                9%                                                          50%

           Private debt                                                                                                 Private debt
               24%                                                                                                          22%

        Traditional                           USD                          Bespoke                                Traditional                          USD               Bespoke
     client programs                        25 billion                 client solutions                        client programs                       127 billion     client solutions
           38%                                                               62%                                     34%                                                   66%
                                             Evergreen                                                                                                Evergreen
                                           programs (26%)                                                                                           programs (29%)

Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. Note: "mandates" AuM and assets raised also include commitments by select
mandate clients into traditional programs; therefore, the corresponding amount is not included within the AuM category "traditional" but within "mandates".
Source: Partners Group (2022).
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
AUM DEVELOPMENT 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                            6

  Net AuM growth of 17%

  Total assets under management development (in USD billion)

                                                         +25.0                                     -8.3                                   +1.6
                                                                                            Tail-downs: -6.3
                                                                                                                                        Other +5.8                          127.4   = EUR 112.0 bn
                                                                                                                                                                                    = CHF 116.0 bn
                                                                                           Redemptions: -2.0
                                                                                                                                          FX -4.2

                                                Based on                          Equals 6% of the                 Performance on                   Mainly EUR
                                          formula in traditional                  average NAV for                 programs that link             depreciating by 7%
                                         closed-ended programs                  evergreen programs                their AuM to their                against USD
                                        (pre-agreed with clients)            (limited up to 25%4 p.a.)            NAV development3                (EUR AuM: 45%)

                  2020                            New money/                               Tail-downs &                              FX & other2                            2021
                                                  commitments                              redemptions 1
Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. 1Tail-downs & redemptions: tail-downs consist of maturing investment
programs (typically closed-ended structures); redemptions stem from evergreen programs. 2Other consists of performance and investment program changes from
select programs. 3Partners Group reports fee-paying AuM. Most of the firm's evergreen programs base fees on NAV. The portfolio performance during the period
impacts the NAV of these products and this translates to a corresponding change in firm-level AuM. 4Gating provisions are a standard feature for those evergreens
which allow for redemptions; net redemptions are typically limited up to 25% p.a. of the prevailing NAV (stricter gating rules can be enforced for select share classes).
Source: Partners Group (2022).
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
AUM DEVELOPMENT 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                             7

 Growth across all asset classes

 Assets under management development in 2021 (in USD billion)

                                                                       New money/ redemptions,                                                                Net
                                                                  AuM commitments FX & others1                                                  AuM         growth   2018-2021
                                                                  2020      2021          2021                                                  2021         2021     CAGR 2

          Private equity                                           51.8                      12.4                       -1.2                     63.0        22%       15%
          Private debt                                             24.8                       6.1                       -3.4                     27.5        11%       16%
          Private infrastructure                                   15.7                       4.2                       -0.7                     19.2        23%       22%
          Private real estate                                      16.8                       2.2                       -1.4                     17.6         5%        8%

          Total AuM                                              109.1                       25.0                       -6.7                   127.4         17%       15%

Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. 1 Other consists of performance and investment program changes from
select programs. 2 CAGR: compound annual growth rate for the period 31 December 2018 – 31 December 2021. Source: Partners Group (2022).
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
AUM DEVELOPMENT 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                              8

 Continued solid growth expected for 2022

 AuM, client demand and other effects (in USD billion)

                                                                                                                                                             2022 guidance
                                                                                                                                               22 to 26           Client demand
                                                                                    16.0            109
                                                     16.5                                                                                                         Tail-downs &
                                                                                                                                              -10 to -12          redemptions1
                                        83                                                                         -8.3
         74                                                                          -8.1
                                                      -7.1                                                           +1.6                           +/-           FX & other2
                       -5.6                                                          +7.1
                                                                                                                  FX & other2                                     (no guidance)
                                                                                  FX & other2
                       -1.2                        FX & other2                                                                                       =            Total AuM
                    FX & other2

                      2018                           2019                           2020                           2021                          2022

Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. 1Tail-downs & redemptions: tail-downs consist of maturing investment
programs (typically closed-ended structures); redemptions stem from evergreen programs. 2Other consists of performance and investment program changes from
select programs. For illustrative purposes only. Source: Partners Group (2022).
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
BUSINESS UPDATE 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                             9

Table of contents

                                      1   AuM development 2021 & outlook 2022

                                      2   Investments 2021 & outlook 2022
Business update 2021 & outlook 2022 - 13 JANUARY 2022 - Partners Group
INVESTMENTS 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                 10

 Thematic investing remains key to unlocking value

For illustrative purposes only. Source: Partners Group Private Markets Navigator, Outlook 2022
INVESTMENTS 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                        11

  Our distinct thematic sourcing strategy enables us to develop investment
  opportunities in more than 50 themes in private equity alone
     Digitization & Automation                                             New Living                                                      Decarbonization & Sustainability

                         Industrial Robot/                                                                                 Web                            Biological /
  Robotic Process                                                                               Humanization                              Emission                          Industrial
                           Collaborative         Data Analytics            InsurTech                                    Management                          Natural
   Automation                                                                                     of Pets                                Purification                       Software
                              Robot                                                                                      Platforms                        Alternatives

   Protein Folding
                            Post-Acute           Verticalization         E-Commerce                                      Behavioral     Supply Chain
       in Bio-                                                                                 Smart Buildings                                            In silico R&D    Bioplastics
                             Health IT            of Software              Logistics                                      Health         Post C-19

                             Digital                  EV/AV            Next Generation             Life-Long             Tracing and   Remote Patient       Energy
   Machine Vision                                                                                                                                                          Telematics
                           Consultancy            Infrastructure         Therapies                 Learning               Tracking       Monitoring        Efficiency

      Machine              Regulatory &            Next Gen                                                               Proactive
                                                                       Everything-as-a-            Digital                                               Reverse Supply    Pre-owned /
     Learning in           Compliance             Performance                                                            Retirement      TeleHealth
                                                                           Service              Governments                                                  Chain           Re-buy
  Diagnosis & Care         HealthTech              Materials                                                              Provision

    Omnichannel                                                                                                                         Distributed
                            Low Code/           Hybrid Learning           Plant Based             Residential              Rising                          Building       Remote & Site-
     Financial                                                                                                                         Manufacturing /
                             No Code               Models                 Meat / Dairy             Services              Outpatient                       Automation        less Trials
     Services                                                                                                                           3D Printing

                           Predictive           Health Analytics                                 Outcome &                               Waste-to-
  Next Generation                                                        Alternative                                                                       Internet of       Green
                          Maintenance /           & Outcome                                      Value-based               EdTech        Energy /
       CRM                                                             Delivery Models                                                                       Things         Hydrogen
                              IIoT                Prediction                                        Care                                 Recycling

Private equity directs team grouped into four sectors:
 Goods & Products           Technology               Services             Health & Life

Abbreviations: CRM = customer relationship management; EV/AV = electric / autonomous vehicles; IIoT = industrial internet of things.
For illustrative purposes only. Source: Partners Group (2021).
INVESTMENTS 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                                  12

  USD 32 billion in new investments in 2021 supported by pent-up demand from 2020

  Partners Group's private markets investments (in USD billion)

                                                                                          31.7                                                                  16%
                                                                                                                                   Portfolio            Prim.
                                                                                                                                                         Sec.                   Equity   assets
                                                                                                                                    assets               8%      USD
                                                                                                                                                                                Equity    66%
                                                                                                                                                         BSL 32 billion
                                                                                                                                     34%                10%
                                          21.7                                              H2
                         13.6              H2
         11.7                                              H2
                                                                         10.3                                                            Europe
           H2                                                              H2                                                             41%

                                           H1              H1
                                                                                                                                                                     USD                  North
                                                                                                                                                                   32 billion            America
        2016            2017            2018            2019            2020             2021
                                                                                                                                Rest of World
1USD 17.6 billion invested   in direct equity investments and USD 3.2 billion invested in direct debt investments. Figures include add-on investments but exclude
syndication partner investments. Direct equity investments include all direct private equity, direct infrastructure and direct real estate investments (including
direct secondary transactions where Partners Group has a controlling interest). Private debt investments include direct lending investments ("debt") as well as
portfolio assets raised in the liquid loans business ("BSL") during the period, which includes collateralized loan obligations and net inflows into dedicated liquid loan
investment vehicles. Portfolio assets include USD 5.2 billion invested in secondaries, USD 2.6 billion invested in primaries and USD 3.0 billion in BSL. Due to
rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. Source: Partners Group (2022).
INVESTMENTS 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                                13

  Private equity: navigating elevated valuations through transformational investing

  Investment strategies                                        Select transformative trends & focus areas

                                                                               Future                                            Pharma                                       Commercial
                                                                             agriculture                                       outsourcing                                     services

                                                                  Vertical: Goods & Products                         Vertical: Health & Life                           Vertical: Services
         platform strategies

         Focus on operation
           value creation

                                                                  Leading developer,                                 Leading EU pharma company                         Leading provider of
                                                                  manufacturer and supplier of                       specialized in advanced drug                      aftermarket commercial HVAC
                                                                  crop lifecycle management                          delivery technologies for                         maintenance, repair and
                 Build                                            solutions                                          complex generics                                  replacement services
             market leaders                                       HQ: Lisbon, Portugal                               HQ: Amstelveen, Netherlands                       HQ: Illinois, US

For illustrative purposes only. There is no assurance that similar investments will be made. Rationale: examples reflect recent investments in companies benefitting
from transformative trends in sub-sectors with high relative value attractiveness.
Source: Partners Group (2022).
INVESTMENTS 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                                         14

  Private debt: offering differentiating private lending solutions globally

  Investment strategies                                        Illustrative attractive sectors and opportunities

   Investing with an
  ownership mentality
                                                                         Support                                         Advancing the                                 Providing tailor-made
                                                                 transformational change                              sustainability agenda                                  solutions

               underwriting                                       Humanization of pets                              ESG–linked margins                                 Pricing & structural flexibility

                                                                           Inspired Pet Nutrition                               Kusters Beheer                                      Ligentia

         Private equity style
            due diligence
                                                                    Leading UK pet food                               Producer of fine mechanical                      Provider of tech enabled
                                                                    manufacturer producing both                       components and modules for                       supply chain management
            Customized                                              branded and own label products                    use in high-tech industries                      services across industries
        financing for leading                                       HQ: North Yorkshire, UK                           HQ: Oss, Netherlands                             HQ: Leeds, UK

For illustrative purposes only. There is no assurance that similar investments will be made. Rationale: examples reflect recent investments in a company benefitting
from transformative trends in sub-sectors with high relative value attractiveness.
Source: Partners Group (2022).
INVESTMENTS 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                                   15

Private real estate: targeting high-conviction subsectors with a transformative nature

  Investment strategies                                         Select transformative trends & focus areas

                                                                               Growing                                   Modernizing hubs in                           Business-friendly
                                                                             E-commerce                                   expanding cities                          locations, low-cost base

          Operational value
                                                                   E-commerce fuels demand                            Flexible living space required                Flight to quality
                                                                           Industrial portfolio                                    Residential                                   Office

             Buy, fix and sell

                                                                  Acquisition of 11 geographically                    Recapitalization of Class A- and              Acquisition of eleven class-A
                                                                  diversified industrial properties &                 B+ multi-family units in two of               newly developed office
                                                                  2 development opportunities                         the United States' fastest                    properties, with BREEAM
                                                                                                                      growing metros                                sustainability certification1
               Develop core                                       Location: New Jersey; Colorado;
                                                                                                                      Location: Texas and Arizona, US               Location: Krakow and Wroclaw,
                                                                  and 6 other US states                                                                             Poland

For illustrative purposes only. There is no assurance that similar investments will be made. Rationale: examples reflect recent investments in assets benefitting
from transformative trends in sub-sectors with high relative value attractiveness. 1Buidling Research Establishment Environment Assessment Methodology
(BREEAM) is the leading sustainability method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings.
Source: Partners Group (2022).
INVESTMENTS 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                                        16

  Private infrastructure: building sustainable businesses and infrastructure platforms

  Investment strategies                                        Select transformative trends & focus areas

       developing value
                                                                     Building low-carbon                            Improving connectivity                             Adapting infrastructure
                                                                       infrastructure                              in a post-pandemic world                             for shifting demands

         Platform expansion                                       Decarbonization                                  Wireless infrastructure                             Social infrastructure

           Operational value
                                                                    Leading community                                Leading Italian fixed wireless                     Platform focused on acquiring,
                                                                    solar and battery storage                        access provider with an 80%                        developing, financing and
                                                                    platform (>1.6 GW). Current                      population coverage from an                        operating distributed water-
                                                                    pipeline of over 180 projects                    extensive proprietary network                      related facilities
               Building core
                                                                    Country: US                                      Country: Italy                                     Country: US and Canada

For illustrative purposes only. There is no assurance that similar investments will be made. Rationale: examples reflect recent investments in a company or an asset
benefitting from transformative trends in sub-sectors with high relative value attractiveness.
Source: Partners Group (2022).
INVESTMENTS 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                    17

  2021 performance confirms our investment approach

                                                       Thematic investing
                                                       Identifying the most attractive trends across
                                                       sectors and investing into businesses with
                                                       the strongest development potential

                                                                                                                                                                  H1 2021
                              1                                                                                                                                  (last 12 months)

                                                                    Platform building strategy
                                                                     Buy add-on businesses to grow
                                                                     market share and therefore build
                                                                     greater resilience                                                                   Partners Group's
                                                                                                                                                   direct private equity portfolio
                              3                                                                                                                       adjusted EBITDA growth1
                                                    Asset transformation
                                                    Enhancing business models &
                                                    operational performance to
                                                    increase cash flows & margins

For illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results. There is no assurance that similar investments will be made. There is no
guarantee that the investment will be successful. 1Last twelve month adjusted EBITDA, NAV-weighted year-on-year % change.
Investment rationale: selected investments reflect the type of strategy pursued as part of the value creation thesis.
Source: Partners Group portfolio companies (2021).
INVESTMENTS 2021 & OUTLOOK 2022                                                                                                                                                              18

 Significant realizations in 2021 confirm portfolio strength and solidifies track record

 Partners Group's underlying portfolio realizations (in USD billion)

                                                                                        Select divestment examples 2021:
             Catching-up                                 29.1
             in exit activities
             Exiting sizeable assets above                                                                                                          Portfolio
             initial underwriting expectations            2                                                                                          of US
             Bringing forward a                                                                                                                    properties
       3                                                        3
             portion of the exit pipeline                 H2

                                                                                                Digital                  Diagnostics              Industrial             Research content
                                                                                              engineering                laboratories             properties               outsourcing
       11.8                                   11.8
                                                                                          Outsourcing software
                    H2                               1                                                                       Clinical         US e-commerce fuels          Serving demand

                                                                                           solutions, product
                                                                                                                      pathology diagnostics   demand for industrial         for e-learning
                                               H2                                           engineering and
        H2                        H2                                                         development
                                                                                                                          laboratories             properties                and big data

                    H1                                                                                                                                                    Transformed into a

                                                                                             Four acquisitions        Expanded platform in
                                  H1           H1                                                                                             Added 750,000 square    technology-driven content,
        H1                                                                              completed, including three   France and entered new
                                                                                                                                                 feet of space and    data, and EdTech solutions
                                                                                           in Europe. Expanded          geographies. First
                                                                                                                                               increased occupancy     company through organic
                                                                                          services footprint and       mover to respond to
                                                                                                                                                   levels to 98%.      growth and three add-on
                                                                                         engineering capabilities     COVID-19 pandemic
     2017         2018           2019        2020        2021   2022                                                                                                          acquisitions

                                                                                             USD 9.5 billion             EUR 4.5 billion          USD 1 billion             USD 1 billion2

1Enterprise Value 2Source: Bloomberg,   13 August 2021
Source: Partners Group (2022).


  Shareholder relations contact:                                                                                   Zugerstrasse 57
  Philip Sauer                                                                                                     6341 Baar-Zug
  T +41 41 784 66 60                                                                                               Switzerland                                                                                   T +41 41 784 60 00

  Media relations contact:
  Jenny Blinch                                                                                           
  T +44 207 575 25 71

IMPORTANT NOTICE                                                                                                                                                                                           20


This presentation is strictly confidential to the recipient and has been prepared by Partners Group Holding AG (the "Company") solely for information purposes and use at the presentation to the
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All figures related to assets under management (AuM) and investments are preliminary figures based on management’s estimates for the 12-month period ended 31 December 2021 and as such are
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                                                                                                 13 January 2022 18:16
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