Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...

Page created by Alberto Wells
Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...
business journal
may 2022

Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA - 509.758.7712
Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...
 Don Montgomery, Chair/Waddell & Reed
 Kayeloni Scott, First Vice Chair/Nez Perce Tribe
 Christy Armstrong, Second Vice Chair/Weibler Financial Services
 Darce Vassar-Kopczynski, Past Chair/Coldwell Banker Tomlinson

 Janet Poitra/SEL
 Scott Charney/Clearwater Paper Corporation
 Tobe Finch/Happy Day Corporation                                  ABOUT THE CHAMBER
 Michelle Ralston/Advantage Advertising
 Christy Armstrong/Weibler Financial Services                      The Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce believes
 D'Lynn Ottmar/Tri State Memorial Hospital                         in maintaining a strong image and reputation for all of
 Colby Witters/Avista Utilities                                    our divisions among our stakeholders - our members,
 Misty DeBarbrie/Regence                                           our communities, our elected officials, and our partners.
 Chris Nyenhuis/CCI-Speer                                          Our benefits and services will only be as good as our
 Nick Woods/Individual Member                                      current and prospective members perceive them. For
 Nigele Williamson/Red Wolf Golf Club                              this reason, we will incorporate our values into messages
 Meghan Jeffreys/Summit Funding Inc.                               and actions that we sincerely believe in. We will adhere
 Randi Kilcup/Inland Cellular                                      to these values as means to establish trust as we grow
 Denise White/LCCU                                                 business and grow communities within our region.

 CHAMBER STAFF                                                                   THINGS WE BELIEVE IN:
 Kristin Kemak/President, CEO                                                           Leadership
 Kristina Bickford/Director of Membership and Business Services                       Accountability
 Blake Harrington/Events & Communications Manager                                      Community
                                                                                  Financial Responsibility

                                                                    The mission of the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of
                                                                     Commerce is to serve, lead, and be the voice of
                                                                                     our members.

            Connect with Us
      Tag Us In Your Pictures!
          #lcvalleychamber             #lcvalley

       2 / valley business journal                                                                     may 2022
Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...
member renewals
THANK YOU! Your membership in the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber is a symbol of confidence in the work of the
Chamber and its volunteers. We sincerely thank our members who renewed their membership for their ongoing support.
Please remember these companies when you do business! If you don't see your business listed here, please contact
Kristina Bickford, Director of Membership and Business Services at 509.758.7712 or
D & D Repair                            Keltic Engineering, Inc.                YWCA of Lewiston-Clarkston
(208) 743-1880                          (208) 743-2135                          (208) 743-1535
Jollymore's Fine Dining
(208) 743-9448                          Kinsale Place Senior Apartments Hells Canyon Marine       (208) 746-2820                          (509) 243-7878
Jollymore's Station 3
(509) 758-3288                          Tri-State Memorial Hospital             Rivaura Estate Vineyards &
                                        (509) 758-5511                          Winery
Owl Pharmacies                                    (208) 276-3245
(509) 295-8559                                                                           Granite Concepts
                                        (208) 746-8196
Riverview Animal Clinic       
(509) 758-5022

Visit Lewis Clark Valley
(509) 758-7489
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
(208) 799-6255
United Rentals
(208) 746-6328
AAA of North Idaho
(208) 798-5555

Hillcrest Aircraft Co.
(208) 746-8271

      3 / valley business journal                                                                may 2022
Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...
Upcoming Luncheons
           June 8                 July 13                 August 10

   Clarkston Event Center        Location: TBD             Location: TBD
            12PM                     12PM                      12PM

       Business After Hours
       May 19                    June 16                   July 21
                               Lewiston Elks
   Disaster Response            BPO #896                 HomeBridge

           1140 15th St     3444 Country Club Drive
                                                        1428 G Street
             Clarkston             Lewiston               Lewiston
may 2022                                              valley business journal / 4
Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...
                            Leadership LCV Class 7
                         manufacturing & industry day
                                DAY SPONSORS:


   is your business celebrating an anniversary?
     Let us know and we'll celebrate with you!
        email -
may 2022                              valley business journal / 5
Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...
april business after hours
           thank you to weibler financial &
           retirement for a wonderful evening
           of networking, history, food and

           thank you to all who attended.

may 2022                         valley business journal / 6
Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...
may 2022   valley business journal / 7
Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...
 May 15-17, 2022 ~ Pullman & Clarkston, WA
    Showcasing the people, businesses, institutions, and natural resources of Eastern
   Washington to members of the Washington Legislature, Executive Officers, legislative
                                 advisors and others.

Please join us May 15-17, 2022 for the Eastern Washington Legislative Tour hosted by the Pullman and Lewis Clark
Valley Chambers of Commerce.

This event is put together by the Eastern Washington Legislative Tour Committee, comprised of chamber
executives, business leaders, and higher education officials in Pullman and Clarkston.

The tour will feature businesses and industries in the area as well as a hearty hors d’oeuvres night and a
banquet night. This is our second biennial educational event to raise awareness of issues impacting economic
development and public policy in Eastern Washington by bringing many of the Washington Legislature to the
eastern region of the state. For more information contact Kristin Kemak

Agenda: Check out the Eastern Washington Legislative Tour!
Registration: Click here to register for the Tour!

          2022 Avista NAIA World Series
          Souvenir Shirts on Sale Now
     Souvenir shirts for the 2022 Avista NAIA World Series
   are on sale now and can be ordered until May 13. Orders
     placed by April 27 are guaranteed to arrive by May 4.
       Shirts will be available at Rosauers starting May 2.

      Sizes small-XL are $20, and XXL-XXXL are $25. Please
       email for orders of 10 or more to
                     receive a 20% discount.

    Shirts can be ordered HERE. Information on pick up will
    be provided when orders come in. Fans are encouraged
               to wear them every Friday in May.

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Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...

           REFRESH THE
               May 6, 2022
           A day of sprucing up the
              Lewis Clark Valley

                Planting flowers
              Sweeping storefronts
               Washing windows
                   and more!

           EVENT SPONSORS:

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Business journal - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA- Lewis Clark ...
may 2022   valley business journal / 10
major sponsor:
    $120 per person (non-refundable)                                                                 Networking Event:
      Entry fee includes green fee,                                                              Each 2 person team will be
    cart, swag bag, lunch, dinner and                                                         randomly matched with another
          two beverage tickets                                                                         2 person team

                                                   Tournament Entry Form
                        RSVP and Payment due by June 2. Late registration $145/person if available space.

    Player Names                               Business Name                  Phone                      Email

            Players @ $120                                                                      Total Enclosed
      Check Enclosed              Please charge my VISA/Mastercard
      Name on Credit Card
      Card #                                    Exp    /        Zip Code          CVV Code

               Please return Entry Form and Payment to: Lewis Clark Valley Chamber, PO Box 1996, Clarkston WA 99403
                                509.758.7712 • •
greece trip
                         november 2022

            For more details and reservations contact:
                          Kristin Kemak

                    Telephone: (509) 758-7712
           Reservations can also be made on our online
                         booking engine

               The group booking code is: MSAUPR

may 2022                  valley business journal / 12
Idaho has given you a place to dream. What can
                               you give Idaho? Idaho Gives – a program of the
                               Idaho Nonprofit Center and powered by ICCU –
                               is designed to bring the state together, raising
                               money and awareness for Idaho nonprofits.
                               Donations can be collected from May 2 - May 5.

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Remembering the late Frank “Sully” Sullivan
For the American Insurance 100th Anniversary we took a
look back at the past generation that worked as volunteers
to improve our communities. Few of us can remember, but
community, civic, fraternal and military support groups received
a big boost beginning in 1946 when the young men came home
from WWII. Their lives had been on-hold during four years of
war and they were in a hurry to get back to civilian life, get a
job and career going, start a family and reach start living their
American Dream.

Frank “Sully” Sullivan was one of a large group of young men
that returned home with military training that taught a new
generation how to work as a team. After returning home, that
training was focused on building better lives, better communities
and a better world as volunteers. Being a volunteer was good
for business, a way to meet more people and connect socially
for fun. So, they volunteered...

Sully was a natural leader and loved to volunteer in many
of organizations. He volunteered and joined arms his fellow
members to roll up their sleeves and get to work – each
taking their turn to lead a Community Service project or fill
the leadership chairs in Civic Clubs. He took his turn and rose
through the ranks to serve as President of: Junior Chamber of
Commerce (1955) , The Lewiston Chamber of Commerce (1964),
The Lewiston Boys Club (1960,61), The Lewiston Roundup
Association (1972), Idaho National Guard Assoc (1957), Potentate
of Calam Temple of the Shrine (1971) and professionally, Idaho
State Independent Insurance Agents Association (1968).

And, they had fun! Downtown Lewiston was a bustling and
fun “place to be” from the 1940s into the 1960s. Downtown
was where everyone went for the best retail stores, cafes and
restaurants, and movies and entertainment. The favorite places
for business lunches and after-hours dinner, drinks and parties
were the Elks Lodge, Bollinger Hotel and Lewis Clark Hotel.

See who you know in these pictures – enjoy! (More articles and
pictures at

     15 / valley business journal                                   may 2022
Marketing Matters

Why Radio?
                                                           “For consumers, radio plays multiple roles and fulfills
You would be forgiven if you didn’t know that in 2022      various needs. It's a very intimate medium, connecting
radio is the number one marketing reach medium.            one-to-many in a way that feels like it is one-to-one.
That is most surprising because radio was created in       It's emotional, drawing people through the power
the late 1800’s and is still going strong today. Other     of storytelling. It's live and local and brings listeners
newer flashier media has come along like TV, the           and communities together with the experiences
internet, social media and digital billboards, yet radio   and passions they share.” Source: Radio Advertising
continues to reach into the lives of over 90% of the US    Bureau
population every week. Radio is so much a part of our
lives that it has been taken for granted and overlooked    Through its long impressive history, radio has been
despite being one of the most potent marketing tools       available to the masses of people through the jazz era
available to businesses.                                   of the Roaring Twenties, the tragedy of World War II, the
                                                           Korean and Viet Nam wars, the civil rights movement
In 1895 Guglielmo Marconi sent his first successful        of the 60’s, and the triumphs and turmoil to our present
radio signal using Morse code. With many tweaks            day. Radio has been our partner and friend as we
and advances radio became ready for the masses. In         listen to the events of our time and immortalize our
the early 1920’s the United States made radio licenses     favorite musical artists who have seared their songs
available to broadcasters and by the late 1920’s radio     into our memories.
was entering its heyday which led to its Golden Age
in the 1930’s. Cars were equipped with radios in the       People turn on the radio to feel good, to hear the
1930’s and that pairing was a dramatic shift in the        latest news, the current weather and to connect
reach and power of radio as an advertising medium.         to their local community. When you advertise your
Radio was available everywhere…in homes, in offices        business on the radio, you are reaching your target
and even in automobiles. People depended on the            audience on the medium they have grown to rely on
radio for news, sports, music, entertainment, weather      and trust. It is one of the best selections of media you
reports and public service announcements. And 127          can choose. Why radio? Because it works.
years later, people still do!
                                                           Judy Broumley, CRMC
Here are some recent facts from the Radio Advertising      Certified Radio Marketing Consultant at Nelly
Bureau about the power of radio:
                                                           Broadcasting, LLC.
 •Radio delivers an average ROI of $10 for every $1
  spent on the platform.
 •Radio is America’s No. 1 reach medium, connecting
  more adults 18 and older than social media or TV via
  smartphones, tablets, PCs, or apps and delivering a
  vast amount of content wherever and whenever
  listeners want it – on-air, online, and on-demand.
 •Local radio is important to listeners. It is a trusted
  source for information keeping them updated on
  local current events.
 •Regardless of advances in technology, radio
  remains the top source for music discovery and the
  most used audio source in car.
                                                                           Join the LC Valley Chamber
                                                                               Mobile Alerts Group!
                                                                         Text LCVC to 55678 to join. Through
                                                                          mobile alerts, you will be notified of
                                                                         upcoming Chamber events straight to
                                                                          your phone! We promise to try and
                                                                              keep it to one text per week!

     may 2022                                                                         valley business journal / 16
Visionary Leaders

  Elite Leaders

Corporate Leaders

 Media Sponsors

Business Sponsors
                                                          may 2022
    SUNDAY           MONDAY                   TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY THURSDAY                                    FRIDAY            SATURDAY
             1                     2                        3                       4                        5                    6                7
                 Asotin Co.
                  Commissioners                                                              Chamber
                  Asotin Courthouse                                                           Ambassador              refresh the
                  Annex Building -                                                            Committee Meeting,        valley
                  9AM                                                                         4pm, El Sombrero
                 Nez Perce Co.

                  Brammer Building -
                  1:30PM                                                                                                8am-11am

           8     Asotin Co.
                                   9                       10                      11                        12                   13               14
                  Asotin Courthouse        Natural Resource
                  Annex Building -          Committee Meeting,      monthly
                  9AM                       12pm, Hells Canyon     membership              leadership lc
                 Nez Perce Co.

mother's          Commissioners
                                            Grand Hotel
                                                                   luncheon               valley class 7
                  Brammer Building -
  day             1:30PM
                 Lewiston City
                                                                 HOsted by: avista naia
                                                                     world series
                  Council, 2nd Floor
                  Library, 6PM                                       12-1 pm
                 Clarkston City

                  Council, City Hall,                            happy day event
                                                                     center               Graduation day

           15                     16                       17                      18                        19                  20                21
                 Asotin Co.
                  Asotin Courthouse                                                             business
                  Annex Building -                                                            after hours
                 Nez Perce Co.

                  Brammer Building -                                                                5-7pm

                                                                                                 1140 15th St
    eastern wa legislative tour                                                                  CLarkston
             may 15-17
                  Asotin Co.
           22    

                  Commissioners 23                        24                       25                        26                  27                28
                  Asotin Courthouse
                  Annex Building -
                  9AM                                                                        LCVC Board Meeting,
                 Nez Perce Co.

                  Commissioners                                                               12pm
                  Brammer Building -
                 Lewiston City

                  Council, 2nd Floor
                  Library, 6PM
                 Clarkston City

                  Council, City Hall,

           29                    30                       31

                 office closed

      may 2022                                                                                                      valley business journal / 18
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