BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -

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BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -


                   GROWING YOUR
                     Innovation, technology,
                     e-commerce and the
                     ability to pivot are crucial.
                     Communicating effectively when everyone is zoomed out
                     Getting the lead out
                     Are you really pivoting?
                     Getting serious about e-commerce?
BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -

MAY 13, 2021


BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -
CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                   March/April 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                               Vol. 79, No. 02


                                                                                                                                                    10 ARE YOU REALLY PIVOTING?
                                                                                                                                                       The current travel restrictions in
                                                                                                                                                       effect makes in-person physical
                                                                                                                                                       meetings a distant memory. Yet, the
                                                                                                                                                       need for business improvement still
                                                                                                                                                       exists and is perhaps even amplified.

                                                                                                 COVER PHOTO: Laurence Dutton / E+ / Getty Images

7       COMMUNICATING EFFECTIVELY                                                                                                                   20 CHECKING-IN ON INVISIBLE
        Recent events have increased adoption of technology to communicate.                                                                            WORKPLACE HAZARDS
                                                                                                                                                       With regular check-ins and a
                                                                                                                                                       commitment to worker well-
                                                                                                                                                       being, psychological hazards can
                                                                                                                                                       be addressed and supported,
                                                                                                                                                       increasing the health of workers and
                                                                                                                                                       their general wellbeing.

8    GETTING THE LEAD OUT                                                 12 GETTING SERIOUS ABOUT E-COMMERCE?
     Lithium-ion battery manufacturer growing                                Many businesses have started online                                     4    Editorial
     market for material handling applications.                              selling, and manufacturers are among                                    6    News
                                                                             those looking to get in on the action.                                 21    Tech Centre
                                                                                                                                                    22    Postscript: It Takes All Hands
                                                                                                                                                          on Deck, Working Together
                                                                                                                                                          and Across Borders, to Tackle
                                                                                                                                                          Climate Change

14 MANUFACTURING TEAM ENGAGEMENT                                          18 STIRRED, BUT NOT SHAKEN
   Challenges of engagement and                                              Manufacturer thrives making fans and
   communication increased in the early                                      laboratory stirrers despite pandemic chaos.
   days of the pandemic, as information was
   coming at people from all directions.

PLANT—established 1941, is published 7 times per year by Annex Business Media. Publications Mail Agreement #40065710. Circulation email:
Tel: 416-510-5182 Fax: 416-510-6875 or 416-442-2191 Mail: 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 400, Toronto, ON M2H 3R1. Occasionally, PLANT will mail information on behalf of industry-related groups
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rights reserved. Performance claims for products listed in this issue are made by contributing manufacturers and agencies. PLANT receives unsolicited materials including letters to the editor, press releases,
promotional items and images from time to time. PLANT, its affiliates and assignees may use, reproduce, publish, re-publish, distribute, store and archive such unsolicited submissions in whole or in part in any
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practices. Printed in Canada. ISSN: 1929-6606 (Print), 1929-6614 (Online).                                                                                                                                                                                             PLANT 3
BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -

            Embracing change
            In a continually evolving world, pivoting is of utmost importance.                      Reader Service
                                                                                                    Print and digital subscription inquiries or
                                                                                                    changes, please contact

                                                                                                    Beata Olechnowicz,
                  ext year, Plant magazine will celebrate its 80th anniversary. In a world          Audience Development Manager
                                                                                                    Tel: (416) 510-5182
                  where a lot of companies come and go, this is an achievement worth celebrat-      Fax: (416) 510-6875
                  ing. To that end, a lot of changes are happening at the magazine.                 email:
               First, this issue of Plant is the last to feature the current look. Beginning with
                                                                                                    Mail: 111 Gordon Baker Rd., Suite 400
            the May/June issue, Plant will take on a more modern appearance. While the con-         Toronto, ON M2H 3R1
            tent will be presented in a new way, rest assured that the information contained
            within Plant will not change. However, if there are any subjects that you believe
            we should cover, please send us a note.                                                 Mario Cywinski
               Next, as many of you have noticed, Joe Terret, the editor, and face of Plant for     226-931-4194
            many years, has decided to hang up his pen and retire. I would like to take this
            opportunity to thank Joe for all the hard work he has done on the magazine, and         Associate Editor
                                                                                                    Maryam Farag
            wish him all the best. His are some very big shoes to fill.                             437-788-8830
               Having taken over as editor earlier this year, I have been getting up to speed
            with anything and everything Plant related. As the editor of Machinery and
                                                                                                    Senior Publisher
            Equipment (MRO) magazine and having also worked as an automotive journal-               Scott Atkinson
            ist – I am prepared for the role.                                                       416-510-5207
               Also joining the Plant team is Maryam Farag, associate editor. You may have
            already seen the news and product articles that she has written for Plant’s web-        National Account Manager
                                                                                                    Ilana Fawcett
            site. We welcome her to the Plant team.                                                 416-829-1221
               Another change for 2021 is the addition of special features for each issue. With
            March/April being the Growing Your Business issue. On page 8, Getting the Lead
                                                                                                    Media Designer
            Out by Andrew Snook focuses on how a lithium-ion battery manufacturer is                Svetlana Avrutin
            growing the market for material handling applications.                        
               Richard Kunst’s Are You Really Pivoting? on page 10 looks at how the needs           Account Coordinator
            for business improvement still exist and are amplified as a result of current travel    Debbie Smith
                                                                                                    416-442-5600 ext 3221
               With COVID-19 increasing the amount of purchases people make online, Derek
            Corrick asks Getting Serious About E-Commerce? Avoid These Costly Errors                COO
                                                                                                    Scott Jamieson
            on page 12. He looks at how many businesses have started to sell online, and how
            this year manufacturers should ‘kick-start’ the process.
               Who would have imagined that we would all be using online communication
            technology to get all aspects of our work done? As a result, Shawn Casemore
            looks at Communicating Effectively When Everyone is Zoomed Out on page 7.               Subscription Price
               In this issue we also have our news segment, tech centre, Postscript with            Canada $76.00 per year, US $201.00
                                                                                                    (CAD) per year, Foreign $227.00 (CAD) per
            Jayson Myers, and a cross-section of manufacturing articles.                            year. Single Copy Canada $12.00. Add
               Once again, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for how to           applicable taxes to all rates. Combined,
                                                                                                    expanded or premium issues, which count
            improve Plant, do not hesitate to contact me.                                           as two subscription issues.
               One last note, the July/August issue will feature our HR Report and Salary Sur-
            vey. Be sure to take the survey by going to (               Mailing Address
               Stay healthy and stay safe.                                                          Annex Business Media
                                                                                                    111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 400
                                                                                                    Toronto, ON M2H 3R1

            Mario Cywinski, Editor
            Comments? E-mail

4 PLANT                                                                                                                  March/April 2021
BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -

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BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -

                                                                PHOTO: Beckhoff Canada    Canadian Tire and NuPort Robotics partner
                                                                                          with Ontario government
                                                                                          Canadian Tire Corporation and NuPort Robotics Inc. have partnered with the
                                                                                          Ontario government to invest $3 million in undertaking an automated trucking
                                                                                          project to test a new technology.
                                                                                             The technology provides a transportation solution for the middle mile; the
                                                                                          short-haul shuttle runs that semi-tractor trailers make between distribution cen-
                                                                                          tres, warehouses and terminals each day, by enabling next-generation automated
                                                                                          trucks that are more fuel-efficient and safer to operate.
                                                                                             The two-year project is backed up by $1 million from the Ontario government
                                                                                          through Ontario’s Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network, and by $1 million
                                                                                          investments from Canadian Tire and NuPort Robotics.
                                                                                             The project will apply artificial intelligence (AI) technology from NuPort
                                                                                          Robotics to retrofit two semi-tractor trailers, which will be attended by a driv-
                                                                                          er, with a touchscreen navigation system, and other features such as obstacle
Beckhoff Canada moves headquarters                                                        and collision avoidance.
to Cambridge
Beckhoff recently moved its Canadian headquarters to Cambridge, Ont., to
increase warehousing and customer support capabilities.
  The 11,000-square-feet office offers space for customer training, seminars,
                                                                                          Taiga Motors to build new assembly facility
                                                                                          Taiga Motors Inc.
sales activities, technical support and an innovation lab for application testing
                                                                                          announced plans to
and proof of concepts with the latest Beckhoff technologies, including the XPla-
                                                                                          build a mass-produc-
nar flying motion system and the eXtended transport system.
                                                                                          tion assembly facility in
                                                                                          Shawinigan, Québec.
                                                                                          The first phase of con-
                                                           PHOTO: General Motors Canada   struction, scheduled
                                                                                                                                                           PHOTO: Taiga Motors Inc.
                                                                                          for completion in 2022,
                                                                                          represents an investment to accelerate the mass production of Taiga electric
                                                                                          snowmobiles and personal watercrafts, and Taiga’s side-by-side vehicles, which
                                                                                          are expected to be ready for production in 2022.
                                                                                          The facility is expected to increase Taiga’s production capacity to 80,000 units
                                                                                          by 2025. The facility will begin at a 200,000-square-feet capacity and later to
                                                                                          increase to 340,000 square feet.

                                                                                          Salesforce releases its first Trends
                                                                                          in Manufacturing Report
                                                                                          Salesforce has released its first Trends in Manufacturing Report, which includes
Manufacturing employment increases,                                                       a survey of 750 manufacturing leaders globally, including 50+ Canadians, to help
says ADP Research Institute                                                               guide decision making in becoming “future ready” across all areas of business.
According to the February ADP Canada National Employment Report, Canadian                    Key report findings include:
employment in manufacturing has increased by 2,200 jobs.                                  • Eight in 10 global manufacturers (81 per cent) say they need both new ap-
  Employment in Canada decreased by 100,800 jobs from January to February.                   proaches and new tools for accurate forecasting.
The decreased jobs are in the service providing sector, including trade/transpor-         • 95 per cent of global manufacturers admit to applying manual approaches to their
tation and utilities, professional/business services, administrative and support,            forecasting, with less than half of manufacturers using mostly-automated tools.
education and healthcare, and leisure and hospitality.                                    • 31 per cent of global manufacturers say COVID-19 significantly changed their
  The ADP Research Institute report, which is derived from ADP payroll data,                 need for improved marketing/customer communications and 30 per cent of
measures the change in total nonfarm payroll employment each month on a                      manufacturers say COVID-19 significantly changed their need for customer
seasonally-adjusted basis.                                                                   service capabilities.
                                                                                          • Over half of manufacturers consider the changes to customer service and sales
                                                                                             capabilities to be permanent.
GM’s CAMI Assembly gets multiple                                                          • Over half of global manufacturers rely on a primary manual process for gener-
                                                                                             ating quotes/proposals, prioritizing leads/opportunities and determining what
ENERGY STAR certifications                                                                   action to take on accounts.
General Motors’ CAMI Assembly recently received Natural Resources Canada’s
                                                                                          Canadian C-suite manufacturing executives say the following is critical or high
ENERGY Star for Industry Certification, for a third straight year.
                                                                                          priority over the next 24 months:
  GM plans to be carbon neutral by 2040. Energy efficiencies are integrated into
                                                                                          • Increasing process efficiencies (82 per cent)
GM’s business plans, which allows all employees an opportunity to raise energy
                                                                                          • Demand planning (82 per cent)
reducing ideas, contribute to energy saving initiatives, and deploying projects
                                                                                          • Digital transformation (86 per cent)
with a focus on reaching company goals.
                                                                                          • New service offerings (86 per cent)

6 PLANT                                                                                                                                                       March/April 2021
BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -

                                                                                                                   cation objective is met? Would

    echnology has definitely                                                                                       it be best to make a call, or
    saved many of us during the                                                                                    would a brief video sent from
    pandemic, allowing us to                                                                                       my phone make more sense?
communicate with employees,                                                                                     3. How will I measure the
customers and suppliers all from                                                                                   effectiveness of my communi-
the comfort of our sparse office                                                                                   cation? What will tell me my
or even home office.                                                                                               choice of tool worked or did
  There is only one problem;                                                                                       not work?
we stopped considering how we                                                                                   4. If my initial approach does
best communicate for the most                                                                                      not work, what will my next
impact. For those trying to lead                                                                                   step be? If I try the phone and
a team, be they engineers, proj-                                                                                   do not get a response to my
ect planners or sales, there has                                                                                   message, how will I proceed?
to be more strategy about how       PHOTO: fizkes / Getty Images                                                5. Conduct a survey. Ask the re-
we use technology.                                                                                                 cipient of my message if it was
  There is more to life than        team building, etc.                    message to a large group? Try a         the best way to communicate,
virtual meetings. The default          No wonder most people are tired     group text. Considering how to          or if they have other sugges-
of sending cold emails (when        of virtual meetings. The sugges-       share some personal news? Send          tions for the future.
spam filters are increasing         tion is not to cancel them, but they   a group voice message. Want to
and patience for cold emails        have their place. As most people       send a personalized email with          Communication is personal.
are decreasing) is not the best     have realized, not all virtual         video? Check out           Always consider that how you
approach. Instead, making a         meetings are productive, and most        Virtual meetings still have        prefer to receive a communica-
connection requires placing         fail to keep the attention of almost   a place, of course. If you need      tion may differ from how some-
some thought (and effort) into      everyone except the speaker.           to share something visually, a       one else would prefer to receive
considering how to best reach          A year ago, suggesting to man-      virtual meeting is likely the best   the very same message.
out to each and every customer.     ufacturers to incorporate more         approach.                               Hopefully the world emerges
  Could we send a direct mes-       virtual meetings in their commu-                                            from this pandemic in 2021 and
sage on LinkedIn? Would a voice     nications would have been a great      Five questions to effective          gets back to some degree of nor-
message, followed up with an        recommendation. Back then, most        communication                        mality. That said, the impact on
email, make more sense?             struggled with either having too       Here are five key questions for      external and internal communica-
  There are plenty of tools and     many face-to-face meetings, or not     ensuring you are choosing the        tion has forever changed. People
approaches that can be used. As     having enough.                         best approach to improve the         now have a greater willingness to
the saying goes, just because you      However, due to circumstances       effectiveness of your commu-         accept and use technology.
have a hammer does not mean         beyond our control, many people        nications, both internally and          As such, people need to take
you treat everything like a nail.   have quickly shifted from thinking     externally. Ask yourself these       the time to consider the best ap-
  As much as the events of late     about how to incorporate virtual       questions to determine what the      proach to achieve their objective.
have increased the adoption of      meetings to thinking they are the      best tool or approach is for your    Just because you have a hammer
using technology to communi-        only option available. However,        communication to achieve its         does not mean you should not
cate, the tendency has been to      they are not.                          intended purpose:                    put it down and go find a wrench,
latch onto a single solution. The      There are plenty of options                                              if the wrench would be better
most common, of course, has         that can and should be used to         1. What is the objective of my       suited for the job.
been virtual meetings. Those        communicate effectively. People           communication? What is the
meetings have taken the place       just need to spend a little bit of        best possible outcome of this     Shawn Casemore helps compa-
of external meetings, internal      time considering what the best            communication?                    nies accelerate their growth. To
meetings, desk side chats, one-     communication tool is for their        2. What options do I have to con-    learn more, visit his web site
on-one discussions, lunches,        purpose. Want to send a quick             nect and ensure my communi-       at                                                                                                                           PLANT 7
BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -

Getting the
                                                                                                                                                   PHOTOS: courtesy of Electrovaya
MARKET FOR MATERIAL                                                       Jennifer de Souza, Senior Direc-
                                                                          tor of Energy Solutions, Procure-
                                                                                                              batteries that are UL 2580 listed
                                                                                                              and compatible with most Class
HANDLING APPLICATIONS.                                                    ment and Leasing, The Raymond
                                                                          Corporation. “Engineered to
                                                                                                              I, II and III Raymond lift trucks.
                                                                                                              These battery systems use
                                                                          excel in the toughest material      Electrovaya’s NMC ceramic lithi-
BY ANDREW SNOOK                         In late 2020, The Raymond         handling applications, these        um-ion battery technologies and
                                     Corporation announced the            lithium-ion solutions provide       provide a full integration with

  f you have ever worked in a        launch of its energy essentials      our customers with significant      the Raymond vehicles, accord-
  distribution warehouse or          lithium-ion battery line that        productivity enhancements,          ing to a recent statement by The
  manufacturing facility, you        supports the company’s family        including increased uptime and      Raymond Corp.
have likely had more than one        of material handling equipment,      reduced electricity costs.”            This deal could mark the be-
run-in with a lead acid battery.     including its forklifts, pallet         The Raymond Corp. signed a       ginning of a significant shift in
Long the go-to choice for materi-    jacks and swing-reach trucks.        strategic supply agreement with     the battery marketplace.
al handling equipment, ranging          “Energy essentials distributed    Mississauga, Ontario-based             “Right now, lithium-ion
from pallet jacks to forklifts and   by Raymond enables complete          Electrovaya, which will supply      batteries take up less than five
reach trucks, lead acid batteries    and unique integration between       battery systems for Raymond’s       per cent of the market, but that
have dominated the battery mar-      the truck and battery, giving full   energy essentials battery line.     can change overnight,” said Raj
ket. However, lithium-ion battery    visibility to operational data       Electrovaya will supply Ray-        DasGupta, VP of Technology and
technologies are finally starting    elements that include state-of-      mond exclusively distributed        Business Development, Electro-
to make significant inroads.         charge and fault codes,” said        Raymond branded lithium-ion         vaya. “I’m surprised it’s taken

8 PLANT                                                                                                                       March/April 2021
BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -
365 days a year. So, they have
                                      the highest priority customers,
                                      especially in the pandemic,
                                      where food distribution is so key
                                      to keep moving,” said DasGupta.
                                      “This market is starting to move
                                      now. With our customer base, af-
                                      ter these guys have operated our
                                      batteries for a couple of months,
                                      most of them have come back
                                      with a statement that they would
                                      never buy a lead acid battery
                                         He also added that companies
                                      that run their material handling
                                      equipment for two to three shifts
                                      a day receive clear operational
                                      efficiency benefits from using his
                                      company’s lithium-ion batteries.
                                         Ensuring the lithium-ion
                                      batteries are safe to operate has
                                      been a key focus for Electrovaya.
                                         “Safety is a concern for ware-
                                      house operators. If you have a
                                      car fire, it’s outside. If you have
                                      a fire in a forklift, you can burn
                                      down an entire building,” said
                                      DasGupta. “We completed a UL-
                                      2580 electric vehicle certifica-
                                      tion for all of our batteries going
                                      into these forklifts and have a
                                      UL-2580 listing now. That’s quite
Energy essentials distributed            These batteries are not just
by Raymond enables                    designed for new material

complete and unique
                                      handling equipment. They have
                                      been designed for retrofitting                       THAT’S THE TRUE MEANING OF
integration between the               existing fleets.
                                         “We’ve designed them to match                             RELIABILITY
truck and battery, giving full        the weight and size of lead acid
visibility to operational data        batteries. You need some soft-
                                      ware updates on the trucks and
elements that include state-          some communication updates,
of-charge and fault codes.            but the batteries, for the most
                                      part, are compatible with any
this long for lithium-ion batteries   forklift,” said DasGupta.
to displace lead acid batteries.”        The up-front purchasing costs
  Electrovaya recently signed         are typically three to four times
agreements with several major         higher than a lead battery, but                                          EXPLORE THE BROAD RANGE OF
corporations, including Walmart       the return on investment makes                      NEW SULLAIR COMPRESSORS AT SULLAIR.COM
Canada, to supply lithium-ion         them worth the additional cost,
batteries for their material han-     DasGupta argues.
dling fleets. DasGupta said that         “If you’re replacing three lead
interest in the company’s battery     acid batteries with one lithi-
technologies has increased sub-       um-ion battery, then with the
stantially since the company first    energy savings, maintenance
decided to target the material        savings and longer life span,
handling market in 2017. Electro-     you’re looking at an ROI in three
vaya supplies its batteries across    to four months for heavy users.
a wide variety of industries,         If you’re a lighter user, then
with a significant portion of its     within a year or two,” he said.
customer base currently active in
the food distribution market.         Andrew Snook is a freelance
  “Those operators typically          B2B magazine editor and writer
                                                                                     © 2020 Sullair, LLC. All rights reserved.
operate those vehicles 24/7,          based in the Toronto area.                                                                                                                               PLANT 9

                                                                      021013_Sullair_Plant        1 MRO_3.875x11.indd 1
                                                                                           Canada and                                        2021-03-22 9:56PM
                                                                                                                                               10/13/20 2:03 AM
BUSINESS GROWING YOUR - Innovation, technology, e-commerce and the ability to pivot are crucial -


                                    Are you really                                                      of digital interactions, as they
                                                                                                        now become a common element

     OVID-19 has spawned its                                                                            within daily life. However, with

     own vocabulary. “Physical                                                                          that acceptance also come risks;
     distancing”, “super spread-                                                                        such as cyber security and cyber
ers” and “elbow bump” have                                                                              attacks. Kunst Solutions’ web-
all come to mean very specific                                                                          site witnesses up to 1.5 million
things over the past 12 months,                                                                         attacks per month. Therefore, a
in terms of the way we relate to                                                                        critical element of your trans-
one another. During the pandem-
ic, the word “pivot” has come to
                                    THE CURRENT TRAVEL                                                  formation has to be increasing
                                                                                                        your resistance to cyber attacks,
represent how businesses have
sought out new revenue streams,
                                    RESTRICTIONS IN EFFECT                                              especially as incidents of ran-
                                                                                                        somware are exponentially on
while unable to tap into their
traditional means of earning
                                    MAKES IN-PERSON PHYSICAL                                            the increase. A successful attack
                                                                                                        could 1) cripple your business,
income. Clearly, the Coronavi-
rus has forced businesses to
                                    MEETINGS A DISTANT                                                  2) cost a lot of money or 3) cost
                                                                                                        you your business, either physi-
adapt the world over. But is your
business really pivoting, or are
                                    MEMORY. YET, THE NEED FOR                                           cally or indirectly, as customers
                                                                                                        start to avoid you.
you going through a complete
business transformation, from
                                    BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT                                                  With security a paramount
                                                                                                        concern to protect websites,
product and process strategy
to delivery?                        STILL EXISTS AND IS                                                 and our clients who are will-
                                                                                                        ing to share the gift of their
  As is the case for many indus-
tries, COVID-19 has changed         PERHAPS EVEN AMPLIFIED.                                             intellectual property, it is not
                                                                                                        only prudent, but imperative to
the arena of business consult-                                                                          cherish and protect that gift of
ing. For the past 15 years, the     cal meetings a distant memo-       add high value to a wide range   information.
favoured approach was to visit      ry. Yet, the need for business     of industries.
a client site, where consultants    improvement still exists and                                        Change your offering
can absorb and assess the sights,   is perhaps even amplified. The     Safety first                     Over the past year, businesses
smells, sounds and the aura of      passion to help others has not     The first thing to know was      have had to adapt, and adapt
culture. Consultants then could     been subdued. Therefore, what      that, however the transforma-    quickly. Not to mention that or-
formulate a recipe of success       is the answer? A digital trans-    tion was, it had to be secure.   ganizations, and clients among
specific to that client with        formation that would still allow   For many businesses, a digital   them, are migrating through
rapid returns.                      coaching on the application of     solution has become a mainstay   a tsunami of change. Because
  Desire to travel thwarted, plus   lean methodologies, to provide     of the new equation. Thank-      of the pandemic, changes are
current travel restrictions in      a path for transformation of       fully, people have become        being made intuitively with the

                                                                                                                                           IMAGE: © Buffaloboy / Adobe Stock
effect, makes in-person physi-      businesses, while continuing to    more tolerant and accepting      concept that they will only be

10 PLANT                                                                                                                March/April 2021
                                                                                    A    s one of the largest distributors
                                                                                         of Motion & Control, Industrial
                                                                                    Filtration and Automation solutions in
A DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION THAT WOULD                                                 Canada, Wainbee remains a reliable
STILL ALLOW COACHING ON THE APPLICATION                                             source for our customers, especially
                                                                                    during these challenging times.

temporary in nature. In the past,      engagement, comprehension
work would be with clients on-         and application. Students will
site to navigate change manage-        not sit in a chair for a whole
ment; something that was not an        day learning virtually, but they
option for a year.                     need short, high impact lessons.
                                       Anything beyond a two-hour
Change your delivery                   engagement you will lose their
When you cannot open the doors
                                       interest. Since body language
to your store, you still have
                                       and facial impressions cannot
to figure out a way to get your
                                       be monitored the same way with
products into the hands of your
                                       e-learning, these subtle clues
customers. E-commerce boomed
                                       need to be replaced with com-
in 2020, as businesses raced to
                                       prehensive testing and feedback
get their offering online quickly
and efficiently.
                                       analytics so courses can be                  Wainbee continues to support our
                                       quickly adjusted.
   As consultants and improve-
                                          Is this a pivot? No, it is most           customers, ensuring production
ment coaches, the company had to
                                       likely a complete rethink of your            doesn’t stop and scheduled
figure out how to deliver e-learn-
ing that matches the quality of
                                       business strategy, and it is going           maintenance still takes place.
                                       to require looking deeper to be
in-person delivery. When on-site, it
is easy to share stories and speak
                                       more effective, while provid-                We continue to work closely with our
to one slide for hours, while mon-
                                       ing value to your customer. As
                                                                                    suppliers to monitor their operations,
                                       devastating as the pandemic has
itoring the class’s facial and body
                                       been for so many people, both                inventory and delivery scenarios.
expressions to ensure keeping
 them engaged, but more import-
                                       personally and professionally,               We are here to support our customers
 ant that they are absorbing.
                                       it has also given us an opportu-
                                                                                    coast-to-coast across Canada.
                                       nity to re-imagine businesses in
   A transition to e-learning, even
                                       ways we never thought possible.
 for skilled trainers, is not just
                                          While people hope for the
 a simple change of venue, but
                                       demise of the “elbow bump” and
 adds a whole new dimension to
                                       the return of the handshake, or
 your delivery to ensure student
                                       even the hug, it is also hoped
                                       that this challenging time
                                       spawns innovation, rewards
                                       flexibility and ultimately helps
                                       people shift the way they work
                                                                                         Technical          System         Coast-to-Coast
                                       for the better.
                                                                                         Expertise        Integration       Tech Support
                                       Richard Kunst is an author,
                                       speaker and seasoned lean
                                       practitioner based in Toronto,
                                       who leads a holistic practice
                                       to coach, mentor and provide
                                       management solutions to help
                                       companies implement or accel-                   Motion & Control · Filtration · Automation Solutions
                                       erate their excellence journeys.                  1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) |
                                       You can reach him at:
                                                                                                                                                        PLANT 11

                                                                     PLT_Wainbee_MarApril21.indd 1                                        2021-03-29 9:25 AM

                                                                                                                                                  PHOTO: © LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS / Adobe Stock
Getting serious about                                                                                        lanes that require separate
                                                                                                             approaches. In fact, the lines

                                                                                                             between them have blurred to
                                                                                                             the point of being irrelevant. The
                                                                                                             people who make up B2B audi-
                                                                                                             ences, be they buyers, customers
                                                                                                             or partners, are by now largely

avoid these costly errors
                                                                                                             made up of younger digital
                                                                                                             natives. For them, Amazon is the
                                                                                                             standard by which they measure
                                                                                                             online shopping, regardless of
                                                                                                             who they are dealing with. They

MANY BUSINESSES HAVE STARTED ONLINE                                                                          have come to expect a seamless
                                                                                                             and engaging experience that

SELLING, AND MANUFACTURERS ARE AMONG                                                                         they will abandon at the first
                                                                                                             sign of friction. It is dangerous

THOSE LOOKING TO GET IN ON THE ACTION. THIS                                                                  to assume that they will willing-
                                                                                                             ly revert to the traditional, no-

YEAR SHOULD BE THE TIME THAT MANUFACTURERS                                                                   frills, “rack and stack” approach
                                                                                                             that many manufacturers have

                                                                                                             traditionally taken to presenting
                                                                                                             their products online.
                                                                                                               According to Forrester
BY DEREK CORRICK                      While manufacturers have           ers, and lay a foundation for       research, 68 per cent find that
                                   made some movement towards            long-term growth by digitizing      gathering information online is

   -commerce was already           this goal in recent years, it is no   their sales and supply chains.      superior to interacting with a
   gaining significant traction    stretch to say that they still have   This year should be the time        sales rep. In addition, research
   across many industries over     a long way to go. As recently         that manufacturers who want to      shows that the top driver of
the last decade. COVID-19 has      as 2018, only 5.9 per cent of         get serious about e-commerce        B2B buying decisions is the
put that trajectory into over-     B2B manufacturing sales came          kick-start the process.             availability of product informa-
drive. Whether it was by choice    from e-commerce, according to           The best way to start is to       tion, which buyers inspect to
or something forced upon them      numbers from Digital Commerce         take a step back and let go of      be easily available online, when
by recent events, many business-   360. As they continue to grapple      certain assumptions that, if they   and how they want, customized
es have jumped head first into     with the impact of COVID-19,          were ever right, are certainly no   to their unique needs.
online selling, and manufactur-    there has never been a better         longer relevant. The first is the     Once rid of these assumptions,
ers are among those looking to     time to add more operational          still widely held belief that B2B   manufacturers can begin to
get in on the action.              efficiency, attract more custom-      and B2C sales occupy separate       move forward with an e-com-

12 PLANT                                                                                                                     March/April 2021
As recently as 2018, only 5.9 per cent of B2B manufacturing                  online buyers with additional of-     For most manufacturers, launch-
                                                                             fers tailored for them, meant to    ing an e-commerce initiative is
sales came from e-commerce, according to numbers from
                                                                             ease and accelerate their buying    still an uncharted territory, but it
Digital Commerce 360. As they continue to grapple with the                   decisions, or help them make        does not have to be painful. With
                                                                             product modifications on the fly    the right guidance and approach,
impact of COVID-19, there has never been a better time to
                                                                             without having to call and talk     digital programs can bring quick
add more operational efficiency, attract more customers,                     to someone, are ways to better      wins and open a business up to
                                                                             engage buyers and strengthen a      new customers. All manufacturers
and lay a foundation for long-term growth by digitizing their
                                                                             manufacturer’s brand.               need to do is take the first step.
sales and supply chains.
merce plan. Here are three           Mastering your data                     Derek Corrick is General Manager of Master Data Management,
key factors to succeed as they       is critical                             Pivotree, which specializes in providing frictionless commerce to
embark on their journey.             The e-commerce landscape is             manufacturers.
                                     quickly becoming a case of the
Start small, but make                haves versus the have-nots, and
an impact                            it is usually data that divides
It is often tempting to dive into    them. Data-driven enterprises
the technology aspect out of the     add relevance and personaliza-
gate, or create aggressive plans     tion to their customers’ online
that can lead to more risk than      experiences, while others are
opportunity. That is a mistake.      falling behind. That is why
Instead, take time upfront to        implementing a product infor-
focus on the business aspects.       mation management approach
Get crystal clear on what your       at the outset of any e-commerce                                                Your Automation and
core customers mostly need and       strategy is critical.                                                           Integration projects
want from you, right now and            Knowing your customer’s                                                      are our top priority!
into the future. Compare that to     buying preferences and offering
what you are currently offering      accurate product information is                                                   Whether you are a
them, and map out what has to        impossible without an effective                                                 full service integrator
happen to start bridging the         data strategy. From search to                                                   or trying to address a
two divides.                         product recommendations to                                                      particular bottleneck
   As an example, manufactur-        order fulfillment, you simply                                                   in your operation, our
ers are often the first stop for     cannot accomplish your goals                                                    experienced technical
customers looking for replace-       without a consistent, end-to-                                                     sales team can help
ment parts. Given their physical     end approach. Therefore, it is                                                  with a wide variety of
supply chain roots, many have        recommended that manufactur-                                                     standard and custom
simply opted to catalogue the        ers begin the work now to make                                                         solutions.
information supplied to them by      that possible. This will allow for
their distributors, and assume       context-driven product infor-
that some static images and          mation. For example, allowing a
basic details would satisfy          tool to be featured based on its
the need. This “just enough”         usage in an automotive versus
approach does little to engage       a construction environment,
digital-savvy customers, and         depending on the needs of
over time risks tarnishing the       a customer.
manufacturer’s brand.
   What if instead of offering       Your brand, your story,
static product data that is quite    your future
likely lacking in accuracy, a        Finally, even if they are dipping
manufacturer offers custom-          their toes into e-commerce for
ers a detailed and customized        the first time, manufacturers
overview of spare part data that
is automatically updated behind
                                     should know how they want
                                     their brand to evolve over the                                                 CALL TODAY!
                                                                                                       800 461-6806
the scenes whenever a distribu-      long-term, and ensure they have
tor makes changes, and that is       an e-commerce strategy that
presented in a way that makes it     will take them there.
simple to browse and order? It is      Providing a great customer ex-
just one great example of a real-    perience depends on compelling,               
istic goal at the outset that adds   accessible information delivered                      121 Avenue Road, Cambridge, ON
value, and lays down a founda-       in a timely and accurate fashion.
tion that can be replicated as       However, it is also about context
e-commerce capabilities grow.        and adding value. Providing                                                                                                                            PLANT 13
                                                                    PLT_Rolmaster_MarApril21.indd 1                                          2021-03-29 2:40 PM

Take your manufacturing
                                                                                                              and alignment very difficult, as
                                                                                                              leadership and staff work on a
                                                                                                              different schedule and rhythm.
                                                                                                              During any month, members of

                                                                                                              the operating teams will work
                                                                                                              less than one-third of the time,
                                                                                                              side by side on the same sched-

to a new level
                                                                                                              ule, as well as the staff and their
                                                                                                              senior leaders. Despite all the ad-
                                                                                                              vances in communications tech-
                                                                                                              nology, many manufacturing and
                                                                                                              service companies have almost
                                                                                                              no direct channel of communica-
THE CHALLENGES OF ENGAGEMENT AND                                                                              tion to its operations people.
                                                                                                                 These challenges of engage-
COMMUNICATION INCREASED IN THE EARLY                                                                          ment and communication came
                                                                                                              screaming at the team in the ear-
DAYS OF THE PANDEMIC, AS INFORMATION WAS                                                                      ly days of the COVID-19 pandem-
                                                                                                              ic. As information was coming at
COMING AT PEOPLE FROM ALL DIRECTIONS.                                                                         people from all directions; media
                                                                                                              sources, social media, friends
                                                                                                              and neighbours, it became very
                                                                                                              difficult for the company’s mes-
                                                                                                              sages, policies and direction to
                                                                                                              find their way through. Misin-
                                                                                                              formation and misunderstand-
                                                                                                              ings were rampant, and as an
                                                                                                              essential business, the company
                                                                                                              needed to keep its business going,
                                                                                                              and keep people safe, healthy and
                                                                                                                 We had been, for some time,
                                                                                                              looking for a platform to commu-
                                                                                                              nicate and connect with its team
                                                                                                              more effectively. All the solutions
                                                                                                              that were encountered were
                                                                                                              either cost prohibitive, not simple
                                                                                                              enough, needed an enterprise
                                                                                                              email address, or just tried to do
                                                                                                              too many things. In the search,
                                                                                                              we stumbled across a relatively
                                                                                                              unknown app called Blink.
                                                                                                                 The app seemed to have every-
                                                                                                              thing that the team was looking
BY RON HARPER                       • 24 per cent less turnover in        creates the greatest organi-        for; a news and information feed
                                      high-turnover organizations         zational results, and the best      that could share company-wide

    ogent Power Inc. has im-        • 10 per cent in customer ratings     chance to thrive and create feel-   or individual team information;
    plemented a new employee        • 20 per cent increase in sales       ings of success and fulfillment.    a confidential instant messaging
    communications platform,        • 21 per cent greater profitability     Many manufacturers and            channel that could allow everyone
called Blink, which is helping      This is a pretty strong case for      service companies operate on an     in the company, regardless of their
communications of teams and         an investment in employee en-         expanded work schedule. Cogent      role, a two-way communication
increasing active engagement.       gagement. With that being said,       operations teams work on a 24/7,    to everyone; and an intranet-like
  A challenge with any busi-        Gallup regularly reports that         12-hour work schedule. This         hub, where company policies,
ness is to create a high level of   manufacturing team engagement         makes connection, engagement        information, news, forms and
engagement and alignment with       averages are below 30 per cent.
their people and work teams.          Maintaining a high level of
Gallup, an advisor on engage-       actively engaged members of a
ment, found out the following       team is important. The goal is to
results in its reports:             achieve this active engagement,
                                                                                                                                                    PHOTOS: Cogent Power

• 41 per cent reduction             where people are passionate
  in absenteeism                    about their work, with clear
• 17 per cent increase              alignment with the goals and
  in productivity                   mission of the company. This

14 PLANT                                                                                                                      March/April 2021
micro-apps could be accessed. All      now those working on a remote            quick and easy feedback and       their voice is both important and
of this could be achieved through      schedule through the pandemic            recognition to individuals and    heard is essential. Blink provides
the personal smartphones of            are able to get important com-           teams, both from each other and   the channels and platform for
everyone at the company.               pany information and priorities          their leaders. Timely recogni-    this level of two-way connection,
  The Blink sales and onboarding       at the same time, efficiently            tion, celebration and feedback    feedback and a stronger voice.
teams have been great to work          and effectively. It has allowed          are important elements in cre-    This is important to help your
with. Within two weeks, there          to increase health and safety            ating a strong work culture and   team be and feel informed, and
was a 50-person active evaluation      awareness, and has contributed           active engagement.                through effective communication
going, and within eight weeks of       to improvements in reduction of                                            everyone in the company can be
the company’s first sight of Blink,    safety incidents, and the engage-        Giving the team                   activated towards the goals, mis-
the company launched a wide roll       ment has improved productivity.          a stronger voice                  sion and vision of the company.
out. With the Blink team and 15                                                 In all workforces, manufactur-
internal designated Blink champi-      Recognition                              ing, services or otherwise, the   Ron Harper is President and
ons, the roll out has met all goals.   Blink offers the ability to share        people and team’s sense that      CEO of Cogent Power Inc.
Within just a few weeks, we had 75
per cent of the company’s employ-
ees activated on the app, and use
of the app grows every day.
  The team feedback has been
tremendous, and employees are
now able to exchange and have
dialogue on all important compa-
ny issues, from health and safety
reporting and information shar-
ing; to news and reports on client
feedback; sharing production
information and achievement;
and human resources information
and access.
  Company policies, procedures,
and employee services are now
instantly accessed by all employ-
ees through their phone. It has
allowed us to proactively commu-
nicate changes to its COVID-19
policies, and information and
services related to recent Ontario
pandemic measures.
  In terms of business benefits of
the Blink app, we are concentrat-
ing on several key target areas:

Using the Blink app to increase
leadership presence and connec-
tion with all work teams. The
level of engagement between all
levels of leadership and their team
is significantly enhanced through
the app, both through news feeds
and chat messages. This enables
active engagement amongst
teams, and can create a strong
alignment with the company and
team goals and mission.

Using the communication plat-
forms to share important com-
pany information, news, plans,
practices and policies. Given
the diverse shift schedules that
many of the teams work, and                             PLT_AdvancedAnaly_MarApril21.indd 1
                                                                                                                                         PLANT 15
                                                                                                                                   2021-03-26 10:28 AM

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                                       Stirred, but not                                                                                  are, that becomes our insight,
                                                                                                                                         our ‘a-ha!’, now we understand

     nderstanding customers’                                                                                                             their problem,” said Solecki.
     passions is key to achieving                                                                                                           “We then look for ways to use
     consistent business growth                                                                                                          the technology that we are good
over several decades, said Tony                                                                                                          at; motors, heat transfer, plastic
Solecki, President, Caframo Ltd.;                                                                                                        injection moulding, mixing, elec-
a Wiarton, Ontario-based man-                                                                                                            tronics, etc., and we ask, ‘Is there a
ufacturer of specialty fans and
heaters for the consumer market
                                       MANUFACTURER THRIVES                                                                              way that we can help the customer
                                                                                                                                         resolve their problem using our
and laboratory stirrers.
   Founded in 1955 as Canadian
                                       MAKING FANS AND                                                                                   technology?’” said Solecki. “That
                                                                                                                                         batch of deep insight into the end
Fractional Motors by German im-
migrant Hans Heidolph, the compa-
                                       LABORATORY STIRRERS                                                                               user’s problem, combined with
                                                                                                                                         some innovation around how best
ny was known for making products
with small motors with less than
                                       DESPITE PANDEMIC CHAOS.                                                                           to implement that technology, is
                                                                                                                                         what gets you to a new product.”
one horsepower of output. Solecki,                                                                                                          Once the company has identi-
with a computer science degree                                                                                                           fied products for development, a
and an MBA from Western Univer-                                                                                                          multi-disciplinary team is put to-
sity of Ontario, honed his skills at                                                                                                     gether, including someone from
RBW Graphics Transcontinental as                                                                                                         marketing, who understands
a Manager in nearby Owen Sound.                                                                                                          the end user’s problem, and an
In 1994, he met and began working                                                                                                        engineer to resolve it.
for Heidolph, who was seeking a                                                                                                             Solecki said that Caframo re-
General Manager to take over the                                                                                                         ceived an IRAP grant four years
business when he retired. In 1996,                                                                                                       ago to introduce a “stage gate”
Solecki bought the company.                                                                                                              development process. He credits
   Since then, Caframo has grown                                                                                                         the process with guiding their
from 20 employees to over 100. It                                                                                                        decision-making before either
has been named a great place to                                                                                                          getting too far into a project that
                                        PHOTO: Alextov / iStock/Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
work. Innovations earned the com-                                                                                                        might fail, or getting a green
pany a Vesta Award for its Ecofan      seem an unlikely place for a                                different products, involving 100     light to proceed.
8200 series for wood stoves from       20,000-sqaure-feet manufactur-                              sets of tooling. Workers there           “You have to stop at each gate
the hearth and accessory industry      er’s headquarters.                                          regularly make 50 products at a       and ask, ‘what more do I need to
in 2019. It was named Business            “But here we are today, and                              time. According to Solecki, Ca-       do to bring this product to mar-
of the Year in 2018 by the Owen        given that we export all over                               framo is “a niche market player.”     ket?’ and ‘have we learned enough
Sound District Chamber of Com-         the world, it doesn’t really                                  “We don’t want to compete           to support this idea?’” he said.
merce. Caframo products are now        matter where we are located,”                               with the big companies on                According to Solecki, product
sold into eight different market       said Solecki. “It doesn’t have                              price. They are going to win on       development is often the result
segments, and into more than 30        great internet and it’s been a                              that. We’re not a big company         of an end user approaching the
different countries.                   challenge to operate at times                               but we’re happy to make tens          company with a problem.
   “Most of the growth has come        during COVID, but the lifestyle                             of thousands of units,” he said.         “We had a boat builder in
through exports,” Solecki told         is unmatched. I would take that                             “Growth is important to us.”          Europe who had a problem with
Plant in an interview.                 deal every day.”                                              Solecki mentions growth             a windshield fogging up. He said,
   The privately held company             Plant operations are housed in                           strategies, including increasing      ‘You guys know a lot about fans,
increased exports from 40 per          one half of the building. There,                            distribution channels to retail-      can you help?’” he said.
cent in 1996 to 75 per cent in         50 people work to hand-assemble                             ers, among others, and driving           Therefore, the Caframo prod-
2018. Most of that is sold to the      and manufacture products like                               demand through marketing. But         uct development team analyzed
U.S., Europe and Australia. As         laboratory stirrers for pharma-                             the key strategy for growth at Ca-    the problem and came up with a
well, Caframo exports to Japan,        ceutical companies, heat-pow-                               farmo is innovating new products      new defogger to fix it.
Norway, South Africa and about         ered fans for wood stoves, and                              and developing existing ones for         Cows often give birth in win-
30 other countries. In 2020,           12-volt fans both for comfort in                            communities that share a passion.     ter when temperatures dip be-
the company created Caframo            recreational vehicles, and for                                “We call it ‘insight in innova-     low freezing. The farmer needed
Europe BV to smooth a path for         fighting mildew in boat storage.                            tion’. We identify end users who      a rugged heater. That was an
its products into Europe. That         Caframo also sells fans, heaters                            share a passion, like boating or      end-user insight that was helpful
was key to opening the door to         and a range of other products                               pharmaceutical research. We           in developing a new product and
Amazon Europe.                         into the household market.                                  visit them. We collect the voice of   expanding market potential.
   “For being where we are, that’s        “We don’t make just one thing. We                        the customer so we can under-            “We have to keep up with
significant,” said Solecki.            make a lot of things,” said Solecki.                        stand their passion and see what      technology and reduce our costs,”
   Wiarton, Ont., home to Wiarton         Good at short-run manufac-                               their problems are, doing what        said Solecki.
Willie, the famous weather             turing with quick changeovers,                              they are passionate about. And           Caframo’s Sirocco 12-volt fan is
forecasting groundhog, might           Caframo produces about 100                                  when we see what the problems         a case in point. Solecki said it is

18 PLANT                                                                                                                                                   March/April 2021
his favourite Caframo product.         resolved the noise issue.”             that has paid off.                     freight times, delays and high-
  “It’s helpful, quiet, salt-water       A cross-pollination of expertise       In March 2020, when COVID-19         er costs from suppliers, as the
resistant and shock-resistant. It’s    from employees in software and         hit Caframo’s fan assembly line,       result of the second wave of
a really good fan,” he said.           electrical engineering were tasked     all office workers began working       COVID-19.
  The 10-year-old design, though,      with resolving the issue. Still,       from home to reduce the spread of        “We’ve had to lengthen lead
was complicated with a mass            the fan had lots of fine wires, and    the disease. Those left in the plant   times and increase our invento-
of fine wiring and many moving         13 plastic injection moulds were       were required to wear masks,           ries,” he said. “Currently, we are
parts.                                 needed to make parts.                  stagger start times and stay two       maxed out on our incoming raw
  “We had to make it in China,”          “That volume of injection            metres apart. They doubled down        materials. We can’t meet pro-
he said. “But the Chinese manu-        moulding meant we needed to            on cleaning.                           duction. And our demand is only
facturer wasn’t the best at            invest in a new machine, which           COVID-19 restrictions required       down a bit.”
quality control.”                      we did. It only takes 15 minutes       the short-run line be changed            Time will tell the wider impact
  Five years ago, the decision         to assemble the fan,” he said. And     from three-person workstations         of the pandemic on manufac-
was made to bring the manufac-         Caframo now has more manu-             to single-person ones. That task       turing worldwide, but for now,
turing from China to Caframo at        facturing capacity, thanks to the      fell to the employees themselves,      vaccination programs underway
Colpoy Bay.                            investment in the plastic injec-       who rearranged them, incorpo-          offer hope on the horizon. The key
  “Quality took a real step up,”       tion moulding machine.                 rating best practices.                 to Caframo’s future success con-
said Solecki. He said that the pro-                                             “It took up more space and           tinuing to understand the passion
cess brought some big changes at       A great place to work                  investment, but productivity went      of those who use their products.
Caframo. Solecki challenged the        Caframo offers a full range of em-     up,” said Solecki. “They are just        “As long as we are good at what
product development team, “How         ployee benefits, including flexible    an amazing group of employees          we do, we will continue to grow.”
do we make it better?”.                work schedules, structured train-      to deal with all these changes.        said Solecki.
  The Sirocco had a brushless mo-      ing and community outreach. Last       We’ve been a lean manufacturer
tor, which created electrical noise.   year, the company reached its goal     for a long time, but I think how       Kim Laudrum is a Collingwood,
  “It was okay in industrial           to bring the starting wage to a liv-   people feel about their workplace      Ontario-based business writer
situations but not next to your        ing wage, as defined by the Ontario    contributes to productivity.”          and regular contributor to
bed,” said Solecki. “It was one of     government for people living in the      Solecki said the company is          PLANT. E-mail
our new electrical engineers who       area. It is an investment              just beginning to see worsening

                                                                                      DON’T GET
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                                                                      Delivering parts to the shop floor without packaging keeps your
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  CRE-473 8x5.375.indd 1                                                                                                                  2/5/19 2:25 PM
 PLT_March_Creform.indd    1
                                                                                                                                            PLANT 19
                                                                                                                                      2019-02-07 11:54 AM

           ark, how’s today look-
           ing? Everything moving      Checking-in on invisible                                                  • Workplaces can also provide
                                                                                                                    training for both managers

           along smoothly? Any                                                                                      and workers, so they know
delays we should know about?”                                                                                       to recognize the importance
   Daily check-ins. We have them                                                                                    of psychological health and
with our workers and teams. We                                                                                      safety hazards, and unhealthy

check in on the status of proj-                                                                                     work conditions. This training
ects, timelines and deliverables.                                                                                   should include concrete ways
We monitor progress, identify                                                                                       for co-workers to recognize and
roadblocks and then we take the                                                                                     talk about mental health issues,
appropriate steps to get things up                                                                                  and ways to seek support.
and running again.
   While these check-ins are com-      WITH REGULAR CHECK-INS AND                                                • Host a weekly or monthly
                                                                                                                    lunch where workers can step
mon when it comes to daily work
duties, they do not always happen      A COMMITMENT TO WORKER-                                                      away from their duties and
                                                                                                                    enjoy each other’s company.
when it comes to mental health.
Workplace priorities and pres-         WELL-BEING, PSYCHOLOGICAL                                                    This is also a good opportunity
                                                                                                                    for the employer to celebrate

                                       HAZARDS CAN BE ADDRESSED
sures, like deadlines and meetings,                                                                                 successes and milestones with-
seem to come first, or at least that                                                                                in the organization. These type

                                       AND SUPPORTED, INCREASING
is what we tell ourselves. Add in                                                                                   of awards and events, no matter
the to-do’s that occur outside of                                                                                   the size, can remind workers

                                       THE HEALTH OF WORKERS AND
work, and mental health soon                                                                                        that they are valued.
drops off the priority list.                                                                                     • Start a fun-and-friend-
   Workplaces can see, and even                                                                                     ly walking club or a step
measure, the toll that poor men-       THEIR GENERAL WELLBEING.                                                     challenge where workers are
tal health can take on workers.                                                                                     encouraged to use a portion
When the well-being of workers            With the combination of long       take their earned breaks and           of their break to get moving
is ignored, their mental health        workdays, the emotional toll of       “press pause”. To help man-            and exercise parts of their
can decline, bringing productivi-      missing time with his family and      age workloads and support the          bodies that might be neglected
ty and morale along with it.           a demanding workload, Mark is         development of healthy habits,         throughout their workday.
   This domino effect is one           feeling overwhelmed, but he is        workplace leaders can explore          Communication is a key part
reason why workplaces should           not comfortable telling his man-      the following:                      of building a healthy workplace.
consider creating formal health        ager about what is bothering          • Focus on workplace cul-           Make sure workers know your
and wellness programs. By cre-         him. Instead, he pushes through         ture. Promote the balance         commitment to making their men-
ating check-ins that are not just      at work and continues with the          of work, life, safety, health     tal health a priority by developing
about projects and their deliver-      cycle of never feeling like he can      and wellness to create an         a policy statement that is actively
ables, workplaces can gauge the        keep up with family and work            enjoyable work environment,       participated in by all levels of
status of their workers’ health        demands. Unfortunately, his             increased productivity, and       the organization.
and well-being too.                    manager does not notice that            happier workers who feel             Remember, workplace chal-
                                       Mark is struggling, and as a re-        encouraged and rewarded for       lenges are not always obvious.
A check-in each day                    sult, does not think to check-in        their efforts.                    Psychological hazards like work-
can help keep workplace                with him to see how he is doing.      • Review the job design in          place stressors may not be easy
stress at bay                          Because of the lack of communi-         the workplace. Providing          to identify and may have nega-
Mental health can be impacted by       cation, Mark’s stress levels will       employees with clear outlines,    tive impacts on workers’ mental
both individual and environmental      likely go unnoticed, and might          responsibilities of their role    health. With regular check-ins and
factors. Let’s go back to Mark, for    become worse over time.                 and variety in job tasks are      a commitment to worker-well-be-
example. Mark works Tuesday to            Thankfully, employers can            ways to improve job design.       ing, psychological hazards can be
Saturday. His shifts vary, but on      help workers like Mark. They          • Touch base with workers           addressed and supported, increas-
most Saturdays, he finds himself       can be understanding and com-           about their workload to           ing the health of your workers, and
missing his daughter’s soccer          passionate of an employee’s re-         offer understanding and           your overall bottom line.
games. On top of that, Saturdays       sponsibilities that fall outside of     support. Managers, super-
at the plant are one of the busi-      the workday. They can also build        visors and team leads can         The Canadian Centre for Oc-
est days. He often finds himself       a comprehensive workplace               ensure duties and responsi-       cupational Health and Safety
working on the line with minimal       health and safety program, or           bilities have been clearly com-   (CCOHS) in Hamilton con-
contact with others. Everyone is so    even plan and promote a few fun         municated and understood,         tributed this article. CCOHS
busy that sometimes a simple “hel-     workplace initiatives focused           and that the worker feels         provides information, training,
lo” goes unsaid. The workload is       on well-being to help alleviate         supported in their efforts to     education, management sys-
also so demanding that Mark often      overall stress.                         achieve their goals. Workplac-    tems and solutions that support
does not have a chance to take his        Employers can start by fo-           es should be prepared to offer    health and safety programs and
breaks, which he typically uses to     cusing on managing workloads            support, such as redistribu-      the prevention of injury and
eat lunch and call his daughter to     and supporting healthy habits           tion of tasks, if the worker      illness in the workplace.
see how the game went.                 and encourage employees to              requires support.                 Visit

20 PLANT                                                                                                                         March/April 2021
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