BULLETIN 157December2020 The Covid-19 pandemic, health and medicine: Sociological investigations and perspectives

Page created by Tracy Stephens
BULLETIN 157December2020 The Covid-19 pandemic, health and medicine: Sociological investigations and perspectives
B U L L E T I N 157 December 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic, health
and medicine: Sociological
investigations and perspectives
BULLETIN 157December2020 The Covid-19 pandemic, health and medicine: Sociological investigations and perspectives
Table of Contents

Introduction                                                                   1
Michael Gemperle and Raphaël Hammer

“It is complex”: perception of uncertainty and inequality issues
in the COVID-19 crisis. Results from a survey among university students
in Switzerland (Research note)                                                 7
Thomas Abel and Richard Benkert

The Covid-19 Social Monitor: A panel study providing evidence about
the social and public health impact of the pandemic                            14
Marc Höglinger and Sarah Heiniger

Nurses and healthcare assistants’ views of their institution’s response
to first wave of COVID-19 pandemic and their in­tentions to remain in their
current workplace: a first glance at the ProH-COVID project                    20
Matteo Antonini, Margaux Perriraz, Philippe Delmas, Claudia Ortoleva Bucher,
Tanja Bellier-Teichmann, Isabelle Peytremann Bridevaux, and Ingrid Gilles

“The COVID-19 pandemic is illustrating a long-term fight about the very
definition of health”. Interview with Claudine Burton-Jeangros                 26
Interviewed by Raphaël Hammer

Shifting inequalities in student lifestyles during the COVID-19 pandemic       31
Guy Schwegler
Michael Gemperle* and Raphaël Hammer**

The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which began to circulate            formations and tensions become more apparent
around the world at the end of 2019, has triggered        and, at the same time, groups of agents’ beliefs in
a global health crisis. Due to the highly transmis-       institutions undergo a change (cf. Bourdieu 1990).
sible and pathogenic nature of the coronavirus,           From the point of view of the sociology of health
the measures to contain its spread in Switzerland         and medicine, a variety of particularly interesting
and elsewhere relatively soon had an impact upon          sociological issues can be identified, of which we
more fields than just health. Even the media cover-       are able to highlight only a few in the following (for
age and political discussion leave little doubt that      more, see Lupton 2020; Matthewman & Huppatz
the COVID-19 pandemic and its management is               2020; Ward 2020):
a phenomenon worthy of Marcel Mauss’ concept                ›› First and foremost, the problem of social
of the “total social phenomenon”, drawing atten-               inequalities with regard to health: There is
tion to the interrelation and interaction of different         increasing evidence that underprivileged
spheres of society. The social turmoil associated              groups are being disproportionately affected
with the health crisis confirms, if it were necessary,         by COVID-19 and COVID-19 related deaths
the extent to which illness and both individual                (e. g. Azar et al. 2020; Clouston et al. 2021;
and institutional responses to it constitute central           Dragano et al. 2020; Brüningk et al. 2020).
categories in the analysis and understanding of a so-          Investigations into this phenomenon beyond
ciety, as medical anthropologists long have shown.             classical epidemiological indicators are neces-
     The Board of the Swiss Sociological Associa-              sary to show the social significance of these
tion has kindly charged the Sociology of Health                socially determined inequalities (cf. Siff et al.
and Medicine Research Committee with coordi-                   2020; Wachter et al. 2020).
nating this issue of the thematic bulletin on the           ›› Second, the problem of the social consequences
COVID-19 pandemic. We launched a call for                      of public health measures: Contrary to the as-
contributions in our network and within the short              sumption that public health interventions are
period available (a mere few weeks) received several           essentially positive and, at worst, ineffective,
texts. These contributions have in common that                 the measures to contain the circulation of the
they draw on research activities initiated shortly             virus show in an unprecedented way that pub-
after the first cases of COVID-19 were confirmed               lic health measures may also cause social and
in Switzerland in February 2020 and aim to inform              mental harm. And, it’s again underprivileged
a broader audience rather than specialists about the           groups that have been generally most affected
social dimensions of the health crisis.                        by this (e. g. Hövermann 2020; Kohlrausch
     Sociology can understand the current crisis as            et al. 2020; Witteveen & Velthorst 2020; cf.
a moment in which structural conditions, trans-                the contributions in this issue by Höglinger &
                                                               Heiniger and Schwegler). Sociology is well
* Zurich University of Applied Sciences                        equipped to analyze the social conditions
** Uni­­­ver­sity of Applied Sciences and Arts Western
                                                               of this suffering and thus to contribute to a

                                              Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS                                                1
sound understanding of the social and mental              Switzerland’s (prospective) upper classes show
       consequences of health-promoting measures.                relatively little awareness of social inequality (cf.
    ›› Third, the related phenomenon of the disaf-               the contribution by Abel and Benkert).
       fection of parts of the population with public         ›› Another issue the COVID-19 pandemic brings
       health measures, as can be observed, for ex-              to the center of attention are the working con-
       ample, in demonstrations against protective               ditions in the health sector, especially those of
       measures and negative attitudes toward vacci-             the non-medical professional groups, above all
       nation. In this regard, the social conditions of          nursing (the contribution by Antonini et al.
       this shattered belief in public authorities during        ties in here). The rich empirical and conceptual
       the public intervention against the pandemic              heritage of sociology allows us to arrive at a
       would merit thorough investigation (also tak-             sound understanding of the social and political
       ing into account the side effects of health care          conditions underlying the working conditions
       measures; for a first attempt see: Demertzis &            of health professionals.
       Eyerman 2020). In addition, the issue of risk          ›› Regarding the impact of the health crisis on
       perception seems to be a promising avenue,                the medical world itself, another interesting
       showing that the understanding of the situa-              question seems to be the extent to which an
       tion and its evolution involves a complex set of          event as wide-ranging as a pandemic affects
       factors, including personal experience of risk            the structure and the functioning of medicine.
       and values (Brown 2020; Dryhurst et al. 2020).            Medicine is indeed a relatively autonomous
    ›› Fourth, the problem of the health crisis as a             social sphere, but as the policies to manage the
       battleground for health care provision renego-            health crisis show, political intervention in this
       tiation: From the beginning of the pandemic,              field may also change (at least temporarily) the
       measures to contain the spread of the virus have          priority accorded to different specialisms (with
       been set in relation to other priorities (economy,        virology and critical care medicine coming be-
       education, etc.), but at least since the first            fore surgery). Here, the concept of the “medical
       lockdown, leading politicians’ concerns have              field” (cf. Pinell 2005; Pinell 2011) may help
       been focused more on the economy and public               to identify the struggles over resources and
       finances than on consistently containing a virus          prestige between the medical specialisms and
       that mostly affects underprivileged groups (cf.           professional groups.
       Lessenich 2020a; Lessenich 2020b). On the            The following contributions take up aspects of these
       other hand, history shows that major epidem-         research perspectives. They provide valuable data
       ics that did not stop at class boundaries (pest,     and thus both contribute to the understanding of
       cholera) promoted the improvement of health          the complex phenomenon of the COVID-19 pan-
       standards even among the lower classes of so-        demic and inspire further research. These contribu-
       ciety (cf. Goudsblom 1986). Investigating the        tions are conceptually and empirically quite varied,
       ongoing struggles for the definition and shaping     reflecting the diversity of research perspectives in
       of health care provision (cf. the interview with     the sociology of health and medicine. This variety
       Burton-Jeangros) thus seems to be of prime           also reflects the studies’ different institutional ori-
       relevance, not least against the backdrop that       gins, with the stronger affinity of university output

2                                              Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS
to theoretical issues and the stronger orientation      people aged between 18 to 29 who were affected
of the output of universities of applied sciences       by high rates of loneliness during these times. It is
to issues of the medical field and public health        hoped that thorough and refined analyses will not
not atypical of the field of sociology of health and    only provide a sound understanding of the issues
medicine in Switzerland.                                in question, but also feed into discussions on the
                                                        underlying social mechanisms.
The contributions                                            The next contribution is a short interview with
In their contribution, Thomas Abel and Rich-            Claudine Burton-Jeangros (Geneva) conducted by
ard Benkert (Bern) analyze how perceptions of           Raphaël Hammer (Lausanne). Claudine Burton-
pandemic-related uncertainties and complexity           Jeangros was involved in and contributed to the
issues are related to social characteristics. They      edited volume COVID-19 – le regard des sciences
surveyed students from four Swiss universities          sociales (Gamba et al.) published in June 2020,
in April/May 2020, and the results show that a          which was one of the first major attempts to assess
considerable proportion of these students do not        the COVID-19 pandemic in sociological terms.
have an accurate perception of the complexity and       Burton-Jeangros argues how the current political
uncertainty of prevailing key issues. Of particular     management of the pandemic is underpinned
sociological interest is the fact that an inadequate    by a medical definition of health which tends to
awareness of social inequality in this pandemic is      overlook the importance of a more global or social
most evident among students from less educated          definition of health. The interview aptly shows how
family backgrounds, pointing to class-based differ-     necessary a sociological perspective is for societal
ences in perceptions of the pandemic. This study        reflections and political debates in the current
reflects a line of research in health sociology based   crisis. Claudine Burton-Jeangros also highlights
on Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of cultural capital        the significance of the opportunity for theoretical
that highlights the importance of class-related         discussions on the way our societies have responded
cultural resources for inequalities in health, and      to the COVID-19 pandemic in comparison to
complements work on perceptions of economic and         previous similar pandemics.
health risks (Holst et al. 2020) and class-dependent         The contribution of Matteo Antonini et al.
exposure to the pandemic (see above).                   (Lausanne) provides insight into nurses’ and health-
     The contribution of Marc Höglinger and Sara        care assistants’ experiences with and perceptions of
Heiniger (Winterthur) provides insight into the         the pandemic. The authors present partial results of
social and public health impact of the pandemic.        a study at eleven hospitals in western Switzerland.
Based on data from their Covid-19 Social Monitor        The findings indicate that nurses and healthcare
project, they report selected findings about qual-      assistants had a fairly positive opinion of the way
ity of life, mental health and social isolation in      their respective institutions handled the emergency
Switzerland since April 2020. The findings indicate     and generally intended to remain in their current
that the lockdown in spring and the containment         workplace, although more than half reported an
measures in November/December led to increased          increase in their workload and one third doubted
stress and an increased psychological burden for        their institution’s ability to deal with another crisis
the population and that it is especially young          of this nature. This not only reflects a pronounced

                                           Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS                                                  3
commitment from employees who were very                     tainty: research pathways, conceptual tools,
    stressed during the crisis. It also expresses the fact      and some magic from Mary Douglas. In:
    that, due to the exceptional nature of the situa-           Health, Risk & Society 22(1), pp. 1–14. doi:
    tion, workload does not have a 1 : 1 effect on the          10.1080/13698575.2020.1745508.
    intention to leave the profession. This contribution     Brüningk, Sarah C./Klatt, Juliane/Stange, Mad­
    needs be understood against the background of the           len/Mari, Alfredo/Brunner, Myrta/Roloff,
    recent dynamics of the Swiss universities and the           Tim-Christoph/…/ Egli, Adrian (2020). De-
    academization of the health professions.                    terminants of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to
         Guy Schwegler’s (Lucerne) contribution ex-             guide vaccination strategy in a city. MedRxiv,
    plores the question of the differential effects that        2020.12.15.20248130. doi:10.1101/2020.12.
    the lockdown in spring 2020 had on the everyday             15.20248130.
    lives of university students with and without an         Clouston, Sean A. P./Natale, Ginny/Link, Bruce
    academic background. He draws on qualitative                G. (2021). Socioeconomic Inequalities in
    interviews and diary entries from 25 students. The          the Spread of Coronavirus-19 in the United
    findings indicate that the closure of the universities      States: A Examination of the Emergence
    particularly limited the opportunities and motiva-          of Social Inequalities. In: Social Science &
    tion of students without an academic background.            Medicine 268: 113554. doi: 10.1016/j.socsci-
    From a life course perspective, Schwegler also              med.2020.113554.
    recognizes possible effects on health that are inde-     Demertzis, Nicolas/Eyerman, Ron (2020). Covid-
    pendent of the current situation. By highlighting           ­19 as cultural trauma. In: American Journal
    the importance of social origin, Schwegler focuses           of Cultural Sociology 8(3), pp. 428–450.
    on an aspect that attracted little attention in previ-       doi:10.1057/s41290-020-00112-z.
    ous studies on the consequences of the lockdown,         Dragano, Nico/Rupprecht, Christoph J./ Dort-
    which were primarily interested in the effects on            mann, Olga/Scheider, Maria/Wahrendorf,
    student’s performance (cf. Gonzales et al. 2020;             Morten (2020). Higher Risk of COVID-19
    Grewenig et al. 2020).                                       Hospitalization for Unemployed: An Analysis
                                                                 of 1 298 416 Health Insured Individuals in
    References                                                  Ger­m any. MedRxiv 2020.06.17.20133918.
    Azar, Kristen M. J./Shen, Zijun/Romanelli, Ro-              doi: 10.1101/2020.06.17.20133918.
       bert J./Lockhart, Stephen H./Smits, Kelly/            Dryhurst, Sarah/Schneider, Claudia R./Kerr, John/
       Robinson, Sarah/…/Pressman, Alice R. (2020).             Freeman Alexandra L. J./Recchia, Gebriela/
       Disparities In Outcomes Among COVID-19                   van der Bles, Anne Marte/…/van der Linden,
       Patients In A Large Health Care System In                Sander (2020). Risk Perceptions of COVID-19
       California. In: Health Affairs 39(7), pp. 1253–          Around the World. In: Journal of Risk Re-
       1262. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2020.00598.                    search 23(7-8), pp. 994–1006. doi:10.1080/1
    Bourdieu, Pierre (1990). Homo Academicus. Stan-             3669877.2020.1758193.
       ford, CA: Stanford University Press.                  Gamba, Fiorenza/Nardone, Marco/Ricciardi, Toni/
    Brown Patrick (2020). Studying COVID-19 in                  Cattacin, Sandro (eds.) (2020). COVID-19.
       light of critical approaches to risk and uncer-          Le regard des sciences sociales. Zürich: Seismo.

4                                               Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS
Gonzalez, Teresa/de la Rubia, M. Angeles/Hincz,            tät. In: WSI-Mitteilungen 73(6), pp. 454–461.
    Kajetan Piotr/Comas-Lopez, M./Subirats,                doi: 10.5771/0342-300X-2020-6-454.
    Laia/Fort Santi/Sacha, Gomez M. (2020).            Lessenich, Stephan (2020b). Soziologie – Coro-
    Influence of COVID-19 confinement on stu-              na – Kritik. In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie
    dents’ performance in higher education. In:            30, pp. 215-230. doi: 10.1007/s11609-020-
    PLoS ONE 15(10), e0239490. doi: 10.1371/               00417-3.
    journal.pone.0239490.                              Lupton, Debora h (2020). Specia l section
Goudsblom, Joop (1986). Public health and the              on “Sociology and the Coronavirus (CO-
    civilizing process. In: Millbank Quarterly             V ID-­19) Pandemic”. In: Health Socio-
    64(2), pp. 161–188. doi: 10.2307/3349969.              log y Re­v iew 29(2), pp. 111–112. doi:
Grewenig, Elisabeth/Lergetporer, Philipp/Wer-              10.1080/14461242.2020.1790919.
    ner, Katharina/Woessmann, Ludger/Zierow            Matthewman, Steve/Huppatz, Kate (2020). A so­cio­
    Larissa (2020). COVID-19 and Education-                logy of Covid-19. In: Journal of Socio­logy 56(4),
    al Inequality: How School Closures Affect              pp. 675–683. doi: 10.11771440783320939416.
    Low- and High-Achieving Students. Dis-             Pinell, Patrice (2005). Champ médical et processus
    cussion Paper 260. Institute of Labor Eco-             de spécialisation. In: Actes de la recherche en
    nomics, University of Munich. https://www.             sciences sociales 156-157(1-2), pp. 4–36. doi:
    iza.org/publications/dp/13820/covid-19-and-            10.3917/arss.156.0004.
    educational-­inequality-how-school-closures-       Pinell, Patrice (2011). The Genesis of the Medical
    affect-low-and-high-achieving-students.                Field: France, 1795-1870. In: Revue francaise
Holst, Hajo/Fessler, Agnes/Niehoff, Steffen (2020).        de sociologie 52(5), pp. 117–151. doi: 10.3917/
    Covid-19, social class and work experience in          rfs.525.0117.
    Germany: inequalities in work-related health       Siff, Emily J./Aghagoli, Ghazal/Gallo Marin,
    and economic risks. In: European Societies.            Benjamin/Tobin-Tyler, Elizabeth/Poitevien,
    doi: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1828979.                    Pa­tricia (2020). SARS-CoV-2 transmission:
Hövermann, Andreas (2020). Soziale Lebens-                 a sociological review. In: Epidemiolo­g y &
    lagen, soziale Ungleichheiten und Corona-              In­fection 148, e242. doi: 10.1017/S0950268
    Auswirkungen für Erwerbstätige. Policy Brief           82000240X.
    WSI 44(6), Düsseldorf. https://www.wsi.de/         Wachtler, Benjamin/Michalski, Niels/Nowossa­
    de/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=8954.                      deck, Enno/Diercke, Michaela/Wahrendorf,
Kohlrausch, Bettina/Zucco, Aline/Hövermann,                Morten/Santos-Hövener, Claudia/…/Hoebel,
    Andreas (2020). Verteilungsbericht 2020 –              Jens (2020). Sozioökonomische Ungleichheit
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for sociologists. In: Journal of Sociology 56(4),      ring COVID-19. In: Proceedings of the Natio­
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       Hardship and Mental Health Complaints du­

6                                             Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS
“It is complex”: perception of uncertainty and inequality
issues in the COVID-19 crisis. Results from a survey among
university students in Switzerland (Research note)
Thomas Abel* and Richard Benkert*

Background                                                   Citizens are called upon to accept behavioural
From the beginning, early in 2020, the coronavirus      restrictions that often lead to drastic changes in
crisis created enormous societal challenges (Gamba      their lives. For most, necessary adaptations in the
et al., 2020). In particular, it has shown how much     organization of private and professional patterns
societies depend on their citizens to deal with and     are difficult to make. Health messages change
overcome viral pandemic threats. In the absence         and individuals are challenged by an overflow of
of medical solutions, governments have to rely on       information that is often inconsistent. Complex-
citizens to adjust their behaviours and help mitigate   ity inherent in the issues thus challenges not only
the problems.                                           scientists and politicians but also citizens in their
     Although major differences exist in national       active response to the crisis. Denying or ignoring
conditions, common features of the COVID-19             uncertainty and complexity in public health com-
pandemic pose similar challenges in most coun-          munication may lead to reduced trust (van der Bles
tries. Scientific knowledge about the Sars-Cov-2        et al., 2019) and eventually contribute to citizens
virus – its biomedical nature, mutations, and           becoming sceptical and not following even the most
distribution patterns, etc. – has needed and still      basic behavioural rules.
needs time to emerge; many questions remain un-              Thus, beyond being aware of the urgency of
answered at this time (Davey- Smith et al., 2020).      the situation and the need to slow and reduce the
This uncertainty in the science is likely to spill      spread of the virus, the crisis requires from all
over to the policy arena and add to uncertainty in      citizens a recognition and basic understanding
administrative and governmental decision-making.        of the complex issues associated with it. But even
Even as scientific knowledge gets stronger over         if the uncertainty of slowly emerging scientific
time and governments gather more experience on          knowledge and the complexity inherent in political
which to base decisions, the complexity of issues is    action challenge everyone, the ability to recognize
not likely to decrease. In fact, new challenges have    uncertainty and be aware of complexity may sup-
emerged as social inequalities have become appar-       port citizens’ adoption of appropriate measures –
ent (e. g. school closures widening the social gap),    even when scientific knowledge is incomplete and
the relevance and effectiveness of interventions        political action far from coherent.
has depended upon the contexts in which people               From a social science perspective, these condi-
live and work, and the contextual adaptation of         tions call for basic research addressing citizens’
mid- and long-term preventive measures by citizens      recognition and understanding of the uncertain-
has required their expertise (Cuerdo-Vilches et al.,    ties and complexities of a pandemic crisis. A focus
2020; Mesa Vieira et al., 2020).                        on particular population groups may be helpful
                                                        for this. Adolescents and young adults have been
*   University of Bern                                  identified as problem groups in this crisis (Li et al.,

                                           Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS                                                  7
2020; Nivette et al., 2021). Initially, both scientific   and awareness of such complexity issues among
    and public discourse have focussed on young adults        highly educated young adults.
    as identifiable “carriers of risk”. More recently,
    the focus has shifted to recognize the health and         Methods
    social burdens this age group suffers, which include      Development of survey items on complexity
    mental health problems, higher unemployment               perception
    rates, increased stress, and uncertainty in academic      Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, an interdisci-
    training (OECD, 2020; Sahu, 2020). However,               plinary group of public health experts discussed
    systematic social science research exploring the          relevant themes applicable to university students.
    effects of the current pandemic on the lives of           Three rounds of expert feedback produced a set
    the younger population is only slowly emerging.           of five items that were then pretested in German,
    More specifically, we know very little about their        French, and English among young adults (n = 16).
    perceptions and understanding of complexity and           Respondents’ feedback focused on phrasing and
    uncertainty in a pandemic crisis.                         wording and informed revisions of the survey ques-
         We developed a small number of survey items          tions. The final set of five items addressed a range
    to explore empirically the distribution and variation     of key issues in the pandemic, all which are linked
    of the recognition of complex pandemic-related            to complexity and the uncertainty of knowledge in
    issues among a group of young adults who are uni-         public health actions. (see Table 1, page 10).
    versity students in Switzerland. Our basic assump-
    tion was that, among those with the highest formal        The International Student Well-Being Survey
    education, appropriate perception of complexity           The five new items were included in the COVID-19
    and awareness of uncertainty in slowly emerging           International Student Well-Being Study (C19
    scientific knowledge should be widespread in a            ISWS). C19 ISWS is the result of a study design,
    pandemic crisis.                                          study protocol, and questionnaire developed by
                                                              a team of the University of Antwerp, Belgium
    Aims of the study                                         (Van de Velde et al., 2020). Data were collected in
    This population-level research explores citizens’         27 countries across Europe and North America, as
    perceptions of pandemic-related uncertainty and           well as in South Africa (Van de Velde et al., 2020).
    complexity issues. Because we found no survey             A comprehensive questionnaire was developed to
    measures available on this topic, the first study         assess the impact of COVID-19 on the university
    aim was to develop an initial set of survey items to      student population. The five new items presented
    measure knowledge and awareness about key issues          here were included towards the end of questionnaire
    in dealing with complexity-related challenges in          and distributed to students in Switzerland and Ger-
    the current crisis.                                       many. In Switzerland, versions of the questionnaire
         The second aim was to apply these measures           were provided in German, French, and English.
    in a population group of major significance in the            The survey was distributed using the online
    current pandemic crisis (young adults) and obtain         survey-tool Qualtrics. For Switzerland, the online
    insight into the social distribution of knowledge         survey was open from 28 April through 27 May
                                                              2020. Participants were recruited at four universi-

8                                                Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS
ties in Switzerland: the University of Bern, Bern        of dichotomization of response options for each
University of Applied Sciences, University of Fri-       item is described in the following chapter. Results
bourg, and the University of Geneva. Recruitment         were considered significant when p < 0.05. Stata 14
was conducted via email sent by the university           software was used for the analyses.
administration to all students enrolled at the four
universities. Participation in the study was vol-        Measures of complexity perception
untary and all data were collected anonymously.          The following five items were used to assess stu-
                                                         dents’ perception of key issues linked to complex-
Sociodemographic characteristics                         ity and knowledge uncertainty in the current
Sociodemographic characteristics including gen-          pandemic.
der (male, female, diverse), study level (bachelors,
masters, PhD), and affiliation (University of Bern,      Distribution of complexity perception
Bern University of Applied Sciences, University of       The basic distribution of item responses in our
Fribourg, and University of Geneva) were gathered        sample is displayed in Table 2 (see next page). As
by the questionnaire. Due to the low number of           expected with a highly educated population group,
responses for the diverse gender option (n = 57), we     for most items the answers are not normally dis-
concentrated only on males and females. Univer-          tributed; most students were aware of complexity
sities were categorized into the German language         and uncertainty issues.
region, including University of Bern and Bern                 The five items address different issues that all
University of Applied Sciences, and into French          contribute to the complexity that is challenging
language region, including University of Fribourg        public health, political action, and individual citi-
and University of Geneva. Parental education was         zens. For a meaningful analysis, we dichotomized
assessed by asking about the highest educational         the response options with answer categories in
degree obtained by respondents’ parents. This infor-     bold indicating low complexity perception (see
mation was used to categorize parental education         Table 2). This is based on plausibility as follows.
as low (both had less than secondary education),         At the time of the survey (May 2020) scientific
middle (at least one parent with secondary educa-        knowledge about the Sars-Cov-2 virus and the
tion), and high (at least one parent with a university   disease COVID-19 was only emerging; many ques-
degree) education.                                       tions relevant to the planning and implementation
                                                         of health measures were not answered. The scien-
Statistical procedures                                   tific knowledge for political decision-making was
We employed basic descriptive statistics to examine      neither “very strong” nor was it “very weak”. For
the distribution of complexity perception, and odds      this analysis, we coded item 1 as follows: response
ratio analysis. We calculated odds ratios in single      options 1 and 5 (very strong/very weak) were com-
(dichotomized) item analysis to measure bivariate        bined to “low complexity perception”. Item 2 ad-
associations between low complexity perception           dresses the degree of complexity in a reverse manner
and selected sociodemographic (gender, parental          (simple, straightforward); we coded the response
education) and academic characteristics (study           options 1 and 2 (fully agree and rather agree) as
level, language region of university). The procedure     low perception of complexity. The importance of

                                            Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS                                                9
Table 1     Indicators of complexity perception; item definiton and 5-point sets of Likert Response options

     Item                                                                             response options
     1      How would you rate the current scientific knowledge on COVID-19 available very strong; rather strong;
            to guide political decisions in Switzerland?                              neutral; rather weak;
                                                                                      very weak
     2      Please, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following        fully agree; rather agree; neutral,
            statement: Overall, the challenges in this COVID-19 crisis are simple and rather disagree; fully disagree
            decision-making is fairly straightforward.

     3      There are many organizations involved in the management of this crisis.          very important;
            How important is it for you to understand the often-different interests and      rather important, neutral;
            motivations among the key players in this crisis (e. g. the government,          rather not important;
            poli­tical parties, employer organizations, unions, health authorities, etc.)?   not important

     4      Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following                fully agree; rather agree;
            state­ment: The biggest problem in this pandemic is with the high-risk           neutral, rather disagree; fully
            groups (e. g. 65+; people with chronic health problems) – consequently           disagree
            the behavioral restrictions should apply only to them.

     5      Please, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following               fully agree; rather agree;
            statement: Independent of their social class or status, individuals are          neutral; rather disagree; fully
            equally affected by the current pandemic.                                        disagree

     Table 2    Relative frequency distribution (%) of answers

     Response option                                                   Item number
                                            1                    2                     3                    4                     5
                              “quality of sci. “decisions simple”              “varying          “solidarity”          “inequality”
                                knowledge”                                    Interests”
     1                                    4.3                  1.3                 34.2                   2.7                  16.0
     2                                  33.9                   8.3                 46.5                  11.8                  14.9
     3                                  31.9                  12.0                  14.6                  9.4                   5.7
     4                                  25.4                  38.7                   4.0                 34.1                  28.6
     5                                    4.5                 39.7                   0.7                 42.0                  34.8
     Item definition and response options, see table 1. N = 3 616.

     understanding the complexity of issues related to a              1 and 2). The understanding or awareness of social
     multitude of interests at play is addressed in item 3            class differences in the pandemic crisis is addressed
     and coded as “low” when it is rather unimportant or              in item 5 and the corresponding response options 1
     not important to the respondent (response options                and 2 (fully agree/rather agree) were coded as “low”.
     4 and 5). Item 4 alludes to an understanding of the                    Table 3 displays the proportion of respondents
     need for preventive behaviours to help protect oth-              with low pandemic complexity perception or basic
     ers and is coded as “low” when the respondent fully              knowledge for each item. The distributions across
     or rather agrees with the statement (response option             all items and cofactors indicate a gender difference:

10                                                     Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS
Table 3     Frequency distribution of low perception of complexity in items 1 to 5) and odds ratios
             for bivariate associations

Variable                      Proportion of low perception of complexity ( %) and odds ratios (OR) in item number
                              1                    2                  3                    4                    5
                     “quality of decisions “decisions simple” “varying interests”     “solidarity”         “inequality”
                     simple knowledge”
                           %          OR        %         OR        %         OR        %          OR         %        OR
  male                    11.9    1.64*      13.5      1.75*      4.8      1.07      19.4      1.62*      30.8     0.99
  female (Ref.)            7.6                8.2                 4.5                12.9                 31.0
Parental Education
  low                     10.2    1.30       10.9      1.22       5.9      1.30      16.4       1.78      37.0      1.45*
  middle                  10.2    1.31       10.5      1.18       2.5      0.53*     13.1       0.90      31.8      1.15
  high (Ref.)              8                  9.1                 4.6                14.2                 28.8
Study level
  bachelor                 8.3    1.09       10.2      1.19       4.6      1.43      15.2       1.19      32.5     2.68*
  master                   9.9    1.33        8.1      0.92       5.1      1.59      12.2       0.92      28.9     2.27*
  PhD (Ref.)               7.6                8.7                 3.3                13.0                 15.2
Language Region
  german                   9.5    1.22       10.3      1.21       5.1      1.22       17.2     1.50*      34.0      1.33*
  french (Ref.)            7.9                8.7                 4.0                 12.1                28.0
*significant at p < 0.05.

in 3 out of 5 items there are fewer female students            the German-speaking than the French-speaking
with low perceptions than male students. Among                 universities (OR = 1.33; 95 % CI = 1.15–1.54).
students from German-speaking universities, the                Study-level differences indicate that the perception
proportion showing low complexity perception                   of class differences in disease burden may increase
tends to be higher compared to their French-speak-             with exposure to advanced science as indicated by
ing fellows (although only 2 out 5 are statistically           the gradual increase from BA (OR = 2.68, 95 %
significant). For all but one item, PhD students               CI = 1.50–5.16) to MA (OR = 2.27, 95 % CI = 1.25–
have a lower chance of low complexity perception               4.41) to PhD level.
compared to BA or MA students. Differences in                       From a sociological perspective, perhaps even
the distribution according to education level in the           more interesting is the gradient effect of parental
family do not show a clear trend.                              education on the awareness of social class differ-
                                                               ences in the coronavirus crisis (see Fig. 1). Students
Perception of social inequality                                coming from low-education families show the
The item on social inequality in the burden of                 largest proportion of not being aware of social
the pandemic (item 5) reveals interesting associa-             class differences in the pandemic (OR = 1.45; 95 %
tions with the selected cofactors. The proportion              CI = 1.18–1.78). This finding is in line with earlier
of students unaware of social class differences in             studies that found recognition of social health
the impact of the coronavirus crisis is higher in              inequalities more pronounced among the middle

                                                 Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS                                                      11
class compared to working class women (Calnan,                                                           pandemic. As a case in point, we found insufficient
     1987). This preliminary finding and the other                                                            awareness of social inequality in this pandemic,
     results above await confirmation in further studies.                                                     especially among students from families with
                                                                                                              lower educational background. Earlier studies in
     Figure 1 Social inequality perception by                                                                 medical sociology found that lay theories of health
              parents’ education                                                                              inequalities differ across social classes and have
                                         Parental education:                                                  offered potential explanations (Blaxter, 1997). The
                                            high (N=2285)
                                30          middle (N=598)                                                    preliminary results presented here indicate that
     relative frequency f / %

                                            low (N=543)
                                                                                                              perceptions of pandemic burdens are likely to also
                                20                                                                            vary by social class and deserve special attention.
                                                                                                                  The findings and suggestions of this study
                                                                                                              await critical consideration and confirmation. Since
                                                                                                              more pandemics are likely to emerge, and the cur-
                                                                neutral      rather
                                                                                                              rent crisis will remain with us for some time, the
                                Item 5: Individuals are equally affected independent of their social status   conditions for citizen engagement in preventing
     Item 5: Individuals are equally affected independent of their
     social status.                                                                                           and successfully handling such crises need to be
                                                                                                              better understood. The field is now open for social
     Discussion                                                                                               science research to pay more attention to the per-
     Pandemics such as this COVID-19 crisis cause                                                             ception of complex, pandemic-related uncertainty
     huge damage to individuals and societies. The                                                            and inequality.
     challenges are complex for citizens who are asked
     to follow strict behavioural rules often based on sci-                                                   Acknowledgements
     entific knowledge that slowly emerges yet is subject                                                     This study is part of the COVID-19 International
     to revision within rather short periods. A surfeit                                                       Student Well-Being Study (C19 ISWS). C19 ISWS
     of information, and misinformation, and politi-                                                          is the result of a study design, study protocol, and
     cal failure in public communication make it even                                                         questionnaire developed by a team at the University
     more difficult for citizens to deal with pandemic                                                        of Antwerp, Belgium (Van de Velde et al., 2020).
     challenges. However, even if communication with                                                               We thank Carina Nigg for literature support
     the public was perfect citizens would still need to                                                      and Christopher Ritter for editorial assistance.
     find ways to deal with the complexities and uncer-
     tainties of pandemics (Abel and McQueen, 2020).                                                          References
          This study’s five survey items assess proxies                                                       Abel, T., & McQueen, D. 2020 (in press). Critical
     for young adults’ perceptions of complexity and                                                              health literacy in pandemics: the special case of
     the uncertainty of knowledge during the current                                                              COVID-19. Health Promotion International.
     pandemic crisis. The survey suggests that even                                                           Blaxter, Mildred (1997). Whose fault is it? People’s
     among Switzerland’s educational elite a consider-                                                            own conceptions of the reasons for health
     able proportion of young people do not seem to                                                               in­equalities. Soc. Sci. Med. Vol. 44, No. 6,
     be sufficiently cognizant of prevailing complexi-                                                            pp. 747–756.
     ties and uncertainties in key issues caused by this

12                                                                                            Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS
Calnan, Michael (1987). Health and lllness – The      Nivette, A., Ribeaud, D., Murray, A., Steinhoff, A.,
    Lay Perspective. Tavistock, London.                   Bechtiger, L., Hepp, U., Shanahan, L., & Eis-
Cuerdo-Vilches et al., A Mixed Approach on Re-            ner, M. (2021). Non-compliance with COVID-­
    silience of Spanish Dwellings and Households          19 -related public health measures among
    during COVID-19 Lockdown. 2020.                       young adults in Switzerland: Insights from
Davey Smith, George; Blastland Michael; Munaf,            a longitudinal cohort study. Social Science
    Marcus (2020). Covid-19’s known unknowns.             and Medicine, 268. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
    The more certain someone is about covid-19,           socscimed.2020.113370.
    the less you should trust them. BMJ; Published:   OECD. (2020). OECD Employment Outlook
    19 October 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/           2020: Worker Security and the COVID-19
    bmj.m3979.                                            Crisis. OECD Publishing. https://doi.org/
Gamba, Fiorenza; Nardone, Marco; Ricciardi;               https://doi.org/10.1787/1686c758-en.
    Toni und Cattacin, Sandro (Hrsg.) (2020).         Sahu, P. (2020). Closure of Universities Due
    COVID-19. Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Per-           to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):
    spektive. Zürich und Genf: Seismo Verlag.             Impact on Education and Mental Health of
Li, S., Feng, B., Liao, W., & Pan, W. (2020). In-         Students and Academic Staff. Cureus. https://
    ternet Use, Risk Awareness, and Demographic           doi.org/10.7759/cureus.7541.
    Characteristics Associated With Engagement        Van de Velde, S., Buffel, V., Bracke, P., Van Hal,
    in Preventive Behaviors and Testing: Cross-           G., Somogyi, N., Willems, B., et al. (2020). The
    Sectional Survey on COVID-19 in the United            COVID-19 International Student Well-being
    States. Journal of Medical Internet Research,         Study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
    22(6), e19782. https://doi.org/10.2196/19782.     van der Bles AM, van der Linden S, Freeman ALJ,
Mesa Vieira, C., Franco, O. H., Gómez Restrepo,           Mitchell J, Galvao AB, Zaval L, Spiegelhalter
    C., & Abel, T. (2020). COVID-19: The for-             DJ. 2019. Communicating uncertainty about
    gotten priorities of the pandemic. Maturitas,         facts, numbers and science. R. Soc. open sci. 6:
    136:38–41.                                            181870. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.181870.

                                         Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS                                               13
The Covid-19 Social Monitor: A panel study providing evidence
     about the social and public health impact of the pandemic
     Marc Höglinger* and Sarah Heiniger*

     Introduction                                                 Shortly after the national lockdown and the
     Since the end of 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has          introduction of social distancing measures, con-
     been spreading worldwide. By the end of December         cerns arose about the social consequences of these
     2020, there were 452,296 confirmed infections,           measures, in particular on psychological well-being
     18,630 hospitalizations and 7,082 deaths associated      and mental health. Research about coronavirus
     with Covid-19 in Switzerland.1 The rapid spreading       outbreaks prior to Covid-19 has established that,
     during the first epidemic wave in spring and the         for instance, quarantine measures have negative
     second in autumn/winter has challenged society           consequences for mental health (Röhr et al., 2020)
     and the healthcare system. Various public health         and are associated with anxiety, loneliness, insomnia
     measures have been implemented to mitigate the           and increased stress. Also, the economic impact of
     spread of the virus and to reduce the pressure on        the pandemic could lead to a deterioration in mental
     the health care system. In the first wave, the Swiss     health similar to recessions, which are known to
     government announced a national lockdown on              impair mental health (e. g. Frasquilho et al., 2016).
     March 16. National borders, schools and shops
     were closed. People were asked to stay at home,          The Covid-19 social monitor:
     to work from home if possible and to reduce their        Aims and design
     physical contacts with others. In the second wave        To gather systematic evidence about the social and
     beginning in October, the Swiss government ab-           public health consequences of the pandemic, we
     stained from a strict lockdown. Measures taken           started on March 30 an online-panel and surveyed
     at national level included compulsory wearing of         respondents repeatedly covering various domains
     masks in public places, restrictions on the number       such as individual well-being, quality of life, psy-
     of people attending events and meetings in public        chological distress, social and physical activities,
     places and in private, the introduction of curfew        health and health services use, work and adherence
     hours (and thus the closure of dance clubs and           to protective measures. Our aim was to monitor
     discos), the switch to distance learning at universi-    health and behavioral changes over time on an in-
     ties and a “recommendation” to work from home.           dividual level, to provide timely information about
     Shortly before the Christmas holidays, restaurants       relevant social and public health aspects of the Swiss
     were closed. Stricter measures were implemented          population during the COVID-19 pandemic, and
     in a few heavily affected cantons.                       to create a rich data source for studies on a broad
                                                              range of aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and
     1   Federal Office of Public Health FOPH, https://www.
                                                              its impact on society.
         aktuelle-ausbrueche-pandemien/2019-nCoV/co-                Survey participants were randomly selected
         vid-19-datengrundlage-lagebericht.xlsx.download.     from an existing online access panel of a renowned
         xlsx/200325_Datengrundlage_Grafiken_COVID-           Swiss panel provider (“LINK”). The sample was stra­
         19-Bericht.xlsx (31 December 2020).
                                                              ti­fied along age, gender and language regions and the
     *   Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur
         Institute of Health Economics
                                                              questionnaire was available in German, French, and

14                                               Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS
Italian. Out of 8 ,174 individuals contacted for the       analyses with the Social Monitor data include the
first survey round 2,026 completed the question-           non-use of health services during the lockdown
naire (response rate: 24.8 %). Between 1,500 and           (Höglinger, 2020), patterns of adherence to social
1,700 responses were collected in the follow-up            distancing measures of the elderly (Haag et al.,
rounds. The first survey period lasted from March          2020), the impact of the lockdown on work pro-
30 to April 6, 2020 (3rd week of lockdown). Until          ductivity (Höglinger et al., 2020), or acceptance
the end of 2020, 12 survey waves were carried out.         of Covid-19 proximity tracing apps (von Wyl
A refreshment sample of N = 1,356 was included in          et al., 2020).
wave 12 to maintain a sufficiently large sample size            General Quality of life has not changed much
and to mitigate panel selectivity. Further monthly         over the course of the pandemic. The share of re-
survey waves will be carried out until at least May        spondents reporting a good or very good general
2021. The collected data allows for a representative       quality of life always remained at 81 % or higher
analysis of the Swiss population regarding age,            (not reported). Also, the share of respondents re-
gender, language region, canton, and education,            porting a low or very low quality of life was always
using sampling and calibration weights that adjust         very small at about 2 % – and only increased re-
for non-response. Of course, as respondents were           cently to 4 % in December 2020 (Figure 1). To what
sampled from an existing online panel (albeit ac-          extent this is due to the tightening of the public
tively and offline recruited), there is some selectivity   health measures in late 2020 or whether this is a
regarding, for instance, online affinity. Also, vul-       typical pattern for winter and/or end of year (some
nerable groups such as persons with serious health         sort of “Christmas Blues” …) cannot be answered
conditions, the socially marginalized or the very          based on our analysis.
old are certainly underrepresented. This is a limi-             Looking at elevated psychological distress, an
tation of almost any population survey that does           indicator for increased risk of mental disorders,
not specifically target these groups. Furthermore,         we see a prevalence rate of 19 % and more which
self-reported outcomes are prone to misdiagnosis of        is rather high compared to results from the Swiss
health conditions. Details about the study design          Health Survey 2017 with 15 %. But the difference
are published elsewhere (Moser et al., 2020) and           is less accentuated when comparing Swiss Health
can be found on the project webpage.2 Descriptive          Survey results from 2012 (18 %) or 2007 (17 %)
results of the main indicators are published online        (Schuler et al., 2020). The pattern with a higher
shortly after each data collection.                        prevalence rate in weeks 14 and 51 seems to support
                                                           the hypothesis that the spring-lockdown and the
Selected results: Quality of life,                         intensified measures in November/December led
mental health and social isolation                         to an increase in stress and psychological burden
In order to highlight the potential and the possibili-     for the population. However, the possibility that
ties of the Covid-19 Social Monitor, we report in          other factors caused this pattern cannot be ex-
the following some selected findings about quality         cluded. Different age groups show different levels
of life, mental health and social isolation in the         of distress, with the younger suffering more, but
course of the pandemic. Other examples of first            the shape of the trajectory over time is very similar
                                                           for all age groups (Figure 2). The same holds when
2   https://www.zhaw.ch/wig/covid-social-monitor.

                                             Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS                                                 15
comparing persons living alone with those not                                                during the spring lockdown and in December 2020
     living alone: higher levels of psychological distress                                        (week 51). But again, this might well be to some
     for those living alone, but no different trajectory                                          extent a seasonal pattern. Interestingly, we see that
     over time (Figure 3).                                                                        the widespread belief that the elderly have suffered
          Turning to loneliness, we see in the beginning                                          in particular from social isolation due to social
     of the spring lockdown (weeks 15 and 16) a small                                             distancing measures is not supported by our data.
     but substantial share of 3 % of the population                                               It is especially the young aged 18 to 29 that have
     that never left their home during the last 7 days.                                           been affected by increased rates of loneliness during
     Unsurprisingly, this share was, with 7 %, consider-                                          the time of the spring lockdown and – again – in
     ably higher for the elderly aged 60 to 79. During                                            autumn/winter. Finally, those living alone generally
     summer, this share dropped to nearly zero percent                                            show about three to four times higher rates of feel-
     for all age groups.                                                                          ings of loneliness – but there is only little evidence
          Loneliness, e. g. (very) often feeling lonely,                                          that this group has been more strongly affected by
     is more prevalent in spring and autumn/winter                                                the lockdown.
     with up to 10 % affected, whereas in summer the
     prevalence drops to 5 %. The Swiss Health Survey                                             Conclusions
     2017 showed a prevalence of 5 %, suggesting that                                             The Covid-19 Social Monitor provides rich data
     feelings of loneliness were indeed above normal                                              about a series of relevant social and public health

     Figure 1 Quality of life, mental health and social isolation over time. Prevalence estimates
              and 95%-CI. N between 1492 (week 14) and 2803 (week 51) per survey wave

                                            (Very) Low quality of life                            Elevated psychological distress

                                                                                        26                                                   25
                                                                                             21    20     21   21   21        20   20   20
      % of respondents

                                                                              3   4
                               2   2    2     2   2    2     2   1   2    2
                          0                                                                                                                            total
                                        Never left home (last 7 days)                                  (Very) Often feeling lonely

                                                                                        9    8     8           8                             7
                                                                                                          7         6    5         5    6
                                   3    2     2                               1
                                                  0    1     0   0   1
                              14 15 16 18 20 22 25 29 34 40 46 51 14 15 16 18 20 22 25 29 34 40 46 51
                                       re-opening schools/             intensified                re-opening schools/                intensified
                                          shops may 11               measures, oct 29                shops may 11                  measures, oct 29

                                                                         Calendar week 2020

16                                                                            Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS
Figure 2 Quality of life, mental health and social isolation over time by age. Prevalence estimates
         and 95%-CI. N between 1492 (week 14) and 2803 (week 51) per survey wave
                                            (Very) Low quality of life                                      Elevated psychological distress
                    40                                                                            36
                                                                                                  31        31      32    32          32
                                                                                                       31                      30               29   30         30
                                                                                                  28   29                                                 28
                                                                                                            24                             26
                                                                                                                                           25             26    26
                                                                                                  23                23    23   24                    24   24
                                                                                                       21   22      22         22          22   22   21
                                                                                                                                      21        21              21
                    20                                                                            19   19
                                                                                                       15   15
                                                                                                                    17    18
                                                                                                                                      49   19   20
                                                                                                                                                     16   16
 % of respondents


                               3221   3       21
                                                    210   232   32   321
                                                                            21    32   4
                                                                                             3                                                                        18 to 29 years
                           1          0        1            0    1     0           1
                     0                                                                                                                                                30 to 39 years
                                      Never left home (last 7 days)                                               (Very) Often feeling lonely                         40 to 49 years
                    60                                                                                                                                                50 to 59 years
                                                                                                                                                                      60 to 79 years

                    20                                                                            16   15                                                       16
                                                                                                             12           13                               13
                                                                                                                                 10                  10         11
                                                                                                  9         8       910   87
                               7                                                                                    776                                   76    7
                                       5                                                          5    7    76             6   547    76   6
                                                                                                                                                64   65    5    6
                                       3      3                                                                                        4         3    3
                               120    10      10   110    21
                                                                10   1            01   1    21

                         14 15 16 18 20 22 25 29 34 40 46 51 14 15 16 18 20 22 25 29 34 40 46 51
                                           re-opening schools/                   intensified                    re-opening schools/               intensified
                                              shops, may 11                    measures, oct 29                    shops, may 11                measures, oct 29

                                                                                 Calendar week 2020

Figure 3 Quality of life, mental health and social isolation over time by living alone/not living alone.
         Pr­e­valence estimates and 95%-CI. N between 1492 (week 14) and 2803 (week 51) per survey wave

                                            (Very) Low quality of life                                      Elevated psychological distress

                    40                                                                                                                                          35
                                                                                                       28                                                       28
                                                                                                                    26    26   26     25             25   26
                                                                                                  24                                                      24
                                                                                                            22                                  21
                    20                                                                                 19   19      19    20   19
                                                                                                                                      17   18   19   19
 % of respondents

                               3      32      3           31         2     3      4
                                                                                            4                                                                        living alone
                          12                  1    2            21   1     2      2
                     0                                                                                                                                               not living alone
                                      Never left home (last 7 days)                                              (Very) Often feeling lonely


                    20                                                                                 20
                                                                                                            18      18
                                                                                                                          15   15                    15   14

                                                                                                                                           11   11
                                                                                                  5                       5                               5     6
                               5                                                                       5    5       4          4                3
                               2      23      21          1                1           21   21                                        2    3         3
                                                   0            01   0            10
                         14 15 16 18 20 22 25 29 34 40 46 51 14 15 16 18 20 22 25 29 34 40 46 51
                                           re-opening schools/                intensified                       re-opening schools/               intensified
                                              shops, may 11                 measures, oct 29                       shops, may 11                measures, oct 29

                                                                                 Calendar week 2020

                                                                                       Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS                                                                            17
indicators in the domains of well-being, social re-    Cattiva / Molto cattiva (vs. Molto buo-
     lations and loneliness, mental and somatic health,     na / Buona (vs. Né buona, né cattiva)
     health services use, work and employment. It allows
     for a test of various hypotheses regarding changes     Elevated psychological distress
     in these outcomes: for instance, a hypothesized        Medium and strongly elevated psycho-
     decrease in quality of life during the lockdown,       logical distress according to Mental Health
     deteriorations in mental health, the spread of         Inventory (MHI-5). Medium elevated
     loneliness etc. Also, it allows for many relevant      psychological distress corresponds to in-
     subgroup-analyses: by age, education, income,          creased risk of mental disorder; a strong to
     migration background, etc.                             very high likelihood of mental disorders
          However, changes in these outcomes can-           (see BfS Bundesamt für Statistik, 2019).
     not simply be attributed to the pandemic and
     the concurrent public health measures (e. g. the       Never left home (last 7 days)
     lockdown), because seasonal variations and other       «Wofür haben Sie Ihr Zuhause in den letzten
     factors also play an important role and are hard to    7 Tagen verlassen?» / « Pourquoi avez-vous quitté
     control for. Still, the monitoring of these outcomes   votre appartement/maison au cours des 7 der­
     allows for an evidence-based judgement of the          niers jours ? » / «Perché è uscito dal suo apparta-
     psychological state and well-being of the general      mento / da casa sua durante gli ultimi 7 giorni?»
     population and of various subgroups of interest.       Response Option:
     Also, it allows us to identify groups at risk of po-   «Habe mein Zuhause nicht verlassen»
     tentially harmful outcomes such as increased de-       « Je n’ai pas quitté mon appartement / ma
     pressive symptoms, strong feelings of loneliness or    maison »
     social isolation. In the future, more sophisticated    «Non sono uscito / a di casa»
     analyses might facilitate the identification of the
     impact of the pandemic or particular events or         (Very) Often feeling lonely
     measures on these outcomes.                            «Wie häufig kommt es momentan vor, dass Sie
                                                            sich einsam fühlen?» / « A quelle fréquence vous
     Measures                                               arrive-t-il de vous sentir seul(e) actuellement » /
     (Very) Low quality of life                             «Con quale frequenza le succede di sentirsi
     «Wie schätzen Sie Ihre Lebensqualität im All­          solo(a) in questo periodo?»
     gemeinen im Moment ein?» / « Comment consi­            Response Options:
     dérez-vous votre qualité de vie en général ? » /       Häufig / Sehr oft (vs. Nie/ Selten/ Manchmal)
     «Come trova, in generale, la Sua qualità di vita?»     Assez souvent / Très souvent (vs. Jamais / Presque
     Response Options:                                      jamais / De temps en temps)
     Schlecht / Sehr schlecht (vs. Sehr gut / Gut /         Spesso / Molto spesso (vs. Mai /Quasi mai /
     Weder gut noch schlecht)                               A volte)
     Mauvaise / Très mauvaise (vs. Très bonne /
     Bonne/ Ni bonne ni mauvaise)

18                                             Bulletin 157, SGS/SSS
References                                              Moser, A., Carlander, M., Wieser, S., Hämmig, O.,
BfS Bundesamt für Statistik. (2019). Enquête suisse         Puhan, M. A., & Höglinger, M. (2020). The
    sur la santé 1992 à 2017. Documentation des             COVID-19 Social Monitor longitudinal online
    indices de 1992 à 2017. https://www.bfs.admin.          panel: Real-time monitoring of social and
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Frasquilho, D., Matos, M. G., Salonna, F., Guerrei-         emergency in Switzerland. PLOS ONE, 15(11),
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