Page created by Gail Taylor
The 2020 Academic year
✓Covid 19 expenses for safety and security
✓Maintenance: trees cut down, plumbing before DID came in for
✓Due to loss in School fee Income during Covid 19, DPS no longer has a
  nest egg/surplus funds
✓New gas stoves in Hospitality Studies
✓New MTN Computer Lab – No cost to DPS
✓On-line classes, drive through for collection of work sheets, report
  cards, paper and printing and goods for ‘at home teaching’.
✓School readiness 2021 stationery packs
Origin and Governing of School Fees
New SGB Elections 2021
Please give your name forward for elections before the close of school 15 December 2020 at reception or send an e-mail to:

  Where do School Fees come from and why are they a priority debt?
  ▪ Priority debt because it is Governed by South African Schools Act 84 of 1996
  ▪ Responsibilities of governing body: section 36:
  ▪ State has to provide as per Chapter 4, section 34 of SASA.
  ▪ Section 39: School fees at public schools
  ▪ Section 40: Parent’s liability for payment of school fees
  ▪ Section 41: Enforcement of payment of school fees

  (1) A parent is liable to pay school fees determined in terms of section 39 unless or to the extent that he or she has been exempted from payment in
  “(1) A governing
                              a public
                                          of law
                                                     take all
                                                                and charged
                                                                              at a public
                                                                                              its means
                                                                                                      if to
                                                                                                         a resolution
                                                                                                                liable in
                                                                                                                                            40    bybythe
                                                                                                                                                       a majority
                                                                                                                                                          State in of
  terms of this Act.”
  order toattending
  parents  improve the thequality
                                     education toprovided
                                                 in sectionby38the
                                                                    school to all learners at the school.”
Grant received from Department of Education
                                       Academic Grant = R 4 951 800

   What can the funds be used for:

  ▪ Transport Grant: Transport costs, new vehicles,
    insurance of vehicles, petrol, repairs and maintenance
    of vehicles
  ▪ Nutrition Grant: Ring-fenced for Nutrition scheme only.   Maintenance          Services
    Daily food, weekly food parcels, holiday food parcels
    and Santa Shoe boxes
  ▪ SSRC Grant: Expenses according to the business plan
    handed in for the Special Schools Resource Centre.

                                                                            50%     38%
   Grade R Grant: Ring-fenced for Grade R only.
Income & Expense
         GDE   +                   SGB                =           School Funds
      Item          GDE                     SGB                    School Funds

Income             R 13 000 000           R 15 000 000               R 28 000 000

Expenses           R 10 400 000           R 15 800 000               R 26 000 000

Balance             R 2 600 000             R – 800 000
               The R 2 600 000 is ring    The R -800 000 is a
               fenced and can not be      deficit and a direct
                used to pay expense.     shortfall on expenses.
Monthly Overheads To keep the doors open
                                 Expenses are items like (Annualized)

                                Expenses                         SGB
         Monthly Costs for      Academic Expenses
                                Human Resources                  R 81 288
                                                                      343 893

            2020                Finance Expenses                 R 7 136 298
                                Maintenance Expenses             R 1 857 055
                                Day to Day Expenses              R 134 830
         R 832 140
         No academic expenses   Computers & Electronics          R 302 140
             are included       SGB Maintenance                  R 32 000
                                SGB Sport
                                Grade R Expenses                 R 234
                                                                   123 798
     SalariesR 525 000
                                Transport Expenses               R 3 564 470
     Services R 125 000
                                Nutrition Expenses               R 65 000
   Maintenance R 60 000
                                SSRC Expense
                                      ExpensesSGB                R
                                                                 R 15
 Lease agreements R 80 000
                                Day to Day Expenses              R 2 575 434
    Other Costs R 42 140
Payments needed monthly
                        Exemptions: 2020
           Protected by Law – same law that governs charge of school
           fees. No compensation due to grant calculation

                                                                                Avg payment per
                      Primary School 24 %
                      High School = 18,77%                   43%       R2073        learner

        Total amount of                                                        learners’ school fees has to
        Exemptions 2020                         R 4 612 151             401         be paid monthly

                                                                                  Is the percentage of learners’
Includes Wards of the state, Sassa
Grants & Foster Care               R 1 370 270                          72%               needing to pay
Payments needed monthly
                      Handovers: 2020
         Parents refusing to pay or have not applied for exemption, etc

                                                                                   Avg payment per
                     New Hand overs 54
                     Repeat offenders 76                      130         R2073        learner

       Exemptions 42,79%                                                          learners’ school fees has to
       Non Payers 22,93%                         66% ~4,7m                 401         be paid monthly

                                                                                     Is the percentage of learners’
Total learners paying                             34.28%                   72%               needing to pay
No Fee School?
• Still need to form a SGB with all the                                   SGB Staff 34 of 98 staff (34,69%)
  allocated functions except being able to
  charge school fees and purchase own
  text books, stationery etc.
• GDE Officials that can not make
                                                             Therapists &
                                                                               20          2           21
  practical exams due to not receiving
                                                            Social Worker
                                                                               -3                     -12     Administration &
                                                                                                              Support Staff
  petrol money. No pay-slips due to no
                                                                               15                      9
  paper etc.
• We’ll have to wait for delivery from the
                                             Grade R -3 including all class
                                                                               14                     14
  department for all books, text books,         assistants and PT teacher      -8                     -2      Grade 7-12
  stationery and no additional staff.                                           6         18          12
                                                                                       Grade 4-6
Cost of Private Therapy per month

                  Grade R Learner: Mainstream School   Grade R Learner: Delta Park School

                 School Fees                                                School Fees
                     R2 200                                                 R2 200

                                                                                Art Classes (during break)
 Art Classes (during break)                                                     Included in R 2 200
                    R1 052

                                                                           Speech Therapy
                   Speech Therapy                                          Included in R 2 200
                           R2 100

                                Total – R 5 502                      Total – R 2 200
Assumptions 2021

❖ 556 learners
❖ All academic requirements have been catered for
❖ SGB Staff: No increase in 2021, Provision for Bonus in December 2021 depending on
❖ All Staff: 38 A Top ups: 50% for 2021 (Cash flow/ cash on hand will determine)
Fundraising 2021

❖ All fundraising will go to salary account;
❖ Record will be kept for departmental fundraising to give through to departments
   when a new ‘nest-egg/surplus’ has been built up;
❖ Delta Dash 2021 to go ahead - Covid 19 allowing
❖ Fundraising from parents do not work as you saw earlier in presentation
   (Exemptions, SASSA Grants.) We need to get the community and corporates
   involved to assist. Section 18 (a) receipt for corporates to deduct any donation
   before paying tax.
Resolutions for 2021
1. Resolution to charge School Fees – All parents shall be obligated to pay school fees
    in terms of Section 40 of the South African Schools Act (SASA), unless they have
    been granted exemption from payment of school fees;
2. Resolution to accept that All money received will first be allocated to outstanding
    school fees; (To prevent prescription)
3. Resolution to acknowledge the Exemption Regulations as stipulated by the
    Department – The criteria for the total, partial or conditional exemption of a parent,
    who are unable to pay compulsory school fees, be determined in accordance with
    the criteria set out in The Exemption of Parents from School Fees Regulation (as
    amended in Government Gazette 39392 of 17 November 2006);
4. Resolution to accept that all outstanding school fees will be collected in strict
    accordance with section 41 of SASA;
Resolutions for 2021
5. Resolution to accept the appointment of additional staff, allowances and payments
   to Department Staff with section 38a approval from the Department of Education;
6. Resolution to accept the academic and extra mural programme that defines the
   compulsory participation in the full programme of the school;
7. Resolution to accept the additional academic and extra mural programme that
   defines the voluntary participation with additional costs;
8. Resolution to accept the school Budget for 2021 as proposed by the School
   Governing Body as tabled in terms of section 38 of the South African Schools Act to
   be approved by the majority of parents present;
9. Resolution to authorize the School Governing Body to supplement any deficits that
   may arise on budgeted amounts for particular budget items, from surpluses that
   may arise on other items, provided that the total budget shall not be exceeded
   without obtaining the approval of parents at a meeting;
Resolutions for 2021
10. Resolution to authorize the School Governing Body to invest surplus funds in a
    second bank account at one of the majority banks with approval of the Department
    of Education;
11. School Fees to increase as follows:
        Grade R -3 including Incredibles: Increase with 5.03% to R 24 900.00 per annum
        Grade 4-9 including Persevero Class: increase with 5.01% to R 24 300.00 per
        Grade 10 – 12: increase with 5.15% to R 25 400.00 per annum
12. Although School Fees are due and payable on the first day of school, the School
    Governing Body will allow x 12 equal payments starting on 25th January 2021 and
    ending 20th December 2021
13. Early Bird discounts as follows:
        15% Discount if EFT PAYMENT is received by 31 December 2020
        10% Discount if EFT PAYMENT is received by 28 February 2021
        NO DISCOUNT on CASH or CARD payments due to cost of service.

Thank you for
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