Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida

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Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Brixmor Property Group
Investor Presentation
Quarter Ended March 31, 2022

                               Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Brixmor Overview                                                                                            Portfolio Quick Facts
High quality, diversified, open-air retail portfolio                                                         Number of shopping centers                                     380
                                                                                                             GLA                                                      67M SF

❯ One of the largest open-air retail landlords in the US                                                     Average shopping center size                             177K SF
                                                                                                             Percent billed                                            88.6%
   o Nationally diversified portfolio of 380 shopping centers spanning 118 discrete MSAs                     Percent leased                                            92.1%
                                                                                                             Percent leased – Anchors / Small shops2            94.4% / 87.0%
   o Over 5,000 national, regional, and local tenants
                                                                                                             Average grocer sales PSF3                                 ~$665

❯ Value-add leader in the open-air retail space                                                              Average grocer rent to sales3                              < 2%

❯ Strive to create and own properties that are the “centers of the communities we serve” and well-           Leading landlord to vibrant retailers
                                                                                                                                              % of      % of    Credit Ratings
  positioned to meet the needs of today’s consumer                                                          Top Retailers by ABR    Stores    ABR       GLA    (S&P / Moody’s)
                                                                                                                                     88       3.5%      3.9%       A / A2
   o Thoughtfully merchandised with non-discretionary essential and value-oriented retail
                                                                                                                                     44       2.5%      4.5%     BBB / Baa1

       • Over 70% of centers are grocery-anchored                                                                                    33       1.8%      2.3%      BB+ / Ba2

                                                                                                                                     123      1.8%      2.1%     BBB / Baa2
   o Convenient locations in close proximity to households, effectively serving as last mile distribution
                                                                                                                                     32       1.6%      2.1%      NR / NR

                                   Flexible Retail Format1                                                                           39       1.4%      1.5%     BBB+ / A2

                                                                                                                                     14       1.2%      0.8%    CCC+ / Caa1
                                                           13% Power center                                                          19       1.2%      1.5%     BBB / Baa1
                          Community /                                                                                                14       1.1%      1.1%      BB / Ba2
                   Neighborhood center                      12% Grocery-anchored
                                                            regional center                                                          27       1.0%      0.9%       B / B2
                                                                                                             Top 10 Total           433      17.1%     20.7%
                                                           1% Other
                                                                                                                                                                        Page 2
Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Brixmor is the   • Transformed portfolio uniquely
                   positioned for outperformance
                 • Demonstrated value creation through
Leader in the      accretive reinvestment

Open-Air         • Prudent capital recycling track record

Retail Space     • Strong, flexible balance sheet

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Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Transformed Portfolio Uniquely
Positioned For Outperformance
Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
Portfolio enhancements since year-end 2015

                Value-enhancing reinvestment activity and prudent capital recycling have driven a
                                           23% increase in ABR PSF

                                    At           At
                                12/31/2015   3/31/2022
                                                         Rationalized Portfolio Footprint
   Properties                      518         380
                                                              $2.2B                      30%                     $752M
   GLA (SF)                        87M         67M          of dispositions        of year-end 2015             of acquisitions
                                                                                 portfolio has been sold

   Number of MSAs                  173         118

   ABR PSF                        $12.76      $15.64
                                                         Accelerated Value-Enhancing Reinvestments

   Average grocer sales PSF 1     ~$555       ~$665
                                                             $721M                       34%                   >$600M
                                                         of accretive projects   of current portfolio has   of value created from
   Population density 2          187,000      208,800
                                                              stabilized 3        been subject to or is     stabilized reinvestment
                                                                                     actively under                 projects 4
   Average household income 2    $79,800     $101,900

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Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
Outperformance throughout the Pandemic

    Same Property NOI Growth 1                                                     New Lease Spreads 1                                            Additional Occupancy Upside1
               2019        2020          2021                                               2020           2021                                       BRX                         Peer average
                                                                                                                                                   Brixmor occupancy          Peer average occupancy
                                                                                                                                                   impact: (170bps)           impact: (210bps)
 Implied 3-Yr                                                                20.2%
                                  Implied 3-Yr                                                                                    94.3%
    6.5%                                                                                                                                  93.8%
                 8.9%                1.8%                                                                                                                                                         93.5% 93.7%
                                                                                                                      11.8%                                                               92.9%
                                                                                                                                                          92.5%                   92.4%
 3.4%                                                                                                                                                             92.2%
                                  2.9%                                                                                                                                    91.9%
                                                                                                                                  92.4% 92.2%
                                                                                                                                              92.1%                                               92.0% 92.1%
                                                                                                                                                          91.2%                   91.1%
                                                                                    BRX                     Peer Average                                          90.7% 90.8%
                                                                                                                                  4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 1Q22

 2019   2020     2021             2019     2020      2021
         BRX                         Peer Average

                                                              Our Portfolio Transformation Has Delivered

                      Note: Peer averages include only those companies for which there is consistent historical data available.                                                                         Page 6
Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
Portfolio transformation driving continued outperformance across every observable metric

    Leasing Highlights 1Q22

              87.0%                                                 $25.78                                                   780K SF                             18.1%
      Small shop occupancy                            Small shop new lease ABR PSF                                   Total new leases executed        New and renewal lease spread
          Record high                                                Record high                                   Highest 1Q total since 2018               Highest since 4Q16
       30bps increase q/q                                                                                                                                    360bps increase q/q
       280bps increase y/y

     Small Shop Occupancy Change                                                       New ABR Created – TTM 1                                     New Lease Spreads – TTM 1
       Since Start of Pandemic 1
                                                                                   New ABR Created ($M)               % of Portfolio ABR
           BRX                    Peer Average
         190bps                     (10bps)
       improvement                   decline                                               5.4%                                                      30.6%
                                                                                                                           3.5%            6.0%

                                 88.4% 88.3%








                                                                             $0                                                            -8.0%

       1Q20BRX1Q22               1Q20     1Q22
                                  Peer Average                                              BRX                      Peer Average                     BRX              Peer Average

               Note: Peer averages include only those companies for which there is consistent historical data available.                                                              Page 7
Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
Generating attractive long-term growth with lower relative risk

Mart-to-Market Opportunity                                 Tailwinds From Executed Leasing                           Visibility On Future Growth

❯ Attractive rent basis due to historic portfolio under-   ❯ Leased to billed occupancy spread of 350 basis points   ❯ $50M of new leases in the forward pipeline, up from
  investment and under-management                                                                                     $45M in 4Q21
                                                           ❯ 2.7M SF and $52M of ABR from leases signed but not
   o TTM new lease spreads of 31%                            yet commenced (SNC)1                                       o Continued broad-based demand from thriving
   o Significant revenue growth opportunity from              o Blended rate of $18.92 PSF, 21% above portfolio
     near-term expiring leases                                  average

     Anchor Revenue Growth Opportunity                          Expected Timing of Leases Signed But                   ABR Potential of New Leasing Activity ($M)
                                                                     Not Yet Commenced ($M)1

                                                                            73% of SNC ABR is                                                   $50          $102
                                                                            expected to commence                                       of new leases
                         46%          $13.74                                                                                              in pipeline
                                                                            by year-end 2022
                       Spread                                                                         $52
                                                                                     $46               $6                        $52
            $9.40                                                   $38              $8
                                                                                                      $46                                                    $52
           3.7M SF

    In-Place Anchor ABR PSF          TTM New                   2022 (remaining)     2023              2024+                 SNC as of 1Q22              SNC as of 1Q22 +
   Expiring With No Remaining      Anchor Leases                                                                                                         New Leases In
      Options 2022 - 2024 2                                        Previously Commenced    Commencing in Period                                         Forward Pipeline

                                                                                                                                                                           Page 8
Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
Significant remaining occupancy opportunity                                                                     BRX occupancy has ample runway for growth
                                                                                                                      BRX billed to leased spread of 350bps
❯ Positioned to continue to grow occupancy by capitalizing on robust, broad based leasing demand
                                                                                                                 Peer average billed to leased spread of 220bps1

   o Competitive anchor leasing environment is improving tenant quality and rate, and fueling small
                                                                                                                                       % Billed      % Leased
     shop interest
                                                                                                                92.2% 92.1%                                          92.0% 92.1%
                                                                                                                              91.2%                          91.5%
   o Significant ability to drive small shop occupancy and rent levels as a result of ongoing portfolio                               90.7% 90.8%
                                                                                                                89.1% 88.9%
                                                                                                                                                                     88.7% 88.6%
                                                                                                                              88.0% 87.8% 87.8% 88.1% 88.2%
        • 280bps y/y small shop leased occupancy improvement at 1Q22

             – Reached record high small shop leased occupancy of 87.0%                                         1Q20   2Q20   3Q20    4Q20    1Q21   2Q21    3Q21    4Q21    1Q22

❯ Productivity is accelerating across nearly all categories and tenant formats, including:

       Grocery                Value apparel        Quick-service restaurants            Mall-native retailers
                                                                                                                   1Q22 Notable Leases Executed

General merchandise          Health & beauty           Low-cost fitness

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Brixmor Property Group - Investor Presentation - Center of Bonita Springs | Naples, Florida
Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
Vibrant new retailers added over the last three years

                                                               Page 10
Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
Thriving retailers continue to highlight the importance of brick and mortar                                                                           Physical Grocery Positioned For
                                                                                                                                                            Shifting Economies
                                     The Store Is The Competitive Advantage                                                                                        “There are few locations more central to our lives
                                                                                                                                                                   than grocery stores. Whether we grab items daily
                             “Our performance in the first                        “The market's under stress, interest rates are going                             or stock up weekly, we visit them so regularly that
                             quarter was outstanding on every          up, but    no matter what happens out there, we have a strong       no other retail business has nearly as many consumer touchpoints or
measure, and showcased the power of putting our stores at the                     balance sheet, we know we have strong economics,         generates as much user data.”
center of our strategy… Importantly, market-share gains of                        and we're in this for the long haul. So…we're not
more than $1 billion in the first quarter, on top of $1 billion in     slowing down, and if anything, there's opportunities because                   “First, our stores                        “Key to our success is
share gains a year ago, demonstrate Target’s continued                 others do pull back. Let's take that as an opportunity to go                   continue to be the                        our strong competitive
relevance with our guests, even as they have many more                 faster not slower.”                                                            foundation of our                         go to market strategy,
shopping options compared with a year ago.”                                                                                               business and now allow us to           and as a team, we are widening and
                                                                                                                                          serve our customers both in-store      deepening our competitive moats
                                                                                                                                          and online. Our excellent locations    through productivity, technology
             “Our vision is to grow total sales from 2023 to                        “You can’t create omni-customers without stores.      near where people live provide us      and sustainability, and the stores as
2025         by 20% per year with over 75% of that growth                           So stores matter, they really do and they remain      with a competitive advantage.”         an asset remain essential to our
             coming from new stores… New stores will continue                       a very important underpinning of our strategy.                                               ability to win.”
to be the main driver of our growth. The performance and               We’ll continue to open new stores.”
returns on our new stores have remained remarkably
consistent.”                                                                                                                               Rewards Programs
                                                                                                                                          ❯ Incentivize repeat customer visits and provide grocers
                                                                                                                                            with valuable data that allow for personalized
                                  On-going Demand From Off-Price Retailers
                                                                                                                                            marketing and targeted discounts for consumers

        “As an off-price leader in every country we operate in, we believe we are in an excellent position to capture additional market
        share for many years to come and to become a $60 billion-plus revenue company.”
                                                                                                                                           Private Label Brands
                     “When you look at publicly available                           “On the long-term model, given our market share
                     market share data, you can see that                            opportunity with the consumers' heightened focus      ❯ Appeal to today’s value-oriented consumer, drive margins for retailers,
traditional department stores and other retailers, especially          on value and convenience and given the fact that we're facing        and build customer loyalty
mall-based retailers, have been losing share over a long period.       less brick and mortar competition; we believe we have a market
                                                                                                                                          ❯ Store brands gained 6.5% in dollar sales during 1Q22 while national
And from this same data, it is clear that, for many years, the off-    share opportunity going forward. So looking into 2023, as you
                                                                       mentioned, we're targeting double-digit earnings per share           brands increased only 5.2%1
price retail channel has been gaining significant market share.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 11
Value Accretive Capital Allocation
Value Accretive Capital Allocation
Track record of delivering attractive risk-adjusted growth

                                                   >$100M                                                       $1.2B
                                         of annual free cash flow                                       of available liquidity

  Reinvestment                                        Acquisitions                                        Dispositions
                                                     ❯ Acquiring high-quality shopping centers from      ❯ Rationalizing the portfolio and harvesting capital where value has
 $721M      of accretive reinvestment projects
                                                       identified target list                              been maximized
            stabilized since year-end 20151

                                                        o Leveraging the platform to drive growth           o Since year-end 2015:
 >$600M of value created from stabilized                  and create long-term value
            reinvestment projects2
                                                                                                                      $2.2B                    30%                       57
                                                        o Building critical mass and further                       of dispositions        of portfolio sold         single-asset
                                                          densifying the portfolio in attractive sub-                completed               (by count)            markets exited
 $419M      of accretive reinvestment projects            markets
            in process1
                                                                                                                           12%                                     28%
                                                     $752M of acquisitions completed since                       improvement in average                   improvement in average
 ~$1B       of projects identified in the future                 year-end 2015                                   population density across                household income across
            pipeline                                                                                                   the portfolio                           the portfolio

                                                                                                                                                                                Page 13
Value Accretive Capital Allocation
Reinvestment is a value multiplier

                                                                           Maximum value creation
     Strong incremental                                                                   Follow-on growth in                                                                            Cap rate
           returns                                                                       rent and occupancy                                                                             compression

                                                                                       Redevelopment vs.                                                Redevelopment Small Shop
                            BRX Redevelopment
                                                                                                                                                           Occupancy Potential
                                                                                       ~1/3 the amount                                                                                             90.3%
                                                                                                                                                        92%                                                         94%

     Total investment               $200M                        $600M
                                                                                             invested                                                   90%
                                                                                                                                                                              770bps                                92%

     Yield                           ~9%                          ~7%                                                                                   88%                    Spread                               90%

     Residual cap-rate               6.0%                         6.0%

                                                                                                                                           BRX Small Shop


     Value creation                 $100M                        $100M                 Same value creation                                              84%
                                                                                                                                                                     82.6%                                          84%


     Risk of value destruction
                                                                                                                                                        80%                                                         80%

     Residual cap-rate             6% - 8%                      6% - 8%                                                                                        Redevelopments                Redevelopments
     Value creation              $25 - $100M                 ($75) - $100M                                                                                        In Process                    Stabilized

                 •    Visit the Re/Development section of our website for examples of our projects:
                 •    An in-depth review of a project that highlights the Company’s reinvestment expertise, Village at Newtown (Newtown, PA), can be found at this link:
                      newtown-redevelopment-video                                                                                                                                                                         Page 14
Value Accretive Capital Allocation
Creating value at lower risk
                                                                                                                                                                                 Creating value
                                                                                                                                                                             Highly accretive returns
❯ Brixmor’s reinvestment opportunity stands apart in terms of magnitude and velocity
                                                                                                                                                                             Incremental follow-on growth

                                                                                                                                                                             Cap rate compression on
          Stabilizations                                                                                                  Long-term value
                                                                      In process                                                                                              incremental and existing NOI
          2016 – 1Q22                                                                                                    creation potential

   • 211 projects stabilized                            • 54 projects in process                                   • ~$1B future reinvestment
                                                                                                                                                                                   At Lower Risk
   • $721M of net costs1                                • $419M of net estimated                                                                                             Effectively pre-leased
                                                          costs1                                                   • $150 - $200M annual delivery
   • 11% incremental NOI          yield2                                                                             goal
                                                                                                                                                                             Smaller, granular projects
                                                        • 9% expected incremental NOI
   • >$600M of value created3                             yield2
                                                                                                                                                                             Shorter durations
                                                        • >$200M of estimated value
                                                          creation3                                                                                                          Small percent of enterprise value
                                                                                                                                                                              in program, with outsized impact

              Note: Value creation estimates include only incremental NOI generated at stabilized market cap rate. Additional value creation from cap rate compression on
              in-place NOI and / or future occupancy or rate growth post stabilization is not included.                                                                                                    Page 15
Value Accretive Capital Allocation
Value delivered: Case study

Stewart Plaza | Garden City, NY

   $15M                    10%                      ~$10M
   invested1       incremental NOI      yield2    value created3

› Rightsize existing Burlington to accommodate the addition of Floor & Decor
   o Repurpose underutilized mezzanine space

› Remerchandise small shop space with new relevant retailers
› Upgrade center with façade renovations and parking enhancements

               Total ABR PSF                      Small shop percent leased
            increased 21%                                up 390bps                 oversized

       1yr Prior to     As of 3/31/22             1yr Prior to     As of 3/31/22
      Reinvestment                               Reinvestment

                                                                                                         Page 16
Value Accretive Capital Allocation
Reinvestment expertise: Over 200 projects stabilized

                                                       Annex of Arlington I Arlington Heights, IL

                                                                                                    Page 17
Value Accretive Capital Allocation
Maximizing value through acquisitions in established markets that leverage Brixmor’s proven platform
 Centennial Center    Champlin Marketplace   Ravinia Plaza       North Riverside Plaza   Elmhurst Crossing          Arborland Center             Plymouth Square
 Denver, CO           Minneapolis, MN        Chicago, IL         Chicago, IL             Chicago, IL                Ann Arbor, MI                Philadelphia, PA

 Upland Town Square                                                                                                      Pawleys Island Plaza
 Riverside, CA                                                                                                           Georgetown, SC

                                                                                                                                                 Kings Market Atlanta, GA

 Brea Gateway
 Los Angeles, CA                                                                                                         Connexion Atlanta, GA

 Plaza by the Sea     Felicita Town Center   Arboretum Village   West U Marketplace      Center of Bonita Springs   Granada Shoppes              Venice Village
 Los Angeles, CA      San Diego, CA          Dallas, TX          Houston, TX             Fort Myers, FL             Naples, FL                   North Port, FL

                                                                                                                                                                    Page 18
Strong, Flexible Balance Sheet
Strong, Flexible Balance Sheet
                                                                                                                                                      Capitalization & Ratios (at 3/31/22)
❯ Balance sheet provides critical financial and operational flexibility
                                                                                                                                                      Debt Statistics
    o Substantial liquidity                                                                                                                            Weighted avg. stated interest rate           3.7%
                                                                                                                                                       Weighted avg. maturity                     5.4 years
    o Fully unencumbered portfolio
                                                                                                                                                       Fixed / Variable                          98% / 2%
❯ Amended and restated unsecured credit facilities improved pricing, added a sustainability linked feature, and extended the maturities of the
                                                                                                                                                       Unencumbered ABR                             100%
  revolver and term loan

    o Added $200M delayed draw term loan; As of June 6, 2022, has not been drawn                                                                      Leverage & Coverage Ratios1
                                                                                                                                                       Net principal debt to adjusted EBITDA        6.4x
    o Pro forma for this transaction, there are no debt maturities until 2024
                                                                                                                                                       Fixed charge coverage                        4.1x
❯ Well-covered dividend
                                                                                                                                                      Credit Ratings
    o Declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.24 per common share ($0.96 per annum) for the second quarter of 2022                                    Fitch                                   BBB / Stable

    o Represented a yield of 3.7%, as of March 31, 2022                                                                                                Moody’s                                 Baa3 / Stable

                                                                                                                                                       S&P                                     BBB- / Positive

                                                                     Minimal Near-term Debt Maturities ($M, Pro Forma)2
                                       Available Cash    Revolver Availability   Unsecured Notes     Term Loans          Delayed Draw Term Loan     Revolving Credit Facility

                                                                                                                                             $753          $800
                                                                                     $700          $703           $700
                                                                          $500                                                                                             $500

                               $40             $0           $0

                           Liquidity          2022         2023           2024       2025          2026           2027          2028         2029          2030            2031
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 20
Strength Of Team And Culture And
Commitment To ESG Excellence
Benefits All Stakeholders
Strength Of Team And Culture And Commitment To ESG Excellence Benefits All Stakeholders
                                                                                                          Corporate Responsibility

      Board of     • Oversees our Corporate Responsibility (CR) initiatives through the Nominating and
                     Corporate Governance Committee (NCGC)

                                                                                                              Green Star Recipient
                   • Meets quarterly to set, implement, monitor and communicate our CR strategy             “A” rating in 2021 Public
    ESG Steering
                   • Includes senior leadership from a variety of functional areas                              Disclosure Score

                   • Participates in periodic company-wide ESG training
      Brixmor                                                                                                Gold Level Recognition
                   • CR objectives are included as part of executives’ goals and impacts the individual
                     performance portion of each executive’s compensation

                   • Includes our communities, employees, tenants, suppliers, and investors
    Stakeholders   • Our CR strategy strives to create partnerships that improve the social, economic
                     and environmental well-being of all our stakeholders                                        Ranked #8
                                                                                                          Among real estate & housing
                                                                                                                                     Page 22
Strength Of Team And Culture And Commitment To ESG Excellence Benefits All Stakeholders
Tenant partnerships and supplier relationships

Tenant Partnerships                                                                    Supplier Relationships

› We support over 5,000 national and regional tenants and local entrepreneurs          › We partner with ~3,000 suppliers and vendors to efficiently maintain our
                                                                                        properties to meet our high operational standards
› We strive to be a key partner in the success of our tenants by:
                                                                                       › We ask our suppliers and vendors to annually affirm their compliance with our
   o Providing proactive property         o Assisting local tenants with                Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines the ESG standards we expect from our
     management                             additional services                         suppliers and vendors

   o Maintaining ongoing tenant           o Implementing changes based on                 o Available on our website here:
     coordination                           feedback from our biennial tenant               governance/governance-documents-policies/default.aspx
                                            engagement surveys
                                                                                       › We maintain open dialogue and transparency with our suppliers through:
› We proudly serve as an integral link between our tenants and communities by:
                                                                                          o Regular review meetings with key national partners
   o Ensuring that our properties are safe and accessible, and adhere to our high
     operational standards                                                                o Requested adherence to the Partnership Engagement Pledge focused on
                                                                                            work-site safety
   o Adapting our centers to connect our retailers to their consumers through
                                                                                          o Supplier engagement surveys (commencing in 2022)
        •   Curbside pick-up       •   Outdoor dining        •      Community spaces

                                                                                                                                                                    Page 23
Strength Of Team And Culture And Commitment To ESG Excellence Benefits All Stakeholders
Environmental responsibility

  Reducing environmental impact                                                                                                                    Sustainability Goals
 ❯ Converting to LED lighting                                      ❯ Installing electric vehicle charging stations
 ❯ Reducing water consumption through use of smart water           ❯ Partnering with tenants through green lease provisions to promote                                          Target   Status*
   meters, Xeriscaping, and careful management of irrigation         sustainable operations                                                          Upgrade properties to      100%      81%
   systems                                                                                                                                           LED lighting
                                                                       o Provide access to lower-cost on-site renewable energy (solar

  Climate change policy
                                                                                                                                                     Install electric vehicle   25%       10%
 ❯ Understanding the risks and opportunities posed by climate                                                                                        charging stations at
                                                                        Key Climate Change Goals:
   change and natural hazards to our properties and stakeholders                                                                                     properties
                                                                        1. Net zero carbon emissions by 2045
 ❯ Became signatory to the Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTI”)    2. 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
   aligned with the 1.5 degree Celsius pathway                                                                                                       Improve on-site            20MW     5.6MW
                                                                                     Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions achieved as               renewable energy
                                                                            36%      of 12/31/20                                                     capacity (solar panels)

                                                                                                                                                     Reduce common area         40%      > 40%
 Providing enhanced transparency                                                                                                                     greenhouse gas
❯ Providing transparency by aligning reporting with industry standard frameworks

❯ Conducting climate-related risk assessments to assist in guiding portfolio management decisions
                                                                                                                                                     Reduce common area         40%      > 40%
   o Performed periodically across the entire portfolio                                                                                              electricity usage

   o Included in standard acquisitions due diligence process

   o Expect to be incorporated into reinvestment project approval and disposition scoping process as well                                *As of 12/31/2020.

                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 24
Strength Of Team And Culture And Commitment To ESG Excellence Benefits All Stakeholders
Human capital management – committed to creating and sustaining a positive work environment

            Engagement and Connectivity                                                     Growth                                                Health and Well-being
              Creating opportunities to interact and                      Encouraging growth through professional and                           Supporting employee health through
                       impact communities                                  personal training and learning opportunities                             engagement and outreach

›   Quarterly all-employee calls                                ›   Two-year intensive apprenticeship programs for entry level    ›   Encouraging healthy lifestyles
                                                                    employees in leasing, property management and construction
›   Enhanced benefits and support based on employee feedback                                                                           o Annual wellness spending accounts
                                                                ›   BRX Connect: internal exchange program for employees to
›   Company-wide recognition of excellence                          learn about other functions in the Company                         o Free access to online applications

      o “Our Center is You” – serving our communities           ›   Personal development accounts: provide time off and expense        o Weekly live meditation breaks
                                                                    reimbursement for a personal or professional development
      o “Find A Better Way” – recognizing ingenuity                 activity                                                           o Health-oriented competitions like our “Summer Step
                                                                                                                                         Challenge” where all employees are offered a free fitness
›   Company-wide enrichment events                              ›   Predictive Index Behavioral Assessments: enhance self-               tracker
                                                                    awareness and effective collaboration
      o “Big Brain Days” – TED-Talk style events                                                                                       o Wellness Wednesdays – demonstrations
                                                                ›   One Day University and Linkedin Learning memberships                 covering a variety of healthy lifestyle topics
      o Company-wide Day of Service and community service           available to all employees to stimulate personal growth
        projects – providing each employee with two paid                                                                          ›   Ensuring employees are safe, functional, and efficient
        Service Days annually year to make an impact in their
        communities                                                                                                                    o Free access to licensed counselors to support mental

                                                                                                                                       o Hybrid work schedules to maximize engagement,
                                                                                                                                         collaboration and efficiency, while supporting a healthy
                                                                                                                                         work-life balance

                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 25
Strength Of Team And Culture And Commitment To ESG Excellence Benefits All Stakeholders                                       Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
                                                                                                                                   Leadership Council
Diversity, equity and inclusion

❯ We believe a culture based on diversity, equity and inclusion is critical in our ability to:

   o Attract and retain talented employees               o Deliver on strategic goals and objectives
                                                                                                                    • Reports directly to CEO and supported by the Employee
                                                                                                                      Resource Group
❯ We advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in every part of the organization
                                                                                                 52%                • Assists in maintaining best practices and behaviors to enhance
                                                                                                 Female employees     inclusion and equity and promote diversity
   o Company-wide participation in annual culture and ethics training
                                                                                                                    • Additional information:
   o Annual employee pledge to commit to helping Brixmor create and maintain an inclusive culture free                brixmor/careers/social/brixmor-culture/diversity-inclusion
     from harassment based on race, sexual orientation, gender, and other protected classes

   o Diversity, equity and inclusion themes featured in employee trainings and community events

   o Promoting diversity, equity and inclusion through human capital management initiatives
                                                                                                                    • Signed in 2021 by CEO Jim Taylor

        • Growing diversity through the summer internship program                                                   • Largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity
                                                                                                                      and inclusion in the workplace
        • Partnering with diversity and inclusion-focused organizations to ensure
          diversity of job candidates

                                                                                                                    Nareit Foundation’s DDEI Giving Campaign
   o Diversity and inclusion goals formalized in our 2021 Corporate Responsibility
     Report, and we will measure and report on progress annually                                                    • Founding member supporting charitable and educational
                                                                                                                      organizations and initiatives that will help create a more
   o Assess pay equity periodically as it relates to gender, race and ethnicity                                       diverse, equitable, and inclusive REIT and publicly traded real
                                                                                                                      estate industry

                                                                                                                                                                              Page 26
Strength Of Team And Culture And Commitment To ESG Excellence Benefits All Stakeholders
                                                                                                                              Experienced, diversified and effective Board of
Corporate governance                                                                                                          Directors
                                                                                                                                      8/9                       1/3                      1/9
                                                                                                                                  Independent             Female Directors         African American
Leading the industry                                                                                                                Directors                                          Directors

                 Ranked #2 in REIT sector for Corporate Governance                                                                 61 years                   6 years                   >75%
                                                                                                                              Average Director age        Average Director        Director attendance
                                                                                                                                                               tenure              at 2021 meetings
                 Received the highest possible corporate governance score, representing the lowest level of governance risk

                 Top-ranked management team
                                                                                                                              Board summary
                                                                                                                                Unclassified Board of Directors
                 Ranked #2 among mid-cap REITs for Crisis Management – COVID-19
                                                                                                                                Diversity in composition and background of directors (33% female,
                                                                                                                                 11% racially diverse)
 Board Composition*                                                                                                             Robust executive officer and director stock ownership guidelines
   Member       Chair                                                  Committee Membership                                   Majority voting standard for directors
                                            Director                                      Nominating & Corporate                Separate Chairperson and CEO
 Board Member                     Age        Since       Audit        Compensation             Governance
                                                                                                                                Pledging and hedging of BRX stock by directors and executive
   Jim Taylor                      55         2016                                                                               officers prohibited
   John Schreiber                  75         2013                                                                            No cumulative voting

   Michael Berman                  63         2013        
                                                                                                                                All Audit Committee members are financial experts

   Julie Bowerman                  53         2019                                                  

   Sheryl Crosland                 69         2016                                                                           Shareholder rights summary
                                                                                                                                Proxy access rights
   Thomas Dickson                  66         2015                          
                                                                                                                                No poison pill
   Daniel Hurwitz                  57         2016                          
                                                                                                                                No supermajority voting standards
   Sandra A.J. Lawrence            64         2022                                                                             Opted out of the Maryland business combination and control
   William Rahm                    43         2013                                                                             share acquisition statutes
                                                                                                                                Stockholder ability to amend bylaws
                          *Data as of March 31, 2022.                                                                                                                                       Page 27
Additional Information
General information and fundamentals

  What is a REIT?

     A REIT, or Real Estate Investment Trust, is a company that owns, operates or finances income-producing real estate. Modeled after mutual funds, REITs give all investors access to the
     benefits of real estate investment along with the advantages of investing in a publicly traded stock

  How to qualify as a REIT:

    Invest at least 75% of total assets in real estate

    Derive at least 75% of gross income from real estate investments

    Must have a minimum of 100 shareholders and no more than 50% of shares held by five or fewer individuals

    Distribute at least 90% of taxable income to shareholders annually through dividends

        • Nearly all REITs pay at least 100% to avoid taxation

        • Allows shareholders to share in a REITs cash flow growth

  Why invest In REITs?

   Performance                                          Liquidity                                    Diversification                               Dividends
     – The real estate market is the primary               – Bought & sold daily like other stocks,      – Low correlation with other stocks and       – Reliable income returns through a
       driver of REIT returns, therefore REITs               mutual funds and ETFs                         bonds                                         variety of market conditions
       may be used as a liquid proxy for
                                                           – REITs have made it easier to rebalance      – Historically have increased portfolio       – 20% deduction of any qualified REIT
       gaining access to the entire asset class
                                                             portfolios                                    returns and reduced portfolio risk            dividends (Tax Cut and Jobs Act of
     – Reduce portfolio volatility                                                                                                                       2017 Sec 199A)
                                                                                                         – Offer a balance of capital appreciation
                                                                                                           and income
                 Source: RBC Capital Markets, Nareit.                                                                                                                                    Page 29
Footnotes & Sources

Page 2    Brixmor Overview                                                                                                                                     Page 11    Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
          High quality, diversified, open-air retail portfolio                                                                                                            Thriving retailers continue to highlight the importance of brick and mortar
          1. By ABR. Community Centers include properties with total GLA between 125K - 400K SF. Neighborhood Centers include properties with                             1. Source: Private Label Manufacturers Association: Private Brands Post Strong Q1 Growth.
             total GLA less than 125K SF. Grocery-Anchored Regional Centers include properties greater than 250K SF with small shop spaces                                   brands-post-strong-q1-growth
             accounting for less than 30% of total property GLA, and that have a traditional or specialty grocer at the property (either owned or non-
             owned). Power Centers include properties greater than 250K SF with small shop spaces accounting for less than 30% of total property               Page 13    Value Accretive Capital Allocation
             GLA, and that do not have a traditional or specialty grocer at the property (either owned or non-owned). Other includes lifestyle centers,                   Track record of delivering attractive risk-adjusted growth
             unanchored strip centers and single tenant centers.                                                                                                          1. Represents gross project costs less any project specific credits (lease termination fees or other ancillary credits).
          2. Anchors reflect spaces equal to or greater than 10,000 square feet ("SF") of GLA; Small shops reflect spaces less than 10,000 SF of GLA.                     2. Assumes 6% cap rate.
          3. Based on most recent tenant reported information.
                                                                                                                                                               Page 15    Value Accretive Capital Allocation
Page 5    Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance                                                                                                    Creating value at lower risk
          Portfolio enhancements since year-end 2015                                                                                                                      1. Represents gross project costs less any project specific credits (lease termination fees or other ancillary credits).
          1. Based on most recent tenant reported information.                                                                                                            2. NOI yield is calculated as the projected incremental NOI as a percentage of the incremental third party costs of a specified project, net
          2. Five-mile demographics weighted by ABR.                                                                                                                         of any project specific credits (i.e. lease termination fees or other ancillary credits).
          3. Represents gross project costs less any project specific credits (lease termination fees or other ancillary credits).                                        3. Assumes 6% cap rate.
          4. Assumes 6% cap rate.
                                                                                                                                                               Page 16    Value Accretive Capital Allocation
Page 6    Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance                                                                                                    Value delivered: Case Study
          Outperformance throughout the pandemic                                                                                                                          1. Represents gross project costs less any project specific credits (lease termination fees or other ancillary credits).
          1. Peer averages include only those companies for which there is consistent historical data available, including FRT, REG (JV’s at share), and                  2. NOI yield is calculated as the projected incremental NOI as a percentage of the incremental third party costs of a specified project, net
             SITC (JV’s at share).                                                                                                                                           of any project specific credits (i.e. lease termination fees or other ancillary credits).
                                                                                                                                                                          3. Assumes 6% cap rate.
Page 7    Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
          Portfolio transformation driving continued outperformance across every observable metric                                                             Page 20    Strong, Flexible Balance Sheet
          1. Peer averages include only those companies for which there is consistent historical data available, including FRT, REG (JV’s at share), and                  1. Calculated using the current quarter annualized.
             SITC (JV’s at share).                                                                                                                                        2. Subsequent to March 31, 2022, the Company operating partnership, Brixmor Operating Partnership LP, amended and restated its
                                                                                                                                                                             Unsecured Credit Facility and $300 Million Term Loan, increasing the total amount available under the Operating Partnership’s
Page 8    Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance                                                                                                       unsecured credit facilities from $1.55 billion to $1.75 billion, while extending the maturities and lowering the pricing of the Facilities. As
          Generating attractive long-term growth with lower relative risk                                                                                                    a result, the Company has no remaining debt maturities until 2024. For presentation purposes, credit facility reflects amounts as of
          1. Signed but not commenced population represents approximately 410 basis points of total portfolio GLA ($51.7M in ABR), 60 basis points                           March 31, 2022.
             ($7.7M in ABR) of which represents leases on space that will be vacated by existing tenants in the near term.
          2. Includes month-to-month tenants.

Page 9    Transformed Portfolio Uniquely Positioned For Outperformance
          Significant remaining occupancy opportunity
          1. Peer averages include FRT, IVT (JV’s at share), KIM (JV’s at share), KRG, PECO, REG (JV’s at share), and SITC (JV’s at share). Billed occupancy
             reflects same property portfolio only for KIM, KRG, and REG.

 Disclaimer & Safe Harbor
 This presentation may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements related to the Company’s expectations regarding the
 performance of its business, its financial results, its liquidity and capital resources and other non-historical statements. You can identify these forward-looking statements by the use of words such as “outlook,” “believes,” “expects,” “potential,” “continues,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “seeks,” “projects,”
 “predicts,” “intends,” “plans,” “estimates,” “anticipates” or the negative version of these words or other comparable words. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including those described under the sections entitled “Forward-Looking Statements” and “Risk Factors”
 in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021 and the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2022, as such factors may be updated from time to time in our periodic filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC’s
 website at Accordingly, there are or will be important factors that could cause actual outcomes or results to differ materially from those indicated in these statements. These factors should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with the other cautionary
 statements that are included in this release and in the Company’s filings with the SEC. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as required by law..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 30
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