BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES, LTD - Energy and Infrastructure Consul ng Services Energy Consul ng that Works for YOU
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BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES, LTD. Energy and Infrastructure Consul ng Services Energy Consul ng that Works for YOU
Consul ng Services that Work for YOU BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES, LTD. is a specialized consul ng firm that provides ser- vices on the produc on, use and management of energy. BRIDGESTONE ASSOCI- ATES has been providing these consul ng, advisory and design services to a wide range of industrial, commercial, ins tu onal and governmental clients for more than 28 years. Our primary focus is on the reduc on in energy costs and carbon emissions; the improvement of energy efficiency; and the development of efficient, resilient, environmentally friendly energy genera on and supply solu ons. Hands on industry experience ENERGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUR CONSULTANTS AND SPECIALISTS PROVIDE REAL Our consul ng services include: WORLD EXPERIENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR BUSINESS GOALS ENERGY PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDIES. Our team of consultants and specialists have “hands on” experience in a wide range of industries as well as power genera on facili es, so the consul ng advice and ser- CHP, CCHP, IPP, DG vices you receive are based on real world experience, not just theore cal book rec- Microgrids ommenda ons. Our experience o en allows us to challenge the status quo and the Renewable & Alterna ve Energy Projects “we have always done it that way” mentality, to help develop the best, most cost Standby & Backup Genera on effec ve and efficient approaches that save energy, lower costs, and provide long- term solu ons. Storage and Resiliency Life Cycle Valua on of Exis ng Plants ENERGY CONSULTING & ADVISORY SERVICES ENERGY PROJECT DEVELOPMENT. Bridgestone Associates, Ltd. provides a comprehensive range of consul ng and advi- Greenfield to complete project development sory services to the users, marketers and producers of energy as well as to owners ENERGY PROJECT DESIGN. and operators of energy projects, equipment and service providers, and financial Conceptual, Preliminary, Detailed ins tu ons involved in the energy market. These services include: Review of exis ng design Renewable energy, independent power plant (IPP), Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Com- ENERGY AUDITS & PROCESS OPTIMIZATION. bined Cooling Heat and Power (CCHP), cogenera on, microgrid, distributed genera on, waste- Preliminary and Detailed to-energy, bio-fuels and other energy facility feasibility evalua ons, equipment selec on, Industrial, Commercial, Ins tu onal design, development and opera ons Sustainability and Carbon Reduc on Energy audi ng, evalua on and benchmarking of energy use and consump on efficiencies, analyses of exis ng and alterna ve tariffs, energy management strategy and u liza on plan- Manufacturing Energy Sales Tax Studies ning ENERGY TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT. Financial, economic, life-cycle cost analysis, and technical modeling of energy and infrastruc- Evalua on of New and Emerging Technologies ture projects ENERGY MANAGEMENT & PROCUREMENT. Sustainability and carbon reduc on consul ng GRANT WRITING & EVALUATION. Grant wri ng and submission Energy & Infrastructure Capital Grants Energy and infrastructure project acquisi on and investment due diligence New and Emerging Technologies Technical and economic evalua on of new technologies Process and produc on systems assessment and op miza on Strategic, business and market planning and business development Environmental permi ng and regulatory compliance Energy Procurement Energy Consul ng that Works for YOU 2
EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES has over 28 years of experience in energy project consul ng, project development, and energy efficiency analysis. During this me we have performed on over 500 projects totaling over 21,500 MW of power genera on and conducted en- ergy efficiency audits on over 25 mil- lion square feet of commercial, indus- trial and ins tu onal facili es. SUSTAINABILITY & CARBON FOOTPRINT REDUCTION Our experience encompasses all types Because of our experience in the produc on, use and u liza on of energy, and in of genera ng plant configura on in- ancillary areas related to energy use and produc on such as waste water treatment, cluding Combined Heat and Power municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal, and water management, Bridgestone Associ- (CHP or cogenera on), Combined ates can offer clients a range of services related to sustainability and carbon foot- Cooling Heat and Power (CCHP or tri- print reduc on. We understand and are experienced in both how energy is pro- genera on), IPP, microgrids, distribut- duced and in how energy is used. Unlike many firms whose focus is on the sustaina- ed genera on, and standby and back- bility of energy use (the demand side), we understand and are experienced also in up genera on. the ways to improve the efficiency of energy produc on, the use and u liza on of renewable and sustainable energy resources and the use of emerging technologies We have worked on projects with all to provide sustainability and minimize carbon emissions. types of genera ng equipment includ- Determina on of exis ng carbon footprint ing combined and simple cycle com- Development and implementa on of carbon footprint reduc on plans and strategies Iden fica on and evalua on of emerging technologies related to energy produc on and use bus on turbine plants, steam turbines, Design and evalua on of sustainable and renewable energy genera on facili es micro turbines, reciproca ng engines, Development of designs for waste water and agricultural waste nutrient management hydro, wind, solar (PV and CSP), fuel Prepara on of grants applica ons for funding of sustainability and carbon reduc on projects cells, and Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). PROJECT DEVELOPMENT These have used a wide range of tra- The Company’s principals have been directly involved in the development of numer- di onal and alterna ve fuels including ous renewable energy projects, independent power plants, CHP, co-genera on, mi- natural gas, coal, waste coal, oil (No. 2 crogrids, bio-fuels and other energy facili es throughout the USA and the and HFO), methanol, refinery gas, coke world. This experience and knowledge is used to take a lead or suppor ng role in oven gas, digester gas, biomass the iden fica on, evalua on, development and implementa on of energy related (orchard prunings, whole tree chips, projects. agricultural waste, cashew nut hulls, Project development from concept to comple on rice husks, bagasse, miscanthus, etc.), Conceptual, preliminary, and detailed project design digester gas, waste heat and other Permi ng, licensing and regulatory approval wastes. Financing and economic modeling PPA, ESA, Interconnec on and fuel supply agreement nego a ons Contractor iden fica on and selec on Project oversight, management, equipment procurement and “Owner’s Engineering” services 3 Energy Consul ng that Works for YOU
DESIGN, TECHNICAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES Careful design of facili es can be cri cal to the overall usage of energy and the costs of opera ons. O en designs are based on least cost or first cost criteria, taking li le account of life-cycle and long-term energy related costs. The ability to understand exis ng or planned opera ons and to develop prac cal, cost effec ve and energy efficient designs is cri cal to long-term success of most facili es. The careful and experienced design of energy produc on facili es is also cri cal to their long-term cost of opera ons and their ability to perform in a compe ve marketplace. Careful selec on of new or replacement equipment, taking account of the desired opera- EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS (cont.) onal requirements of the facility is also a key to long-term viability. Over the past 28 years we have per- Bridgestone Associates provides a comprehensive range of facility design and re- formed energy audits and energy effi- design services for energy produc on and energy using facili es. ciency studies at all levels from simple Preliminary and detailed design and equipment selec on of renewable energy, CHP, CCHP, co- “walk through” audits to ASHRAE Level genera on, IPP, microgrid, waste-to-energy and bio-fuels facili es II and Level III audits. Over this me Design of peak shaving and stand-by power systems we have audited more than 25 million Design of chiller, boiler and central u lity plants for commercial and industrial companies square feet of industrial, commercial Evalua on of exis ng produc on and u li es systems to determine suitability of design, poten- and ins tu onal facili es. Audited fa- al efficiency improvements and design improvements to reduce energy consump on cili es include wastewater treatment Design of energy management and monitoring systems Technical due diligence on planned or exis ng energy facili es prior to or during opera ons for plants, water pumping facili es, hospi- investment or financing purposes tals and healthcare facili es, schools and universi es, mul family residen- GRANT WRITING AND ASSESSMENT al facili es, commercial office build- With its extensive experience in energy and infrastructure project design and devel- ings, food processing and food manu- opment, Bridgestone Associates Ltd. has helped numerous clients prepare and sub- facturing plants, cement manufactur- mit successful applica ons for grants and other incen ve funding of wide range of projects. These have included projects for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants, ing, metals processing, and commer- waste energy plants, energy efficiency studies, pollu on preven on studies and for cial prin ng. new buildings. Many of the grant applica ons have been for funding of demonstra- As part of our energy audi ng prac ce, on projects for new or evolving technologies including fuel cells, Organic Rankine we have conducted numerous Manu- Cycle (ORC) systems, micro turbines, and specialized de-watering and filtra on tech- facturing Energy Sales Tax studies to nologies. As experts in the applica on of energy efficiency and power genera on reduce sales taxes paid on energy used technologies, and in the development of energy related projects, the Company has in manufacturing. also been engaged by grant providers to assist in the review and grading of grant applica ons they have received. Iden fica on of grant and other incen ve funding opportuni es. Determina on of requirements for submission and iden fica on of success criteria. Management of the applica on prepara on and submission process. Wri ng and edi ng of wri en text, prepara on of all drawings, spreadsheets and other support materials required for a grant applica on. Research on informa on and data to support grant applica ons. Physical prepara on and submission of the grant or incen ve funding applica on. Review and grading of completed grant applica ons for state and federal agencies. Energy Consul ng that Works for YOU 4
EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS (cont.) In addi on to our power genera on and energy audi ng exper se and ex- perience, our general industry and business consul ng experience in- cludes prepara on and submission of mul ple successful capital grant fund- ing applica ons to State and Federal agencies for energy and infrastructure projects and new technologies. We have also been contracted mul ple ENERGY AUDITS, OPERATIONS ANALYSIS & DEMAND SIDE SERVICES mes by State and Federal agencies to Analysis of exis ng opera ons, opera onal methodologies and prac ces, and man- review and score similar grant and power assignments can lead to determina on of ways in which overall facility opera- funding applica ons for energy pro- ons costs may be lowered. Benchmarking of exis ng opera ons, costs and energy jects and new technologies. u liza on against similar facili es can also provide valid guidance on possible oppor- tuni es for cost reduc on. Over the years many of our clients have relied on BRIDGESTONE ASSOCI- Simple measurement and analysis of exis ng u liza on of energy can o en lead to ATES to help support their general development of strategies or replacement of equipment and systems to lower ener- business management and develop- gy use. Facility systems are o en found to be poorly designed for their current pur- ment. This means we have prepared pose, poorly maintained or out-of-date rela ve to newer, more efficient sys- numerous business and marke ng tems. Systems were o en designed with “first cost” in mind, not long-term energy plans, led or par cipated in project u liza on and costs. Measurement, analysis and audi ng provide technical and economic jus fica on for changes in design and equipment. sales and nego a ons, prepared nu- merous client proposals and reports, Energy use may o en be reduced through simple opera onal and behavioral chang- trained client personnel, tes fied on es. These changes can usually be implemented with minimal cost. Suitably de- behalf of clients in State agency hear- signed and implemented behavioral programs and plans can result in significant ings, and even prepared client annual energy savings. reports. Our clients consider us an in- Bridgestone Associates provides a range of services related to the analysis of opera- tegral part of their team. ons, audi ng energy use and developing the necessary plans to reduce costs. Analysis and benchmarking of exis ng opera ons, opera onal methodologies and manpower usage Preliminary and detailed energy audits on a system-by-system and/or facility wide basis On-site measurement and verifica on of energy use, losses, wastage, etc. Iden fica on of demand-side energy reduc on strategies, system changes and equipment replacement Iden fica on and analysis of behavioral changes Design of energy management and awareness plans Economic and technical jus fica on studies Contractor selec on and management Verifica on of savings programs 5 Energy Consul ng that Works for YOU
EXAMPLES OF SOME OF OUR RECENT PROJECTS Over the past 28+ years, Bridgestone’s team of consultants and specialists has worked on over 500 projects ranging from en- ergy efficiency and industrial process op miza on studies and audits for manufacturing energy use sales tax exemp on, to feasibility studies and design of microgrids, renewable power projects, small and large combined heat and power (CHP) and Independent Power Plants (IPP), to prepara on of business and marke ng plans and prepara on and evalua on of grant ap- plica ons for energy projects and new technologies. The following are examples of some of these projects: COMBINED HEAT AND POWER (CHP) PLANT & INDEPENDENT ENERGY EFFICIENCY AUDITS, PROCESS OPTIMIZATION STUDIES, POWER PLANT (IPP) PROJECTS & MANUFACTURING ENERGY USE TAX STUDIES 545 MW Combined Cycle IPP, New Jersey, USA —Detailed Feasibility Study Food Manufacturing Plant, Muncy, PA, USA—Energy Efficiency Audit, Manufac- turing Energy Use Sales Tax Audit, and Bakery Oven Waste Heat Recovery Study 5 MW Refinery CHP Plant, Lake Charles, LA, USA—Detailed Feasibility Study Wastewater Treatment Plant, Centreville, VA, USA—Comprehensive Energy 720 MW Combined Cycle IPP, Calabar, Nigeria—Preliminary Feasibility Study Audit, Benchmarking Study, and Process Op miza on Study 16 MW Food Manufacturing CHP Plant, Cedar Rapids, WI, USA— Detailed Design City Facili es, Pi sburgh, PA, USA—Comprehensive Energy Audit 42 MW Paper Mill CHP Plant, W Monroe, LA, USA—35% Design Meat Processing Plant, Wyalusing, PA, USA—Preliminary Energy Audit 2.3 MW Manufacturing Plant Waste Heat CHP Plant, St Marys, PA, USA—Capital School District, Chester Upland, PA, USA—Comprehensive Energy Audit Grant Applica on and Detailed Design Commercial Printer, Breinigsville, PA, USA—Manufacturing Energy Sales Tax 700 MW Combined Cycle IPP, Abuja, Nigeria—Preliminary Feasibility Study Audit and Preliminary Energy Efficiency Audit 160 MW Industrial Plant and District Hea ng System CHP Plant, Dnipropetrovsk, Cement Manufacturing Plant, Leamington, UT, USA—Comprehensive Energy Ukraine—Detailed Feasibility Study Efficiency Audit and Process Op miza on Study 15 MW Brewery CHP Plant, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil—Acquisi on Evalua on Water Treatment Plant, Pi sburgh, PA, USA—Comprehensive Energy Audit 25 MW Paper Mill CHP Plant, Kalamazoo, MI, USA—Preliminary Used Equipment Cement Manufacturing Company, Tucson, AZ, USA—Comprehensive Energy Feasibility Study Efficiency Audit and Process Op miza on Study 130 MW Combined Cycle IPP, Corinth, NY, USA—Comprehensive Valua on Study Soap Manufacturing Plant, Bal more, MD, USA—Comprehensive Energy Audit 12 MW Cannabis Grow Facility CHP Plant, Pueblo, CO—Detailed Feasibility Study Residen al and Day Campus Style Mental Retarda on Ins tute—Comprehensive Energy Efficiency Audit 54 MW Combined Cycle, Palo Alto, CA, USA—Comprehensive Valua on Study and Equipment Salvage Project Management State Water & Wastewater Treatment Facili es, Sao Paulo, Brazil— Comprehensive Energy Audit and Benchmarking Study 28 MW HFO IPP Plant, Bushrod Island, Republic of Liberia—Detailed Study and Early Stage Development University Campus, Chester, PA, USA—Comprehensive Energy Efficiency Study 10 MW HFO IPP Plant, Segou, Republic of Mali—Detailed Study and Early Stage Mul ple City Buildings, Binghamton, NY, USA—ASHRAE Level II Energy Audits Development Metals Processing Facility, Towanda, PA, USA—Preliminary Energy Audit 20 MW Auto Manufacturer CHP Plant, Bal more, MD, USA—Detailed Feasibility Study and U lity Bid Prepara on Helicopter Manufacturing Facility, Perkasie, PA, USA—Manufacturing Energy Sales Tax Audit and Preliminary Energy Efficiency Audit 18 MW Food Manufacturer Coal Fired CHP Plant, Dover, DE, USA—Acquisi on Due Diligence Wood Products Manufacturing Facility, Towanda, PA, USA—Preliminary Energy Efficiency Audit and U li es Cost Analysis 5 MW Hospital CHP Plant, Bal more, MD—Preliminary Feasibility Study Electronic Component Manufacturing Facility, E ers, PA, USA—Manufacturing 500 kW Corrugated Box Manufacturer CHP Plant, York, PA, USA—Preliminary Energy Sales Tax Audit and Preliminary Energy Efficiency Audit Feasibility Study Ice Cream Manufacturer, Framingham, MA, USA—Preliminary Energy Audit Spaghe Sauce Manufacturer, Owensboro, KY, USA—Energy Efficiency Study Energy Consul ng that Works for YOU 6
EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS (cont.)OF SOME OF OUR RECENT PROJECTS (con nued) EXAMPLES RENEWABLE & ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PROJECTS GRANT APPLICATION PREPARATION AND GRANT APPLICATION EVALUATION 200 MW Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plant with 3 Hours Molten Salt Stor- age, Colorado, USA —Preliminary Design and Detailed Capital Cost Es mate US Department of Energy’s (USDOE’s) Na onal Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) - Review and evalua on of 140 capital grant applica ons under the Amer- 50 MW Biomass (Whole Tree Chips) Fired IPP, Corinth, NY, USA—Detailed Feasi- ican Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for industrial energy efficiency, bility Study and Early Stage Development waste heat recovery, and combined heat and power applica ons. 1 MW Fuel Cell Based CHP Plant, Wallingford, CT, USA—Conceptual Design UTC Power, Windsor, CT, USA—Prepara on of mul ple successful capital grant applica ons for Organic Rankine Cycle genera on projects in New York, New 10 MW Solar PV, Delaware, USA—Preliminary Evalua on and Site Acquisi on Jersey, and Pennsylvania. 69 MW Windfarm, Liberty, PA, USA—Site Loca on, Due Diligence and Site Acqui- Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA—Prepara on of a $5 million capital grant si on. Early Stage Development applica on to the Na onal Ins tutes of Health (NIH) for a new research building. 50 MW Biomass (Railroad Ties) Fired IPP, Vicksburg, MS, USA—Detailed Capital California Energy Commission (CEC) - Review and evalua on of mul ple grant Cost Es mate to Salvage and Relocate Used Equipment from Mul ple Sites. funding applica ons for small scale biomass Project Scheduling and EPC Nego a ons. US Department of Energy (USDOE) - Prepara on of capital grant funding applica- 40 MW Biomass (Miscanthus) Fired CHP Plant, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine— on for small scale Organic Rankine Cycle system to recover energy from hot Detailed Feasibility, Fuel Supply, and Environmental Study water in a gold mine. 10 MW Biomass (Cashew Nut Hulls) Fired CHP Plant, Fortaleza, Brazil— New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) - Prepa- Preliminary Technical, Economic and Environmental Study ra on of grant applica on for development of animal manure water treatment 3 MW Solar PV, Central Pennsylvania, USA—Preliminary Evalua on for an Indus- nutrient removal technology. trial Facility California Energy Commission (CEC) - Evalua on of grant applica ons for thin 450 Ton/Day Animal Manure Anaerobic Digester Plant, NY, USA—Business Plan film solar technology commercializa on. Development, Conceptual Design, Capital Cost Es ma ng, Evalua on UTC Power, Windsor, CT, USA—Prepara on of mul ple successful grant applica- Mul ple Solar PV Commercial and Ins tu onal Facility Projects, NY, USA — ons in New York, Connec cut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania for microturbine Prepared detailed proposals and grant applica ons for mul ple solar pv installa- ons at commercial and ins tu onal proper es. MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS Business Plan Prepara on—Prepara on of Detailed Business Plan for natural gas MICROGRIDS & MULTIPLE DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES explora on and produc on company to develop, construct, own and operate PROJECTS combined heat and power (CHP) plants at commercial and industrial facili es. Comprehensive Microgrid Study, Binghamton, NY, USA—Detailed study, design, Business and Market Study—Detailed research and prepara on of business and capital and opera ng cost analysis of a microgrid in downtown Binghamton with marke ng plan to produce fuel grade methanol (97% methanol, 3% water) and seven connected users, a 1.4 MW combined heat plant, 600 kW Solar PV and 1.2 sell as an alterna ve to No. 2 fuel oil for power genera on equipment in areas MW hydro. throughout the World where natural gas or LNG was unavailable. CHP and Microgrid Study, Los Angeles, CA, USA—Detailed evalua on of natural Membrane Dis lla on Research Study—Research study with Sandia Na onal gas and landfill gas fired CHP, solar PV, and energy storage microgrid at large Laboratories for EPRI on recovering usable and useful energy from 120—140 oF food manufacturing facility. power plant cooling tower water using membrane dis lla on technologies. Microgrid Study, Centreville, VA, USA—Preliminary evalua on of digester biogas U lity Tariff Modeling—Developed detailed models of electric u lity tariffs for a fired CHP, solar PV and water ou all hydro microgrid at large wastewater treat- major na onal retail energy marketer’s sales team. Prepared tariff models and ment plant. analyzed historic u lity cost data for dozens of their clients. The projects shown on these pages provide examples of some of the over 500 projects Bridgestone Associates has undertaken over the past 28+ years and demonstrate the wide range technologies, the diverse nature of the clients, the wide range of project work scope, and the global nature of our work. For addi onal informa on on the specifics of any of these projects, please contact us. 7 Energy Consul ng that Works for YOU
ABOUT BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES, LTD. The BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES team includes seasoned specialists taining reasonable overhead costs so we can offer our clients in all aspects of energy and u li es use, Cer fied Energy Managers, skilled services at very compe ve rates. Professional Engineers, environmental permi ng professionals BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES and its principals have a solid and long and financial and business professionals. Each Team member is history in the evalua on, design and development of renewable chosen for their experience and their ability to provide clients with energy and conven onal fuel projects of all types and sizes. Evalu- reasonable, ra onal and cost effec ve solu ons that will work, not a on, development and design of both conven onal fuel and re- theore cal, “pie-in-the-sky” ideas. newable energy projects requires the broad set of skills and capa- BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES is based in Chadds Ford, near Philadel- bili es that BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES possesses. These skills and phia in southeastern Pennsylvania, USA. Our specialists and con- the experience behind them have been applied numerous mes to sultants however are located throughout the USA, so we have a assist clients in evalua ng and developing project opportuni es. broad reach o en unusual for a small specialist company. We have Whether natural gas, diesel, coal, wind, solar, biomass or hydro, worked throughout North America and around the World on pro- many of the basic requirements are the same, and so a er more jects as diverse as wastewater treatment plant energy efficiency than 28 years and over 500 projects, we are well prac ced in ap- studies in Brazil, a gas and biomass fired combined cycle plant at a plying the necessary skills to achieve the desired goals on me and former Russian ballis c missile factory in Ukraine, HFO plants in in a cost effec ve manner. Mali and Liberia, and two large combined cycle plants in Nigeria. Please contact us at the address and numbers below for more in- Wherever and whatever the project, we select a qualified and ex- forma on or to discuss your project. perienced individual or team to complete the work. Most o en this is from internal resources but we supplement those resources Thank you. with outside specialists and consultants where and when needed. This allows us to undertake a wide range of projects while main- Energy Consul ng that Works for YOU BRIDGESTONE ASSOCIATES, LTD. 6 Independence Way, Suite 100 2556 Caldwell Circle P.O. Box 1299 Pace, FL 32571 Chadds Ford, PA 19317, USA +1-585-734-7474 phone +1-610-388-6191 phone +1-610-388-0394 fax
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