BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...

Page created by Herman Lowe
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...

With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures,
PGH BricksTM can help you achieve the right look for your dream home.
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...

Which style are you?              4
Why choose bricks?                8
Choosing your brick              10
How we can help                  12
Product Matrix                   14
Lang Mursten                     15
Dry Pressed Architectural        16
Morada Standard                  18
Morada Splits and Linear         20
Manhattan                        22
Crafted Sandstocks               23
Metallic                         24
Altitude                         26
Opaline™                         27
Pure Linens                      28
Pure Velvets                     29
Smooth                           30
Velour                           32
Coastal Hamptons                 34
Distinctively Melbourne          35
Alfresco                         36
Botanicals                       37
Lifestyle                        38
Naturals®                        38
Highlands                        39
Foundations                      39
Dark and Stormy                  40
Desert                           41
Simply Hamptons                  42
Elements                         44
Townhouse                        45
                                      PGH Bricks & Pavers™ is one of Australia’s largest    PGH Bricks & Pavers™ has a long history and deep        Australia. This partnership brought together the
Revive                           45
CONTACT S                             clay brick manufacturers. It offers a broad range     expertise in brick making excellence. The name          best of Boral and CSR’s brick offering under the one
Brick Tips & Facts               46   of bricks and pavers for residential, architectural   first came into existence in 1958 when the building     brand of PGH Bricks & Pavers™. In November 2016,
Contacts                         47                                                         companies established by Maxwell Porter and             CSR acquired Boral’s interest in the joint venture.
                                      and commercial applications on Australia’s East
                                      coast.                                                David Galbraith (incorporated in 1899 and 1949          PGH Bricks & Pavers™ is now wholly owned by CSR.
                                                                                            respectively) merged with Hanson Consolidated
                                      PGH Bricks & Pavers™ is committed to service                                                                  CSR is one of Australia’s oldest manufacturing
                                      excellence and has manufacturing capabilities in                                                              companies, forming originally in 1855. Today it is a
                                                                                            PGH Bricks & Pavers™ was then part acquired by          leading building products company in Australia and
                                      South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and
                                                                                            CSR in 1989, marking CSR’s first foray into the brick   New Zealand with revenues over $2.0 billion, and
                                                                                            industry. In May 2015, CSR and Boral formed a joint     with around 3,000 employees, it is the name behind
                                                                                            venture, Boral CSR Bricks Pty Ltd, which combined       some of the market’s most trusted and recognised
                                                                                            their brick operations along the east coast of          building materials brand names.

                                                                                                                                                    COVER IMAGE
                                                                                                                                                    LANG MURSTEN: UTZON

                                                                                                                                                    See cs m .a u fo r m o re info r m a t i o n

PGH™ Bricks   2   NSW                                                                                                                                                                                   PGH™ Bricks   3   NSW
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...
Good design
and timeless
style start from
the outside.
Durable, strong, and timeless in style, bricks are a
superior and progressive material available in a myriad
of colours, shapes, textures and sizes.

They also bridge the boundary between outdoor and
indoor spaces, providing a stylish and seamless flow
from the living room to your back garden.

The PGH Bricks Style Guide presents nine exterior
palettes, providing you with everything you need to
start your build journey with confidence.

                                                          ENDLESS STYLE

                                                          FROM THE
                                                          OUTSIDE IN
                                                          While bricks are a fundamental
                                                          design element of a building’s
                                                          exterior, bringing them inside
                                                          strengthens the connection
                                                          between indoor and outdoor
                                                          spaces, enlivening your home
                                                          with texture, colour and interest
                                                          Brick Facings provide endless design flexibility to get
                                                          the timeless beauty of brick integrated into any internal
                                                          space. Often used on internal walls, splash-backs and
                                                          feature walls, brick facings truly enhance the interior of
                                                          your home.

                                                          We invite you to explore the PGH Style Guide and take
                                                          inspiration from nine new curated palettes, giving you the
                                                          confidence to create a home that you will love forever.

                                                          VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO TAKE OUR ST YLE
                                                          QUIZ & DOWNLOAD THE ST YLE GUIDE

PGH™ Bricks   4   NSW                                                                            PGH™ Bricks   5   NSW
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...
                      B E S U R E | B E YO U
                      Not everyone can name their personal style, but most          decisions for your interior (like flooring, furnishings,
                      people recognise it when they see it! Whether you are         fixtures and fittings) much easier.
                      building or renovating, the PGH Style Guide will help you
                                                                                    You might find your drawn to the minimal and organic
                      identify your unique style and express it with confidence
                                                                                    style of New Neutrals, or a lover of a raw authentic
                      in your home, from the outside all the way in.
                                                                                    warehouse look like Modern Industrial or interested in a
                                                                                    dark and opulent statement like Luxury Noir.
                      Not sure if you want a Hamptons at Home look? Perhaps
                      some Painted Whites? Or something a little more Dark &        Whichever you choose, bricks are the perfect building
                      Stormy? Building can be overwhelming, and it’s difficult to   material for creating your ideal home, and our nine
                      know where to start with so many decisions to make.           exterior palettes will inspire you to have confidence in
                                                                                    the selections you make and find happiness in your build
                      Construction professionals agree that deciding on the
                      style for your home’s exterior can mean making design

                             ARE YOU?
                             Take the Style Quiz
                             today, explore your
                             style and unlock the
                             endless possibilities
                             of building with brick.


                                SCAN THE QR CODE TO TAKE THE QUIZ

PGH™ Bricks   6 NSW                                                                                                            PGH™ Bricks     7   NSW
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...
              SOLID INVESTMENT
              Building with bricks equals fewer upfront costs and virtually
              no ongoing maintenance costs, as well as energy bill
              savings. When it’s time to sell, brick rates well because it’s
              trusted over newer cladding materials that haven’t stood
              the test of time.

              ENERGY EFFICIENT
              Brick insulates in a way most materials do not. By following
              good design principles and combining bricks with
              insulation, your home will keep warm in winter and cool in
              summer, so you’ll love coming home.

              COLOUR & CHOICE
              With our diverse range of sizes, shapes and textures, and
              over 180 colours, we have a brick to meet your needs. With
              smart design, blending of brick types and diverse
              bricklaying techniques, the options with bricks are truly

              STRONG & SAFE
              Bricks are permanent. They’re weather and age proof. Bricks
              don’t get tired like other man made materials. They won’t
              twist or warp, rot or decay, erode or dent. They are resistant
              to the extremes of the Australian climate and being
              non-combustible, they don’t assist the spread of fire.

              LOW MAINTENANCE
              Bricks require virtually no upkeep or repairs, avoiding
              ongoing costs. Unlike other products, the colour is baked
              into the product so it lasts for a lifetime. Remember, render
              will need to be repainted over time, an important fact to
              consider when looking at the ‘whole-of-life’ cost of your

              SOUND REDUCTION
              The density of brick makes for a quiet home, with
              dramatically reduced external sound, such as aircraft, road
              traffic and noisy neighbours. Brick can also reduce noise
              transfer within the home when used on internal walls.            MORADA: BLANCO LINEAR

PGH™ Bricks    8   NSW                                                           PGH™ Bricks   9   NSW
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...
                                                                   of your
                                                        The material that your house is built from
                                                        also forms the foundation (literally) of its
                                                        aesthetic appeal. The colour, shape, size
                                                        and texture of the bricks you choose will
                                                        influence the overall look and feel of your
                                                        house. Before you make your final decision,
                                                        it’s worth gathering ideas online, from display
                                                        homes, websites and magazines. When
                                                        renovating, consider how new bricks will
                                                        appear alongside existing materials.

                                                        Many homeowners find it helpful to pull
                                                        together a “mood board” of images of the
                                                        styles of homes they are drawn to. Simply
                                                        save images (either physically or digitally)
                                                                                                                   MANHATTAN: EAST HAMPTON                           PURE LINENS: WHISPERING WHITE
                                                        of favourite buildings, bricks, trims and even
                                                        interior ideas. As your mood board develops,
                                                        it will often become apparent which style of

                                                                                                                 3                                            4                                              5
                                                        home best suits your aesthetic and lifestyle.

                                                        Need a bit of help getting started? Take the
                                                        PGH Bricks Style Quiz and immerse yourself                             How                                           How                                               What
                                                                                                                               does                                          does it                                           holds it
                                                        in the creative process of design and building
                                                        and sharpen your focus. Whichever your
                                                        preference, bricks are the perfect building
                                                        material for creating your ideal home, and our                         it look                                       stack up                                          together
                                                        nine exterior and interior palettes will inspire
                                                        you to have confidence and find happiness                COLOUR & TEXTURE                             A bond is a pattern in which bricks            M O R TA R C O L O U R S
                                                        in your build journey.
                                                                                                                 One of the big current trends in             are laid. The most commonly used               An off-white mortar between darker
                                                                                                                 exteriors, textural elements can add         bond is Stretcher bond, which consists         coloured bricks will add contrast and
                                                        TA K E O U R Q U I Z & D I S C OV E R YO U R S T Y L E
                                                                                                                 character, charm and individuality to        of courses of full bricks where every          highlight the shape of each brick, making
                                                        PGHBRICKS.COM.AU/ST YLEQUIZ
                                                                                                                 a home. Brick textures range from a          course is offset half a brick from the         the bricks the hero. However, matching
                                                                                                                 smooth finish, which has a consistent        course below. Stacked and Flemish are          the colour of the mortar with that of the

                                                                                                                 surface and ceramic-like appearance          also popular bonds that can achieve            brick will soften the brickwork and present
                                                                                                                                                              alternative looks, or get creative with hit-
                                                                                                                 with straight edges, to a more artisan-                                                     a unified appearance. This is especially
OUR TOP TIPS FOR                                                                                                 style effect, with a dragged or ripped       and-miss brickwork to achieve screening        common with the use of lighter shades of

CHOOSING                                                                 your                                    appearance for a weathered look.             and allow natural light                        bricks.
                                                                                                                                                              to shine through your space.

                                                                                                                 You can even get glazed bricks that                                                         M O R TA R J O I N T F I N I S H

                                                                                                                 have a shiny ceramic tile look for feature

                                                                                                                                                              STRETCHER                                      With the mortar joint, you can choose
                                                                                                                 walls (perfect for the mid-century           BOND
                                                                                                                                                                                                             a round ironed, flush or struck finish,
                                                                                                                 design trend) or beautiful Crafted                                                          depending on whether you want to
                                                        Bricks are graded to suit different                      Sandstocks bricks that give a home an                                                       highlight or soften the effect of the
                                                        environmental conditions. The location                   authentic raw beauty that                                                                   brickwork. For instance, a raked joint
                                                        of your home will determine which grade                  no other material can achieve.
Bricks are strong, durable
                                                                                                                                                              S TAC K E D
                                                                                                                                                                                                             will create shadowing for contrast and
                                                        you need. If you live near the coast or have                                                          BOND
                                                                                                                                                                                                             interest. A flush joint will minimise shadow
and a popular choice for new                            high-saline soil, you may benefit from exposure
                                                                                                                                                                                                             with a flat, streamlined look.
                                                        grade bricks (EXP)* which have heightened                Bricks are also available in a range
home builders and renovators.                           resistance to salt attack. General purpose (GP)          of dimensions. Decisions about size
With such a broad range of great options available,     grade bricks are suited to all other building            may depend on factors such as the            FLEMISH

choosing bricks may seem overwhelming. Here are         types and locations. Talk to your builder about          proportions of the house, the purpose        BOND

our top tips to guide you in confidently choosing the   any special environmental conditions you                 of the bricks and the visual effect you
right brick for your home.                              should be aware of.                                      need.                                                                                       RAKED         IRONED         FLUSH    STRUCK

PGH™ Bricks 10 NSW                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PGH™ Bricks 11 NSW
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...
We know that building and renovating can be a confusing and stressful
experience. We want to ensure your experience is an enjoyable one,
so we’ve provided a range of tools to help you along the journey.


                                                                                          VISIT OUR PGH
VI S UALI S E YO U R D R E AM S C H E M E                                                 SELECTION CENTRE
iDesign by CSR enables you to mix and match PGH bricks and pavers with roof tiles and
                                                                                          Our PGH™ Selection Centres are a perfect place to
trims to create help you visualise the exterior of your dream home. Using the latest 3D
technology, you will be able to view your combination of colours and textures on a        experience the look and feel of our products and
variety of home designs in 360 degrees, across your desktop, tablet, phone or VR          seek expert advice in helping you choose your facade
device. It’s a great place to start when visualising what colour and textures work well
together. Use our predefined styles or create your own. There are countless
combinations to be made!                                                                  Make an appointment to see one of our Colour Consultants who will be able to assist you through
                                                                                          your brick selection process. Given your facade is likely to be made up of 60% bricks, 30% roof
                                                                                          and 10% gutter, we want to ensure you achieve the look you’re after. We even have specially
Visit:                                                              designed selection tools to make the selection of your whole exterior scheme easier. There is
                                                                                          nothing like seeing colours and textures in real life. We have an array of bricks and pavers on
                                                                                          display in our centres. When you’ve decided on your preferred brick, don’t forget to ask for a
                                                                                          sample to take home.

                                                                                          The pgh™ website: Your one stop shop for
                                                                                          information and inspiration
                                                                                          The PGH™ website aims to educate, inspire and inform. Learn why bricks are a brilliant building material,
                                                                                          get information on brick trends, be inspired by our photo gallery and see our extensive collection.


PGH™ Bricks 12 NSW                                                                                                                                                           PGH™ Bricks 13 NSW
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...
PRO D U CT                                                                                                                                              LUXU RY
MATR I X                                                                                                                                            COLLECTI ON

                                                                                                                                      LANG MURSTEN
                                                                                                                                      There are custom design projects
                                                                                                                                      that require a brick out of the
                                                                                                                                      ordinary, something unique and
                                                                                                                                      aesthetically beautiful that has
                                                                                                                                      the ability to take on the raw
                                                          MOLLER*                                                   GEHL^
                                                                                                                                      beauty and authenticity of a clay,
                                                                                                                                      sustainable and environmentally
                                                                                                                                      sound product to the next level.

                                                                                                                                      The Lang Mursten selection of
                                                                                                                                      exquisitely crafted, long format
                                                                                                                                      Danish bricks. The perfect
                                                                                                                                      infusion of cutting-edge design
                                                                                                                                      and practical functionality, these
                                                          LILLIE*^                                                  LARSEN^
                                                                                                                                      soft moulded exclusive format
                                                                                                                                      bricks are for those on the
                                                                                                                                      lookout for a material that is truly

                                                          LUND^                                                     HENNINGSON*^

   M AT R I X L E G E N D

          Creams | Whites
                                                          UTZON^                                                    ROSENBERG*^
          Greys | Blacks

   B A S I X R AT I N G

          Medium                                          SORENSON*^                                                LAURITZEN*^

          Exposure Grade
          General Purpose
          Protected Grade

   ~ 		    CT - Colour Through
   + 		    SE - Surface Effects                                                                                                       LANG MURSTEN: GEHL

   ^ 		    SC - Surface Coloured                          DREYER*^

                                   LANG MURSTEN: LARSEN   * Made to order. Minimum lead times will apply. | ^ SC - Surface Coloured

PGH™ Bricks 14 NSW                                                                                                                                    PGH™ Bricks 15 NSW
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...

DRY PRESSED             Our Dry Pressed Architectural bricks represent PGH’s highest
                        pinnacle of luxury and style in Australian-made clay brick products.
ARCHITECTURAL           Exquisitely produced at state-of-the-art brick-making facilities using a
                        time-honoured dry pressed method, this range presents with exceptional
                        consistency of strength, dimensional accuracy and colour all the way
                        through the brick. Produced under high compression, dry clay is pressed
                        into individual moulds, which creates a magnificent, solid colour-through
                        brick with sharp, clean and accurate edges.
                        Highly sought after and specified by architects, developers, quality
                        builders and discerning home owners, the PGH™ Dry Pressed Architectural
                        range is the choice for superior showpieces and builds in residential and
                        commercial applications.

MAWSON WHITE~           BRADFIELD BRONZE~                          BENNELONG BLUE~

FLINDERS RED~           MACQUARIE BLEND~                           MCKINLAY BROWN~

MONASH GREY~            TINTO CREAM~                               SILVER SHADOW~

                                                                                                    “The Dry Pressed Architectural range
                                                                                                     from PGH™ represents the epitome
                                                                                                     of luxury-end, clay brick-making

~ CT - Colour Through                                                                               DRY PRESSED ARCHITECTURAL: SILVER SHADOW

PGH™ Bricks 16 NSW                                                                                                                             PGH™ Bricks 17 NSW
BRICK COLLECTIONS - EXPLORE OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BRICKS. With hundreds of brick colours, shapes, styles and textures, PGH BricksTM can help ...
LUXU RY                                                                                                                                         LUXU RY
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                                                              COLLECTI ON

                                                                                                                                               230 X 110 X 76MM

At the forefront of
contemporary design, the
clean lines, divine colours and       BLANCO^                                                        ARES~
ultra-smooth textures of our
Morada brick range set a new
benchmark for building luxury.
Made in Spain from ultra-fine
clay, we’ve now introduced
five new colours to the Morada
colour palette, to increase
the design versatility of this
stunning range even further.
Building on our existing and
already flexible Morada colour        CENIZA~                                                        ROJO~                    NERO~
palette, these colour-through
bricks are now available in five
unique new shades; Ares, Rojo,
Cacao, Nero Satin and Nero
Use as a stand-alone material
in any luxury modern build
to evoke strength, simplicity
and style or alternatively, pair
with other materials to create
trendsetting contrasts in colour,     GRIS~                                                          CACAO~                   NERO GLOSS+
texture and design.
The Morada Range is available
in three different sizes; Standard,   MORADA: CENIZA LINEAR
Splits, and the long, sleek design
of Linear.
All colours are also available
as a brick facing, giving you
the design flexibility to get the
timeless beauty of brick into
any internal space. Sizes vary by
colour.                                                                                                                       NERO SATIN+

                                                                                                                            MORADA LINEAR

                                                                                                                            CORNER                    FACE
                                                                                                                            BRICK FACINGS ACHIEVE THE
                                                                                                                            REAL BRICK LOOK INTERNALLY,
                                      All bricks are available as brick facings. Minimum orders and lead times may apply.   WITHOUT THE WEIGHT AND
MORADA: BLANCO                        ~ CT - Colour Through | ^ SC - Surface Coloured | + SE - Surface Effects              SPACE LIMITATIONS.

PGH™ Bricks 18 NSW                                                                                                                           PGH™ Bricks 19 NSW
LUXU RY                                                                                                                                             LUXU RY
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                                                                  COLLECTI ON

                                                                                                                                     MORADA SPLITS

                                                                                                                                                      236 X 113 X 48MM

                                              BLANCO^                                                        CENIZA~

                                                                                                                                          “The finest blends of
                                                                                                                                           European clays have
                                                                                                                                         been sourced to curate
                                                                                                                                         the Morada Collection
                                                                                                                                        of sophisticated neutrals
                                                                                                                                        with superior smooth and
                                                                                                                                           consistent finishes.”
                                              GRIS~                                                          NERO~

                                                                                                                                    MORADA LINEAR

                                                                                                                                                      287 X 90 X 48MM

                                              BLANCO^                                                        CENIZA~

                                              GRIS~                                                          NERO~                    CACAO~


                                                                                                                                    MORADA LINEAR

                                                                                                                                    CORNER                  FACE
                                              ROJO~                                                          ARES~                  GET THE BRICK LOOK INTERNALLY,
                      MORADA: BLANCO LINEAR
                                              All bricks are available as brick facings. Minimum orders and lead times may apply.
                                                                                                                                    WITHOUT THE WEIGHT AND
                                              ~ CT - Colour Through | ^ SC - Surface Coloured                                       SPACE LIMITATIONS.

PGH™ Bricks 20 NSW                                                                                                                                 PGH™ Bricks 21 NSW
CRAF TE D                                                                                                                                               C RA F TE D
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                                     MANHATTAN: TRIBECA
                                                                                                                                                     COLLECTI ON

                                                                                                                                        PGH™ Crafted Sandstock bricks
The Industrial Chic movement                                                                                                            are timeless in their look and
has fuelled the inspiration                                                                                                             feel and deliver a statement
behind the creation of our                                                                                                              of Australian tradition and
bespoke, locally made                                                                                                                   authenticity.
Manhattan range of recycled-
look and feel bricks.                                                                                                                   Not unexpectedly, as a true
The urban and raw this range                                                                                                            brick representation, designs
is signified by bricks that have                                                                                                        specifying this style of
been purpose-made to take on                                                                                                            brick can transcend between
the weathered and tumbled                                                                                                               modern interpretations of
imperfections of intended                                                                                                               contemporary rustic
knots, scratches and nicks and                                                                                                          architectural design whilst also
colour blending designed to                                                                                                             being completely suited to
bring to life an edgy, exposed                                                                                                          achieving an authentic colonial
brick wall look and feel.                                                                                                               period or traditional heritage
The Manhattan range has
been produced with today’s
modern technological
advancements behind the
crafted manufacturing process,
ensuring these bricks deliver
consistent strength, durability
and longevity as well as the
benefits of Exposure Grading
that actual recycled bricks may
not have.


                                                                     “The highly sought after Modern Industrial
                                                                      look and feel can be achieved with the
                                                                                                                  MANHATTAN: CHELSEA
                                                                      cleverly crafted Manhattan Collection of
                                                                      recycled-look bricks.”


TRIBECA*^                                                     EAST HAMPTON*^                       BROOKLYN*^

* Made In South Australia. Available as brick facings | ^ SC - Surface Coloured                                                                          ~ CT - Colour Through

PGH™ Bricks 22 NSW                                                                                                                                     PGH™ Bricks 23 NSW
CO L L ECTIO N                                    METALLIC: NCKEL FLASH

The PGH™ Metallic range is a
clay extruded, wirecut brick
finished with a subtle metallic
sheen to achieve a more
opulent effect. Often used as
the dominant façade surface
in many modern residential
designs, this popular brick can
be used to achieve a spectrum
of design look and feels.
                                  NICKEL FLASH^

BLUE STEEL FLASH^                 PEWTER^


^ SC - Surface Coloured

PGH™ Bricks 24 NSW                                PGH™ Bricks 25 NSW
PR E M I U M                                                                                            PR E MI U M
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                       COLLECTI ON

ALTITUDE                                                                               OPALINE™
As one of our most successful                                                          With clean lines, a beautiful
and popular ranges, Altitude                                                           smooth satin finish and colour
clay bricks are a semi-glazed,                                                         shades of deeper undulation
wirecut finished brick product                                                         that are rich in character,
that provides texture and                                                              these bricks can be used as
colour consistency. Created                                                            a stand alone statement or in
with a selection of on-trend                                                           composite styles and designs to
colours, each brick colour                                                             complement other textures.
has been named after an
impressive pinnacle symbolic of
the grandiose nature of awe-
inspiring mountains, fitting this
quality product.


OLYMPUS^                            APOLLO^


                                                                                       TIGER EYE~

                                                  ALTITUDE: APOLLO

^ SC - Surface Coloured                                              OPALINE: GARNET                    ~ CT - Colour Through

PGH™ Bricks 26 NSW                                                                                    PGH™ Bricks 27 NSW
PR E M I U M                                                                                                                                                    PR E MI U M
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                                                                               COLLECTI ON

                                                                                                                                                 PURE VELVETS
                                                                                                                                                 With a stunning palette of three
                                                                                                                                                 sophisticated neutral shades,
                                                                                                                                                 Pure Velvets delivers a beautiful
Have you ever wished you could
                                                                                                                                                 velour texture that will transform
take a little piece of the country
                                                                                                                                                 any project and leave you with a
home? That feeling of being
                                                                                                                                                 feeling of soft country elegance
surrounded by nature, with gum
                                                                                                                                                 and style.
trees, big skies and views that                     WHISPERING WHITE~   FLANNEL GREY~
seem to go on forever.
                                                                                                                                                 When light hits the velour
Introducing Pure Linens - bricks                                                                                                                 surface it creates wonderful
that gently connect country                                                                                                                      depth variation and is often used
authenticity with urban life.                                                                                                                    as a complement to be paired
Painstakingly crafted by our                                                                                                                     with different textures such as
passionate artisans from our                                                                                                                     concrete, stone or timber.
factory in the small town of
Jindera, not far from the New                                                                                                                    Available in the evocatively-
South Wales / Victoria border,                                                                                                                   named Crinkled White, Crushed
they bring country soul to                                                                                                                       Grey and Warmed Stone, these
the heart of your home with                                                                                                                      beautifully crafted, Australian-
                                                    PEBBLE CREEK~
sophistication and style.                                                                                                                        made bricks will impart a
                                                                                                                                                 timeless and classic space.
Each brick has its own finely-
curated and subtle hue, which
delivers a smooth, surface
texture and the highly desirable
colour-through brick quality.
These beautifully crafted,
quality Australian-made bricks
will transform your home and
leave you with a feeling of soft
country elegance and style.

                        PURE LINENS: FLANNEL GREY
                                                                                                                                                          PURE VELVETS: CRUSHED GREY

                                                                                                               CRINKLED WHITE~   CRUSHED GREY~   WARMED STONE~

~ CT - Colour Through                                                              PURE LINENS: PEBBLE CREEK                                                       ~ CT - Colour Through

PGH™ Bricks 28 NSW                                                                                                                                              PGH™ Bricks 29 NSW

Known for beautiful clean lines
and smooth-face textures, the
PGH™ Smooth range represents
just that. As a popular choice
with architects and designers,
the smooth texture and sharp                                                          CREAM~          BLACK & TAN*~
lines create a strong, clean
aesthetic for residential and
commercial building projects.

Available in a palette of
inspirational Australian natural
colours, selection options
range from more matte colour
choices to those with some
character building colour depth
and movement, such as seen in
Copper Glow and                                                                       PEARL GREY~     TERRACOTTA~
Black & Tan.

PGH™ Smooths can be colour
matched with bricks from the
PGH™ Velour range to achieve
tone and textural variation.

                                                                                      COPPER GLOW*~   RED~

                                                                                      MINERAL~        VOLCANIC~

              SMOOTH: BLACK & TAN

                                                                                      CHOC TAN~       BROWN~

                                    SMOOTH: BLACK & TAN AND COPPER GLOW – 50/50 MIX                          * Made in QLD | ~ CT - Colour Through

PGH™ Bricks 30 NSW                                                                                                      PGH™ Bricks 31 NSW

With a naturals colour palette to
match the Smooth range, the
PGH Velour range delivers the
addition of texture. When light
hits the velour surface it creates
wonderful depth variation.
This style of brick can often be
used as a complement to be
paired with different textures
such as concrete, stone or


PEARL GREY~                          CREAM~   MINERAL~   CHOC TAN~

                                                                     VELOUR: PEARL GREY

TERRACOTTA~                          RED~     BROWN~     VOLCANIC~

~ CT - Colour Through

PGH™ Bricks 32 NSW                                                        PGH™ Bricks 33 NSW
PR E M I U M                                                                                                                                     PR E MI U M
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                                                                COLLECTI ON

COASTAL                                                                                                                      DISTINCTIVELY
HAMPTONS                                                                                                                     MELBOURNE
Coastal Hamptons conveys                                                                                                     The Distinctively Melbourne
relaxed, welcoming style,                                                                                                    range offers a truly Victorian
showcasing the colours of the                                                                                                look and feel to any home.
Australian coast and beach,                                                                                                  With a uniquely ‘aged’ look,
wherever you are.                                                                                                            these bricks can be used on
                                                                                                    EAGLEMONT#~              both inner city builds and
American in origin, yet                                                                                                      to achieve a richer, more
quintessentially Australian,                                                                                                 resplendent statement. Often
Coastal Hamptons is a relaxed                                                                                                the choice for more of a
yet luxurious trend, teaming                                                                                                 majestic design.
white timber panelling, pitched
ceilings and pale timber floors
with neutral and ocean-inspired
tones.                                                                                                                       # Made In Victoria | ~ CT - Colour Through

Bricks are also integral to
achieving a timeless Coastal
Hamptons style, bringing
solidity and texture whilst                                                                         HARTLANDS#~
complementing a soft,
sophisticated colour scheme.
                                                                       COASTAL HAMPTONS: MONTAUK
                                                                            BUILDER: AUGUST HOMES

GULL GREY*^                               MONTAUK*^   WASHED WHITE*^

                                                                                                                               DISTINCTIVELY MELBOURNE: HARTLANDS
                                                                                                                  MONIER CONCRETE MADISON ROOF TILES IN SOHO NIGHT


* Made in QLD | ^ SC - Surface Coloured

PGH™ Bricks 34 NSW                                                                                                                               PGH™ Bricks 35 NSW
CL AS S IC                                                                                                                                 C L ASSI C
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                                                          COLLECTI ON

Alfresco represents the epitome
of fresh, modern classics. These
are quintessential contemporary
surface coloured bricks with a
textured surface finish.



URBAN BLUE^                        VINO^


ESPRESSO^                          TRUFFLE^


                                                                                    Our Botanicals brick range allows
                                                                                    you to bring the holistic peace,
                                                                                    reflection and inherent beauty of
                                                                                    natural flora to your home, while
                                                                                    using a material that’s both strong
                                                                                    and sustainable.
                                                                                    Four gorgeously earthy and natural
                                                                                    colours make up the new range.
                                                                                    These colours can be used on
                                                                                    their own or combined with other
                                                                                    colours and materials to create a
                                                                                    harmonious, organic palette for
                                                                                    your home’s facade.

^ SC - Surface Coloured                          BOTANICALS: JUNIPER & SANDALWOOD                                                         ^ SC - Surface Coloured

PGH™ Bricks 36 NSW                                                                                                                       PGH™ Bricks 37 NSW
CL AS S IC                                                                                                                                                                                                           C L ASSI C
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                                                                                                                                    COLLECTI ON

LIFESTYLE                                                                                                                                                                                            FOUNDATIONS
Designed to present a light,                                                                                                                                                                         With a stylish stable of four core
textured appeal, these surface                                                                                                                                                                       colours in a fine textured finish,
coloured bricks offer a fresh,                                                                                                                                                                       the Foundations range is simple
simple style and finish.                                                                                                                                                                             and understated.

PERISHER*^                                                                                                                                                                                           STONE^

                                                                                                           HIGHLANDS                                                                                 SILICA^

* Made in QLD. | ^ SC - Surface Coloured
                                                                                                           The Highlands range is an
                                                                                                           Australian classic with a truly
                                                                                                           unique appearance. Blackheath
                                                                                                           has a deep, rich texture and
                                                                                                           colour with veins of blue and
                                                                                                           dark brown running through the
                                                                                                           face of the brick. Leura offers
                                                                                                           the complementary red mix
                                                                     NATURALS: MOON DUST                                                                                     HIGHLANDS: BLACKHEATH
NATURALS®                                                                                                                                                                                            PILBARA^

 This range of light surface
 coloured bricks would have to
 be one of the most popular on
 the east coast. Naturals® offer a
 subtle and soft, more restrained
 look and feel to an external
 facade or a more interesting
 texture to an internal surface.

                                           FROST*^   MOON DUST*^                                   LEURA#+                                                     BLACKHEATH#+                          GRAVEL^

                                                        * Made in QLD. | ^ SC - Surface Coloured   # Flashing (dark markings) is a common feature with this collection | + SE - Surface Effects                        ~ CT - Colour Through

PGH™ Bricks 38 NSW                                                                                                                                                                                                  PGH™ Bricks 39 NSW
CL AS S IC                                                                                                 C L ASSI C
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                          COLLECTI ON

DARK AND                                                                                    DESERT
                                                                                            The Desert range has a number
                                                                                            of colours and a lightly textured
The deep, confident shades
                                                                                            face. The range carries a
of our Dark and Stormy range
                                                                                            textured fleck within the colour
offer a dramatic impact to any
                                                                                            palette in each brick, creating
                                                                                            some extra depth and interest.
Dark and Stormy is available
in five sumptuously moody         MONSOON^
shades: Monsoon, Thunder,
Whirlwind, Zephyr and
This textured range is striking
yet versatile, making it the
perfect modern palette for
imparting impact to any home.



                                                                                                                DESERT: GIBSON

                                  LIGHTNING^                             SINAI+   REDGUM+   GIBSON+

DARK AND STORMY: THUNDER                       ^ SC - Surface Coloured                                        + SE - Surface Effects

PGH™ Bricks 40 NSW                                                                                         PGH™ Bricks 41 NSW
CL AS S IC                                                                                         C L ASSI C
CO L L ECTIO N                                                                                  COLLECTI ON

With the Simply Hamptons brick
range, you can look forward to
the weight of each day being
gently lifted the moment you
reach home. Inspired by the low
key luxury of the Hamptons, this
fresh, crisp and classic colour
palette has been designed to
infuse any home with a warm
and welcoming air.
Combine the three artfully
restrainted colours for subtle
contrasts and smooth gradients,
or let each one breathe on its
Our Simply Hamptons brick
range is perfect for creating
stylish and functional light-
filled spaces with the flexibility,
beauty and durability of brick,
perfect for Australia.


                                                                 SIMPLY HAMPTONS: FRESH WHITE
FRESH WHITE^                          SCULPTED GREY^   BREEZE^

^ SC - Surface Coloured

PGH™ Bricks 42 NSW                                                                               PGH™ Bricks 43 NSW
CL AS S IC                                                                                                                                     R E N OVATOR
CO L L ECTI O N                                                                                                                               COLLECTION

ELEMENTS                                                                                                                          TOWNHOUSE
These bricks have small stones                                                                                                    One of the more traditional
rolled across the surface                                                                                                         ranges with glass flecks in four
creating a speckled face finish.                                                                                                  colours.
There are four core colours.

                                   JAROSITE~                           DORSET~                 HAMPSHIRE~

                                   GRAPHITE~                           SURREY~                 KENT~

                                                                       ~ CT - Colour Through

                                                                                                                                             R E N OVATOR

                                                                                                                                  Classic authenticity allows
                                                                                                                                  retro red brick extensions or
                                                                                                                                  renovations to be executed.


                                                                                                                                  RED TEXTURE~

ELEMENTS: GRAPHITE                             ~ CT - Colour Through                                        REVIVE: RED TEXTURE                     ~ CT - Colour Through

PGH™ Bricks 44 NSW                                                                                                                               PGH™ Bricks 45 NSW
BRICK TIPS & FACTS                                                                                                CONTACT
N AT U R A L VA R I AT I O N S                                                                                    PGH™ SELECTION CENTRES
The inherent beauty, appeal and distinctive look of clay bricks comes from the natural variations found in
the raw materials used in the brick making process and may mean colour and texture variations will occur
                                                                                                                  Selecting PGH™ bricks has never been easier. At our large network of
from time to time. Colours shown are indicative only and should not be used for final selection. Products
                                                                                                                  Selection Centres we offer many services such as colour scheming,
ordered should be chosen from actual samples current at the time of order.
                                                                                                                  product selection and echnical advice. Make an appointment today.

                                                                                                                  P G H TM B R I C K S A L B I O N P A R K R A I L
BLENDING AND CLEANING                                                                                             49 Durgadin Dr ive, Albio n Par k R ail, NSW 2 527
                                                                                                                  02 4233 3 200
It is essential that all bricks be carefully blended from at least three or four different packs/pallets at the   P G H TM B R I C K S B E R E S F I E L D
time of laying to provide a consistent colour and texture. Your bricklayer is responsible for ensuring an         Co r n er o f C an avan & Par is h Dr ive, Bere s fie ld, N SW 2322
even colour distribution.                                                                                         02 4949 0600

Brick Cleaning                                                                                                    P G H TM B R I C K S F O R S T E R
Brick cleaning is a specialist trade and should only be undertaken by a professional. The chemicals and           68 Kularo o Dr ive, Fo rs ter, NSW 2428
high water pressures used can easily damage the product, if not done correctly. Different brick textures          02 5556 29 00
and colours often have different cleaning considerations. Dry brushing bricks periodically to remove              P G H TM B R I C K S F Y S H W I C K
residual mortar is an effective way to reduce the amount of effort required to clean bricks. Bricks should        26 Lith gow Street, Fys hwick , ACT 2609
be cleaned within 2 to 14 days of laying.                                                                         02 6202 2400

Brick Cleaning Guides are available: |                                         P G H TM B R I C K S L I S A R O W
Alternatively, please contact PGH™ on 13 15 79 or Think Brick Technical Hotline on 1300 667 617.                  9 10-9 12 Pacific Highway, Lis arow, NSW 2250
                                                                                                                  02 43 28 09 00

S O L A R A B S O R P TA N C E R AT I N G ( B A S I X R AT I N G )                                                P G H TM B R I C K S P O R T M A C Q U A R I E
                                                                                                                  Co r n er Jambali & Belah Ro ads , Po r t Macqua rie, N SW 2444
When designing energy efficient buildings, the architects and consulting engineers need to be able to
                                                                                                                  02 5524 1800
calculate the heat loss or gain of materials used to construct the buildings. This is why building materials
are categorised into 3 categories: Light (L), Medium (M) and Dark (D). Light coloured being a low solar
absorptance and Dark coloured being a higher solar absorptance.                                                   P G H TM B R I C K S S C H O F I E L D S
                                                                                                                  7 5 Town s o n Ro ad, Sch o fields , NSW 2762
                                                                                                                  02 98 52 6807
                                                                                                                  P G H TM B R I C K S W A G G A W A G G A
Salt Attack Resistance
                                                                                                                  29 Pe ars o n Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650
Bricks are commonly classified into three categories for Salt Attack Resistance:                                  02 5933 73 50
1. Exposure Grade (EXP) – the product is suitable for a severe marine or saline environment. Exposure
    Grade bricks are less susceptible to salt attack. A severe marine environment is defined as: up to 1km
    from a surf coast or up to 100m from a non-surf coast.                                                        If you are unable to visit one of our Selection Centres, visit our website
                                                                                                                  to find a distributor near you, or call us for details on 13 15 79.
2. General Purpose (GP) – the product is suitable for general environmental conditions. These bricks
   should not be directly exposed to saline environments. For more information.
3. Protected Grade (PR) – Suitable for use above the damp proof course provided they are protected at
   the top of the wall by appropriate roofs, eaves, copings or toppings .
                                                                                                                  S TAY I N TO U C H
•   Internal walls
•   Coated/Rendered externals walls
•   Protected Grade units are not suitable for use in saline environments visit

PGH™ Bricks 46 NSW                                                                                                                                                                PGH™ Bricks 47 NSW

                                                          PGHNSW 04/2022

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