BREXIT BRIEF Brexit Brief Issue 127 - 16 March 2022 - IIEA

Page created by Nathaniel Burton
Brexit Brief Issue 127
16 March 2022

                                                                                            Tony Brown

 The Brief seeks to provide up-to-date information on the progress and content of the UK-EU
 negotiations, and bring together relevant statements and policy positions from key players in
 Ireland, the UK and the EU.

 The Brief is part of a wider communications programme covering the work of the IIEA’s UK
 Project Group – including commentaries, speeches, texts and event reports – which are
 highlighted on the Institute’s website. (

 Introduction                                       Preparations for the May Assembly elections
                                                    -– and the inevitable political positioning –
 The Russian invasion of Ukraine, with its          are continuing and intensifying with much
 terrible humanitarian implications, continues      interest shown in the search for unionist unity.
 to dominate political and wider community
 concerns.                                          Section One: State of Play
 The situation led to a significant disruption to   Martin – Johnson Meeting 12 March
 the joint effort to find an agreed outcome to      2022
 the ongoing negotiations on the Withdrawal
 Agreement, and in particular on the NI             The Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, and Prime
 Protocol, by the start of the pre-election         Minister Boris Johnson met in London on
 period prior to the Northern Ireland Assembly      12 March 2022. Following their discussions
 elections in May.      The pre-election period     they attended the England-Ireland rugby
 begins at the end of March. Officials close to     international at Twickenham (which Ireland
 discussions in Brussels on the Ukraine crisis      won 32-15).
 which, significantly, involve the UK Foreign
                                                    The Prime Minister reiterated the need to
 Secretary, Liz Truss, have suggested that
                                                    make significant changes to the Northern
 talks will continue in a “discreet” way but with
                                                    Ireland Protocol in order to protect peace and
 no deadline.

                                                                   BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

stability in Northern Ireland and safeguard       the ongoing engagement between the EU and
the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement in all        UK on issues relating to the Northern Ireland
its dimensions.     He expressed the hope         Protocol and highlighted the importance
that “the same spirit of co-operation that        of reaching durable, practical solutions for
had characterised the UK/EU relationship in       people and businesses in Northern Ireland.
respect of Ukraine could also be applied to
resolving the issues with the protocol.”          Statement by Prime Minister Boris Johnson

The Taoiseach welcomed the ongoing                The Prime Minister met with Taoiseach Micheál
engagement between the EU and UK on issues        Martin in London today (Saturday 12 March).
relating to the Protocol on Ireland/Northern
                                                  Both leaders discussed their deep concern
Ireland (the Protocol) and highlighted the
                                                  around the intensification of hostilities near
importance of reaching durable, practical
                                                  Kyiv and condemned the attacks by Russian
solutions for people and businesses in
                                                  forces on civilians. The Prime Minister said
Northern Ireland.
                                                  this was a critical moment for Ukraine and for
Statement by Taoiseach Micheál Martin             wider European and international security.

The Taoiseach and Prime Minister Johnson          They agreed on the vital importance of
had a bilateral meeting today [Saturday 12        continued unity in the face of Russian
March] prior to watching the Ireland-England      aggression, including through humanitarian
rugby match together. They discussed the          relief, defensive military support to the
brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine and the        Ukrainian government and further sanctions
profound global security, economic and            to target the Putin regime.
humanitarian consequences.
                                                  The Prime Minister reiterated the need to make
The Taoiseach, who had just come from a           significant changes to the Northern Ireland
meeting of EU leaders in Versailles, emphasised   Protocol in order to protect peace and stability
the strength and unity of the EU response. The    in Northern Ireland and safeguard the Belfast
Taoiseach and the Prime Minister welcomed         (Good Friday) Agreement in all its dimensions.
the close collaboration between the EU, UK
                                                  He said that while greater ambition and
and other partners to hold Russia to account,
                                                  flexibility was needed from the EU in the
to provide support to Ukraine and to address
                                                  negotiations, it was his hope that the same
the humanitarian needs of its people. In an
                                                  spirit of cooperation that had characterised
uncertain world the EU and the UK are key
                                                  the UK/EU relationship in respect of Ukraine
partners with shared values.
                                                  could also be applied to resolving the issues
They also discussed political developments        with the Protocol.
in Northern Ireland. Looking ahead to the
Assembly elections [in May] and the need for      Ukraine and the Brexit Agenda
the [British and Irish] governments to work
                                                  The impact of the Ukraine crisis on UK politics
closely together to ensure a return to the
                                                  has led to suggestions that, in the words of
full operation of the institutions of the Good
                                                  a Politico headline of 05 March 2022, ‘Putin
Friday Agreement. The Taoiseach welcomed
                                                  blows up Brexit’.

                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

The DUP, with its supporters in the Tory Party’s   sanctions. She told Brussels correspondents
European Research Group (ERG), continues           that it was vitally important for the UK and its
to demand urgent action on the Protocol and        European allies to show “complete unity” in
on setting a deadline for triggering Article       responding to Russian aggression.
16. The party leader, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson,
argues that the war in Ukraine must not place      Contact between UK ministers and their
a “freeze” on government action and insists        senior staff and the European Commission
that the DUP will continue to participate in       has become frequent , with the Secretary
anti-protocol rallies across Northern Ireland.     General of the European External Service,
                                                   Stefano Sannino, visiting London for meetings
However, it is widely argued in London             with the Europe Minister James Cleverly and
circles that the Ukraine situation has reduced     the head of MI6. A UK official commented “It
both ministerial capacity and appetite for         has been very encouraging how united we’ve
a confrontation with Brussels over Article         been with the EU. Brexit doesn’t affect our
16. The two members of the Government              desire to work together at all.”
primarily involved in the NI negotiations –
Foreign Secretary Truss and Europe Minister        House of Commons Questions, 8-9
Cleverley – are fully engaged in the responses     March 2022
to Ukraine. A London source commented “The
whole of Government is entirely focused on         In the House of Commons on 8 March 2022,
the war, and there’s very little ministerial       during Foreign Office Questions, the DUP
capacity for anything else.”                       MP Ian Paisley asked the Foreign Secretary:
                                                   “I think the importance of the international
An Irish News editorial on 07 March argues that    events the House is dealing with this morning
“Boris Johnson who has shown little interest       is a clear demonstration that the Department
in the north and stayed silent when Paul           is not ultimately the right place for the
Givan’s resignation as First Minister collapsed    protocol to be dealt with. In that vein, can
the Stormont Executive, is understandably          I ask that the Secretary of State recognise
now focused on the Ukraine crisis.” It is now      the huge damage being done by the protocol?
considered unlikely that there will be any         It is costing businesses in Northern Ireland
move by the Prime Minister to act on Article       £100,000 per hour. It has damaged the
16 before the Assembly election in May. The        sovereignty of Northern Ireland’s place in the
current negotiation process will continue.         United Kingdom. It is costing a 27% increase
                                                   in haulage prices. Will the Secretary of State
The Politico article made the point that the       now set a deadline—an absolute deadline—to
Ukraine situation had led to a notable degree      deal with this matter once and for all?”
of rapprochement between the EU and UK,
with politicians and officials on both sides       The Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, gave a
working together in the search for coordinated     measured response, described in the Irish
responses.     Prime Minister Boris Johnson        News as ‘sidestepping’ the question: “I can
has held substantial talks with Commission         assure the hon. Gentleman that I am dealing
President Ursula von der Leyen. The EU invited     with this matter. I met various European
the Foreign Secretary. Liz Truss, to attend        countries last week to discuss reforming
the Foreign Affairs Council for discussions on     the Northern Ireland protocol, which simply

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

is not working. Communities in Northern               positive resolution. We have not seen
Ireland are being treated unfairly and there          that flexibility from the EU yet, but we
is an issue with getting goods from GB into           will continue to strain every sinew, and
Northern Ireland. We have put forward a               the Foreign Secretary continues to talk
concrete proposal that will also protect the EU       to Maroš Šefčovič, to do everything we
single market and we need to see movement             can to get a resolution that works. But
from the EU.”                                         we have to be very clear: this is about a
                                                      resolution that respects all aspects of the
In the House on 9 March 2022, the Labour              Good Friday agreement and protects the
Party Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary,              best interests of the people of Northern
Peter Kyle, raised the issue of informing the         Ireland.
House on the state of play on the NI Protocol:
                                                  Anti-Protocol Rally in Crossgar, 11
    Since the Executive collapsed, there          March 2022.
    has been no statement to the House.
    Following five rounds of negotiations         The latest in a series of anti-Protocol rallies
    between the UK and the EU Governments,        took place in Crossgar, Co.Down on Friday, 11
    there has not been a single statement to      Mach 2022. The speakers included Sir Jeffrey
    the House. Will the Secretary of State        Donaldson (DUP), Jim Allister (TUV). Jill
    promise to bring discussions out of the       Macauley (UUP), the former Brexit Party MEP
    shadows and start making statements to        Ben Habib and Baroness Kate Hoey. Jeffrey
    the House, so that we can have things on      Donaldson said:
    the record and not behind closed doors?
                                                      The only leverage we have is our
The Northern Ireland Secretary, Brandon               participation in those institutions, that
Lewis, replied:                                       is the reality, and if we continue to do
                                                      business as usual we will be taken for
    I    think    the      hon.      Gentleman        granted.
    misunderstands how negotiations need
    to work. We have been clear that it is            When I became leader of my party I gave
    right and appropriate that we have the            the Government notice that if they didn’t
    space to have those private negotiations          act I would take certain actions and I
    with the EU, which is why we have not             gave them longer than I had intended
    gone out and publicly outlined some of            because we had (the) pandemic and I
    the specific details we have put. But we          wanted to give the opportunity for the
    have been very clear, and I am very clear         UK Government to do the right thing and
    publicly as well as privately, that we take       the reality is the Prime Minister has not
    no options off the table. We do need to           done the right thing, he has not acted
    resolve this.                                     to protect Northern Ireland’s place within
                                                      the United Kingdom and therefore I acted
    There is a point at which there is a              in the way I said I would.
    judgment call for the UK Government
    to make on whether those negotiations             I come under attack for that, from the
    are able to progress in a way that gives          usual suspects, those who wanted the
    us confidence that we can get to a                rigorous implementation of the protocol,

                                                                BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

     and I faced them today and they told me            partitioning of the UK with the Irish
     again the only answer was to get back              Sea border which is then implemented
     into the Executive. But I am very clear, I         through the folly of the Poots Posts.
     will not be going back into the Executive
     until this matter is dealt with.                   This is not the dry meaningless stuff of
                                                        constitutional theory; this is the living
Sir Jeffrey pointed out that unionist leaders           reality of what it means, without consent,
had met on 07 March and discussed the need              to be colonised under foreign control.
for greater unionist unity and co-operation in          All the laws that as a result govern our
the forthcoming election: “That’s what I want           trade and what goods we can bring from
to happen. I want our votes to transfer to the          the rest of the UK to Northern Ireland
other unionist candidates.” He said that in his         are foreign laws, made in a foreign
own constituency of Lagan Valley his party is           jurisdiction.
reviewing whether it will run three candidates
as it intended, to maximise unionist                    Laws we did not make and cannot
representation. He said he believes unionists           change - laws which even the proclaimed
can win four seats in the constituency. There           sovereign parliament of the United
are currently three unionist MLAs in the                Kingdom cannot change, because the
constituency, as well as one Alliance and one           Protocol, not Downing Street rules over
SDLP MLA.                                               us in these regards. We, a supposed
                                                        part of the great and independent United
The TUV leader, Jim Allister, urged the UK              Kingdom, are left as craven rule takers
to not “sit back, hiding behind endless jaw-            from our imperial and disreputable
jaw with Brussels. It’s time Boris Johnston             masters in the EU.
regained full control over this UK territory
and, until he does, there will be no stability or       Let’s be very clear. If we want to
end to protest.” Jim Allister said:                     maximise the unionist vote, then we
                                                        need to vote for all anti-protocol unionist
     Anyone       doubting      the     adverse         candidates, that is pretty simple, but it’s
     constitutional impact of the Protocol need         pretty necessary.
     look no further than the reality that under
     the Protocol, when it comes to trade, GB       Baroness Hoey said it is time for unionism to
     is defined as a foreign or ‘third country’.    “wake up”, claiming it had compromised too
     In consequence, goods, because they            much over the years. “I believe we must do
     are passing from territory governed by         our utmost to get anti-protocol candidates
     UK laws to territory governed by EU laws,      elected.    Make sure all your family are
     are submitted to checks and EU tariffs.        registered to vote. Make sure every single
                                                    person you know understands the importance
     That is the very essence of the offence        of the protocol.”
     of the Protocol and why it is Union-
     dismantling. This is where it comes            The Crossgar rally was originally due to take
     into irreconcilable conflict with Art 6 of     place on 25 February but was postponed
     the Acts of Union - the unfettered trade       following the sudden death of the DUP
     guaranteed by Art 6 is utterly fettered        MLA Christopher Stalford.    The event was
     by the iniquitous Protocol. Hence, its         organised by the Orange Order’s Lecale

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

District Lodge No2. Further anti-protocol           DUP MLA for Lagan Valley- one of two DUP
rallies are due to take place in Ballymoney         representatives in that constituency, along
on Friday, 25 March, Lurgan on Friday, 8            with Paul Givan, until recently First Minister.
April, Castlederg on Thursday, 21 April and         His departure, and his likely election as MLA
Newbuildings on Saturday, 23 April.                 for South Belfast in May, means that Jeffrey
                                                    Donaldson can stand for the party in Lagan
The Northern Ireland Parties ahead of               Valley, which he currently represents as MP in
the May elections                                   Westminster, with every prospect of retaining
                                                    two seats, along with Paul Givan.
The DUP continues to strenuously oppose
the NI Protocol, with Party leader Jeffrey          Efforts to produce a united unionist front in
Donaldson insisting that he will not be going       the forthcoming Assembly election continue
back into the Executive until the Protocol          with considerable difficulty. A vote-sharing
matter is ‘dealt with’, by which he means ‘done     deal between the DUP and TUV failed to bring
away with’. But the party is seriously divided      the UUP on board.          The DUP MP Sammy
at the same time as the unionist community          Wilson was heckled at an anti-Protocol rally by
as a whole is divided.                              hardliners who insist that the DUP’s position is
                                                    not extreme enough. Business and community
Uniting the DUP is recognised as extremely          voices argue for moderation and express fear
difficult because it is clearly a party of very     of instability, finding support in Doug Beattie’s
different personalities with differing views on     UUP. There is a growing gulf between the hard
so many issues. The Foster-Poots-Donaldson          line and the moderate groupings.
leadership saga reflects a situation where
Jeffrey Donaldson is seen to be fighting fires      The commentator Alex Kane, writing in the
on all sides, with almost daily private briefings   Irish News, argues that unionists are “so busy
and divisive tactics playing out within the         falling out, falling over and fuelling civil wars
party. A great deal of controversy and bitter       they’ve lost sight of what it actually means to
personality comment surrounded the recent           be a unionist. Too often they seem keener to
story of a meeting between Sir Jeffrey and          score points over each other than presenting
the UUP leader Doug Beattie at which the DUP        a united, coherent response to their political/
leader was said to have declined an invitation      constitutional opponents.”
to return to the UUP which he had left in
opposition to the Good Friday Agreement. This       The Alliance Party conference on 05 March
was discussed at the IIEA’s ‘The Protocol on        2022 heard party leader, Justice Minister
Ireland/Northern Ireland: The DUP Perspective’      Naomi Long, argue that a strong showing by
on 24 February with Sir Jeffrey.                    the party in the May elections could herald
                                                    the end of a political system based on binary
Sir Jeffrey Donaldson’s need, as DUP party          division, with effective veto powers for blocs
leader, to find a seat in the Assembly has          of unionists or nationalists, stating that
been greatly eased by the decision of the           “Those who don’t identify as either unionist
party organisation in South Belfast to co-          or nationalist are the fastest growing group
opt the former party leader Edwin Poots             in society. It is important that our institutions
to take the seat occupied by Christopher            are modernised to reflect that reality and
Stalford, who died tragically at the age of 39      to ensure that our voters count as much as
on 19 February. Edwin Poots is an elected           everybody else’s.”

                                                                   BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

Naomi Long expressed confidence that the              for them, who listen to the problems they
party will increase its Assembly representation       are experiencing in their daily lives and
with a “double digit number” of MLAs. “I’m            take it to the Assembly, to Westminster
not putting a cap on our ambitions, I rule            and do something about it. Our young
nothing out.” She argued that “People have            people are worrying about the climate
had enough of the constant dramas and the             crisis and considering leaving this place
political soap operas. They want politicians          behind forever. How do you think they
who don’t just identify more problems or              feel when they turn on the television
worse still, add to them- but who are focused         at night and see politicians discussing
on finding solutions, on making things better.”       issues that are completely divorced from
She specifically ruled out the idea of Alliance       their lived reality.
designating as unionist to enable her to
become Deputy First Minister.                     The UUP leader, Doug Beattie, has accused
                                                  rival unionists of trying to create divisions
The party’s Westminster MP, Stephen Farry,        in his party after details of the meeting on
told delegates that the party is a “protocol      unionist unity were leaked with the DUP
realist” and committed to closer alignment        claiming that the UUP would not support the
between the UK and EU with a view to              call to voters to transfer votes among anti-
bringing about measures that reduce the           protocol candidates. He argued that the DUP
level and impact of border checks which           is “running scared” of the UUP and fears
“bring economic friction and undermine some       losing seats to it. He claimed that research
people’s sense of identity.”                      showed that people wanted “a confident,
                                                  positive, inclusive unionism” and was “turned
The commentator Newton Emerson has                off by negativity”, calling on unionists not to
argued, in the Irish Times, that “Alliance’s      “circle the wagons”.
vision is the way the Belfast Agreement was
meant to evolve, with a strengthening centre      TUV leader, Jim Allister, told the party annual
enabling normalisation. This was supposed         conference on 12 March 2022 that If the
to happen quickly – instead it has taken          “union-dismantling Protocol” still exists after
two decades to create a growing centre, no        the May Assembly election no unionist should
longer led by the UUP and SDLP as originally      go back into any future Executive. “As long as
imagined.”                                        the price of Stormont is the implementing of
                                                  the Protocol then that is something which no
The SDLP leader, Colum Eastwood, speaking         unionist should be aiding and abetting.”
ahead of the SDLP Spring Conference said far
too often politicians were distracted from the    Section Two: The Evolving
job at hand by the myopic issues that blight      Debate
politics in the North:
                                                  NI Budget Impasse
    People here are sick, sore and tired of
                                                  Sinn Fein has called on the DUP to renominate
    issues like the Protocol and sham fights
                                                  a First Minister, even for a limited period, to
    over who’s going to be First Minister
                                                  permit the NI Executive to meet to agree a
    getting in the way of real progress. Our
                                                  budget and release an additional £300 million
    communities want politicians who deliver
                                                  in funding for a range of projects. The NI

                                                                BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

Finance Minister, Conor Murphy of Sinn Féin            Cross border passenger volumes have
has argued that the budget cannot be finalised         been a fraction of normal levels since the
without an Executive in place, indicating that         end of the transition period because of
legal advice on the matter has been received           COVID-19 but they may increase from
from the Northern Ireland Attorney General,            these low levels considerably during
Brenda King.                                           2022. There is potential for disruption
                                                       at the border, when passenger volumes
Without an agreed budget, government                   return to more normal levels and when
departments must rely on emergency                     further checks at ports are introduced as
arrangements to keep their services running            a result of the EU’s planned introduction
in the 2022/2023 financial year, with the              of its new Entry and Exit system. This
prospect of mounting cost of living pressures          is particularly the case at the juxtaposed
in the context of the Ukraine crisis. The DUP          controls such as at Dover, where EU
insists that there are alternative ways to adopt       officials carry out border checks on the
the budget in the absence of an effective              UK side of the border.        Departments
Executive. The SDLP has contacted the NI               should be doing all they can to mitigate
Secretary, Brandon Lewis, to explore the               this risk and, more generally, factoring
possibility of a UK Government intervention            increases in passenger and trade
to resolve the matter.                                 volumes into their planning.

Public Accounts Committee Report                       In our view, there is much more work
on Brexit                                              that departments should be doing in the
                                                       shorter term to understand and minimise
The UK Parliament’s spending watchdog –                the current burden on those trading with
the Public Accounts Committee PAC) – has               the EU, to address the immediate delivery
reported that UK firms have been hit by                and readiness risks in introducing import
“increased costs, paperwork and border                 controls, and to have a border in place
delays” as a result of Brexit. The report              which is operating effectively without
summarised its assessment:                             further delays or temporary measures.

    The transition period ended on 31              Brexit Impact on Ireland
    December 2020. Since that date, trade
    volumes have been suppressed by                The Oireachtas Committee on Trade,
    the impact of COVID-19, EU exit, and           Enterprise and Employment has been told by
    wider global pressures. It may not be          the Department of Enterprise and Trade that:
    possible to separate out the impact of
    these individual elements on the UK’s              In large measure, Brexit was not the
    trade with the EU, but it is clear that EU         calamitous event that we all feared,
    exit has had an impact, and that new               and this can be attributed, in no small
    border arrangements have added costs               measure, to the level of preparedness
    to business. We have repeatedly raised             of Irish business for the changed trading
    concerns about the impact of changes to            relationship with the UK in the aftermath
    trading arrangements on businesses of              of Brexit. Businesses have faced the
    all sizes and we remain concerned.                 realities of the new trading relationship.”

                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

The Committee was told that while, for many       Hansard House of Commons. Foreign Office
firms, Brexit is done, this is not the case for   Questions, 8 March 2022. https://hansard.
those in the agri-food sector and businesses
in this sector need to continue preparing for     debates
the UK import controls which had been set
to come into effect from the beginning of         Irish News Liz Truss sidesteps Ian Paisley
the year but have benefitted from what was        demand to give EU an ‘absolute deadline’
described as a “temporary reprieve.”              over protocol issues. Irish News, 8 March
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has           northernirelandnews/2022/03/08/news/
reported significant changes in the trading       liz-truss-sidesteps-ian-paisley-demand-to-
relationship between Ireland and the UK.          give-eu-an-absolute-deadline-over-protocol-
Data for 2021, particularly on exports to         issues-2609510/
Great Britain and on trade flows North-South
in Ireland is encouraging. There has been         BBC       Brexit: Northern Ireland Protocol
a decline in the use of Great Britain as a        talks to continue.    BBC, 8 March 2022.
‘land bridge’ for Irish traders moving goods
between Ireland and the continent, with no        ireland-60654362
clarity as to whether this change is temporary
                                                  The Telegraph Brexit on back burner as
or    permanent,     leading    to    continued
                                                  Ukraine war hits Boris Johnson’s ability to trigger
uncertainty regarding the future of aspects of
                                                  Article 16. Telegraph, 3 March 2022. https://
trade between Ireland and the UK.
Section Three: Background                         brexit-back-burner-ukraine-war-hits-boris-
Material and Further Reading                      johnsons-ability-trigger/

                                                  Politico Putin blows up Brexit. Politico, 5
Background Material                               March 2022.
Department of the Taoiseach Taoiseach
Micheal Martin and British Prime Minister Boris
                                                  Belfast Telegraph         Boris Johnson ‘not
Johnson – Bilateral Meeting, 12 March 2022.
                                                  interested’ in Northern Ireland, claims former
                                                  Labour press secretary, Alastair Campbell.
                                                  Belfast Telegraph, 6 March 2022. https://
GOV.UK PM meeting with Taoiseach Micheal
Martin, 12 March 2022.
                                                  Irish News         Editorial: Protocol moving
                                                  down the political agenda. Irish News, 7
House of Commons Committee on Public
                                                  March 2022.
Accounts. EU Exit: UK Border post transition,
22     January 2022. https://committees.

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

Irish News        Ukraine war must not                               Irish News Plans revealed for more anti-
see British government freeze action on                              protocol parades.     Irish News, 3 March
protocol, Donaldson warns. Irish News, 4                             2022.
March 2022. .                             northernirelandnews/2022/03/03/news/
news/northernirelandnews/2022/03/04/                                 large-crowds-are-expected-at-up-coming-
news/ukraine-war-must-not-see-british-                               anti-protocol-parades-2604358/
donaldson-warns-2606403/                                             News Letter United front from unionism for
                                                                     rescheduled anti-protocol rally. News Letter,
News Letter unionists urged to maximise                              8 March 2022.
vote at anti-protocol rally in Crossgar. News                        news/politics/united-front-from-unionism-for-
Letter, 11 March 2022.            https://www.                       rescheduled-anti-protocol-rally-3602643
urged-to-maximise-vote-at-anti-protocol-                             Irish News Brian Feeney: Ukraine war means
rally-in-crossgar-3608507                                            it’s all over for the protocol protests. Irish
                                                                     News, 9 March 2022. https://www.irishnews.
Belfast Telegraph           Donaldson reveals                        com/opinion/columnists/2022/03/09/news/
unionist leaders met to discuss maximising                           brian-feeney-ukraine-war-means-it-s-all-
their vote in May. Belfast Telegraph, 11 March                       over-for-the-protocol-protests-2608606/
news/politics/donaldson-reveals-unionist-                            News Letter ‘Major rally’ details announced
leaders-met-to-discuss-maximising-their-                             as unionists voice regret at Sinn Fein
vote-in-may-41438150,html                                            anonymity ruling. News Letter, 4 March 2022.
BBC TUV conference: Party to gather as Jim                           major-rally-details-announced-as-unionists-
Allister predicts gains. BBC, 12 March 2022.                         vo i c e - r e g r e t-a t- s i n n - f e i n -a n o ny m i ty-                                ruling-3597985
                                                                     News Letter Support for anti-NI Protocol
Belfast Telegraph Edwin Poots confirmed                              rallies will continue to grow while the EU
to replace Christopher Stalford for south                            behaves like a colonial power towards Northern
Belfast seat. Belfast Telegraph, 7 March                             Ireland, Kate Hoey has said. Newsletter, 9
2022.                        March 2022.
news/politics/northern-ireland-assembly-                             news/politics/anti-protocol-movement-will-
elections-2022/edwin-poots-confirmed-                                grow-due-to-eu-colonial-attitude-3603902
belfast-seat-41419681                                                News Letter If the ‘price’ of torment is
                                                                     implementing the NI Protocol then unionists
Belfast Telegraph                   Conservative farmer              should give up on devolution, TUV leader Jim
Edwin Poots parachutes into liberal south                            Allister said today. News Letter, 12 March
Belfast. Belfast Telegraph, 7 March 2022.                            2022.
h t t p s : / / w w w. b e l f a s t t e l e g ra p h . c o. u k /   politics/we-are-only-in-the-shallows-of-the-
opinion/news-analysis/conservative-farmer-                           protocol-mr-allister-said-3608738

                                                                                         BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

Belfast Telegraph Rival unionists trying to      Irish Times Northern Ireland’s future will
undermine UUP, claims Doug Beattie. Belfast      be decided by rising tide of Alliance voters.
Telegraph, 13 March 2022. https://www.           IT, 10 March 2022. https://www.irishtimes.         com/opinion/northern-ireland-s-future-
rival-unionists-trying-to-undermine-uup-         will-be-decided-by-rising-tide-of-alliance-
claims-doug-beattie-41440252.html                voters-1.4822676

BBC Naomi Long: Alliance ‘can end Stormont       News Letter NI Protocol: Doug Beattie to
political soap operas’. BBC, 6 March 2022.       lead UUP delegation to Brussels to engage            with European Union.       News Letter, 27
ireland-60577371                                 February 2022.       https://www.newsletter.
Belfast Telegraph Alliance Party can herald      protocol-doug-beattie-to-lead-delegation-to-
end of binary system at Stormont, says Long.     brussels-3588651
Belfast Telegraph, 5 March 2022. https://
                                                 Belfast Telegraph Sir Jeffrey Donaldson is
                                                 fighting fires on all sides in a deeply divided
                                                 party.      Belfast Telegraph, 28 February
News Letter      Alliance Party conference:      deeply-divided-party-41392062.html
We want to fix problem of NI Protocol, says
                                                 BBC Jeffrey Donaldson and Doug Beattie at
Stephen Farry. News Letter, 6 March 2022.
                                                 odds over ‘party switch’. BBC, 1 March 2022.
alliance-party-conference-we-want-to-fix-        ireland-60554309
farry-3598806                                    BBC      DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson
                                                 ‘turned down’ offer to rejoin UUP. BBC, 24
Belfast Telegraph         Sooner rather than     February 2022.
later, Alliance will have to step off fence on   uk-northern-ireland-60499931
a border poll. Belfast Telegraph, 7 March
2022.   Irish News      Newton Emerson: What the
opinion/columnists/allison-morris/sooner-        DUP is dreading is UUP in opposition. Irish
rather-than-later-alliance-will-have-to-step-    News, 5 March 2022. https://www.irishnews.
off-fence-on-a-border-poll-41418348.html         com/opinion/columnists/2022/03/05/news/
Belfast Telegraph      Alliance leader Naomi     is-uup-in-opposition-2605485/
Long: “We can become the biggest party…I
will not put a cap on our ambitions”. Belfast    Irish News            Fionnuala O Connor: Choice
Telegraph, 3 March 2022.         https://www.    not so simple these days for the pro-   Union voter. Irish News, 8 March 2022.
leader-naomi-long-we-can-become-the-             h t t p s : / / w w w. i r i s h n e w s . c o m / o p i n i o n /
biggest-party-i-will-not-put-a-cap-on-our-       columnists/2022/03/08/news/fionnuala-o-
ambitions-41409603.html                          connor-choice-not-so-simple-these-days-for-

                                                                      BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022

The Guardian        Brandon Lewis: we must        BBC Brexit: Micheal Martin and Boris Johnson
end school segregation in Northern Ireland.       discuss NI Protocol. BBC, 13 Mach 2022.
Guardian, 27 February 2022. https://www.           ireland-60723231
in-northern-irish-schools                         Irish Times Irish businesses seek to reduce
                                                  dependency on UK ahead of more Brexit
Alex Kane How can disunited unionists hope        red tape. IT, 7 March 2022. https://www.
to maximise support for the Union? Irish News,
4 March 2022.          businesses-seek-to-reduce-dependency-on-
opinion/columnists/2022/03/04/news/alex-          uk-ahead-of-more-brexit-red-tape-1.4819838
maximise-support-for-the-union--2604211/          Irish News       Brexit not as calamitous for
                                                  Republic as feared, politicians told. Irish News,
Belfast Telegraph O’Neill slams ‘no, nay,         9 March 2022.
never’ politics of DUP over party’s collapse      news/republicofirelandnews/2022/03/09/
of Executive. Belfast Telegraph, 8 March          news/brexit-not-as-calamitous-for-republic-
2022.      as-feared-politicians-told-2610260/
never-politics-of-dup-over-partys-collapse-of-    Irish Times Andrew Trimble: People in the
executive-41425994.html                           Republic are not ready for a united Ireland.
                                                  IT, 12 March 2022. https://www.irishtimes.
Belfast Telegraph Sinn Fein calls on DUP to       com/life-and-style/people/andrew-trimble-
renominate a first minister to release budget     people-in-the-republic-are-not-ready-for-a-
funds. Belfast Telegraph, 10 March 2022.          united-ireland-1.4822360
renominate-afirst-minister-to-release-budgt-      Further Reading
                                                  John Coakley and Jennifer Todd.
Irish Times        Over one-third of North’s      Negotiating a Settlement in Northern Ireland
population hold Irish passport. IT, 1 March       1969-2019. Oxford UP.

Irish Times       Newton Emerson: Unionist
variety beats unionist unity. IT, 3 March 2022.

RTE Taoiseach discusses Ukraine crisis with
British PM. RTE, 12 March 2022. https://www.

                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 127 | MAR 2022
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