Braidwood Bugle FREE Independent News for Braidwood & the District

Braidwood Bugle FREE Independent News for Braidwood & the District
Braidwood Bugle
FREE Independent News for Braidwood & the District                   
            Number 7                                                                            5 June 2020

Local nurses join protest at wage freeze

On Tuesday, staff, residents and supporters at the            “It’s an insulting argument by the government which
Braidwood Multi Purpose Service,joined colleagues across      polarises and devalues thousands of nurses and midwives
the state, holding a small demonstration against the NSW      who already feel like yesterday’s heroes. They’ve been put
Government’s planned public sector wage freeze.               at risk by poor supply and shoddy quality Personal Protective
On Wednesday NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association             Equipment by a government unprepared for the pandemic.
(NSWNMA) General Secretary, Brett Holmes, said                “In another act of desperation, the Treasurer and Premier
members were relieved a disallowance motion succeeded         are now trying to blackmail nurses and midwives with threats
and would not back down from the fight to secure their        of forced redundancies. They’ve effectively told nurses and
2.5% pay increase. A showdown is now set for the NSW          midwives they could be sacked, in order to create jobs for
Industrial Relations Commission (NSW IRC).                    others – this is another insult to the NSW community. The
Mr Holmes said, “Nurses and midwives face an enormous         NSWNMA filed an application to NSW IRC last month, in an
workload in the recovery from COVID-19, including             effort to secure the 2.5% pay increase for nurses and
tackling a massive elective surgery backlog, yet the          midwives. The case is ongoing before the NSW IRC.
government thinks this extra productivity amounts to zero.”
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Braidwood Bugle                                             News for Braidwood & the district
                                                                              Page 2 5 June 2020

                                                                      Eden Monaro News

 Nurses and residents from Braidwood MPS protest on Tuesday.

    It's the first day of winter, which is a timely reminder to get
    your flu jab and help reduce its severity and spread in the
    There are many options for p

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: A touch of frost: Winter is well and definitely here. These magnificent frost crystals snapped by
Emily Lyons on Friday morning when the temperature fell to minus 6 degrees.

BY-ELECTION NEWS: With the By-Election in Eden Monaro called for 4th July, the candidates announced so far are
Kristy McBain (Labor), Fiona Kotvojs (Liberal), Cathy Griff (Greens), Dean McCrae (Liberal Democrats candidate),
Karen Porter (New Liberals), James Jansson (Science Party candidate), Matthew Stadtmiller (Shooters, Fishers and
Farmer), Narelle Storey (Christian Democrats), Joy Angel (Sustainable Australia), Andrew Thaler (Independent). The
Nationals are making an announcement in Queanbeyan on Saturday.

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                                                                                       Page 3 5 June 2020

   Photo of the Week

Frosty photos taken on Friday morning by Naomi Royds (left) and Robin Smith (right).
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The start of winter it is a time to get your flu jab and help reduce its severity and
spread in the community.
There are many options for people who want to get the flu jab, including from
your local GPs and Pharmacies.
Margaret Bennett, Chief Executive Southern NSW Local Health District says
while the flu vaccine won’t combat COVID-19, it will help reduce the severity
and spread of flu.
“We’re urging everyone who can be vaccinated to do so and help stop the
spread of the infection in the community especially to others more vulnerable,
like children and the elderly.
“The flu can lower a person’s immunity and make them susceptible to other
illnesses such as COVID-19.”
Meanwhile people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, Aboriginal people and                          Stocktake sale
those with high-risk medical conditions can be vaccinated for the flu for free by                toys & leather half price
GPs under the National Immunisation Program.
                                                                                                Open June long weekend
There’s also a free NSW-funded vaccine available to all children aged six
months to five years. It’s recommend you call your GP, clinic or pharmacist to                Fri 5th - Mon 8th 10am - 3pm
ensure the vaccine available.

   New Arrivals - Just in Time for Winter

                    PYROLUX QUALITY CAST
                   FANTASTIC SPECIAL BUY
                                    priced from                   $   89.95

                                      OPEN 7 DAYS
                                The cornerstone of customer
                                    service for 107 years
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Braidwood Bugle                                                 News for Braidwood & the district
                                                                                 Page 4 5th June 2020

$2.5 million boost for Eden-Monaro
under building better regions funding                           Firies beer with Barilaro
Drought-affected regional communities in Eden-Monaro
are set to receive a boost with four new local
infrastructure and community projects, as part of a $207
million investment under Round 4 of the Federal Liberal
and Nationals Government’s highly successful Building
Better Regions Fund (BBRF). Federal Nationals Senator
for New South Wales Perin Davey said regional
Australia would lead the recovery from COVID-19.
“This is a fantastic outcome for Eden-Monaro with four
projects receiving $2,560,363 under this latest round of
funding,” Ms Davey said.
“These projects will drive economic growth through local
jobs and procurement at a time we need them most.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure,
Transport and Regional Development Michael                      Member for Monaro John Barilaro was in the Royal Mail
McCormack said this funding injection to support 163            Hotel Braidwood on Tuesday morning for a beer with some
new infrastructure and community projects across                of the rural fire fighters from the district, as a way of thanking
drought-affected regional Australia came at a critical          them for their work over the summer. Pictured are Kelvin,
time for communities.                                           Ross, Mark and Dominic from Mulloon RFS with Mr Barilaro.
“Regional Australians have endured the devastating
effects of a prolonged drought which has affected               Service NSW mobile visit 17 June
communities across the country for many years,” Mr
McCormack said.
Minister for Drought David Littleproud said it was
important now more than ever for the Australian
Government to continue supporting drought-affected
regions. “Through the BBRF, the Australian
Government is continuing its long-standing commitment
to regional Australia, making vital local projects a reality,
driving economic development and creating stronger
partnerships across our regional communities,” Mr
Littleproud said.
Eden-Monaro Projects: $2,470,363 for the Bega Valley
Shire Council to redevelop a regional museum gallery,
                                                                 Service NSW will be in town with their Mobile Service
construct an indoor sports facility and upgrade a local          Centre on Wednesday 17 June from 9.30am to 2.30pm.
skate park within the Bega Valley Shire. ฀ $20,000 for           You will find them in their usual location on Wilson
the Merimbula Area Chamber of Commerce and                       Street beside Ryrie Park. They offer a range of services
Tourism to deliver a two day event which showcases the           such as: driver licence, photo card applications and
region. ฀ $20,000 Cooma Chamber of Commerce                      renewals; driver knowledge tests; Working With Children
                                                                 Check applications; applying for birth, death and
Incorporated to deliver a strategic plan for local
                                                                 marriage certificates; Cost of Living service to access
businesses to drive local economy in the future and              more than 70 government rebates and savings; as well
understand the issues faced by business. ฀ $50,000 for           as bushfire recovery
Bega Valley Shire Council to research three key                  assistance. Service NSW can also assist with bushfire
regional industries – Tourism, Agribusiness and Health           and COVID grants for eligible small businesses.
and Aged Care to form a basis for community and                  A reminder that social distancing measures will be
                                                                 in place and anyone feeling unwell should stay home
economic strategies.
                                                                 and phone 137788 instead.

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                                                                          Page 5 5 June 2020

Filling the gaps in bushfire recovery
As the Queanbeyan-Palerang region moves into its sixth       Answers to the recovery survey will help the lead
month of bushfire response and recovery, an opportunity      agencies:
is being created to check-in on need and with each other.    • Better understand individual needs
Mayor, Cr Tim Overall is chair of the Local Bushfire         and identify how we can all help
Recovery Committee. Mayor Overall said that so much          • Keep people informed about assistance
has already been achieved, but the major and on-going        that is available and refer people to services that can
task continues.                                              help.
“Given the size and complexity of the effort needed,         “There are more than 260 people and families who have
everyone involved is mindful of people and needs falling     registered with, or sought assistance and advice from,
through the cracks,” said Mayor Overall.                     the Queanbeyan-Palerang bushfire recovery assistance
QPRC and the NSW Government are committed to                 point set up in the old Braidwood Library,” said Terry
supporting each member of the community in the days,         Campese.
                                                             “The team is currently providing support in various
months and years ahead. The Queanbeyan-Palerang
                                                             degrees to all of those people based on their needs. One
Recovery Needs Survey has been launched as a way of
                                                             size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we encourage everyone to
monitoring that progress and planning for the future. “Our
                                                             make contact and register with the assistance point.
summer of bushfires has impacted everyone and
                                                             (6285 6789). It’s person to person and the solutions and
everything for many years to come, the emotions,
                                                             approach are as unique as the people we are helping.
reactions and tasks big and small that flow from that are    “The results of this survey will allow us to tailor our work
changing all the time and now coming out of COVID-19         and reach people that perhaps need more support than
it’s important we reset and go forward together,” Bushfire   they have wanted or needed to date.
Recovery Coordinator Terry Campese said.                     “Our approach is sensitive to the needs of each person
To this end, Council has partnered with Service NSW and      which includes privacy, dignity, respect and connection to
Resilience NSW to develop a short survey that will be        land and community.
delivered to everyone who has registered with the            “With the permission of each person and within privacy
Queanbeyan-Palerang bushfire recovery assistance             guidelines, we have and will continue to share some
point.                                                       information with other agencies as we all
The survey can be completed as a hard/printed copy,          look to collaborate in supporting our community and
online or over the phone.                                    meeting their needs,” Terry said.
“Communication channels have been an issue from day          The Queanbeyan-Palerang Recovery Recovery Needs
one for people, so we need to make the survey easy and       Survey has started to filter through the community. You
accessible so that we get as big a picture as possible,”     can answer it on your computer, tablet or smart phone, or
Mayor Overall said.                                          if you would prefer to complete the survey by phone or
                                                             have a paper copy forwarded to you please call 6285
                                                             6789 and a member of our team will assist you.
                                                             Similarly, please call if you have any questions or
                                                               “We are mindful that people have filled in a lot of
                                                             paperwork and dealt with many agencies already,” Mayor
                                                             Overall said.
                                                             “Connecting with impacted community members and
                                                             hearing from you helps us provide support to you and the
                                                             community. This survey is important in terms of learning
                                                             the lessons and rising to the challenges.”
                                                             To ensure we have not missed anybody we will follow up
                                                             with a phone call. These calls will be made by our
                                                             Recovery Support team in partnership with Red Cross.

                                                             We encourage people to contact the Service if they are
                                                             bushfire impacted and need support. Friends, family and
                                                             community members can also contact the service on
                                                             behalf of others.

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                                                                         Page 6      5 June 2020

The NBN is finally here - Time to make the switch in Braidwood
Braidwood residents can now sign-up to a plan over           “As the rollout nears completion, residents are
the nbn™ broadband access network.                           warned to be wary of scammers pretending to collect
More than 800 homes and businesses in parts of               payment on behalf of NBN Co. NBN Co is a
Braidwood can now place an order for a plan over             wholesale-only company and does not request
the nbn™ access network through their preferred              money direct from consumers. NBN Co do not make
phone and internet provider.                                 unsolicited calls, request remote access to a
They join over 3 million homes and businesses in             resident’s computer or door knock to sell broadband
NSW that are ready to connect to the network and             services to the public.
enjoy the benefits of access to fast broadband.              If someone claiming to work for NBN Co has
More than 600 homes and businesses in Braidwood              contacted you trying to sell you an internet or phone
have been able to connect to nbn™ access network             service, ask for their details, hang up and call your
since February 2017 when Fixed Wireless towers were          phone and internet provider to check if they are
switched on.                                                 legitimate. If you’ve already provided your details,
NBN Co Head of Corporate and Community Affairs,              contact your financial institution immediately.”
Jane McNamara said:                                          In concluding she said: “It’s exciting that the
“People living in Braidwood can now connect to a plan        construction of the nbn™ network is now complete in
over the nbn™ access network, which is great news            Braidwood.
for local households and businesses. Connecting to a         Local residents and businesses are able to embrace
plan through your preferred phone and internet               the benefits of access to fast broadband which will
provider                                                     help them remain competitive in a quickly evolving
means the whole house can enjoy access to the                digital economy and better connect with friends and
benefits of fast broadband such as on-demand                 family across Australia and the world.*
entertainment options, access to online learning tools       “With services over the nbn™ access network now
and the ability to work remotely.                            available, some residents and businesses have
“Residents have a choice of speeds when selecting a          access to fast broadband for the first time. This is
broadband package and should ask their phone and             exciting news, giving them the chance to embrace
internet provider about the typical speeds they              opportunities such as running businesses from their
can expect to experience when they switch to a plan          homes, accessing remote health and education
over the nbn™ access network, particularly during            services, and staying better connected in this digital
busy times. They should also seek advice on how to           age.”
set-up their internet connection correctly to receive the    There are more than 150 phone and internet
best possible speed.                                         providers that sell retail plans over the nbn™ access
“It’s important to remember that making the switch is        network.
not automatic. To take advantage of connecting to            Visit NBN Co’s website to find out which providers
services over the nbn™ access network, we                    are available in your area, and to find out more
encourage people to contact their preferred phone and        about making the switch.
internet provider to discuss the right speed plan for
their household or business needs and to place an
“The rollout of the nbn™ access network is one of the
biggest transformations to happen to Australia’s
telecommunications industry. We’re excited that more
than 10 million Australian homes and businesses can
now connect to nbn™ access network. We’re working
hard with the industry to provide access to the best
broadband experience possible and to help everyone
better understand what factors influence their
broadband speeds,” she said.
Ms McNamara also warned to be on the lookout for

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                                                                             Page 7 5 June 2020

Buy-back facilities reopening this weekend                       Windscreen ice scrapers

Council’s customer centres and the libraries in Braidwood        With the onset of winter and frosty mornings, we
and Queanbeyan are now open, and the buy-back                    started to see frosted vehicle windscreens early in
facilities are reopening at the Waste Transfer Stations. We      the morning. QPRC have partnered with Monaro
ask that residents use card payments, to avoid the risks         Crime Prevention Police to highlight the crime risks
associated with handling cash for staff and customers.           by leaving a vehicle unattended when defrosting a
In regards to the buy-back facilities, at the Macs Reef           vehicle and the safety importance of driving with a
Waste Transfer Station, only those items that can fit on         clear windscreen. To help protect yourself and your
the shelving provided will be accepted at the buy-back           car we are giving away free ice scrapers that will fit
centre and staff will assess whether the item is not             easily in your glove compartment and can be used to
suitable or too large. Items will then either need to be         clear your windscreen on cold winter mornings. Go to
disposed of in the waste bins, with fees paid, or taken to       Council’s website at
the Bungendore Resource Recovery Facility. Assessment   to fill out
of the items by site staff will also occur at Bungendore.        the form for a free ice scraper.

Communities need certainty regarding pending Council Elections
Labor says Local Government Minister Shelley Hancock             “Appropriate polling venues need to be located and
must tell communities across NSW when council elections          leased out, and most importantly communities
will be held. In March Ms Hancock said that council              need certainty around who will be their councillors
elections scheduled for September this year would be             both in the short and long-term.
postponed because of concerns about COVID-19. But                “Candidates don’t decide to run a day before
more than two months later Ms Hancock is yet to formally         polling booths open and elections aren’t planned
postpone the elections, or set a date for them to be             the night before. Holding elections takes months of
rescheduled on.                                                  planning.
Labor Shadow Minister for Local Government Greg                  “Communities, candidates and councils need
Warren said regardless of what side of politics people
                                                                 answers and they need those answers now.”
stood on, everyone needed certainty about when
elections would be held.
“When will people get to vote on their local councils? Will it
be this year, next year, will the elections go ahead as
planned in September? Shelley Hancock must give people
across NSW some certainty and pick a date.
“Shelley Hancock’s time as the Local Government Minister
has been plagued by indecision and it’s communities who
continually pay the price.”
Mr Warren said elections take months of careful planning
and organisation.
“At the moment councils across NSW are developing their
12 month forward budgets. They need to know whether to
allocate funding for an election in 2020/21 or 2021/22.

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                                                                         Page 8      5 June 2020

   Stagecenta delivers after concert fundraiser

                                                                      Richard presents the cheque to David Avery

 Richard get a thank you hug from little Zena                        Richard presents the cheque to Bill Waterhouse.
Back in March as Braidwood was starting to recover from the
impact of the bushfires, a Revue for Recovery bushfire relief
concert was held in Queanbeyan.
The event was put on by StageCenta, an organisation which
is dedicated to the delivery of up-to-date, accurate and timely
information about theatrical productions across Australia.
The event was a great success and last week, Richard Block
from Stagecenta travelled out to Majors Creek to visit
Wombat Bill from the Native Animal Rescue Group - 24/7
NARG and David Avery from Braidwood Life Centre and
Braidwood Community Help Fund.
On behalf of StageCenta, Masonicare and the ever generous
Canberra - Queanbeyan theatre community, Richard was
delighted to present $10,000 to each organisation.
Richard also thanked all who performed and assisted in
putting the beautiful show together so quickly, as well as all
those who attended.

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                                                                                 Page 9 5 June 2020

Government Housing Renovation stimulus                       Arts package must not leave out support for workers
ignores the needs of our most vulnerable people              The rumoured release of a specific rescue package for the
The recently announced Federal Government                    arts and cultural sector impacted by COVID-19 must include
stimulus package for home renovations will help              income support for workers in the sector, says the Media,
builders and home owners but will exacerbate the             Entertainment & Arts Alliance.
Liberal Party’s complete abandonment of low-                 The MEAA says any package for the sector will be welcome
income earners, renters and the homeless in our              after months of neglect by the Federal Government, but if it is
communities, say the Greens.                                 limited to subsidies for arts companies and funding for
The lack of affordable and crisis housing across             marketing, there will only be limited benefit for the tens of
Eden-Monaro remains an open wound in our region,             thousands of Australians who work in the sector.
and reinforces hardship in towns already reeling             MEAA Chief Executive Paul Murphy said the tight eligibility
from the summer bushfires and the COVID-19                   criteria for JobKeeper had left thousands of workers in the
pandemic.                                                    arts and entertainment sectors on the verge of poverty.
“As a local government councillor, I have                    “Since the extent of the impact of COVID-19 on the arts and
campaigned for years for the state and federal               entertainment sectors became apparent, a plethora of
governments to provide more social housing in                organisations have been calling for targeted assistance, but
regional areas and chaired an affordable housing             the government has sat on its hands,” Mr Murphy said.
working group,” Greens candidate for                         “Employment in the sectors has shrunk by at least 20% and
Eden-Monaro Cathy Griff said on Friday.                      incomes have dived, and this has been worsened by the tight
Despite repeated calls by The Greens to include              criteria which have ruled most freelancers and casuals
social housing construction and an increased
                                                             ineligible for JobKeeper. "
investment in crisis accommodation in regional
                                                             “We welcome any belated support for the sector and urge the
areas, the Liberals, with this decision, have again
                                                             government to adopt Live Performance Australia’s $345
refused to support the people most in need through
                                                             million plan to restart and rebuild that sector of the industry.
the aftermath of the COVID pandemic.
                                                             But equally, the screen sector will also need targeted
“While the renovation support might help regional
                                                             support. “However, if all the government does is provide
jobs through the building industry, a far greater
                                                             subsidies and funding to major arts companies and venues,
benefit would be to put this stimulus into building
                                                             this will have limited benefit for freelance and casual arts
public housing for low income and socially
                                                             and entertainment workers."
disadvantaged people. This would still support local
building businesses but would have the additional
benefit of alleviating the rental affordability crisis and
affordable housing shortage,” Cathy went on to say.

“Homelessness and a severe lack of crisis housing is
afflicting many towns across the Eden-Monaro.
Women’s domestic violence shelters have been
forced to close their doors and young people are
sleeping rough in our communities.
All have been forgotten by successive governments
of both persuasions. The Greens want to change
this,” Cathy Griff reiterated.
“The Greens want to see social housing and real
solutions to the rental crisis high on the agenda in
Canberra, not something to be simply ignored or put
in the too-hard-basket.
“Our Green New Deal puts the rebuilding of social
housing as one of our top priorities for regional and
rural areas. It makes communities safer for everyone
whilst providing jobs through the post Covid-19
economic crisis.
The Greens want to rebuild a fair Australia where we
ensure everyone has access to safe affordable
housing. It’s one of the most basic human rights,
after all,” she concluded.
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Braidwood Bugle                                                News for Braidwood & the district
                                                                              Page 10 5 June 2020

2020 Veolia Creative Arts Scholarships Awarded
Ray Monde from the Braidwood has been
awarded a $3000 Veolia Creative Arts
Scholarships for 2020, along with artist
Zachery Bladwell from Goulburn. Richard
Joyce from Goulburn will also receive a
recognition scholarship in 2020.
Ray Monde is a mixed media artist working with collage
and synthetic polymer paint. The $3000 Veolia Creative
Arts Practice Scholarship will assist Ray to create a series
of artworks following the devastating fires in his local region
of Braidwood.
A member of BRAG, Ray Monde’s work is essentially mixed
media, working with collage and synthetic polymer paint to
create heavily textured works, which will be showcased in a
major solo exhibition at the Goulburn Regional Art Gallery in
Living at Bombay near Braidwood, Ray reflected on the
summer bushfires devastating his local area; “The
proximity of the fires have been a constant threat with
smoke plumes menacing the sky for months. Our
immediate efforts have been in fighting the fires, defending
homes and rallying support for each other. I think there will                                 Ray Monde in his Bombay Studio
be a significant knock-on effect of the fires on our              “A large number of high-calibre submissions were
emotional well-being.”                                            received from the local arts community for the 2020
Through the scholarship Ray plans to create a series of           Veolia Creative Arts Scholarships. Applications were
artworks which take a snapshot of a moment in time                received from writers, performers and performance
immediately after the fires. “These works will show the           creators, mixed media artists, photographers, singers,
blackened landscapes, the wreaths of food left out for            dancers, actors, choreographers, painters, directors,
wildlife, the trucks on fire grounds and people in front of       musicians and music producers,” Ms Lamb said.
their homes. When we look back at these works in twelve           Ms Lamb said the selection panel considered the career
months’ time we will be able to relive it and let go.”            development of individual artists wishing to further their
Dancer, actor and singer Zachery Bladwell will receive a          artistic endeavours, in addition to how their creativity
$3000 Veolia Creative Arts Study Scholarship to support           enriched the artistic vitality of the Veolia Mulwaree Trust
him to complete a Diploma of Dance at Brent Street                region.
in Sydney.                                                        Presentation of the 2020 scholarships will take place
Richard Joyce has also been acknowledged for his                  later in the year when social distancing restrictions
musicianship, as well as contribution to the local                allow.
community, through a $1000 Veolia Creative Arts                   Ms Lamb encouraged artists in any discipline across the
Recognition Scholarship. Richard plans to use the                 region to consider applying for the scholarship in 2021.
scholarship to get back into the recording studio to              The Veolia Creative Arts Scholarship program will be
complete an album of original work.                               accepting applications early next year with dates and
Veolia Creative Arts Scholarship Patron Jennifer Lamb says        further information
the scholarship program is now in its 13th year and has           available at
proudly supported 45 local artists since 2008.                    veolia/corporate-social-responsibility/veolia-mulwaree-
                                                                  trust/funding-grants or by phoning (02) 48222786.

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                                                                     Page 11 5 June 2020

Welcome to new Culture, Arts and Museums Team Leader
Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council is pleased
to announce the appointment of Janita Byrne as
their new Team Leader for Culture, Arts and
Janita comes to the role well qualified with a
Master’s Degree in Visual Arts Education and
nearly 10 years experience as an Arts Educator at
the National Gallery of Australia and 3 years as a
sessional lecturer at the Australian Catholic
University. Janita is an artist in her own right and
has been active in Community Arts initiatives for
the past 35 years in Sydney and Braidwood.
Janita has been involved in the establishment and
management of the Braidwood Community Arts
                                                                            Janita Byrne from Braidwood
Centre which is owned and operated by the
                                                            Got an exhibition coming up?
Braidwood Regional Arts Group Inc.                          Let the Bugle know
Janita says; ‘There are few things that I am more           email
passionate about than art, my home town and its
surrounding region and through this position I will
be able to help my communities build exciting
futures through art and cultural experiences’
If you would like to contact Janita regarding
Cultural and Arts initiatives in the QPRC Local
Government Area, please do so in the first
instance via email at

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Bugle Church News                                                         News for Braidwood & the district
                                                                                       Page 12 5 June 2020

Forgiving Others - The preacher’s Sunday sermon was
Forgive Your Enemies. Towards the end of the service, He
asked his congregation, “How many of you have forgiven
your enemies”?
About half held up their hands. He then repeated his
question. As it was past lunchtime, this time about 80
percent held up their hands. He then repeated his
question again. All responded, except one small elderly
“Mrs. Jones?” inquired the preacher, “Are you not willing to
forgive your enemies?”                                         ST BEDE'S CATHOLIC CHURCH
“I don’t have any.” she replied smiling sweetly.               As announced last Friday 29th May the easing of
“Mrs. Jones, That is very unusual. How old are you?”           restrictions on social gatherings has meant that St
“Ninety-three,” she replied. “Oh Mrs. Jones, what a            Bede’s Parish will be able to resume Masses. We have
blessing and a lesson to us all you are. Would you please      decided to commence on 13 June at 6.00pm, the Feast
come down in front of this congregation and tell us all how    of Corpus Christi – an appropriate day as we have been
a person can live ninety-three years and not have an           unable to celebrate the Eucharist for so long.
enemy in the world.”                                           Social distancing, hygiene requirements and recording
The little sweetheart of a lady tottered down the aisle,       attendance procedures will have to be observed. We are
faced the congregation, and said “I outlived the old hags.”    limited to 50 attendees, which is our usual attendance.
Every Christian knows that we ought to forgive when            We will need to observe the social distancing regulation,
others wrong us. The biblical teaching is clear in passages    but remember that families may still sit together.
such as Colossians 3:13 and Ephesians 4:32 that since          Reflection on the Trinity In last week’s Gospel reading,
we have been forgiven by God, then we must forgive             we heard the story of Pentecost and the coming of the
others who sin against us.                                     Holy Spirit to the early disciples and how they formed a
Parish Scribbler                                               loving, caring and forgiving community. This week we
BRAIDWOOD UNITING CHURCH                                       celebrate the Trinity; the three Divine Persons in union
                                                               as one. Let’s us not get confused. It is not mathematics
Another aphorism that Jesus used (that’s a pithy
                                                               but theology, a theology of love.
expression holding a deep truth) was the statement;
                                                               God’s love is without limit; love without prejudice; love
“Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”
                                                               without return. Love is something that gives of itself. A
The word treasure conjures up pictures of pirates, “X”
                                                               man’s and woman’s love for each other is a nurturing life
marks the spot, and lots of digging. But pressing into the
                                                               giving gift. The nature of love is mutual sharing. There is
                                                               more to love than mutuality. There is creativity. When
we can see it as an invitation to look at what we consider
                                                               a man and a woman love each other, one expression of
valuable. We invest in what we love. This saying of Jesus
                                                               that love is the creation of new life.
can be a great catalyst for finding our personal values,
                                                               So too there is mutuality in the relationship in the
and the priorities in our life. What do I spend my time on?
                                                               Trinity between the Father and the Son. They share their
What do I spend my money on? What is my mind full of?
                                                               mutual infinite love with each other and it finds its
We show what is valuable
                                                               completion with sharing with another who loves
to our heart, by what we choose to give our attention to.
                                                               them in return, the Holy Spirit. So all three are one.
Today I choose to give my heart, and time, to what I
                                                               The book of Genesis reminds us that we are created in
really value. What about you? Blessings from Dr Julie
                                                               God’s image. Therefore there must be something about
Fletcher and the congregation of Braidwood Uniting
                                                               us that parallels the mystery of the Trinity. As God’s love
Church (
                                                               overflows by God’s presence within us, our love must
Thank you for your generous support of our Op Shop in
                                                               also flow out to others. We must live as a fully committed
the past. At present we cannot take any donations as we
                                                               human being reflecting the loving Trinity within us.
have no storage. Please hold your donations until we can
                                                               I came that you may have life and have it to the full.
reopen the doors.
                                                               John 10:10.

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                                                                               Page 13 5 June 2020

movie review with Jack Watkins-Sully


                    The Duellists (1977)

The Duellists is the feature film debut of director Ridley
Scott (whose next two films would be Alien and Blade
The film is based on the novel The Duel by Joseph
Conrad, which itself is based on a true story. The real
events started when Pierre Dupont de l'Étang, an officer
in Napoleon's army, was ordered to deliver a
disagreeable message to officer François Fournier-
Sarlovèze (in the film and novel their names are
changed to d'Hubert and Feraud). Fournier being an
avid duelist challenged Dupont, who, being a gentleman,
had to accept. Beginning in 1794 and continuing for the
next 19 years the pair would engage in at least 30 duels.
The film is stunningly shot on location in France,
England and Scotland. The problem with the
                                                                 Imprint Films are a brand new distributor who launched
cinematography is that it's so well done that I often
                                                                 on 27th of May. Their first five titles are The War Of The
found myself looking at the magnificent stone building's
                                                                 Worlds (1953), Sorry, Wrong Number (1948), I Married
in the background rather than the actual duels.
                                                                 A Monster From Outer Space (1958), The Duellists
The 1812 retreat from Moscow (The Russian scenes
                                                                 (1977) and Waterloo (1970), another five titles are
were filmed in Scotland) was particularly well shot and is
                                                                 coming in August. It's great to have a new, quality
easily the best looking part of the film.
                                                                 distributor in Australia. I have been happily watching all
Keith Carradine and Harvey Keitel give strong
                                                                 their new releases over the last week and putting quick
performances as an officer plagued by honour, and an
                                                                 reviews up on my Instagram (@Raggady_jack), check
officer who is slightly, if not completely, mad.. It takes
                                                                 them out if you're interested in this new brand.
ten or so minutes to get used to American's playing
                                                                 The latest film Ridley Scott has directed is The Last
French soldiers (especially Carradine, whose accent is
                                                                 Duel, due in cinemas in December (if cinemas are open
quite thick), but after that it's easy to sink into the film.
                                                                 by then). It tells the story of two friends (played by Matt
The original first choices for the lead roles were Michael
                                                                 Damon and Adam Driver) in 14th century France who
York and Oliver Reed, it would have been a very
                                                                 engage in a duel after one accuses the other of raping
different film if they had been available.
                                                                 his wife. It's interesting to see the now 82 year old
The supporting cast consist of Edward Fox, Tom Conti,
                                                                 director return to essentially the same subject. If Scott
Diana Quick, Alun Armstrong, Albert Finney (who was
                                                                 thinks that with the added years of film making under his
paid a case of Champagne for doing his scenes) and
                                                                 belt he can do a better job, then it may very well be a six
Cristina Raines.
                                                                 star movie.
Acquiring a copy of The Duellists has become a very
                                                                 The Duellists is visually striking with a strong and
simple task as a new Blu-Ray has just been released
                                                                 engaging story. Ridley Scott does a fine job with his first
in Australia by Imprint films. The transfer on the disc is
                                                                 feature and showcases that he knows how to build
very good which helps you appreciate the stunning
                                                                 suspense. I had high hopes for this film and it did not
cinematography. There are a few scratches and some
                                                                 disappoint. FIVE STARS
specks, but nothing that appears on screen for a long
time. The limited edition slipcase is a reason to pick this
                                                                  @Raggady Jack currently holds over 1,000 titles and
title up quickly, the artwork is great. It is availbale direct    continue to add more classic and contemporary films every
from Imprint's website for $35 or you can buy the first           week. With the current situation the internet is slow making it
five releases in a bundle for $150. Alternately you can           harder for people to stream, proving the point that physical
pick it up from JB Hi-Fi for $30 or posted for $32.               media is still important.

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                                                                         Page 14     5 June 2020

Bushfire impacted pets and livestock check in with RSPCA mobile tour

Domestic pets and farm animals including livestock
                                                           The Animal Welfare Response Unit Tour is in addition
are set to receive even stronger emergency support
                                                           to the $1.3 million already spent by RSPCA NSW
in future disasters thanks to the RSPCA NSW’s new
                                                           immediately on the ground, rescuing and treating
state-of-the-art Animal Welfare Response Unit.
                                                           injured animals, as well as supporting animal owners in
Launched today by Deputy Premier John Barilaro,
                                                           crisis by providing food, pet supplies, emergency vet
the Animal Welfare Response Unit, procured with
                                                           treatment and advice, evacuation support, temporary
funds from the RSPCA NSW Bushfire Appeal, will be
                                                           fencing and shelter, medicine and flea and tick
driven by RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman on a
tour to re-visit bushfire affected towns, starting in
Batemans Bay.
“It was not long ago that we saw the worst bushfires
in Australia’s history rip through our State, destroying
thousands of homes and leaving communities on
their knees,” Mr Barilaro said.
“The NSW Government is committed to working
closely with communities to help get them back on
their feet, whether it be through clearing properties at
no cost to property owners, providing monetary
grants or mental health services.
“However, it is also important that the furrier
members of the family or other farm animals get the
emergency support they need in disaster situations.
“The RSPCA have already done some amazing work
on the ground, visiting over 80 towns during the fires
and distributing over 4 tonnes of animal food to help
feed countless hungry, displaced pet animals and
livestock. “I am thrilled to be launching the start of
RSPCA’s animal welfare
tour today.” RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman said
the Animal Welfare Unit was procured from the
bushfire funds raised and is a state-of-the-art mobile
command centre designed to treat pets and farm
animals on the ground in times of crisis.
“RSPCA NSW was founded 147 years ago to help
animals in need of assistance, and thanks to the
support of the community, we are in a strongposition
to manage future disasters,” Mr Coleman said.

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                                                                                       Page 15      5 June 2020

From Local Land Services
                                                               For single ewes the pressure could be maintained
For large parts of NSW, above average rainfall in
                                                               until 10 days out from lambing. Foot abscess in twin
March and April has seen a dramatic turn-around in
                                                               bearing ewes is of major concern at present - a
seasonal conditions.
                                                               condition exacerbated by overweight ewes grazing
From a livestock perspective, the good start means that
stock have been putting on valuable condition and              in lush, wet conditions.
graziers in many areas of the state are likely to have         Ewes that develop foot abscess in late pregnancy
above average paddock feed this winter.                        are at risk of developing pregnancy toxaemia and
However, Agricultural Advisor with Local Land                  dying. Single bearing merino ewes that have been
Services, Matt Lieschke, warns that for some livestock         joined to a terminal sire is the other major risk
producers the next couple of months could bring some           group, with lambs getting too big.
heartache if early action is not taken.                        “If you do not scan it would be best to treat your
“While it’s great to finally see a good autumn, good           mobs as though they all have twins and keep feed
seasons bring their own set of challenges.” Matt said.         under control until the last month of pregnancy” said
“In 2014 the south-eastern part of the state had a             In terms of minimising feet issues, it’s important to
similar start to the season and there were all sorts of        keep stock away from muddy yards. “Where
issues such as prolapse, foot abscess, dystocia and            possible, keep stock away from sheds and yards
heavy ewes going down in the lead up to lambing. All           during the month prior to lambing. If you need to do
these issues stem back to overfat ewes”.                       a pre-lambing drench or vaccination, consult with
The critical thing for sheep producers is to check ewe         your local vet or advisor and put a plan in place.
condition as this will determine what action needs to be       “With the price of stock at present, and the amount
taken.                                                         of expense and effort getting them through the
“At present, ewes grazing highly digestible green              drought, the last thing you want is to lose stock in
pasture could be putting on 0.8 – 1.0kg a week.                the coming months”
“If ewes are already in good condition (e.g. 3 score),
there is a risk that they could be a 4 score in 6 to 8
weeks if action is not taken. We really want to avoid
Merino ewes exceeding Fat Score 3.5 at lambing (Fat
Score 4.0 for X bred ewes).”
Early action is key, and the only real option is to limit
weight gain through managing pasture height.
“If the aim is to maintain ewe condition, this involves
grazing those high-quality pastures down and limiting                Merton Park Quana Kirsten Q001, Aged 16 months, Placing
ewes to around 500 – 600kg DM/ha (1.5 - 2cm high).                   6th in the biggest class of the online show
“If you are aiming for slight weight gain, these targets
might be increased to 800 – 900kg (2.5 – 3.0cm).
Therefore, your pasture target will depend on fat score.
The higher the fat score, the more important it is to act
early and to a greater extent”.
Whatever nutritional ‘hand brake’ you chose to apply,
at some point it needs to be released. For twin bearing
ewes the pressure needs to be eased 4 weeks prior to
lambing. At this point the minimum pasture target
increases to around 800 – 900kg/ha.

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                                                                  Page 16     5 June 2020

Did you know....?                                        Community Building
                                                         Funding for Scouts

                                                         John Barilaro's visited Braidwood 1st
                                                         Scouts last week, with a 'big' cheque for
                                                         $20,000. The funding conmes from the
                                                         Community Building Partnership Program.
                                                         This money will go towards expanding the
                                                         storage shed area and renovating the
                                                         kitchenette at the hall.

                                                         A milestone for the gold mine

                                                     Diversified Minerals reports that another
                                                     milestone has been achieved at Dargues Gold
                                                     Mine with the 100th container of concentrate
                                                     transported from site this week.
                                                     The first shipment of concentrate from Port
                                                     Kembla is planned for later this month.

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                                                                     News for Braidwood & the district
                                                                      Page 18      5 June 2020

Braidwood Golf Club News

Michael Toirkens and Debbie Ferguson                     B Grade Gross Order           B Grade Nett Order
2020 Champions                                           Rod Royds - 284               Don Burke - 218
Men’s Results: Saturday May 30-Round 3                   Ted Emmett - 286              Rod Royds - 227
                                                         David Jones - 296             Ted Emmett - 229
Championships-Day Competition
                                                         Don Burke - 296               Michael Fitzgerald - 230
Winner: Gordon Scott nett 68
                                                         Leigh Curtis - 305            David Jones - 233
Runner Up: Mark Newman nett 69
                                                         Roger Hovey - 307             Leigh Curtis - 242
Ball Comp: Nelson Sargent nett 70, Don
                                                         Michael Fitzgerald - 308      Roger Hovey - 244
Burke nett 71, Nick Fry nett 74, Rod Royds nett 74       Tom Duffy - 329               Tom Duffy - 254
Handicap changes: Gordon Scott down 1 to31,
Nelson Sargent down 1 to 16,                             Women’s Results: Saturday May 30
Michael Toirkens out 1 to 4, Rod Coady out 1 to 16       Winner: Virginia Groot Obbink nett 71
                                                         Runner Up: Robin Tennant Wood nett 72
Final Round of Men’s Championships
A Grade Gross Order         A Grade Nett Order           Ball Comp: Margy Gardner nett 75, Barb Stuart nett
Michael Toirkens - 238      Mark Newman - 212            78,
Mark Newman - 251           Nelson Sargent - 220         Deb Ferguson nett 78
Brendan Sly - 252           John Stahel - 223            Handicap Changes: Virginia Groot Obbink down 1
Nick Fry - 266              Nick Fry - 227
                                                         to 22, Robin Tennant Wood down 1 to 31, Barb
John Stahel - 268           Michael Toirkens - 229
Nelson Sargent - 274        Brendan Sly - 237            Stuart up 1 to 29
Rod Coady - 289             Keith Ferguson - 238          Jackie Clark had a good lead after 2 rounds of the
Steve Cansell - 291         Steve Cansell - 240          championships but was unable to play in the final
Keith Ferguson - 292        Rod Coady - 244              round due to injury. We wish her well in her
Simon Briggs - DNF          Simon Briggs – DNF           recovery.

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                                                                         Page 19     5 June 2020

Braidwood Golf Club News                                  June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
Women’s Standings After 3 Round                           Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - a Bowel Cancer
Gross :                   Nett:                           Australia initiative raising awareness of Australia’s second
Deb Ferguson 286          Robin Tennant Wood 217          deadliest cancer and funds for the leading community-
Virginia Groot Obbink 301 Deb Ferguson 226                funded charity dedicated to prevention, early diagnosis,
Robin Tennant Wood 313 Di Freeman 230                     research, quality treatment and the
Donna Kuhn 314            Virginia Groot Obbink 232       best care for everyone affected by bowel cancer.
Margy Gardner 321         Donna Kuhn 239                  Signs & symptoms to be aware of:
Di Freeman 329            Margy Gardner 240               · Blood in your poo or rectal bleeding
                                                          · A recent, persistent change in bowel habit, such as looser,
Coming Events                                             more diarrhea-lie poo, constipation
Saturday June 6:                                          · A change in shape or appearance of your poo, for
Men’s Stroke – Monthly Medal                              example, narrower poos than usual or mucus in poo
Women’s Stroke- Monthly Medal                             · Unexplained anaemia causing tiredness or weight loss
Saturday June 13:                                         · Abdominal pain, especially if severe
Men’s Single Stableford – Brendan Sly Trophy               Tips to reduce your risk
Women’s Single Stableford – Bunyip Jungle Trophy          Participate in bowel cancer screening appropriate to
Saturday June 20:                                         individual level of risk (age, family history etc.), even during
Committee Meeting 10.30am - likely to be held at the      COVID-19 pandemic
Club                                                      · Avoid processed meats and limit red meat consumption
Men’s Single Stableford – Michael Toirkens Trophy         · Avoid weight gain and increases in waist circumference
Women’s Single Stableford – Deb Ferguson Trophy           · If you choose to drink alcohol, limit the amount
Saturday June 27:                                         · Eat wholegrains and naturally high fibre foods
Medley 2BBB Stableford - 12.15 hit off all players        · Be physically active as part of everyday life
                                                          · Quit smoking
The Servicemen’s Club is undergoing major                 Visit or call 1800 555 494
renovations and is likely to reopen in mid-June.
                                                           Cartridge recycling - Drop off your old printer
                                                           cartridges in the Braidwood Community Bank branch
Bee Characters                                             to help do your bit for the environment.
Hand knitted Bee characters on sale at Bees R Us

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                                                               Page 20 5 June 2020

Buy a Beanie and help tackle brain cancer

Join with the Braidwood Community Bank Staff raise
awareness and raise funds for Brain Cancer.
This Foundation - The Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF) -
is a Non-Profit, Health Promotion Charity that Mark and              aidwood
                                                          Join the Br
his wife Kirralee began in 2014, after he was diagnosed
                                                                      Bank Staff
with brain cancer. He says "We began the Foundation                    /6/20 To
when we realised how underfunded brain cancer was in      Thursday 18
Australia in comparison to other cancers. The lack of      Sunday 21 / Buy a Beanie
funding meant very little research into treatments or     Wear a Be
cures for brain cancer and, as a result, not much has     And donate
changed in the shocking brain cancer mortality rates
over the past 30 years."
You can also read